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View Full Version : RPGtonight online Living Game playtests - LOTS of players and GMs needed

The Hound
2010-12-24, 03:46 PM
RPGtonight (a virtual tabletop site www.rpgtonight.com ) is looking for many more GMs and a many, many more players for the second round of playtesting for a unique online tabletop style "living game," scheduled to begin on January 3rd and run for 3 - 4 months. The living game is a persistent "sandbox" world where multiple GMs and dozens of players all play and interact within the same game world. It is quite a bit different from traditional living games like Living Greyhawk. The GMs, as well as the players, play the game, taking the part of noble houses who must hire adventuring parties of players to accomplish their goals - and can occasionally become players in the admins' games, going on missions on behalf of the kingdom - or its enemies. Think of it as an MMO game done tabletop style. If interested please take a look at the information on the main page of our site ( www.rpgtonight.com ) and in the Living Game Information and Recruitment section of our message boards (http://www.rpgtonight.com/freegames/phpBB2/index.php ), and express interest there. Free rules sets will be emailed to GMs and players promptly.

Games will occur on different nights, depending on the schedules of the GMs and the players they happen to be running for a given session. Scheduling is thus extremely flexible. The playtests will use the D&D 4e system, simply because that is what most people in the world are playing right now.

RPGtonight is a free online virtual tabletop that works in your browser. You do not have to download anything, just sign up with your friends, get on, and play at www.rpgtonight.com

2010-12-24, 10:14 PM
Looks cool. I signed up and might have to try and get some friends in on this

Dusk Eclipse
2010-12-24, 11:08 PM
Yeah, just signed up, I hope I can get a reliable schedule for the games. Hopefully this will be fun.... I might need to get the Character builder though.

2010-12-24, 11:44 PM
Yeah, just signed up, I hope I can get a reliable schedule for the games. Hopefully this will be fun.... I might need to get the Character builder though.

I just tried to find the free character builder Wizards had posted up on their site for a while. Looks like they took it down (or at least I cant find. Not saying much though :smalltongue:) Only the full version that you need to subscribe to D&DI for seems to be available

2010-12-24, 11:57 PM
I believe that's correct. The free low-level trial of the character builder was a casualty of the move from a client based builder to a browser based builder a month or so ago.

The Hound
2010-12-25, 12:35 AM
Yeah. There are one or two other legal 3rd party 4e character builders out there that some of our players have used. I'm looking into them and will put links to them on our site.

2010-12-25, 03:42 AM
I have just registered with your site and am looking forward to it greatly. This could be the thing i have been waiting for for the past 4 years, a way to game with friends who live states away.

I am looking forward to playing and potentially DMing on the site.

2010-12-25, 05:36 AM
I have just registered with your site and am looking forward to it greatly. This could be the thing i have been waiting for for the past 4 years, a way to game with friends who live states away.

I am looking forward to playing and potentially DMing on the site.

You could always look into OpenRPG, its what I use

Is this 4e only or does it support multiple systems? I would read the pages but I am at work and dont really have time for an in depth reading I fail at reading OPs apparently :smalleek:

2010-12-25, 12:50 PM
Tabletop MMO uses D&D4. Kinda makes you wonder... :smallamused:

The Hound
2010-12-25, 09:55 PM
In answer to FelixG:

The Living Game playtests will use DnD4e, but the VT itself is non system specific.

PS: If you are interested in this and signed up to our site, please post in the "Living Game Information and Recruitment Thread" in our forums and express interest in being a player or GM. That way we'll know who to send rules PDFs to and who to put in the player's groups for posting permission etc.

2010-12-25, 10:10 PM
actually sounds pretty interesting

I'd probably participate if it weren't a 4E playtest. I play WoW at home already and it just feels like a MMO considering the terminology and the way characters function.

Regardless, I'll look into signing up on the site since I've been interested in running a campaign, but don't have a simple way to get players from where I'm from.

Thanks for the heads up.

The Hound
2011-01-03, 11:24 AM
We still have two slots available for GMs, and an unlimited number of slots for players, so you can still check it our at www.rpgtonight.com The playtests officially start this week, but people started posting days ago announcing adventures and a combat tournament.