View Full Version : A quest for glory (IC)

2010-12-29, 11:30 AM
Several days after you set out under the command of Commander Irontiger, the head of mercinary hiring for Twer'pia, you find yourselves near the border of Dorfinheim, the home country of the dwarves.

As the small group (which you notice contains mostly humans wearing various kinds of armor) stops for a brief rest in the shade, the commander calls each of you over to him, appearing to wish to talk with you.

2010-12-29, 12:26 PM
Yes sir? Aerth promptly turns to face the commander and walks over to him what do you wish of me?

2010-12-29, 02:28 PM
sitting in the tree above you all, is a quite beautiful girl. she's got feline features, the characteristics of an elf, and she wears desert cloths. her head is not covered however, so her features are easy to see. she's got green eyes and shoulder-long sandy brown hair. on the outside of her cloths, hangs a necklace with a brass dragon charm dangling in the end of it.

unless another one is activated, then her draconic aura, that she has active is: Senses: Bonus on Listen and Spot check, and initiative equal to aura bonus. (draconic aura bonus is 1) this aura affects every ally within 30 ft of her

she jumps down to the ground, right next to you all, and says: ''what is it chief?''

Keld Denar
2010-12-29, 03:34 PM

The little gnome chillaxes against his spear, completely unaffected by the heat. What'cha need?

2010-12-29, 04:27 PM
The massive figure that is Rauge inclines his head in acknowledgement and drifts over from out in the sun where he had been keeping an eye on the terrain from. Only his sun shades have been removed, and then only briefly to clean them, otherwise he remains fully wrapped up as if it was the most natural thing.

"What is it you require of me?"

2010-12-29, 05:46 PM
A heavily scarred, well tanned half-Elf joins the group in front of the commander. What do you require sir he asks, his speech belying much more intelligence then his appearance seems to show.

2010-12-31, 05:31 PM
As the requested six finish approaching him, the commander stands up, looking you over.

"I called you here because you look like the most competent of the mercs I hired." He says rather bluntly, giving each of you an eye over.

"You're going to be the ones sabotaging the dwarven caravan. I shall lead the rest of the group in an attack as a distraction." He continues, heading back to his seat and sitting down.

"Any objections?"

Alright, now I need everyone to make a Spot check.

If you want to make a listen check as well, feel free.

2010-12-31, 05:35 PM

2010-12-31, 06:24 PM
Spot = [roll0]
Listen = [roll1]
Everyone (allies only) gets a +1 to spot, listen and initiative when within 30ft of her (draconic aura)
so i get a 20, and a 15.

''No objections from me.... when do we get to blow them to the seven circles of hell?'' her voice is filled with hatred

Lilith throws a quick glance at each of you, challenging any, by staring into their eyes (you can all see that there is something animalistic about the way she stares at you), who is about to object to anything.

Keld Denar
2010-12-31, 06:40 PM


Danok squeaks at Lilith's open threat, taking an involuntary step back. R-r-r-ready to go.

2010-12-31, 08:19 PM
Sounds like a good plan sir.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2010-12-31, 10:43 PM
Cal will meet Lilith's stare with a fire in his eyes, telling her his hatred of Dwarves matches hers.

2011-01-01, 09:42 AM
As Cal returns the stare with equal fire in his eyes, Lilith gives him a quick smile. She then runs her eyes over his body. 'He is.....duable....' she then thought to herself.

2011-01-01, 08:11 PM
"What sort of resistance can be expected from the caravan?"

Spot: [roll0] (+1 From Senses Aura Included)
Listen: [roll1] (+1 From Senses Aura Included)

2011-01-02, 05:58 AM
Nash snaps out of his sun induces stupor, and gives the gem on his armor a good sound thump to get it working again, all the while muttering under his breath.
"Blasted discount magic. Last time I buy from that shop. But that isn't whats at hand now. Do we have any information on their route?"



2011-01-02, 05:57 PM
"The only information we have on it is the route, and that's through a region that's perfect for us to ambush them from." The commander says, shaking his head at the question on defenses. "Though I suspect that there are around forty or so guards for it."

Zemro Shivic
You spot an odd, faint light coming from the ground nearby. Several other places have a similar phenonemon, and one of them appears to be moving, the sand shifting ever so slightly as to be nearly unnoticable.

Everyone else
You see nothing out of the usual for this group of mercs. One of the mages that was hired is picking his nose, and looking at it, a few fighter-types are polishing weapons, and so on.

2011-01-02, 06:27 PM
Rauge will immediately redistribute his essentia like so:

Shenu Crown 1
Sighting Gloves 2
Kruthik Claws 0
Manticore Belt 3

If possible, I'd like to toss out a couple knowledge checks so see what Rauge can piece together, before determining further action.

Knowledge Nature: [roll0]
Knowledge Arcana: [roll1]

If those don't turn anything up, Rauge will warn his companions that something approaches, and then ready his standard to fire tail spikes should the phenomenon emerge from the sand and prove hostile.

The visible manifestations of Rauge's soulmelds shift slightly as he redistributes his essentia between them. His 'belt' lazily unwinds itself from his waist and then holds itself out from the back of his garb like a proper tail. The spikes seem to quiver in anticipation.

"It appears to not be the only ambush... On your guard, something comes from beneath the sand."

In all likelihood I'm guess success with the rolls will just allow him to be slightly more precise with his warning. I'm heading out shortly, so I'll also include an Initiative roll here to help things along should this start into combat.

Initiative: [roll2] (+1 from Sense Aura included)

2011-01-02, 07:27 PM
After the warning, Lilith starts to sniff at the air in an almost doglike way.
(uses scent)
tries to destinguish the scent of the oncomming creatures.
rolls Initiative in OOC

2011-01-02, 07:52 PM
Well then Cal will say, hoisting his Scythe over his shoulder Let's be on our way. We'll want to get there before the nasty buggers if were to perform a proper ambush

2011-01-04, 03:27 PM

If possible, I'd like to toss out a couple knowledge checks so see what Rauge can piece together, before determining further action.

Knowledge Nature: [roll0]
Knowledge Arcana: [roll1]

If those don't turn anything up, Rauge will warn his companions that something approaches, and then ready his standard to fire tail spikes should the phenomenon emerge from the sand and prove hostile.

In all likelihood I'm guess success with the rolls will just allow him to be slightly more precise with his warning. I'm heading out shortly, so I'll also include an Initiative roll here to help things along should this start into combat.

Initiative: [roll2] (+1 from Sense Aura included)

The Knowledge rolls don't turn anything up.

As you continue your discussion, you suddenly hear a painful sounding grunt come from one of the other mercinaries. As you turn to look at him, he falls over, an arrow sticking in his back. A white covered humanoid stands behind him, sand falling off of its shoulders and a shortbow in its grasp. Several more of humanoids dressed in the same manner and armed the same rise from the sand nearby, where the glowing spots were.

Roll initiative.

2011-01-05, 11:10 AM
An Attack! Aerth spins around instantly and readies himself.

[roll0] EDIT: +1 from the aura = 9

2011-01-05, 12:01 PM
In the second lilith catches the unknown scent, her Desert outfit falls to the ground leaving her in underwear only.

all of you only catch a quick glimpse of her athletic body, when she shouts out an arcane word.

a bright flash apears around her body, she is now wearing a mithral breastplate.
uses the 'call' effect of my armor

she then draws her longsword and shield.

''Hell yeah, come get some!!!'' a bloodlust is in her eyes, and her body shifts into a more animalistic stance.

2011-01-06, 02:09 AM
as he draws and knocks an arrow, Nash wonders if going nude under any armor, even what appears to be magical armor, is a good idea, what with the chafing and all.

(initiative is in the OOC)

2011-01-09, 04:30 AM
Nash eyes the ninja to his left and a little in front (@ F-17)of him before sending a trio of arrows his way

Rapid Shot: (3 attacks total. Numbers in ( )are already added in)

First Shot:
[roll0] (+1 for PBS/+1for knowledge Devotion/-2 for Rapid Shot)
[roll1] (+1 for PBS/+1for knowledge Devotion/+2 from Str/+1 from Enchantment)
[roll2]=From Acid

Second Shot:
[roll3] (+1 for PBS/+1for knowledge Devotion/-2 for Rapid Shot)
[roll4] (+1 for PBS/+1for knowledge Devotion/+2 from Str/+1 from Enchantment)
[roll5]=From Acid

Third Shot:
[roll6] (+1 for PBS/+1for knowledge Devotion/-2 for Rapid Shot)
[roll7] (+1 for PBS/+1for knowledge Devotion/+2 from Str/+1 from Enchantment)
[roll8]=From Acid

2011-01-09, 05:12 AM
3rd arrow was a crit :smallbiggrin:


Failed :smallfrown:

2011-01-09, 11:29 PM
All three arrows strike true, and the ninja falls over, obviously dead.

People with gaping holes in their chests tend to be so.


Ninja in F-17 is dead. Dead, dead, dead.

Keld, you're up.

Keld Denar
2011-01-10, 10:44 PM

Seeing that all of the enemies are out of range, Danok delays a second, hoping others will come into range.

2011-01-11, 01:44 AM
Cal will yell I BURN LIKE THE FIRE OF A THOUSAND SUNS! as the air around him becomes substantially warmer and waves of heat can be seen emanating from his body. He them charges the ninja in space I 11

Cal's Raging
To hit



If he is flat-footed, then sneak attack

If he is a dwarf, another sneak attack die if the first one counts

I know have the fire subtype and 61 (.5) HP

EDIT:I wish my scythe was keened. x4 Damage FTW

2011-01-11, 06:50 PM
The ninja takes a solid hit, but still is standing, despite looking like hes about to fall over.


The ninja who looks to be the leader (A-5) looks towards the party, then yells something in a language that you can't understand and points towards you.

Though from the general response, it might mean "GET THEM!".

Three of them notch an arrow on their bow and take aim at Nash, while another three aim at Cal.

The rest move, aiming towards the other four members of the party, while the one that Cal stuck drops his bow and draws a strange weapon that an eagle's claw (http://eberronunlimited.wikidot.com/local--files/eagle-s-claw/Eagleclaw.jpg), attacking with it.

F-3 Nin: Move to G4, attack Cal with shortbow:[roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

F-9 Nin: Move to G12, attack Nash with shortbow: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3]

D-16 Nin: Maintain position, attack Nash with shortbow: [roll4]

Damage: [roll5]

E-20 Nin: Maintain position, attack Nash with shortbow: [roll6]

Damage: [roll7]

A-16: Move to D18, attack Danok with shortbow: [roll8]

Damage: [roll9]

K-6 Nin: Maintain position, attack Cal with shortbow: [roll10]

Damage: [roll11]

N-2 Nin: Move to L7, attack Aerth with shortbow: [roll12]

Damage: [roll13]

M-13: Maintain position, attack Cal with shortbow: [roll14]

Damage: [roll15]

P-15: Move to N17, attack Lilith with shortbow: [roll16]

Damage: [roll17]

O-24: Maintain Position, attack Rauge with shortbow: [roll18]

Damage: [roll19]

I-11: Draw weapon, attack Cal with it. [roll20]

Damage: [roll21]

Cal took 3 damage from F-3, Nash took 7 from E-20, Lilith has been threatened with a Critical Hit took 3 from P-20, and the rest missed.

Bad guys' turn is over.

2011-01-11, 07:01 PM
Two arrows lodge themselves in Cal, while one falls short of the raging barbarian. The man with the eagle claw is also dodged by Cal

Current AC is 13

Didn't know whether to round up or down on HP

2011-01-12, 01:23 AM
Her armor seems to have blocked the arrow partially, making it stop before hitting a vital bodypart. she yells out a curse, as she pulls it out of herself.

changes draconic aura to:
Energy Shield: any enemy who attacks the shaman or an ally with a non-reach melee or natural weapon takes 2 points of energy damage per aura bonus.

after she pulled the arrow out, she heads for the nearest enemy who she cna slice into pieces.

moves to: N18

She swings her sword in a horizontal swipe

Damage: [roll1]

Keld Denar
2011-01-12, 02:08 AM

Deciding that hesitation is a bad course of action, Danok steps quickly to the south and releases a great gout of frosty air in the general direction of the furthest south ninja.

5' step to G21.
[roll0] Cold damage DC22 for half.
If they have the [Fire] subtype, increase that by 50%.

Still have my reach weapon out.

2011-01-12, 10:37 AM
Rauge's manticore tail flicks about in a lively fashion as he brushes by Aerth, moving across the sand for a better position before launching a salvo of spikes.

Essentia already redistributed with the action he got for noticing them. As a note, Sighting Gloves are benefiting Rauge with Precise Shot, so no penalties for firing into melee.

Move Action: Move to K14
Standard Action: Fire Three Spines, one vs I11, two and three vs M13
Attack1: [roll0] (+1 PBS)
Damage1: [roll1] (+1 PBS)

Attack2: [roll2] (+1 PBS)
Damage2: [roll3] (+1 PBS)

Attack3: [roll4] (+1 PBS)
Damage3: [roll5] (+1 PBS)

HP: 54/54
AC: 29 (Touch 19, Flat-footed 23)

{table=head]Soulmeld|Shape Benefit|Essentia|Invest Benefit|Bind|Bind Benefit
Shedu Crown|Immunity to Bull Rush|
1/2|+1 vs Mind Affecting|None|N/A
Sighting Gloves|+1 Ranged Damage|
2/2|+2 more ranged damage|Hands|Precise Shot
Kruthik Claws|+4 Competence to Hide/MS|
Manticore Belt|+2 Enhancement to Jump/Spot|
3/3| +6 more to Jump/Spot|Totem|3 Spine Attacks[/table]

2011-01-12, 04:58 PM
Aerth yells out his battle cry This will become LEGEND! as he bends his knees and makes a huge leap across the sand towards two ninjas to his left (lands at G17) at runs the rest of the way (run to E17). Using all his momentum from his jump, Aerth slams his greatsword towards the ninja to his right (D16), holding his longsword in his other hand in reserve.

Jump Check: [roll0]

2011-01-14, 12:41 AM
Nash pulls another handful of arrows, picks another target, and opens up with another volley
Target is at E-21


Second Shot:

Third Shot:

2011-01-14, 04:13 PM
The icy blast from Danok makes the ninja in e21 shudder, but not go down until after the salvo of arrows from Nash.

Hit with Rauge's spines, the ninja currently engaged by Cal goes down, as does the one in M13 when hit with a double shot.

Aerth's attack slams into the ninja at D16, taking himdown with little effort.

From the looks of things, the ninja may be thinking about running now.

2011-01-14, 08:42 PM
Cal will yell with a fiery rage and move purposefully into H12 and attack the Ninja in G12




If a critical


Crit Damage is as above plus

2011-01-14, 09:02 PM
The ninja is hit, the shock causing his arms to shake.

"Retreat!" The head ninja yells, diving back into the sand and vanishing.

The rest of the ninja's follow suit, leaving their fallen comrades behind.


Encounter Over! Victory, PCs! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8NsnLfIAcs)

2011-01-15, 01:29 PM
''Get back here!!! we aren't finished..''
Lilith is still in a bloodrush and starts moving towards the feeling ninjas.

2011-01-15, 07:18 PM
Rauge looks around to make sure they are truly leaving, if it indeed looks that way he will then move to the bodies and see what they can say about the ambushers.

Spot: [roll0]

2011-01-15, 07:54 PM
Cal will only roar, rushing to where the Ninjas were and viciously attacking the sand until his rage ends

2011-01-16, 09:07 PM
Despite your efforts, the ninja have vanished into the sand, likely not to be seen again.

Pulling the face covering off of one of the bodies, you reveal an oddly shaped humanoid's face, completely bald, with rust colored skin and white eyes that are wide open in shock.

2011-01-18, 04:18 PM
after a short break, to lower the adrenaline in her system, Lilith walk back to the lump of cloths she dumped on the ground. Lilith then starts to take off her armor, caring little if anyone stares as her body gets more and more exposed.

after a few minutes she finally gets the breastplate off, and is now only in her underwear. She then quickly pulls the desert outfit over her head and dons it.

After adjusting the outfit, she packs her armor, so it hangs on the outside of her backpack.

she looks up from her backpack, which is on the ground, and shouts twards the commander: ''Hey cheif... when are we leaving?

she doesn't seem to care much about the ninjas now that they are only corpses.

2011-01-18, 05:45 PM
Cal is likewise winded after the fight, though he recovers quickly, though he does seem to be shivering slightly as he recovers. He places his scythe on his back next to his pack and echoes Lilith's question

Keld Denar
2011-01-19, 12:37 AM

Well, if we are going to be adventuring together, I suppose I should take a few precautions. If you'll allow me? Danok approaches Cal, and taking a deep breath, exhales strongly on him. Not at all unpleasant, the effect is warm and tingly, leaving a sweet smell in the air. After the completion of the strange gesture, Cal notices that the oppressive heat of the desert feels much less so. Completing the act, Danok moves on to the next party member and repeats until all are covered.

2011-01-19, 12:41 AM
Cal nods solemnly as the heat is lessened

2011-01-19, 03:31 AM
Lilith growls as Danok is about to breathe on her, and quickly backs away.

''Don't even try it....'' its a threat, but is meant to be more like a warning.

Keld Denar
2011-01-19, 10:03 AM

But Miss...it will protect you from the heat of the desert, as well as the heat of my dragonfire. I'd hate to scorch that pretty skin of yours accidentally.

2011-01-19, 10:10 AM
''I don't care about your tindertwig breath... and i have lived in the desert my whole life.... so i say it again, don't even try!'' She snaps at Danok. She seems to be anoyed with his 'oh-she's-a-girl-and-is-weak'.

Keld Denar
2011-01-19, 11:14 AM

Danok, in true happy-go-lucky fashion, mearly shrugs his shoulders. You make this harder on me than on yourself...

2011-01-19, 11:24 AM

Danok, in true happy-go-lucky fashion, mearly shrugs his shoulders. You make this harder on me than on yourself...

I too have lived a life in heat, and am used to it. However, I'm not so sure that I'm used to your breath. Please bless me too. Aerth gestures for Danok to breathe upon him.

2011-01-19, 07:54 PM
"The original plan was to rest here for another few hours, but that's changed. Men! Pack it up. It's time to start moving again." The commander says, the rest of the mercinaries grumbling and starting to pack again.

"That fight confirms my suspiscion that you are far beyond the skill level of the rest of the force," He continues, looking towards your group. "Thus, you are the best choice for the assault."

2011-01-20, 12:32 PM
As the rest of the mercenaries pack up, Rauge covers the bodies of their assailants with sand. Both to prevent their notice, and commend them to the desert.

Rauge nods in reply to the commander, "It shall be done as you say then."

The hobgoblin leaves his tail out instead of wrapping back around like a belt, holding in an almost scorpion-like fashion. As Danok moves his way, he nods briefly to invite the gnome to bestow his protections.

"The desert spares me from her heat, but not from your breath, so your aide I will not refute."

If you want any checks for hiding the bodies, I'll temporarily switch two essentia to my kruthik claws while concealing them. Giving a hide check of: [roll0]

Alternately/Additionally, here's a survival check: [roll1] (includes +2 synergy from knowledge nature ranks, since we're in an above ground natural environment)

2011-01-20, 10:35 PM
Cal will approach Lillith and say as she refuses the breath your pride in your abilities seems warranted, but it is in your best interest to be immune to our friends fiery breath as the rest of us are. I agree that growing up in the desert does produce a hardier breed, the two of us being prime examples, but it is folly to deny that all assembled here are flammable.

2011-01-21, 03:52 AM
she seems to be trying to find the right words... and then says
''*sigh* hey shorty... if you want to breath on me so badly, then do it....'' she stands near her backpack, tapping one foot impatiently for the little gnome to hurry up and get it over with.

Keld Denar
2011-01-21, 10:14 AM

Danok approaches the woman cautiously, certain she'll bite him at any second. Performing the ritual, he quickly retreats with a squeek that sounds like a rat being stepped on.

2011-01-21, 10:26 AM
Lilith raises an eyebrow at the way the gnome aproaches her.

''Come on... im not gonna bite you....too hard'' she adds with a mischievious grin.

'oh if they just knew what would happen if i bite one of them... it would cause quite an uproar'

2011-01-22, 12:12 AM

There, now we've no need to worry about any of us assembled being burned by the gnomes fiery breath. That will allow for better strategy as the placement of many of us will be of little consequence during a fight. Cal will put his hand on Lillith's shoulder as he speaks.

2011-01-22, 06:25 PM
Lilith allows Cal's hand on her shoulder.
''yeah, yeah... you are right....'' it sound like she really wants some more action.

''come on everybody, pick up your lazy butts and get a move on!'' she shouts out to the whole team, in a commanding tone.

''- oh and Cal, do you need something or do you enjoy resting your hand there?'' she asks him teasingly, as the turns her head so she can seem him with one eye. there is something behind her steel hard eyes... emotions maybe..? she sends him a teasing smile as well, as her eyes meet his'.

2011-01-22, 07:05 PM

Oh Cal will say with a start, quickly removing his hand. My apologies as he finishes preparing himself for travel. Lillith can easily see the embarrassment in his face

2011-01-22, 07:18 PM
Lilith looks at Cal, as he makes his ecape, with an amused smile.
just before he gets away, she whispers so only he can hear it. ''(Whisper) Did i ask you to remove it...?'' you can hear that her question is more serious than you would expect. the amused smile is still lingering, which makes it uncertain if she is teasing or being serious.

2011-01-22, 08:14 PM
Cal's face gets redder at the implication and he returns quickly to packing up his belongings and he moves over towards the gnome and begins making small talk.

I'm thinking I'll play Cal as bad at conversation. He's smart, but terrible at social interactions

2011-01-22, 10:32 PM
Nash quietly waits for everyone to get ready.

2011-01-23, 04:47 AM
I'm ready to move on as soon as possible Aerth calmly sits down on the sands while he cleans his swords of blood.

Keld Denar
2011-01-23, 05:19 AM

Danok acknowledges the others, ready to depart at any time.

2011-01-23, 01:18 PM
Rauge is also ready to depart.

2011-01-24, 08:38 PM
The small force moves on after burying the casualties.

After arriving near the ambush point, the commander calls you over to him again.

"We have about an hour until the caravan is scheduled to arrive. I will be leading an attack from the West. You circle around to the East, and wait for the signal." He says as you look over the field of battle.

"Good luck."

Map. (https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AnL09uHZcJwhdEdIYk5KQkF1V09EZFR5VXhLMWpOb 0E&hl=en&authkey=CPnqpX4)

2011-01-24, 09:05 PM
Cal will move to H4 and crouch down, most of his mass behind the rock, the rest hidden mostly by the wooded area.

Keld Denar
2011-01-25, 02:45 AM

Standing, Danok is almost as tall as the man next to him, as he waits at H3.

2011-01-25, 05:38 AM
Liliths takes her position at H2

2011-01-25, 10:34 AM
"We have time, I would perhaps advise taking a little more effort then just simply finding some cover. Even if you are not the most adept at it, the ambush would be better with the effort than without."

Seeing as a number of his companions are already making use of the large rock, Rauge takes a look at his other options.

First Rauge will rearrange his essentia.

{table=head]Soulmeld|Shape Benefit|Essentia|Invest Benefit|Bind|Bind Benefit
Shedu Crown|Immunity to Bull Rush|
2/2|+2 vs Mind Affecting|None|N/A
Sighting Gloves|+1 Ranged Damage|
0/2|None|Hands|Precise Shot
Kruthik Claws|+4 Competence to Hide/MS|
2/2|+4 more to Hide/MS|None|N/A
Manticore Belt|+2 Enhancement to Jump/Spot|
2/3| +4 more to Jump/Spot|Totem|2 Spine Attacks[/table]

Then, since there's time for it, he'll take 20 on his hide check once he's decided on a spot. 20+6(Dex)+8(Soulmelds)= 34

But, I'll wait on choosing a square until my question in the OOC is answered.

2011-01-25, 01:34 PM
Glancing around at the nearby cover, Aerth hastily scrambles up the tree at G6, doing his best to hide himself in the foliage as he waits there.
On he has found a perch, he begins cracking his joints and moving his arms in complex motions, as if he were in combat.

Climb Check: [roll0]
Hide Check: [roll1]

Refreshing Manoeuvers, so I now have:

Cross Slash
Wall of Blades
Sudden Leap

And I'm in: Punishing Stance

Keld Denar
2011-01-25, 02:25 PM

Actually, I could probably lie flat on top of the rocks and attack from there. Could one of you two boost me? Danok's words cut off sharply, as he realizes what he just asked, his eyes flicker briefly to Lilith uneasily, then settle on Cal.

2011-01-25, 02:29 PM
Lilith smirks an grabs the little gnome. she then boosts him up on the rock.
''there.. commfy?'' she says as she looks up on the tiny man.

2011-01-25, 05:56 PM
Ruage glances up at the trees beside the rock and raises himself up to a suitable branch about ten feet above the ground. His tail briefly twitches in anticipation for the coming ambush, before the Hobgoblin becomes almost motionless and slowly settles into his place of concealment.

Like I said above, using the one hour preparation time to simply take 20 on the Hide check, for a total of 34

2011-01-25, 06:05 PM
Taking a twenty on the hide check sounds good. So 23 Hide

2011-01-28, 06:05 AM
Nash will take cover behind the object on the left side of the road

(taking 20 on hide as well)

2011-02-04, 06:48 PM
The hour passes, and little happens. Just as it seems that your targets aren't going to be approaching, you hear a rattling sound approaching from the North.

A minute passes, and the rattling stops, a distinct roar being heard as there's a splintering noise from the North, followed by some dwarven screams and curses.

Another minute passes, and a pair of dwarves run down the the road in front of you, one dropping a good part of an axe's haft as he does so.

Something is up.

2011-02-07, 01:33 AM
It takes quite a bit to scare a Dwarf Cal will whisper to those within earshot. Should we wait, or go see what did that

2011-02-07, 02:32 AM
"I don't believe this is how our ambush was designed to work." whispers Rauge in agreement, "I will take a look to the north, but perhaps these dwarves can be subdued for information."

Using the large rock and the trees as cover from the dwarves, Rauge flies slowly up and to the north to see if he can get a bead on what is happening to the caravan.

Rauge will shift one essentia from his Shedu Crown to his Manticore Belt.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2011-02-14, 04:53 PM
Not listening to the advice of his companions, Aerth makes a decision. He jumps down from the tree he was hiding in and moves in front of the dwarves, his sword's drawn. What has happened dwarf? Speak!