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View Full Version : Chahar-Aina (3.5)

2010-12-26, 05:34 AM
Chahar-Aina requires medium armour proficiency to use. It can only be used in conjunction with light armour. If Chahar-Aina is worn over a chain shirt does it count as light or medium armour?

2010-12-26, 09:22 AM
Chahar-Aina requires medium armour proficiency to use. It can only be used in conjunction with light armour. If Chahar-Aina is worn over a chain shirt does it count as light or medium armour?

It's ambiguously vague.

The chahar-aina can only be worn over light armor (padded, leather, or chain shirt). If you look at the description and the picture in Oriental Adventures, it's essentially an oriental version of a breastplate, which is normally medium armor. However, if you look at the table, it's not listed with the medium armors, its listed under "Shields and Other Additions".

If you go by "Text Trumps Table", then "A character needs Armor Proficiency (medium) to wear a chahar-aina without penalty" could be interpreted as saying this makes the base armor now count as medium armor.

But it doesn't really explicitly say that. Chahar-aina modifies the base armor, which is light. If chahar-aina changed the weight category of the base armor, then it should say that.

So, it's more of a DM's call. Saying that chain shirt + chahar-aina is the same as wearing breastplate armor (normally medium) wouldn't be entirely unreasonable.