View Full Version : Copyright, parodies, and A Shoggoth On The Roof

The Pressman
2010-12-26, 03:35 AM
Some friends and I saw this musical, <not so> famously blocked in all but one true performance, and wanted to try. This is the background

A lovecraftian parody of A Fiddler On The Roof
Written in the 70s, performance imploded for unknown reasons
When it was tried recently, writers of Fiddler blocked performance
This was due to the fact that although parody is protected by copyright, the staging is not. A license to perform must be issued by MTI, the licensor of Fiddler, and it was not.

Our Idea:

Have it be staged in a home to disqualify as a "staging"
Charge nothing, so as to further distance ourself financially

What We Want To Know:

Would our Idea work, or are there more details needed to know whether or not?

If you have knowledge about copyright law, your input is respectfully requested. If it helps, the music is the main sticking point.

Renegade Paladin
2010-12-26, 03:49 AM
If you're that concerned about it, talk to a lawyer. Random people on the Internet aren't going to be much help should MTI decide that they don't like the parody provision of fair use.

Edit: That stated, legal issues aside, this sounds hilarious. :smallbiggrin:

2010-12-26, 03:50 AM
Giving legal advice is against the forum rules, for very good reason. You really need to consult with a lawyer that specializes in IP law, since general practice lawyers get these things wrong an extraordinary amount of the time.

2010-12-26, 03:57 PM
Alternatively, wait about thirty years and the copyright will expire! :smallbiggrin:

But yeah, what they said. No legal advice on the forum. Gotta find a lawyer, or a well informed friend (although that's sketchy business. You want a lawyer. "But my friend said so" isn't worth much in court.)

The Pressman
2010-12-26, 03:59 PM
Darn. I forgot about that bit.
Anyways, seeing as this thread is erroneous and in violation, it should probably be deleted.