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View Full Version : magic immune/magic black hole

2010-12-25, 08:32 PM
What do you think of this ability? Basically he/she can't use magic items, buffs, or receive any magical healing. But they are immune to all spells SLAs, etc and if they touch an enemy with a touch attack, they have a chance to turn off their buffs or magic items temporarily (while they're still near them).

2010-12-25, 09:01 PM
What do you think of this ability? Basically he/she can't use magic items, buffs, or receive any magical healing. But they are immune to all spells SLAs, etc and if they touch an enemy with a touch attack, they have a chance to turn off their buffs or magic items temporarily (while they're still near them).

Cool idea, but I don't think it's worth the cost:

Character: Hahaha, Wizard! Your spells are useless on me!
Wizard: Oh, a pity; Fighter, kill this pest, would you?
Fighter: *cuts/bashes/stabs you to death in a matter of rounds*

You wouldn't be able to use magic to improve your ac or hp in any way, so properly equipped foes would outclass you. Even with your ability to suppress magic, you'd still be vulnerable to being mobbed. Also, your foes would be able to gain healing from their allies. Lastly, such a character would be seen either as a threat or an interesting specimin by many magic users, so they'd send lots of minions not vulnerable to your abilities against you.

Still, cool concept.

2010-12-25, 09:25 PM
shrug, that fighter and those mooks would be on even ground though, as their equipment wouldnt work either. Plus I'm assuming he'd have a party backing him.

The Glyphstone
2010-12-25, 09:26 PM
shrug, that fighter and those mooks would be on even ground though, as their equipment wouldnt work either. Plus I'm assuming he'd have a party backing him.

All it'd take to kill him is, say, one giant. No magic items or spells = horrific grapple check. He'd be stuck fighting things far below his CR just to stay alive, since magic is supposed to be the great equalizer between puny adventurers and monsters.

Wings of Peace
2010-12-25, 09:32 PM
What happens when the Wizard/Other Caster gets clever and starts using telepathy to hurl already existent terrain features at them? Or for that matter if a Conjurer begins conjuring things that exist without the aid of magic via Calling or Creation type spells. Or as other have pointed out what happens if a caster summons monsters far strong physically than the character and has them grapple?

2010-12-26, 01:06 AM
I was also thinking something along the lines of this.

Anti-magic zombies.
I know, it doesn't make any sense, but you can tinker with the idea on your own.
Give them abilities like Antimagic Burst, have them corrupt casters (i.e. get infected) and do other crazy stuff with them. Also, immune to disjunction lolololol.

2010-12-26, 01:30 AM
The Karsite race does a decent job of this. Decent SR, and a touch attack Dispel Magic.

2010-12-26, 11:47 AM
The Karsite race does a decent job of this. Decent SR, and a touch attack Dispel Magic.

Yeah, but they can still get magical healing and buffs. They can also use magic items.

2010-12-26, 03:11 PM
There is a PrC in 3.0 Masters of the wild called Forsaker who is basically this. In exchange of not being allowed to use any magic and having to destroy magic items on a regular basis for most of your powers, you get full AB, d12HD, all high saves, stat increases, DR, fast healing, SR and your weapons become like magic ones(scaling from +1 to +5). I don't think it was converted to 3.5, but it can be a good guideline for what you can get by loosing magic use.

2010-12-26, 03:44 PM
My DM allowed me to play a character with this ability once. I used templates and feats to pump my DR as high as I could, got evasion and the one the ability that's evasion for Fort and Will (can't remember what it's called).

At ECL 6 I had 18 DR and was a spell black hole. I was terrified of elemental damage, but aside from that I was in a pretty good situation.

Characters name was Ball. Basically just a giant manipulative bastard.

The best was the roleplaying though. Nobody in the party knew what I was. They just knew that I wasn't normally bothered by combat.

At one point we got attacked by a dinosaur or something, and it did 17 points of damage to me (so 1). It was the first thing to damage the character (over the course of about 5 combats), so I start screaming bloody murder. I claim it's the most horrendous pain known to man, and I sulk the entire rest of the encounter, avoiding the teeth of the beast.

When combat ended I slumped against a tree moaning for the cleric. She asked how much I had taken and I told her that I had been hit three times. Twice for 8/9, and once for 17(so 1 point of damage total). The DM told her I looked like I had a scratch on my shoulder. She cast cure light wounds to shut me up, but I howled in pain instead, shouting "Not that one, the other one", which she eventually figured out to mean I meant inflict spells. So she cast inflict light wounds on me. I immediately said thanks, hopped up covering the scratch and walked off.

Not until the end of the next session did I tell everyone what my character was (and that I had been wasting the party clerics spells).