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Supercrazy DM
2011-01-01, 11:22 PM
Some of you wonderful board members may have read a book by a man named Brent Weeks. That book is called [I]The Black Prism[I] and is fantastic book where magic is done in a new unique way by using different colors of light.

What I want to do is make a d20 system replicating this and to be able to recreate what the book is like. Or does anyone think of another system that could be molded to work well like this?

2011-01-02, 01:37 PM
Oh man I'm so jealous Ive been searching for that book for AGES!
have you read the Night Angel Trilogy? (also by brent)

Supercrazy DM
2011-01-02, 08:30 PM
I have read the Night Angel Trilogy its fantastic. Have you not been able to find the book?

Moose Man
2011-01-02, 10:01 PM
I haven't read the book, but I've heard about it. How powerful, scary, and freakish are color wights, exactly?

2011-01-02, 11:14 PM
How powerful, scary, and freakish are color wights, exactly?
About as powerful as experienced mages of the setting, as they all have a good measure of experience, about as scary as a madman with a minigun or comparable weapon considering that most of them are pretty far gone into madness, and freakish in that they distort and reshape their bodies in a way to better suit their color.

It's a good read. Be a helluva project putting a game together, considering that the system is based around using sanity, more or less, as a fuel for power.

2011-01-02, 11:56 PM
Doesn't UA have a Sanity system? You could use that (or some version thereof) as a base.

Moose Man
2011-01-03, 08:50 PM
I'm thinking that most PC's should be at least monochromes, but if a pc wanted to specialize only in drafting, that there be a class that auguments their abilities. In my mind, drafting is akin to 1st E D&D psionics (random), but should be more frequent than d%. I'm ordering the book now so that I have parameters to bounce within. Anyone want to join me on making the concept?

If i'ze stealin' you'ze thunder,Supercrazy DM, tells me.

Supercrazy DM
2011-01-03, 09:00 PM
I should think that maybe we should make a base drafting class. Then have it be specialized like in Psionics in DnD 3.5 like Kineticists. So then maybe then specialize after that. Possibly, taking feats to be able to draft other colors?

Moose Man
2011-01-03, 09:40 PM
Yay!!! DM didn't say roll new character!!!
Definetly d20, DM, and I think that specializing is good idea. My idea was that drafting new colors was an in class feature of the drafters, but you're idea wuz better. Casting stats (how long you prolong insanity before breaking the halo) for different colors would mainly cha. And the sanity mechanic looks interesting, although I never heard of a color wight get bulmia after breaking the halo (one effect of insanity)

Note to self: must stop seeing lolcats

2011-01-03, 10:27 PM
So you're thinking of a base class with different features based on what color they can use? I think that for casting no one color should be at a disadvantage at least in the sense in how long it takes them to break halo. Some like reds may be full of rage and use magic more often, but the amount should still be the same. Most people it said in the book somewhere live into their 40's before they break halo. So maybe have the base age for their lives be 30 plus their stat attribute for their lives. So if charisma was ten their max age before breaking halo would be 40. This could change if they stopped drafting a lot or they started drafting a lot more so mechanics on that will be needed.

EDIT: I hope you and Supercrazy DM don't mind me butting in? :smallbiggrin:

Moose Man
2011-01-04, 04:58 PM
Sorry for the double post, but here is what is considered changing how much you draft (can be changed):

{table=head]Name|Drafting Usage per day over your limit|Halo points usage rate

Tiny|1-5|1/32 per day

Light|6-10|1/16 per day

Normal|11-20|1/8 per day

Medium|21-40|1/4 per day

Heavy|41-80|1/2 per day

Massive|81-160|1 per day

Insane|161-320|2 per day

Super-Nova|321-640|4 per day

Hyper-Nova|641-on|8 per day[/table]
Here is the mechanic, but I've no idea how many halo points to give them. Preferably 100 + 1.5 cha mod + 1/2 con mod.
(EDIT)Limit: Character level + 1/2 relevant ability score

This spell can restore a character to maximum halo points even if his current Halo total has dropped to 0. Miracle even heals you if you have broken your halo.

If the caster chooses, restoration can restore 1d6 Halo points per two levels to the target creature (max 5d6) instead of having its normal effect.

Restoration, Greater
If the caster chooses, greater restoration can restore the target creature to its maximum total halo points instead of having its normal effect.

This spell can restore a character to maximum Total halo points even if his current Halo point total has dropped to 0.

Wish, Limited
This spell can restore a character to maximum total halo points even if his current Halo point total has dropped to 1.

Halo breaking point: at 5-1 halo points, the drafter notices that his halo is dangerously close to breaking, and starts using his powers more cautiously.
At 0 halo points, the drafter beces a color wight:
(enter template here)

Please PEACH all my work. *sets out coffee, cookies and pita.*

2011-01-04, 09:25 PM
I like the idea of the halo system that you have set up although converting it and adding the fractions could become bothersome. Maybe have it set up so that you can safely draft a number of times per day equal to your character level plus half of your relevant attribute score? That will get you to the age 40 and more or less will impact your age limit before you break halo. Then maybe if you use it more every 5 times it's used or something increases your point by one?

Also, here is a bit of a shameless plug for my Harry Potter d20 which uses Avatar d20 bending skills as inspiration. Luxin can do many great things only limited by the users creativity. So maybe make it so there are common abilities like barrier shared between some of the colors and have it be a seed. People can take additional feats at character creation to be able to draft more colors. Also, I think we should stay away from DnD magic and what not and focus more instead upon the Black Prism universe so the game could just be played in that first, and then booted over to DnD. That's just my thoughts it'll be interesting to here what the OP says. What do you think?

Supercrazy DM
2011-01-04, 10:15 PM
I actually really like the bending system and my friends and I play avatar d20. Presuming no objections from you mooseman123 I think we should use it. It allows for a lot of versatility and creative use.

I don't know how I feel about Ultraviolet drafting and for the most part I would like to stay canon as that is what we have to work with at least until we get some of the main colors done. I feel the same for the other new luxin at least until a new book comes out with more information possibly.

I'm not sure how I feel about characters rolling to determine what base color they can draft. I feel like since what type of luxin you can draft is close to a characters personality they should be able to choose it at character creation. However, maybe make other colors be random. For the being able to draft all colors that would involve being the Prism. I think that a player shouldn't normally be able to become the Prism unless a template is made as it could just lead to the player being lucky and too powerful.

I also like the idea of making a halo counter so to speak.

Moose Man
2011-01-04, 10:32 PM
No objections. I was just showing you the options, and it stopped my head from buzzing w/ideas.

Supercrazy DM
2011-01-04, 10:35 PM
I do like your idea for the halo counter system and I'll think I will work on making the class. It should be interesting, I'll have to work on making some "seeds" first to see what it turns out like.

Supercrazy DM
2011-02-27, 09:56 PM
So I kind of let this go by the wayside but would anyone here still be interested in doing this with me?

2011-02-28, 01:55 AM
So I kind of let this go by the wayside but would anyone here still be interested in doing this with me?

When I finish reading the book, I'd totally be interested in contributing to this. I love Brent Week's writings, he just needs to write more!


Supercrazy DM
2011-02-28, 09:31 AM
Wow I know you do a lot of great work with homebrew so you contributing would just be great. How far along in the book are you and what do you thing of the ideas posted above?

2011-02-28, 10:03 AM
I got the book! (had to order it all the way from the UK to Israel but was worth it!)

Anyway, I think that taking feats to expand your drafting range is a bad idea because the ability to draft a certin color is something your born with (right? haven't finished the book yet[damn you finals!])

also I think the halo break system needs a bit of "cheating" game wise
it would suck if someone really put a lot of hard work into his drafter char and have it turn useless all of a sudden, I don't know what to put instead of it but it's kinda of problematic...

In addition we should start thinking of other classes in the world (no clerics,druids etc. what to put instead of...)

Supercrazy DM
2011-02-28, 01:01 PM
Nice on getting the book, sorry it was such a hassle for you to get the book. I also agree that the halo system as it exists now is kind of problematic. We could do a few things. Use the spell point system and turn it into a halo point system and as long as you used the amount you had naturally it had no adverse affect on you.

Or we could do it like in avatar d20 where instead of overbending you overdraft which causes your lifespan to be shorter. I'm not sure exactly what to do.

Classes I can think of are basically non-magical classes with the drafter replacing magic. Then make a gun based class and have a few specialized drafting prestige classes.

Moose Man
2011-02-28, 11:21 PM
While it may be problematic, it is keeping to the book.
Ex. Going "Green Golem": They said, in the book, that drafting overmuch (Green Golem) can get you to break the halo in 3-4 days.

Supercrazy DM
2011-03-01, 09:11 PM
I know what you mean I just feel like there is a better clearer way that is less number crunchy to do this.

Moose Man
2011-03-03, 10:19 PM
mmmn, you are right, BUT HOW??? [/overlydramatic]

Supercrazy DM
2011-03-13, 06:08 PM
So I finally got my copy of the book back and I will begin drafting (see what I there) some base drafting seeds. Anyone else have any comments?