View Full Version : What is the Linear Guild up to

Forum Explorer
2011-01-01, 05:24 AM
I cannot remember if it was mentioned anywhere in the comic but where is Nale and his group :smallconfused:

Also taking predictions on when they will show up again. Personally I think they will show up before this arc is over. Likely right in front of Tarquin which leads him to berating Elan for not checking for the body to confirm the death.

Renegade Paladin
2011-01-01, 06:43 AM
No good, obviously. :smalltongue:

And no, it hasn't been mentioned. They disappeared during the Battle of Azure City and haven't been seen since. I doubt they'll show up in the Empire of Blood, though, since Nale likely knows what's in store for him should he turn up there.

2011-01-01, 06:48 AM
They are probably after the last Gate (Seriniīs if I am right). The Order will be there after make explode Girardīs gate, according to tradition . The question is, will the IFCC lend the "wild card" (contract with Vīsoul) to his pawns (Sabine and/or Nale) in a dramatic moment, to change the course of battle in their favor?

2011-01-01, 09:12 AM
I think we'll see them before the last gate. Granted i'm not too sure when, but they are overdue to make an appearance.

2011-01-01, 09:55 AM
Another "family reunion" for Elan:

:elan:Hey, Nale, I met dad back in the Blood Empire. He told me I was his favorite son... that he was proud of me as a hero as his new former nemesis.

:nale:No interested, really. I step up from Tarquinīs shadow long ago in order to become the most glorious and merciless ....

:elan:Also, he said you were nothing but a disorganized buffon.


2011-01-01, 10:02 AM
:smallredface:I completely forgot that Nale knew about the gates! However since he does not know that you needArcane and a clerical magic to control the gate, or the information passed on by the Dark Onethe next we see Nale I'm betting it will be a scene on his frustration on the lack of information. And Thog will be there! :thog:

2011-01-01, 12:56 PM
They are probably after the last Gate (Seriniīs if I am right).

Kraagor's Gate

2011-01-01, 02:32 PM
Last we saw them was back at the Battle of Azure City, when they escaped from their cell when the castle was attacked. At the time Nale indicated that they were to return to Cliffport to revover their magic items and stop off at an ice cream parlour (:thog:!), perhaps exacting revenge on Leeky and Pompey while they're at it. Surely they've completed everything on that list by now, especially since they're not bothering to recruit new members this time, and they've been off the radar far too long, so I for one am expecting them to turn up again fairly soon, perhaps even within the next few tens of strips, but wouldn't be willing to bet any gold pieces on it.

2011-01-01, 02:42 PM
I am curious about the next "evil twins" for Durkon, V and Belkar. Belkarīs one would be surely another kobold, but for the others... Maybe Hylga would return in order to punish Durkon for dumping her (you know what they say,"hell hath no fury like a woman scorned").

2011-01-01, 03:31 PM
I am curious about the next "evil twins" for Durkon, V and Belkar. Belkarīs one would be surely another kobold, but for the others... Maybe Hylga would return in order to punish Durkon for dumping her (you know what they say,"hell hath no fury like a woman scorned").

pretty sure Nale quit the evil opposites thing after their spectacular failure in Cliffport

Edit: Has it really been since 458 that we last saw the Linear Guild(in the flesh)? wow....that seems like so long ago....

2011-01-01, 04:19 PM
pretty sure Nale quit the evil opposites thing after their spectacular failure in Cliffport

Actually I'm not really sure why Nale got pissed at his underlings in that scenario. They did everything they needed to do, and the end result was that Nale accomplished his goals. Heck, the druid was easily the most powerful member of the Linear Guild in the first place. Though Pompey wasn't terribly useful, I suppose.

2011-01-01, 04:26 PM
Actually I'm not really sure why Nale got pissed at his underlings in that scenario. ...

Maybye because Pompey didn't warn Nale about Elan breaking out of prison? (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0399.html) :smalltongue:

Forum Explorer
2011-01-01, 04:30 PM
They might head for Girard's gate because its in a land that they are already familiar with. Hey on an even longer shot Nale already knows that same info that Tarquin is going to give Elan.

2011-01-01, 04:36 PM
Maybye because Pompey didn't warn Nale about Elan breaking out of prison? (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0399.html) :smalltongue:

True, I forgot he was supposed to Send if anything changed.

Chaos rising
2011-01-01, 05:01 PM
I think that Nale will show up at Girard's gate after the empire of blood is "dealt with" however that will happen. The final battle for kraagor's gate should be between the order and xykon in my opinion.

Gift Jeraff
2011-01-01, 09:59 PM
I'd say the Linear Guild has a decent chance of showing up in the Empire of Blood. Sure, we're getting kinda flooded with secondary and tertiary characters right now, but during the Battle for Azure City Nale would have had to fight the two main villains, the antagonist arguably right below him (Miko), and a bunch of B/C/D-listers for the spotlight. This time it's just a bunch of B/C/D-listers. After the gladiatorial games, there might be enough room for Nale's ego.

But more likely, I think we'll see them when the Order actually gets to Girard's Gate or really close.

2011-01-01, 11:43 PM
I'm fully expecting a run-in at some point between The Linear Guild and O-chul and Lien. That's the obvious narrative reason why our favorite paladins were sent as an advance-scouting force to the final gate.

What will happen when they meet? No idea.

2011-01-02, 12:30 AM
Actually I'm not really sure why Nale got pissed at his underlings in that scenario. They did everything they needed to do, and the end result was that Nale accomplished his goals. Heck, the druid was easily the most powerful member of the Linear Guild in the first place. Though Pompey wasn't terribly useful, I suppose.
Because he's Nale. Blaming subordinates for his own failures is par for the course.