View Full Version : Neverending Dungeon - Hawke Silverhand (Dresil)

term1nally s1ck
2011-01-01, 11:34 PM
The air surrounding you fairly hums with the residue of magic, an aftereffect of the spell that brought you to this place. A quick glance reveals that you are in a small room, devoid of any life save for yourself. The sound of dripping water can be heard faintly, and the stone walls are slick with moisture. In complete defiance of logic, a torch is already lit, resting in a sconce near the room's single door.


There is a door at C-4, south side.

DM notes:Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=257572)

2011-01-02, 02:36 AM
First Hawke shall strike up a sunrod, and affix it to his belt. Next he'll pull out my expandable pole and search for traps at the door. Pending no bad outcome, I will continue onward.

Please assume I will take 10 for Spot/Listen for 12 and 15 respectively, and taking 20 for search for 28, unless I roll, or do you want me to roll everything?

term1nally s1ck
2011-01-02, 03:02 AM
That's fine, but I'll have to keep track of the time spent if you intend to do that for every room as well.

And the corridors are 10' high, do you wish to search the ceilings too?

2011-01-02, 01:11 PM
Yeah, I'll search those too, but only in the halls.

term1nally s1ck
2011-01-02, 02:42 PM
The door opens to reveal a corridor south.

Without leaving the room, you can see that the corridor splits east after 5', 25', and ends in a T-junction after 35'.

2011-01-02, 03:49 PM
Hawke will turn east at the first corridor and continue onward, looking for traps as he does so with the 11' pole.

term1nally s1ck
2011-01-03, 11:52 PM
You can see a N/S junction after 10', a door north after 30', another N/S junction after 60', and the corridor extends further than your light (unless you have low-light vision)

2011-01-04, 05:51 PM
I will head to the door and stop there, searching for traps all the while.

At the Door.

Listen [roll0]
Search for traps [roll1]
If need be: Open Lock [roll2]
Disable Device [roll3]

2011-01-04, 06:13 PM
TS, if you don't mind I'd take over this one

Dresil, one small thing: Arms & Equipment Guide and Song & Silence are 3.0, thus no legal source. Though if you want a long pole, look at the collapsible pole in Dungeonscape. 12 feet, two of them can be combined for 22 feet in all

2011-01-05, 01:40 AM
I don't have dungeonscape, how much is the pole.

2011-01-05, 07:36 AM
20 GP for one

2011-01-05, 10:43 AM
I'll just buy a 10 foot pole.

2011-01-05, 10:51 AM
the doors are solid lead and slide into the wall

what's your exact routine for corridors and doors respectively? Do you search just the ground, or the walls as well? And keep in mind that taking 20 on search for each square will take quite some time
what do you do with the pole?

2011-01-05, 11:00 AM
I'm searching the floors and the walls, and simply looking up. I'm using the pole to see if any tripwires are strung out.

At doors I search the frame, knob and look at the ceiling. Then I listen at the door, test if it is locked, and unlock it if needed. At any time if I find a trap I will stop and Disable Device.

2011-01-05, 11:12 AM
15 feet east after the door of the starting room you find a pit trap on the floor, 5 feet wide. What do you do? They can't be disabled

Held items?

2011-01-05, 11:24 AM
I'm currently holding the 10 foot pole and there is a sunrod in my belt. Is there a tripwire to trigger the trap or is it weight sensitive?

term1nally s1ck
2011-01-05, 11:28 AM
Weight sensitive. (Not explicit in the notes. Need to fix that.)

2011-01-05, 11:33 AM
Okay, I will put everything away, tie my rope to my backpack, (take 10) and carefully slide it onto the pit trap. Does 39 lbs. trip it?

2011-01-05, 11:39 AM
yes. The stone crumbles away, revealing a 20 feet pit, with your backpack dangling in it. What now?

2011-01-05, 11:42 AM
Slowly I will pull my backpack back up, and look down to see what is at the bottom. How difficult would it be to climb down/up the pit?

term1nally s1ck
2011-01-05, 11:42 AM
DC -15 for a medium char. Not hard.

2011-01-05, 11:43 AM
I see no gien climb DC, but since people are supposed to be able to get out again I'm gonna say 15


2011-01-05, 12:08 PM
Gah, my climb sucks, so I will toss my backpack/rope combo across the pit, make sure its not going to fall or anything after I let go of the rope, will back up as far as I can, Cast Expiditious Retreat and take a jump over the pit.


2011-01-05, 12:16 PM
since the pit is 5 feet wide the jump DC is just 5, 10 without running start since there isn't enough room behind it

you reach the previously mentioned door to the north, no traps, no sound. Opening the door reveals the following room:
There are doors at A5 south and E1 north.
In the room there is an ugly looking, blue scaled, lizard thing with fire in it's mouth!
Initiative: [roll0]

2011-01-05, 12:23 PM
Oh boy! Combat!

Initiative [roll0]
If I win Initiative, I will draw my longsword and take total defense. AC19

2011-01-05, 12:26 PM
he moves to B2 and hits you with a line of fire
[roll0] Fire, halved. Reflex halves again(minimum 1)

You're entangled for [roll1] turns

2011-01-05, 12:30 PM
If he is going to play like that then I will cast Sleep

Concentration [roll0] Will DC 14.

2011-01-05, 12:36 PM
concentration DC15 for entangled succeeds

Sleep has a casting time of 1 turn, so it will only finish at the start of your next turn

the entangling fire burns you some more [roll0] fire
then he hits you with another line of fire [roll1] reflex halves

more concentration for the damage please

term1nally s1ck
2011-01-05, 03:05 PM
5x5 pit, the chimney and the corner modifiers apply. Base DC 20, but with a rope it's 5. 0 with a knotted rope.

2011-01-05, 07:56 PM
[roll0] I am at 1 HP.

2011-01-06, 12:05 PM
3 if you make a DC 15 reflex save to half the last fire

2011-01-06, 12:12 PM
[roll0] I didn't even know I was on lingering fire. All of a sudden I took fire damage and was entangled. :/

2011-01-06, 12:17 PM
yes, this is a quite evil encounter. And you had the bad luck of not knowing that he doesn't need attack rolls, so you wasted your turn with total defense

anyway, you need one final DC 12 concentration check for the ongoing fire. If it succeeds, you cast Sleep at him. Will [roll0]

you take ongoing fire one final time [roll1] I'm not sure if it happens his turn or yours, so you may have time to heal before it happens

2011-01-06, 12:39 PM
Well there is no point in making th Con check after you roll a nat 20 on the will save. So, I'll pull my potion of CLW out and drink it.

[roll0] And I'm dead.

2011-01-06, 12:43 PM
well, bad luck there

start again with same character or a new one? Yo definitely need more staying power, be it AC, HP, DR or Rageclaws. And let me warn you, there are many encounters, I'm not sure if Beguiler is worth it

then again, I myself heavily favour melee and went through all Floors with only the occasional 1st level spell, so I'm kinda biased

2011-01-06, 01:01 PM
I'll make up something new. Maybe Dragon Shaman//something.

2011-01-06, 01:04 PM
right. Post here again when ready, I'll give you a sheetcheck then

2011-01-06, 01:10 PM
Thanks, will do so.

2011-01-21, 10:50 PM
After some RL issues, I'm making a new sheet. Going for Duskblade/Crusader

2011-01-21, 11:38 PM

2011-01-22, 12:56 PM
you seem to have 1 HP too many. Also, please correctly mark the cross-class skills so I can easier check the total

why only a light shield?

anyway, same starting room. procedure?

2011-01-22, 01:06 PM
you seem to have 1 HP too many. Also, please correctly mark the cross-class skills so I can easier check the total

why only a light shield?

anyway, same starting room. procedure?

Fixed the HP and hopefully the cross class skills, I seem to have a bug when I try to tag those as class skills on non-core classes.

Light shield only because of Arcane Attunement, negates Duskblade spell failure chance on light armor and light shields.

Take Stance Martial Spirit, draw sword and take the torch, then walk out of the door at C4.

Manuvers Granted


1- Crusader's Strike
2- Charging Minotaur
3- Stone Bones
4- Douse the Flames
5- Leading the Attack

This is also my first Marshal Adept class, so if I do something wrong, please tell me.

2011-01-22, 01:07 PM
you only roll for maneuvers once an encounter begins

anyway, you again see the way south, going east and west, and the way east, with a door going north

2011-01-22, 01:23 PM
Oh, sorry, I'll roll when an encounter begins then. Go South, then West.

2011-01-22, 01:33 PM
after 25 feet, there is a way east, ten feet, then going north. You can also see a door there

after 30 feet, you trigger a trap
touch [roll0] not sure of modifier, need to look it up
acid damage [roll1]
edit: +8, you take 1 damage

after 35 feet, the corridor ends, going west for 10 feet, then south, or east for 40 feet, going north. Also, on the eastern route is a door after 35 feet. Where to?

2011-01-22, 02:13 PM
Head toward the door on the eastern route and open it.

2011-01-22, 02:16 PM
5 feet before the door you see a large red and white bulls eye painted on the floor. What do you do?

2011-01-23, 12:40 AM
Attack the area with my sword.

2011-01-23, 01:10 AM
OK, you make a scratch into the paint. One sec


DMs only
hm interesting

well, nothing noticable happens. Keep hitting it or do something else?

2011-01-23, 03:38 AM
Two more attacks, if that does nothing, then I'll just open the door like normal and trigger the obvious trap.

2011-01-23, 02:16 PM
so you move over the bulls eye? If yes, roll me a survival check please

Opening the door reveals the following room:
There is a door at A-2, another at E-4, south side and another at E-3. There is a human wearing a chain shirt and holding a longsword standing behind a beast with patchy dark fur that covers its unhealthy shrunken black skin in some places. Open sores dot its hide and a feral, catlike head glances with it's blank eyes at the wall in front of it.

fighty time

2011-01-24, 11:01 AM
Survival [roll0]

Initiative [roll1]

Manuvers Granted


1-Crusader's Strike
2- Charging Minotaur
3- Stone Bones
4- Douse the Flames
5- Leading the Attack

2011-01-24, 03:15 PM
you learn nothing from survival

you won initiative, take your turn. You are south of E4

2011-01-24, 04:14 PM
Attack using Stone Bones. If it hits, I heal 2 hp and gain DR 5/adamantine.


2011-01-24, 04:39 PM
attack the beast or the human?

2011-01-24, 05:16 PM
The human in front of me.

2011-01-24, 05:24 PM
You hit and hurt him. The beast disappears, it was just an illusion

the human 5 foot steps north and casts Colour Spray at you. Will save please

2011-01-24, 10:32 PM
Oh crap. [roll0]

2011-01-25, 02:48 AM
... well, bad luck there

You are unconscious for [roll0] rounds, he'll 5 foot step to you, draw a longsword and attack. Following turns, he'll coup de grace you

there's a slight chance you'll survive

Round 1: attack vs helpless AC [roll1]
damage [roll2]

Round 2: CdG [roll3] damage. Fort vs 10+damage or instant death

Round 3: CdG [roll4] damage. Fort vs 10+damage or instant death

Round 4: CdG [roll5] damage. Fort vs 10+damage or instant death

Round 5: CdG [roll6] damage. Fort vs 10+damage or instant death

maximum duration... well that's it. What now?

term1nally s1ck
2011-01-25, 09:29 AM
One upon a time, my second guy who went through this dungeon survived 6 rounds of Coup-de-gracing. I lol'd.

2011-01-25, 12:14 PM
See you around the forum.

2011-01-25, 04:23 PM
sorry about that, you had some really bad luck there with the natural 1... Not much you can do when that happens against a safe or die

term1nally s1ck
2011-01-25, 05:10 PM
I'd recommend trying that again, you had the worst luck on rolls there. I'd think you have a good chance of beatng him.

2011-01-25, 07:18 PM
Let me make up a Dragon Shaman//Swordsage first. That character's saves were far too low.