View Full Version : AQWordls: Am I the only one?

2010-12-29, 03:19 PM
I've been browsing the playground and havent found anyone that plays aqw. Adventure Quest Worlds is a free in-browser mmorpg. The website is http://aq.com. My tag in-game is Bothi. Is there anyone else that plays?

2010-12-29, 03:27 PM
AQworlds is extremely boring. I used to play it,lasted about 2 days. Just download lotto for FREE off the internet, much better game and still free.

Edit:Yeah by lotto I mean lotro,ipod touches are very hard to type on.

2010-12-29, 04:39 PM
whats lotto?

Pie Guy
2010-12-29, 04:53 PM
Lord of the Rings Online, I assume.

warty goblin
2010-12-29, 08:41 PM
If it's anything like as boring as the AQ I played heaven knows how long ago, I really hope that you are. Maybe I'm the wrong demographic or something, but the appeal of grindy combat with repetitive animations and graphics that look like a slightly above average animu webcomic drawn in MS Paint is fairly invisible to me.

2010-12-31, 08:09 AM
I tried it, but have neither the patience nor the connection for it. I find Mech Quest much more enjoyable.

2010-12-31, 08:55 AM
I played for a while i got bored after i couldn't find any non member weapons for over level 8

2010-12-31, 11:36 AM
I can never stick with an Artix Entertainment game for three reasons :

1. Boring turn-based gameplay with barely any variety. 2. Boring, WTF worthy story. 3. The PUNS ! The horrible and immature jokes and puns !

And AQW adds a fourth element to my list of hate: 4. A horrid community:
for the few hours I played the game, the chat was filled with immature comments from ten year olds.

I wish Artix Entertainment would try to be more mature.

2010-12-31, 11:49 AM
I can never stick with an Artix Entertainment game for three reasons :

1. Boring turn-based gameplay with barely any variety. 2. Boring, WTF worthy story. 3. The PUNS ! The horrible and immature jokes and puns !

And AQW adds a fourth element to my list of hate: 4. A horrid community:
for the few hours I played the game, the chat was filled with immature comments from ten year olds.

I wish Artix Entertainment would try to be more mature.

You forgot number 5: a stubborn refusal to go back and fix things, no matter how badly they had screwed them up. The top of this list is the DragonFable Paladin, which they utterly refused to fix no matter how much the community begged them and no matter how many truly helpful suggestions the community gave (which AE had told them to do).

2010-12-31, 11:54 AM
You forgot number 5: a stubborn refusal to go back and fix things, no matter how badly they had screwed them up. The top of this list is the DragonFable Paladin, which they utterly refused to fix no matter how much the community begged them and no matter how many truly helpful suggestions the community gave (which AE had told them to do).

Which is kind of sad, because they're one of the more talkative development teams. That being said, I had played AQworlds for a while, but I stopped when I realised it was simple WOW; click the icons when they light up.