View Full Version : End Of OotS

2010-12-24, 10:52 AM
We all know it's coming - the story has a planned ending. But I've been wondering what happens after the OotS is done. Will a new comic begin in it's place? Will the site be closed down? Spinoffs? Will the forums be kept up, with ad support to pay the costs? Is anyone else curious as to what The Giant plans for the future of this site and the very popular and busy forums?

2010-12-24, 11:17 AM
I'm fairly certain the site won't go down, if only because there is a wealth of other stuff here. Past that, I can't say anything for certain.

Chaos rising
2010-12-24, 01:01 PM
Maybe I'm just weird, but I really like the gaming articles on the site. I read them all several times now, and really enjoy the way the giant pulls together stories and characters. I know that he stopped working on them once Oots became a hit, so I think it would be cool if he went back and finished the articles once the main comic concludes.

2010-12-24, 01:34 PM
Well, since this is Rich's only source of income, so unless he's literally made millions off the comic, I'd say he'll have to do a spinoff or some other comic. The damn belly, as Odysseus put it, is always calling out for more, so there's a need for an ongoing income. :smallbiggrin: He's got a loyal fan base here, which is an excellent resource for any author. So he'll definitely be doing something else, probably on this site, to keep us coming back and visiting his store.

Capt Spanner
2010-12-24, 02:28 PM
I think this site will stay up for as long as we're still buying merchandise.

IIRC it was a gaming site in general and had existed for some time before OOTS came out. I'm guessing that whatever Rich decides to do next will be hosted here too.

2010-12-24, 03:32 PM
I believe i read....somewhere, i'll be honest i haven't a clue where.

I believe i read that more likely than not Rich will start a new webcomic. Whether a spinoff or not i'm unsure...

2010-12-24, 04:06 PM
I'm pretty sure that he's said that he plans to perhaps start working on the New World articles once he's done with the comic. Other than that, who knows?

2010-12-24, 10:55 PM
Actually, a comic based on the New World articles would be interesting...IMO.

2010-12-25, 02:46 AM
The site existed before the comic did--all those "gaming" articles on the left there were its original raison d'etre, AFAIK.

Emperor Flumph
2010-12-25, 10:57 AM
Which characters from OOTS do you think would make a good spinoff?

I'd be interested in seeing the adventures of Tarquin's party before they started on this big xanatos gambit.

Or possibly something with Julia set a few years later when she's an experienced wizard.

Darth Hunterix
2010-12-25, 11:53 AM
Or possibly something with Julia set a few years later when she's an experienced wizard.

Running around in bikini and Haley's lime green Boots of Speed?

2010-12-25, 12:42 PM
I doubt the site will shut down. How else will new people learn about OotS. Rich just might start a new comic on this site. In the many years OotS has been around I'm sure he's gotten new ideas.

2010-12-25, 02:58 PM
one shouldn't count out a sequel. something made with 4th edition rules and/or inside the snarl world could work just as well as making a different story with warhammer or some other rpg

2010-12-25, 03:44 PM
one shouldn't count out a sequel. something made with 4th edition rules and/or inside the snarl world could work just as well as making a different story with warhammer or some other rpg

What makes you think we won't see the Snarl World in OotS? It would be kinda weird if the comic ended with THAT major cliffhanger over our heads.

2010-12-29, 10:52 PM
I sure hope the site doesn't go down, but I seriously doubt it will. The actual comic only takes up a small part of the forum. I'm not sure what the chance of a spin off is, but it would be nice for him to write some more of the articles in the "gaming" section. A comic based around the new world would be interesting though.

2010-12-29, 10:59 PM
First off, I dont see this comic ending for at least a few years anyways. There are still several gates to check up on, tarquin will either last for the next three years worth of comics, or ironically be defeated somehow very soon, (god I hope not) but either way, its just not worth worrying over. It would be like worrying how long World of Warcraft will stay open for after they run out of content!

Personally, when the comic DOES eventually end, im hoping for something new and unusual. Not a spinoff, but a totally new world. Perhaps based off a video game rpg series. 8 bit theater already did FF1, but there are dozens of potential choices out there!

2010-12-30, 07:35 AM
after Rich ends Oots two things could happen

1. Rich starts a new comic spin-off or not i don't know.
2. Rich has to go back to having a normal job like he did before Oots got popular however the site will stay up. He will probably work on his new world articles.

thats how i see it anyway

2010-12-30, 10:41 AM
I don't think a spin-off would be a great idea, for one thing it seems likely that Rich will have the major plot points all resolved by then and a spin-off would just jump the shark. I know people have been talking about how Elan vs Tarquin may be a spin-off along with several other ideas that i have seen, but i just don't think that it will be as good as the main OotS strips are. Most possible spin-off's that i have heard mentioned would be like(i'll use Elan vs Tarquin as an example)

"Hey, the OotS just defeated this epic sorceror lich and saved the world from being destroyed in some way/shape/form! Now lets go over here to the Western Continent and watch Elan take down an evil empire..."
It would be like a sideshow. Not nearly as good as the main event and no one sticks around for them. :smalltongue:

Anyways i would like to see a webcomic where Rich's artistic abilities really shine. I know he's a good artist and i really enjoy the stick figure style, i'm not complaining. I just think that would be a good way for him to go if he starts a new webcomic.

2011-01-06, 07:46 AM
"Hey, the OotS just defeated this epic sorceror lich and saved the world from being destroyed in some way/shape/form! Now lets go over here to the Western Continent and watch Elan take down an evil empire..."
It would be like a sideshow. Not nearly as good as the main event and no one sticks around for them.

Yeah, that reminds me of the hobbits going back to the Shire to face Saruman after the ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL had been destroyed. I was, like, wasn't this book over already?

Anyways i would like to see a webcomic where Rich's artistic abilities really shine. I know he's a good artist and i really enjoy the stick figure style, i'm not complaining. I just think that would be a good way for him to go if he starts a new webcomic.

I think when OotS ends well see a resurgence of gaming articles as "filler" for a month or two or three for Rich's vacations, and then a new comic from Rich, certainly not in the OotS world, and most likely not stick figures either.

But, that is a good couple of years away from now, so we'lll have to wait and see.

2011-01-06, 12:43 PM
A new comic based in Runequest rules?
Or better, on World of Darkness :smalltongue:

Silver Swift
2011-01-06, 01:22 PM
Yeah, that reminds me of the hobbits going back to the Shire to face Saruman after the ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL had been destroyed. I was, like, wasn't this book over already?

I actually really liked that part, it showed how far the hobbits had come since leaving the shire. But I wouldn't want to read an entire book about it, if OotS has a sequel it should be about another adventuring party.

2011-01-06, 01:41 PM
Just like Batman and Robin, "Order of the Stick" will never die!


2011-01-06, 02:05 PM
Have i heard spinoff? Come to the OOTs spinoff thread! :)

the comic will last for other.. 3 years?
after that, i really don't know...
i hope he will continue with another comic
and i like the Order of the Stick style, i hope he'll stick with it (heh, stick)

2011-01-06, 02:15 PM
I actually really liked that part, it showed how far the hobbits had come since leaving the shire. But I wouldn't want to read an entire book about it, if OotS has a sequel it should be about another adventuring party.

Yes, the scouring of the Shire was a magnificent ending to the book, because it put the hobbits back in their original environment but showed how they had been changed and had evolved since the start.

Frodo was more or less a withdrawn pacifistic mystic, Sam was tough as nails and self-confident rather than being the blushing, awkward kid he was at the start (after all, standing toe to toe with Shelob probably doesn't leave you much in awe of the Gaffer :smallbiggrin:), and Merry and Pippin were pretty knightly instead of being the "truants" Gandalf described them as at one point earlier in the books.

They'd all developed a lot and changed from duffers into strong, capable people with a lot of courage and leadership. A fine example of Mr. Tolkien's artistry, IMO. :smallsmile:

But yes, the Scouring wouldn't be as good if it were a whole book. In the same way, whatever spinoff there is from OotS should probably take a new direction.