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View Full Version : The Ivory Tower [24 Hour RPG, PEACH]

2010-12-26, 02:47 PM
Last night, out of an uncertain whim, I decided to indulge in a challenge I've long wanted to tackle--specifically, that of a 24-Hour RPG, something conceived and written in a 24 hour period. The result of that fugue, available here (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B4DcdCxIFMavMTE1NmUzNjktNTY0Yi00MGYzLWI5MWI tYWY3OGM4NzdlY2Iw&hl=en&authkey=COGYvPoP), is a game about wizarding faculty members who put their lives on the line for an attempt at tenure. Technically, it's more like a 22 hour RPG, because I started yesterday at 4:00 PM, but nonetheless, I'm happy to share it for general dissection and I really want to clean it up, clear up any confusing issues, and give it a round of playtesting.

2010-12-26, 03:06 PM
A tetrahedron is a d4, not a d10.

2010-12-26, 03:07 PM
A tetrahedron is a d4, not a d10.

It was written in 22 hours. I meant decahedron.

2010-12-26, 03:11 PM
It was written in 22 hours. I meant decahedron.

Shh. I'm on page 9 and haven't found anything else to gripe about yet. :smallwink:

EDIT: The "combat isn't all or nothing" is an excellent reminder.

EDIT2: Finished. I like.

Is the rule of Limited Assistance (referred to on page 10) defined anywhere?

Player damage boxes are +0/+0/+1/D and standard enemy damage boxes are +0/+1/+1/D; intentional?

2010-12-26, 03:28 PM
Is the rule of Limited Assistance (referred to on page 10) defined anywhere?

Bolded there, so that means it's the first time it's getting a mechanical definition...which is just that when you're assisting (not trying on your own), you can only subtract one Triumph/add one Triumph for each helper.

Player damage boxes are +0/+0/+1/D and standard enemy damage boxes are +0/+1/+1/D; intentional?

Yep. Death spiral is in favor of the players.

2010-12-26, 03:58 PM
Bolded there, so that means it's the first time it's getting a mechanical definition...which is just that when you're assisting (not trying on your own), you can only subtract one Triumph/add one Triumph for each helper.

Ah, okay. That was an example, so that wasn't the first place I'd look for a rules definition.

2010-12-26, 04:07 PM
Just started reading through it (on page 3) and the first thing I'm not quite sure about is purchasing degrees at character creation. If, say, you wanted a master degree in air elementalism, would you just buy that for 4 points, or do you have to buy shamanism first for 2 points and then air elementalism for a total of six points?

Basically, is it a tech tree or tech stream?

Will bring more questions as I read further.

2010-12-26, 04:09 PM
Just started reading through it (on page 3) and the first thing I'm not quite sure about is purchasing degrees at character creation. If, say, you wanted a master degree in air elementalism, would you just buy that for 4 points, or do you have to buy shamanism first for 2 points and then air elementalism for a total of six points?

Basically, is it a tech tree or tech stream?

Will bring more questions as I read further.

It's clarified later, but you need a foundational degree for a more advanced one--you can't have a Master's Degree in Human Necromancy without a Bachelor's in Necromancy.

2010-12-26, 04:34 PM
So getting a master's at character creation costs 6 points then? And getting a doctorate costs 12?

Another question (I'm on page 10 now). On page 10, the example given for Versus Rolls (the story about Bill, Rodger, and Barthelme) has Bill winning the contest but before you stated that he was only the wingman and that Rodger was the one trying to woo Magda. This might seem like a nitpick, but could confuse readers about limited assistance and versus rolls.

EDIT: Finished reading through the whole thing and, I have to say, it's great. It's creative, seems sound for balance, and was a witty read. You should be extremely proud of yourself.

There are a few comments/suggestions I would make however. The combat seems a bit restrictive, there's no way to buff an ally or do miscellaneous spells in the midst of combat, short of creating a greater treasure before-hand.
Furthermore, I don't quite understand why you have to restrain a character before you damage them. While it makes sense for, say trapping someone with their shadow and then choking them with darkness, it doesn't for a fireball or lightning bolt, which you even used as examples.

Also, you mention Awards and Belongings during character creation, and they're on the CV, you explain Belongings later on (at least, that's what I assume Wonders and Greater Treasures are) but you never explain awards. Are they just a purely fluff thing that you put on the sheet for the heck of it?

Overall, it seems like a great system. I applaud you and am very eager to playtest this via PbP.