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2010-12-29, 04:38 PM
This is just on the fly for a bit of fun, so I'm haphardardly putting this together. Just a warning.
Now, this little idea was inspired by a picture I found on this website.
This picture;
Knifetooth the Carchardon Barbarian in a Bloody Fenzy, about to kill it's target while a Demonic Kraken wreaks havok behind them.

It's a cool picture, huh? Plus, Darfellans mostly suck in my opinion. So, without any more delays......


+2 STR, +2 WIS -2 DEX, -2 CHA
Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic)
Medium Sized
20ft Land Speed, 40ft Swim Speed
Darkvision: out 60ft
Amphibious(Ex): A Carcharodon can breath in water or on land indefinitely.
Throw Teeth(Ex): CON Mod times per day, by taking 1 point of damage a Carcharadon may rip out one of it's many teeth, which can be used as ranged throwing weapon (Range 50ft, deals 1d4 damage).
Shark's Maw(Ex): Has a (Primary) Bite Attack dealing 1d8 damage
Streamlined Body(Ex): A Carchararodon takes no penalty for casting spells or fighting underwater
Headbutt (Ex): On a successful Bull Rush or Grapple Check, you deal 1d4 point of damage to the defender/grappled opponent.
Favoured Class: Barbarian or Druid
LA: +0

Common Names: Angertooth, Azurite, Jaws, Ripplefin, Raindancer, Knifetooth, Snapjaw, Tideswimmer, Oceanbreeze.

A Carcharodon is an azure skinned hybrid of Shark and Man, standing about 7ft high with buldging muscles, a largish back fin, beady red eyes and their trademark toothy grin. In fact, the teeth seem slightly too big for their jaws, and so when relaxed, their face automatically takes the shape of a slight grin, with unnerves some people. They are a proud, short-tempered race, but are reliable and tend to be Lawful in nature. Carchardons that make it to 18 are considered adults, and can live to about 75-80, although most don't make it that far, dying in some sort of violence.

Fluffy Fluff!
The Carcharodon's backstory is tied in with their creators - The Aboleths. After the uninspiring result of the Skum they wanted to create a more brutish but adaptable slave-race, to act as frontline soldiers to their whims. They turned to the Dire Sharks, who could bring down a Kraken with big enough shoals, and devised their plans. First they started with WereSharks, but found them too random and unstable and so with great pains they "developed" a permanent hybrid shark race that were physically powerful, but had little grace and charisma, and controlled their breeding and development to breed a well-trained sea fighter. They did not put much hope into the race, even for Aboleths, and they didn't even give them a name. The scholars who studied their raids did give them a name, the Carcharodons, meaning "Man-Eating Sharks".

For centuries they slaved away as troops, with a little rebellion here and some mind controlling there, until somthing happened that utterly shocked the Aboleths. One of the endless Carcharodons who fell in battle did not stay dead - He ascended to godhood. No-one knows if it was chance, choice, or choosing that made the self-named "Jaws" ascend, but become a deity he did, and smite the Aboleth Controllers he did, leaving bend a whirlpool known as the Maelstrom of Teeth (Detailed further in the Logicbreaker Prc). Being a divinity hating race on par with the Ethergaunts, the Aboleths simply labed the project a failure and made a hasty retreat from where the Carcharodons were situated.

The Carcharodons now live in the underwater dens that were once army barracks, in small groups called "Schools" that make up a large "Shoal". Although they are still a proud, war-loving race, they can be proud they are warriors by choice, and not by slavery.

Their general society is a tribal, close knit society that spurns the weak and exhalts the strong as champions. A School is generally expected by other schools to make a raid on an enemy about once a fortnight, and this can be anyone - Costal Towns, Kuo-Toa, Sahuagin, and especially any Aboleth situated near by. A Shoal that does poorly in a raid or doesn't bother at all is seen as lazy and useless, and repeat "offences" normally end with the Shoal being expelled from the School and it's members eaten. Their relationships with other races are quite simple. If they are useful, the are respected, if they are of no use, they are eaten as soon as possible, and if they are Aboleths, they are ripped apart and left to rot as a warning. Of course, this isn't the most viable of thinking tactically, but Carchadons try their best to be "Hunter-Clever", as in not taking on too much at once.

The Carchardons view the Kuo-Toa and Darfellans with almost a sense of pity when ever they come in contact with them. They feel that they are two big races of wounded hunters, and it is best they are put out of their misery rather than left to flounder about. The Sahuagin, their biggest rivals currently, are treated with caution. The Sahuagin see them as unholy and unnatural abominations, and the Carcharodons see them as foul disrupters of the Carcharodon lifestyle, namely that the Carcharodons think they should of killed them ages ago, but they haven't and that annoys them to no end. Aquatic Elves are seen as useful but wimpy, and are bullied more than anything else unlss the Elves put effort into intimidating the local Shoal. The Carcharodons see nearly all sea life with hungry eyes, except for Sharks, whome they see as bretheren and commonly get the local Druids to converse with them and learn their wisdom. However, a Shark that somehow needs slaying will be slayed with no mercy, just as any other prey.

A Carcharodon nearly always worships Jaws, their main deity and savior. Even thoes few who do not worship him give thanks to him in prayer now and again, and almost no Carcharodons outright oppose him or his worship. Thoes few who do not worship Jaws tend to worship sea gods like Osprem, Procan, and Umberlee (All 3 gods from Stormwrack) and a few twisted Carcharodons worship Dagon, or even Sokolah, but Sekolah worshippers are seen as abominations and are normally killed for being a traitor while Dagon worshippers are heavily distrusted.

The psychology of a Carcharodon is quite simple, made so by centuries of Aboleth conditioning. Serve your superior with respect, crush all thoes beneath you, be productive, show off your strength at any chance and never shame your Shoal, School or Friends. Even now they are free, they still hod to these tenents of thinking, and it can be seen as an addiction to some people. The Carcharodons say they fight because they want to and not from any "Forced Thinking", but one who knows of the Carcharodon's past and sees their fortnightly raids would not be blamed in thinking that the Aboleths did a very good job in mental conditioning......

Random Starting Ages
18 years|

Aging Effects
Middle Age|
Maximum Age
30 years|
50 years|
70 years|
+1d10 years[/table]

Random Height and Weight
Base Height|
Height Modifier|
Base Weight|
Weight Modifier
145 lb.|
× (2d8) lb.
125 lb.|
× (2d8) lb.[/table]


Carcharodon Paragon

HD: d12
1st|+1|+2|+0|+2|Blood Scent
2nd|+2|+3|+0|+3|Rough Skin
3rd|+3|+3|+1|+3|+2 STR, Fearsome Scars[/table]
Skills Per Level; (2 + INT Mod, x 4 at 1st level)
Skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Swim (Str).

Blood Scent: At 1st level, you gain the Scent (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Scent) ability. If you have the Track feat, and if you are tracking a person that has unhealed HP, you gain a bonus to your check equal to your HD.

Rough Skin: At 2nd level, whenever you successfully bull rush, grapple, or are grappled by an opponent, you automatically deal 1d6 + Constitution modifier damage to your opponent (Reflex save DC 10 + Hit Dice + Constitution modifier halves). At the start of your turn every round, you continue to deal this damage as long as the grapple is maintained.

Fearsome Scars: At 3rd level, all the scars and tears in your skin is so great you gain a +3 Untyped bonus to Intimidate Rolls. At your option you may take ability drain to your CHA score, to increase this bonus by +2 for every point of CHA drain you take. You cannot have a bonus to Intimidate from this ability larger than 1/4 of your CON score (Minimum of the initial +3). To scar yourself in this way takes 1 hour of uninterrupted work and may be done at any time, but if this CHA drain is healed, you lose the bonus to Intimidate.

Score Boost: Your STR score increases by 2.


Racial Feats

Keep on Swimming
Prerequisite: Two other Carcharodon only feats
Benefit: While you are underwater, you may move your Swim Speed every hour whilst asleep. At 5HD, you move double your Swim Speed every hour, and at 10HD you move triple your swim speed every hour. Also, your refusal to stop forces your body to adapt so it can keep up. You gain Fast Healing 5 (This stacks with other Fast Healing you may have).

Great White Grin
Prerequisite: Carcharodon, 1st level only
Benefit: Your teeth are larger and more vicious than other tribes of Carcharodon, so when you rip out a tooth to use as a weapon, it deals 1d6 damage instead of 1d4. Also, your bite attack's damage increases from 1d8 to 1d10.

Hammerhead Skull
Prerequisite: Carcharodon, 1st level only
Benefit: As a Hammerhead Carcharodon, you have an almost deformed looking head, but a head that is useful in battle. You cannot be flanked, and gain a +2 bonus to all Spot checks. At 5HD, you gain All Round Vision, seeing everything in a 60ft radius. At 10HD, you gain the ability to sense all living creatures within 60ft, regardless of visibility. This includes Invisible creatures, or creatures obscured by fog and other visual blockers. Also, at 10 HD by tracking electromagnetic waves left behind by movement, you gain an unparallelled tracking skill. At 15HD, if you have the Track feat, the DC for tracking anything can never go higher than DC 20, no matter what the conditions.
Special: You must get all helmets, hats and other items worn in the head slot specially made for your odd shaped head.

Tiger Belly
Prerequisite: Carcharodon, 1st level only
Benefit: As a Tiger Carcharodon, you are known for eating practically anything. You may eat or drink ANY non-magical substances for food, although you must eat the same amounts as normal creatures. Also, you gain a +1 to any Fortitude saves vs. Poison or Disease.

Prerequisite: Tiger Belly feat
Benefit: Your shocking diet grants you immunity to all poisons and diseases, and you may now eat any substance, magical or not, for sustanance. Magical Weapons, Armor, and other equipment are utterly destroyed apon being eaten. Artifacts may or may not be destroyed (DM's call). Also, your diet mutates your stomach to a logic bending size
(It's bigger on the INSIDE!), and you gain the Swallow Whole ability, as set out below;

If a Carcharodon with this special attack successfully hits wih it's bite attack it can attempt a new grapple check (as though attempting to pin the opponent). If it succeeds, it swallows its prey, and the opponent takes bite damage. The Swallowed opponent can be up to the same size as the Carcharodon. The swallowed creature takes 1d8 points of bludgeoning damage and 2 points of acid damage per round from the Carcharodon's gizzard. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using a slashing or piercing weapon to deal the Carcharodon's CON score worth of damage to the gizzard (AC 10 + Natural Armor Bonus if any). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. A Carcharodon's gizzard can hold 1 Medium, 4 Small, 16 Tiny, or 64 Diminutive or smaller opponents. All of these scores are for a Medium sized Carcharodon, and are doubled or halved if the Carcharodon grows or is shrunk a size category, respectively.

Whale Bulk
Prerequisite: Carcharodon, 1st level only
Benefit: You are a member of the Whale Carcharodons, and quite frankly, you're massive. You gain a +2 untyped bonus to all STR and CON based rolls.

Giant Whale Bulk
Prerequisite: Whale Bulk feat
Benefit: Somehow, you got BIGGER.
When you take this feat, you grow once size category bigger, with all the benefits and penalties.
Special: You do not gain the stat boosts that would normally entail growing one size category bigger.


Coming Soon!
Paragon Class, Barbarian & Druid & Ranger Sub Levels, Jaws as a worship-able deity with the Shark Domain, The Carcharodongoyf (A Template), and the Carcharodon Logicbreaker (In the works), Carcharodon StreetShark (Will be covered by Ranger Sub Levels to cut down on workload) & Carcharodon Airswimmer (Monk) Prcs.

2010-12-29, 04:39 PM
Prestige Classes

Carcharodon Logicbreaker

In the great ocean, guarded by the demigod Jaws' Favoured Souls and Clerics is a wonderous whirlpool, called the Maelstrom of Teeth. It is as wide a a small island, and consists of many differing currents. Sometimes you will find a weak current, and sometimes you will find yourself in a current so strong it will flay the flesh from your bones. The Clergy of Jaws (Known as the Clergy of Teeth) read these whirlpool currents, gaining an knowledge in a way not unlike a Commune spell. Some Carcharodons can stare deeper in to the maelstrom, however. They can stare deeper and deeper and almost see the Heart of the Maelstrom and...and...


Why it happens, no-one knows, but if you manage to stare into the Heart of the Maelstrom, you suddenly gain a very rapid sanity deficiency. Which is said to come from Jaws himself. And powers that give them the ability to turn the power of the Maelstrom into wild, insane magic, also said to be from Jaws. Heck, even the other Carcharodons avoid these mad buggers. More and more Clerics of Teeth seem to become Logicbreakers these days, and, if the Logicbreakers are to be believed, it almost seems like Jaws is doing it on purpose...........

Entry Requirements
Race: Carcharodon
Alignment: Any Chaotic
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 10
Spellcasting: Must be able to cast 3rd level divine spells.
Special: Must of looked into the Heart of the Maelstrom of Teeth. Sanity not included.

Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int) and Swim (Str).
Skill-points per level: 4+Int modifier

{table=head]Level|BaB|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells

+2|Release the Maelstrom| +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

-|+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

+3|Tame the Maelstrom|+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

-|+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

+4|Defy the Maelstrom|+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class[/table]

Spells per Day: When a new level in Carcharodon Logicbreaker is gained, they gains new spells per day as if they had also gained a level in whatever divine spellcasting class they belonged to before she added the prestige class. They do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. This essentially means that they add their levels of Carcharodon Logicbreaker to the level of whatever other divine spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly.

If a Carcharodon Logicbreaker had more than one divine spellcasting class before they became a Carcharodon Logicbreaker, they must decide to which class she adds each level of Carcharodon Logicbreaker for the purpose of determining spells per day.

Release the Maelstrom(Su): At 1st level, you firstly, determine which mental stat (INT, WIS, CHA) you are going to use with these class abilities, as Favoured Souls, Clerics, and even Archivists can join the Logicbreakers.
[Chosen Stat] Modifier times per day, as a standard action, you may invoke the power of the Maelstrom. Roll d100 and check the number with the Maelstrom table to determine what effect takes place.

Tame the Maelstrom(Su): Three times per day, when you would roll a d100 for your Release the Maelstrom ability, you may add a penalty or bonus to the roll up to your [Chosen Stat] Modifier, allowing you better control over what you get.

Defy the Maelstrom(Su): Once per day, when you use your Release the Maelstrom ability, instead of rolling a d100, you may instead choose an effect off the table and use that. This does not come without a price, however. You take Con Damage equal to the minimum number you need to roll on a d100 to activate it divided by 10 (rounded down).

Maelstrom Table
Number Rolled|Maelstrom Effect
1-5|Everyone within 60ft of the Logicbreaker (Including the Logicbreaker) is Blinded for 1 turn (DC to save is a Fort DC20).
6-10|Heavy Rain falls in a 100ft radius, centered on the Logicbreaker
11-15|As above, only Heavy Snowfall
16-20|All land within 40ft of the Logicbreaker becomes Difficult Terrain as Sunflowers randomly grow out of the floor.
21-25|The Logicbreaker grows bigger, as per Enlarge Person (No save)
26-30|The Logicbreaker shinks, as per Reduce Person (No save)
31-35|The Logicbreaker gains a primary breath attack dealing [Caster Level]d4 fire damage
36-40|A Hurricane force wind affects everyone in a 60ft line infront of you (As per Gust of Wind, only Hurricane Strength)
41-45|You turn Invisible for 2 rounds.
46-50|You, and all objects you are wearing/holding turn Ethereal for 1 round.
51-55|A Fireball (CL equal to your own) shoots out 100ft in front of you
56-60|You gain Blindsight out 100ft for 1d8 hours
61-65|1ft Grass grows within a 1000ft circle, centered on you.
66-70|A tree randomly grows in front of you. (Cannot pass though that square)
71-75|All enemies within your Line of Sight instantly trip over and become prone. (Save is a DC25 Balance Check)
76-80|Everyone within 2000ft catches on fire (Including the Logicbreaker). DC30 Reflex Save to avoid.
81-85|A Dire Shark is summoned ajacent to you. It is friendly towards you, but is otherwise normal. Air breathing not included.
86-90|1d6 Dire Sharks are summoned ajacent to you. These sharks are special LandSharks, and so have a Burrow Speed of 60ft and the Amphibious quality. You can control them as per Summon Monster and you can telepathically communicate with them (No maximum range). The sharks stay for 2d8 rounds before disappearing.
91-95|1d6 Dire Sharks are summoned ajacent to you. These sharks are special in that they are SkySharks, and so have a Flight Speed of 60ft and the Amphibious quality. You can control them as per Summon Monster and you can telepathically communicate with them (No maximum range). The sharks can stay for 2d8 rounds before disappearing.
96-100| A Medium Shark with a Divine Rank of 0 is summoned ajacent to you. It has a Flight, Burrow, and Land speed of 30ft each, can telepathically communicate with you (No max range), and serves you loyally (But not suicidally) for three rounds.

Racial Substitution Levels

Carcharodon Barbarian

A Carcharodon may elect to take these substitution levels when they
take their 1st, 2nd or 5th level. Carcharodon Barbarians are what happens when a Carcharodon tries to put it's own little spin on being a Barbarian, looking to it's Shark based roots for make it stand out from the other race's barbarians and to give it a slight edge.

HD: d12
1st|+1|+2|+0|+0|Blood Frenzy, Fast Movement, Illiteracy
2nd|+2|+3|+0|+0|Lockjaw Maneuver, Keep On Swimming
5th|+5|+4|+1|+1|Powerful Build[/table]
Class Skills:(4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Move Silently (Dex), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Swim (Str).

Blood Frenzy: At 1st level, you gain Diehard as a bonus feat.

Also, because of their Shark origins, a Carchadon Barbarian's rage works differently. Your Rage can only be activated when someone within 30ft takes at least 1 point of damage, but you can activate it as an immediate action straight after the damage takes place and while raging you gain +10 to all of your movement speeds. You can only rage the normal amount of times per day for your level, and improvements (Greater Rage, Tireless Rage, Mighty Rage, Various Feats etc.) still apply to your rage.

This replaces your normal Rage class ability.

Lockjaw Maneuver: At 3rd level, when you would make a successful Bite Attack, you may automatically make a Grapple Check as a free action, with a Circumstance bonus to the check equal to your STR Mod.

Keep On Swimming: While Underwater, you only need two hours sleep to gain the benefits of eight hours sleep (You still need 8 hours rest for regaining PP/Spells etc). Also, if a spell would impede your movement (Same parameters as Freedom of Movement), once per turn as an immediate action you may make a Strength roll with a DC of the spell's DC to ignore the effect of that spell for that turn. You may keep making Strength rolls to try to ignore the spell's effect each turn.

This replaces your Uncanny Dodge class ability. If you take this substitution level, you gain Uncanny Dodge instead of Improved Uncanny Dodge at level 5.

Powerful Build:
At 5th level, the physical stature of a Charcharodon Barbarian lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever you are subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), you are treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to you. You are also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect you. You can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, your space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.

This replaces the normal Improved Uncanny Dodge (Or Uncanny Dodge if you took the Sub Level at Lv3) class ability.

Carcharodon Druid

A Carcharodon Druid may elect to take these substitution levels when they take their 1st level. Carcharodons are revered as spiritual advisors and the main connection to their Shark ancestors, and as powerful warriors if needs be who make their partner Shark a viable threat even on land, and strive to keep to their savage roots even on land.

HD: d8
1st|+0|+2|+2|+0|Amphibious Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy
Class Skills: (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

Amphibious Animal Companion: This functions just like a Druid's normal Animal Companion, only that your companion always has the (Aquatic) subtype and the Amphibious special quality, and if it has a Swim Speed but no Land Speed, it gains a Land Speed equal to half it's Swim Speed (Minimum 20ft). Also, if you have any sort of Shark as a Companion, you may treat your Druid level as one higher to determin it's bonus abilities.

Carcharodon Ranger

A Carcharodon may elect to take these racial substitution levels at their 1st, 3rd and 7th level of Ranger. The Carcharodon "Streetsharks" as they are known, are the hunter-brutes of the Carcharodons, trained to tear open ships, loot them, and make a hasty retreat before the ship owners know what hit them.

HD: d8
1st|+1|+2|+2|+0|1st Favored Enemy, Track, Tear Open
3rd|+3|+3|+3|+1|Carry off the Loot
7th|+7/+2|+5|+5|+2|Keen Scent [/table]
Class Skills: (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Rope (Dex).

Tear Open: When damaging an object, structure or ship, a Carcharodon Ranger may ignore a number of points of Hardness equal to
their Ranger levels.

This replaces the Wild Empathy class feature.

Carry off the Loot: A 3rd level Carcharodon Ranger's maximum load (With regards to encumbrance) is doubled.

This replaces the Endurance bonus feat granted at 3rd level

Keen Scent: A 7th level Carcharodon Ranger can notice creatures by scent in a 180-foot radius and can detect blood in the water at a range of up to 1 mile.

This replaces the normal Woodland Stride class ability.



Carcharodon Renders
Carcharodon Renders are exotic Punching Daggers (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Punching_Dagger) that are made of the teeth from Dire Sharks the Carcharodons feel are worthy enough to be used for weaponry. They can be enhanced as normal even though they are too crude to be considered Masterwork, but are slightly different. They are considered Martial Weapons to Carcharodons and ignore (3*attack enhancement bonus) points of Hardness. There is a cost - They are not sold for any lower than 125% the normal price of a Punching Dagger, as the Carcharodons do not give away their traditional weapons for normal prices.


Deities & Domains


Symbol: A shark head
Home Plane: The Elemental Plane of Water
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Carcharodons, Sharks, Hunting, Cunning
Worshippers: Carcharodons, Pirates, Sea-Dwelling Druids
Cleric Alignments:CG, CN, CE
Domains: Courage, Shark*, Strength, Water, War
Favoured Weapons: Bite Attack/Punching Daggers
Lore: Jaws past is blurred by the endless deaths of his fellow Carcharodons, but it is generally accepted that he was a front line fighter that was so good with his bite attack any that knew him called him "Jaws".
When Jaws died in battle, as fighters in that time normally did, his body could not be found when sought for after the skirmish. Later that day a wonderous thing happened. The sea churned with fury, and a whirlpool swept up the Aboleth controllers, a whirlpool so fierce it still persists, as The Maelstrom of Teeth. The Carcharodons were free, and they had their very own deity protector, all in one day. In time Jaws gains a clergy, whome he guided to further guide his race as a whole, and he encouraged the tennents of being a Carcharodon. It's not enough to be Number 1 - You need Number 2 as your Shark-Skin rug. However, he's not malicious, just uncaring and amoral towards anyone other than his fellow Carcharodons, whome he regards as "His School".

Serve With Respect
Crush Your Enemies
Prove Your Strength
Honour Your Shoal
Offer No Mercy and Expect None.

This is exemplified in what the Clergy of Teeth sometimes say - "Follow the dogma, and Jaws shall follow you to war."
Clergy: A Shamanic Group known as the Clergy of Teeth, who rule by strength and a dash of fear.

The Shark Domain
Domain Power: Blood Scent: You gain the Scent special quality if you didnt already have it, but only while underwater and only if you are capable of breathing water. Once per day, you may use your keen sense of smell as full round action to learn the general location of any bleeding creatures or blood within the same body of water as yourself within one mile. This extraordinary ability only functions underwater.
Shark Domain Spells:
1. Magic Fang
2. Blood Frenzy (SC)
3. Jagged Tooth (SC)
4. Vortex of Teeth (SC)
5. Animal Growth
6. Tidal Surge (SC)
7. Whirlwind of Teeth (BoVD)
8. Maelstrom (SC)
9. Tsunami (SC)

2010-12-29, 04:59 PM
Currently it's lacking pizazz.
Some fun features might be nice.
Keen Scent might be nice.
An exotic weapon or two maybe? One particularly good at sundering the underside of ships?
Ability to swim while sleeping?
Cartilage mostly bones?
Many teeth?
Ferocity while smelling blood.
Unnaturally good at wielding blunt objects under water?
Capable of tricking Sahaugin into believing they are a normal shark?
Swimming charge at triple speed?

2010-12-29, 05:14 PM
Yay! A visitor! (Puts out cookies)
A few of what you've said is gonna be in the Paragon Class/Barbarian Sub, but I know how to add one or two of thoes features in the main race.
EDIT: Paragon and Barb Sub levels are up. Have a gander! Tell me how (awful) it's going!

2010-12-29, 07:42 PM
This is looking good, I like this. *bookmarked* The biggest thing I can see wrong with it is the scarification to increase your Intimidate modifier. You're giving up a point of Charisma modifier (Intimidate's ability modifier) for an untyped modifier of the same size. I cant really see any way this is beneficial. :smalltongue:

Also, I think they should get a 40ft swim speed, but that's just me.

Keep up the good work! *eats a cookie* :smallbiggrin:

2010-12-29, 07:51 PM
Damn. Must. Double. Check. Typing.
Will change, and i'm glad you like it. Also, would a 40ft swim speed be ok for LA +0?
40ft seems fine. Done

The Tygre
2010-12-29, 08:15 PM
I like it. I've always been somewhat fond of that pic, too. How do Carcharodons get on with Sahuagin and good ol' Sekolah, the Shark God?

2010-12-29, 08:20 PM
None of the classes posted have Swim as a class skill :smallconfused:

2010-12-29, 08:20 PM
What sahuagin? These are my new Sahuagin!

2010-12-29, 08:24 PM
Ach, Hans, swim! It's the Carcharodongoyf! :smallbiggrin:

2010-12-29, 08:38 PM
Ooo! Questions! This'll be all for today, though. I need to get sleep. :smallcool:

I like it. I've always been somewhat fond of that pic, too. How do Carcharodons get on with Sahuagin and good ol' Sekolah, the Shark God?
I guess they see Sahuagin as strong rivals, and Sekolah would probably be respected for his/her (not sure) power, but not worshipped like their main deity, Jaws.

None of the classes posted have Swim as a class skill :smallconfused:
They don't make Swim Checks. (Aquatic) subtype, and all.

What sahuagin? These are my new Sahuagin!
Really? Awesomesauce!

Ach, Hans, swim! It's the Carcharodongoyf! :smallbiggrin:
I am so making that a Template A.S.A.P :smallbiggrin:

2010-12-29, 08:39 PM
It looks good, except for one thing: Blood Frenzy is worse than Rage. It's exactly the same, but the activation is more situational. Give them an additional advantage for having Blood Frenzy, or else no one will take the 1st substitution level.

2010-12-29, 09:06 PM
I guess they see Sahuagin as strong rivals, and Sekolah would probably be respected for his/her (not sure) power, but not worshipped like their main deity, Jaws.

They don't make Swim Checks. (Aquatic) subtype, and all.

Really? Awesomesauce!

Mostly. I dont know how I feel about the name of that Deity. :smalltongue:

And swimming creatures do still have to make swim checks to avoid underwater hazards and make special maneuvers and such, like swimming against a current.

2010-12-29, 09:10 PM
Right, quickly!

Will give Swim anyway, and will boost Blood Frenzy A.S.A.P *Elevator Music*
EDIT: Ok, now a Carcharodon Barbarian gains Diehard at 1st level and a slightly better rage, for having a more situational Rage activation.
EDITEDIT: Finished Druid Sub, and moved the Paragon for space, 'cause i'm paranoid :smallwink:

2010-12-29, 10:54 PM
I like the amphibious animal companion idea. :smallcool:


2010-12-29, 10:57 PM
Hmmm, what happens to Improved Uncanny Dodge if Keep on Swimming is taken instead of Uncanny Dodge? What would the barbarian get if he didn't take level 5 of the sub level? Or would he still get Improved Uncanny Dodge without needing Uncanny Dodge.

2010-12-30, 03:13 AM
Shaaark Peeeepulll (stares hypmotized).

Shark critters have always been a personal fave.

2010-12-30, 08:59 AM
Ach, Hans, swim! It's the Carcharodongoyf! :smallbiggrin:

Edit: I meant to comment on the quote.
Flickerdart, great quote! Have a cookie!

You know... I would be terrified if I watched one of these guys literally reach into it's maw, rip out a handful of its own teeth... and then throw them like a weapon...Defiantly gives the sense of 'Warrior Race.'
That's terrifying and wonderful!

2010-12-30, 09:21 AM
Why does the Druid substitution level get +3 BAB, +4 fortitude/will, and +1 reflex? It should be +0 BAB, +2/+2 Will/Fort, and +0 Reflex.

Fable Wright
2010-12-30, 09:27 AM
EDIT: Ok, now a Carcharodon Barbarian gains Diehard at 1st level and a slightly better rage, for having a more situational Rage activation.

And now your rage is too powerful. You take out the downside of the rage, and give them AC and a bonus to movement speed, as well as diehard. Perhaps make it a bit more situational? My idea is that you should keep the AC penalty, and maybe loose the movement speed bonus. When you start raging at the smell of blood, you stop caring about everything but the bloodied creature. Perhaps make it something akin to this: When you activate the rage at the scent of blood, it acts as a rage one magnitude greater (e.g., normal rage gains the bonuses and penalties of Greater Rage), but once you attack an opponent in melee, you can no longer attack a different opponent until you kill the one you're currently fighting. It has a certain "feeding frenzy" feel to it, kinda. But think about it. These people are part shark. Their minds are made for 2 things: blood and gore. When they stab someone, that person releases blood. When you're surrounded by blood, you start to go crazy, and lock onto the source of it. After it stops struggling, you move onto a different bloodied creature, because of your increased human intelligence hinting that if you attack more creatures, you get more food. The cycle repeats until the rage is over. And then you collect the spoils.

2010-12-30, 11:04 AM
Right, I have come back!
@Lateral - Oh bugger. I was gonna do some more sub levels, but then I thought just one would do. And then I forgot to change the stuff back. Clever me :smallredface:
Now that's really cool, but it's just too restrictive for my liking. I can see that going wrong in so many ways, including eating your friends at Level 1. And that's annoying. I'll nerf it and leave the activation how it is.
EDIT: Jaws is up! The Shark Domain will be up later.

Admiral Squish
2010-12-31, 12:09 PM
Well, firstly, looking at the critters themselves, I would say they could probably use an extra +2 to strength, or possibly con. At is stands, I would say they measure up poorly vs. darfellan. Granted, the water breathing is nice, but as it stands, the darfellan would probably win in straight-up combat. Second, I'm not really a fan of the tooth-hurling ability. I could understand being able to pull a number of them based on your con, but a range based on con? How does THAT work? If you really insist on keeping it, give it a flat range, and probably reduce the damage. It would likely be equivalent to a shuriken, probably less effective since you can't buy nicer ones. Perhaps you could replace it with a natural armor bonus, or a passive ability that deals one or two damage to creatures attacking them with natural weapons, or even scent. Finally, I also dislike the 'no penalty for fighting underwater'. They are still bound by the laws of physics. I think they should stick to piercing weapons like everyone else.

Onto your paragon class. I think the sharkskin ability should involve a reflex save to avoid, but you should also make it a flat amount of damage+str. 1d4 or even 1d6 would work fine. Also, you should fix the wording of your fearsome scars ability, since is says 'ability drain up to your cha score up to your con mod.' It's a bit twisted, methinks.

Barbarian subs:
I think your blood frenzy is a little awkward. In my shark totem barbarian, I did it like this:

When in a Blood frenzy, a shark totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls for every creature within thirty feet that was damaged in the previous round. The shark totem barbarian does not gain the +4 strength of a normal barbarian's rage. This ability replaces the standard barbarian's rage, and when the barbarian would normally gain additional uses of rage, he instead gains additional uses of Blood Frenzy. When he would gain greater or might rage, the bonus for each creature wounded increases by one.
Not saying you should go with that exactly, but take a look at it and see what you think.

On lockjaw maneuver, I would remove the extra competence bonus and just make it, effectively, improved grab. It's plenty powerful.

Keep on swimming is pretty much useless, I'm sorry to say. Most adventurers are going to have ways to minimize their need for sleep, like the ring of sustenance and that enchanted bedroll whose name eludes me.

I think powerful build is pretty nice, but considering you get it at fifth level, I don't think it's THAT much of a balance issue.

onto your druid level.
This seems... odd, honestly. I would let them work out how they get themselves an amphibious companion, though I do think it would be cool to put in a note saying they have a +1 or +2 to their effective druid level for determining the special abilities/availability of sharks/dire sharks as companions.

On your molar render, I think, firstly, the name is misleading. Molars =/= Fangs. Secondly, I have no idea how I'm supposed to calculate how much hardness they ignore. Frankly, I'd scrap the hardness-ignoring altogether and just just mention the weapon in the fluff, saying they often use punching daggers made from dire shark teeth, and raiding parties will often use them to punch holes in the hull of a ship.

Other than the issues I mentioned, I really like the idea of a race of shark-doods, and I encourage you to keep it up.

2010-12-31, 12:13 PM
Congrats on giving me a valid reason to run an aquatic campaign and/or one-shot. :smallbiggrin:

2010-12-31, 12:35 PM
Ok...this is kina cool. but strikes me as a bit situational.

In any campaign not only aquatic he is cripple, even to the point of uselessness.

I suggest weakening his aquatic abilities a bit and give him a bit better out-of-water statistics, making him an actual playable race even when not in a fully aquatic game.

2010-12-31, 02:59 PM
Hum dee dum.....righty-o. I'll fix some stuff and get along with more stuff.
Also, he's not that crippled out of water is he?
EDIT: I need your help! The Carcharodon Logicbreaker has stumped me.
It's basically gonna be a PRC that uses (PP/IP/Sunder Attempts) to restructure reality to what it THINKS should be right. High Will Save, Iron Will, all certain. But should I make it a Factotum Prc (Clever Fishy) or Wilder Prc (Zany Fishy), or shall I just make it a Barb PRC
(Say it with me now.....WAAAGH! (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_dJPVdylod6k/TCC4494wEnI/AAAAAAAADiA/VGYxmHGQzM0/s1600/Orks___Brawl___Coloured2_by_taytonclait.jpg))

2010-12-31, 05:11 PM
I dont think they're all that crippled on land, and they're far from useless. They can survive indefinately on land, for one thing, unlike many aquatic races. The only trouble they have on land is a slightly slower movement speed, but hey, its the same as dwarves, gnomes, and halflings, so that's not a big deal.

If you want to represent their rough skin, look at what sharkskin armor gets in Stormwrack, I think it would fit here as a racial trait alongside the point of damage you do during a bullrush (And probably should let that spill over into grapple as well.).

2010-12-31, 06:06 PM
Hrrrrrm. I don't like how iffy the Sharkskin's armor bonus is (How easily cut? How rough is the skin?), but damage in a grapple, got ya. Oh, and to direct the discussion, what shall the Logicbreaker Prc need? Factotum? Wilder? Barb? Something else?

2010-12-31, 06:33 PM
I dont know how I feel about psychic shark people... that's either very silly or the coolest thing I've ever heard of. :smalltongue:

I dont hahave much experience with the factotum, so I cant say one way or the other on that end.

Barbarians, eh, I dunno.

It would be helpful if I/we had some idea exactly what you were wanting the class to do, like give some example class features. :smallredface:

2010-12-31, 07:23 PM
Ah, right then. Basically, the Logicbreakers are thoes few lucky Carcharodons who can see into the heart of the Maelstrom of Teeth, the permanent whirlpool that Jaws himself left behind when he smacked the Aboleth three ways to sideways to free his people. No-One who sees the Maelstrom's Heart can quite define what they see, but it inspires them to just be....wacky.

It'll be a short 5 level Prc with a big random chart, and the class levels will be trying to manipulate what you get (the roll you make) from the said chart. And i'm talking a big 50 (or even 100!) part chart, hopefully. This is from turning things to food, launching fireballs, everyone tripping over, to a random deity appearing beside you, or just a full-blown Limited Wish.

I need suggestions on what's gonna be on the chart, mainly, and the chassis (What entry class they need).

2010-12-31, 08:25 PM
Sounds right up the alley of clerics and favored souls of Jaws. (Jaws strikes me as being kind of chaotic in bent, rather than neutral, to be honest, btw. what with his "might makes right" and "freedom for my people" outlook and all combined with what you're wanting to do here. Compare to demons and werewolves.)

My suggestion is that you should look at the Rod of Wonder (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rods.htm#wonder) and the Chaos mage (complete arcane) and work from there.

2010-12-31, 09:05 PM
:smallannoyed:.........Yes. Why didn't I think Cleric?
Do you really think CN for Jaws? I 'spose it works. And thanks for the linky.
EDIT: Forgot to say;
1. Will do Logicbreaker tomorrow
2. Still need suggestions for the Shark Domain! Come on! I know you got cool ideas!

2010-12-31, 10:40 PM
Spells for the shark domain:

2- Sink (Stormwrack), or Blood Frenzy (Spell Compendium)

3- Scales of the Sea Lord (Stormwrack), Jagged Tooth or Spirit Jaws (Spell compendium)

6- Drown or Tidal Surge (Spell compendium)

8- Megalodon Empowerment (Stormwrack) or Maelstrom (Spell Compendium)

9- Mass Drown, or Tsunami (Spell Compendium) Or bump Maelstrom to this level.

As for the domain's granted power:
Blood Scent: You gain the Scent special quality if you didnt already have it, but only while underwater and only if you are capable of breathing water. Once per day, you may use your keen sense of smell as full round action to learn the general location of any bleeding creatures or blood within the same body of water as yourself within one mile. This extraordinary ability only functions underwater.

Its a little restricted, but supposedly sharks can actually do it, more or less.

2010-12-31, 10:46 PM
The barbarian of this race does not get the + ?? to Str or con, just a + to swim speed?

I don't know if that fits, but that's if you ask me. I love every thing else about these things though.

2011-01-01, 10:27 AM
Jarrick - Great spells. I'll go get my Stormwrack and see if I like 'em.
LunarWolfPrime - What? No, they get that on top of the rage 'cause it's situational. I'll go check the wording.

2011-01-01, 07:29 PM
can you make a ranger sub lvl set to?

2011-01-02, 12:20 PM
Requests? Meh, i'll add it to the list.

2011-01-04, 09:42 PM
Also if you ask me, on the druid I think that the animal companions should be limited to Sharks.

An if you do that on the ranger, it could be limited to sharks and give them there full ranger lvl instead of half.

you got any plant for racial feats?

2011-01-05, 02:05 PM
Rangers will be the limited ones. Sharks only at full Druid level. As for racial feats........I will leave that up to anyone willing to make them. I've never been quite good at them.

2011-01-06, 08:10 PM
I can try and make racial feats.

As for other ranger features I am not sure.

2011-01-06, 09:21 PM
What this race reminds me of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX7zDeP2ebo :smallbiggrin:

Maybe you can draw some inspiration from it. :smalltongue:

2011-01-07, 11:01 AM
.......Now I wanna do a Monk PRC. I'll add it to the list :smallsigh:

2011-01-07, 05:05 PM
Also dont forget this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZKpdihzeIo) :smallamused:

2011-01-07, 06:50 PM
.........Damn Rogue PRC too......

2011-01-11, 07:38 PM
Um that I can't help you with it does not have the rogue feel with a shark like beings. They don't hide really they just come out of the black of the dark waters or out of the murky water and blind side that more of a ranger thing then a rogue thing.

2011-01-11, 07:51 PM
Um that I can't help you with it does not have the rogue feel with a shark like beings. They don't hide really they just come out of the black of the dark waters or out of the murky water and blind side that more of a ranger thing then a rogue thing.

I could see it work either way. Just make it accessable to both, that should be interesting. :smallbiggrin:

Edit: Also, the Street Sharks video makes me think "Adamantine Bite Attack" and "Massive sunder bonuses" and "Earth Swimming". :smallwink:

2011-01-13, 02:26 AM
Spells for the shark domain:

2- Sink (Stormwrack), or Blood Frenzy (Spell Compendium)

3- Scales of the Sea Lord (Stormwrack), Jagged Tooth or Spirit Jaws (Spell compendium)

6- Drown or Tidal Surge (Spell compendium)

8- Megalodon Empowerment (Stormwrack) or Maelstrom (Spell Compendium)

9- Mass Drown, or Tsunami (Spell Compendium) Or bump Maelstrom to this level.

No Manyjaws spell?

2011-01-13, 08:25 AM
No Manyjaws spell?

Oops. How did I miss that one? :smallredface: I think I confused it with Spirit Jaws.

2011-01-17, 05:17 PM
BUMP any one got any new ideas for this?

2011-01-19, 03:25 AM
racial Feats based on differnt shark types?

2011-01-19, 03:39 AM
Perhaps you could do a rouge PRC based around bringing down ships, then taking out the people stranded in the water, though the abilities may also be able to be applied to other structures and the like.


2011-01-19, 06:46 AM
Perhaps you could do a rouge PRC based around bringing down ships, then taking out the people stranded in the water, though the abilities may also be able to be applied to other structures and the like.


Or robbing ships by breaking in from the hull (or whatever they call the under-belly of the ship), grabbing the loot, and leaving that wattery mess behind.

2011-01-22, 03:24 AM
This is just a little nitpicking on my part, but shouldn't the type for this race be Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic)? As monstrous humanoids, they should also have darkvision out to 60 feet. Also, consider naming some of the special attacks and qualities. Like Throw Teeth (Ex) and Headbutt (Ex) (shouldn't it do more than 1 damage, like 1d4?). Perhaps label their lack of penalties for fighting/casting underwater as something like Streamlined Body or Underwater Combatant. There's also the issue of automatic languages. Common is a toss-up, as they may not interact all that much with other races, but they should definitely have Aquan as an automatic language. As for bonus languages, they'd benefit from being able to learn the languages of other races prone to being barbarians or druids, like Orc, Ogre, Dwarven, Elven, Sylvan, etc.

On a different note, I feel like Blood Scent should grant them Keen Scent, like a regular shark in the Monster Manual has. You could also consider putting Blindsense or Blindsight (sharks have Blindsense) in the Paragon class. For Rough Skin, a friend of mine brought up a good point. If someone attacks a Carcharodon with a sword, how would Rough Skin affect them? It probably wouldn't. It might be worth considering rewording Rough Skin to say something along the lines of "whenever you successfully bull rush, grapple, or are grappled by an opponent, you automatically deal 1d6 + Constitution modifier damage to your opponent (Reflex save DC 10 + Hit Dice + Constitution modifier halves). At the start of your turn every round, you continue to deal this damage as long as the grapple is maintained." This way, Rough Skin would combo especially well with Lockjaw Maneuver.

Imagine charging an opponent, biting them, initiating a grapple (Lockjaw Maneuver), followed by more damage (Headbutt and Rough Skin). Now that's effective threat management.

Well, that's my two copper.

2011-01-22, 07:01 AM
Well, i'm back. It's not i've forgotten this stuff, it's just The Card Dealer Knight
ate up more time than I thought (I'm statting up Yu-Gi-Oh in D&D now.......Gods help me...). Suggestions will be used. Stuff will be checked/revised.
EDITY: Ranger Sub Levels are up, and the LogicBreaker will come next. Wish me luck :smalleek:

2011-01-22, 09:06 PM
When it comes to your ability scores being hurt, there's a key difference between the words "damage" and "drain". Ability damage is temporary, and can be healed through rest and natural healing, or by restoration spells and such. Ability drain is a permanent drain to that ability score that cannot be recovered except through truly exceptional means (like limited wish, wish, miracle, bend reality, and reality revision). So it makes sense for Fearsome Scars to inflict Charisma drain at your own behest (i.e. you're physically scarring yourself for the bonus), but the Logicbreaker taking ability drain from their Defy the Maelstrom ability...is that intended or is it just worded wrong?

As others have said, Keep On Swimming (while sound in theory and saving players the need to buy a ring of sustenance as long as they sleep underwater) seems like a poor replacement for Uncanny Dodge. Though money would be saved, most players would probably choose the ring over the ability since the ring functions as long as it's worn, regardless of circumstance. Maybe replace it with something like blindsense (if you're not already planning on putting that in the paragon class)?

2011-01-23, 07:18 AM
No, I just can't type properly. It's supposed to be damage :smallannoyed:
I shall give Keep On Swimming a small boost, actually.
EDIT: Stuff has been edited.

2011-01-23, 10:59 AM
I liked the fact that they keep swimming even when they're asleep, just like actual sharks. That should be added in somewhere for flavor reasons.

2011-01-23, 12:30 PM
Did you really like it? In that case, i'll make it a Racial Feat. Along with the 1st level only subspecies feats, like Great White Bite, Hammerhead Skull, Whale Bulk, and Tiger Hide
EDIT: The feats are up! Not sure about a 2 feat path that makes you grow a size bigger, but I guess the fact it HAS to be your 1st and 3rd feats makes it slightly better.

2011-01-25, 09:09 AM
In my personal opinion I think the Great white one should also boost the Bite damage die size and Tiger shark just does not fit to me.
An since there are so many street shark references, where are the claws?

2011-01-25, 11:39 AM
Ok then. The Tiger Stripes was just a random guess (Hide bonus? That's boring), but will have to stay until I think of something else. Also, elaborate on these claws for me, if you would.

2011-01-25, 02:58 PM
If I recall, tiger sharks are known for eating almost anything, so perhaps a bonus to saves vs. poison and disease or something along those lines.


2011-01-25, 03:02 PM
If I recall, tiger sharks are known for eating almost anything, so perhaps a bonus to saves vs. poison and disease or something along those lines.


The tiger shark feat could grant a carcharodon the "Swallow Whole" special attack. That works well with Lockjaw Maneuver and it's also what tiger sharks pretty much do with something they can't chew up. They swallow it whole.

2011-01-25, 04:00 PM
No, your right. Tiger Sharks are known as the "Ocean's Garbage Can" because it's so dang aggressive it'll eat anything before said object could attack it.

Little does it know it was a high level Druid with the Cityscape ACF that lets you turn into objects, and the Carcharodon gains so much XP it's like he's acsended to godhood or something.
Swallow Whole you say? I'm sure I can make that happen.

2011-01-25, 06:32 PM
Keep on swimming isnt really worth a feat as written, I meant it would make a good default racial trait. Its in good flavor.

Hammerhead skull should probably grant immunity to flanking at 5hd and blindsense or improved scent at 10. doesnt a hammerhead's shape have something to do with its sense of smell? I dont recall...

2011-01-25, 06:52 PM
Actually I seem to recall the hammerhead is able to sense electromagnetic waves or some such due to its head shape, Hence the reason they generally follow certain paths along the seabed.


2011-01-26, 10:57 AM
I'm not too fond of adding any more to the base racal traits, but what if I gave an extra umph to the feat
Electromagnetic waves? I can work with that.

EDIT: Consider this thread closed, for now. I have an idea in my head that refuses to die, and so i'm gonna go stat it up. I'll ressurect the thread at a later date, so don't worry. The Carcharodons can never die. Dang FB Carcharodons.....