View Full Version : Arena Tournament Exhibition: The Black Dread vs. Lorthos

Cadian 9th
2010-12-25, 06:07 PM
Arena Tournament Exhibition: The Black Dread vs. Lorthos


Lorthos (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=261078) - Cadian 9th
The Black Dread (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=260291) - TheFallenOne

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare final purchases, if any

2010-12-26, 07:01 AM
hm, you're right about the alignment. Can't be lawful because of barbarian, can't be chaotic because of Devotion, can't be evil because of Dragonborn and because of Incarnate I need an extreme alignment component... Good would work, not sure if it prevents me from using evil Soulmelds like I plan to do

let's switch alignment to neutral good then for now

Initiative [roll0] wooooo!

Cadian 9th
2010-12-26, 10:49 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

Nice ini roll there fallen ^ ^

The alignment thing is annoying, yeah. You might be able to tweak the thing and still take law devotion, as Clerics specifically swap out their domains for domain feats. You could find a deity that grants the law domain and still be chaotic neutral, right?

2010-12-28, 06:54 AM
let's just go with neutral good alignment. Pity, I really wish there were evil dragonborn, except Sturmherz my draconic chars have all a little evil streak

this will regretably need some time to get started, I'm away from books so selecting soulmelds will be hard

Cadian 9th
2010-12-28, 06:05 PM
Fair enough. Technically, Dragonborn can be evil, but Bahamut gets mad and tries to make them stop. If you go drastic enough and refuse to listen, he sends an aspect after you. It's pretty cool if you're strong enough to beat the aspect, :smallbiggrin:

About soulmelds, you're going to need at least one that grants 2 naturals - for Multi-attack.

Talking over my build with candycorn, I'm missing Uncanny Dodge, so I might look to squeezing that in from Warblade 2 or cleric 1. I can't go Barbarian since rage stops me from using abrupt jaunt and arcane stunt, which isn't fun...

2011-01-04, 06:17 PM
no, there's a side-bar somewhere. If a Dragonborn becomes evil, he loses the template and gets some nasty damage in the process

anyway, I'm finally back home. I'll go through MoI and tomorrow I should have Soulmeld loadout/purchases ready

Cadian 9th
2011-01-04, 07:29 PM
You have some period where he gives you a seriously long and scary lecture before he removes Dragonborn from you. :smallbiggrin:

Regardless, would you mind me swapping out a level of something for Cleric 1? Just for Uncanny Dodge, pretty much.

2011-01-04, 07:32 PM
as memory serves, he gives a warning and then sends an aspect for evil acts, but actually becoming Evil loses the template

sure, go ahead

Cadian 9th
2011-01-04, 07:38 PM
Heh. It's wierd that Tiamat/other evil dragon gods don't have an evil equivalent. But, that's 3.5, with no new material, ever again...

I'll make that change. Can't believe I missed it first time around. I think'll drop Monk 2, since Invisible fist is not allowed and no-one has much stuff which'll benefit from in the case of evasion. Plus, bonus feat is kinda not needed.

2011-01-06, 12:10 PM
I buy a potion of bulls strength

Think I'm decided on Soulmelds unless your purchases shake things up
I didn't read up on all your abilities, since this is just an exhibition I'm content with learning by being surprised

Cadian 9th
2011-01-06, 06:14 PM
Don't think I'll purchase anything. No huge need...

Gentlemanly conduct doth protest your chosen ignorance! Lorthos is capable of Jumping, Spider climbing, Blurring, Feather falling, Massive boosting speed, short distance immediate teleportation, setting his fists on fire, hiding, and running really fast... I don't know if that makes any difference, but hey.

EDIT: Finished changes, dropped Monk 2 and lost a use of soulwarp strike per day, but gained a +2 on fort and Will but -1 on reflex, an additional -3 on reflex from Poor Reflexes. Granted, can't cast any spells, but meh. Cleric is good enough without spells thanks to domains. And turn undead.

I add 10 to my initiative roll, since I decided to drop Unreactive and pick up the Time Domain.

2011-01-07, 09:02 AM
you won init handily anyway :smalltongue:

Starting disposition(the mast blocks LoS at match start, but you'll likely get LoS on my starting location in your turn)
mounted on Dinosaur Jack in A10/B11
I have four arms, wielding a potion bulls strength and a wand
a lesser soulspark is hovering above me in B11+10

also, I'm on fire

True Strike(domain)
Shield of Faith
Faith Healing
Cure Minor Wounds x3


Girallon Arms(totem chakra), 2 essentia
Mantle of Flame, 1 essentia
Lammasu Mantle chakra taken by mantle of flame... Wormtail Belt then

Soulspark Familiar(crown chakra)
Cerulean Sandals
Astral Vambraces, 1 essentia

your go

Cadian 9th
2011-01-10, 10:39 PM
Lorthos, Round 1.

...So many options... can't pick... I swear, next time I'm just playing a bruiser. None of this ToB magic arcane monk 6 different classes immediate teleport complicated stuff.

Lorthos starts in Y10 and then immediately teleports to W8 before initiative.

He's a lesser Wispling, With glowing eyes, surrounded with magic. He has two bracers on and Clutches a magical shuriken in one hand. He walks slowly to the edge, then flips down, assuming a kung-fu pose. Whirling his arms in a circle, he summons a forceful shimmering suit of armor, then, with one hand outscretched, he beckons. " Bring it on. " He grins, as shadows coruscate his lithe form.

(tumble dropping [roll0] off his starting deck, ending at T7. )
(Casting Mage Armor.)
(Child of Shadows stance: Concealment)

Your turn.

Spells/Maneuvers/Abilities pre-match

Maneuvers readied:
Wolf Fang Strike, Sudden Leap, Shadow Blade Technique, Counter Charge.

In stance: Child of Shadows.

Spells prepared:
0th: Sonic Snap, Detect Magic x2;
1st: Critical Strike, Reduce Person, Mage Armor, Buzzing Bee x2, Shield,

Arcane Stunt 6/6
Abrupt Jaunt 4/5
Disguise self 1/1
Greatreach Bracers 3/3


Location: T7.

AC: 27 (+6 dex, +5 Int, +1 insight, +1 Size, +4 Armor)
FF: 21, Touch 23.

Unarmed Strike +10 (+6 Dex, +2 Base, +1 size, +1 Focus) d4+4 (-2 Str, +6 Dex)

Concealment (Child of Shadow stance).
Mage Armor 1 hour.

0th: Detect Magic x3
1st: Buzzing Bee, Buzzing Bee, Mage Armor (x), Shield, Reduce Person, Critical Strike.

Abrupt Jaunt 4/5
Arcane Stunt 6/6
Disguise self 1/1

Shadow Blade technique
Wolf Fang Strike
Counter Charge
Sudden leap

Child of Shadow

Rebuke Undead 2/2

2011-01-11, 01:51 AM
The Black Dread Turn 1

I drink the potion and drop the vial
Activate Law Devotion to AC
Move with my dinosaur to B15/C16


what's the creature type of a wispling?

Cadian 9th
2011-01-11, 03:24 AM
Humanoid, with the Planetouched subtype. Think Halflings, except stupidly better.

-2 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Int, small, +2 Climb, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Small size, Disguise self 1/day, +1 on attacks with thrown weapons/slings, halfling qualifications, darkvision, LLV, +1 on all saves, +2 on saves vs fear AND you can take Mind Over Body.

It's, in my opinion, the best race for a caster. Period.

Lorthos, R2

OOC: What, no response?

Shaking his head, Lorthos calls out " Coward! You are not fit to face me. ".

" What's it going to be, coward? You and your big dinosaur going to shy away from someone 4 times smaller than you? " He shouts with a grin.

Location: T7.

AC: 27 (+6 dex, +5 Int, +1 insight, +1 Size, +4 Armor)
FF: 21, Touch 23.

Unarmed Strike +10 (+6 Dex, +2 Base, +1 size, +1 Focus) d4+4 (-2 Str, +6 Dex)

Concealment (Child of Shadow stance).
Mage Armor 1 hour.

0th: Detect Magic x3
1st: Buzzing Bee, Buzzing Bee, Mage Armor (x), Shield, Reduce Person, Critical Strike.

Abrupt Jaunt 4/5
Arcane Stunt 6/6
Disguise self 1/1

Shadow Blade technique
Wolf Fang Strike
Counter Charge
Sudden leap

Child of Shadow

Rebuke Undead 2/2

2011-01-11, 11:33 AM
Knowledge Devotion [roll0] local

"Ah, there you are, almost didn't see you little one. I think you may just be about big enough as a snack for Dinosaur Jack, so get over here if you dare."

Cadian 9th
2011-01-11, 07:19 PM
OOps, same. Knowledge Local [roll0]
I forgot to pick a Swashbuckler stunt ability. I pick Expeditous Retreat.

Lorthos, R2 cont

The ship rocks north (south is up)

" Dinosaur Jack? He looks weak to me. Bring it on! " He shouts, moving to the side, behind the barrels. Being 3ft tall, he's pretty much completely hidden.


Hide [roll1]

Moving to S5. Casting Shield.

Location: S5.

AC: 31 (+6 dex, +5 Int, +1 insight, +1 Size, +4 Armor, +4 Shield)
FF: 25, Touch 23.

Unarmed Strike +13 (+6 Dex, +2 Base, +1 size, +1 Focus +3 Devotion) d4+7 (-2 Str, +6 Dex +3 Devotion)

Concealment (Child of Shadow stance).
Mage Armor 1 hour.

0th: Detect Magic x3
1st: Buzzing Bee, Buzzing Bee, Mage Armor (x), Shield (x), Reduce Person, Critical Strike.

Abrupt Jaunt 4/5
Arcane Stunt 6/6
Disguise self 1/1

Shadow Blade technique
Wolf Fang Strike
Counter Charge
Sudden leap

Child of Shadow

Rebuke Undead 2/2

End turn.

2011-01-11, 07:22 PM
is that end of turn?

2011-01-11, 07:49 PM
The Black Dread Turn 2

Dinosaur Jack will move to M13/N14, first half of his double move

Spot Dread [roll0]

you're either in S5 or S6, does that give me LoS again?
If not I'll Blood Wind blindly at S6, 50/50 to get the right square is better than not attacking at all

Cadian 9th
2011-01-11, 07:55 PM
I should be there but I'm hidden and you don't spot me.

2011-01-11, 08:05 PM
Free: Whirling Frenzy
Swift: Blood Wind, from wand
Fury Domain
switch wand to mouth
law to attack

let's see... -4 mounted double move, +1 knowledge devotion, +3 law devotion, +2/-2 frenzy, -1 reckless, +2 fury, -2 range, +1 high ground=+0 to attack. Also, you have +4 cover AC

Primary Claw
Attack [roll0] +2 essentia
Damage [roll1] 8 strength, 2 fury, 2 essentia, 1 trait, 1 knowledge
Miss low [roll2]

Primary Claw 2(Frenzy)
Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Miss low [roll5]

Secondary Claw 1
Attack [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

Secondary Claw 2
Attack [roll8]
Damage [roll9]
Miss low [roll10]

Secondary Claw 3
Attack [roll11]
Damage [roll12]
Miss low [roll13]

Dragon Tail
Secondary Claw 1
Attack [roll14]
Damage [roll15]
Miss low [roll16]

law to AC

Jack continues his move to T15/U16
oh, right, soulspark. Runs to be directly above me in T15+10 again


that was a pain to get my modifiers
edit: and the result really underwhelming on top

Cadian 9th
2011-01-11, 08:20 PM
No hits. :/

Lorthos, Round 3. Ship is now Even.

I move from my hiding place to P11, suprising you unless you succeed on a spot check against the DC [roll0]...

I want to see if I've caught you flat footed before I decide the rest of my turn :smallsmile:

EDIT: I feel your pain. Blood wind is good, though...

2011-01-11, 08:28 PM
can't beat that, be aware though that my dinos continued move should have removed your cover, so broke your hiding unless you have Hide in Plain Sight

and yeah, Blood Wind is awesome. If some day you can read other peoples Floors 3-4, look what I did with Wayward. Killed most encounters with a single pounce, half of them never even got to attack me :smallbiggrin:

Cadian 9th
2011-01-11, 08:40 PM
Oh, missed that ninja edit... In that case,,, Grr, -6 damage and -d6 sneak attack...

Lorthos moves to T14, tumbling [roll0]... And uses wolf fang strike to hit you (the rider) in the foot twice...

[roll1] for [roll2]
[roll3] for [roll4]

I have concealment. End of my turn, I use Sudden leap to leap away [roll5], Along the T column.

EDIT: So I end up at T10. Your turn. And yes, If I am attacked, I will be annoying and use Abrupt Jaunt... :smallamused: 20% concealment as always.

EDIT2: Oh for crying out loud. -10 for accelerated tumbling? Should've abrupt jaunted closer. OH WELL. Go for an AOO, vs AC 31.

EDIT3: Darn, I am not focused today. I revise movement: Move to T 12, use Greatreach bracers, do the above attack, end turn. No sudden leap.

2011-01-11, 08:49 PM
AC 10 base +5 armor +3 devotion +2 soulmeld +2 frenzy. So miss

Sudden Leap provokes AoO from me and Jack


Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Miss [roll2]

Claw [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Miss [roll5]

edit: no AoO, nevermind then. Turn in progress

2011-01-11, 08:56 PM
Jack stays in place

Dread uses another Blood Wind from the wand, wand back to mouth

+1 knowledge devotion, +3 law devotion, +2/-2 frenzy, -1 reckless, +2 fury, -2 range, +1 high ground, +1 point blank=+5

Law to attack

Primary Claw 1
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Miss low [roll2]

Primary Claw 1(frenzy)
Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Miss low [roll5]

Secondary Claw 1
Attack [roll6]
Damage [roll7]
Miss low [roll8]

Secondary Claw 2
Attack [roll9]
Damage [roll10]
Miss low [roll11]

Secondary Claw 3
Attack [roll12]
Damage [roll13]
Miss low [roll14]

Attack [roll15]
Damage [roll16]
Miss low [roll17]

law to AC


why did I take the Soulspark, I honestly don't want to include another critter in the battle... he just readies to attack if you come close, descending to T14+5

looks like one hit at least. Don't know if AC31 was only temporary

Cadian 9th
2011-01-11, 09:09 PM
Abrupt jaunt To your other side, R15. My turn:

Lorthos, R3. Ship now is North up.

I use Shadow Blade Technique to activate a Soulwarp Strike on you.

[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3] Not needed.

Both hit = [roll4] bonus cold damage.
If any hit, DC 10 fort save or naseuated 1 round. On a pass, you are sickened.

Swift: Activate Expeditous retreat arcane stunt.

Move action, moving to O10. Auto succeed on Tumble check. I have concealment! 20% miss chance, to be precise.


Location: R15.

AC: 31 (+6 dex, +5 Int, +1 insight, +1 Size, +4 Armor, +4 Shield)
FF: 25, Touch 23.

Unarmed Strike +10 (+6 Dex, +2 Base, +1 size, +1 Focus) d4+4 (-2 Str, +6 Dex)

Concealment (Child of Shadow stance).
Mage Armor 1 hour.

0th: Detect Magic x3
1st: Buzzing Bee, Buzzing Bee, Mage Armor (x), Shield (x), Reduce Person, Critical Strike.

Abrupt Jaunt 3/5
Arcane Stunt 5/6 Expeditious Retreat
Disguise self 1/1
Soulwarp 0/1

Shadow Blade technique (x)
Wolf Fang Strike
Counter Charge
Sudden leap

Child of Shadow

Rebuke Undead 2/2


2011-01-11, 09:11 PM
you realize that the Jaunt makes no difference? I just have LoS and LoE on you without cover. The jaunt is nice vs melee, but vs ranged attacks and spells you need something to break LoE

Fort [roll0]

2011-01-11, 09:12 PM
also, you notice I have damage reduction

you take [roll0] fire damage when the attack connects

Cadian 9th
2011-01-11, 09:13 PM
True. One attack hits and deals 16 damage, leaving me with 3 hp remaining, I was mainly using jaunt so I could hit and run.

EDIT: Dumbass me, forgetting about that. Good Game!

Sheet changing time! Suggestions?

2011-01-11, 09:19 PM
wow, nice AC, but fragile

Con 8 = bad. Anything that doesn't require a to hit roll is your doom unless you can break LoE with a Jaunt. Which would be doable with clever maneuvering on Scorers Glass if you had a ranged build, but a meleer... You definitely need more HP, even if it costs you some other things.

Anyway, nice game, you got a lot of tricks in there.
I btw had Cerulean Sandals, if all else failed I could have jumped into the water and see what you'd do to follow up :smallbiggrin:

so, what do you think about the map?

Cadian 9th
2011-01-11, 09:50 PM
Yeah. I don't really know how to fix that... Basically, I've got Con average +1 through Mind over Body. My point buy is 2 18s... Against damage and save effects, I can use insane defiance or rely on very high reflexes, but yeah, your point is valid.

I think'll drop Dex by 2 points, giving me 6 points to put into others. I'll take Str up to 8 and Con up to 12, giving me +2 hp... It just seems so little, you know?

And Fallen, your build is just dealing a lot of damage. If you look at the monster manual, you're 1 hit KO'ing about every CR 3 creature out there. Easily.

I actually gave serious thought to that... A water battle would be fun!

The map is actually really good. It's a bit devoid of cover, so it becomes hard to hide from ranged attackers. Even with a 7 square movement at half speed, I couldn't get to cover. The rocking mechanic I thought about abusing to gain extra movement, is that normal/ok?

Have the ship being on fire. That'd be so awesome.

2011-01-11, 10:43 PM
hm... Everything is better on fire, huh? :smallbiggrin:

Moving down a slope gives no extra movement. Just like jumping onto something 10 feet down isn't easier than jumping onto something level with you in the same distance. Just how the game works

I could place more barrels, chests etc, but the little cover was intentional. The map does favor melee I think(small playing field, limited stealth, storm), though with clever maneuvering the tilting gives a ranged fighter an advantage, particularly vs chargers.
Also, I forgot the -2 to ranged attacks since you used the old map version. Did it make a difference?

hm... can you spare a feat or the fighter level? Rageclaws would be useful, either through feat or Totemist level. If the con increase makes so little difference better keep it as it is

Cadian 9th
2011-01-11, 11:14 PM
Yep :smalltongue:

It would also stop hiding and stalling while buffing to infinity. Plus adds a whole new meaning to "Trial by Fire" or " A Heated battle "

I was more thinking if I purposely fail the balance check, can I fall d2*5 feet at the end of my movement?

You were ranged :smallbiggrin:, I was melee. I couldn't hide, but you could stay out of my reach. Perhaps 1 or 2 more barrels that just make it so average speed characters can get a reprieve from a ranged barrage.
And no, the -2 would not make a difference - AC was 31, you got a 34 (32).

Rageclaws are a big boost but I'm worried about non-lethal damage. See, I would've hit you with non-lethal damage if you had Rage Claws, since I'm a MONK! (WOAH, one of the few times this class is good) Even though I actually got my unarmed strike from swordsage 1st. I'll shuffle some things around, currently looking at picking up Halfling monk, getting rid of hit and run and sneak attack, then I might shove on some totemist like you said.

That'll also give a boost to my attacks, being the hit and run Wolf Fang user that I am.

For Con, yeah, -1 AC, Attack, Damage, Reflex Save, Damage vs FF for +2 hp, +1 Damage and +1 fort isn't an even trade.

On another note, since you were talking about toughness:

Lesser Maugrath Dragonborn (Con 24)
Monk 1/Martial Rogue 2//Bear Totem Barbarian 1/Fighter 2.
Dauntless +5 hp, Improved Toughness, Toughness x8.

Has 75 hp. At 3rd level. Tell me about it.

2011-01-12, 09:08 AM
well, Dread is an unconventional ranged fighter; more like a meleer who can use his attacks at range too. I adapted the Wayward concept: get a nasty full attack(8 attacks by now on level 6, with Frenzy, Predator Form, Punishing Stance, Burning Blade, Cloak of Deception etc boosting it) and optimize my ability to perform it(pounce from barbarian, Blood Wind from cleric, Scent from Stance...) Being a one-trick pony isn't bad if your trick can't be prevented.
take a look at Wayward in my sig. He made it through Floor 3 and 4 in very little more than a month, both thanks to TS' great update speed and the fact that encounters were over quickly. My proudest creation yet.

btw, with my DR 4, I think you may have suicided on my Mantle of Flame even if I didn't hit back once... So yeah more HP are a must. Though something a bit less extreme than the last build of course :smallbiggrin:

Rageclaws indeed has the nonlethal problem, and on Gestalt 3 I expect many to be prepared to do nonlethal. But still a cheap way to get more durability, and if you take Totemist you can just decide not to form the meld if the other guy brings Deaden Blow or something

Cadian 9th
2011-01-12, 06:42 PM
You had DR 4?

I really got to pay attention to your sheet more, Fallen.

Wayward is good, YOU NEED CRUSADER, just for heal 2 every hit+therapeutic Mantle...

Plus, in theory don't you have infinite natural weapons? :smallbiggrin:

2011-01-12, 08:54 PM
Astral Vambraces soulmeld. Unless of course your attacks pierce DR/magic. It's not on the sheet, that's the beauty of the build: incarnate2 and totemist2 give a lot of versatility without telling the opponent beforehand what you can do

Infinite from Warshaper you mean? Well, technically with tentalces, yeah. I suggested to TS to limit it to 1 new weapon per WS level, and he agreed
I think I can do without crusader. The maneuvers are useless to me(I need counters and boosts), I need Hunters Sense for detection or Punishing for damage. True, Martial Spirit would be nice, but healing with the lesser vigor wand after the enemy is dead works well enough

Cadian 9th
2011-01-12, 09:06 PM
Can't I see that sort of thing... Grrrrr. Fair enough.

Well, Martial Stance: Martial Spirit. Gets you a crapton of healing with your kind of attack routine, saves lots of spells/money.

Punishing stance is stupidly good for what it gives you... I wish it were a shadow hand stance :D

2011-01-12, 09:15 PM
You can see that sort of thing, actually, for a DC20 Spellcraft check per soulmeld. :smalltongue:

2011-01-12, 09:18 PM
I believe it came up in the Waiting Room shortly ago. Chakra binds can be seen, melds identified with Spellcraft

nope, require a maneuver from the discipline before I can take Martial Stance.
And I actually used Punishing really rarely. One turn with Burning Blade is usually enough

though the build has one big downside: the attack routine is a pain. Always changing the modifiers for power attack and knowledge devotion. When I needed miss chance rolls and used burning blade once, I had 62 roll tags in a single post. Damn

edit Sallera, this is the first time you show up in our thread and you promptly ninja me. It must be some kind of curse -.-

Cadian 9th
2011-01-12, 09:27 PM


Oh well. It was just an exhibition... I see myself actually using spellcraft now. It never was useful before:

I cast a spell on you. It deals damage.
-Ok, do I need to know what it means?

There's a wall in front of you.
-Wasn't there when the game started, is an illusion or creation.

Some wierd Magic Effect that makes him blur.
-Gee, wonder what that is.

There's a random stranger.
-Disguise self?


EDIT: Oh yeah, so it's melee at range? For all intents and purposes? Is it ranged as well? (Bloodwind)

2011-01-12, 09:32 PM
sorry about that. I only mentioned the visible effects of the totem bind and the mantle of flame. Ironically, it was the last one that did you in, all my other soulmelds had no real effect on the game :smalltongue:

re Blood Wind: yup. Attack and damage bonuses as the natural would have in melee, but it becomes ranged, so cover, Point Blank Shot etc apply. No Power Attack, tripping, grappling etc though

Cadian 9th
2011-01-12, 09:36 PM
I'm an idiot occasionally sometimes a fair ammount of the time All the time...

Oh, cool! So, like, no power attack, but Punishing Stance+Burning Blade...

You can have burning blade from several classes right, and they're all seperate. Hey, can you take Martial Study, add it to warblade (Burning blade) and ready it twice?

2011-01-12, 09:50 PM
nope, you can't ready the same maneuver twice, even from different classes sadly

Cadian 9th
2011-01-12, 10:06 PM
I don't get why, to be honest. How can a wizard get, you know, 93 acid splashes, but a swordsage can't possibly do the same thing twice. That's out of the question...

Oh well. Good luck for your next match. Shall we meet again?

2011-01-12, 10:13 PM
as long as we both keep playing in Arena, it's bound to happen. Maybe in the Exhibition, where you'll now sadly know my build already :smallbiggrin:

Cadian 9th
2011-01-12, 11:29 PM
Oh, 6th level gestalt, how I love thee.

I've got a friend running a crawl for me, I'm running a party of 4. I'm allowed dual progression, some homebrew, rolling stats 5d6b3 7 times and still can pick a 32 point buy, and I'm allowed some dragonmag.

Yes, I cried with joy.

Then again, I've said bring on CR 10.