View Full Version : Yuan Ti of Xen'dric, and a few other stuff [Eberron]

Kol Korran
2010-12-26, 01:04 PM
Tomer, Itay, Alon, Ariel and Guy, please don't read any further, it will ruin it for you.

If you are reading my campagin blog, some of what comes might be a spoiler.

hey people. if you are on a campaign i'm running the party is about to go exploring a part of Xen'dric. as a part of this exploration they will be joining a force of giants and half giants led by a naga in defense against a combined force of drow, Yuan ti and some Karrnathi undead (a bit of a complicated story). however, i don't have any of the Xen'dric books, and though i have some ideas as to how it should go, how they should cooperate and so on, i would love any insight and knowledge from those who read the book/s (mainly the 3.5 one) here are some of my questions:

1) how are the Yuan ti of Xen'dric portrayed? any beliefs, organizations or relations i should know about? especially, do they have any special relation to drow, giants or undead?

2) i saw a map of northern Xen'dric and saw the name "obsidian city", and loved it, so i'm basing the fight there. anyone can tell me of this place? so far i've decided it's a city build as a sort of a giant psionic focus/ shield against the Quori (there are various psionic/ magical barriers in the city that turn it into a sort of open dungeon, where the two sides try to bring down/ maintain as many of the barriers they can, with the defenders fighting a losing battle. enter the PCs). any knowledge would be welcomed.

3) any other Xen'dric info that you think i might find usefull/ intriguing i'd love to hear.

thanks in advance. for those interested in the campaign, you can check my topmost link. for those interested in the variations i did for giants and nagas, check the second one [/shameless promoting] :smallwink:


2010-12-26, 02:40 PM
Unfortunately I don't have Secrets of Xen'drik, but there are a few bits about Yuan-ti in Secrets of Sarlona andDragons of Eberron. I will dig them out.

2010-12-26, 09:32 PM
There's two variants of Yuan-ti in Eberron. One is coautl-influenced and may or may not have actually fled to Xen'drik in any real numbers and are known as something with a lot of "s"s in the name and have slightly different SLAs(darkness spells replaced by equivalent light spells, fear causing spells replaced by remove feat, that sort of thing) and the other is standard yuan-ti and they definitely had a component of them flee to Xen'drik from Sarlona.

2010-12-27, 02:43 AM
The Couatl-influenced Yuan-Ti are called Shulassakar, IIRC.

As for the Xen'Drik Yuan-Ti, I know they fled Sarlona and went to Argonnessen. However, there was a falling-out with the Dragons and the Dragons kicked them out. They fled to the ruins of Xen'Drik.

Kol Korran
2010-12-27, 05:47 AM
oh... so they originate from Sarlona? for some reason i thought they originated from Xen'dric, quite after the giants fell. (can't remember why i thought so though... :smallconfused:)

thanks guys. nothing on the Obsidian City?

2010-12-27, 08:22 AM
Yes, Yuan-Ti originated on Sarlona, as humans did. The Inspired kicked them out, so that means they fled Sarlona long after the fall of the giants.

They first ended up on Argonnessen, but the dragons eventually kicked them out as well. They ended up on Xen'Drik. Many of them are associated with the Dragon Below.

The Shulassakar, from Sarlona, are a more mysterious species. It's rumored that they were once human followers of the couatls, and the couatls entrusted their guardianship of the world to them. Their current religion is said to be similar to the Silver Flame.

The Obsidian City definitely appears to be a ruin in the middle of the jungle. It's not really clear what it is. Secrets of Xen'Drik doesn't say much.

2010-12-27, 08:02 PM
Half-giants and yuan-ti both originally came from Sarlona. The yuan-ti only became evil after arriving in Xen'drik, so some unknown agency corrupted them.

Player's Guide to Eberron says the Obsidian City features in the novel The Shattered Land, but I don't have it.

2010-12-27, 08:15 PM
The Traveler's Curse (Secrets of Xen'drik 25) will play havoc with the foes. It is what makes Xen'drik almost unmappable. It twists time and distance, both how they are perceived and in reality. Two groups that follow the same path might take different amount of times to reach their destination. It is less effective on Drow and giants, but they still have issues with it.

The Obsidian City has very little information on it, sadly.

Kol Korran
2010-12-28, 08:51 AM
just wanted to say thanks guys! enough to go on! in my campaign Nagas evolve, and one of the evolutions is to that of a couatl. (you can read more in my compendium link if you're really interested), so that can work quite well really with what i have in plan.

The traveler's curse is intriguing, might help explain why the place isn't mapped much. i'm not sue how much i will put it in play though other than flavor- they are allready planning to visit the Mournland later on, and i want to bring all the navigational hazards and confusion then. i'll need to think about it.

so thanks! :smallsmile:

2011-03-10, 03:22 PM
According to Secrets of Xendrik the Obsidian City is home to the Sulatar, a drow tribe that remained loyal to their fire giant masters throughout the war. The are also known as the Firebinders and they are masters at crafting fire related items. They often wear flaming armor and carry weapons with bound fire elementals within. They believe that someday a portal to Fernia the plane of fire will open up and consume the world in flame. They, of course, will be spared because they're loyal.

Kol Korran
2011-03-11, 09:47 AM
at the date of this posting, i've already posted the 9th meeting. as it stands, i've already established Obsidian City. as McSmack mentions- it is not as published.

oh well, no one will notice. but thanks for the write up McSmack. always appreciated. :smallsmile: