View Full Version : Help, itunes has stolen my apps!

npc revolution
2010-12-27, 08:59 AM
Okay so here's the story:

I connected my iphone to the computer, to put a few Queen songs on.
It said there was a problem and needed to restore to factory settings. I figured that was fine and I could restore data from a backup.
It restored the phone to factory settings and back again, except all the apps I'd downloaded were gone. It said the computer wasn't authorised for them.

So then I clicked on an app in the itunes menu on the computer and put in my password to authorise it, but it said there was an error and I should try again later.

In my experience with computers, "try again later" means "no chance, pal". So if anyone knows how to authorise this thing and get all the stuff back (Mostly free stuff, but I had bloons tower defence which really liked) that'd be so great and I would owe you forever.

Update: Also all the music was gone. I've tried autofilling it from the backup a couple of times and it seems to have worked. The songs play.

Edit: If it helps anyone, the error message read: We could not complete your i Tunes Store request. An unknown error occurred (-42408).

There was an error in the i Tunes Store. Please try again later.

Mauve Shirt
2010-12-27, 09:26 AM
Just try again later. :smalltongue: That works for me when I experience an itunes error.

npc revolution
2010-12-27, 09:28 AM
Just try again later. :smalltongue: That works for me when I experience an itunes error.

Are you sure? I'm freaking out here! It's only been with me since christmas.

Update: GAH! The songs that have allegedly autofilled in aren't showing up!
UpdateUpdate: Phew, I tried autofilling again and it worked this time.

npc revolution
2010-12-27, 09:55 AM
Okay, for some reason, all the apps seem to be installing now, whereas previously they were like "No, you're not authorised." I guess it's fine now, but I still don't trust it.

Edit: Everything is as it was, I'm gonna do the Queen songs later on. Cor blimey, what a stressful morning!

2010-12-27, 01:50 PM
This....is why I don't have iTunes. I've had it once before. Way too fiddly, does way too many things when I don't tell it to. I prefer control over my programs. They're tools, not autonomous beings. :smalltongue:

Moff Chumley
2010-12-27, 02:32 PM
Well, Apple is evil. What else did you expect? :smalltongue: