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The Vorpal Tribble
2011-01-01, 11:10 PM
The Hunt

Illustration by aternox of DeviantArt.com (http://aternox.deviantart.com/art/Predator-Prey-1-145902788)

But the truth about that cat and pup
Is this: they ate each other up!
- Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat

Many things are meant to belong together, if only to oppose the other. They are defined by their enemy and their eternal struggle. Their life revolves around their opponent as much as any lover's, and in their own way are just as close. Whether flight or feed, fight or flee, that is the only way they know to be.

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

The contest begins with the posting of this thread and will continue until the 20th of January.

Soon after a poll will be opened for everyone to vote for their favorite that will last until midnight of the last day of the month.


This month's competition will have some very different prerequisites than others, so read on carefully.

1. You will be creating an original D&D creature, but this month you will be working with a partner. You will each be working to make a creature that compliments the other, one the predator, the other the prey.

This creature is made to evade and defend against the predator entry of your partner. It must be focused on Defense.

This creature is made to pursue and attack the prey entry of your partner. It must be focused on Offense.

Prey & Predator
Your entries could be something as simple as animals who are considered natural enemies, or a race that lives its life in constant avoidance of a hostile race that preys or parasitizes upon them. It may even be a sophisticated political circle, with the aggressive people as the masters, and the defenders the slaves or lower class. The predator need not even be the 'bad guy', perhaps being devoted to extinguishing a devious, underhanded creature.
This competition is wide open to how you and your partner wish to interpret the relationship of predator and prey. The only thing required is that each one must be their own original creature. They may even have some relation, like a 'higher' version and a 'lower' version of the same creature, but must each have their own stat block and defining abilities and characteristics. You do not need to enter at the same time, though it is encouraged, but be sure to mention who your partner is and what their entry, your opponent, is.

Votes will have two categories. One for the best entry individually, and the other the best pairing.

2. The entry must include name, complete stat-block, physical description, basic background information, and detailed combat behavior if any. A plot hook or similar in addition is optional but encouraged. Incomplete entries will be disqualified upon the deadline.

3. Entries must be 3.5 edition, using the standard format listed below (not that new one seen in the Monster Manual IV-V, except for a lore section which is encouraged).

4. Post all entries on this thread. Please do not post conversation here until after the voting poll on the 20th has been posted. Any and All Comments and discussions will take place on a separate thread here (this is a link) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8753819#post8753819).

5. One entry per participant. Double teaming is required, and it is encouraged you converse amongst yourselves on the best way to incorporate each idea.

6. Entries copied from some other source (splatbook, alternate website, etc) will be disqualified. All entries must be a new creation, not one already posted. Adding class levels to an already published or posted creature does not count as a new monster. Nor does adding templates. There must be an original base creature devoid of any template added on as the actual entry. Samples of the original base creature with a template may be posted in 'addition' but will not be judged.

7. Reserving a post after your partner's entry is allowable, but one of you need to have your entry mainly finished.

8. Please state if you do not want critiques, otherwise other participants and myself will likely give a rundown of your build in the chat thread.


Add a banner to your signature!
(guaranteed to be within limits of forum guidelines)

http://oi53.tinypic.com/2hnw0wl.jpg (http://tinyurl.com/3a5gejc)

http://oi53.tinypic.com/oa6a9j.jpg (http://tinyurl.com/3a5gejc)

Banner Code
http://oi53.tinypic.com/2hnw0wl.jpg (http://tinyurl.com/3a5gejc)


http://oi53.tinypic.com/oa6a9j.jpg (http://tinyurl.com/3a5gejc)

The Vorpal Tribble
2011-01-02, 12:17 PM
Vorpal Tribble's Guide To Making Monsters (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=43009)

As well, here is the standard 3.5 monster format. Only complete entries will be accepted. If there are any questions feel free to ask me or post queries in the GITP Contest Chat Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8753819#post8753819).


No Parsed Stat Block Code

<Size> <Type>
Hit Dice:
Speed: (# squares)
Armor Class: (), touch, flat-footed
Base Attack/Grapple:
Full Attack:
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Saves: Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:



Ability descriptions


- Optional -


Plot Hook/Story if any


<Size> <Type>
Hit Dice:
Speed: (# squares)
Armor Class: (), touch, flat-footed
Base Attack/Grapple:
Full Attack:
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Saves: Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
Challenge Rating:
Level Adjustment:



Ability descriptions


- Optional -


Plot Hook/Story if any

2011-01-05, 09:04 PM

The predator

Diminutive Abberation (Psionic)
Hit Dice: 7d8+7 (38 hp)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 20 (4 squares)
Armor Class: 23 (7 dexterity, 4 size, 2 natural), touch 21, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/-11
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d2-5)
Full Attack: 2 Claws +4 melee (1d2-5)
Space/Reach: 1 ft., 0 ft
Special Attacks: Touch of Possession, Manifesting
Special Qualities: Dependency, Mindswirl, Telepathy 100 ft
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +11
Abilities Str 1, Dex 24, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 22
Skills: Diplomacy +10, Hide +14, Move Silently +10.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Touch of Possession), Force of Personality, Extra Power (False Sensory Input) B
Environment: Underground
Organization: Paired with Possessed
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: Half Standard
Alignment: True Neutral
Advancement: 8-12 HD (Fine); 13-17 HD (Small).

The maltressor is a tiny translucent lizard. Through their skin, internal organs and blood vessels can be seen, as well as their abnormally large brain. They live deep underground, shying away from the sun. They are psionically powerful, able to use psionic power as adeptly as some manifesters. The maltressor's natural prey is the talpidae. They both live in the same climate, and the talpidae is the natural creature to be possessed by the maltressor. Its lack of mental fortitude means that it can be bent to the will of the maltressor. Likewise, this means that the talpidae also hate any maltressor they see with a burning passion.

Maltressor mate via a strange process. When their talpidae hosts begin to die, the maltressor lead them to another talpidae, usually not possessed. When those two talpidae mate, their offspring will be already possessed with a newborn maltressor. The original is then ejected from the host, as the host body begins to die, and then searches for a new host to take control of. Maltressors have a unique way of entering the talpidae as well. When a talpidae eats a maltressor, the maltressor figuratively burrows into the soft palate of the hulking creature, and directly into the brain. This allows them to bypass the deadly stomach acid of the talpidae. The maltressor usually only lives about 3-4 months long.

Maltressors generally start out combat using their Psionic abilities to stun or daze all enemies they can hit, and then inhabiting the strongest enemy they see. They then use that enemy to damage other enemies, and when that creature no longer functions as a host, the maltressor leaves and inhabits a new host. While possessing a talpidae, the maltressor usually uses similar tactics, using Psionics to stun allies, while the talpidae attacks them in melee.

Touch of Possession (Su): the maltressor may make a melee touch attack as a standard action (with an attack modifier of +12). If the touch attack succeeds, then the maltressor has been able to psychically burrow into the target's mind. While inside of its target's mind, the maltressor cannot be directly attacked by the target, except for mind-affecting abilities.

Upon first reaching the target's mind, that target must make a Will save (DC 21) or be psionic dominated, as the power. The Save is Charisma-based and includes a +2 bonus.

If the target makes the saving throw, then the maltressor may force the target to make another Will save 1d4 rounds after breaking control.
During that period, the creature is in control of their body. If a creature makes 3 Will saves in a row, the maltressor is immediately expelled from the creature, unless the host is a talpidae, that the maltressor has specifically evolved to target. A talpidae may not expel the maltressor unless the maltressor reaches 0 hit points, or a DC 30 heal check is made upon the talpidae. For non-talpidae, the maltressor may be removed if the maltressor reaches half hit points or fewer, or if the target receives a DC 30 heal check. This ability is a mind-affecting ability, and not useable on creatures without intelligence.

While the maltressor is dominating a creature, it may still manifest, but is still limited to the regular number of actions in a round.

Manifesting: A maltressor manifests powers as a seventh level wilder.

Typical Wilder Powers Known (46 pp, save DC 16+power level): 1--Empathy, Mind Thrust; 2--Mental Disruption; 3--Psionic Blast, False Sensory Input.

Dependency (Ex): The maltressor emits a neurotoxin that makes any who is possessed by it chemically dependent on the maltressor. If the maltressor is removed from the possessed creature, that creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 19), or take 7d6 points of damage, and another 7d6 every round until it has been a minute, or until they are healed with a spell or power that heals them for more than 10 damage, or until a DC 20 heal check is made to remove the chemical dependency.

Mindswirl (Su): While a creature is possessed by the maltressor, it is immune to Mind Affecting abilities that are not from the maltressor.

Telepathy (Su): A maltressor can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has an Intelligence score. The creature can respond to the maltressor if it wishes—no common language is needed.

Admiral Squish
2011-01-08, 03:29 AM
Champion of Krav (Prey: Champion of Turtia (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10171681&postcount=12))

The Beginning

In ancient times, before the angels of the Heavens and the demons of the Abyss came to be, before even our mighty gods, the world was cold and dead. Lifeless, waterless, there was nothing save the cold, dead stone. Then, there was Prime. Prime was the first. The eldest, the greatest, the source of all divinity. Prime took reality itself in His hands, and, molding it like clay, and he began to create.

Prime held out His hands. In one, He created the sun; in the other, the moon. Each of them Prime hung in the heavens, one on each side of the world, so that He might see His work and marvel at its beauty. But in creating the light, He created the darkness as well, yet all was good, for there was balance. Prime set His hands to the surface of the world and began to work, shaping the land, raising the mountains, and lowering the dry seabeds. He gouged the canyons and carved the rivers, boring their cavernous tunnels beneath the land. His touch brought a life to the cold stone as He created the living Earth we walk this day. Prime then created water, and with it filled all the low places. Prime saw that the world was cold, and so He reached into the core of it and created fire, bringing the first warmth to the world. Then Prime saw that the world was naked, and so He created the air, and wrapped the fledgling planet in a blanket of clouds.

Prime gazed upon the surface and His creations pleased Him, yet He was not truly satisfied. He took a piece of each element, mixing them together. Then He split the mix in two and reaching up, plucked a sliver each from sun and moon, making from them two hearts. From the sunheart Prime created life, to bring more yet more beauty to his creations. From the moonheart Prime created death, to balance life. Prime blanketed the surface with plants, and added to these the animals and humanoids. With the new life came death and the undead in all their many forms, for Prime decreed that all living things must die. And it was good, for the two were balanced.

As Prime created, His imagination began to grow. He desired for the world to grow and change that it might bring forth new beauty, and so He created magic, giving it to the humanoids. He created the positive energy plane and the negative energy plane, and the elemental planes, setting them in orbit around the world. He created the astral and ethereal planes. Then he began to create things far stranger than that which came before, more divorced from the reality He had begun. He created the outer planes, one after another, shaping them with His will. He created the far realm, creating Chaos in its purest form, and Mechanus, the realm of unbending order. He created the angels, forged the demons, and sculpted the devils.

With His otherworldly labors done, Prime returned to the first world once more. He created strange and glorious things. He created giants, fey, vermin, abberations, all the beings, simply to satisfy his desire to make. But all was not well within Prime. Prime’s creativity began o branch, each half of Him taking a different route. Part wished to make His creations stronger, more durable, able to resist any attack, while the other half wanted to design more ferocious creations, beings of great and terrible strength. He strove for balance in these things, but the two ideas could not cooperate. The final attempt to satisfy these urges was the creation of the tarrasque, a being both of great strength and impenetrable defenses. But neither was satisfied, for the purity they sought was lacking.

The Rending:

That was when I made my move. I tried to force my weakness out, but the effort tore my divine essence asunder, spilling divinity into the universe. I was vastly reduced, and the remaining godstuff was absorbed by the multiverse, the mechanisms I had set into place, and reformed into new gods. I was still powerful, but I was no longer Prime. I renamed myself in light of this, and I became Krav, the Burning Talon.

Finally free of my sister, I returned to the grand work of creation, making Prime’s creations stronger, faster, more deadly. My creations are warriors, hunters, beings of great and terrible strength. Some called my creations evil, but I say that is their choice, not my own. I have created just as many warrior angels as I have devils. I choose no side, except for the side that stands against my sister.

Ever since I cast my sister out from my being, her creations have been a thorn in my side. As much as I despise her weak, cowardly ways, I must admit her creations are the only things capable of stopping my creations. I had to work harder, create more deadly and powerful monsters to oppose her guardians. Eventually, I went to her to settle our differences in person, but I found that no matter how hard I struck at her, nothing affected her. Our divine essences were born directly from the body of prime, and as much as I loathe the very concept, we are twins. While I could not harm her, however, I soon realized my creations could.

As soon as I learned of this, I knew what I had to do, and I began to work. I drew the invisible clay of reality to me and I poured an unprecedented amount of my essence into it. I shaped it and molded it, forming myself a champion. I had to create a titan, a being so powerful that not even my twin would be able to stand against it. I fed it with my essence, and I gave it a single instinct. To destroy my sister, and all her creations.

But when I loosed my champion upon the world, I hade made a grievous mistake. My sister had created her own champion, and the two titans locked themselves in battle. At first, I was eager to see my creation destroy the most powerful spawn of my twin, but then I felt something. A strange pulling in my very core. I had poured too much of myself into the monster, and it was taking the rest to fuel itself, to give it the power it would need to destroy my twin’s champion. Unable to take back my power, all I could do was cut the tie between me and my champion. Still the battle raged, for days, weeks on end. Nations died by fire and thousands of my creations burned, but I didn’t care, as long as I finally could put an end to my sister’s meddling. But the battle didn’t end, not properly at least. Both champions were too wounded and exhausted to continue, and they fled to opposite sides of the world to lick their wounds.

I was a mere shadow of myself after that. I had lost most of my divine essence, and my godlike powers were no more. I remained immortal, untouched by the ages. Still I try to thwart my sister’s plans with what little influence I have left, but really, I just wait. For I can still feel my champion’s presence still. It still slumbers, as it has for all these centuries, but I can tell. It’s time comes soon, and it shall be reborn. And this time, there will be no stopping it.

Colossal Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 50d10+500 (775 HP)
Initiative: +14
Speed: 60 Feet (12 squares), Fly 300 Feet (average)
Armor Class: 32 AC (+20 Natural, -8 size, +10 dex), touch 12, flat-footed 22
Base Attack/Grapple: +50/+81
Attack: Bite +67 Melee (4d6+25/18-20/x4) Or Magma Jet +52 Ranged Touch (20d6 fire)
Full Attack: Bite +67 Melee (4d6+25/18-20/x4) and Two Talons +67 Melee (3d6+17/18-20/x4) Or Magma Jet +52 Ranged Touch (20d6 fire)
Space/Reach: 30 ft./20 ft
Special Attacks: Magma Jet, Engulf, Molten Form, Path of Fire, Terrible Visage
Special Qualities: Obsidian Talons, Immunity to Fire, Cold, Ability Damage and Ability Drain, DR 10/Epic, Regeneration 20
Saves: Fort +37, Ref +37, Will +24
Abilities Str 40, Dex 30, Con 30, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 30
Skills: Spot +57, Survival +57
Feats: Multiattack, Improved Multiattack, Flyby Attack, Improved Flyby Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Great Flyby Attack, Diving Charge, Hover, Track, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Defensive Sweep, Hostile Mind
Epic Feats: Epic Will, Spellcasting Harrier
Environment: Warm Mountains
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 20
Treasure: None
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -

The mountain rumbles and cracks, molten fire bursting through the stone. A massive plume of magma bursts skyward, only to hang there for longer than it should. Suddenly, the pillar of molten stone cracks, and with an ear-piercing screech, a titanic eagle of molten rock hangs in the air, it‘s wingspan wide enough to blanket a town. The only solid potions of the creature are the black, gleaming beak and a pair of ebony talons that slice at the air before it.

The Champion of Krav is the Final creation of Krav, the Burning Talon, an ancient god of creation and battle. The Champion is designed with the sole purpose of slaying his rival sister-goddess, Turtia, and all her creations. It has only seen a single battle, but the last time it fought, a continent was buried in flames. It has laid dormant for a thousand years, licking it’s wounds from that battle. During the battle, it stole the majority of it’s creator’s divine essence, granting it even greater power and weakening Krav to the point he could no longer create.

The champion of Krav’s wingspan is well over 200 feet, and upright, it stands 70 feet from beak to tail. It weighs several hundred tons, though it is impossible to weigh accurately, since it’s body constantly sheds white-hot magma in waves.


The Champion of Krav has little time for annoyances beyond it’s mortal enemy, and will use surprising cunning to end battles as quickly as possible, often, it will open up by using it’s terrible visage to frighten off the weak. Of those that remain, the champion quickly follows up with a magma jet aimed at the most physically weak opponent from a distance. Then, It will use it’s great flyby attack to charge over the heads of those that dare attack it, striking each with it’s vicious, searing talons. If anything remains alive after a few rounds of this, it dive-bombs them and follows up with a full-attack, using it’s size in conjunction with its combat reflexes, defensive sweep, and spellcasting harrier feats to dominate the battlefield.

Engulf (Ex): The Champion of Krav can mow down enemies, subsuming them into it’s searing body. By taking a standard action, the Champion of Krav can move up to it’s speed, engulfing opponents that it moves over. The champion of Krav can engulf any opponent smaller than colossal size, and can affect as many creatures as it covers. Opponents can make opportunity attacks against the champion of Krav, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt attacks of opportunity must succeed on a DC 50 Reflex save or be engulfed; on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponent’s choice) as the champion moves forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the Champion of Krav‘s Molten Body , and are considered to be grappled and trapped within its body. The save DC is strength based. The champion of Krav is not considered to be grappling engulfed opponents, and may act normally, carrying opponents inside it’s body.

Immunity to Cold (Ex):
A Champion of Krav’s body is too hot to be affected by cold. Instead, whenever the champion of Krav would normally take cold damage, it gains a +1 bonus to natural armor for every 5 points of cold damage the effect would normally cause. This bonus lasts until the end of the Champion of Krav’s next turn. If the natural armor bonus the Champion of Krav receives from this ability exceeds +20, it is dazed for one round as it’s molten form solidifies briefly into a shell of stone, making it difficult to move.

Magma Jet (Ex):
The Champion of Krav can fire a jet of magma from it’s beak with enough force to shatter stone. As a standard action, it can make a ranged touch attack with a range of 100 feet. A successful hit deals 20d6 fire damage to the target, and 10d6 fire damage on the following round.

Molten Form (Ex):
The Champion of Krav’s body is a churning mass of molten earth and fire. The Champion of Krav is immune to critical hits. Any creature striking the Champion of Krav with a non-reach melee weapon or a natural attack takes 10d6 points of fire damage from the extreme heat. Any weapons that strike the Champion of Krav must succeed on a DC 45 fortitude save or melt into useless slag. The save DC is constitution-based. In addition, any creature struck by the Champion of Krav’s natural weapons takes 10d6 fire damage. A creature engulfed by the Champion of Krav takes 20d6 points of fire damage each round from the roiling magma.

Obsidian Talons (Ex):
The Champion of Krav’s talons and beak are usually the only solid sections of it’s body, composed of razor-sharp obsidian heated to incredible temperatures by it’s searing body. The natural weapons of the champion of Krav have a +10 enhancement bonus to attack and damage, a critical threat range of 18-20 and deal quadruple damage on a successful critical. In addition, like a proverbial hot knife through butter, the Champion of Krav’s natural weapons ignore an object’s hardness and overcome DR as though they were both epic and adamantine.

Path of Fire (Ex):
The Champion of Krav leaves a road of magma behind him as he soars to meet his opponent. All squares the Champion of Krav leaves are coated with a layer of magma one foot thick. These squares are considered difficult terrain until they cool completely, which usually takes about one hour. See Lava Effects (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/environment.htm#lavaEffects) for more rules on contact with magma.

Regeneration (Ex):
No form of attack deals lethal damage to the Champion of Krav. The Champion of Krav regenerates even if it fails a saving throw against a disintegrate spell or a death effect. If the Champion of Krav fails its save against a spell or effect that would kill it instantly (such as those mentioned above), the spell or effect instead deals nonlethal damage equal to the creature’s full normal hit points +10. The champion of Krav is immune to effects that produce incurable or bleeding wounds, such as mummy rot, a sword with the wounding special ability, or a clay golem’s cursed wound ability.

The champion of Krav can be ‘slain’ only by raising its nonlethal damage total to its full normal hit points +10 (or 868 hit points) and using a wish or miracle spell to send it back to sleep for another thousand years, or with the direct intervention of a deity.

If the Champion of Krav loses a limb or body part, the lost portion reforms in 1d6 minutes (the detached piece dissolving into a pool of magma instantly). The creature can reattach the severed portion instantly by touching the magma it dissolves into.

Terrible Visage (Ex): As a move action, the Champion of Krav can rear up and spread it’s wings, demonstrating it’s truly terrifying glory. All creatures with fewer HD then the Champion of Krav that can see it must make a DC 45 will save or become shaken for the next hour. Those that fail this save must make another DC 45 will save or become frightened for one minute. The save DCs are charisma-based.

2011-01-11, 11:34 PM
Soldier of Misfortune
The prey of Widow's Weed (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10168320&postcount=9)
Medium Undead
Hit Dice: 6d12 (39 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +1 padded armor +1 light wooden shield), Touch 12, Flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+6
Attack: Rusty longsword +7 melee (1d8+5 plus disease)
Full Attack: Rusty longsword +7 melee (1d8+5 plus disease)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Disease
Special Qualities: Aura of Unluck, Darkvision 60 ft., Nocturnal, Rejuvenation, Undead Traits, Vulnerability to Mind-Affecting Magic
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5
Abilities: Str 16, Con —, Dex 14, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 13
Skills: Balance +11, Listen +9, Move Silently +11, Spot +9
Feats: Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword)
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, Squad (2-4) or Company (11-20)
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: ½ Standard
Alignment: Always Evil
Advancement: None
Level Adjustment: —

'Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd ?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Someone had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do & die,
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
-- from Charge of the Light Brigade, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Soldiers of misfortune are created when a company or larger group of soldiers is slaughtered on the battlefield due to an egregious error that led to their death. During the day, they appear in their graves as normal corpses. They are only active at night. However, it is a foolish adventurer who thinks they are easy targets during the day....

Soldiers of misfortune appear as the ruined remains of soldiers ravaged by time and decay. Their rusted weapons and tattered clothing only reflect the horror that lies in their war-weary eyes. A rusted weapon is worth half the value of a normal weapon, carries the disease red ache, and cannot be a masterwork or magical weapon. Removing the disease or cleaning the weapon causes it to break, no save.

Soldiers of misfortune are proficient with weapons that they were in life generally, simple weapons, one-handed melee weapons, and shield. The most common weapons used by a soldier of misfortune are longsword and light wooden shield as noted above.

The blood-soaked battlefield where they died is barren, save for the widow’s weed that grows in abundance and hides the gravestones. It is a stark reminder of the tragedy that resulted in catastrophic loss of life.

When not engaged in battle, they spend most of their time pruning back the widow's weeds that choke their graves. Otherwise, they will reenact the last orders of their commander to the best of their ability. Only those soldiers of misfortune that are so commanded by the widow's weeds will take other actions.

Soldiers of misfortune speak Common but rarely converse, preferring battle to discourse.


Soldiers of misfortune attack with the same weapons that they used on the battlefield. Their swords may be rusted and wooden weapons may be broken (treat as clubs), but they attack any living creature that comes into their battlefield with sheer ruthlessness and abandon. Their favorite tactic is to lie low, using the widow's weed as cover, to ambush their targets.

Aura of Unluck (Su): Once per day, a soldier of misfortune can create a baleful aura of misfortune. Any melee or ranged attack made against the soldier of misfortune while this aura of unluck is active has a 20% miss chance (similar to the effect on concealment.) Activating the aura is a swift action, and the aura lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the soldier of misfortune’s Charisma bonus (if any.)

Disease (Ex): Anyone who takes damage from a soldier of fortune’s rusty weapon must succeed on a DC 16 Fortitude save or contract Red Ache, injury, incubation 1d3 days, damage 1d6 Str. The save is Strength-based.

Nocturnal (Ex): Soldiers of misfortune usually appear as normal corpses during the day and are only active at night when they emerge from their burial mounds and graves. It takes a successful DC 15 Spot check to notice that the body is not a normal corpse. However, an undead soldier that is commanded by a widow's weed can be active during the day with no adverse consequences.

Rejuvenation (Su): It is difficult to destroy a solider of misfortune through simple combat. The "destroyed" corpse will restore itself in 24 hours. Even the most powerful spells are temporary solutions. A soldier of misfortune that would otherwise be destroyed reappears in its grave with a successful level check (1d20 + soldier's HD) against DC 16. As a rule, the only way to get rid of a soldier of misfortune is to bury its body in cloth made from the widow's weed.

Vulnerable to Mind-Affecting Magic (Su): Because they were used to taking orders, soldiers of misfortune are not immune to all mind affecting effects. They take a -2 penalty to saves against compulsions and morale effects, although they are still immune to charms, phantasms and patterns.

Lore: A successful Knowledge (Religion) check reveals the following information.

{table=head]DC | Result

16 | Soldiers of misfortune are undead soldiers whose rusty weapons carry disease. This reveals undead traits and disease.

21 | Soldiers of misfortune are generally only active at night. This reveals the Nocturnal special quality.

26 | Soldiers of misfortune are aptly named. This reveals the Aura of Unluck ability.

31 | Soldiers of misfortune are susceptible to mind controlling magic. This reveals the Vulnerability to Mind-Affecting Magic ability.

36 |Soldiers of misfortune are difficult to eradicate. This reveals the Rejuvenation ability. [/table]


2011-01-13, 10:56 AM
Spectre Breeders

Fine Vermin
Hit Dice: 6d8-6 [21 hp]
Initiative: +5
Speed: 5 ft (1 square), Fly 40ft (Perfect)
Armor Class: 23 (+8 Size, +5 Dex), touch 23, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/-
Attack: Incorporeal Swarm 2d6
Full Attack: Incorporeal Swarm 2d6
Space/Reach: 10ft/0ft
Special Attacks: Distraction, Hitchhikers, Infestation
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Incorporeal traits, Mindless, Swarm Traits, Vermin Traits
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities Str 1, Dex 20, Con 8, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 3
Skills: None
Feats: None
Environment: Warm Swamps
Organization: Swarm [1-20 swarms]
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: None, but see Vile Honey
Alignment: Always Neutral
Advancement: 7-36 HD Fine (10ft swarm)

[I]Around the size of undersized honey bees but a translucent turquoise with angular forms, spectre breeders are a deadly threat. The insects are known for infiltrating their targets and laying eggs inside the fabric of the target's cells and obliterating the victim with disturbing and messy efficiency.

The glow of Spectre Breeders is oddly appealling to animals, which is part of their primary feeding strategy. They stake an area as their own and use their glow to attract insects and mammals to the area. The insects are ignored, leading to a powerful level increase in fecundity in the region as they pollinate freely, while the mammals are attacked for food.

Predictable, as a swarm, these bugs surge over the targe and start biting, made even worse by the fact that even if you escape, you'll pick up deadly hitchhikers.

Mammals or reptiles that are attacked by these swarms are always deserted before they die, unless the swarm has suffered significant damage. A damaged swarm continues eating and infesting the target in the hopes of slaying it and replenishing their numbers [there is a critical mass imperative built into their swarm instincts].

Distraction [Ex]: Any creature damaged by a spectre breeder swarm's swarm attack must make a Fortitude save DC 12 or be Nauseated for the one round. Characters attempting to cast spells or perform any action that requires concentration must make a Concentration check, DC 20 (+ spell level if appropriate) or lose the spell/attempt. The DC is Constitution based.

Infestation [Ex]: Not only do they move in and start attacking the fabric of the target but spectre breeders lay their eggs inside the target's very cells. Any creature that fails a save against the swarm's Distraction ability contracts a case of Spectre Breeder Eggs. This functions like a disease with an incubation of five days. The effect triggers every two hours with a Fort DC of 12 and inflicts 1 point of Constitution damage. Curing this effect requires either 5 consecutive successful saves or an effect that cures disease. The DC is Constitution based

Hitchhikers [Ex]: Those who fail a save against the Spectre Breeders Distraction ability and then leave the cloud suffer 2d6 damage on the following round and then 1d6 damage on the round after as those few bugs still inside their bodies continue to feed and then jump ship. Any effect that deals at least 1 point of fire or cold damage to the victim drives the remaining Swarm Breeders from them.

Vile Honey [Su]: The growth of the larval form of spectre breeders produces a foul, tarry substance that, while disgusting to behold, is sweet tasting and powerfully magical. For every point of Constitution damage that the victim suffers, he is affected by one dose of Vile Honey.

Doses provide a +2 Strength bonus per dose and have a duration of three hours. If, however, another dose is administered, the new duration supplants the original and the bonuses stack to a maximum of +10. This material is powerfully addictive [a High addiction rating, basically a disease with DC 14, triggers every other day and deals 1d6 Dexterity, 1d6 Wisdom and 1d2 Constitution damage, but only triggers if you have not taken Vile Honey for two days. Long term use increases the rating by one grade every month that use continues; further details may be found in Book of Vile Darkness or Sharn City of Towers].

Larvae mature into a new swarm after 3 weeks and produce one dose of Vile Honey every two hours even after the host is dead. It has been known for hosts to either remain alive throughout the entire infection [and unknowingly get reinfected], basically becoming powerhouses of strength. Certain figures of old suffered from this.



16|The swamps in this are seem to be full of Will o'wisps, but don't believe it; the glow comes from a deadly breed of insect called the Spectre Breeders.

21|Spectre breeders are incorporeal, possibly due to magical saturation long ago. Beyond this, they are just surprisingly intelligent mosquitoes the size of hornets.

26|Because they are incorporeal, the Spectre Breeders tend to lay their eggs inside living beings. This usually happens in the months of June and July, which coincides with the times when young Skyclimbers are starting to take their first steps.

31|Ridding oneself of an infestation of Spectre Breeders is difficult, not only because it requires curative magic but because you'll have to force yourself; Vile Honey is highly addictive and somewhat addling, making you difficult to restrain and cure...[/table]

A Local farmer has been troubled by Spectre Breeders in the past and is offering 4,000gp per Skyclimber brought alive to his estate in order to protect his slaves from the breeders.

Teleporting adventurers brought Swarm Breeders into the city from the far south. If they aren't contained immediately, the whole city could be turned into a maddened realm of paranoia and vicious anemea

The PCs are hired quietly, on the side, by the owner of a gladatorial stable. One of his prize acts is addicted to Vile Honey and becoming violent as his supply runs out. The PCs must assist his hired necromancer create a regenerating vessel and then capture some breeders before the week is out. How they're going to manage all this and keep it hush is anyone's guess.

That helpful witch's medicine has worked wonders but there's a catch...the stuff contained Vile Honey and one of you is slowly getting crippled by the withdrawl. Until you can figure out how to beat the addiction [presumably a difficult quest to find an Exalted character for a Remove Addiction spell], you need a supply of Vile Honey and quick...

The Spectre Breeder is the Prey of the Skyclimber Lizard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10152817&postcount=7)

2011-01-13, 12:59 PM
Skyclimber Lizard
Predator & Prey

Tiny Magical Beast (Force*)
Hit Dice: 2d10 (11 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 (8 squares), Climb 40
Armor Class: 16 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural), 15 touch, 13 flat-footed
Base Attack/Grapple: +2 / -10 Grapple
Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d4-3)
Full Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d4-3)
Space/Reach: 2 ½' / 0'
Special Attacks: Force subtype traits
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60’, Low-light Vision, Force subtype traits, DR 6/- vs swarms, Climbing Pads, Sky Climb
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1
Abilities Str 3, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Balance +11, Climb +13, Hide +11, Listen +3, Move Silently +4, Spot +3, Swim +7,
Feats: Weapon Finesse (bite)
Environment: Warm Swamps
Organization: Solitary, Pair (2), Pack (2d4)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 3 HD (Tiny), 4-6 HD (Medium), 7-9 HD (Large)

Ranging 1-1 1/2 feet in length, these bright, sky blue lizards spend their lives hunting insects in their swamps. Their favorite prey is Spectre Breeder swarms, which they hunt in packs. Many swamp dwellers keep skyclimber lizards as pets and as protection from various swamp insects. Rumors exist among swamp dwellers of larger skyclimbers, some large enough to ride, that feed on more dangerous prey...


Skyclimber lizards primarily hunt at night, making it easier to see, as well as hide from, their preferred prey. They like to Sky Climb towards their prey from unexpected angles. They begin their attack by using their Wall of Force ability to herd their prey into position, and then bring it down with their Concussive Blast ability. They will also use their Concussive Blast ability if they feel cornered. They typically build temporary sleeping nests with their Wall of Force ability for protection.

DR: Skyclimber lizards are resistant to the stings and bites of their prey. They have DR 6/- vs damage from vermin swarms only.

Climbing Pads (Ex): The pads of a skyclimber lizard’s feet cling to surfaces, giving them a Spider Climb-like effect, and a + 10 to Climb checks. They may move at their full speed, including using the Run action, while climbing, and do not lose their Dex bonus to AC when climbing.

Sky Climb (Su): Skyclimber lizards can use this signature ability to create immovable planes of force in the air. These planes form at the feet of the lizards, and anchor in the air. The lizards then cling to the planes with their Climbing Pads ability. The planes are created and dispelled as a free action, at such a speed that the lizard can move at their full speed, including using the Run action.

Skills: Skyclimber lizards have a racial bonus to Balance of +8, and a racial bonus to Swim of +4. They use their Dexterity modifier in place of their Strength modifier for the Climb and Swim skills.

Skyclimber lizards may be gained as familiars with the Improved Familiar feat by spellcasters level 5 or higher.

*Force Subtype

The bodies of creatures with the Force subtype are infused with force energy, and such creatures can manipulate force energy.
Traits: Creatures with the Force subtype possess the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry):
Treat ethereal and incorporeal creatures as if they were material creatures, including damaging such with natural weapons.
Concussive Blast (Su): Once per day per racial Hit Die, unleash a 10’ cone of force from the mouth, dealing 1d10 points of force damage (Reflex half, DC = 10+1/2 racial hit die, Con based). The damage listed is for Medium creatures, adjust damage according to size.
Wall of Force (Su): As an At-Will swift action, create a 5’ x 5’ wall of force energy up to 5’ away from their location. It may anchor in thin air, and can be placed at any angle or orientation desired. They may only have 1 such wall manifested at any time. It grants a +4 Shield bonus to AC, and may provide cover depending upon the size of the creature. It otherwise functions as a normal Wall of Force.
Many creatures with this subtype have a unique force-based Special Ability. See individual creature descriptions for specifics.

2011-01-14, 05:34 PM
Herzenterich (Heart Drake)
The Herzenterich and Meinungenterich in the midst of battle
Predator of Meinungenterich (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10174155&postcount=13)

Size/Type: Huge Dragon (Air, Psionic)
Hit Dice: 37d12+333 (573 hp)
Initiative: +10
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 250 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 32 (-2 Size, +6 Dex, +20 Natural, -2 Rage), touch 12, flat-footed 26
Base Attack/Grapple: +37/+64
Attack: Flail +77 melee (6d6+52, 18-20/x4)
Full Attack: Flail +77 melee (6d6+52, 18-20/x4) plus bite +75 melee (2d8+33, 19-20/x2) plus 2 talons +75 melee (2d6+33, 19-20/x2) or Flail Powerful Charge +79 melee (12d6+104 plus 4d6, 15-20/x4)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. (20 ft. with bite and flail)
Special Attacks: Augmented Critical, Break Schism, Breath Weapon, Consume Psionic Essence, Improved Grab, Manifesting, Powerful Smash, Psi-Like Abilities, Trample 4d6+19, Unstoppable Dive
Special Qualities: Aggressive Heart, Damage Reduction 10/epic, Darkvision 60 ft., Immunity to Sleep and Paralysis, Low-Light Vision, Power Resistance 47, Telepathy 100'
Saves: Fort +29, Ref +26, Will +30
Abilities: Str 49, Dex 23, Con 28, Int 26, Wis 22, Cha 27
Skills: Autohypnosis +48, Bluff +28, Concentration +49, Diplomacy +32, Hide +13, Intimidate +50, Knowledge (arcana) +48, Knowledge (nature) +48, Knowledge (psionics) +50, Listen +46, Move Silently +21, Psicraft +48 (+2 when addressing power stones), Search +56, Sense Motive +18, Spot +54, Survival +46, Use Psionic Device +48 (+2 when using power stones)
Feats: Empower Power, Enlarge Breath, Flyby Attack, Greater Powerful Charge, Improved Initiative, Maximize Power, Multiattack, Powerful Charge, Psionic Meditation, Quicken Breath, Quicken Power, Tempest Breath, Twin Power
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, or Pack (2-5)
Challenge Rating: 37
Treasure: Triple Standard
Alignment: Usually Chaotic Neutral
Advancement: 38-55 (Huge); 56-74 (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment: -

The herzenterich, mortal enemy of the meinungenterich (mind drake), is a cunning, brutal hunter that dives in from the sky to deal grievous blows to any foe. It is a little-known fact that both the heart drake and mind drake are of the same species, and are in a constant war over dwindling females (known as Seelenterich, or soul drakes). Herzenterich, a reasonable facsimile of fury incarnate, constantly take the initiative on seeing to it that their competition are put in their places.

A herzenterich is distinguishable from its cousin by its red scales, with powerful wings marked with intimidating patterns. It sports a spiky, bladed appendage at the end of its tail, which it commonly uses to bash and flay foes. A herzenterich rarely feeds on its mortal foe, given the degree of difficulty it requires to vanquish one (as well as its usual dwellings being underwater), preferring to feed on smaller creatures that require less effort. It generally prefers psionic prey, given the extra nourishment it gets from them. Truly, being caught by one of these creatures is a deadly affair, but no deadlier than being in the middle of a battle between a herzenterich and meinungenterich.

Herzenterichs can speak Draconic, but usually communicate telepathically.

Augmented Critical (Ex)
A herzenterich's tail flail deals quadruple damage on a critical hit, and its threat range is 18-20.

Break Schism (Ps)
Herzenterichs are so used to their foes schism power that any time they successfully hit with their flail, the creature is automatically affected as suppress schism (Complete Psionic; 37 rounds, Will save DC38, manifester level check DC48).

Breath Weapon (Su)
A herzenterich's breath weapon deals 20d12 points of fire damage in a 60 foot cone. Creatures who are immune to fire still take half damage, and resistance does not apply because the herzenterich imbues it with psionic power. Manifesters also lose 1 power point for every manifester level they possess, as they find the energy unusually draining towards psionic energy. Creatures in the area may attempt a Reflex save (DC37) for half damage, and manifesters can attempt a Will save at the same DC to only lose half the amount of power points. The herzenterich gains any power points lost towards its own pool unless it exceeds its maximum amount (it usually doesn't use its breath when there are manifesters around until its power point pool is low). In addition, it receives a +8 bonus to checks against power resistance on the next power it manifests against any creatures affected by its breath. The herzenterich must wait 1d4 rounds before using its breath weapon again. Creatures who are grappled do not receive a Reflex save.
The save DC is Constitution-based.

Consume Psionic Essence (Ex/Su)
This ability is similar to the Swallow Whole ability. The herzenterich may swallow any creature of up to two sizes smaller than it, and swallowed creatures take 2d8+8 points of bludgeoning damage and 2d6+8 acid damage from the herzenterich's digestive juices. In addition, psionic creatures must make a Fortitude save (DC37) or be inflicted with a negative level for every round they remain in the herzenterich's gullet. This isn't a negative energy effect, but actual draining of a psionic creature's mind essence; therefore, undead are still affected as long as it has an intelligence score. For every negative level a herzenterich inflicts on psionic creatures in its gullet, it regains 10 power points. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by dealing 50 points of damage to the herzenterich’s digestive tract (AC 20). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. A herzenterich's gizzard can hold 2 Medium, 8 Small, 32 Tiny, or 128 Diminutive or smaller opponents.
Alternatively, when grappling a creature which it cannot swallow, a herzenterich drains 10 power points every round it holds the creature with its bite. It immediately gains these power points, unless it exceeds its normal maximum.
When affecting normal creatures, this attack is extraordinary. When affecting psionic creatures, it is supernatural. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Improved Grab (Ex)
To use this ability, a herzenterich must hit an opponent with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold. It can attempt to swallow creatures up to two sizes smaller than it.

Powerful Smash (Ex)
A herzenterich uses 1½ its Strength modifier on flail attacks.

Trample (Ex)
Herzenterichs can trample even in midair, thanks to their Unstoppable Dive ability. Reflex DC 47. The save DC is Strength-based.

Unstoppable Dive (Ex)
When flying, a herzenterich is a force to be reckoned with. It flies with such power that no effect (magic, psionic, or any other) can impede it's movement. It may fly through a wall of force, cannot be entangled or tripped, bull rushed, or forced to move via anything else than its own move action or powers. However, it still incurs attacks of opportunity for moving through or past an opponents space or threat range.
In addition, whenever a herzenterich makes a dive attack, it deals double damage with its flail (and thus quintuple on a critical hit).

Psi-like Abilities: Manifester Level 37th.
At will—duodimensional claw, hustle, metaphysical claw, offensive precognition, offensive prescience.
*The benefits of these powers are already accounted for in the statistics. The herzenterich can use metaphysical claw and duodimensional claw for any of its natural weapons, not just its bite/talons.

Aggressive Heart (Ps)
A herzenterich is a creature of emotion, most commonly that of unbridled rage. It is constantly under the effect of a Barbarian's rage of 20th level (these changes are reflected in its statistics); however, it may still manifest and concentrate on powers. It is immune to any effect that would change its emotional state (such as Crushing Despair), as well as any other mind-affecting effect that would control it. In addition, any creature within 30 feet of the herzenterich must make a Will save every round (DC36) or also be affected as a barbarian's rage of 20th level, or their level, whichever is lower. The save DC is Charisma-based.
The herzenterich may end or enter its rage at any time as a free action.

Manifesting: The herzenterich manifests as a 37th level kineticist.

Typical Psion Powers Known (power points 491; save DC 18 + power level): 1st—Catfall, Crystal Shard, Demoralize, Energy Ray, Entangling Ectoplasm, Vigor; 2nd—Concussion Blast, Ego Whip, Energy Missile, Energy Stun, Id Insinuation; 3rd—Dispel Psionics, Energy Bolt, Mind Trap, Psionic Blast, Telekinetic Thrust; 4th—Energy Ball, Mindwipe, Psionic Dimension Door, Trace Teleport; 5th—Energy Current, Fiery Discorporation, Psionic Plane Shift, Psychic Crush; 6th—Null Psionics Field, Psionic Disintegrate, Temporal Acceleration; 7th—Divert Teleport, Energy Wave, Reddopsi, Ultrablast; 8th—Greater Psionic Teleport, Psionic Telekinetic Sphere, Recall Death; 9th—Reality Revision, Tornado Blast.

A herzenterich has a +8 racial bonus to Spot and Search checks.

2011-01-15, 05:13 PM
Widow’s Weed Predates upon Soldiers of Misfortune (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10143246&postcount=5)
Large Plant
Hit Dice: 7d8+10 (41 hp)
Initiative: -2
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (+6 natural, -2 Dex, -1 size), touch 7, flat footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+12
Attack: Tendril +7 melee (1d8+3 damage)
Full Attack: 2 Tendrils +7 melee (1d8+3 damage)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Feed, Command Undead, Absorption, Improved Grab
Special Qualities: Plant traits, lowlight vision, Sense Undead
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +4
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 7, Con 13, Int 5, Wis 15, Cha 14
Skills: Listen +9, Spot +9
Feats: Improved Critical (Tendril), Toughness, Alertness
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually Neutral
Advancement: Special (see text)
Level Adjustment: -----

A large patch of weed can be found by the open grave. It appears stationary at first, like any other plant, but soon you realize that it is slowly consuming the corpse it is growing on.

Widow’s Weed is a plant that feeds on the dead, and has a particular attraction to corpses with necrotic residue. Widow’s Weed can be found in areas that were ravaged by bloody warfare (thus earning their name for the thousands left dead). Widow’s Weed appears to be nothing more than a patch of moss and weeds shaped like claws, but it is quite fast for a plant. It travels from grave to grave, consuming corpses.

Widow’s Weed has a particular taste for undead. They seem to gain extra sustenance from their bodies. The exact reasoning behind this is a mystery, but it’s obviously apparent that consuming such flesh causes them to grow at an exponential rate. They are also interesting in that they can permanently disrupt the negative energy that animates undead. In fact, merely wrapping a corpse in Widow’s Weed makes it impossible to animate as an undead, and undead creatures wrapped in Widow’s Weed die as the weed sucks the negative energy out of them. Even undead that normally rejuvenate, such as Liches and Soldiers of Misfortune (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10143246&postcount=5), are permanently rendered inert when drained of unlife by the weed.

These magical properties make them prized by deathless cults (Deathless, being made of positive energy, are not affected by the plant’s powers) and churches greatly opposed to undead. Some even wrap their dead in the plant to prevent them from being risen (some of the more lawful churches refuse to do this, however, because the plant also slowly consumes the corpse). Communities plagued by undead that continually rise also find these plants to be extremely useful.

Widow's Weed is also capable of subjugating undead to it's will. This allows the Widow's Weed to force its favored prey to stay nearby, while also giving it a means of protection against those who would want to harm it.

Widow’s Weed rarely participate in fights. They prefer to send in dominated creatures to do their bidding.

Absorption (Su): Once a widow’s weed makes a successful grapple check and pins an undead creature, it may absorb the negative energy animating the undead creature. For every round the widow's weed is in contact with an undead creature, the undead creature loses 5 hit points (this special attack ignores all forms of damage reduction). These hit points are gained as temporary hit points by the widow's weed. A widow's weed may gain a maximum of double its normal hit points as temporary hit points before it is sated. These temporary hit points last for 2 hours. Any undead creature that is absorbed to 0 hit points, is destroyed. Undead creatures with 3 more Hit Dice than the Widow's Weed are immune to this ability.

Command Undead (Su): At will, a widow's weed may command undead as if it had the command undead spell, but does not need to speak to the undead creatures. It must have either fed upon or absorbed the undead creature to use this ability. It may only command up to 3 undead creatures at a time and they must be within 30 feet of the widow's weed. Undead with 3 more Hit Dice than the Widow's Weed are immune to this ability.

Feed (Ex): When Widow’s Weed slays an opponent with a strong connection to negative energy (an undead creature, or an outsider native to a negative-dominant plane), it can engulf the corpse, devouring both flesh and necrotic residue, as a full-round action. Feeding damages the body, and spells requiring a whole corpse to bring the dead creature back fail. Any effect that would bring the dead creature back to its undead state fail automatically. All other forms of resurrection work. Widow’s weed advances in Hit Dice by consuming corpses in this fashion. For every three suitable corpses it devours, it gains 1 Hit Die, and its Strength, Constitution, and natural armor increase by +1. Its attack bonus and saves improve as normal for a plant of its Hit Dice, and it gains skill points, feats, and ability score improvements normally. The Widow’s Weed only advances by consuming the corpses of creatures whose Hit Dice or levels are equal to or greater than its own current total.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a Widow’s Weed must hit an opponent of up to one size smaller with both of its tendril attacks in the same round. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can use its absorption power the following round.

Sense Undead (Su): A widow's weed notices and locates undead creatures within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight ability.

2011-01-15, 07:07 PM
The Kettumere's predator is the Ramovita.

With any luck, before the contest ends I'll be able to get real concept art for the Kettumere from one of my friends. For now: http://wallpapers-diq.org/wallpapers/15/White_Polar_Silver_Fox_Photo.jpg
Kettumere - Predator/Prey
Size/Type: Small Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 3d10 (16 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), climb 35 ft.
Armor Class: 15 (+3 Dex, +1 size, +1 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/-3
Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d4-1)
Full Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d4-1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pheromone spray
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., glide, invisibility, low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 11
Skills: Climb +11, Hide +5, Jump +19, Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival +1*
Feats: RunB, TrackB, Weapon FinesseB, Alertness
Environment: Cold and temperate forests
Organization: Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: Double Standard (silver items only)
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: —
Level Adjustment: —

The Kettumere, or "prism fox" as it is sometimes known, is a magical mammal about the same size as a fox, as well as having a fox's facial features, ears and tail. However, it has the body of a feline, webbing of skin between its legs that allow it to glide and feet pads like that of a gecko with ankles that can turn up to 180 degrees to aid it in its bounding leaps from tree to tree. The kettumere's diet mainly consists of tree-dwelling mammals such as squirrels, along with birds, frogs and turtles. They have a luxurious white coat of fur that shines with opalescent patterns when directly exposed to sunlight, as well as the ability to manipulate the way light reflects off of its fur. For example, it may warp the reflection of light around it entirely, allowing it to become virtually invisible. Alternatively, it may choose to catch the sunlight and create a glinting sheen.
It's theorized that kettumeres use manipulated light on their fur as a signal to attract a mate, or communication in general for they do not often vocalize.
When threatened, the kettumere releases a cloud of pheromones, then bounding through the trees invisibly. A kettumere can only remain active for bursts of activity, requiring a great deal of sleep to maintain its quick, rigorous movement. They often establish a variety of small, underground burrows throughout the forest, spraying the entrances with their pheremones to deter other animals.

Additionally, kettumeres are known to keep small caches of treasure in their dens. These are almost always items made of silver, but other objects that glint in the sunlight can be found in their stashes. Male kettumeres will at times surround themselves with this treasure and reflect light onto them, reinforcing the idea of the mating ritual.

Some have successfully captured kettumeres, typically through use of magic, but the conditions must be just right for them to breed in captivity. Training a kettumere is nigh-impossible, so while they can be made friendly to humans, they are still headstrong beasts.**

Kettumeres usually avoid combat, preferring to spray its pheromone cloud and flee when threatened. Should it somehow be successfully cornered, the kettumere will become panicked as it's a situation that they have little or in almost all cases no experience with.

Pheromone Spray (Ex/Su): The kettumere may fire a 10-ft. cone of pheromones at an opponent, causing the target to become Nauseated unless they succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 +½ the kettumere's HD + the kettumere's Con modifier + 4.) as well as confused, as the spell, unless they succeed on a Will save (DC 10 +½ the kettumere's HD + the kettumere's Con modifier + 4). Both effects last for 1d4+1 rounds, and can only be used once every 1d4+1 hours. The save DCs include a +4 racial bonus. The spray also acts as a warning scent to other kettumeres in a 300-foot radius. A kettumere is immune to its own pheromone spray.

Glide (Ex): With the help of the webbing between its legs, a kettumere can glide through the air, adding 10 feet to the distance of any horizontal jump it makes.

Invisibility (Su): By manipulating the reflection of light around its body, a kettumere may become invisible, as the invisibility spell, for a number of minutes equal to its racial HD. This ability may be used once every 2d4 minutes.

Skills: Kettumeres have a +8 racial bonus on Climb and Jump checks. A kettumere can always choose to take 10 on a Climb or Jump check, even if rushed or threatened. Kettumeres use their Dexterity modifier for Climb and Jump checks. A kettumere may also choose to jump without moving in a straight line, provided that they meet with a solid surface before changing direction. It must still make a running start to avoid doubling the Jump DC of a jump it makes, but this distance is reduced to 10 ft.

*A kettumere receives a +4 bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.

**Rearing a kettumere requires that a DC 32 Handle Animal check be made, while training a kettumere has a DC of 42.

Physiological uses: The kettumere is sought out for its fur and special pheromones. The creature's fur is so highly sought out that only the wealthiest of nobles can afford it, often making them into scarves. Its pheromones, once properly processed, can also be made into a powerful, exotic perfume. A single kettumere's fur will sell for 750 gp and, should its body be recovered within a few hours of its death, another 150 gp for the pheromones collected from its glands. The pheromones can also be used to create a powerful hallucinogenic drug, leading to the kettumere being sought out by underground sources as well

2011-01-15, 08:42 PM


Size/Type: Medium Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 4d10+8 (30 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 5 ft. (1 square), climb 5 ft.
Armor Class: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 Natural Armor)
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+5
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d6+1) or Tongue melee +5 (touch) or Spine +7 ranged (1d4+1 plus poison)
Full Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d6+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. or 10 ft. See description
Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Poison Spines, Stench, Swallow Whole
Special Qualities: Camouflage, Immunity to Confusion, Tremorsense 30 ft.
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +1
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 5
Skills: Climb +10, Hide +6*, Move Silently +9**
Feats: Ability Focus (Poison), Ability Focus (Stench)
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 5-9 HD (Medium); 10-14 (Large)
Level Adjustment: -

A ramovita, also known as a living branch, is usually between 5 and 6 feet long, only a little more than 1 foot in diameter, and visibly akin to a leafless branch. Its hind feet feature huge suckers which attach to tree trunks, while the rest of the body remains motionless so that it perfectly resembles a tree branch. They are carnivorous creatures, preferring prey with stench abilities (such as skunks and kettumere), as their own pungent aromas fuel its own stench ability, though they will eat anything smaller than themselves (they have been known to feast on the occasional halfling). Ramovita will lie dormant for lengthy periods of time, often up to a week, waiting for a meal. Because they often eat creatures of reasonable size, a ramovita‘s body will often bloat. Once so bloated, ramovita will climb down their trees to the base to act as a root until they fully digest their food, at which time they climb the tree once more to resume their position as a “living branch.”

Ramovita cannot speak.

When predators are near, a ramovita will usually rely on its camouflage to keep it safe. When that fails, the ramovita uses its stench ability to keep its predator occupied while it escapes. When confronting creatures smaller than itself, ramovita fire their poisoned spines to paralyze their target, and then lash out with their tongues to drag in their prey.

Poison Spines (Ex): Three times per day, no more than once per 1d4+1 rounds, a ramovita may shoot spines out of its body that coated with a potent toxin, with initial paralysis that lasts for 1 minute per racial Hit Die, with a secondary 1d3 Con damage. The affected creature may make a DC 16 Fortitude save to resist. The save DC is Constitution-based. In addition, the spines affect a square instead of a single target. All objects within the square are entitled to a DC 13 Reflex save for half damage (this does not negate the poison, but a creature with evasion that succeeds the reflex save avoids the spines and does not have to make a Fortitude save). This save DC is Dexterity-based. The spines have a range increment of 10 ft. and a maximum range of 30 ft.

Stench (Ex/Su): Once per 24 hours, when a ramovita is frightened, the glands at the base of its skull flare and puff out a pungent, disgusting aroma, that is so vile that it nauseates those who inhale it. All living creatures (except other ramovita) within 30 feet must succeed a DC 16 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds. In addition, creatures who fail the Fortitude save must succeed a DC 16 Will save or be confused as well for 1d4+1 rounds. The save DCs are Constitution-based. Ramovita are immune to their own stench, and the stench of other ramovita. The confusion effect is considered a supernatural ability.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a ramovita must hit a creature at least one size smaller than itself with its tongue attack, which has a reach of 10 ft. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can try to swallow the opponent in the following round.

Swallow Whole (Ex): A ramovita may swallow whole any creature of Small or smaller size. Once inside, the creature takes 1d4+1 points of crushing damage plus 1d4+1 points of acid damage per round from the ramovita's digestive juices. A creature may cut its way out with a light slashing or piercing weapon by dealing 5 points of damage to its interior (AC 11). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. A medium ramovita’s interior can hold 1 small creature, 4 tiny creatures, or 16 diminutive or smaller opponents.

Camouflage: A ramovita may use the Hide skill without cover or concealment when on a tree.

Tremorsense: A ramovita senses any creatures in contact with the tree it is on as long as it is stationary and within range. This does not apply when the ramovita is not in contact with a tree.

Skills: Ramovita have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. Ramovita have a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.
*Ramovita have a +10 Hide bonus when on trees.
**Ramovita may Move Silently at their full speed without penalty.

Physiological uses: Ramovita, though often hard to find, are hunted commonly for their scent glands. When properly processed, ramovita scent is turned into a very strong, musky cologne, or a potent, sweet perfume. In addition, due to the potency of its poison, it is often poached for its venom sacs. Ramovita poison, when exposed to air, gradually loses potency; if not collected quickly enough, the poison is significantly less potent. Ramovita colognes and perfumes sell from 200 to 300 gp, and its poison sells for 200 gp.

Ramovita Poison Extract Injury DC 16 Paralysis for 1d4 minutes 1d3 Con 200 gp

2011-01-16, 05:58 AM
Champion of Turtia

The Champion of Turtia's predator is the Champion of Krav by Admiral Squish (not sure how to link to a specific post - sorry all).


The Beginning

In ancient times, before the angels of the Heavens and the demons of the Abyss came to be, before even our mighty gods, the world was cold and dead. Lifeless, waterless, there was nothing save the cold, dead stone. Then, there was Prime. Prime was the first. The eldest, the greatest, the source of all divinity. Prime took reality itself in His hands, and, molding it like clay, and he began to create.

Prime held out His hands. In one, He created the sun; in the other, the moon. Each of them Prime hung in the heavens, one on each side of the world, so that He might see His work and marvel at its beauty. But in creating the light, He created the darkness as well, yet all was good, for there was balance. Prime set His hands to the surface of the world and began to work, shaping the land, raising the mountains, and lowering the dry seabeds. He gouged the canyons and carved the rivers, boring their cavernous tunnels beneath the land. His touch brought a life to the cold stone as He created the living Earth we walk this day. Prime then created water, and with it filled all the low places. Prime saw that the world was cold, and so He reached into the core of it and created fire, bringing the first warmth to the world. Then Prime saw that the world was naked, and so He created the air, and wrapped the fledgling planet in a blanket of clouds.

Prime gazed upon the surface and His creations pleased Him, yet He was not truly satisfied. He took a piece of each element, mixing them together. Then He split the mix in two and reaching up, plucked a sliver each from sun and moon, making from them two hearts. From the sunheart Prime created life, to bring more yet more beauty to his creations. From the moonheart Prime created death, to balance life. Prime blanketed the surface with plants, and added to these the animals and humanoids. With the new life came death and the undead in all their many forms, for Prime decreed that all living things must die. And it was good, for the two were balanced.

As Prime created, His imagination began to grow. He desired for the world to grow and change that it might bring forth new beauty, and so He created magic, giving it to the humanoids. He created the positive energy plane and the negative energy plane, and the elemental planes, setting them in orbit around the world. He created the astral and ethereal planes. Then he began to create things far stranger than that which came before, more divorced from the reality He had begun. He created the outer planes, one after another, shaping them with His will. He created the far realm, creating Chaos in its purest form, and Mechanus, the realm of unbending order. He created the angels, forged the demons, and sculpted the devils.

With His otherworldly labors done, Prime returned to the first world once more. He created strange and glorious things. He created giants, fey, vermin, abberations, all the beings, simply to satisfy his desire to make. But all was not well within Prime. Prime’s creativity began o branch, each half of Him taking a different route. Part wished to make His creations stronger, more durable, able to resist any attack, while the other half wanted to design more ferocious creations, beings of great and terrible strength. He strove for balance in these things, but the two ideas could not cooperate. The final attempt to satisfy these urges was the creation of the tarrasque, a being both of great strength and impenetrable defenses. But neither was satisfied, for the purity they sought was lacking.

The Rending

And then that idiot shoved me out. As if He could ever have created anything without me showing Him how it was done. He was so busy trying to make Portuguese Mano'war big and intimidating that He forgot that people get out of the water when they see some great hulking thing swimming at them. Lightning probably kills more people than that bloody jellyfish. Especially when someone annoys Talos.
Once I was gone, though, Krav wasted very little time perfecting His 'pure' creatures of destruction. So pure, in fact, that half of them could barely breathe. There's nothing quite like the Square/Cube Law for punishing hubris. He did get there eventually, and when He did He set His creatures to hunting all of mine. My unicorns used to be so pretty. Until Krav's Beholder cast its eyes on them. It turned out the beauty is blasted by the eye of the Beholder. The eyes are a bit too small for Her to sit in.
Well, there could only be one response to that. I struck back. Anytime one of His creature went after one of mine, they got one hell of a surprise. And a goddess should what an hell of a surprise looks like. The look on Krav's face when His precious shark bit the first of my puffer-fish was wonderful. Hidden poison'll get you every time. I don't think I've ever done better than the skunk, though. There's not a creature alive that needs a second lesson from that "helpless little piece of prey".
I think it was after the skunk hit His dire half-dragon that Krav decided to get nasty. He'd worked really hard on that, after all, and my little skunk made it a laughing stock. That was when, in a greater fit of idiocy than usual, Krav started work on His 'Champion'. Some great, ostentatious firebird (as if that hasn't been done before) that destroys everything it sees. I couldn't be having that. The nymphs were to pretty to die. They were just to god(dess) damn pretty. So I made a Champion of my own.
Krav had been so proud about the size of his firebird. He'd finally figured out that if you use the elements and make it ultimately a creature of magic you can bypass the Square/Cube Law. It'd taken Him decades of work to get that right. I just let mine swim. That way it could be even bigger and still not have issues. Sure, it has a titanium spleen, but that's only for when it goes on land to put a stop to Krav's latest piece of foolishness. And the fins. I'd been working on Blue Whales (too big to attack), and I just reused the basic idea. It needed more fins to go on land, though, so I gave it eight. It's skin was pretty solid to begin with, and a little bit of manipulation had it stripping out useful elements from its food and using them to make itself tougher. Nothing was going to pierce that hide.
The end result of the battle was three islands ravaged and another one sunk before the sea. But that was alright. Krav and his Champion were so fixated on mine that they didn't see me evacuating all the islands before his firebird got there.


Silence was all that remained after the creature had passed. Silence, and the furrow. Fifty feet across, the furrow stretched forever, with great gouges in the otherwise smooth earth wherever the eight enormous fins had sliced through the ground, driving the tusked monstrosity forwards. Even the wind it made had been monstrous, throwing bystanders hundreds of feet away, smashing them through any obstacles they encountered. Simon remembered the sound it made, and the terror he had felt, as the two hundred foot long creatured had charged past him. He remembered the whipping of the wind made by the fifteen foot fin passing over his head. And he remembered that before the creature had come, a small mountain had stood where the furrow now lay.

The Champion of Turtia is an enormous whale-like behemoth, equally comfortable on land or sea. Its massive length is matched only by its girth, with its body more than twenty feet across, and fins that are nearly as long again spaced along its flanks, four to a side. Its gargantuan tail sways in the wind as it moves across the land, ready to strike at any emerging threat, or powers it through the water, where the Champion of Turtia's body becomes the weapon instead.

Colossal Magical Beast (Prey)

Hit Dice: 50d10 + 1165 (1440)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 200 feet (40 squares), 250 feet (50 squares) for swim.
Armor Class: 66 (+60 Natural Armour), -4 Touch, 42 Flat-footed.
Base Attack/Grapple: +50/+84
Attack: Slam, +60 mêlée (4d6+18)
Full Attack: Slam, +60 mêlée (4d6+27)
Space/Reach: 50ft wide by 200ft long by 40ft high, Reach is special (see Towering Colossus below)
Special Attacks: Impaling Tusks, Wind of Its Passage, Swallow Whole, Terrible Visage
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 40/Adamantine, Epic; Spell Resistance 35; Fire Resistance 40; Cold, Lightning, Sonic, and Acid Resistance 20; Insurmountable Inertia; Regeneration 50; Towering Colossus; Water Breathing, Low-Light Vision, Darkvision (500ft)
Saves: Fort: 49, Reflex: 17, Will: 32
Abilities Str 46 (+18), Dex 18 (+4), Con 54 (+22), Int 10 (+0), Wis 20 (+5), Cha 14 (+2)
Skills: Listen +58, Swim +71
Feats: Awesome Blow, Defensive Strike, Die Hard, Endurance, Iron Will, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Grapple, Improved Swimming*, Improved Toughness, Remain Conscious, Toughness (x5), True Believer (Turtia).
Environment: Warm oceans.
Organization: Solo
Challenge Rating: 20
Treasure: None
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: –

Special Abilities

Earth-shaking Terror (Ex)

Owing to its incredible size and overt speed, the Champion of Turtia has a frightening aura that causes Panic in creatures with less than 25HD and makes creatures with 25HD-49HD Shaken and Frightened (Wisdom based Will Save, DC 37, + 5 for every size category smaller than the Champion of Turtia, negates).

Impaling Tusks (Ex)

Should the Champion of Turtia succeed in a grapple check against a target of Gargantuan size or larger, then, in its next turn, it may attempt to impale the grappled target on its tusks (+60 mêlée, 3d12+18). If successful, the Champion of Turtia may attempt to sunder one of the target’s limbs as per the Sunder feat (treat as targeting an object that the target is wearing with the AC of the limb equal to the flat-footed AC of the target). It may make this attempt as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Should a target lose a limb, it loses the use of that limb and an abilities dependent upon it (such as fly if the target would no longer have sufficient wings to resume flying. Whether an ability is dependent upon the limb may be stated in the ability’s description, or if not it is at the discretion of the Dungeon Master). Any target that loses a limb is also bleeding heavily, causing it to take 20 damage and 1 Constitution damage at the start of each of the target’s turns. If the target has regeneration or fast healing then the bleeding stops the first time that ability activates, and the Constitution damage is restored 1d3 turns after that.

Insurmountable Inertia (Ex)

A creature as large as the Champion of Turtia cannot easily stop or change direction. It is so large that, if it wishes to stop, it must spend a full round action to do so, and even then continues to slide past the point at which it began to stop over the subsequent turns. It slows to nine tenths movement speed the first turn (four fifths in water), eight tenths in the second (three fifths in water), seven tenths in the third (two fifths in water), and so on until it comes to a complete stop (ditto). This gradual slide to a halt also applies if the Champion of Turtia should be killed. Once stopped, the Champion of Turtia cannot easily start moving again. In the first turn of movement it may only move at one tenth of its speed (one fifth in water), accelerating to 2 tenths on its second turn (2 fifths in water), 3 tenths on its third (3 fifths in water), and so on until it reaches its maximum speed. The Champion of Turtia cannot run or sprint.
In addition to this, turning requires a large turn circle. The tightest turn the Champion of Turtia can make is a circle with a radius of 50 feet. This is also true for turns less than a full revolution, with the Champion of Turtia having to go at least as far forwards as it does sideways, and needing 20 squares (10 forwards and 10 sideways) in order to turn 90 degrees.
The advantage of this massive inertia is that it is even harder for anyone else to stop the Champion of Turtia. The Champion of Turtia moves as if under the effects of Freedom of Movement (as an Extraordinary Ability). A creature of sufficient size (Huge or larger) may attempt a strength check to begin slowing the Champion of Turtia. This is an opposed check. Any creature of Gargantuan or smaller size that attempts and fails this strength check is crushed beneath the massive body of the Champion of Turtia, taking 30d6 bludgeoning damage + 5d6 bludgeoning damage for every size category smaller than Champion of Turtia. Any creature of Colossal size that attempts and fails this strength check is affected by Wind of Its Passage and automatically fails all associated checks. If the check is successful, then the Champion of Turtia begins to slow as if it had chosen to stop. Successive checks must be made in all subsequent turns to continue the slowing process. Also, any obstacle less than the size of the Champion of Turtia is ignored by it as the Champion of Turtia simply bull-dozers its way through. It may make a Bull Rush check to attempt to push aside larger obstacles (DC equal to the number of times larger than the Champion of Turtia the obstacle is, multiplied by 15). If it is unsuccessful in completely removing the obstacle, then both the Champion of Turtia and the obstacle take 200 damage (hardness does not apply) as the Champion of Turtia comes to a very sudden stop.

Regeneration 50 (Ex)

The Champion of Turtia regenerates 50 health per turn. This regeneration cannot be halted by any means. The Champion of Turtia has suffered enough injuries from both those types over the millennia that they no longer impede it. The Champion of Turtia may regenerate severed limbs, tail, and tusks in 1d4 rounds, or instantly reattach them by placing the severed body part at the site of amputation. Reducing the Champion of Turtia to -10 Hit Points will, however, render it unconsious for 1d4 centuries. It will remain in place with every appearance of having died (save the lacking of rotting, etc.) until it must next fight its endless war against the Champion of Krav.

Swallow Whole (Ex)

Should the Champion of Turtia succeed in a grapple check against a target of Huge size or smaller, then it may swallow the target whole on its next turn. The only way to avoid this is by escaping the grapple through a successful escape artist check, successful grapple check, or similar method. Swallow Whole (Ex): A Champion of Turtia can try to swallow a grappled Huge or smaller opponent by making a successful grapple check.
A swallowed creature takes 4d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 4d6 points of acid damage per round from the Champion of Turtia's gizzard. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal 75 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 30). Once the creature exits, regeneration and muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The Champion of Turtia's gizzard can hold 20 Medium sized enemies. Casting spells requires a concentration check with DC equal to the damage taken at the start of that turn. Any damage dealt to the Champion's gizzard regenerates at the same rate as any other wound. Once the target has cut its way out of the Champion of Turtia, the hole immediately closes over and regenerates (regeneration of damage waits until the start of the Champion of Turtia’s next turn – the hole closes over but the innards must wait to repair themselves).

Towering Colossus (Ex)

The Champion of Turtia is enormous, beyond the size even of other Colossal creatures. As part of this, it takes up a space 30 feet wide by 200 feet long by 40 feet high.
Also, the Champion of Turtia’s reach is unusual. Unless it succeeds in a grapple check, the Champion of Turtia may only attack by slamming an opponent, be it with fin, tail, or body. It may only make one slam attack per turn. These slam attacks can be made at any target within 100 feet (half its length) of the Champion of Turtia’s mid-point. If a slam attack hits a flier who is in the air at the time, then the flier is driven towards the ground a number of feet equal to the damage dealt (counts as occupying whichever square the flier ends up in). If the Champion of Turtia is swimming and hits a target who is also swimming, then the target is again moved a number of feet equal to the damage dealt (counts as occupying whichever square the target ends up in) in a direction of the Champion of Turtia’s choice. This does not stack with the Champion of Turtia’s Awesome Blow.

Water Breathing (Ex)

The Champion of Turtia can breathe underwater as easily as it can on land. It is not affected by being submersed in water (save for changes explicitly noted elsewhere) and functions as if it were a purely aquatic creature.

Wind of Its Passage (Ex)

Owing to its enormous size and the high speed with which it travels, the Champion of Turtia creates an enormous vortex around it as it travels. Provided that the Champion of Turtia moves at least 100 feet during its turn, any creature within 100 feet of the Champion of Turtia during the move take 10d6 sonic damage (Large and smaller creatures get no save, Huge and larger creatures get a Strength based Fortitude DC 57 for half damage). All creatures that take damage from this are thrown back 5 feet for every 5 damage taken and knocked prone (Colossal creatures are not thrown backwards on a successful Fortitude save). Creatures that cannot fly or are thrown against objects take 1d6 points of damage for every 10 feet they are thrown.

Any target knocked prone by an Overrun attack is instantly and automatically affected by Wind of Its Passage, and fails all associated checks.

This extraordinary wind also makes hitting the target from range very difficult. A 50% miss chance applies to all ranged attacks that roll to hit.

This ability is active both on land and while swimming, as the wake of the Champion of Turtia has the same effect as the wind made as it moves across the land.

*Improved Swimming - this feat's effect is not included in swim speeds listed above. Also, the stopping distance for swimming does not double to match the Champion of Turtia's increased speed. The drag is sufficient to slow it to its ordinary speed once the Champion of Turtia ceases to swim at the increased speed.

2011-01-16, 04:45 PM
Meinungenterich(Mind Drake) Prey/Predator to Herzenterich
The Herzenterich and Meinungenterich in the midst of battle

Gargantuan Dragon (Psionic, Water)
Hit Dice: 37d12+444 (684 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), Swim 100 ft.
Armor Class: 86 (+30 Natural, +13 Insight, +13 shield, +22 Armor, +2 Dexterity, -4 Size), 34 touch, 68 flat-footed.
Base Attack/Grapple: +37/+61
Attack: Bite +47 melee (3d8+12) or Tail Slap +47 (4d6+12)
Full Attack: Bite +47 (3d8+12) and 2 Claws +42 (2d6+8) or Tail Slap +47 (3d8+12) and 2 Claws +42 (2d6+8).
Space/Reach: 20 ft./15 ft (20 ft. with bite and tail slap)
Special Attacks: Breath Weapon, Psi-like Abilities, Spell-like Abilities, Powers, Psionic Reorientation, Spiked Carapace.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 feet, Low-light vision, Intellect Fortress, Power Resistance 52, Damage Reduction 15/Epic and 5/-, Twin Psyche, Water Breathing, Immunity to Cold, Acid, Sleep and paralysis, Mental Presence, Telepathy.
Saves: Fort +43, Ref +35, Will +37
Abilities: Str 35 (+12), Dex 14, Con 33 (+11), Int 35 (+12), Wis 28 (+9), Cha 29 (+9)
Skills: Appraise +52, Autohypnosis +49, Climb +52, Concentration +51, Diplomacy +49, Escape Artist +42 Heal +49, Jump +52, Knowledge (Arcane) +52, Knowledge (Nature) +52, Knowledge (Psionic) +52, Knowledge (The Planes) +52, Listen +49, Psicraft +52, Search +52, Sense Motive +49, Spot +49, Survival +49, Swim +60.
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Awesome Blow, Psionic Mastery, Extend Power, Expanded Knowledge (Astral Construct), Psionic Meditation, Improved Toughness, Twin Power, Explosive Power, Boost Construct, Quicken Power, Narrow Mind.
Environment: Any aquatic.
Organization: Solitary or couple (one Meinungenterich and one Seelenterich).
Challenge Rating: 37
Treasure: Triple Standard
Alignment: Usually Lawful Neutral
Advancement: 38-55 (Gargantuan) 56-74 (Colossal)
Level Adjustment: -

Meinungenteriche are one of the two variants of the males of a tremendously powerful species of psionic dragons, Herzenteriche being the other. These two creatures are vicious enemies prone to sharing territorial borders with its vicious counterparts due to the preferences in territory of the females of the species, the Seelenteriche. Meinungenteriche are patient, calculating and reactive creatures, never willing to be caught unprepared.

A Meinungenterich is a sinuous leviathan covered in blue scales, with glimmering crystal spines adorning his back, neck, head and tail. Their arms resemble clawed fins and their muscular tails end in a flat, webbed fin. Meinungenteriche are sporadic hunters, doing so mainly to feed a female, young or for leisure, sustaining itself on psionic power otherwise.

Meinungenteriche speak Draconic, but communicate through telepathy more often than not.


A Meinungenterich begin combat by separating his opponents with telekinetic thrusts, Explosive Ultrablasts, Walls of Force and any other means at his disposal, then slowing down the largest group of enemies while summoning an allied Astral Construct to handle the rest. He prefers to keep his enemies where they pose the least threat and bring them down with powers, avoiding being forced to use its relatively weak physical attacks.

Breath Weapon (Su): A Meinungenterich’s breath weapon deals 20d8 points of cold damage in a 60 feet cone, this cold is imbued with psionic power that allows it to pierce all resistances and deal half damage even to immune creatures. The psionic power suffusing the cold also causes it to cling to any creatures caught in the effect, slowing them as the spell for 5 rounds. A successful reflex save (DC 39) halves the damage and prevents the slow effect. The Meinungenterich must wait for 1d4 rounds after using its breath weapon before it can use it again. The save DC is based on constitution.

Intellect Fortress (Pl): A Meinungenterich is constantly surrounded by an effect identical to the Intellect Fortress power. If this effect is dispelled the Meinungenterich can renew it on his turn as a free action. This ability has an effective manifester level of 37.

Twin psyche (Pl): Meinungenteriche are keenly cognizant creatures, capable of keeping two trains of thought simultaneously, and even using their mental abilities even while focused in another task. This ability works identically to the Schism power, except the Meinungenterich suffers no manifester level penalty for his schismed mind. Meinungenteriche secondary psyches are incredibly stubborn and resist any attempt to suppress them, making new will saves against any such effects every round they are active. This ability has an effective manifester level of 37.

Water Breathing (Ex): A Meinungenterich can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, powers, and other abilities while submerged.

Telepathy (Su): Meinungenteriche can speak telepathically with any creature that has a language.

Presence of Mind (Su): As a free action, the Meinungenterich can create a psychic field with a radius of 150 feet, centered on his position at the time of the activation of the ability. While within this field the Meinungenterich can activate any of his Psi-like abilities as a free action. Furthermore, as an immediate action, the Meinungenterich can teleport himself to any position inside the field, this aspect of the ability can be used no more than once every five rounds. The presence of mind field lasts until the Meinungenterich creates a new field or leaves the borders of the current one.

Psi-like Abilities: Manifester Level 37th. At will – Defensive Precognition, Offensive Precognition, Inertial Armor, Force Screen, Inertial Barrier.
*The benefits of these powers are already accounted for in the statistics.

Spell-like Abilities: Caster Level 37th. At will – Wall of Force, Mirage Arcana. 3/day – Time Stop.

Spiked Carapace (Ex/Su): The hard shell of a Meinungenterich is covered in hardened crystal spines that resonate with psionic power. Whenever a creature strikes the Meinungenterich with a melee attack the wyrm thrashes and strikes the offender with these thorns, dealing 3d6+12 points of slashing damage. Further, if the attacker is a psionic creature, the spines resonate with that power pulling it violently out of the attacker’s mind; this drains up to 5 power points from the victim and deals an equal amount of extra damage.
This ability is extraordinaire when affecting normal creatures and supernatural when affecting psionic creatures.

Psionic Reorientation (Su): The resonating crystal spines on the Meinungenterich’s back have a second function, whenever a creature fails to pierce his power resistance with a psionic power, the Meinungenterich absorbs the energy of the power, gaining a number of power points equal to the unaugmented cost to manifest the negated power.

Manifesting: A Meinungenterich manifests powers as a 37th level Seer.

Typical Powers Known (Power Points: 565; Save DC: 22+power level):
1st – Attraction, Call to Mind, Catfall, Energy Ray, Far Hand, Astral Construct;
2nd – Detect Hostile Intent, Inflict Pain, Clairvoyant Sense, Sustenance;
3rd – Telekinetic Force, Telekinetic Thrust, Fate Link, Forced Share Pain, Psionic Blast;
4th – Trace Teleport, Anchored Navigation, Psionic Freedom of Movement;
5th – Second Chance, Psionic Major Creation, Adapt Body, Catapsi;
6th – Greater Precognition, Temporal Acceleration, Psionic Overland Flight;
7th – Fate of One, Ultrablast, Personal Mind Blank;
8th – Hypercognition, True Metabolism, Matter Manipulation;
9th – Reality Revision, Timeless Body, Metafaculty.

Skills: Meinungenteriche gain a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered.
It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Sidebar: Explosive Power
Explosive Power is the Metapsionic counterpart to the metamagic feat Explosive Spell (Complete Arcane, pg. 79). Its effects on the power in question are the same as those of the metamagic feat on a spell and it has the same basic prerequisites on a power as its spell counterpart.

Explosive Power increases the power point cost of the altered power by 2.

The Glyphstone
2011-01-17, 01:09 AM
Presenting, as my own entry, the:


Shadefeather - Prey/Predator
Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 10d10+50 (105 HP)
Speed: 10ft. (2 squares), fly 100ft. (good)
Armor Class: 25 (-1 size, +7 Dex, +9 natural), touch 16, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+17
Attack: Bite +17 melee (2d6+3)
Full Attack: Bite +16 melee (2d6+3) and 2 claws +11 melee (1d6+1)
Space/Reach: 10ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Beckon the Darkness, Powerful Dive, Sense Dawnwing
Special Qualities: Darkvision 200ft, light sensitivity, low-light vision, Night Dependency
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +5
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 25, Con 20, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 11
Skills: Hide +22, Listen +17, Move Silently +22, Spot +17
Feats: Alertness, Flyby Attack, Weapon Finesse, Stealthy
Enviroment: Any temperate (night only)
Organization: Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: None (Standard in nest)
Alignment: Usually Chaotic Neutral
Advancement: 11-20 HD (Large), 20-25 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: -

The wider and brighter any light, the deeper the shadow it projects in contrast. This is the essence of the skulking, predatory Shadefeathers, forgotten children of a forgotten deity who still breed and engage in a cyclical war against the Dawnwings that are their enemies as endless as the repetition of sun and moon in the sky.

Beneath the night sky, a Shadefeather is an awe-inspiring vision. A hawk-like bird with a ten-foot wingspan, its feathers are a smooth blend of blues, purples, and inky black, with traceries of gleaming silver along their edges and tips that catch even the slightest hint of starlight or moonlight to buoy the shadefeather into the air. It climbs moonbeams as a typical bird would ascend updrafts, prowling the night sky without pause. Under the sun’s harsh gaze, though, much of its majesty is lost – it becomes a hunched, oversized crow, its pale white eyes blinking and pained by the excessive light, and its glorious silver-lined wings reduced to a sorry, knotted heap of feathers.

Shadefeathers understand Auran and Common, though they cannot speak. Should they feel some desire to communicate with another creature, they can use the tips of their claws to trace words into the ground, and they are familiar with most humanoid body language enough to replicate it.


When on the hunt, a shadefeather typically glides at the maximum extent of its darkvision, scanning the ground below. Upon sighting prey, it executes a Powerful Dive, attempting to grapple its target and carry them off into the air if they survive the charge. Its default aura is Grasping Shadows, to prevent a prey creature from escaping, but will switch to Chilling Shadows against a group of weak opponents or Blinding Shadows against a smaller number of strong enemies.

If it senses the presence of a hidden Dawnwing, the shadefeather will immediately break off any fight it is currently engaged in to locate the Dawnwing, at which point it will attack relentlessly until victorious or slain.

Beckon The Darkness (Su): A hunting shadefeather constantly projects one of three auras in a 50ft. radius around itself, the essence of its native darkness coalesced into material form. It can change which aura is active once per turn as a free action, and is always immune to the effects of its own aura.
-Blinding Shadows: All creatures within 50ft. suffer a 50% miss chance on all their attacks, as if their targets were under a Displacement (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/displacement.htm) effect. Creatures with darkvision reduce this miss chance to 20%, and a True Seeing effect negates it entirely.
-Chilling Shadows: Deals 2d6 cold damage (no save) to all creatures within 50ft. at the beginning of their turn.
-Grasping Shadows: All creatures within 50ft. are ensnared by tendrils of shadow, imitating the effects of an Entangle (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/entangle.htm) spell cast by a druid of the shadefeather’s Hit Dice. All effects of this aura end immediately if the shadefeather changes its active aura.

Light Sensitivity (Ex): When exposed to any light source stronger than a torch, a shadefeather suffers a -1 penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.

Night Dependency (Ex): A shadefeather is at the peak of its power during nighttime, when it is on the hunt for its hated Dawnwing enemies. During the day, the Dawnwing becomes ascendant, and the shadefeather is both weakened and partially transformed into a more defensive state to hide from its foe until night falls once more.

During the day, a shadefeather is subject to the following changes:
-Speed changes to 20ft. (4 squares), and it loses its Fly speed.
-AC drops to 22 due to Dexterity penalties.
-Bite attack changes to +14 melee (2d6) and claw attacks change to +9 melee (1d6).
-Loses Beckon The Darkness and Powerful Dive as special attacks.
-Gains the following special qualities:
Hide In Plain Sight (Su): A grounded shadefeather can use the Hide skill even while being observed as long as it is completely within the boundaries of a shadow and not exposed to natural sunlight.
Shadow Jump (Su): While hidden, a grounded shadefeather can travel between shadows up to 50ft. away as if by means of a Dimension Door spell. Both the beginning and ending points of the jump must be entirely within a patch of shadows, and not exposed to natural sunlight. After jumping, the shadefeather must wait 1d4 rounds before using this ability again.
-Reflex save drops to +11 due to Dexterity penalties.
-Strength and Dexterity scores both suffer a -6 penalty.
-Skill modifiers to Hide and Move silently drop to +19 due to Dexterity penalties.

Powerful Dive (Ex): If a shadefeather makes a charge attack against an opponent at a lower elevation, the damage dealt by its bite is increased to 4d6+6, and it can make two rake attacks with its claws (+12 melee, 1d6+1).

Sense Dawnwing (Su): A shadefeather can sense the presence of any Dawnwings within 100ft. of itself. This does not reveal their location or any other information, only their presence within the specified radius.

The Glyphstone
2011-01-17, 01:09 AM
And the in stead of my partner, Mangles, a written rendition of his intended concept:


Dawnwing - Predator/Prey
Large Magical Beast (Fire)
Hit Dice: 10d10+40 (95 HP)
Speed: 10ft. (2 squares), fly 100ft. (good)
Armor Class: 22 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +9 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+20
Attack: Bite +15 melee (2d6+7)
Full Attack: Bite +15 melee (2d6+7/19-20/x2) and 2 claws +15 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Channel the Light, Powerful Dive, Sense Shadefeather
Special Qualities: Day Dependency, immunity to fire, low-light vision, vulnerability to cold
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +6
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 18
Skills: Appraise +14, Hide +17, Listen +14, Spot +22
Feats: Alertness, Improved Multiattack, Iron Will, Multiattack
Enviroment: Any temperate (day only)
Organization: Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: None (Double standard in nest)
Alignment: Usually Lawful Neutral
Advancement: 11-20 HD (Large), 20-25 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: -

Even the darkest shadow serves only to make the light that much more bright by comparison, and the Dawnwing embodies this principle in full. The sun deity that first brought them into being is long forgotten, but they still pursue their timeless racial vendetta against their Shadefeather counterparts with unmatched zeal.

Under natural light, a dawnwing is a large bird sporting a wingspan roughly ten feet across, its feathers a beautiful spread of reds, yellows, and oranges. Viewing its actual plumage, however, its exceedingly difficult, for during the day a dawnwing literally catches fire, igniting its body and wings in a dazzling display of color that deals the bird itself no harm. Often, a flying dawnwing is mistaken for one of the mythical phoenixes, a being that they do share many qualities in common with. At night, however, its bodily flames are extinguished, transforming it into a ragged and ungainly vulture-like creature decked out in ash grey and charred, sooty black.

Dawnwings understand Auran, Common, and Ignan. They cannot speak, though they can write in any soft surface or even into some types of stone with their razor-sharp claws, allowing them to communicate to a degree with other intelligent creatures.


Dawnwings spend as much of their time scoping out the ground beneath them for particularly shiny trinkets to add to their jackdaw-like collection as they do prey for the hunt. Upon locating either, it descends to a lower altitude to examine the find further before either attacking or fleeing. In rare circumstances, it may instead retreat to its nest to collect one of its existing possessions and return to offer a trade for the object that caught its interest initially, should the item be particularly attractive but in the clutches of a creature the dawnwing judges too powerful to overcome.

At the beginning of any combat, a dawnwing typically uses Channel The Light in its Blazing Nimbus mode. Depending on the results of the first round or two of combat, it either remains unchanged, switches to its Immolation Aura and goes for the kill, or switches to Searing Shroud and flees the battle.

Even the slightest hint of a nearby Shadefeather in its sensory range, however, will drive the dawnwing into a berserk frenzy, hunting its counterpart with single-minded fervor and reacting to any attempt at interfering with extreme violence.

Channel The Light (Su): The same flaring brilliance that ignites a dawnwing and carries it aloft into the air can also be focused by the creature into a protective aura that invigorates it in combat. This fiery shield takes the form of one of three auras, which can be changed by the dawnwing at the end of its turn as a free action.
-Immolation Aura: Sunlight wraps itself around the dawnwing’s beak and claws before igniting and imbuing them with heat. With this aura active, the dawnwing adds an additional 2d6+4 fire damage to each of its attacks.
-Blazing Nimbus: This aura enshrouds the dawnwing in a blanket of comforting fire, warding enemy attacks and leaving painful burns where the dawnwing touches them. With this aura active, the dawnwing adds its Charisma modifier (at least +1) as a deflection bonus to its Armor Class and as a resistance bonus to all of its saving throws, and deals an additional 1d6+2 fire damage on all successful attacks.
-Searing Shroud: Instead of extruding fire against its enemies, a wounded dawnwing can take the flames within and around itself to bask in their protection. This aura adds the dawnwing’s Charisma modifier (at least +1) as a deflection bonus to its Armor Class and as a resistance bonus on all saving throws. In addition, it grants the dawnwing Fast Healing equal to its HD/2, and deals 2d6+4 fire damage (no save) to any enemy that strikes the dawnwing in melee with a non-reach weapon or a natural weapon.

Day Dependency (Ex): Outside the comforting and invigorating rays of the sun, the dawnwing is both grounded and severely weakened, its brilliant blazing feathers extinguishing themselves into a dirty, ashy mess. During the night, the crippled dawnwing tries its best to hide from any Shadefeathers that happen upon its nesting location and wait out the next rising of the sun.

During the night, a dawnwing is subject to the following changes:
-Speed changes to 20ft. (4 squares), and it loses its Fly speed.
-AC drops to 19 due to Dexterity penalties.
-Bite attack changes to +13 melee (2d6+3/19-20/x2) and claw attacks change to +10 melee (1d8+1).
-Loses Channel The Light and Powerful Dive as special attacks.
-Reflex save drops to +8 due to Dexterity penalties.
-Strength and Dexterity scores both suffer a -6 penalty.
-Skill modifier to Hide drops to +16 due to Dexterity penalties.

Powerful Dive (Ex): If a dawnwing makes a charge attack against an opponent at a lower elevation, the damage dealt by its bite is increased to 4d6+14/19-20/x2, and it can make two rake attacks with its claws (+13 melee, 1d8+3).

Sense Shadefeather (Su): A dawnwing can sense the presence of any Shadefeather within 100ft. of itself. This does not reveal their location or any other information, only their presence within the specified radius.

Skills(Ex): A dawnwing has a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks.

2011-01-20, 05:39 PM

The prey

Huge Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 17d10+136 (229 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 40 ft.
Armor Class: 39 (-1 Dex, -2 size, +23 natural, +9 acid hide), touch 7, flat-footed 39
Base Attack/Grapple: +17/+36
Attack: Claw +26 melee (3d8+11, 19-20/x3) or slam +23 melee (3d4+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +26 melee (3d8+11, 19-20/x3) and slam +23 melee (3d4+5)
Space/Reach:15 ft., 15 ft.
Special Attacks: Acid spit, Dissolving bite
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 100 ft., blindsense 10 ft., acid hide, fire immunity, acid immunity, lava glide
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +9, Will +4
Abilities Str 33, Dex 9, Con 24, Int 2, Wis 8, Cha 10
Skills: Survival +9, Listen +9
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Critical (Claw), Improved Toughness, Ability Focus (Dissolving Bite), Endurance, Diehard
Environment: Underground.
Organization: Solitary, pair, pack (3-6).
Challenge Rating: 17
Treasure: Half standard magic items and money.
Alignment: True Neutral
Advancement: 18-24 HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment: —

The talpidae is a giant, mole like omnivoric animal, living deep underground. They are large enough not to be afraid of pretty much anything that appears that low in the crust of the planet, and are even immune to the fires and lava that scorch lesser animals. In fact, they have no natural predators save one; the maltressor. The talpidae is not naturally intelligent, nor very strong willed. The maltressor, therefore, is the obvious predator, able to take over the mind of the talpidae and use them for food.

Talpidae create large amounts of acid in their stomachs, and are able to spit it up onto enemies, burning through their muscles and tendons. The talpidae's long tongue is used to catch and consume smaller prey, and against larger prey, the talpidae bites them, delivering a super strong dose of acid, slowly dissolving the target into a veritable puddle of nutrients that the talpidae slurps up and eats. The talpidae's skin also slowly oozes acid out of it.

The talpidae reproduces once every lifespan, and produces several children in that time. If the maltressor, the talpidae's dreaded enemy, is in control of the talpidae, then the children of the talpidae are born controlled by smaller maltressors. Usually, the maltressor tries to make the talpidae kill itself, although this is a fairly hard task. If the talpidae survives, it will almost always try to kill its offspring that are taken over by the maltressor.


Acid Spit (Ex): As a standard action, the tarpidae may shoot a ball of acid out of its mouth, as a ranged touch attack, at a +16 bonus. If the ranged touch attack hits, it deals 7d6 acid damage, and the target must make a fortitude save (DC 25) or have all movement speeds reduced by 10 feet. This ability does not stack with itself, and the save is Constitution based.

Dissolving Bite (Ex): The tarpidae creates a toxin from its mouth, allowing it to dissolve larger creatures, and then eat them. The tarpidae may make a bite attack as a full round action, with a +28 modifier to the attack. If the attack hits, it deals 10d6 acid damage, and the target must make a fortitude save (DC 27) or take 3d6 damage per round for three rounds. The fortitude save is constitution based.

Acid Hide (Ex): Every time a melee attack deals damage to the tarpidae, the attacker takes 2d6 acid damage. If the attacker makes a reflex save (DC 25), they only take half damage. The reflex save is constitution based. This ability also increases the talpidae's armor class by 9.

Lava Glide: The talpidae is immune to all fire damage, and may move up to its movement speed as a move action while swimming through water, and may breathe lava as if it were air.

The Vorpal Tribble
2011-01-21, 04:19 PM
The deadline has come, and voting begun.

Click here to cast your vote for The Hunt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=184376)