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View Full Version : Eldritch blast as a Weapon?

2010-12-29, 03:51 PM
Does anyone know of any feat or other way of using the warlock's eldritch blast as a melee weapon? Homebrew from this site is also fine, though less desirable, and I must stress the point it is either enhancing or used as a weapon not simply used in melee.

It needs to be the weapon itself so I can do manoeuvers of it with gestalt :smalltongue:

2010-12-29, 03:52 PM
why not take the hideous blow invocation? or do you want it to be like a warloc soulknife?

2010-12-29, 03:54 PM
How's Eldritch Glaive from Dragon Magic sound?

2010-12-29, 03:56 PM
why not take the hideous blow invocation?

Nonononono!!!! Avoid this invocation at all costs, as it is terrible!

Unless of course you're planning on using my Warlock PrC, Child of the Abyss (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=102394), that focuses on making the invocation decent. :smallwink:

How's Eldritch Glaive from Dragon Magic sound?

Sadly your requirement for using it with maneuvers (I'm assuming Strikes, not Boosts), means that this doesn't really work for you. Eldritch Glaive requires a full round action to use, which means no Strikes. :smallfrown:

I think your only options are going to be homebrew. The ones that jump out to me are my aformentioned class, and Krimm Blackleaf's Eldritch Blademaster (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70397).

2010-12-29, 03:57 PM
I was sure that Eldritch Glaive was what it was called.

Hmm, don't have dragon magic. Is it against forum rules to say what it does?

2010-12-29, 03:59 PM
Find Dragon Magic from a friend or bookstore, you need this book if you plan on playing a Warlock. Many of the evocations in it are more useful or specialized than the ones in Complete Arcana. If it isn't open game content you should avoid posting it. Check the forum rules to be sure.

2010-12-29, 04:00 PM
Eldritch Glaive essentially turns your EB into a Glaive that can be used in iterative attacks.

But as I said, sadly it requires a full round action to use.

EDIT: And yes, get access Dragon Magic if you can. It has some terrific invocations...and if your DM is ok with a little reflavoring, you can steal some of the invocations from Dragonfire Adepts, too!

2010-12-29, 04:35 PM
Eldritch Glaive doesn't actually make your EB a weapon, though, merely makes it behave like one in a few specific ways. What you're looking for are Eldritch Claws, from a Dragon Magazine, that let you have claws with damage based on your EB damage and your unarmed strike damage. True Shinken has a Melee Warlock guide with a good writeup on them.

2010-12-29, 06:27 PM
Eldritch blast is not a weapon.
It's been a while since I said that. :smallbiggrin:

Wings of Peace
2010-12-29, 07:09 PM
Eldritch blast is not a weapon.
It's been a while since I said that. :smallbiggrin:

However (and I say not in contradiction but so that people do not get the wrong idea), it IS a weapon-like spell. So many feats that apply to weapons can be applied to it.

Also, the earlier poster was correct in their description of Eldritch Glaive EXCEPT that they forgot to note that each attack made with the glaive is a TOUCH attack.

Yuki Akuma
2010-12-29, 07:29 PM
Eldritch Blast is not a spell.

2010-12-29, 07:43 PM
Eldritch Blast is not a spell.

next you'll be telling me the cake isn't real.

2010-12-29, 07:55 PM
If you don't mind homebrew, I came up with an interesting feat which helps with this. You remember the feats which Soulknives can get in ComPsi to alter their soulknife to other, somewhat more exotic, forms? Well, I figured the same could be said of Warlocks. With that being said:

Eldritch Blade
Prerequsites: Eldritch Blast +2d6, One of: Eldritch Glaive or Heidious Blow
Use: As a standard action, a Warlock can shape the eldritch force of his blast into a blade of coherent energy which can then be used as a weapon. This is considered to be an Eldritch Shape invocation when used. The Eldritch Blast may continue to be shaped in this form as long as the Warlock wishes, although he must make a standard Concentration check (DC 10+damage) to avoid breaking the effect if he takes damage, although it may not be used for any other purpose while so shaped. All attacks with the Eldritch Blade are touch atacks, and deal damage as normal for the eldritch blast, however it does not add Str mod to damage, and is considered to be a Light weapon, and so cannot be used to power attack.

Alternately, make this effect a Lesser invocation?

2010-12-29, 08:22 PM
There was an issue of dragon with the eldritch claws invocation. Does exactly what you think it does. :smallamused:

Mando Knight
2010-12-29, 08:30 PM
Eldritch Blast is not a spell.

Fine. It's a weapon-like spell-like ability. Happy now? :smalltongue:

2010-12-29, 08:35 PM
next you'll be telling me the cake isn't real.

The cake is a lie

2010-12-29, 09:39 PM
However (and I say not in contradiction but so that people do not get the wrong idea), it IS a weapon-like spell. So many feats that apply to weapons can be applied to it.
Well, if by 'many' you mean 6/7 (Improved Critical, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus and Ranged/Touch Spell Specialization), considering most are really sucky (only Weapon Finesse on a clawlock and Improved Critical seem actually useful; PBS is justa gateway feat and Precise Shot rearely matters with touch attacks anyway, the rest is just weak).

Also, I'm the last person in this forum who needs to be reminded of this. :smallamused: