View Full Version : The Age of Exploration (Prelude) IC

2011-01-02, 10:36 PM

The lot of you are an adventuring party that have based yourselves out of a frontier town. You are on good terms with the sherrif Cassius Blackwolfe and his deputy Ryu Kurrosta, and have been requested by him to take a message to the Baron on his behalf. There has been a rise in wolf attacks of late, and he is staying in town to keep the townsfolk safe from harm.

Presumably, you have agreed to take on this task for him and are gathering in the local tavern before venturing forth.

OOC: Feel free to introduce/describe your character, and let me know when you are ready to move on to the first day of travel. Of course, if the RP dies down, I'll advance to that on my own.

Edit - OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=181997)

About the NPCS:

Cassius Blackwolfe is a middle aged half orc, who is a semi-retired adventurer. He has a few levels on you, and is probably a scout. He is something of a hero around these parts, as he was part of an adventuring party that defeated and killed a werewolf necromancer about ten years ago (his half brother - a full blooded orc).

Ryu Kurrostaa is an elf from the the continent to the east. He doesn't really talk about his past much, but he is a friend of Cassius from his adventuring days, and has settled down here. He bears a web marking across his left eye, as is customary for his people. Most elves that you would run into are from a different elven kingdom, and do not bear this mark. Like Cassius, he has a few levels on you, and is probably a ninja.

2011-01-03, 01:34 PM
Leela Greenfield is small, even by halfling standards. With her neatly braided reddish hair and well-tanned skin, she could make a good impression of a carrot. Her black eyes constantly dart inquisitively around whichever space she happens to occupy.

Her raven familiar, Cherny, is never far from her side. He can usually be found sitting on his mistress' shoulder (only with great strain does she manage not to tilt on the side), nibbling at some treat.

Leela's speech is calculated and precise, and most importantly, quiet, a memento of her days as a librarian. As much as she enjoyed spending her time among dusty tomes, she could never get them in order (being unable to reach the top shelves was a bummer as well), and was eventually forced to leave this career path.

2011-01-03, 07:33 PM
An elf with pale white hair sits at a corner table. His apparel is strange for this land, but you've come to be used to it. He is the sheriff's best friend and deputy, Ryu Kurrostaa. He patiently waits for you to finish your breakfast, and then rises from his seat to great you.

He bows slightly in greeting, as is his custom, and presents to you a small bag. You can hear glass bottles clanking together from inside it. "We have gathered together a few potions for your journey. The wilderness can be hazardous these days."

After presenting the pouch, he takes his leave.

the contents of the pouch

Potion of Cure Serious Wounds
Potion of Bull's Strength
Potion of Heroism
Oil of Magic Weapon

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-03, 07:47 PM
(( Aargh. DM-ninja’ed ))

A pair of strange blue-on-blue eyes follow Ryu as he leaves the tavern. Save for this one feature, the possessor appears as a normal, young human man. He is sitting next to Leela.

“I still dunno about this playing courier thing,” says Seth, combing his fingers through his curly black hair. “Seems like it may be a little overblown. Isn’t the real danger going to be in hunting down the source of these troubles, anyway? We’ve done worse.”

2011-01-03, 08:31 PM

Looking up at the human, Kellyn replies:
"Don't look a gift dragon in the mouth. Actually, don't look any dragon in the mouth if you know what's good for you."

This gnome is tall for a gnome, which isn't really saying much. He is not as broad shouldered or stocky as most gnomes, and in fact if it weren't for his weathered (not to mention bearded) face, he could pass as a human child. And of course there is the "tattoo" that wraps around his torso. Not much of it can be seen under his clothing, but it appears to be a feathered serpent. It seems to ripple and undulate as he moves... or is it actually moving? Did it just... blink?

He is dressed in a simple cream colored linen shirt with somewhat worn but quite serviceable indigo colored leather vest and brown leather pants and boots. His hair is short cropped and black, and his beard is little more than a goatee. He does not seem to carry much gear or weaponry, though he does have a small pouch hanging from his belt.

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-03, 09:01 PM
Seth shrugs. “Eh, I know of a few civilized dragons. They’d be relatively safe, even if grumpy from being looked at. Wouldn’t like being given as gifts, though.”

2011-01-03, 11:39 PM

Aavel Tev'mir is just about all you'd expect from an elf.

Pointed ears, to be sure. And the green eyes, with the white-greenish hair to match. Slender figure, medium stature, yes...and of course, that look that alternates between fierce determination and apathic indifference you can never seem to get away from.

Unfortunately, he is currently set to the latter.

Aavel examines the contents of the pouch with no reply to the subject of grumpy dragon slaves.

2011-01-04, 07:04 AM
Leela examines the contents of the pouch, then looks up at her companions, perplexed. Something seems to be missing.

Where's the message? You know, the message we're supposed to be taking?

2011-01-04, 08:48 AM
(you have the message, it is in a sealed scroll case)

edit- actually, lets say that "Eyeball" has it, that gives Obs something to do.

2011-01-04, 06:07 PM
Just then, Eyeball returns from outside the inn, where he has been out to relieve himself. ”Right here,” he calls to Leela, holding up a scroll case he carries strapped over his shoulder. He approaches the party, beckoning a barmaid over with a grin, and then sits down on a chair, onto which his (unloaded) crossbow leans. ”What'd the elf-fella want?” he asks his comrades-in-arms, glancing down at the bottles on the table. ”And what's all this, then? Don't he think we all can handle a little stroll in the woods?”

The cocky young man, Eyeball, rarely (if ever) known by his real name, Geirry Bosker, is the newest addition to the party, having traveled with them now for two months. He's been pleasant company thus far, and eager to get to know his colleagues, but rather vague about his own origins, except for stating that he's from a big port city up north. As for the origin of his nickname, all he has ceded is “funny story, that is.” His style in clothing seems to attest to this claim, as did the style of jewelry he wore in excess when he first joined the party, but lost gambling a week later.
Eyeball is a short man for his race, that being human, but does not seem to be bothered by this fact. He has dark brown skin and large eyes of the same colour, and his long, black hair is done into many small braids, which he has swept back and keeps still by wearing his sling as a headband, its leather pouch serving as an adornment of sorts on the back of his head. Moreover, his right ear is adorned by a bright silver ring hanging from the lobe, which quite beautifully contrasts with his dark complexion.

Just as the barmaid approaches with a tankard of beer, by now familiar with Eyeball's favoured beverage, he withdraws the price of the beer, along with two extra silver pieces, from his pouch. “Keep the change, love,” he tells the barmaid with a smile, touching her hand for a moment as he pays her.

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-04, 06:17 PM
“That’s the problem. We can handle it. Too easily.” Seth stares into an empty mug for a moment before looking up with a big grin. “Long as we can keep track of that message. Right, Leela?”

2011-01-04, 06:34 PM

"Hey, you don't wanna go, that's more of the reward for the rest of us."

He turns to Eyeball.

"Anyway, I say we head out now, before we have any more distractions."

2011-01-04, 07:04 PM
And with those fateful words the storyteller turns the page, and we find this group of adventurers on their way, traveling through the forest. The first day of the voyage is mostly uneventful, although the forest is a bit eerie, the shadows seeming darker, the quiet seeming a strange stillness that rests not lightly on the mind. It comes time for the day's journey to come to an end, and they find themselves looking for a place to set up camp for the night.

Feel free to roleplay amongst yourselves, I will be ready to continue with the first encounter once watches have been set up (if you are keeping watches).

You have noticed that it isn't just your senses playing tricks on you. The forest is much quieter than it should be this time of year; there should be more wildlife about.

You are also fairly certain that your group is being stalked, most likely by wolves. You haven't laid eyes on any wolves, at least not when they were close enough for you to do anything about it, or for more than for just an instant.


You have the sensation that your group is being followed by... something. Probably the wolves that have been plaguing the area.

2011-01-05, 07:50 AM

Wary throughout the entire trail, Aavel doesn't seem very relieved to be stopping. Quite the opposite, in fact, and his pale complexion is filled with a sense of alert as he approaches the others.

"We are being stalked.", he says, "Wolves, most definetely, or something similar... we -should- be relatively safe, I don't think they would actually attack us, but... something's just not right with this place. I'd rather we didn't tarry here for long."

2011-01-05, 08:58 AM
“That’s the problem. We can handle it. Too easily.” Seth stares into an empty mug for a moment before looking up with a big grin. “Long as we can keep track of that message. Right, Leela?”

Leela shrugs at her overconfident companion. Those woods are dark and sinister, not like anything she seen back home in Mudburrow. Add to that the rumors of wolf infestation... she turns to Seth and nods.

Yes, as long as we keep track of the message. And ourselves.

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-05, 09:27 AM
“‘Or something similar,’ eh, Aav? Shouldn’t we find out for sure before we decide how safe we really are?” Seth’s comment is made with a far cheerier inflection than the situation would seem to call for.

2011-01-05, 11:58 AM

The elf frowns. "I suppose if you wanted to find out, you could just circle back and see for yourself. I wouldn't recommend it, though."

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-05, 12:12 PM
“Only if you come with me, Aav. You know a damn bit more about wolves than I do.”

2011-01-05, 12:45 PM
"Ah, now wouldn't that be wonderful? The two of us getting chased by a pack of rabid wildlife?", the ranger almost smirks.

"...alright. Very well.", he unslings his bow, "I am not one to turn down a challenge. If the others consent we will go scout."

2011-01-05, 01:10 PM
Leela is worried. In all the books she read on the topic of traveling in spooky forests, the one who goes scouting always gets eaten first. Which of course opens the way for everyone else to get eaten later.

Let's all stick together for a change. If it's wolves out there, strength in numbers will deter them.

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-05, 01:33 PM
Seth shakes his head. “Don’t want ‘em too deterred. The whole point is to get a good look.”

2011-01-05, 02:02 PM

"Precisely. And if they do manage to sniff us out, we can just run back shouting warning."

2011-01-05, 02:16 PM
Really? Silly me, I was under the impression the point was to deliver a messa...

One glance at Aavel and Seth's optimistic mugs convinces Leela not to fight the inevitable and stops her mid-sentence. Another thing those books taught her is that everyone has their destiny. For some, destiny is being The Token Character That Gets Eaten Early To Prove The Danger Is Serious.

Leela wants to tell them she requires no such sacrifice, she already knows the danger is serious, mere glance at the sinister woods is enough for her. But you can't fight destiny. They must go.

But very well, you kids run along, and the rest of us will be sure to keep our ears peeled for any screams of warning. Or pain, as the case may be.

2011-01-05, 02:50 PM
Dun Dun Dunn!
And now, back to work...

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-05, 03:47 PM
“Alright. Anyone mind lookin’ after Dolly here, in the meantime?” Seth asks as he slips out of his mule-drawn cart.

2011-01-05, 06:53 PM

"Watch yer mule? Na, I'm gonna climb a tree in case those wolves get here afore you get back. I promise to be very sad if the wolves eat her. I may even cry."

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-05, 09:47 PM
Seth grins broadly. “Afraid of a little wolf, eh, Kel? Can’t say I blame ya. I’m soiling my pants out of fear right now, actually.”

2011-01-06, 12:20 AM
And so the party splits into two groups, disregarding Leela's reservations.

Group One

Kellyn scales a tree, after a few failed attempts. Leela and Eyeball stand near the mule cart, keeping their eyes peeled for the impending ambush. It is ultimately poor old Dolly that senses the danger before anyone else, her nostrils flaring and eyes widening in terror, and she seems ready to bolt. Before anyone has a chance to react, a fierce black furred wolf pounces out of the shadows, biting into poor old Dolly's flank, and dragging her to the ground.

That was the surprise round.

Terrain: There is a gibbous moon out, and this is a clearing, as you had been looking for a place suitable for setting up camp, so there is a roughly 20' diameter area with good illumination from the nearly-full moon, and w/o any hindering terrain features. You guys are at one side of the clearing, near a tree with the cart and the mule. Kellyn is on a branch 10 feet off the ground. Any higher is unlikey with his poor climbing skills, but feel free to climb higher if you want to try.

Leela: 16
Eyeball: 13
Mule: 13
Kellyn: 9
Wolf: 9

The mule took 9 damage and was tripped, torn loose from the cart.

Group Two

The two scouts double back and the ranger quickly picks up a trail. Following it for perhaps 20 minutes on foot, he comes to realize that this trail is itself doubling back. As he comes to this realization, he looks up into the eyes of a wolf waiting in the darkness, next to two packmates. Seth remains oblivious as the wolves attack.

Surprise! Round!

The wolves and Aavel get to act in the surprise round. All the wolves seem the same to Aavel, but Seth recognizes the unnatural intelligence and malice in the one that seems to lead the group. He is almost certain it must be a worg. Once he notices it, anyway.

Wolves (2) 20
Worg 19
Aavel 16
Seth 5

You are in a heavily wooded area, no longer on a path, so it is pretty much impossible to get a clear line of charge past say, 15 ft. It is also currently night, in a forest. There is however a gibbous moon, so it is shadowy illumination (so Aavel can see fine, Seth has a 20% miss chance w/o a light source, as do the wolves). Feel free to declare that you already had a light source if you want.

The pair of wolves quickly circle around to flank the oblivious one. The worg moves up to threaten Aavel.

Note: I have rolled initiative, perception, and knowledge checks for everyone already.

2011-01-06, 07:17 AM
Oh my, so it's poor Dolly who gets eaten first. What a surprising development. Let's make sure she's the only one.

Leela steps sideways to have a clear line of sight to the wolf, fishes her pouch for some colored dust and throws it in the air. Alfile Dissinto Colori! She exclaims, as the dust transforms into a burst of colors which hits the wolf.

Color Spray

If the wolf has 2 HD or less: unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round
If 3 or 4 HD: blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round.
If 5+ HD: stunned for 1 round.

Wil 14 negates.

2011-01-06, 09:52 AM
The wolf shakes off the effect, and looks up at Leela with almost human malice.

note - don't usually expect results of actions before the round update, but I will if I can.

2011-01-06, 10:19 AM
Quickly and wordlessly, Aavel backs away from the worg, preparing himself to shoot.

Move full movement (whether hampered by difficult terrain or not) away from the worg).

Can I assume Aavel already had the bow in hand?

2011-01-06, 10:23 AM
The wolf shakes off the effect, and looks up at Leela with almost human malice.
Uh oh.

Leela grips her miniature, almost toy-like spear tightly, bracing for counterattack.

If the wolf charges, attack of opportunity (reach FTW!), +3 attack, 1d6 damage; assuming of course she had the spear drawn before, if not ignore this

2011-01-06, 10:34 AM
Weapons out is fine. Aavel, you can move ~50' away and move into a square with a tree, or move behind a massive tree with a double move.
The most important terrain element in a forest is the trees, obviously. A creature standing in the same square as a tree gains a +2 bonus to Armor Class and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves (these bonuses don’t stack with cover bonuses from other sources). The presence of a tree doesn’t otherwise affect a creature’s fighting space, because it’s assumed that the creature is using the tree to its advantage when it can. The trunk of a typical tree has AC 4, hardness 5, and 150 hp. A DC 15 Climb check is sufficient to climb a tree. Medium and dense forests have massive trees as well. These trees take up an entire square and provide cover to anyone behind them. They have AC 3, hardness 5, and 600 hp. Like their smaller counterparts, it takes a DC 15 Climb check to climb them.

I'm off to work now, so you're on your own until late tonight.

2011-01-06, 10:51 AM
Gonna pick the normal tree, then. That +2 to AC should come in handy :smallsmile:

2011-01-06, 11:11 AM
Eyeball turns as soon as he hears the donkey crying out, then dismounts as quickly as he can, draws his morningstar, and tries to whack the wolf upside the head with it.

Attempted fast dismount (Ride DC 20)
Attack roll against the wolf, +5 attack bonus
All weapon draws are a free action due to Quick Draw feat.

If the fast dismount succeeds, Eyeball also moves as far away from the wolf as he can, sheathing his morningstar and drawing his crossbow.

2011-01-06, 09:07 PM

Glad to be in the tree where he has a little bit of protection, the gnome calls out in something that vaguely resembles language, and hurls a translucent blob of... something through the air at the wolf.

OK, lets see how this works:
{table=head]Step | Choice | DC
Element | Direct Damage (raw damage) | 10
Area of Effect | One target | +0
Range | Close (25'+5' per 2 levels = 30') | +1
Duration | Instantaneous | +0
Total | | 11 [/table]

Ok, casting check vs. DC 11: [roll0]

Ranged Touch Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] force; DC 19 Fort save for half

EDIT: forgot the +2 on the caster level check from being a Breaker. Success, but only barely. whew.

EDIT 2: Kellyn takes 2 non-lethal damage from this spell.


Kellyn's winged-snake-like familiar uses it's Bolster Will ability.

2011-01-06, 11:35 PM
Group 1:


Eyeball leaps out of the saddle, swinging his morningstar with some skill, sending it scraping across the wolf's thick hide. A faint trickle of blood follows the path of the spikes.
(hit for full damage)


The orb of force catches the wolf square in the flank, but it doesn't flinch.
(made the save for half damage)


The wolf ignores the heroes' valiant attempts to save poor old Dolly, and visciously tears out her throat.
(crit for 24 damage, btw)

Damage to wolf so far: 12
Wolf appears: unfazed
End of Round 1

2011-01-06, 11:45 PM
If at first you don't suceed, try again ...

Before any of her allies engage the wolf in melee, Leela will try to throw another pinch of colored dust and evoke another spray of colors.

Color Spray, as before

... then run away.

If this doesn't drop the wolf, she runs to the cover of the nearest tree, as fast as her short legs will allow, clinging to her spear for dear life.

Again, if the wolf charges, attack of opportunity, +3 attack, 1d6 damage

2011-01-06, 11:47 PM
Group 2:

The wolves attack Seth, one of them biting into his leg for 7, but Seth manages to shake the wolf off before without being dragged to the ground.

The worg's gaze follows Aavel as he withdraws from melee, then it lazily swings its head back towards Seth. You detect what almost sounds like laughter in its growl as it leisurely circles around Seth, baring its fangs.
(rough map)


The wolf appears to be stunned, but not blinded. Its resilience leads you to suspect it might not be a wolf, but you still aren't sure what it might be. Dire wolf cub maybe? (failed the knowledge check even after a reroll - I guess Leela never encountered one of these before).

2011-01-07, 07:00 AM
"Well, I'll be the son of a..." Eyeball takes a second to consider his options - he never did like a straight hand-to-hand fight, but here he was. He then quickly jumped around the wolf, trying to distract it from his dark brown horse, which seemed to be getting more and more worried. Eyeball then took his morningstar in both hands and, unleashing a shout, struck at the wolf again. He looked up at the gnome in the tree and called out, "Oy, Kellyn! Get that snake behind the wolf, I need him distracted!"

5-foot step
Attack with both hands (x1.5 damage)

2011-01-07, 08:18 AM

Seeing his teammate nastily injured, Aavel clenches his teeth and raises his bow. Quick as a wild cheetah, the elf unleashes arrow-shaped doom upon his target, sending two of them to seek and slay.

Full-round attack using Rapid Shot feat, both attacks against the wolf to Seth's right.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]

Damage 1: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

"SETH! Go for the TREES! I'll cover you!"

2011-01-07, 08:58 AM
Aavel: Your arrows pierce the side of one of the wolves, which collapses.

Obs: Eyeball grasps his morningstar in both hands, and delivers a powerful strike across the wolf's throat before manuevering into a better position. (10dmg)

The horse backs away from the wolf, but stays within the clearing.

2011-01-07, 02:48 PM
I think kellyn still has to act, but we'll keep that for next round. The wolf's turn is becoming not stunned, so eyeball and kellyn can act again as well.

2011-01-08, 12:00 AM
Group 1

Kellyn tries once again to attack the wolf with some kind of blob of invisible energy:

Casting check vs. DC 11: [roll0]

Ranged Touch Attack: [roll1] (now firing into melee)
Damage: [roll2] force; DC 19 Fort save for half

The wolf shakes off the stunning effect from the color spray, but is nearly knocked off its feat by Kellyn's magical blob of destructive force.

Damage to wolf: 40
Wolf appears: Severely Injured
End of Round 2

Group 2

Seth turns invisible and moves towards a nearby tree, but is not able to climb it successfully.
ooc: going to declare Seth bound Malphas today, as that seems a good wilderness vestige, and his player won't be posting today or tomorrow. We'll say it was a good pact.

End of Round 1

The worg and the remaining wolf move to flank Aavel. The worg waits for the wolf to circle around Aavel, and then moves up and snaps at him, but just gets a mouthful of tree branch for its trouble.

2011-01-08, 12:16 AM
Removed my previous post, since it was out of sequence

Leela removes a bit of fleece from her pocket and blows it in the air.

Bovino Evocato!

By the time the wolf's senses return to him, he sees a fat meaty cow standing in the clearing, right in front of him, grazing quietly. How it got there is unclear, but it looks so tasty, so succulent ... can he resist taking a bite?

Silent Image. Will 14 to disbelieve if interacted with. Hopefully, it'll make him waste at least one round nibbling on the imaginary cow.

2011-01-08, 12:25 AM
ooc: if you want to change your action since you now know it is severely injured before your next turn, you can.

2011-01-08, 12:27 AM
Nah, it's ok. I don't deal nearly enough damage to be a factor in the race to zero HP. I'll distract it with bovines and let the rest of the party move in for the kill.

2011-01-08, 07:22 AM

Aavel doesn't let himself be intimidated by the opposition. Instead of running away, he stands right where he is, and gets ready to fight off his enemies assaults -while- he shoots at them.

He also takes use of his bracers to increase his speed, hoping two arrows are all it will take to fell the next wolf too...

Full-round action (yelding the wovles one attack of opportunity each), using bracers of quick-strike to make an extra attack.

Which I'm assuming is how the bracers work.

Attack 1:[roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Those are on the wolf, not the worg, by the way.

2011-01-08, 07:36 AM
Aavel: You raise your bow and knock an arrow, trusting in your speed and grace, but the worg catches your arm in its fierce jaws and drags you to the ground, leaving a bloody mess of your hand. (6 dmg and knocked prone, which spoils your attacks, since bows cannot be used from prone)

Actually, I guess I can update the round, since Windrider is absent today.

Seth appears between the worg and his fallen foe, his quarterstaff jabbed fiercely into the creature's eye, and then brought back into position quickly enough to fend off its fangs. (10dmg to the worg with sudden strike)

The wolf attacks him from the rear, catching him in the leg, but not bringing him to the ground (3dmg).

2011-01-08, 08:00 AM


Aavel stumbles back onto his feet, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in his arm.

2011-01-08, 12:44 PM
Taking a total defense action with that, since standing will provoke, and you didn't take any other actions? Might I also suggest a 5' step, so that you are no longer sharing a space and flanked?

2011-01-08, 12:58 PM
Hm, for some reason I thought standing up from prone was a full-rounder. Thanks for drawing my attention to this.

Stand up, total defense, and 5 foot step (to the side of the normal wolf, breaking from the reach of the worg), all sound good, yeah.

2011-01-08, 01:03 PM
In that case, the wolf hits you for 2 as you stand, but the worg misses... and I will have to finish the rest tonight... don't know what the soulmeld does offhand.

2011-01-08, 05:30 PM

"We got it now!"

He sends another blast of energy towards the "wolf".

Casting check vs. DC 11: [roll0]
Ranged Touch Attack: [roll1] (firing into melee)
Damage: [roll2] force; DC 19 Fort save for half

Hmm... couldn't fail that CL check (still could have had a backlash on a nat 1 though) it is seeming unbalanced, even though a total of 10 non-lethal damage was suffered.

2011-01-09, 12:07 AM
The wolf passed the save, but probably won't be standing anyway, unless Eyeball misses completely. No pressure, Eyeball.

2011-01-10, 10:04 AM
Recognising the opportunity, Eyeball once more grasps his morningstar in both hands and swings it at the wolf, sincerely hoping that this will be the final blow.

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-10, 10:20 PM
(( As for light: Seth would have his everburning torch tied to his belt. Unless he really needed the invisibility for more than setting up a sudden strike. :smalltongue: ))

Seth makes a fighting retreat (( fight defensively )), using the trees as cover where applicable as he waits for his invisibility to recharge.

2011-01-11, 02:19 AM
Group 1:

Eyeball baseball bats the wolf into Kellyn's orb of force, and it collapses in a heap.

Group 2:

Seth tries his best to fend off the wolves, but the worg bats his staff to the side and takes a chunk out of his leg. (10dmg)

He does succeed in drawing the wolves after him, leaving Aavel free to fire his bow unmolested, but he isn't looking good (4/24hp by my count).

It occurs to that the relationship between the worg and the wolf is similar to the relationship between a schoolyard bully and his flunkies. If the worg is driven away or killed, the wolf will likely retreat.
this message brought to you by sense motive

2011-01-11, 07:32 AM

For the first time during the encounter, Aavel seems to be genuinely concerned. Of course, that just makes him clench his teeth even harder, and put all of his focus and determination into his next arrows...

5-foot step away from the wolves, and then full-action Rapid Shot, both shots on the wolf.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2011-01-11, 12:08 PM
Seth manages to keep away from the sharp fangs of the wolves for a moment, even landing a solid blow on the worg (4dmg).

2011-01-11, 03:02 PM
With the wolf vanquished, Leela looks around. It's suddenly so quiet.

These animals rarely hunt alone, she says. Perhaps we should seek out the others? God knows what could happen to them with those beasts on the loose.

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-11, 03:46 PM
Seth shouts, “Go for the big one!” while continuing his retreat.


2011-01-11, 04:01 PM
Going to go ahead and NPC Aavel, in the interest of wrapping up the encounter:

Aavel fires two arrows that bite deeply into the worg. It grabs Seth's cloak in its teeth and tugs, sending him tumbling to the ground, and then moves away. Seth swings feebly at it from the ground as it retreats, but doesn't have enough leverage to injure it through its tough hide. The other wolf withdraws, the worg no longer there to bully it into attacking a dangerous foe.

The worg is now 50 feet away from Seth, and will be out of sight at [roll0]feet (I wonder if that will work)

The wolf is now out of sight, and moved away in a different direction than the worg.

edit - cool, it did!

2011-01-11, 05:37 PM

The worg may be done fighting, but Aavel is not. The elf touches the sign of the Web Queen in his neck and runs towards the wolf, bow in hand.

Move action towards the worg, hopefully getting into point blank range, but not going as far as melee, if I can move that far. Standard action to shoot the worg (point blank bonus applicable if I can get there).

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-01-11, 05:41 PM
Aavel's arrow pierces the hide of the fell creature, biting deep into its heart. It falls to the ground, dying.

At this point the wolf is gone, unless you use your Track feat.

2011-01-11, 06:03 PM

With the worg gone, Aavel's rage subsides. The elf returns and performs a short ritual on the normal wolf, plucking the arrows from it's body, and muttering a few words in what seems like the elven language. After that he touches the wolf's eyes, and gets up ready to leave.

"We are done here. We should go back and find the others."

2011-01-11, 06:41 PM
At the speed of plot, it just so happens that the others catch up with you at this point.

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-12, 08:24 PM
Seth looks up at the approaching group and grins. “Well, it was a wolf.” He gestures to the worg corpse as if it were a birthday present for the others.

2011-01-12, 09:20 PM

Aavel stands up straight and tries to look dignified -despite- his bleeding arm and dirt-ridden clothing. It's not a very easy thing to do.

"Leela. Eyebal. Kellyn....needed us for anything?

2011-01-12, 09:33 PM
Just wondered how'd the scouting go, that's all.

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-12, 09:41 PM
“Yeah. We found it. It was wolves.” With a slight limp, Seth starts heading back for the cart. “Now, let’s get back and find a place to camp.”

2011-01-12, 09:41 PM

"Oh. Well...", Aavel eyes the dead wolf beside him, and the puncture wounds his arrows left on it.



"We're doing good. You?"

“Yeah. We found it. It was wolves.” With a slight limp, Seth starts heading back for the cart. “Now, let’s get back and find a place to camp.”

"Right! That's probably a good idea...", the elf puts away his bow and follows.

2011-01-12, 09:51 PM
Are you going to tend to the wounded before resting for the night? Heal checks, healing spells, healing spells from items, etc? If not you will only heal 3 hp with a night's rest.

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-12, 09:53 PM
(( Also need to figure out what to do with the cart… ))

2011-01-12, 10:13 PM
“Yeah. We found it. It was wolves.” With a slight limp, Seth starts heading back for the cart. “Now, let’s get back and find a place to camp.”That's nice. Wolves. We kind of guessed it. You know, with the three of us being attacked by a huge ugly wolf. Oh, and your mule died... only now does Leela notice she's still dragging the phantasmal cow behind her, and lets her go. So, yes, let's camp.

If someone is badly hurt, Leela will offer a few charges from her wand of CLW

2011-01-12, 11:14 PM
You do have the horse, but that would put Eyeball on foot.

It will take 4 charges of Leela's wand to put Aavel and Seth back up to fighting trim (that will heal all but 2 dmg on Aavel, and all but 1 dmg on Seth, which will heal overnight).

The night will pass uneventfully, unless you choose to pursue other activities besides resting and then heading out the next morning. Feel free to RP, the next day is uneventful until the early afternoon, which I will update before I go to bed tonight.

2011-01-13, 12:14 AM
The page turns. The group has lost one faithful beast of burden but continues onward. The darker part of the forest behind them, their spirits lighten as well. They travel most of the day, grateful for a peaceful journey, until...

OOC: Feel free to do any morning prep, and post it in spoilers or on the OOC thread.

Out of the forest behind you runs a young women, who looks to be fleeing from something, and two long black spikes are jutting from her back. She doesn't speak, but upon seeing you she runs and hides behind Eyeball, looking towards the spot in the woods she ran from. You can hear an evil screech coming from the woods, and the sounds of branches snapping in the trees in the canopy.

You have a round to prepare before initiative is rolled. I have rolled applicable knowledge checks, and none of you can tell what it is, at least until you see it.

2011-01-13, 08:55 AM

"Well, that can't be good...", the elf unslings his bow, anticipating trouble.

2011-01-13, 09:26 AM
Those spikes sure look mean ... wouldn't like one stuck in my flesh.

Leela runs to the nearest tree that can be used for cover, and loads a bolt in her crossbow.

Hide [roll0] <-- Unfortunately, she is very poorly hidden, maybe because her fat butt is sticking out.

2011-01-13, 11:50 AM
I'm sorry I haven't been posting as diligently as I'd hoped I'd be able to. Will try to remedy that from now on.

Assume that Eyeball has been tagging along without objections.

"What's all this, then?" he exclaims, quickly getting his crossbow ready and loading a bolt on it. He briefly looks over his shoulder to have a look at the spikes in the young woman's back, and just how badly they seem to have injured her, before returning his focus to the woods, biting his lips as he prepares for what he fears might be a particularly tough fight. "Ya still got that limp, Seth?"

Drawing and loading crossbow
Skill check of DM's choice to assess the severity and nature of the woman's wounds

2011-01-13, 03:20 PM
She looks pretty bad. To your untrained eye, you'd say a stiff wind could probably do her in at this point. Especially if that wind was in the shape of one of those spikes sticking in her backside.

2011-01-13, 06:14 PM

What Obs said. Acclimating to the new job has been tougher than expected, but I hope it will be better soon. Though I will be moving next week... when it rains it pours, neh?

"Oh fer cryin' out loud what now?"

::Zat, juice me up:: he thinks to his familiar as he ducks into the trees to hide.

::I wish for once you'd let me bite something. It would be so... tasty.::
The snake-like entity replies as it wriggles and writhes along the gnome's skin.

::You'd best be doin' what I say or you'll be gettin' a taste o' my fist.::
Kellyn brooks no disobedience from his servant.

::Yes boss....::

Kellyn hides[roll=hide]1d20+11[/hide] EDIT: groan. roll in OOC.
Zat uses Bolster Will

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-13, 10:47 PM
(( Assuming binding to Malphas was late enough in the day that I’m still going off yesterday’s binding. Probably have a few more hours before I can change up… ))

“I’m good. Night’s rest does wonders.” Seth picks up his staff and walks Eyeball and their new guest. Just before turning invisible he whispers to her, “Don’t worry. I’ll be with you.”

2011-01-13, 11:27 PM
A horrid looking beast with batlike wings and a spike covered tail flies into view, it snaps it tail and leers menacingly from the air.

Once he sees the creature, Seth is able to identify it as a Manticore.


Aavel: 25
Leela: 21
Seth: 14
Damsel: 10
The damsel in the distress will take a full defense and move to keep a PC between her and the manticore.
Kellyn: 9
Manticore: 7
Eyeball: 5


Manticore is 40 feet in the air, flying at a diagonal to the path.

C = Cart
M = Manticore
L = Leela
A = Aavel
S = Seth
D = Damsel
K = Kellyn
E = Eyeball
- = ~5ft square
H = Horse
+ = edge of path

2011-01-14, 08:30 AM
"I suppose it would have been too much to expect for our foe to be small, furry, and docile?", Aavel touches his bracers and raises his bow.

Full-round action using Bracers of Quick Strike to make two ranged attacks.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack 1: [roll2]
Damage 1: [roll3]

2011-01-14, 09:30 AM
Your arrows strike true, adding a few more spikes to its tail, these pointed the wrong way.

2011-01-14, 09:41 AM
Since her last attempts at Color Spray haven't been as effective as desired, Leela tries a different, less gentle approach. She mumbles a spell, causing the monster to feel a sudden burst of headache, then retreats to the safety of the tree trunk.

Whelm - [roll0] damage, Will 14 for half

2011-01-14, 09:43 AM
The beast shakes it head in pain from your psychic assault. (failed the save)

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-14, 03:52 PM
Seth moves between the manticore and injured girl and prepares to fight off the beast if it moves to harm her.

(( Ready an action to attack if it approaches the girl.
[roll1] (includes Sudden Strike)

In case of Crit Threat:

2011-01-14, 06:37 PM

That thing'll be a lot less dangerous if it can't see... could be tough, best take my time...

Focusing his mind, he visualizes the creature's face changing, distorting, growing think opaque membranes over it's eyes. Sending forth magic energy, he tries to force reality to reshape itself to his vision.

{table=head]Step | Choice | DC
Element | Transmutation (minor) | 10
Area of Effect | One target | +0
Range | Medium (100'+10' levels = 130') | +5
Duration | By Round | +5
Casting Time | Full Round Action | -2
Total | | 18 [/table]
If successful, Will Save DC 15 to negate

2011-01-14, 09:11 PM
The manticore is unaffected, and doesn't seem to notice that you did anything.

It bellows in anger from the arrows sent flying it's way, and the strange headache whose source it can't identify, and sends a volley of spikes towards Aavel and Eyeball before flying across the path and landing in a tree directly above Kellyn. The tree bows under the weight of the creature, bringing it closer to the ground.

The volley of spikes manage to fly around Aavel, one passing to either side of his head and the other hitting the tree he is next to. Eyeball is not so lucky, taking two spikes through the belly (10 and 11 damage), and slumping to the ground in a pool of blood.

Manticore appears: Wounded

2011-01-14, 10:06 PM
Eyeball! No!

Seeing the creature perched in the tree, Leela briefly considered the Color Spray option again ... I wonder what happens if it stuns him ... but noticing Kellyn below, changed her mind ... he'll probably fall on Kellyn and kill him.

Kellyn, get out of there! She yelled, getting a spell ready.

Hold my action until after Kellyn (but before the beast)

2011-01-14, 10:18 PM

Aavel watches helplessly as a spike flies by inches from his head, and then as another one misses him by just a bit more. His relief is brief, however, as he learns where the other two spikes ended up...

"GEIRRY!", the elf shouts as he turns to his fallen comrade. For a moment, Aavel sees everything. He sees the blood flowing, and he sees the black, jagged spikes responsible. He sees his other companions, and he sees the manticore attacking them. But most of all he sees that there's currently nothing he can do to help his comrade. That is a hard realization. It is also one he has had to deal with before...

Aavel is not willing to let his past repeat itself.

Aavel gets up and runs towards the beast, bow in hand...

Move action towards the Manticore. Enough squares that I get into PBS range, but not enough that I'm sitting under it.

Standard action to shoot. Come on, natural 20!!

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edit: O.o woah, didn't think that'd actually work.

2011-01-14, 10:37 PM
The damsel gasps as her would be hero is struck down, and moves to his side. It looks like she knows what she is doing, but she is not able to stop the bleeding this round. (fails heal check to stabilize, Eyeball fails first bleed out roll and takes 1 more dmg)

2011-01-15, 12:39 AM
I am preparing to post the next round in the next ten minutes, so get your actions in if you've got them.

First: Updated Map


The manticore howls in pain as Aavel's arrow strikes true, plunging into its side so deeply only the fletching is visible.

Seth pull out a potion of cure light wounds and forces it down Eyeball's throat, healing him for 6. His wounds close somewhat, and he regains consciousness.

Kellyn sneaks out from under the manticore and moves around to behind the cart (maintaining his hide check, since he hasn't been noticed yet, as far as he can tell).

Speaking of the cart, the horse is not happy about this monstrous creature so close to it, and looks like it may bolt soon.

The manticore flies across the path once more, unleashing another volley of spikes, and lands 20 feet up on the branch of a large tree near Leela, one which bears its weight w/o complaint.

One spike hits the horse for 4 damage.
Two spikes flies straight down at Aavel as the manticore passes over head. One goes straight down his spine, just a few inches shy splitting him open longways, and the other slams down hard into his collarbone. (9dmg)
One flies towards the damsel, but she manages to jump out of the way.
The last spike flies at Leela, and flies right past where something important would be if she were a few feet taller.

Manticore appears: Badly Wounded, and has Cover.

2011-01-15, 01:06 AM

"Agh!", a sharp, intense pain comes over Aavel as the spikes tear into his flesh. Fortunately he manages to retain consciousness, and his ability to fight. Which means all-in-all he just got madder.

Aavel advances slightly towards the manticore, determination burning bright in his eyes as he shoots.

5-ft step towards manticore, placing Aavel in PBS range, I think.

Then a full-round action using Rapid Shot feat for 2 shots.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll]1d8+1[roll]

Attack 2: [roll1]
Damage 2: [roll2]

2011-01-15, 01:35 AM
Aavel's arrows once again pierce deeply into the creature's hide, one arrow following the path of the last, splitting it down the center and driving the point in to where it pierces its lung. It looks barely able to stand, but before it can launch another volley of death at the adventurers, Leela casts another spellm rendering it unconscious, and it falls to the ground. Still breathing, but likely not for long.

Note, the combat is over, but the encounter is not...

2011-01-15, 09:12 AM

Aavel watches as the beast collapses to the ground. And as soon as it does, it is as if he's been awakened from a dream.

The elf looks around to ensure all of his companions are alright. And then he looks towards the manticore itself, the beast made target practice for his rage.

He goes near it and tries to see if there's anything that can be done for it. It doesn't seem like it's dead just yet...

2011-01-15, 09:15 AM
You think it is still breathing (13 Heal check).

2011-01-15, 10:54 AM

Aavel sighs. No time to think...

The ranger takes off his bracers and sets his longbow aside, plucking arrows from the body and trying to stop the bleeding. "Need another set of hands here! And, does anyone have a healer's kit?!"

Requesting an aid action to try and save a manticore. :smalltongue:

2011-01-15, 12:12 PM
It does not appear to be bleeding out.

2011-01-15, 12:40 PM
Not even when I pluck the arrows out? Oh, well.

2011-01-15, 12:51 PM
No! Healing a fallen enemy is one of the classical blunders, next to showing a locket with a portrait of your kin, and splitting up - and we saw how well that last one worked.

If no one else seems to be exhibiting any desire to help Eyeball, Leela uses a couple of wand charges.

2011-01-15, 01:34 PM

Aavel stares blankly at Leela while she speaks, but then decides he doesn't want to know.

"I don't have time to explain this to you, Leela! But...it's about the -way- I shot the manticore...you know? My people, they have a great respect for natural life. We believe existance is a constant cycle! One we are all part of. And we believe that returning a beast to the cycle is a ritual of peace, and harmony! ...that's not what I had in mind when I drew my bow."

Aavel shakes his head, "I'm not saying we let it go. I'm just saying we heal it. And if he attacks us then, we just kill it again. This time with proper last rites and ceremony."

"I take full responsibility for my actions. I'm healing this manticore.... And I would appreciate some help."

2011-01-15, 02:38 PM
Leela decides that while all faiths must be respected, some are best respected from a safe distance. She stows the wand in her pouch and steps away.

How about you, dearie, you need some help? She turns to the damsel in distress.

2011-01-15, 06:11 PM

Should I be diplomatic about this... nah, can't be bothered.

"Say your rites now, 'cause if you don't kill that thing I will."

2011-01-15, 06:37 PM

Aavel picks up his bow. "You should go then. All of you, get out of here if you want, I botched the fight after all, I'm the only one who has to deal with it. I'll catch up with you later if I'm still alive..."

He ignores reason, and complaints. The result is almost certain. But he is still commited to his actions. All that's left to see is whether he is successfull, whatever that may mean.

Delay to give the others a chance to get a safe distance away, then Heal check on the manticore (I don't know if I should root for success or failure...)


Here goes...

2011-01-15, 10:22 PM

"'K, you had your chance. You think I'm killin' it to protect us? I'm killin' it to protect the next farm it would attack. And the one after that. It's not a cutesy-wutsey fuzzy-wuzzy. That thing is nothin' but trouble."

With that Kellyn places his hand on the creature's head and sends a bolt of energy directly between it's eyes.

{table=head]Step | Choice | DC
Element | Direct Damage (raw damage) | 10
Area of Effect | One target | +0
Range | Touch | +0
Duration | Instantaneous | +0
Total | | 10 [/table]

casting check vs. DC 10: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1] force; DC 17 Fort save for half

2011-01-16, 08:43 AM

The elf gets up and turns to Kellyn, very calm, and one might suspect, very very resentful.

"...Dishonorable.", he says at last, "Prudent... But dishonorable. I understand why you did that, from your point of view it was the correct thing to do. From your point of view I must have been acting insane...but yes... dishonorable."

Aavel, suddenly recomposed, doesn't wait for a reply. Instead he approaches the damsel previously-in-distress.

"Now that that's out of the way, I believe you owe us a story, miss. Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

2011-01-16, 08:56 AM

"Honor? Hmph. I'll take savin' lives over savin' face anyday."

As Aavel has walked away, it is not quite clear who Kellyn is talking to, but perhaps Aavel's words cut deeper than Kellyn would ever admit, and thus perhaps he felt the need to defend his actions.

2011-01-16, 11:53 AM
She looks at you with a puzzled expression on her face, and points first at the fallen manticore, then at the spike sticking out of her torso, then shrugs, grimacing slightly as the movement causes the spikes to shift.

2011-01-16, 04:38 PM
The few seconds it took for Eyeball to react to the Manticore was enough. He grunted instinctively before his sight went black. He felt his finger slipping impotently off the trigger of his crossbow, and the jolts of pain he felt in his torso as his knee collided with the ground, which caused him to yell loudly, a split second before the rest of his body followed and crashed onto the hard earth.

Now, seconds later, he feels slightly conscious again. He feels someone touching him, and hears some distant voices, but he can't understand much of it, and soon falls back into unconsciousness, the last coherent thought to enter his head being That tramp better be grateful..."

2011-01-16, 06:17 PM

"Hm. Yes, I suppose talking with those will be a daunting task for yet a while...", says Aavel, seemingly ignoring his own set of spikes.

2011-01-16, 11:28 PM
She makes a wrapping or binding motion with her hands and points to your and her wounds, and raises an eyebrow inquisitively.

2011-01-17, 08:23 AM

"Oh! Right, of course, healing. Leela, could you spare our rescuee a charge of your wand?"

2011-01-17, 09:41 AM
But of course. Sentient bipeds that aren't trying to kill us are always welcome. Now, how did that command word go ...

After fiddling around with the wand for some time, Leela manages to release a small burst of healing for the damsel's benefit.

2011-01-17, 10:25 AM
The spikes fall out with magical healing, and the damsel no longer seems to be near death. Now that there is no longer a manticore commanding your attention, you can take a better look at the damsel, who has still not spoken a word. She has the look of someone who has been in the wilderness for some time, but her dress looks like it may once have been a fine gown, now dirty and somewhat tattered, and she doesn't carry herself like someone who spent their whole life in the wilderness either.

2011-01-17, 10:28 AM
So, can you talk now, dearie? Tell us, what were you doing in that forest all alone, other than seeking your doom?

2011-01-17, 10:35 AM
She shakes her head, and makes some strange gestures with her hands that can't make sense of, but it doesn't seem so much like she is casting a spell as that she is trying to communicate.


You think she might be trying to say that she was running away from some bad people.

2011-01-17, 10:38 AM
Ah, mute, are we not, how quaint. Can you write, dearie?
Leela offers her a crossbow bolt to scrawl something on the ground.

2011-01-17, 11:00 AM
She starts to nod, and then shakes her head. She seems confused, like she is thinking of how to communicate something abstract w/o words.

She then takes the crossbow bolt and draws a chain in the dirt.

2011-01-17, 11:00 AM

"Hm. I think she was a...prisoner, of some sort. Is that right? Were you being kept captive somewhere in the jungle?"

2011-01-17, 11:02 AM
She shakes her head, then draws a circle with some random squiggles in it, then steps inside the circle, and mouths words but doesn't say anything.

2011-01-17, 11:06 AM

"Uh...a ritualistic sacrifice?"

2011-01-17, 11:23 AM
That will elicit a facepalm.

2011-01-17, 11:27 AM
She shakes her head, then draws a circle with some random squiggles in it, then steps inside the circle, and mouths words but doesn't say anything.
Waves? Sea? You came from the sea? You are a pirate? You're running from pirates?

2011-01-17, 11:38 AM
She shakes her head, then steps out of the circle. She mimes speaking, then steps into the circle and places a finger on her lips.

2011-01-17, 11:49 AM
You lost your voice to a ... ritual? Spell?

2011-01-17, 02:22 PM

Kellyn groans.

"Oh come on now this bleedin' rediculous. Enough with the guessing game. You obviously understand words, just write it out, will ya? Or hey, here's an idea. We're going to see the Lord High Shmuckedy-Schmuck Baron, you can play this oh so entertaining game with him and stop being our problem which, oh yeah, you're not."

2011-01-17, 02:36 PM
She nods at Leela, looks kind of miffed at Kellyn, then just shrugs and shakes her head, making a gesture like she was writing on something.

2011-01-17, 03:07 PM

"Well, alright, then! Now we know what happened to you. What we accomplished with that? I have no idea..."

"Anyway, a pleasure knowing you, but we need to get going right about now. Things to do. Good luck with your voice, though..", Aavel starts to leave.

2011-01-17, 03:22 PM

"Oh nice, Aavel. Now who's the dishonorable one? I at least wanted to take her to someone who could help, not just abandon her out here, you cold-hearted weasel."

He shakes his head in only partially feigned disgust.

"You lost your voice in a ritual? I'd like to know who and why. Hmm..."

He trails off, deep in thought. He plunks down on the ground, clearly not planning on going anywhere for the moment.

2011-01-17, 03:32 PM
Kellyn, we don't need to camp here just on the account of the nice lady. She's mute, not paralyzed.

As for you, dearie, as much as we'd like to play this charade indefinitely, we are on a job here, and have to get moving. Would you join us for now? Won't it be nicer than braving the dangers of the forest all on your own?

2011-01-17, 03:34 PM

"Shush, I'm thinking"

He does not move.

2011-01-17, 03:36 PM
I'm sure you can think just as well while you walk. Always worked for me. Let's not be sitting ducks and move on.

Leela also gets ready to leave, hoping the woman and her allies will have enough sense to follow.

2011-01-17, 03:38 PM

"I don't recall her asking for our help, Kellyn. What? Does being mute automatically mean she needs aid? Now that's a rather prejudiced view."

Aavel turns to the damsel. "You can join us if you want, of course. It seems we were headed the same way?"

2011-01-17, 04:09 PM
She curtsies and continues to travel with. Feel free to continue to RP, I will update to the next day late tonight.

2011-01-17, 04:24 PM

He hops to his feat.

"Right, I'm done. You can stay and ask her questions or you can leave, your choice. I for one want to know who chains up a woman and takes away her voice, and why anyone would bother. I've a feelin' there's more going on than we realize, and well, I don't like it."

He walks over to the woman.

"Ok, here's the deal. I'm gonna cast a spell on you so I can speak for you. If you want us to help you, you won't resist it. It won't hurt you, it'll only last a few minutes, and I'll only hear what you want me to hear. You just sit down and relax, and think of the answers to the questions."

Here's my plan: invade her mind. For her own benefit, of course.
Read her thoughts and detect if they are lies.

In Summary:
{table=head]Step | Choice | DC
Element | Domination (Major Effect) | 15
Area of Effect | One target | +0
Range | Touch | +0
Duration | By Minute | +10
Saving Throw | +2 bonus | -3
Casting Time | 9 rounds | -10
Total | | 12 [/table]

Why the spell is built that way:
Mental effects seem to be the domain of Domination, so that would be the logical choice.

Read Thoughts falls between Charm and Dominate on the telepathy power list (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powerList.htm#telepathTelepathyDisciplinePowers), up one level from charm and down two from dominate. Throw in a bit of lie detection (trust but verify) and we are squarely in the Major Effect category. On par with Dominate, but not forcing an answer like Mind Probe. (which is one level up from dominate). Three rounds wouldn't be enough, three minutes should be plenty... she shouldn't be resisting, so making it easier to resist is fine, and for the sake of not dying from the casting, maximum cast time (EDIT: 9 rounds not 10 as originally stated, as the first round is -2, each after than an additional -1 to a maximum of -10).

2011-01-17, 10:26 PM
See OOC post about chaos magic, I'm going to assume you go with that option for now.

Kellyn manipulates the chaos of his form to grant himself the ability to peer into the mind of the damsel. After a few rounds, you are able to pick up on her thoughts...

I wonder how this works, I've never had my mind read before... Where do I start? I suppose introducing myself... my name is Susan.

2011-01-18, 05:50 PM

"Ok Susan, just think back to how it all happened. I'll just tell the others what you say."

2011-01-18, 07:44 PM
My brothers were turned into ravens by an evil witch. I snuck into her home and stole a peek at her book of curses, and to break the spell, I cannot speak or write a single word for seven years.

I have been living in the wilderness for almost seven years now, and hope to break the spell soon. I have been living with a kindly giant in an abandoned castle a little ways from here, but we were driven out by a band of robber knights, and became seperated. I am worried for him, as he is a peaceful soul, and wouldn't fight back, only flee.

If you could help us, I don't know how we could repay you, but we would be very grateful.

2011-01-19, 12:25 AM
In the interest of moving things along:


"Yep, she's cursed alright. She took some kinda vow of silence to break a curse on her brothers, turned'm all to ravens. She wants us to help a giant buddy a hers who had his castle taken over by brigands too, that's why she was wanderin' the woods all by her lonesome - running from them brigands."

If Fendrin posts before anyone else, feel free to retcon this post, otherwise we'll roll with that.

2011-01-19, 09:09 AM

"That sounds rather like something out of one of your books, Leela...", Aavel says, considering that for a moment.

"Now, I don't suppose it would be very moral to refuse the task, but we -do- have a previous assignment... and one that takes precedence in both importance and chronology..."

"Hm... I guess I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on this. Eyeball? Seth? Should we help?"

2011-01-19, 10:06 AM
"That sounds rather like something out of one of your books, Leela...", Aavel says, considering that for a moment.
What? Leela seems horrified. No, good heavens, not my books, they are the property of the library. But I see what you mean.

She considers the moral, as well as storytelling aspects of the problem.

Well, the sidequest is a standard in fiction, and rarely we see a character refusing such task. For example, in Ten Days to Armageddon ... but, we did promise to deliver the scroll, we even got some payment in advance, in form of potions. It will be immoral not to deliver it on time. And we all know what happens to would-be-heroes who break promises - just like in Chained Hopes. It will also be mean not to help the lady. But I'm not sure we can take on a band of brigands powerful enough to defeat a giant! (although it did work for the heroes of Black Forest Riders, I admit). Dying while not helping the lady and not delivering the scroll could be even meaner to everyone involved. Including ourselves. Bottom line, it's complicated.

Shhalahr Windrider
2011-01-19, 05:42 PM
“If this castle’s on the way, I don’t see any reason not to help out while we’re in the area.”

2011-01-19, 08:14 PM

"Well hold on here. If they haven't killed the giant yet, they either can't or don't want to. That should give us enough time finish deliverin' the scroll 'fore we go traipsin' off on another venture. An' who knows? Maybe the Baron will know somethin' 'bout the bandits and maybe even lend us some extra muscle. Maybe he'd even pay us a bounty on them."

2011-01-20, 12:07 AM
The next day passes mostly uneventfully. You make it out of the forest, and travel towards the hills. It looks like you will be passing by a small village tomorrow night, with luck, you can find a friendly townsperson to put you up for the night. As you travel, you overtake another traveler, an old man and his dog. They hail you as you approach...

"Hello there, fellow travelers!" he says as you approach to within conversational distance. "Fine day to be riding shank's mare, don't you think?" He appears to be an older man, with a bit of a twinkle in his eye, dressed not shabbily, but not extravagantly either. His dog looks well taken care of without being overly well fed.


Sense Motive:
There is something odd about the dog, but you can't quite put your finger on it.

2011-01-21, 12:07 AM
"If you don't mind, seems that we are traveling in the same direction. Might we walk together for a time, and keep each other company? You have the look of those who have led interesting lives, perhaps we could swap a few stories along the way?"

2011-01-21, 07:21 AM

"D'you live in the next village? We could use a place to sleep."

2011-01-21, 10:25 AM
"I am something of a wanderer. Haven't settled down anywhere in particular. I have usually found that a good story and a few wild potatoes to add to the stew are enough to provide a roof over my head."

2011-01-21, 10:33 AM
Very interesting. I'm a sort of collector of stories myself, so please do join us, Mister ... I'm sorry, I didn't catch the name, I'm Leela by the way.

2011-01-21, 12:19 PM

"I, for one, welcome the added company. I'm afraid I'm not much for telling stories, though..."

2011-01-21, 11:44 PM
"Ah, yes. My name is George, and this is Phillip. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Leela."

2011-01-22, 10:36 PM
George travels with you the rest of the next day, and you manage to find loggings with one of the farmers in the village. You rest quite well, and in the morning you feel so refreshed and energized it is as if you slept the sleep of the just, and are under the effects of an Aid spell for the remainder of the day.

(11 temporary hp, +1 to attack, +1 to saves vs. fear)

You friend George and his dog are nowhere to be found the next morning.

As you travel on your way, you see four men up ahead on the path. They appear to be well armed, bearing bows, ranseurs, and flails, and dressed in mail, though it seems not to be in good repair.

"Ahoy there travelers! This here be our road now! Any who wish to pass must pay a toll, 1 silver per person, and 2 for the cart and horse!" one of them shouts as you get closer to them.

2011-01-22, 11:40 PM
Psst, Susan ... would those be by any chance 'dem robber knights?

If so, 1 sp sounds awful small, one would think that with a whole castle at their disposal they'd start thinking a bit larger.

Leela is on the alert to check whether the four men are but a diversion, and someone else is waiting in the bushes (a classic ploy, about the likes of which she has read)

spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]

2011-01-22, 11:44 PM

"It's kinda sad, but I'm tempted to pay it just so I don't have to be bothered."

He sighs.

"But you boys aren't gonna just pack up and leave are you?"

2011-01-23, 05:56 AM

"The road belongs to the land, and the land belongs to whoever is strong enough to keep it. Unfortunately, that does not mean you."

Aavel draws his bow.

2011-01-23, 10:31 AM
I apologize on behalf of my friend, he took one too many manticore spikes to the brain.

(whispers) Susan, at least nod or shake your head.... or something ...

2011-01-24, 01:36 AM
quick response while I make some rolls and check some things...

Susan nods her head in response to Leela's query. We never determined healing from the last battle, so someone will need to mark off 5 charges of cure light wounds for everyone to be at full.

To make this more interesting, I'll add some terrain. The robber knights are standing on a bridge, which is 10ft wide and 10ft across. The creek the bridge crosses is fast moving water, about 4 ft deep, and 8 ft across (so mechanically two 5 ft squares of fast moving water.

By contrast, fast-moving water is much more dangerous. On a successful DC 15 Swim check or a DC 15 Strength check, it deals 1d3 points of nonlethal damage per round (1d6 points of lethal damage if flowing over rocks and cascades). On a failed check, the character must make another check that round to avoid going under.

On either side of the bridge is a makeshift barricade of wooden poles, sharpened on one end. The barricade on the far side of the bridge is moved aside, and you can see a mule drawn cart laden with boxes, likely full of ill-gotten goods. The barricades provide partial cover to the robber knights, three of which ready bows, and the other hefts his ranseur and steps up to the barricade.

2011-01-24, 02:00 AM

~~~~~~~~~~|*- |~~~~

U = Susan
L = Leela
H = Horse
A = Aavel
S = Seth
K = Kellyn
E = Eyeball
^ = equals barricade
* = robber knight
~ = water
| = side of bridge
- = empty square
C = cart


Leela 22
Seth 15
Aavel 14
Susan 13
Knights 12
Eyeball 5
Kellyn 5

Closeup of bridge:


hopefully that helps a little

2011-01-24, 06:02 AM
(sigh) Let's try to end this quickly then.

Leela steps up almost all the way to the barricade. Seeing the knights lined up almost perfectly before her, she throws a pinch of dust in the air and evokes a burst of color.

Color Spray, 15' cone, trying to affect as many as possible, hopefully all 4.

Each creature within the cone is affected according to its Hit Dice.

2 HD or less
The creature is unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round. (Only living creatures are knocked unconscious.)

3 or 4 HD
The creature is blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round.

5 or more HD
The creature is stunned for 1 round.

Will 14 negates

2011-01-24, 10:11 AM
The one at the front and one of the ones at the back failed the save and are blinded and stunned, dropping their bow/polearm. [roll0]

Leela's spell fizzles, as she barely reacts in time to keep herself from being chopped up by the robber knight's ranseur, as he reflexively positions the polearms to threaten her as she approaches.

As usual, Seth can have bound a vestige for the day if so desired.

2011-01-24, 10:46 AM

Aavel doesn't waste any more time. Quick as a snake, the ranger touches the Mark of the Web Queen and his magical bracers in sucession, then reaching for his arrows. One, and two, he shoots them at one of the robber knights in the back, his deadly aim sharp as ever...or so he hopes.

Bracers of Quick Strike in a Full-round attack at one of the non-stunned knights in the back. Two arrows, full bonus, etc. Let's see if I still have my rolling good luck!

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]

Damage 1: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2011-01-24, 10:52 AM
Your first shot flys through a gap in the barricade, but doesn't penetrate the knight's armor. The second sails over and flies past his face, leaving a cut across his cheek.

Knights appear: mostly unharmed

edit- I assumed you fired at one of the ones that was not stunned, since they are the ones still a threat (for the moment).

2011-01-24, 11:17 PM
Seth and Susan take cover behind the cart. Seth lets fly a bolt from his crossbow, striking one of the archers in the leg. The bowman return fire on the party, but their arrows do not strike true, save one that strikes Eyeball (7dmg). The foremost knight strikes at Leela, but once again her short stature throws off her opponent's strike, and he delivers what would be a deadly blow to a taller opponent.

Knights appear: unharmed (x3), injured

2011-01-25, 06:14 PM

The elf rearranges his position, darting to his left and closer to the river in an attempt to bypass the barricade's protection. He shoots a single arrow at the nearest robber knight, and watches it's course from the shore...

Move action to Aavel's left (map's right), and closer to the shore, getting a good angle on the guys at the back. Then standard action to shoot the rightmost knight.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-01-25, 06:43 PM
Let's try that again ... Leela concentrates real hard this time, trying to hit the guards with a spray of colors again, then takes a step back and draws her crossbow.

casting defensively [roll0]

2011-01-25, 06:54 PM
It seems almost as if Leela is cursed, the wind picking up suddenly and blowing something into her eye, ruining her concentration. She steps back and readies her crossbow.

ooc: wow, terrible luck with the concentration checks.
I will be posting actions for kellyn and eyeball from last round in roughly an hour, to keep things moving, if they haven't posted by then.

2011-01-25, 08:54 PM
Eyeball moves next to Aavel and fires his crossbow. The bolt flies past the knight, taking a bit of his ear with it (hit, but for 1dmg).

Kellyn takes stock of the situation. "Let's be rid of this obstacle then, shall we?" He gestures and the barricade rots and melts away. is tossed aside into the water by an invisible force. (2 nonlethal dmg)

2011-01-26, 02:53 AM
Seems we just need Seth's action to get back to the NPCs...

Seth fires another crossbow bolt at the knights, but this one lands in the water. Susan seems to have fashioned herself a sling at some point, and uses it to fling a stone at the injured archer, catching him in the eye. While accurate, there wasn't much force in the throw, as he still stands.

The barricades gone, the knights change formation. The one in the front steps forward to strike at Leela again. "I don't know what witchcraft you are trying to weave, but I don't intend to let you live long enough to find out!"

His blade strikes true with his threat, piercing Leela in the shoulder for 8 dmg.
Another of the knights drops his bow and moves between Leela and the knight with the polearm, readying his shield and flail. He seems to be paying particularly close attention to Aavel in minding his defense (ooc: declaring shield block vs Aavel).

The remaining two knights continue their archery duel with Aavel and Eyeball. Both of their arrows strike their targets, strangely enough in the same spot on both of them (4dmg to Eyeball, 4dmg to Aavel, oddly enough, attack rolls were identical as well as damage).

Knights Appear: Unharmed x3, Badly Injured (the injured one is one of the archers on the far bank).

Map Update:


2011-01-26, 09:50 AM
Leela takes the hit in stride, her body invigorated still, not showing much signs of pain.

[[temporary hitpoints FTW!]]

This time, I'll be smart enough to step back before trying anything ... can't concentrate with you waving your weapons around.

5' step back, out of reach of both, and Color Spray again.

2011-01-26, 10:16 AM

Aavel takes the arrow without many complaints, and prepares some return fire...

5 foot step towards the archers, and then full-round action with Rapid Shot Feat for two shots, first for the leftmost archer and second for the rightmost one (mapwise).

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]

Damage 1: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2011-01-26, 12:28 PM
Both knights reel from the flash of colors, clutching their eyes and dropping their weapons. I'm going to say the shield isn't dropped, since shields are strapped to your forearm.

Aavel's arrows strike true. Susan, seeing an opportunity to arm herself, moves up to the knights and picks up the fallen flail.

2011-01-26, 06:19 PM

"Leela, get out of there!"

Prudently, Kellyn takes his own advice and steps back while intoning a spell of his own.

With the full force of his anger, he sends a barrage of blade-like bolts of pure energy around the two women and into the knights.

{table=head]Step | Choice | DC
Element | Raw Damage | 10
Area of Effect | Two targets | +3
Range | Close (30') | +1
Duration | Instantaneous | +0
Saving Throw | -2 penalty | +5
Casting Time | standard action | +0
Total | | 19 [/table]

Casting Check: 1d20+3(cl)+4(wis)+2(breaker)+2(bolster will)

Damage to closer knight: [roll1]
Damage to farther knight: [roll2]
Fort save for half, Save DC 17 (including save penalty from above)

EDIT: good rolls! 3 non-lethal each to Kellyn and Zat.

2011-01-26, 06:34 PM
ok, looks like we are going to stick with Malphas for today. (edit - since he missed, I guess we can still leave that undecided)

Seth moves up and circles around to flank with Susan, and strikes at the knight formerly known as 'the one with the ransuer'. His staff thrust hits at an awkward angle and mearly slides across the chainmail, however.

The knights on the other side of the bank fire once more, this time directing their shafts towards Kellyn and Leela, before falling back behind their cart.

Leela takes an arrow that strikes her right across the eye, hitting her cheekbone and deflecting upward slightly across her brow by some stroke of luck missing her eye, but still tearing through the flesh and scraping across her skull. (crit for 13dmg)

Kellyn is struck as well, but not as severely, the arrow striking his shoulder squarely but not peircing into his flesh (6dmg, + temp hp)

The knights in the midst of the party are dealt many wounds by the mystical shrapnel that Kellyn sends flying at them (both failed the save).

The knights appear: Injured (x3), Badly Hurt (x1)

2011-01-26, 07:35 PM
Aaaargh!! If it wasn't for the kindly old man and his blessings, Leela would've been done in now. She steps forward, into the relative safety of the stunned knight's large shadow. Thanks for the cover, sucker, she whispers as she shoots him at point blank.

5' step adjacent to the knight, shoot nearest Knight with crossbow, draw a spear as move action.
[roll0] dmg [roll1]

2011-01-26, 07:47 PM

"Alright. Time to end this."

Aavel draws another two arrows, trying to block out everything but the shot. The shot, and his targets, the two archers who have been so much trouble to his friends...

Full round action with Rapid Shot! Again! One arrow for each archer, once more, and let's see if I can finish them...

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]

Damage 1: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2011-01-26, 10:11 PM

Leela... you idiot. Best keep one of these dolts alive for questioning though.

Ducking around beside Leela, Kellyn places himself behind the cover of the stunned knights and reaches out, touching them both, sending a pulse of heat flaring through them, burning up their bodies' energy.

{table=head]Step | Choice | DC
Element | Raw Damage | 10
Damage type | Nonlethal | +2
Area of Effect | Two targets | +3
Range | Touch | +0
Duration | Instantaneous | +0
Saving Throw | -2 penalty | +5
Casting Time | standard action | +0
Total | | 20 [/table]

Casting Check: 1d20+3(cl)+4(wis)+2(breaker)+2(bolster will)
[roll]1d20+11 EDIT: oops! I'll roll in the OOC thread.

Damage to "ranseur" knight: [roll0] non-lethal
Damage to "flail" knight: [roll1] non-lethal
Fort save for half, Save DC 19 (including save penalty from above and the spell focus feat I forgot about last time)

2011-01-30, 10:29 AM

Ever the opportunist, he quickly turns and takes aim at one of the blind stunned knights, the crossbow bolt piercing its side. The knight coughs up blood but remains standing.


Seth drives the point of his staff into one of the knight's open wounds, who cries out in pain, barely able to remain on his feet at all.


Susan strikes the same knight square in the temple, sending him crashing to the ground.


The one knight remaining in melee is now once again able to see, but still seems stunned. The two knights who took cover by the wagon fire their bows at Leela and Kellyn, but both shots go wide.

knights appear: dying, badly injured, injured (x2)

2011-01-30, 11:36 AM

Aavel keeps firing at the archers, cover notwithstanding.

Full-round action, Rapid Shot, one shot for each archer.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]

Damage 1: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2011-01-30, 11:56 AM
The first shot misses, hitting the cart. The second hits, and that knight seems barely able to stand.

2011-01-30, 06:34 PM
Leela wants to respond something to Kellyn, but one look at his stunned visage shows that he probably discovered who's the idiot by now. Instead of assaulting the psyche of her teammate, she instead concentrates on her enemies.

Whelm, targeting whoever's in range and seems most severely injured [roll0] nonlethal damage, Will 14 half

She then switches to a spear. Better to be equipped with a melee weapon in case her enemies come to.

2011-01-31, 12:52 AM
Sensing that one of the archers is barely able to stand, Leela gives him a mental push, and he comes crashing to the ground.

ooc: italics represent thoughts, fyi. so kellyn didn't say anything aloud about idiots.

Seth: Seth does not manage to connect on the knight with his staff before he regains his senses.

Susan: Susan strikes the other knight a blow with the flail.

The knight recovers from being stunned. The remaining archer fires at Kellyn, taking advantage of his disorientation, and striking him for 8.

Eyeball, seeing the knight is no longer stunned but is still a threat, moves up into a flanking position, but the knight is able to barely dodge his attack.

knights appear: unconsious, dying, badly injured (x2)

2011-02-01, 12:53 AM
There seems to be a momentary lull on the field of battle...

2011-02-01, 01:04 PM

"It would be wise of you to run, now, humans."

Aavel slows down his firing rate to give the knights a chance, but still shoots once at the remaining archer.

Standard action to shoot.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edit: Botched damage roll. Ignore that (it doesn't seem like I'll need another one, though).

2011-02-01, 01:59 PM
Leela has almost exhausted her magical powers ... she takes a step back, and waits for Susan and Eyeball for finish off the knight using mundane means. Should they to bring him down, she has another Whelm at the ready.

Letting her allies go first, and if the knight doesn't drop, Whelm for [roll0] nonlethal damage, Will 14 half.

2011-02-01, 11:03 PM
The remaining knight that is amidst the party manages to fall back, avoiding some attacks, and taking a few hits along the way as well. He manages to shrug off most of Leela's whelm, and makes it to the bridge, pulling out his flail as he moves, and swaying on his feet.

"I'll fight them off! Flee, and send word to the castle!"

OOC: To attack anyone but the knight on the bridge this round, you must make a Will save, DC 13.

The archer hefts his fallen ally onto his shoulder, and moves away, keeping the cart between himself and Aavel.

OOC: He makes it 20ft away this round.

2011-02-01, 11:18 PM
Get him! Leela waits again to see what her allies will do.

If they manage to bring down the fleeing knight somehow
Feeling a bit sad about it, she fires a crossbow bolt at the would-be-hero on the bridge, hoping to finish him off.
[roll]1d20+7[roll] dmg [roll0]

Leela steps a bit back if necessary, keeping Eyeball and Susan between the flail-wielding knight and herself, and casts her last spell of power for the day.
Hush little baby don't you cry, momma's gonna sing you a lullaby
Sleep, range 130', affects 4 HD of creatures, centered on the fleeing knight; Wil 14 negates

2011-02-01, 11:19 PM
attack roll again [roll0]

2011-02-02, 11:15 AM

The gnome is bleeding badly. Far more than would be expected from his wounds. At least, it should be blood, but the color... well, it's mostly red, but there are streaming rivulets of blue, yellow, green, every color imaginable.

"Eeeagh.... don't... let him... get away..."

Pain echoes in every syllable.

He moves to Eyeball and lays a bloody hand on the rogue's arm.

"This might... hurt... a little."

He calls upon the power of chaos which so recently ravaged his flesh to move the two of them to block the fleeing knight's path.

Attempting to teleport Eyeball and Kellyn to a position 10 feet in front of the fleeing knight. Facing the knight, of course.

{table=head]Step | Choice | DC
Element | Movement(moderate) | 15
Area of Effect | Two targets | +1
Range | Touch | +0
Duration | Instantaneous | +0
Saving Throw | +2 bonus | -3
Casting Time | standard action | +0
Total | | 13 [/table]

Casting Check: 1d20+3(cl)+4(wis)

Damage to Eyeball (if successful cast): [roll1] nonlethal (DC 15 Fort save to negate damage, or DC 13 Will to resist the teleportation altogether)

... and Kellyn takes 2 nonlethal.

2011-02-02, 03:32 PM

Seeing the archer run away, Aavel lets out a curse in Elven. He repositions himself to a good angle on the bridge access, and yells, whether he is heard by the archer or not.

"When I suggested running away, I didn't mean THAT way! If the gnome gets you, though, you'll know it was your own stupidity!"

And with that he draws an arrow, almost poking a hole through the bridge knight with his gaze, as he soon hopes to be doing with a shot.

Move action to be in front of the bridge archer, but a few squares away from him. Standard action to shoot! (I think this is either my last arrow of the ones I have equipped, or the next to last. Will make a count later, and make some recovery rolls for the shots I missed).

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-02-02, 10:24 PM
The knight on the bridge collapses as Aavel's arrow pierces his side, and Leela's spell bring the remaining knight down as well.

2011-02-04, 04:35 PM
Leela drops her backpack in the ground. There's some rope there, she addresses no one in particular, being on the verge of collapsing herself. She starts jabbing herself with the Wand of Cure Light Wounds as many times as required to make herself feel at least moderately better, then assesses the injuries of others.

2011-02-04, 10:28 PM
5 charges of cure light wounds to heal everyone up (one more charge to heal Eyeball, but he only has non-lethal dmg).

Susan finds the smallest of the knights, and strips him of his arms and armor. It doesn't fit her perfectly, but she looks positively fierce.


A note on the landscape; you are currently in the plains, following a path that leads towards another forested area a day or two apart. You can see the castle in the distance, perhaps half a day's march away.

2011-02-08, 10:07 AM
I vote we take a rest here, interrogate the prisoners while we're at it, then discuss the merits of storming the castle.

2011-02-08, 12:43 PM

Aavel puts away his bow, assuming a casual posture as he crosses the bridge (over the robber knight's corpse), and tries to find any arrows he might reutilize.

"Hm. Agreed. These 'knights' should have some interesting information on the castle's defenses..."

After a while he turns back and takes some rope out of Leela's pack. "Now, let's see if I can still tie a good knot..."

Use Rope!


2011-02-08, 04:55 PM
Eyeball rumages through the contents of the cart. "Lessee here... we have a few chickens, a couple bags of grain, and what's this? Looks like a suit of armor, a bag of gold, and nice looking greatsword! Reckon somebody who didn't want to pay the toll, but wasn't quite so good as us... or maybe just by himself."

After a moment, he says "I don't see any camping supplies in here. I wonder when they were supposed to be relieved?"