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View Full Version : lost and/or forgotten tv show's

super dark33
2010-12-24, 05:49 AM
hello everyone!

ther were a tv show' something with a football team and king arthur and his knight of the round table. it was a anima {I think}.
can someone remember the name or send me a link? for nostalgia...
and please, if you have that kind of problem, send a massege with a description, as basic it is.
:roach: and please, dont send new subject for detecting until the tv show befor as been founded and confirmed. thank you!

2010-12-24, 05:50 AM
I presume it's one of these (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Arthur_in_various_media#Television), probably the second one under "Animation".

super dark33
2010-12-24, 06:13 AM
none of them {that wierd}. im preaty sure it was on english with subtitle. i cant belive it was a local show. mmm....
:roach: :face it! you lose!
:furious: :never!!!!!

2010-12-24, 09:27 AM
King Arthur & the Knights of Justice