View Full Version : The Fall of the Tyrant

2011-01-03, 06:06 AM
The Fairhold market is on marker day. Several caravans have come in from Jundis, so the market is even busier than usual. The area is packed with merchants and customers from all races. A heavy scent of cooking meat lies in the air, and the cries of shopkeepers fly back and forth across the market. In the distance the great Castle Bardin looms, standing as a protector over the people.

Christopher K.
2011-01-03, 01:54 PM
Relic meanders around the market, keeping a careful eye out for any merchants selling rare or unusual raw materials. (Passive Perception 17, Lemme know if I need to roll)

2011-01-03, 05:32 PM
over the din of the crowd you here a man yelling "Ores from the farthest reaches of Jachil, we have orium, mithril and all kinds of gemstones, get your ore here!"

2011-01-03, 05:48 PM
Lafiel takes note of the man selling rare metals. Adventure and rare metals usually went hand in hand.

2011-01-03, 05:50 PM
Dalabrac watched the crowds from the market from a high roof and was happy he was out of Iron...that place was bad....but also being out of Iron made him a wanted man so he decided he would try to keep a low profile and take it easy. As he thought this he stood up and posed and lost his balance and fell off the roof and landed in a cart of hay

2011-01-04, 03:03 AM
Derres Mek wanders the market, listening to the din of voices around him, occasionally catching a snatch of conversation, feeling the ebb and flow of the crowd around him. Hearing a merchant claim goods "from the farthest reaches of Jarchil", he decides to see if there is anything of interest there.

2011-01-04, 09:14 PM
Lafiel notices other people, obviously above the level of commoners heading towards the stall. He goes up to one(Derres) and says, "What brings one of skill such as yourself to this city?"

2011-01-04, 09:56 PM
When the merchant's stall is approached, it is seen that he has a meager supply of foreign and rare ores, but a large stock of mundane ones.

2011-01-04, 11:19 PM
"May the light forsake you! Burn you!" He says, loudly, but not enough to disrupt passers by, and then turns back to the man he was talking to.

2011-01-05, 06:58 AM
A bit taken aback by the berating of the merchant, Derres composes himself quickly.

"I am but a traveler seeking tales worth keeping. What brings you to the market today, good sir?"

Christopher K.
2011-01-05, 01:41 PM
Examining each type of ore, Relic paused at each one to examine what set it apart from the others.

"Excuse me, sir," he began in his dry, metallic voice, "What sort of products would these ores be ideal for?"

2011-01-05, 03:25 PM
"I am a scion of the elemnts, born of the wind and sea, practitioner of the earth and fire." Lafiel replies.

2011-01-05, 05:12 PM
A little taken aback by Lafiel's response. The merchant responds to Rel's comment "Ah , my good sir, these metals can be used in most weapons, and many have been used to make high quality armor. The catch though, for such incredible items is that they are very expensive, if you are in need of money to buy these fabulous metals, I here the castle has some need of adventurers for something."

A man approaches Lafiel and Derres and says "I couldn't help but notice that you were angry at the merchant. He doesn't normally have such bad wares, but the metals from the Jundis caravans was bought up by the government. If you want to see if you can get any of it before it is melted down, I would go to the blacksmith in the Hammerstone district. I believe that it was sent to a dwarf by the name of Fuldon Scarshield."

2011-01-05, 05:17 PM
"I only reprehend the storekeeper because he claims to have rare ores, and he has almost none. It is slander I say. But anyway, what did you say about a dwarf? The one thing those culture deprived maggots, and I mean that in the best possible way, are good for is ore."

2011-01-05, 09:18 PM
The human replies, "Fair enough about the merchant. The dwarf should be at the grand forge with the metal. He only bought it this morning." Then as an afterthought he says, "Don't go causing any trouble. The watch don't take kindly to troublemakers."

Christopher K.
2011-01-05, 10:11 PM
Rel mulled over the merchant's advice.

"At what prices are these ores set?" Rel asked, idly examining the ore for impurities. Overhearing the discussion of a dwarf who had access to a larger quantity of metal, Rel turned to face the man who mentioned the governmental purchase.

"Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, but did you say that the government has bought all the ore from a private industry? Why would that be? And where might I find this Hammerstone District?"

2011-01-06, 08:09 PM
The man replies to Rel, "The government relies on private caravans to supply metals here, because none of our neighbors have a stable or friendly government, and there are no major mines in our territory thanks to the undead advancing on the northern front. The dwarf can be found at the grand forge, just like I was telling these two gentlemen. You can tell where the Hammerstone district is by the smoke clouds in the air. I will warn you though, he might not be allowed to sell."

2011-01-06, 08:56 PM
Lafiel heds toward the forge, dragging the others with him. "come. TO ADVENTURE!"

2011-01-07, 02:38 AM
Gabriel is waiting at the forge, running his hands reverently across anvils, hammers, and other tools of his deity Moradin. He mouths silent prayers, calming himself from the bewildering brightness and openness of the city.

Christopher K.
2011-01-07, 01:41 PM
Rel shrugs and follows Lafiel, as he's obviously going in the same direction.

"So, what brings you to this market?" Rel asks Lafiel and Derres.

2011-01-08, 10:29 AM
While in the hay stack Dalabrac hears some stupid person running his mouth and thinking he is some kind of almighty person. He then popped out of the hay and saw something human shape but it was SHINY.

"I must follow the shiny"
He yelled and ran towards it and crashed into the back of its metal shell knocking him down.

Christopher K.
2011-01-08, 12:17 PM
The shiny humanoid's head pivots to see the creature that had collided with it.

"Hello," Rel replies, standing back up slightly awkwardly on his mechanical legs, "Is there something I can help you with?"

2011-01-08, 04:01 PM
"I am brought to this city by a the forces of Chaos. Not anarchy, but chaos. The forces of the elements guide me. I am their scion, and that which is not of the elements is what I must stop. Even if it is required to raise an army." Lafiel replies.

Christopher K.
2011-01-08, 06:16 PM
Relic raises an eyebrow, an amazing thing to do as a warforged.

"Why rely on something as literally unpredictable as chaos when you can hold onto a sturdy tool or weapon?" Relic asked, genuinely puzzled, "And what was that about an army?"

2011-01-08, 06:27 PM
"What is easier to break: A sturdy tool, or a malleable pool of water. You can snap a tool in half, but you will never brake a pool of water. As for the army, there is a most powerful unnatural force in the distance, one which it will take an army to face."

2011-01-08, 10:36 PM
The three adventurers arrive at the forge. It is sweltering because of the fires, and massive piles of ore are being melted down. A hobgoblin walks past the three people, yells "Hey Scarshield!" Walks to a dwarf, asks him somthing, and walks away.

2011-01-08, 10:43 PM
"Not to be cliched, but hobgoblins are usually mercenaries." Lafiel says to the warforged, and then walks over to the hobgoblin, "Do you want to join our army to fight an unnatural force?"

2011-01-08, 10:50 PM
The hobgoblin stares at Lafiel and says "I'm a banker."

2011-01-08, 10:54 PM
The halfling follows the group and asks in curious tone to Lafiel "Do you ever shut your mouth...your annoying ramblings are really starting to make my head hurt"

2011-01-08, 11:03 PM
"Don't you know that it is an elves duty, nay, purpose to make your head hurt?" He says to the halfling. Turning back to the goblin. "That does not change the nature of my question."

2011-01-08, 11:08 PM
Dalabrac didn't understand what he said because he used big words."Ok....well since I don't know your name and you use big words I will call you....Mr. Thou and you metal man I shall call you Rusty" He said with a smile on his face.

Christopher K.
2011-01-08, 11:27 PM
"Wait, what's this about an army?" Relic asks, this proposition coming out of the blue.

2011-01-08, 11:30 PM
"An army...?....if its an army of Cookies I would so help...I love cookies"Dalabrac said

2011-01-08, 11:34 PM
The hobgoblin with a bewildered look on his face says, "No, I wouldn't like to join an army of yours. If you want to help the military, I would recommend inquiring at the castle. Now please leave me alone or I will call the guard." And with that he begins to walk away.

2011-01-09, 06:18 PM
"I do not want to get in trouble with them again." Turning to the other two. "There is an unnatural force that will soon become known to the lay folk. We must not be caught off guard. It will rip the world in twain, and raise it again in its image. We must be prepared."

Christopher K.
2011-01-09, 06:50 PM
"Oh, I get it now. You can break water by freezing it and smashing the resulting ice cube with your hammer!" Rel replied in response to Lafael's earlier statement about tools. He genuinely thought it was a riddle of some sort.

2011-01-10, 01:17 AM
Still wandering about the forge, sweat dripping from his brow, Gabriel overhears others chatting about an army. Continuing his reveries, he listens in...

Christopher K.
2011-01-10, 02:50 PM
Smug in his clever answer of Lafael's question, Relic turns to the dwarf the hobgoblin greeted.

"Excuse me, are you Fuldon Scarshield? I'm looking for raw materials, as I am also a practitioner of the fine craft of metalsmithing. You wouldn't happen to have any ore for sale, would you?"

2011-01-10, 05:54 PM
In response to the warforged's solution, Lafiel says, "Ah, but when the ice melts, it will be the same pool of water."

Christopher K.
2011-01-10, 07:49 PM
"No, it will be a bunch of droplets of water unless you scoop them back together and put them back in the pool." Rel replies, but then resuming focus on the smith he had addressed.

2011-01-10, 09:19 PM
The smith turns and says "No, I apologize, the government bought all of this ore for weapons. In addition, the man I spoke to gave me explicit instructions not to sell any finished products. If you want the finished products, you can try to see if the government needs any mercenaries, I hear they help equip you." He also says to Rel, in a quite voice "I'd try to loose the elf though, the government doesn't like people trying to raise armys in their cities."

2011-01-10, 09:20 PM
"But the water has not been destroyed. Something structured will snap. A twig cor instance, can be broken by even the weakest of children. Even a bundle of twigs is only as strong as its weakest part, and one by one, they will snap." He too then shifts his focus to the director of the forge. "Ah, sorry, I will do further recruiting outside of the city limits. I am still growing used to your strange, even at points barbaric customs."

2011-01-10, 09:44 PM
Fuldon replies, 'Nothing barbaric about it, it is a precaution we put in place. So many of the desert tribesmen gather in this city, and we don't want them to start forming bandit gangs. Its happened before."

2011-01-11, 09:33 AM
Derres' ears perk up at the mention of trouble with the desert tribes.

"Oh? What sort of trouble? Attempts to pillage and make off with fair young damsels?" he says, making a note of it in the bundle of parchment he keeps around for things he may find of interest later.

Christopher K.
2011-01-11, 03:28 PM
"I see." Relic replies, genuinely interested in the army's sudden need to have almost total control over metals.

"Between you and me, I'm somewhat unsure of this elf's odd mannerisms, myself." he adds in a hushed whisper, "I'm not particularly interested in using the weapons beyond seeing how they're made for the sake of learning. Would you happen to have a finished product I could merely examine? I promise you that I have the utmost respect for this fine profession, and would love to see your skills at work."

Returning his attention briefly to the elf before awaiting the dwarf's response, Relic replies "For someone so in love with a dangerous notion such as chaos, an army seems rather structured."

2011-01-11, 03:36 PM
"Weapons... Back in my day (insert stereotypical old man rant) we would even (continue rant) and we didn't even (Rant... Intermission... Rant) and we could use a twig to knock someone out in an instant." Lafiel says.

2011-01-11, 04:13 PM
Dalabrac stood there and was getting more and more annoyed with the stupid elf who would not shut up. HEY ELF WOULD YOU JUST BE QUIET FOR ONCE SO WE CAN POSSIBLY GET SOMETHING GOOD DONE" He yelled and then composed himself again and said in a calm voice to the dwarf "You said something about the king possibly hirering mercenaries can you tell me a bit more about that because it has me very...interested"He his smiled turned into a grin which thirsted for adventure.

2011-01-11, 07:22 PM
To Rel, the Dwarf says, "I have a sword that is one over the quota of that type. You may look at that." He hands the masterfully forged blade to the warforged.

To Derres, the dwarf laughs and replies, "I apologize my friend, nothing of the sort. The desert and plains are hard to patrol, so anyone thinking they can make a quick gold robbing caravans does. Usually the managers just step up security for a few months and everything dies down again."

To Dalabrac, he says, "The castle tries to encourage adventuring, so that if some calamity should occur there would be a trained populace of individuals ready to respond. Thats what they told me when I was adventuring anyways. I don't know what they want, but it would be worth a trip."

Christopher K.
2011-01-12, 01:43 PM
"Sir, this sword is a masterful piece of work. How did you manage to maintain this level of sharpness without compromising the integrity of the blade?" Rel asks.

2011-01-12, 08:58 PM
Fuldon says, "The secret to making a good blade around here is to use metals from the desert, especially if they come from around Jundis. There is some sort of strengthening agent in the metals, probably because it's right next to the spellwrought lands.

2011-01-12, 09:31 PM
"To the desert and plains!"

2011-01-12, 10:04 PM
Fuldon, with genuine confusion in his voice, says, "Now why would you just run off into the desert?"

2011-01-12, 10:18 PM
"You just said, 'it would be worth a trip.'"

Christopher K.
2011-01-12, 10:55 PM
"No one said that at all." Relic says to Lafael, "I do not know about the rest of you, but I think I am going to look into a mercenary job."

2011-01-13, 11:29 AM
Derres says to Lafael, "Depending on where we're sent, we may end up meeting all our goals. I think I'm with you to see what's on offer."

2011-01-13, 02:10 PM
"No one said that at all." Relic says to Lafael, "I do not know about the rest of you, but I think I am going to look into a mercenary job."

*reads post#48*
... no, someone did say that

"Yes. let us look into the mercenary job. it is probably to combat the unnatural force I felt."

2011-01-13, 02:49 PM
looks at firemagehao's response
That comment is clearly refering to going to the castle, not to the plains.

2011-01-13, 03:43 PM
*look at DM* Let's go then."

2011-01-13, 04:05 PM
says under his breath"I hope the elf gets lost on the way will make our job easier"He then said "Off to see the king"

2011-01-13, 06:30 PM
"I have good ears you know, and if I followed whatever was shiniest, I would not be talking about getting lost."

Christopher K.
2011-01-13, 09:33 PM
"Thank you for allowing me to see this sword," Relic says, handing the dwarf back the sword, sheathed, hilt first. (OOC: I have had a DM who once said that I accidentally stabbed a blacksmith by returning a sword without specifying the manner in which it was returned) "And without further ado, I will be departing to learn of the mercenary work offered by the government. Perhaps when I return I'll have some examples of my own work to show to you to return your kindness."

2011-01-13, 09:36 PM
Fuldon smiles and says, "Thank you friend, for your compliments on my work. I hope you have luck in your adventures."

2011-01-14, 01:12 AM
Dalabrac just rolls his eyes and walks up the warforge and says with his hand extended"Hi my name's dalabrac whats yours?"

Christopher K.
2011-01-14, 01:39 PM
"I was never actually named," the warforged replies, "Personally I've always assumed myself to be a relic of a smith, possibly the only one of my kind. Just feel free to call me Relic, I suppose."

2011-01-14, 05:45 PM
"Relic implies greatness. For now, you shall be: Rustbucket."

2011-01-14, 06:08 PM
Dalabrac looked behind him and glared at elf and said in a slighty serious tone "And what gives your the authority to make that call, I so far am not impressed with you at all,so far all you have done is run your mouth...so from now on if you have nothing nice to say keep your mouth shut"Then he looked at relic and said in a nice tone "Sir if I could have your permission may I call you Rusty...because of your hue because I say you are quite an amazing person"

Christopher K.
2011-01-14, 06:15 PM
"For all your elven 'superiority,' you seem to be lacking in linguistic skills. I never implied I was great, merely ancient, as per the definition of the word relic. It seems that the only thing truly rusted are your skills in speaking Common." Rel retorts.

2011-01-14, 10:22 PM
"Why waste time speaking well to undeserving, rusted tin cans? And by the way, part of the definition of 'relic' also includes 'of interest' something which you are not."

2011-01-16, 11:15 AM
Fuldon coughs loudly and says, "Well not that it hasn't been nice talking to you gentlemen, but I really must get back to work." And with that, he turns back to his forge.

Christopher K.
2011-01-16, 12:50 PM
Relic proceeds to the castle with Dalabrac, ignoring the elf's poorly-worded insults comparing his likeness to an inferior fleshbag's food receptacle forged from a cheap and flimsy metal.

2011-01-16, 06:44 PM
As Lafiel walks towards the castle, he pretends that the warforged is something less of an abomination to nature.

2011-01-16, 10:27 PM
When the three adventurers reach the castle gate, the guards; two battleforged (see my avatar), and four armored elves bar the way and demand to know why you want to enter the castle.

2011-01-17, 04:57 AM
Trying a disarming grin, Derres replies, "We've heard that a man can find some gold in his purse should he finish an errand you may set him to. Are such rumors overblown?"

Christopher K.
2011-01-17, 12:55 PM
"Hello. I have heard from multiple people in town that it would be to my own benefit to seek mercenary work here at the castle. Is this not the case?" Relic asks the elves and battleforged politely.

2011-01-17, 01:51 PM
One of the elves, who appears to be in command says "Ah, I see. Enter the courtyard. The business offices are in the grey building, directly across from the well."

2011-01-18, 06:04 AM
Turning to Relic: "Didn't I just say that?"

2011-01-18, 12:53 PM
"Thank you good sirs, it is good to know that there are at least some beings of intellect in this town." Lafiel says the the elf, as he walks towards the gray building.

Christopher K.
2011-01-18, 06:01 PM
Replying to Derres and ignoring Lafael's monotonously obnoxious commentary on elven superiority, Relic answers apologetically, "You did, but I just wanted to be sure our intentions were fully understood. One can never be too careful."

2011-01-18, 10:22 PM
Dalabrac face palms and then says to the guard"don't mind our mildly slow elf here he has some problems and we just let him think he's special so we don't hurt his feelings,but other then that thanks for the directions good sir"

2011-01-18, 10:52 PM
[roll0] to bluff the elf guard that lafiel is slow))

2011-01-19, 03:48 PM
"If I were slow, I would be a halfling."

2011-01-19, 07:27 PM
Perception check for the elf leader [roll0]

If Dalabrac's check is lower then the elf responds "Very funny I almost agree with you, unfortunately, that's an almost.v Move along!'

If Dalabrac's check is higher then the elf responds "Ahh, I see. Well, take care of him. Not my place to ask, but is he from one of the druidic tribes in The Forest of the Deep?"

2011-01-19, 10:38 PM
(ooc: I already rolled above and got a 23 on a bluff check)

Dalabrac put finger on his chin and the said to the guard who bought his lie "He might be...I don't know...he hasn't said really, he keeps on saying his some higher being or something so he could be?"
then he added "You wouldn't to have a cleric that could take a look at him,to see if he can be healed"

2011-01-20, 05:57 AM
ooc: I know, I just couldn't see the result beforehand and I didn't want to double post.

The elf looks at Lafiel for a long moment before responding "No on second thought I don't think so. The clothing is too different from over there. We don't have a cleric that specializes in mental handicaps, but you might find one in town."

2011-01-20, 03:54 PM
"I assure you that I do not indeed have a mental handicap. Though it would be best not to accept the halfling's word as truth, when it is commonly nothing of the sort." He says to the gullible elf. A disgrace to the elven lineage.

2011-01-20, 09:50 PM
Lafiel succeeded on a diplomacy check in the die rolling forums.

The commander says, "I see. So this halfling was lying to me... Ah well, I suppose it was just a joke, move along." And with that, the guards return to their posts at the gatehouse.

2011-01-21, 02:17 AM
[roll0] to again bluff the guard ))

2011-01-21, 02:20 AM
Dalabrac decides to leave it be but then decides to add one last 2 cents "he's just pulling your leg with his book of words man don't let him fool you"

Christopher K.
2011-01-21, 08:17 PM
Relic lets out a creaking mechanical groan that could only be interpreted as the Warforged version of a sigh. He then turns to Derres, "This is a very odd misadventure thus far."

2011-01-21, 09:21 PM
The elf leans out of the gatehouse and says, "Will you gentlemen please stop blocking the gate."

2011-01-21, 10:13 PM
Dalabrac sighed as much as he enjoyed the bickering and the chance of bluffing the hell out of people he'd need to take the high road to keep himself alive.So he cleared his throat and said "Look, we obviously don't see eye to eye, and part of that isn't our difference in height, but since we're entering a government building, we need to put on a facade (There! I used a fancy word!) that we get along at least as professional mercenaries."

2011-01-21, 11:44 PM
"For money, I could set aside any difference. Except for an orc. Or undead." Lafiel says to the halfling, as he begin to walk towards the building again.
Now that we will become mercenaries, all of you have to go listen to the song "Oh no you didn't."

2011-01-23, 01:13 PM
When you four arrive at the building, the man by the front desk takes on look at you and says, "Down the hall and second room on the right." When you enter the room, a hobgoblin is talking with three adventurers already in the room; a tiefling with a glowing metal staff, a half-orc with a massive battle-ax, and a humanoid, standing around 6ft tall, dressed in heavy black armor (how would you know what race he was when he is in armor.)

Christopher K.
2011-01-23, 02:23 PM
"My apologies," Relic says immediately, "I was not aware that there were people in the same process as we already in this room, and I do not believe that the receptionist was, either."

2011-01-23, 03:24 PM
The hobgoblin turns to the four of you and says, "Oh, hello there. I was just talking business with these men. I assume you also want to help with our problem up north."

2011-01-23, 06:51 PM
"You assume correctly good sir." Lafiel says, bowing. "Lafiel Al'Thor, and to whom do I owe the pleasure?"He bows deeply, somewhere in between respectfully and mockingly.

2011-01-23, 09:20 PM
The hobgoblin glances at Lafiel and says, "I am Jerni. May I have your names and specialties for equipping purposes."

2011-01-24, 04:37 AM
"Derres Mek; bodily well-being, esprit de corps, and after-action reports!"

Christopher K.
2011-01-24, 01:10 PM
"I am Relic. I specialize primarily in weapon manufacturing and metalworking, though I dabble in the magical arts as further means of weaponsmithing."

2011-01-24, 04:26 PM
"My name is Dalabrac Bramblefoot Treasure hunter extraordinaire"

2011-01-24, 07:03 PM
"My name is Lafiel Al'Thor. My specialty: Striking things very hard, very fast."

2011-01-24, 09:16 PM
The hobgoblin says, "I see, and about how much experience in your crafts do you think you have compared to these men? I just ask because I need to put someone in charge."

Note: The three adventurers already in the room look several levels higher than you four.

2011-01-24, 11:08 PM
"Trust me I have had my share of adventures give me an empty room and say find all the traps, I not only can find them all but disable them with ease. I am also combat worthy as well...me and greed here have been through are share of hairy situations" Dalabrac says spinning his kukri

Christopher K.
2011-01-25, 06:51 PM
"I am fairly unskilled with anything aside from metalworking." Relic replies humbly, "If you feel it more suitable for me to work under a supervisor of some sort, I will not object."

2011-01-25, 08:23 PM
"Being in charge is too much work for me, and the company would fall apart if the halfling were to be in charge. Relic does not have the force of personality."

2011-01-25, 09:45 PM
The hobgoblin replies, "Well ok then. So Mr. Nathan, you will be in charge." He says, gesturing to the tiefling. "So, you four gentlemen, the job pays 700 gold apiece, and you will receive some military grade equipment." he says while looking over some notes.

Continuing on he says, "Now, the job itself will have you going north to the village of Shal. It's a few days walk away from the border, so be careful. Once there, you will need to destroy The Dread Lord of Terror, a brian in a jar working for the ruler of The Soulless Realm." Then as an afterthought he says, "Reports tell us he's gone insane, and believes he's invincible."

Christopher K.
2011-01-26, 08:11 AM
"What can you tell us about this Dread Lord of Terror?" Relic asks, curiosity piqued.

2011-01-26, 11:57 AM
The hobgoblin sighs and says, "Well, he moved into an old tower by Shal a few months ago. As I said he is most likely insane. Thinks he's much more powerful than he really is. Anything specific you want to know?"

2011-01-26, 01:54 PM
Dalabrac then grins and adds "so we could more then likely be able to back him into a monologue so can use it as an advantage"

2011-01-26, 02:09 PM
The hobgoblin thinks for a moment, then smiles and says, "I guess so."

2011-01-26, 04:11 PM
"Does the Dread Lord of Terror have Chlorine Elementals?"Lafiel asks. With a name like that, how could he be sane.

2011-01-27, 06:42 PM
The hobgoblin says, 'No the only minions associated with him are weak skeletons and zombies."

Christopher K.
2011-01-27, 06:54 PM
"I have two questions," Relic interjects, "Is transportation included in the equipment with which we are provided, and will you reimburse us for expenses incurred on this quest?

2011-01-28, 08:55 AM
The hobgoblin says, "Transport is your own two feet. For expenses we will give you 30 gold coins apiece. if you don't spend it, it's yours. Anything above that is your own money."

Then, the Tiefling says loudly, "Well, if my friends and I are done here, we will see you in two days time."

2011-01-28, 09:30 AM
"Well, this promises to be interesting" says Derres, mostly to himself. "Well, if there's time for it, would I be able to look over any lists of tasks the castle has hired out for?" he asks the hobgoblin.

2011-01-28, 12:00 PM
"How many days travel is it by foot?" Lafiel asks, having dazed off for a short bit.

2011-01-29, 10:34 AM
The hobgoblin says, "This is the only task we have hired adventurers for." Then turning to Lafiel he says, "Its about a five days walk to the village."

2011-01-29, 02:20 PM
"Could you describe to me the terrain we will encounter?"

2011-01-29, 03:21 PM
Dalabrac shook his head and said to Lafeil "You afraid of either getting your boots dirty or tripping or falling down a hill and getting your robes dirty ?

2011-01-29, 04:43 PM
The hobgoblin says, "Do you know why this kingdom is called the grey plain? I'll give you a hint. It's a plain."

2011-01-30, 08:15 AM
The hobgoblin then says, "If nobody has any more questions, then go about your business, and return here in two days."

2011-01-30, 05:52 PM
Lafiel turns to Dalabrac, "I was hoping to visit my homeland, or for there to be some quicksand for you."

Christopher K.
2011-01-30, 06:02 PM
Relic looks at Lafael quizzically, "Do you not know where your homeland is?"

2011-01-30, 10:34 PM
Dalabrac looked at Lafiel " I was just making a joke , do you have to take everything so seriously?"

2011-01-30, 10:40 PM
In one last comment the hobgoblin says, "Think about what kind of equipment you need, and go to the grand forge tomorrow. A dwarf named Fuldon Scarshield will be there to help equip you."

Christopher K.
2011-01-30, 11:18 PM
"We have had the pleasure of meeting Fuldon." Relic responds, "He is a very fine artisan and I look forward to discussing the noble profession of metallurgy with him once more."

2011-02-01, 09:03 AM
The hobgoblin says, "Oh, ok then. I will send out a messenger telling him to expect you."

2011-02-01, 01:45 PM
"Will you be providing us with a resting place through the next two days?"

2011-02-01, 08:20 PM
The hobgoblin says, "That isn't something we normally do. We like to help out the taverns and inns. Desert folk are the main group of travelers we get, and they don't usually pay."

2011-02-03, 05:07 PM
Rethinking his last comment he says, "Well, I suppose they pay, but the safe is usually empty when most of them leave. Anyways I will see you gentlemen in a few days. I believe you know the way out."

Christopher K.
2011-02-04, 09:49 PM
Relic leaves the building wordlessly, wondering what on earth he should do for two days' time.

2011-02-05, 01:09 AM
Dalabrac sees the warforge leave and runs after him and says "Hey...can I tag along with you I find you interesting unlike like mr ego over there"

Christopher K.
2011-02-05, 06:39 PM
Relic shrugs, I do not see why not. Do you have any business in town to attend to?

2011-02-05, 06:47 PM
"Not really I was just wondering if we could be friends?"

2011-02-05, 09:59 PM
Lafiel searches for a nice tree.

2011-02-05, 10:15 PM
Lafiel finds one, down in the city's park.

2011-02-05, 10:38 PM
Lafiel climbs the tree, and lays down where suitable.

Christopher K.
2011-02-06, 06:28 PM
"Friendship is a simple and valuable thing. I would be honored to be considered your friend." Relic replies.

2011-02-08, 10:31 AM
In the park a small crowd forms around the tree where Lafiel is sitting, most of them are whispering and pointing.

Christopher K.
2011-02-08, 04:38 PM
Seeing a crowd forming, Relic enters the crowd to see what all the commotion is about.

2011-02-08, 06:52 PM
Ia nods off into a deep sleep(trance, whatever), paying no attention to the dim-witted commoners.

2011-02-09, 01:23 AM
"yay your now in my bestfriend club" the little halfling says and then sees the elf in the tree and says with a grin "looks like they have never seen a squirrel before "

Christopher K.
2011-02-10, 07:57 PM
"I know squirrels chatter mindlessly, but this Lafael seems to do so much more so than any squirrel." Relic jokes.

2011-02-11, 05:32 PM
Lafiel dreams that the halfling is being strangled by a tree's roots.

Christopher K.
2011-02-12, 12:32 AM
"Judging by how happy the elf looks, he is either dreaming of your death or being socially accepted." Relic whispers to Dalabrac.

2011-02-12, 03:20 PM
Lafiel also dreams that the tin can has been melted down and made into a chamber pot.

Christopher K.
2011-02-12, 04:04 PM
Feeling no particular attachment to their lucid-dreaming, sociopathic teammate, Relic turns to Dalabrac again, "Perhaps we should visit Fuldon and discuss our equipment needs?"

2011-02-12, 05:11 PM
"Yes we should, not that I need a weapon since I already have my trusty greed here,maybe he might have some other stuff that might be intresting" Dalabrac said to his new friend

Christopher K.
2011-02-12, 05:14 PM
Relic proceeds to Fuldon's workshop amidst the market's chaos, assuming Dalabrac would follow.

2011-02-12, 05:16 PM
Dalabrac followed and hoped the stupid elf would die in his sleep. He grinned as he thought this "Hey Rel could you tell me a bit about your self like where are you from and stuff like that"

2011-02-15, 06:39 AM
The next day when you three arrive at the forge, you find Fuldon waiting for you. When you approach him he turns and says, "Ahh, there you are. Now what kind of weapons will you be needing today."

Christopher K.
2011-02-15, 04:12 PM
"Hello, Fuldon," Relic says, greeting the dwarf, "What do you have by way of improving my crossbow bolts for versatility?"

2011-02-15, 06:50 PM
"I require the two of the largest one-handed hammers you can make."equivalent to katana (1d10), except bludgeoning.
Lafiel says, ignoring the psychopathic halfling.

2011-02-17, 05:14 PM
To Lafiel he responds, "I can supply you with a craghammer, but you will only be able to wield one. I also could give you a throwing hammer. It will not be as powerful as the craghammer, but you could wield that with a craghammer."

craghammer; 1d10, brutal 2, versatile, throwing hammer; 1d6, off hand, heavy thrown

Then to Rel he says, "As for crossbow bolts, I can offer you a set of 10 onslaught bolts."

+1 to attack and damage rolls, when you hit an enemy with one of these bolts every ally able to see that enemy gets +1 to attack rolls against them until the end of your next turn.

2011-02-21, 07:11 PM
"I don't need anything I am set"

Christopher K.
2011-02-21, 07:22 PM
"Interesting material." Relic muses aloud, "These indeed look useful, but I meant for noncombat uses as well. You would not happen to have any extra lengths of chain and grappling hooks which could be used in place of ammunition for my crossbow, would you?"

2011-02-21, 09:47 PM
Fuldon says, "I apologize, but I don't believe that I have anything like that. Not too much demand around here, they don't call it the Grey Plain for nothing."

2011-02-22, 04:54 PM
Lafiel takes two of the hammers. "Thank you for your effort."

Christopher K.
2011-02-22, 05:03 PM
"That is perfectly understandable, given the geography," Relic replies to Fuldon, "but one can never be too well-prepared. You wouldn't happen to have an extra ingot with which I could possibly create one myself, would you?"

2011-02-23, 05:55 AM
Fuldon says, "Yes, I think I have a few. You will have to find someone else who sells rope though." Then he hands Rel two iron ingots.

2011-02-25, 03:57 PM
"Shall we move out?"

Christopher K.
2011-02-28, 12:04 PM
Deliberately ignoring his impatient fellow mercenary, Relic then proceeds to ask another question, "Fuldon, would you be so generous as to allow me use of your anvil to create this grappling hook?"

2011-02-28, 09:47 PM
Fuldon replies, "Oh sure. You can use that one over there." He points to an anvil around 20 ft away.

Christopher K.
2011-02-28, 11:14 PM
Taking a hammer to the metal after heating it lightly, Relic attempts to smith a grappling hook from the ingots provided.

[roll0] RTA, What stat is metalworking based on?

2011-03-01, 06:04 AM
Rel creates a fairly good grappling hook.

So sorry, I didn't realize it wasn't an actual skill. Feel free to edit your skills to include the new homebrew skill. http://http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Ingots_(4e_Equipment)

Christopher K.
2011-03-01, 03:55 PM
Dude, I literally wrote that. :smallbiggrin:

Relic slips the grappling hook into his bag.

2011-03-02, 06:13 AM
Fuldon ask one last time if you need anything else.

Do you mean back in the OOC thread? I thought you weren't referring to a specific skill, and I also thought that there was a skill for metalworking.

Christopher K.
2011-03-02, 02:32 PM
I wrote the stuff about metalworking in the wiki after that thread I wrote about trade skills got locked and I asked if I could replace Diplomacy with it. :smalltongue:

"Do you know of a merchant who sells high-quality rope or chains?" Relic asks curiously.

2011-03-02, 05:55 PM
Oh, I get it now. Ok, cool.

Fuldon says' "I don't know anyone, my most recent supplier died. I would try going back to fairhold market, that is where the most merchants are."

Christopher K.
2011-03-05, 12:29 PM
Curiosity piqued, Relic looked at Fuldon quizzically. "What happened to your supplier?"

2011-03-05, 10:13 PM
Fuldon sighs, and says, "He was in one of the more dangerous parts of town, you see. A couple of guys jumped him, and when he tried to fight back, they killed him. Happens all the time in the slums."

2011-03-08, 04:07 PM
"Would you like me to get you two lovebirds some tea? Or should we proceed with our mission?"

2011-03-08, 09:43 PM
Fuldon turns to Lafiel and says, "I thought you didn't have to leave until tomorrow."

Christopher K.
2011-03-09, 01:04 PM
Relic gives Lafael a confused look.

"I am no bird, I do not drink, and our mission, as Fuldon said, isn't until tomorrow." Relic says to Lafael, then turns to Fuldon, "Thank you for your help, Fuldon, I am going to proceed to find a merchant who sells rope."

Relic then leaves in search of some rope.

2011-03-09, 03:59 PM
"Suit yourselves."
Lafiel says, as he leaves, searching for the highest place he could reach the summit of in half a day.

2011-03-10, 05:57 AM
Lafiel goes to the church of Pelor.

Rel wanders into the fairhold market, where he spots a man selling rope.

Christopher K.
2011-03-10, 09:02 AM
Relic proceeds to ask to purchase some rope.

2011-03-10, 09:06 PM
Lafiel was hoping for something more like a mountain.

2011-03-11, 07:03 AM
The elf selling the rope says, "Ahh you are looking for some rope? For 50 ft that will be 2 gp."

To firemagehao, what part of Grey Plain don't you guys understand.

Christopher K.
2011-03-11, 01:12 PM
Relic pays 2 GP for fifty feet of rope, then proceeds to wander around the town to kill time until the mission day rolls around.

2011-03-12, 09:16 AM
I meant mountain like in size. I will rephrase my query: What is the tallest structure in the town that Lafiel could climb the exterior of.

2011-03-13, 08:46 PM
The church of Pelor is the largest structure you could climb without getting attacked by high level guards.

2011-03-14, 08:09 PM
The next day, as the two of you head to the palace, you pass the three adventurers who will be going with you. They are quietly murmuring to themselves, and seem to be planning something.

Christopher K.
2011-03-15, 08:07 AM
Relic warmly waves to them, genuinely excited for the mission ahead.

2011-03-15, 06:09 PM
What are their races again? This greatly effects Lafiel's impression of them.

2011-03-16, 06:50 AM
The two of you head up to the castle and find a small caravan (two pack mules, one horse). The hobgoblin from a few days earlier comes up to you and says, "Ah good you're here, as soon as the other three get here you can begin your journey.

The three other mercenaries are a tiefling, a half-orc, and the race of the last one is unknown.

2011-03-16, 04:19 PM
"Hello." Lafiel says to the pig, the goat, and the other farm animal.

2011-03-17, 08:42 PM
The three other adventurers arrive at the top of the hill, and the tiefling asks, "Is it time to go yet?"

2011-03-22, 05:00 AM
A few minutes later, the caravan rolls toward the north gate of the city. As you move down the main street, a town crier yells out "Last night a hafling, human, and deva were found dead on the side of the road. I will again remind you not to go into the slums alone at night."

2011-03-22, 06:16 PM
Turning to Relic, "The average intelligence of sentient creatures recently rose by about ten percent."

Christopher K.
2011-03-24, 09:57 PM
Relic pauses to recollect anything he might have heard about the slums during his time in the market.

[roll0] Streetwise check

2011-03-25, 05:48 AM
You remember Fuldon telling you that people are killed in the slums all the time.

2011-03-28, 04:58 AM
Anyways, the caravan moves out into the plains, leaving the city behind.

Christopher K.
2011-04-04, 01:12 PM
Relic idly checks the calibration on his crossbow.

2011-04-04, 01:41 PM
Lafiel wonders why he is getting so little to work with.

2011-04-05, 08:46 PM
Eventually, after several hours of travel the caravan reaches a small forest with only a few dozen or so trees, but the undergrowth is very thick. The path leads straight through it.

The three other adventurers look a little hesitant to enter, and the Tiefling says, "Why don't you two scout out the area, we'll stay back here and come running if you run into any trouble."

2011-04-06, 04:13 PM
"Clanky. You stay here and watch them. I'll scout ahead."
Lafiel says as he leaps through the trees.taking ten on all sensory and acrobatic checks. I has +4 wis and Dex bonus. I succeed.

Christopher K.
2011-04-08, 08:17 AM
Relic hesitates for a moment, then decides to proceed behind Lafael at a slower pace so that if the caravan were attacked, he could fall back, or rush forward if Lafael were to be attacked. (Besides, in the worst case scenario, Dalabrac was still there to guard if need be.)

2011-04-10, 09:14 AM
Lafiel sees a few piles of belongings on the side of the road, and several shadowy humanoids lurking in the darkness. Suddenly an arrow flies out at him and narrowly misses him. Then several other figures begin to move towards him from out of the trees.

2011-04-10, 04:26 PM
Lafiel lashes out at them with his hammers, blasting one away with blasts of air. Encounter power, slicing wind.

My attack vs his reflex, [roll0] and [roll1]

Damage: [roll2] and [roll3]

Christopher K.
2011-04-12, 01:58 PM
Relic pauses, confused, as Lafael engages in combat. He gestures towards the caravan to stay back as there's something dangerous ahead.

[roll0], since I gave up Diplomacy training for the bonus to metalworking.

2011-04-12, 08:17 PM
The others at the caravan show no signs of moving from their position. Two of the shapes step out of the shadows close to LaFiel, and you can see that they are very old skeletons with a red skulls painted on to their rusted breastplates. The one in the forest with the bow is hit by one of the attacks and colapses for a moment, before getting back up. Two more converge on Rel, blocking his path, and back by the caravan several shapes step out of the forest. One of the ones close enough to LaFiel takes a swing and collides with him, dealing a harsh blow. Then another takes a swing at Rel, but the swing bounces of his plating without doing any damage.

Lafiel takes 4 damage.

2011-04-13, 04:53 PM
If he killed one, he moves to another, if not he continues attacking the one.
Lafiel, unscathed, flies past his attacker, hitting him as he passes. to-hit: [roll0] and [roll1]
damage: [roll2] and [roll3]

2011-04-13, 07:35 PM
The two skeletons attacking LaFiel disintegrate into dust. The one in the woods fires two more shots at Lafiel, both connecting and the two skeletons by Rel swing their rusted longswords with only one of them striking true. Further up the road a few more figures have emerged form the shadows, and are attacking the caravan.

LaFiel takes 23 damage, Rel takes 4.

Christopher K.
2011-04-17, 12:24 PM
Rel takes a single step back for safety, and then summons a servant to fight the nearby foes.

Move Action to shift away, Minor Action for Obedient Servant, and then the Servant took the standard action to attack the closest foe in melee. [roll0] Vs AC; [roll1] damage if it hits.

2011-04-25, 05:35 PM
The skeleton hit by the servant is destroyed. The other one begins to retreat back to the skeletal archer in the trees, and several more shapes begin to move around in the shadows. The archer begins to move back towards these shapes.

2011-04-27, 07:19 PM
Lafiel charges past the archer, striking him with both of his hammers in passing.VS AC
[roll0] damage [roll1]
[roll2] damage [roll3]
before charging bonuses.

Christopher K.
2011-05-01, 09:56 AM
Relic gestures for the servant to attack his other nearby foe.

[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] damage if it hits

2011-05-04, 05:09 AM
The skeleton fleeing from Rel is destroyed, and the one with the bow is knocked back when one of the hammers hits it. It gets back up and moves back to join the rest of the figures in the shadows.

2011-05-12, 02:27 PM
Lafiel readies an attack on any skeleton that moves.
[roll0] damage [roll1]
[roll2] damage [roll3]