View Full Version : Good audiobooks.

2010-12-26, 03:11 PM
Just listened through all the available Dresden Files, and I wonder if anyone could recommend any other good audiobooks in the sci-fi/Fantasy genres?

2010-12-26, 03:27 PM
The audiobook for Max Brooks World War Z has an outstanding cast and I think it won an award or something.

Fantasy: Micheal Kramer and Kate Reading did a good job on the Wheel of Time (If thats your kind of thing). Ditto for Butcher's Codex Alera. The audiobooks for Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels are well narrated as well.

Military Sci-Fi: Jack Campbell's Lost Fleet series has some great fleet combat.

2010-12-26, 03:54 PM
Fantasy: Micheal Kramer and Kate Reading did a good job on the Wheel of Time (If thats your kind of thing).

Curses! Outrecommended on the second post.
Well then, consider WoT seconded.

2010-12-26, 05:58 PM
Feed is one of very few books that is quite possibly better on audiobook than in print. Some of the quirks of its formatting allow for an audiobook to work wonders in regards to immersion, and as such full advantage is taken of the audio, without actually changing the book.

2010-12-27, 12:55 PM
The audiobook for The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss is pretty good. One of my favorite fantasy books of all time.

2010-12-27, 06:25 PM
The Dark Tower series (Stephen King) is really pretty well done in my opinion - the original narrator died inbetween books five and six (pretty sure - may have been six and seven), and while I missed the original narrator, the person they hired to complete the series did a fine job.

- M

warty goblin
2010-12-27, 06:39 PM
I'm listening to Christopher Lee's reading of The Children of Hurin at the moment. It's seven hours of pure audio joy.

Mind you, I absolutely cannot recommend it to anybody who has not read the Silmarillion since they would likely have no clue what was going on. If you've done the homework however, it's absolutely worthwhile.

Zeta Kai
2010-12-27, 06:51 PM
Some may say that you simply must read the Lord of the Rings as a book (preferably a dusty old hardcover edition, in your study, next to your roaring fireplace, in your villa upon a lonely hill in the English countryside, during an evening storm), but I will say that the LotR audiobooks are of superb quality, & they make the material much more accessible to the listener than the book does for the reader. I've read the books, but for subsequent readings, I'll listen to the audiobooks instead. Heresy, I know...

Also, the Harry Potter audiobooks are even better, with fantastic voice-work from Jim Dale. A sublime piece of work, & possibly the only way to improve upon the books themselves.

The Death Gate Cycle had some well-done audiobooks, with a good cast, atmospheric music, & some effective SFX. Unfortunately, they have been out-of-print for years, & are rather hard to find. Also, I could only find abridged copies, which is very unfortunate. Still, if you can find a copy, check it out. It makes for a great driving soundtrack.

2010-12-31, 05:58 AM
The Terry Pratchett Discworld novel Thief of Time as an amazing audiobook version. They use four different readers for the parts of the book dealing with different main characters (Death, Susan, Jeremy and Lobsang) with some overlap towards the end as their plot lines converge. The Death voice is particularly appropriate, as the guy reading those parts has such a deep (so deep!), calm voice, totally how I imagined Death sounding like. I think this audiobook version is largely responsible for Thief of Time being one of my favourite Discworld books.