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2010-12-31, 02:18 PM
So, tomorrow is Jan. 1st 2011!

To celebrate the New Year, I want you all to post your funniest, saddest best, worst, etc.

Ready? Set. Go !

2010-12-31, 03:34 PM
This was really funny when it happened but it may have a spoiler for anybody playing Pathfinder's Rise of the runelords AP, I was playing a sorc and we were getting information about the seven runelords that used to rule this country in each of their own section. Of course like most regimes they eventually fell under their own bickering or some such. The mystic with the information was saying that there was 7 lords each one was a specialist wizard in 7 different schools of magic (even though there are 8 schools of magic), so i questioned which school wasn't represented and why. The mystic said "the runelords didn't perceive Divination as a true school of the arcane magics, followed by me immediately saying "Well, i bet they didn't see the downfall of their civilization coming then." Everybody was cracking up, best in game joke i've ever had, bonus points cuz it wasn't a monty python reference.

2010-12-31, 03:53 PM
I auto killed a beholder that would have given us a lot of trouble, as in no way getting around PC death or two. It was my first auto kill too which just makes it awesome.

Lycan 01
2010-12-31, 08:08 PM
I auto killed a beholder that would have given us a lot of trouble, as in no way getting around PC death or two. It was my first auto kill too which just makes it awesome.

How'd you pull that off? :smallconfused:

2010-12-31, 08:16 PM
Thought it was pretty funny during our Shadowrun game...

GM: "Okay, guys, let's roll Initiative."
Mage: "Awesome, 34, guess I'm going first."
Street Sam: "...15..."
Face: "Can't believe I beat the street sam... 17."
Me (playing a Hacker): "50."
Everyone Else: "Whaaaa? :smallconfused:

Then there's also the "prank" my Malkavian pulled in our Vampire: the Masquerade game. :smallamused:

Thrice Dead Cat
2010-12-31, 08:29 PM
I managed to screw with the PCs in our campaign by throwing a spider butler at them. Clarence Fabulous, you will be missed.

Also, here's the epilogue for the first semester of it.

To the editors of the Administratum News-Gazette,

I have been a patron of your newspaper for 13 years now. During this time I have regularly hired adventurers using your classified section for various small tasks. This has usually been a very positive experience for all concerned, but lately some of the applicants have not met my standards. Despite being commissioned for a simple removal of orcs from a summer home, this group not only broke in to my vault and stole my gold, they also killed a valued employee and friend: my Spider-Butler Clarence. I have already pursued legal action against this roving assortment of thugs.

I regret to inform you that as a result of this latest band of buffoons fumbling around destroying everything they touch, I must cancel my subscription to your formerly fine publication. In addition, I will devote all of my vast resources to eradicating your pitiful news-rag. Your building will be condemned and torched, your employees will run riot, your reporters will be arrested, your families will be sold in to slavery to pay debts, and your editors will be lucky to teach language skills to gnolls. Your name will be spoken as a curse for generations to come; a hobgoblin invoked to terrify stupid editors and lazy reporters worldwide.

Or maybe I'll let you off with a warning this time.

Best wishes,
Lord Breckenridge

Lycan 01
2010-12-31, 08:31 PM
Who kills a spider butler?! That sounds awesome! :smalleek:

And how'd things turn out for the poor publication?

2010-12-31, 08:39 PM
Who kills a spider butler?! That sounds awesome! :smalleek:

And how'd things turn out for the poor publication?

Everyone knows you befriend and keep it around as YOUR Spider-Butler. I mean really why would they do something like that?

2010-12-31, 08:39 PM
I was DMing, and I mentioned that the defeated villain was helpless before them. Then the villain started up a monologue. A few sentences in, this exchange happens.

Player: You said he was helpless, right?
DM: Yeah.
Player: Good. I use a coup de grace just to shut the guy up.

There was much laughing.

Thrice Dead Cat
2010-12-31, 08:46 PM
Who kills a spider butler?! That sounds awesome! :smalleek:

And how'd things turn out for the poor publication?

We've actually gotten such demand from our friends not in the campaign that we're starting up a second one in the same world for hilarious cross over action, so they'll get to find out once classes resume.

Everyone knows you befriend and keep it around as YOUR Spider-Butler. I mean really why would they do something like that?

To be fair, when the PCs killed Clarence, he was just a random monster in the basement in the vault.

The Glyphstone
2010-12-31, 08:48 PM
Spider-Butler, Spider-Butler, does whatever a Spider-Butler can...

2010-12-31, 08:52 PM
Spider-Butler, Spider-Butler, does whatever a Spider-Butler can...

Can he swing
From a web
Lookout he is the Spider-Butler

Thrice Dead Cat
2010-12-31, 08:57 PM
Spider-Butler, Spider-Butler, does whatever a Spider-Butler can...

Can he swing
From a web
Lookout he is the Spider-Butler

There are times I question why I love these forums. Then I see stuff like this and I shut up.

2010-12-31, 08:59 PM
There are times I question why I love these forums. Then I see stuff like this and I shut up.

*takes a bow*

The Glyphstone
2010-12-31, 09:09 PM
There are times I question why I love these forums. Then I see stuff like this and I shut up.

*takes a bow*

*Elbows DragonOfUndeath out of the way, takes center stage and bows too*

2010-12-31, 09:16 PM
*Elbows DragonOfUndeath out of the way, takes center stage and bows too*

*Kicks The Glyphstone off the stage mid-bow and takes a second bow*

The Glyphstone
2010-12-31, 09:34 PM
*Kicks The Glyphstone off the stage mid-bow and takes a second bow*


EDIT: I guess I should add content, be a good example. Unfortunately, it's been a while, so I think the best moment was the following:

Our group was hired by a crime lord to go raid a rival's private dock and sink his boats. We consisted of a halfling sorcerer, an elven rogue, a human fighter, and me, a Goliath swordsage. All level 2. While sneaking down the dock towards our boat, we run into a guard patrol, and all try to hide. Two natural ones and a 5 later, it's up to me, and I promptly roll a 17 after my Dex penalty. It's decided that I saw a big empty crate nearby, grabbed it and punched out the bottom, then hid underneath. I proceeded to Solid Snake my way down the pier while the guards fought the rest of the party.

Ranger Mattos
2010-12-31, 09:50 PM
*Kicks The Glyphstone off the stage mid-bow and takes a second bow*

You did not just do that. You do know he's a mod?

In a PbP game on these very forums, we were level 20 gestalt. The DM ran two groups. In the group that I wasn't in, one of the players managed to kill all of the enemies in the first round.

All of the enemies in the whole campaign.

The Glyphstone
2010-12-31, 09:56 PM
You did not just do that. You do know he's a mod?

In a PbP game on these very forums, we were level 20 gestalt. The DM ran two groups. In the group that I wasn't in, one of the players managed to kill all of the enemies in the first round.

All of the enemies in the whole campaign.

Unfortunately, kicking people off stages is not covered in the Forum Rules, so he's safe.:smallbiggrin:

Thrice Dead Cat
2010-12-31, 09:57 PM

EDIT: I guess I should add content, be a good example. Unfortunately, it's been a while, so I think the best moment was the following:

Our group was hired by a crime lord to go raid a rival's private dock and sink his boats. We consisted of a halfling sorcerer, an elven rogue, a human fighter, and me, a Goliath swordsage. All level 2. While sneaking down the dock towards our boat, we run into a guard patrol, and all try to hide. Two natural ones and a 5 later, it's up to me, and I promptly roll a 17 after my Dex penalty. It's decided that I saw a big empty crate nearby, grabbed it and punched out the bottom, then hid underneath. I proceeded to Solid Snake my way down the pier while the guards fought the rest of the party.

Glyphstone, it's at this point that I must refer you to your own signature. Just... wow.

As for as awesome moments go, our PCs had some their last session:

Having been told by plot dragon number one to get rid of a black dragon for territorial gain, the PCs end up buying a cow to try to draw it out. Unfortunately for them, the dragon had a group of lizardfolk working under her, but those poor chumps didn't last long.

During the actual fight, our mobile murder dragon was locked down by the crusader with two good swings shortly after knocking out the cleric. The monk, meanwhile, managed to bring said cleric back to the fight via stigmata before sadly being eaten by the dragon. The rest of the party managed to avenge him rather handedly the next round.

It's at this point that I really should just write up a campaign journal for all of GITP.

2010-12-31, 09:59 PM
You did not just do that. You do know he's a mod?

Yes I did.

In a PbP game on these very forums, we were level 20 gestalt. The DM ran two groups. In the group that I wasn't in, one of the players managed to kill all of the enemies in the first round.

All of the enemies in the whole campaign.

How? Destroy the Plane? The Multiverse? How?

My contribution: Level2 gestalt game: up against a giant Wolf from the Plane of Shadows (Homebrew). We go into the room with where the wolf is terrorizing some ladies. He doesn't notice us (somehow). The Ranger shoots it, The Paladin hits it with his Axe, The Rogue (me) Sneak Attacks it, The Wizard... well:
The Wizard: I go to the bar and get myself some alcohol
Everyone Else: :smallconfused: :smallannoyed:
DM: :smallannoyed: You aren't gonna attack the Wolf?
The Wizard: I cast Fireball at the Wolf after skulling a bottle.
DM: Roll a Concentration check
Roll: Natural1
DM: :smallamused: :smallbiggrin:
DM: The Fireball goes off next to you. Take 6 damage and all the alcohol explodes.
Wizard: :smalleek:

2010-12-31, 10:03 PM
First of all, the greatest moment I had this year was when a fire went through the Mexican resteraunt above my FLGS this year. While not effected by the fire itself, the store still suffered from smoke and water damage. I watched as other customers and myself flocked to their aid. I was part of a group of about six other people who volunteered to help move product out of the store to be sent to the insurance company to get the smoke smell out. We spent about half the day in there, boxing up books and board games. The store opened about a month and a half after the fire and--according to their Facebook page--had the largest amount of sales in their 10 year history on the day of their grand opening. Yeah, I contributed $20 to the cause.

As for events coming up through gaming itself, a group I was in completed the Star Wars Dawn of Defiance adventure path. Through the eight of ten modules we played (we skipped 8&9 and just went straight to the climax after the shock of the 7th module), I played first a Twi'lek Jedi (not this year, though) and a Republic naval officer who served in the Empire for a few months before being able to find a way to get out safely. Without spoiling anything, he really took the ending of the 7th module hard and swore revenge.

I played in the D&D Encounters events sponsored by WotC (minus the time missed while the store was closed, obviously) and enjoyed all three seasons so far. The Dark Sun series saw me play the Elven pregen and break a club over a halfling's head thanks to the reckless breakage rule. It culminated in the penultimate adventure of Season 3 part 4, played just last Wednesday, when the entire party nearly succumbed to a large lizardman. I had been KOed earlier in the fight and managed to roll a nat 20 on my Death Save, waking me up. I remained hidden as the lizardman stalked past me, on his way to nearly kill the wizard. I snuck on the ground so I could see the creature on the raised platform it was standing on. I aim at him right as he drops the wizard and sneak attack him with my crossbow. No crit, but it was enough damage to drop the bloodied monster.

Ranger Mattos
2010-12-31, 10:23 PM
How? Destroy the Plane? The Multiverse? How?

He was a Factotum/Verminlord. This happened:

From my hivemind calculations, both Beelzebub and Beelzebul gain an additional +394 int and charisma, and 394 levels of sorcerer casting.

That's also an additional 394 feats.
Subdividing it here:

+7 more Fonts of Inspiration, bringing total font feats to 14 (110 inspiration points)
+1 Quicken Spell
+1 Rapid Spell
+1 Easy Metamagic
+1 Ocular Spell
+1 Chain Spell
+1 Twin Spell
+1 Split Ray
+1 Reach Spell
+1 Corrupt Spell
+1 Repeat Spell
+1 Eschew Material Components
+1 Arcane Thesis (Shivering Touch)
+1 Arcane Thesis (Maw of Chaos)
+1 Arcane Thesis (Limited Wish)
+1 Arcane Thesis (Disintegrate)
+1 Arcane Thesis (Seeking Ray)
+1 Arcane Thesis (Ray of Stupidity)
+1 Spell Focus (Necromancy)
+9 Practical Metamagic (for each metamagic feat taken except for easy metamagic)
32 feats taken. The rest to be used later.


I burn 30 inspiration points to take 10 actions:

a) Wish spell, burning 5k xp to replicate Mage's Magnificent Mansion, then I command Beelzebul and Beelzebub to enter and lend me spells from there.
b) True Strike on self.
c)Twinned Chained Split Ray Ocular Spell Arcane Thesised Seeking Ray, DC 404 on primary target, targeting D of Glasya at D13
d) True Strike on self
e) Twinned Chained Split Ray Ocular Spell Arcane Thesised Shivering Touch, DC 404 on primary target, targeting D of Glasya at D13
f) Twinned Chained Split Ray Ocular Spell Arcane Thesised Shivering Touch, DC 404 on primary target, targeting D of Glasya at D13
g) Twinned Chained Split Ray Ocular Spell Arcane Thesised Shivering Touch, DC 404 on primary target, targeting D of Glasya at D13
h) Maw of Chaos, centered on myself.
i) Chained Solipsism, same target, DC 404.
j) Twinned Chained Split Ray Arcane Thesised Ray of Stupidity, DC 404 on primary target, targeting D of Glasya at D13.

I'd like to ask for the results of the spells before taking any more surgeable actions.

Maw of Chaos deals 1342 damage. To all targets.

Ok, so the entire campaign was one battle, but it had around 20 combatants, many with a CR likely far above the PCs'.

The Glyphstone
2010-12-31, 10:34 PM
Glyphstone, it's at this point that I must refer you to your own signature. Just... wow.

Which part? Being evil, or being scary?:smallcool:

Thrice Dead Cat
2010-12-31, 10:44 PM
Which part? Being evil, or being scary?:smallcool:

All of it and yes, respectively. Also could I get a small popcorn for this awesome thread.

The Glyphstone
2010-12-31, 10:44 PM
*hands out popcorn all around, to celebrate the impending/already past new year*

2010-12-31, 11:12 PM
Best moment: our group discovering the Alternity system.

Not the best: Discovering that the DM just makes **** up without thinking about the implications, that he likes to use DMPC's that are semi-ripoff's from Starcraft, discovering that freshly graduated cadets can have humongous bounties within 10 minutes of the start of the campaign (and basically have to shoot through everybody on the way to the plot centric NPC which turns out to be in league with the BBEG corporation and that his contact is actually a Ghost that betrays them and rescues us from prison), nonsensical decisions like having an armory stocked with T7 weapons and armor (while the world was in the late T6 era) right next to the high security prison cells, ideas like "oh, I thought you were going to shoot the security engineers, not bluff your way through the encounter...it works, you have acces to the low-orbital shuttle...5 minutes in front of the ship, the characters get shot by tranquiliser darts (no save) and get dragged in the aforementioned prison, in the year 2490 there is still good old fashioned petrol powered cars (you would think they would convert to something else considering humanity managed to colonise the entire solar system), there has been no alien contact yet...1 hour into the game, the plot centric NPC says: "well, we better go to the Nevada desert, we need to establish contact with the aliens", after getting busted out of jail, the guy in the ghost suit says: "I got another ally, he has an invisible suit, he is the one who vaporised some guards back before you were in the city", 20 minutes later DM says: "Oh, the guy that is invisible is an alien"...

Yeah. At least the Alternity system is good.

2011-01-01, 12:05 AM
How'd you pull that off? :smallconfused:

Well the DM is a guy who learned on first edition and so some of the rules we play by reflect that(so double twenty=auto kill). But anyway we were in this tunnel system that the beholder had made so he had complete advantage of environment. The party figured that we just had to get into melee and we would be able to take it down rather quickly(multiple problems with that one of which was we had no real way of getting close to it undetected). So my druid changes into a chameleon and sneaks down this tunnel(DM ruled that wild shape worked within the Anti Magic Cone) so i got within melee range before it spotted me and I turned into a Shambling Mound and got rather lucky rolling a double twenty as it tried to float backwards and up fleeing.

2011-01-01, 01:07 AM
It's been 2011 for one hour & five minutes ! :smallbiggrin:

My best momment has to be when my friend/player who could not make a story for his life made a very good one ! /prouddm

2011-01-01, 01:11 AM
It has been 2011 for 16 hours and 11 minutes here

2011-01-01, 01:28 AM
It has been 2011 for 16 hours and 11 minutes here

Damn you aussies !

2011-01-01, 01:37 AM
Damn you aussies !

Your just jealous :smalltongue:

Saint GoH
2011-01-01, 01:47 AM
Finest moment this year? Nuking the BBEG (that we followed since level 1... up to level 15) in a single round much to the chagrin of my DM.* Apparently he had spent awhile statting that baddie.

*Read As: DMG's actually really freaking hurt :smallbiggrin:

2011-01-01, 01:53 AM
Me and some friends were playing my buds homemade system and we destroyed a whole town with 4 Bluff checks, suffice to say it was hilarious.

Lycan 01
2011-01-01, 02:06 AM
1: I made my players in a Savage World's game, set in a Steampunk Victorian England, fight a giant acid-breathing cyborg great white shark with steam-driven robot legs and a jarred human brain hard-wired to the top of its skull.

The fight lasted two turns. The players shot it to no avail, it melted the Irish gunslinger, and then was blown apart by an uber-crit from the lesbian mad scientist's lightning cannon.

2: The lesbian mad scientist (not played by a dude, actually. In fact... she's played by my girlfriend... I'm not sure if that's better or worse.) then decides to preserve the brain of the gunslinger in a jar. She rolls her Weird Science skill, a D8, and gets a 4. I tell her to spend a Benny - her last benny - to reroll it (a 4 is normally a pass, but this had lots of penalties) which she begrudgingly agrees to. She then rolls an 8, which lets her reroll and add the result. Oh look, another 8. And... another 8... And... another...


Several Aced dice later, she rolls a 38 to save his brain. The next thing the gunslinger knows, he wakes up as a disembodied brain floating in a green jar mounted on top of robot spider legs with a voice and vision system installed. His response: "Oi, an' I thought I was ****ed befor'..."

3: The Irish Gunslinger has died before. A week before the Steampunk game, he was a character in a Western game, where he was shot up and died in a blaze of glory. I was fond of his character though, and he was left with no possible way to survive. No Bennies, failed all his survival rolls... he was dead.

So I told him Death challenged him to a game of chess. :smallcool:

Me and the player then played Dino Chess - that's right, not just regular chess, but DINOSAUR CHESS - to see what the fate of Ryan O'Conner's immortal soul would be! And wouldn't you know it... he beat me. :smallamused:

Thrice Dead Cat
2011-01-01, 02:30 AM
1: I made my players in a Savage World's game, set in a Steampunk Victorian England, fight a giant acid-breathing cyborg great white shark with steam-driven robot legs and a jarred human brain hard-wired to the top of its skull.

The fight lasted two turns. The players shot it to no avail, it melted the Irish gunslinger, and then was blown apart by an uber-crit from the lesbian mad scientist's lightning cannon.

2: The lesbian mad scientist (not played by a dude, actually. In fact... she's played by my girlfriend... I'm not sure if that's better or worse.) then decides to preserve the brain of the gunslinger in a jar. She rolls her Weird Science skill, a D8, and gets a 4. I tell her to spend a Benny - her last benny - to reroll it (a 4 is normally a pass, but this had lots of penalties) which she begrudgingly agrees to. She then rolls an 8, which lets her reroll and add the result. Oh look, another 8. And... another 8... And... another...


Several Aced dice later, she rolls a 38 to save his brain. The next thing the gunslinger knows, he wakes up as a disembodied brain floating in a green jar mounted on top of robot spider legs with a voice and vision system installed. His response: "Oi, an' I thought I was ****ed befor'..."

3: The Irish Gunslinger has died before. A week before the Steampunk game, he was a character in a Western game, where he was shot up and died in a blaze of glory. I was fond of his character though, and he was left with no possible way to survive. No Bennies, failed all his survival rolls... he was dead.

So I told him Death challenged him to a game of chess. :smallcool:

Me and the player then played Dino Chess - that's right, not just regular chess, but DINOSAUR CHESS - to see what the fate of Ryan O'Conner's immortal soul would be! And wouldn't you know it... he beat me. :smallamused:

Lycan, I have just one question to you: may I be in your Savage World game?:smallbiggrin:

2011-01-01, 05:44 AM
Suppose I can share another awesome moment... how's another Shadowrun one sound?

GM was running us through the "Food Fight" adventure; it's kind of a rule in our group - you run Shadowrun with new people, you put 'em through Food Fight. :smalltongue: Anyway, we're getting our different munchies in the Stuffer Shack when the bad guys set off the bomb that completely messes up the front of the store.

Then they come in, looking for the elven chick, being all thuggish and whatnot, and our group's not gonna stand for that. Street sam ducks behind the counter, and finds himself a shotgun. Meanwhile, our Adept uses one of his powers to force one of the thugs to start eating candy bars. Since his mental influence wasn't exactly subtle, the guy just starts stuffing himself ("Ohhhh, these GOOEY BARS!"). Street sam decides to try and shoot the other thug, only to glitch on his roll. GM made a couple of other rolls, and it ended up hitting the guy who was gorging himself with candy ("Om nom BLAM!"). :smalltongue:

Lycan 01
2011-01-02, 07:25 PM
Lycan, I have just one question to you: may I be in your Savage World game?:smallbiggrin:

Well, if enough people were interested, I suppose I could run a Steampunk Savage Worlds game here on GitP. I tried running a Pirate Game, but out of the 8 or so people who signed up, only 3 turned in characters... :smallannoyed:

2011-01-02, 09:28 PM
[...]and sent Regiarix and Saarvith plunging downward into the lake with an enormous splash.

The pair disappeared below the surface with a gurgle, and the PCs sighed with relief. But, as it turns out, my gaming sessions are getting more and more like a sitcom, because just as they prepared to heal up, the ranger’s player looked up seriously (I could almost see a slow, comical blink) and said, in an almost monotone voice –
“Wait, wasn’t that a black dragon?”

And then they realized that black dragon+water=/=dead dragon.

Not that funny, maybe, but hilarious at the time.
Oh, and while I'm at it...

With all their enemies floating dead around them, and one of their own gone, the heroes piled on to the remaining raft and laboriously dragged themselves to shore.
There they collapsed upon the muddy ground and bathed in the wan light of dusk, mourning for the barbarian.

Who promptly came trudging calmly out of the water, bloody sword in one hand and a giant crocodile head in the other. The other PCs could have sworn they saw him grin as he plodded up onto the shore and said, in his always-gruff tone, “Warforged, remember. Don’t need to breathe.”

2011-01-03, 09:15 AM
One of my favorites... I had to leave my Megaraptor animal companion outside of a cave network, because he was too big to fit through the tunnels. We make it through a series of traps, mazes, and general scary badness to the Big Showdown at the end.

The BBEG activates his mind-control ray and opens a giant crack in the cave above and behind him; the sun shines through, illuminating him dramatically.

Me: Wait... the sun is shining through, which means we're facing West.
DM: Um, yeah.
Me: And you said we've traveled approximately in a huge circle leading several stories down?
DM: Yes...
Me: So Marty should be within hearing distance?
DM: ...

One megaraptoran-jump-check later and we had a flat BBEG. Spellcasters are squishy!

2011-01-03, 09:37 AM
- Finding out Pathfinder Psionics was in the public testing phase
- Finding out they wouldn't be doing Vancian Psionics after all (!)
- Finding out Paizo was collaborating with Dreamscarred Press to develop the PF Psionics rules (!!)
- Psionics Unleashed being released in time for the holiday :smallsmile:

2011-01-03, 10:15 AM
I was a psion in a 4e game, and after having a particularly bad session (I was rolling so low I had not hit ANYTHING, even groups of minions targeted with AOE's, for the whole 3 hours up to this point) I got a 1-hit kill on the night's boss with a 1d6 at-will. It was some pimped out zombie of some kind (some type of Rotwing I think), that would have definitely given us a run for our money, but it still had the "any critical hit instantly kills it" disadvantage. And what do you know, I just so happen to finally roll me some 20's...

When the rest of the party was looking at me with jaws wide open, I told them I had been saving up my power for when it was REALLY needed :smallbiggrin:

2011-01-03, 10:55 AM
Heh, alright, so a lot of what happens around the table I play could probably (accurately) be considered metagaming, but we're all right with that, and much of it can be handwaved away by us being high leveled, experience adventurers. This is not a time that can be described by that, but it was funny nonetheless.

The party was outside far away from a tower we needed to get inside of that was currently being besieged by an army of demons. Some exploration later, we find a trap door hidden nearby that seemed like it could lead to the tower, which meant that of course it lead to the tower. We talk about opening it up and going inside, but the rest of the party seemed to take the "trap" part of trap door too literally.

Player 1: "Wait a second, okay, I tie a rope to it."
Player 2: "No, you tie the rope to it, and I'll fly up and pull it from the sky!"
DM (chuckling a little bit watching what's happening): "Okay I'm gonna need a... Use Rope check I guess to avoid triggering the... contraption?"

Meanwhile everyone's asking me what I'm laughing at and I'm trying to explain that of course the door isn't trapped. I mean, nobody traps the exit of their secret tunnel hidden away in the mountains, the DM obviously thinks it's funny, and he's been trying to point us in this direction for about an hour now.

Me: "I walk over and open the door."
Player 1: "WHAT!? Didn't you hear him say contraption?!"
DM: "You open the door. Nothing happens."

But then, one of my favorite things about the group I game with is how we can become utterly fixated with some random triviality. We spent one and a half sessions investigating some mysterious boxes we saw being offloaded from the ship we disembarked from. Turns out they were pretty much just some part of the flavor text we seized upon, but we ended up foiling some minor plan of the Big Bad.