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View Full Version : Does Anyone Else Play BRP?

Chainsaw Hobbit
2011-01-03, 03:39 PM
I know BRP (Basic RolePlaying System) is unpopular, but I don't know how unpopular. I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only one in the playground who plays it. :smallfrown:
It really sucks that it's not very widely known and I wish more people played it, but I'm starting to wonder if I should just give it up and play something else.
If someone, anyone could just reassure me that I'm not the only BRP fan my heart would fill with joy.

2011-01-03, 06:38 PM
I used to play it...


I think it royally sucks... There are entertaining bits, and good bits, but I don't really remember them, all I remember was how annoying the system was, and how many times it gave me a headache... Thirty seven, I believe.

I had a friend who played it exclusively, so when I started taking games with him, I was set off to find that he didn't comprehend concepts that are almost universal to gaming... Such as contested rolls... and that was enough for me to swear off it. Another was when a player was convinced by some stretch of unfortunate "exact wording" (not as in that's exactly what it said, as in it was highly debatable but his reasoning was very sound) that the number of attacks you got with an automatic weapon was determined by your relative speed in comparison to that of your opponents... the more you were facing and the slower you were in relation to them, the more attacks you made... Personally I thought he was full of it, but after several hours of discussion he had me convinced that Chaosium was actually that stupid.


So, it's highly possible that you're the only one, which I doubt, but I guess I have that game on my self as the second worst game I own... wait third, nearly forgot FATAL.


Said friend is a BRP fan... but he shuns web forums.

2011-01-03, 07:14 PM
I guess anybody here who plays Rune Quest or Call of Cthulhu is in the BRP camp. I reckon, much like AD&D, you will find it chiefly popular amongst the older crowd that grew up on it. Unlike AD&D it has never enjoyed really widespread popularity, and its resurgence as BRP has been quite muted.

2011-01-03, 08:03 PM
So, it's highly possible that you're the only one, which I doubt, but I guess I have that game on my self as the second worst game I own... wait third, nearly forgot FATAL.

You actually own FATAL? I hope you got your money back.

2011-01-03, 08:19 PM
You actually own FATAL? I hope you got your money back.

If a player ever complains that I'm making things too complicated because I like systems that require more than one roll when attacking someone, I want them to have skills that don't involve combat or conversation, or that I want them to have the ability to have survived long enough to become adventurers in the first place, I smack them upside the head with FATAL.


That said it's also useful in Home Defense.

2011-01-03, 09:37 PM
It's unpopular? Huh, that's news to me. I mean, I know it's not mainstream, but I still know quite a few people who like it (me included).

But yeah, I like BRP, and no amount of lack of contested rolls or rules in need of clarification will convince me otherwise (especially as these issues are sorted with newer versions of the rules [assuming a lack of a contested roll is an issue]). It's a simple system that does gritty well, and I think it totally works for Call of Cthulhu (and gritty fantasy, which D&D cannot handle in the least).

Also, if people in your area don't know it, couldn't you introduce them to it or something?