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Shade Kerrin
2011-01-04, 07:03 PM
OOC thread: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10124444#post10124444)

As you finally manage to push through the crowd, you get your first glimpse of the Zeppilin known of as the Lady. The three-balooned ship looks far more graceful than the previous airship models, giving an impression that it is darting forward despite remaining tethered to the ground. As you approach the rope ladder that has been lowered to passengers, the captain asks to see your tickets. Once satisfied with their validity, he waves you aboard, where a crew member escorts you to the side-hull on the left.

The large room you are led to is beutifully furnished, with several ornate sculptures lining the wall, and three chandeliers providing a warm light to the room. You are directed to sit at one of the many large tables set up for guests((Coincidentally, the same table as all other PCs and any npcs they might be working for)), and asked to remainin in this room until the four guards at the entrances indicate it is safe to move about.

Before you have a chance to say a word, the ship lurches forward as the tethers are cut. If you choose to look out the window, you can see the city racing underneath, before being replaced by the wide ocean. While the ship is now in motion, no signal has been given yet that it is safe to leave the room.

2011-01-05, 09:02 AM
Sahz Fury. a man with good looks, and he knows it. as he approaches the lady, he admires the sheer craftmanship. "wow, now that is an airship!" he exclaims to this novelty of a sight.

sahz feels a little underdressed as he enters the ship. he was lucky to even get a ticket! his clothes are made of bright colours, primarily a bright red and a golden yellow, he clearly likes being in the middle of the attention.

when directed to a table, he sits down, the table is as of yet empty, and the others yet to arrive. Sahz has his luggage in a small trunk, it appears there is little that Sahz owns, or atleast decided to take with him.

as others enter the room, they see a tall slightly wide man, his hair a golden blond of medium length currently slicked straight back. his clothes are as mentioned, brightly coloured and usually would stand out... but in this sort of place, they might only stand out for their average quality as opposed to the high quality funishings of the current surrounding. Sahz sits and awaits the rest of the table quietly admiring the views.

as more of the table turn up, he will introduce himself "good day, my name is Sahz Fury." he says with arm outstretched.

assistant GM stepping in for additional info:
this information is not entirely nessisary, but it adds to the world, and adventure. and this is information your characters would know.

the place that we are now, (getting onto the zepplin) is in a place called Du'Lacart, capital of "lucrecio" it is the technological capital of the world, the lady is proof of this, and this is the big unveiling and maiden voyage of the lady.

the destination for its first flight, is to the capital of the empire, Archangel in Abel. as you can imagine, since its the capital of the empire (which till very recently contained the entire known world under its flag) it is a vibrant city, with high security as the empress lives there. Lucrecio is possibly the most loyal of all the Principalities (countries basically) to the empire apart from Abel itself.

during the ladies first voyage, it will be traveling north, then turning west towards its destination, and in doing so, will be traveling over sea for a majority of its journy. it is not only the biggest, and newest airship, it is virtually the only airship of any notable size at all. it contains the work and discoveries of the universities and countries finest scientists, and is a big leap in modern technology.

2011-01-08, 03:08 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

The Lady was a beautiful airship!
Irene wore a large smile on her face as she stepped onto the zeppelin.

She admired the decorations as she crew members led her to the large room.
Some of the other wealthy passengers have great amounts of luggage Irene noticed, but her small bag was all she had brought on this trip.

Well, she could have brought more, but surely one of the servants would have seen her leaving! No, she was fine. It was important to travel light, after all.
Irene smiled to herself. Yes, maybe she might try to copy some of these lower class people to hide herself, eventually. It could be fun to try, though their clothes looked uncomfortable.

But the view was beautiful. She had never been on an airship before.
Irene walked daintily to the table and set her bag down. She gasped as the airship started to fly. She wanted to look out the window closely, but it was not a dignified thing.

Turning to the table, she looked at the man there. He was also beautiful! Truly he must be a prince, but for the clothes, a little not. Sahz Fury, she did not know this name, but he seemed like a gentleman.

Sahz might be surprised when the charming, if disappointingly young girl placed her hand in his.
"Good day Sir Fury. I am Irene-"

Ah, to be running away, should she use her family's name? What if someone here was familiar with her and sent her home? The airship was in the sky now, she was safe.

"-von Feuerbach. It is a pleasure to meet such a gentleman!"

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-08, 06:48 AM

The first sign of Hatia's presence is the distinct and repetitive noise of wood colliding with wood as she walks in to the hall of the Lady, supporting her weight on her spear. The head has several decorational ribbons attatched at this moment, but they shouldn't interfere with combat use. As her and her employer approach their assigned table, she admires the decor of the vessal, thinking that she has really fallen on her feet(in a good way this time) getting this job. Finding her sister will be a breeze.

She sits as soon as she reaches the table, and rests her weapon against the side of her chair. After a few seconds to catch her breath she turns to the others.

"Good day Irene and....Sorry, was it Shaz? I couldn't quite hear." She looks somewhat embarresed, but continues, "I am Hatia Eslan, and this old codger is Mister Gardens."

'Mister Gardens' is a thin old man who has somehow managed to fall asleep the moment he touched his seat. His clothing looks expensive, but the colors seem faded.

2011-01-08, 10:18 AM
Lurodes Asormos

One of the gentlemen, who would look tall if he wasn't sitting hunched over his place at the table, is distinctly reserved compared to the others. Maybe that's putting it mildly. He is wrapped from head to toe in black robes, with a deep hood over his head keeping most of his face in shadow, though his stark white-irised eyes and ashen hair stand out in the dark. His mouth, vaguely visible is unsmiling and he wears no colour other than black, with black leather boots on his feet, and black leather gloves on his hands; in short, he looks thoroughly dreary. To his credit, he isn't carrying any weapons in plain sight.

"Lurodes Asormos," he grunts (pronouncing the -es as a separate syllable - don't call him Loo-roads, he's killed people for less) as the other passengers start introducing themselves. He doesn't offer his hand to any of the other passengers, but instead turns around and calls out to the nearest crew member. "Is there any beer on board this ship?"

Goblin Music
2011-01-08, 11:10 AM
Zach looks up at the ship in awe as he boards. this thing is huge! Well, he is ecstatic. He heads into the section where he was assigned.
The man isn't tall, five feet maybe? in his left hand he walks with an odd staff, it is as tall as he is with a cloth pouch tied on each end, those who are familiar with such a weapon would recognize it as an unstrung longbow. Hanging from his belt, slid between his pants and his belt actually, is a sword in a beautifully carved scabbard with a polished bronze cap, the guard looks like it came off of a katana, what do you call it? ah! a tsuba, oval but rather plain. on the other side of his hips a quiver of arrows are suspended just below the joint. he has on green gray pants that look almost new and a dark green shirt, rather fancy one might say. Over that ensemble he has a large greatcoat hanging open. To finish off the tour of Zach's garb, he has a wide brimmed hat hiding the top of his head and black boots lased up disappearing into his pant legs.
Zach looks around in what most would assume awe, who didn't when they arrived. He looked around quickly and decided to sit at the table with Sahz, Irene and Hatia. Hi my name is Zach, nice too meet ya. he says with a smile

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-08, 04:11 PM
One of the three guards standing at the entrances turns at Lurodes' question.
"Drinks shall be served once the ship is safe to travel. Please remain seated until then."

2011-01-08, 04:59 PM
"I am sitting down, you blind sod," says Lurodes moodily, retreating into his hood like a tortoise into its shell. "And if it's not safe to travel, why the hell have we taken off?"

And how come you get to stand up?

Lurodes says nothing else, preferring to stare around the room with an exceedingly grumpy look on his face, fiddle with something in an inside pocket of his robes, and drum his gloved fingers idly on the table.

2011-01-08, 06:48 PM
Somebody's in a good mood. Renard thought as they approached the table. He was following closely behind a young woman wearing an elaborate silk dress. This was the way he and Bridgett had walked for at least five years now. Although none of her staff expected any trouble on this voyage, they thought someone should come along to make sure the young noblewoman would not come to harm.

She seated herself at the table, greeting the gathered people shyly. "My name is Bridgett Gannis and this is my guard, Renard Brenan."

The warrior, who was standing behind his charge, nodded at them. "Good day."

2011-01-08, 08:04 PM
Irene von Feuerbach
Sahz might be surprised when the charming, if disappointingly young girl placed her hand in his.
"Good day Sir Fury. I am Irene-"
"-von Feuerbach. It is a pleasure to meet such a gentleman!"

Sahz will bow politely when takeing Irenes' hand, he felt of a lower standing than this young lady, and thought it rude if he were to so casually shake her hand. "a young and beautiful girl such as yourself all alone on a big adventure? you must be very brave. you will make a man proud to be called your husband one day." Sahz remarked sincearly.

"Good day Irene and....Sorry, was it Shaz? I couldn't quite hear." She looks somewhat embarresed, but continues, "I am Hatia Eslan, and this old codger is Mister Gardens."

"its pronounced Sahz, its a mistake easily made, and just as easily forgiven." Sahz smiles at Hatia.

Sahz will continue being as polite as possible to all of the others as they introduce themselves, except perhaps Lurodes who he will avoid eye contact with if possible. something didn't sit right with Sahz about this man.

upon noticing the amount of time that has passed and the refusal of the guards to allow the passengers to move Sahz will address a guard "excuse me fine sir, but is something the problem? we have been waiting a long time to be allowed to move, is this normal?"

Goblin Music
2011-01-08, 08:16 PM
Zach looks at, what you assume to be, Sahz your right, I need a good stretch right about now. he looks more like he wants to go exploring, but such is life.

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-09, 03:48 AM
"Everything is under control. A man should be down here shortly to announce that it is safe to travel.

2011-01-09, 05:23 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Sahz's words were like knives to Irene's tender pride. The handsome prince could have just patted her head to talk to her like that. Ah, but he still was a perfect gentleman like she thought. Alas! She maybe could redeem herself, but first, her pride she had to hold while in the company of the others.

She smiled grateful with a curtsy. She maintained her manner almost.
"W-why thank you." She managed.

Fortunately there were other introductions. She was happy to meet the two retainers, Hatia and Renard. They were polite and seemed like nice people. And she was happy to meet Zach who must have been about her age- he was shorter than her after all. He seemed like a commoner, but he seemed nice too. Then there was the moody man in black- Lurodes. She was certainly uncomfortable with such a man around.

"Well, we have no choice then, do we?" Irene said politely. "Surely it will not be long now. I am also anxious to see this beautiful airship." She looks at the guard who is answering. "Would you kindly tell us the travel time? Oh, and a map would be wonderful."

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-09, 06:02 AM
The guard wordlessly points to a set of booklets sitting on each table, each of which contains a map of the interior of the ship and information on various journey times, as well as some other incidental information.

OOC:I shall post up the map if I can sometime tommorow. Also, stuff will happen after 2 more PC posts

2011-01-09, 08:16 AM
"If i may be excused, i need to use the bathroom." Sahz says upon leaving the table.

Sahz goes up to one of the guards "surely there is a bathroom i could use? i know we are not supposed to be moving about, but we've been sat still very long."

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-09, 04:40 PM
After staring at Sahz for a few seconds, the guard, sighs and escorts him away.

Sahz's Notice check:[roll0] If open roll:[roll1] Edit:sorry...

As you are led along to the toilets you notice a pair of soldiers arguing about something, but they stop and stare at you as you a brought closer. The bathroom itself is about as luxuriously decorated as the rest of the ship, though the guard continues to stand outside until you are done, and escorts you directly back.

Goblin Music
2011-01-09, 08:04 PM
Zach examines the map of the Lady, seemingly absorbed by it

2011-01-10, 03:20 PM
awww im as blind as a bat:smallfrown:

Sahz returns to the table, once sat down and out of earshot of the guards sahz says "there were a couple of guards arguing outside, i wouldnt of really thought this strange, but when they noticed me they went very quiet, as if its something they didnt want us to hear more importantly than they needed to argue the point at all. this worrys me." Sahz grabs hold of his luggage strangly, and begins to open it, ready to reach inside but not yet doing so (or revealing whats inside either)

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-10, 08:46 PM
As the murmers of unease begin to spread among the people gathered, a fifth guard finally arrives, a crossbow held lightly in his left hand. He gives a thumbs up signal to one of the other four, who begins to speak.
"We thank you all for your patience today. Unfortunately, there has been a slight complication. See, this ship is now under control of our captain, and you are all to be executed for treason."

As he says 'executed,' he(along with all other soldiers present) draw their weapons,(a longsword and a crossbow) while the one already armed fires a shot at Hatia.

Attack: [roll0], 50 damage
Hatia's Block: [roll1] (surprised) Edit: Forgot to apply the -80 for blocking projectiles, so 12
Hatia fails to block in time and suffers 45 damage!

open rolls:[roll2] [roll3] [roll4]

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-10, 08:57 PM
Everyone give me an initiative roll with the weapon of your choice, and your intended action. Each square on the table below is 5ft. Remember that moving more than 1/4 of your speed counts as an active action.
Characters are noted by color and initials. PCs are capitalized, npcs are lower case, opponents are bolded.
There are more people at the other tables, but I couldn't be bothered adding them in.

The first scream of terror is currently rising from the lips of a man towards the centre of the room.



Goblin Music
2011-01-10, 10:11 PM
[roll0] on his turn, Zach will draw his sword, his bow is unstrung, and move diagonally north east by the map posted, assuming the top is north (to square 0,C).

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-10, 10:34 PM
OOC: Remembered that we were doing this, everyone also include 2 defense rolls.

And just the 5ft movement? You can attack in the same round as drawing a weapon(at a -25 penalty) or go pure defense for +30 on your rolls

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-10, 10:36 PM

2011-01-11, 01:35 AM
initiative [roll0]

Sahz will reach inside his luggage and produce a short sword and shield. he will then move to inbetween the closest guards and the party (E2 should do) "do not worry! i will protect you friends." he takes up a defensive position. awaiting to be attacked for a counter attack.

(in spoiler is defence rolls as so shade doesnt know what they are! (dont look in this spoiler shade unless you attack me))defence rolls:
[roll1] (if defended) counter attack: [roll2] (-25 already removed, add any modifier from succesful denfend)
second defence:[roll3]Third defence:

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-11, 05:22 AM

Hatia stands up and ensures that she is standing clearly between the soldiers and Mister Gardens, who is still asleep. Once she is sure of her footing, she opens the mental paths between herself and her Ki reserves, allowing the energy to flow through her body.

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-11, 05:29 AM
Defensive rolls:[roll0],[roll1],[roll2]
Hatia is forgoing the the ability to counter in order to fully build her ki.

open rolls:[roll3],[roll4],[roll5]

2011-01-11, 05:52 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

(unarmed initiative): [roll0]

psychokinetic armor activate [roll1]
(I want to make it maintained in slot after first round)

What's going on?! Irene wondered as the guards started to attack. She was not expecting this! Combat? On this ship? Treason? She had done nothing wrong! So many of these people too!

Irene crouched behind the table, and took a deep breath.

I have to focus. Like the instructor said in training... Oh! I wish I had paid attention more at the lessons!

Defense: Dodge


Goblin Music
2011-01-11, 10:27 AM
(i did not expect to win the Init, in that case, may i amend my decision on how Zach reacts?)
if so:
Zach move to the nearest guard and attacks
[roll0] (subtracted the -25 for drawing my sword)

defensive rolls

2011-01-11, 01:59 PM
Initiative: [roll0]
Defence1: [roll1] (Dodge)
Defence2: [roll2] (Dodge)
Defence3: [roll3] (Dodge)
Attack: [roll4]
Open Rolls: [roll5] [roll6] [roll7]
"And now, gentlemen, you die," says Lurodes calmly, getting up from his seat, rushing towards the nearest soldiersdiagonally (G2 if I can get that far without spending an action), drawing a dagger from the voluminous folds in his robes, and beginning to attack.

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-11, 04:31 PM
Guard defenses:[roll0], [roll1]
Counter:[roll2],55 base

Guard attack:[roll3],55 base

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-11, 04:32 PM
Open roll:[roll0], [roll1]

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-11, 05:05 PM
The soldier nearest to the party levels his crossbow at Lurodes, but is forced to move it out of aim while barely dodging the dagger aimed for his chest. He stands again, only to have to duck once more when Zach provides a follow-up attack.
His companion curses and draws his sword and swings at Lurodes, who easily sidesteps the attack. In as loud a voice as possible, he calls out, "We have strugglers!" The other guards turn at this, but have already emptied their crossbows in to targets more local to them.
Irene and Hatia manage to gather their respective energies in to themselves successfully.
Renard gestures for Bridgette to get beneath the table and approaches the fray, ensuring that he stands between her and them.

Round two start:
Many of the people gathered here are now screaming, and several have moved to hide under tables. two of them already lie dead from the initial volley of the guards.



2011-01-11, 05:49 PM
Lurodes continues to press his assault on the soldier closest to him, fighting like a maniac; besides aiming his dagger at the most sensitive, vulnerable points of his opponent's anatomy - throat, eyes, groin, the space under the breastbone - he goads the poor man like a mongoose taunting a snake, shoving his free hand in front of his opponent's eyes to obstruct his vision, kicking at the soldier's shins and snapping his cloak in his face - not real attacks, but an irritation.

Initiative: [roll0]
Defence1: [roll1] (Dodge)
Defence2: [roll2] (Dodge)
Defence3: [roll3] (Dodge)
Attack: [roll4]
Open Rolls: [roll5] [roll6] [roll7]

2011-01-11, 06:36 PM

Sahz steps forward to inbetween the 2 guards (F1 if still aplicable by my turn, if not, move to nearest guard) again, forgoing an attack awaiting for a counter attack, poised at the ready, shield raised defencively.

defences:number 1: [roll1]
counter attack (to a successful defence) [roll2] (make any nessisary adjustments.)
number 2: [roll3]
number 3: [roll4]

OOC: something i want to point out incase you dont know, is that if you are hit (sometimes you are hit but dont take damage) you lose your active action that round if you have not yet had it. (IE: attacking, moving more than 1/4 movement speed etc) if wanted, i will list what actions you can take and if they are active or not in the OOC thread.

EDIT: should of made open rolls, but fortunately its not nessisary this turn.

Goblin Music
2011-01-11, 07:04 PM
Zach smiles, he always liked a good brawl. He continues to press the assault moving with precision, not power, in mind, attacking with the tip more often then the body of the sword. [roll1]


Shade Kerrin
2011-01-11, 07:15 PM

Technique activated: Seeking Tip(+25 init, +25 attack)
Attack:[roll1] 65 base, target:S1
Style roll:[roll2]

Defense:[roll3], [roll4]

Hatia lunges forward suddenly, swinging her weapon towards her target in a graceful overhead arc. Those who can perceive the supernatural will notice a faint pulse emitting from the head of the spear.

2011-01-12, 08:45 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Irene sighed. She of course was nervous about this! It was dangerous, but there were people dying, and the heroic people at her table were going to stand and fight.

It seemed almost like a fairy tale in that way. Ahhh she couldn't be seen cowering like a child! She was better than that, right? But if she stayed close to Sahz, that would be ok...

Increase Strength activation [roll0]

Then Irene will draw her sword and move forward to behind Sahz Fury. [E3]

Defenses Roll


Opens Rolls


Maintain: Psychokinetic Armor (AT +2) and Increase Strength (STR+2 = 10)

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-12, 01:40 PM
S1 vs Zach [roll0] 55 base
S2 vs Lurodes:[roll1] 55 base
S3 vs Sahz:[roll2] 55 base

Defense:S1:[roll3] dodge, [roll]1d100+30[dodge]
Defense:S2:[roll4] dodge, [roll]1d100+30[dodge]
Defense:S3:[roll5] dodge, [roll]1d100+10[dodge]

Open rolls:[roll6],[roll7],[roll8]

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-12, 01:53 PM
S1's second defens:[roll0]

S3's critical:

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-12, 02:00 PM
S1's Fumble:[roll0]
And just in case, S1's critical:

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-12, 02:13 PM
Lurodes and the soldier closest to him exchange blows for a while. Although the soldier is frusterated by the low fighting style of his opponent, neither seem to hold the upper hand yet.
Hatia's sudden assault only causes light damage to her target, but it also throws him off balance. Her turns in an attempt to meet Zach's assault, but winds up literally walking in to his blade.Soldier 1 is stabbed through the heart and killed.
The third soldier abandons his door in an attempt to help his comrades. Turning on Sahz, he swings his blade low, passing underneath Sahz's shield. However, the man seems to be expecting this, ramming his shield downwards and temporaily pinning the weapon. As the soldier attempts to pull it free, Sahz makes an attack of his own, slicing the other's arm clean off at the shoulder.
Soldier 3 suffers 60 damage, loses his sword arm and suffers an all-action penalty of -134
One of the two soldiers on the other side of the room starts advancing on the party, winding up his crossbow as he goes.

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-12, 02:32 PM
Round three start:
Pretty much everyone is now taking refuge under a table.

Event:At initiative count[roll0], the Lady suddenly tilts downwards and begins to descend. Everyone make a Moderate(DC 80) acrobatics check or a DC 13 Agility check to stay on your feet. Failure also means you lose your actions for the round, just as if you had been successfully attacked


Hatia:110/155, 3A/5D used
S3:-60 hp, 134 AAP, lost arm

2011-01-12, 06:00 PM
initiative [roll0]

Sahz sees into his opponents eyes, the look in his face as he loses an arm, and realises that this opponent provides no threat anymore, and leaves him to be finished off by someone else. moving instead to F2 and attacking S2, unless Sahz has a chance to counter before his turn.
defences/attack:defence 1: [roll1]
attack/counter: [roll2]
defence 2: [roll3]
Defence 3: [roll4]

open rolls: [roll5]

Goblin Music
2011-01-12, 07:10 PM

with a sigh Zach releases his sword hilt letting the dead man fall to the ground, he then moves to where he was sitting at the table and grabs his longbow pulling the cloth bags off of the tips, one tip with the string already attached. He then works on stringing the bow. depositing the bags into a coat pocket. whens done, he knocks an arrow.



(no attack this turn, don't want the penalties)

2011-01-12, 10:37 PM
Lurodes clambers onto the table next to him planning to take the high ground, and stabs maniacally at his man's eyes and head.

Initiative: [roll0]
Defence1: [roll1] (Dodge)
Defence2: [roll2] (Dodge)
Defence3: [roll3] (Dodge)
Attack: [roll4]
Open Rolls: [roll5] [roll6] [roll7]

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-12, 11:44 PM

With only one local foe in any position to fight left, Hatia turns to approach the two guards on the opposite side of the room as fast as she is able. She ceases to pour her energy in to her weapon, but keeps the flow of it through her body running.

Defense: [roll1],[roll2]
Agility:[roll3](penalty for poor footing)
Ki Accum:2A 3C 3D 3S 9P 3W
Used: 3A, 5D(

2011-01-13, 07:49 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Acrobatics: [roll0]

Irene managed to stay on her feet. Seeing the villain soldiers at the end of the room she was upset. How could they just murder people? She would stop them!

So Irene ran across the room with both her hands on her sword. (Move toward S4. I don't know how many square she can be moved).

Defenses Roll


Opens Rolls


Maintain: Psychokinetic Armor (AT +2) and Increase Strength (STR+2 = 10)

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-13, 04:51 PM
Soldier attack rolls:[roll0]
Solder defense:[roll1], [roll2]

Acrobatics rolls:

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-13, 04:54 PM
agil for Marquis:[roll0]

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-13, 05:15 PM
The soldiers at the back of the room are beginning to worry, especially when Irene and Hatia start to approach them with blades at the ready. They hurriedly pull their crossbows back in to shooting position.
The soldier fighting Lurodes has managed to match his combat rythm with his opponent, the two continuing to swing at each other without landing a blow despite Lurodes' height advantage((Higher ground=+20)). However, this flow leaves him momentarily vulnerable to an attack from Sahz, who takes full advantage of this opportunity and scores a strike. Sahz deals 25 damage to S3.
Still in shock over the loss of his arm, S2 is caught completely off guard by the shift in direction of the ship, and topples to his knees. He is not alone, however, as one of his allies on the other side of the room, along with Hatia and Renard, fail to get a stable footing and collapse along with them

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-13, 05:27 PM
Round four start:



Key:-X = Dead
-P = Prone
Hatia:110/155, 3A/5D used
S2:-25 hp
S3:-60 hp, 134 AAP, lost arm[/QUOTE]

2011-01-13, 06:24 PM
initiative: [roll0]

Sahz prepares to recieve an attack from S3, the likely hood being he turns to Sahz for attacking him. Sahz will take this opportunity (if his initiative is higher than S2) to attack the prone soldier and put him out of his misery.

attack: [roll1]

Defence:block 1: [roll2]
Block 2:
[roll3]open rolls: [roll4]

2011-01-13, 06:36 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

Lurodes jumps from his higher position clean over his opponent as he recieves the blow from Sahz, then tries to stab him in his back.

Acrobatics? [roll1]
Dodge 1 [roll2]
Dodge 2 [roll3]
Dodge 3 [roll4]
Attack [roll5]
Open rolls [roll6] [roll7] [roll8]

Goblin Music
2011-01-13, 07:58 PM

Zach grins, he always liked the bow better. Zach jumps onto the nearest table and pulls the string taught and aims for S4. Special Delivery, hope you like it. Zach mumbles as he fires.


open rolls

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-13, 09:06 PM

Slowly and carefully, Hatia gets back on her feet. Noting the difficult position she has found herself in, she channels another burst of energy in to her weapon, this time with defense in mind.

Defenses:[roll1](shield), [roll2](shield), [roll3](shield)
Activating the 'Natural Attraction' technique, giving +25 block,200 Lp shielding
Ki accumulated:4A 4C 0D 4S 7P 2W
Used: 3A, 11D, 5P, 2W

2011-01-14, 06:41 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Faster now, Irene caught up to Hatia. Though they had only met, Irene tried to show a brave smile to her.

"I'll go left!" She declared. Yes, a noblewoman should always have such a confidence.

Then she charged at the soldier S4 to attack from the table (H15)

Initiative: [roll0]


(To use sword with 2 hands. So strength should be +30 dmg I think)

Defenses Rolls


defense 2

Opens Rolls


Maintain: Psychokinetic Armor (AT +2) and Increase Strength (STR+2 = 10)

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-14, 03:15 PM
s2 - [roll0], base 55 vs Sahz(Lurodes if counter)
s4 - [roll1], base 50 vs Hatia

2 - [roll2]
3 - [roll3]
4 - [roll4]

Opens/free rolls:

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-14, 03:45 PM
'S2' manages to track Lurode's motion even as he flies overhead, raising his sword to parry the other's attack as he lands. He makes a quick counter, but as usual Lurodes moves too fast for him to actually land a blow.
As 'S4' lowers his Crossbow in the direction of Hatia, Irene darts forward, and swing her weapon towards him with a surprising amount of strength. He leaps out of the way, but not fast enough, taking the strike to his sword arm. Though he manages to stand after the blow, it is clear that one's arm should not be bent in that position. S4 suffers 64 damage and a -97 All-action penalty. Hatia steps up beside her, her eyes now carefully watching S5.
Perhaps it was due to his hasty stringing of his bow, but Zach's arrow falls short of his mark. Hs target seems to have other things to worry about, however...
Sahz turns to the wimpering 'S3,' prepared to strike the killing blow. The man raises his one good arm in a futile attempt to stop the blow, only to wind up with the weapon lodged in his wrist. As Sahz pulls his weapon clear again, it is clear that an artery has been struck. S3 suffers 62 damage, and is unconsious*.

((* Note that by the rules S3 is actually dead, but realistically it will take a couple of seconds for him to run out of blood))

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-14, 03:52 PM
Round five start:

Half of the people in the room are screaming, but the other half are beginning to cheer you all on. They don't seem to be making any move to help, however.



Hatia:110/155, 3A/11D/5P/2W used
S2:-25 hp
S4:-64 hp, -91 AAP

2011-01-14, 04:12 PM
Renard peered under the table and whispered at Bridgett. "Stay here and keep quiet. But if you need help, call for me. It's time that I earned my pay." Then, he got to his feet. Seeing that his comrades had the closest enemies well in hand, he ran toward the south corner of the room. Drawing his short sword, he swung at the man fighting Irene and Hatia.

Move to F14 with a Passive and Active action. That's a total of 12 squares.

Attack: [roll0]+60

Defense: [roll1]+85 for Dodge.

Goblin Music
2011-01-14, 05:25 PM
Zach draws, nocks, aims, and fires an arrow at S5. mocking no discernible noise


open rolls (if applicable)
[roll]1d100 1d100 1d100

2011-01-14, 09:56 PM
Initiative [roll0]

Lurodes spits on the floor in disgust as Zach fires an arrow across a crowded room. A couple of seconds later, he spits in his opponent's eye, too, then ducks low and slashes at the back of the man's legs in a desperate attempt to trip or hamstring him.

Open rolls [roll5][roll6][roll7]

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-14, 10:01 PM

Keeping her inner flow running, Hatia walks in step with Irene, prepared to stop any attack that comes their way.

Defenses:[roll1](shield), [roll2](shield), [roll3](shield)
Maintaining the 'Natural Attraction' technique, and forgoing the right to attack in order to cover Irene with said defense. Additionally following her movement.
Ki accumulated:5A 5C 1D 5S 8P 3W
Used: 3A, 12D, 6P, 2W

2011-01-15, 12:16 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Irene changed her stance as she stood on the table. She didn't really want to kill this soldier. Maybe they could capture him? She tried to hit him over the head with the back of her sword.

Initiative: [roll0]

Attack (Knock Out attempt):
[roll1] (67+20 high ground )

(To use sword with 2 hands. So strength should be +30 dmg I think)

Defenses Rolls


defense 2

Opens Rolls


Maintain: Psychokinetic Armor (AT +2) and Increase Strength (STR+2 = 10)

2011-01-15, 11:41 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

Sahz menuvers himself slightly to be the opposite side of the soldier than Lurodes and attacks him in the back (if possible)

(in the event the soldier is dead before my turn) Sahz moves south to join the others fighting on the other side of the room.

defence 1: [roll2]
defence 2:[roll3]
defence 3:[roll4]

open rolls: [roll5] [roll6] [roll7]

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-15, 04:27 PM
Soldier attacks:
2:[roll0] v Lurodes
4:[roll1] v Irene*
5:[roll2] v Irene*


2:[roll3], [roll4]
4:[roll5], [roll6]

[roll8], [roll9], [roll10], [roll11], [roll12]

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-15, 05:10 PM
At long last, Lurodes' weapon manages to draw blood as it cuts across his opponent's leg. Though it is not enough to truly incapacitate him, it does throw him off guard for a few seconds. Lurodes deals 20 damage to S2.
'S5,' his weapon pointed towards Irene, fires a bolt that travels strait towards her. However, Hatia's weapon moves to block it with almost inhuman speed, cutting the projectile in half.
Irene twists her weapon halfway in her hands and swings the flat of the blade at towards S4's head. He laughs at her mercy and ducks, making an attempt to strike her in responces. Once again, it is easily turned away by Hatia.
Renard does not show the same restraint, ramming his fist squarely into the leg of S4. The man collapses unconsious from the pain, his leg now a mutilated mess. Renard deals 45 damage, and permanently damages S4's leg. ((Since one of your martial arts lets you choose your damage type, make sure to specify which for your attacks))
Zach's second arrow flies true this time, catching S5 squarely in the ribs. The man gurgles and collapses as the blood flows in to his lungs, his death imminent. Zach inflicts 72 damage and scores a Lethal critical on S5.
Sahz attempts to take the advantage presented to him by S2, but the other manages to stumble out of the way of any truly serious injury, just getting a scrape.Sahz inflicts 5 damage to S2.

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-15, 05:16 PM
Round 6:

Most people are now cheering for their saviors.



Hatia:110/155, 3A/12D/6P/2W used
S2:-50 hp
S5:Bleeding out

2011-01-15, 05:23 PM
Initiative - [roll0]

"Hah," says Lurodes in glee as his dagger slits the soldier's leg open. As he is preoccupied with Sahz stabbing him in the back, Lurodes spins up from his crouching position, licks the blood from his blade in a most threatening manner in full view of the soldier, then lunges viciously at the man's throat.

Attack [roll1]
Dodge [roll2]

Open rolls [roll3][roll4][roll5]

2011-01-15, 06:45 PM
initiative: [roll0]

Sahz notes that the other soldiers are down, and helps supply a flanking position for Lurodes, clearly a man with some skill, Sahz was right to be wary of this man, fortunately, he is an ally.

Sahz will stand his ground unless the soldier moves, in which case he will follow. he will await defencively for an opportunity, while trying to distract the soldier "Say your prayers, you honourless dog!"

defence 1 [roll1]
counter/attack if im not required to defend:[roll2]

(i imagine he can only attack once, so no point rolling any more.)

open rolls:[roll3]

Goblin Music
2011-01-15, 07:07 PM

Zach jumps off the table and moves over to the body with his sword, once there he will attempt to remove it and raise it to help Sahz and Lurodes.

(Zach will try and distract the soldier, not attack)


Shade Kerrin
2011-01-16, 05:46 PM
The distant foes defeated, breaks her inner connections and begins her methodical walk back to the remaining fight. Though she doubts she'll get there in time to do anything, she might as well provide backup in case things go wrong.

Hatia ceases to channel Ki and breaks her maintenance of her technique. Ki used:3/10A, 12/16D, 6/16P, 2/10W
She also moves to G4

2011-01-17, 09:30 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Irene breathed a sigh of relief as the soldier became unconcious.

"That's finished! This is not how I imagined I would be traveling... What do you think we should do n-. . . H-hey! Wait for me!" She called to Hatia, a nod of her head to Renard as she hurried after the bodyguard.

Initiative: [roll0]

Defenses Rolls


defense 2

Opens Rolls


Maintain: Psychokinetic Armor (AT +2) and Increase Strength (STR+2 = 10)

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-17, 05:05 PM

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-17, 05:14 PM
Despite the tirade of strikes against him, the last soldier manages to hold out well, only suffering another scratch from Sahz. Sahz inflicts 5 points of damage As more people begin to approach him, however, it becomes clear that he is outmatched, especially since he has yet to inflict any injuries back at his assailant. Since Lurodes is blocking his only means of escape, he drops his sword, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender.

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-17, 05:20 PM


Soldier: 55 hp lost
It is no longer necessary to roll initiative or defense

2011-01-17, 06:22 PM
Lurodes punches the soldier hard in the face with his non-dagger-weilding hand. Not sporting at all, but at this point he doubts anyone will mind.

"Right, scum, where is your captain?" he asks, breathing somewhat harder than normal but otherwise looking not much concerned about the fight for his life. "I intend to beat him until he stops moving, then slit his throat."

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-17, 07:09 PM
The man's head twists back from the impact, but he turns it back to Lurodes. He pauses for half a second while the blood seeps from his lips, then says, "He's at the bridge, of course. Feel free to throw your life away trying to take him down"

2011-01-17, 08:09 PM
Sahz will bounce his shield gently off the soldiers head, more to get his attention than hurt. "look here, we are not here to lose our lives, we are here for safe passage to Abel, you had your choice when you decided to attack us. now you leave us with no other choice than "dont do anything and get killed for treason" or "fight to the death with your captain" so, if anything we have one option." Sahz says this half to the soldier, half to his brave new friends. "but what to do with you...?" Sahz grins evily, although theres not really an evil bone in his body, so its not too intimidating.

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-17, 09:29 PM
The man sighs and closes his eyes, saying, "Let's get it over with, then."

Goblin Music
2011-01-17, 09:40 PM
i have an idea, Zach responds with an evil grin of his own, an interesting feat considering he is still wearing his hat. how about we string him up like a pinata and head out on our merry way? he punctuates the sentence by tearing a bit if cloth from a fallen soldier and cleaning his blade with it.

2011-01-17, 11:22 PM
"what? and then dangle him off the edge of the ship? hmmmm.... no, we shouldnt. i think we should head on our way, i will let you decide his fate, its not in my nature." Sahz will head towards the front of the ship (whatever door is closest on the front end of the ship, not sure from that map which way round it is)

Goblin Music
2011-01-17, 11:37 PM
What? no! we string him up in here, then we leave. Zach seems appalled at Sahz's apparent lack of torturous ideas, i mean, keelhaul the guy, off of an air ship? that would be useless.


2011-01-18, 07:41 AM
Renard decided that it was time for him to speak up. "Before anybody strings anyone up, I think we should find out why we were supposed to be executed for treason." He turned to the captured soldier. "Would you be so kind as to tell us? Or will you require someone to force it out of you?"

2011-01-18, 08:01 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Irene frowned as she stepped up to the group.

"Absolutely you should not harm him! He surrendered you know! I also am curious about 'treason' charges, but of course they are false! I know I did not do anything wrong!" But she doesn't know if the others did. Irene frowns. What had she gotten into? Suddenly home did not seem so bad.

"If the captain is on the bridge, we should go to see him!" She said finally, cleaning her sword and then putting it away. The injured people in the room were a concern too.

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-18, 04:18 PM
With his eyes still closed, the soldier replies, "Someone paid the captain for this, I was just following orders. Now are you going to do something with me or not?"

2011-01-18, 07:10 PM
"its always money isnt it... i doubt this man knows further than this, i say we go question the captain." Sahz says pointing in the direction of the bridge.

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-18, 07:19 PM
As the other set to interrogate the soldier, Hatia turns to her charge, who is now awake.
"Mister Gardens, are you unharmed?"
"Sally, the Elephants sound hungry. Could you go talk to the Zookeeper for me?"
"I'm not..."
"Did I raise you to talk back? And stop speaking so formally, your my daughter for crying out loud"
"*sigh* Yes, daddy, I'll go talk to the zookeeper"
"That's my girl." He tosses her a copper coin. "And buy yourself a sweet on your way back"

Hatia approaches the north door, quietly saying, "Let's go before he mistakes me for someone else"

2011-01-18, 07:24 PM
Sahz nods and goes through the door with Hatia

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-19, 05:05 AM
The door opens to a branching corridoor lined with open rooms. According to the maps, this should be the accomodations for the passengers, with the kitchen and dining room ahead. From what can be seen, it is all of top notch quality, better than some 5 star hotels.

2011-01-19, 11:15 AM
Sahz wonders what the rooms look like, but decides he would rather not find out with soldiers that are killing on sight. he progresses forward down the corridoor keeping his eyes out for more guards.

Goblin Music
2011-01-19, 04:59 PM
Standing guard at the door, Zach draws and nocks an arrow while he waits for the rest of the group to finish business in the commons area.

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-19, 05:09 PM
Perhaps it's because they feel ashamed at not doing anything to help earlier, or maybe they'd rather delegate the task actually advancing in to danger to someone else, but the people in the room are beginning to act. A few have tipped over a table and are dragging it over to barricade the southern door, while others are providing aid to the injured or roping up the guard.

2011-01-19, 06:45 PM
(as no soldiers have attacked yet.) Sahz will proceed into the kitchin and head for the sky walk-way

2011-01-20, 07:01 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Irene followed behind the others and looked into the hallway. This airship was a beautiful place, but that was ruined because of the danger there was now. What could she do but follow? It was better than to wait to be killed. But what was going on? Why were these people traitors? Certainly she wasn't.

She frowned. No, they weren't traitors. The captain and crew were terrorists. If they defeated them though, who would fly? An airship would need a pilot, right?

That was a scary thought. Well, maybe they could save it before everything went down.

"It looks clear. Let's hurry!" She spoke up.

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-20, 04:50 PM
As the group moves past the kitchens, Zach, Hatia and Renard manage to detect sounds coming from the pantry. It sounds like human voices, if said voices were in the middle of chewing on something.

Incidentally, the Lady never corrected its course after it first tilted downwards. The ocean is beginning to look close.

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-20, 09:13 PM

As Sahz starts to open the door to the dining hall, calls, "Stop! ... I think someone's in here...."

2011-01-21, 01:29 AM
"friend or foe?" Sahz asks, hoping that hatia would know somehow. "what should we do? go in or go around? can we even go around?"

2011-01-21, 04:35 AM
"What if just one of us took a look inside? That way, the crew wouldn't know someone was trying to stop them. I can be very stealthy when I need to be." Renard approaches the door to the dining room, stopping just behind Hatia.

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-21, 05:15 AM

"No, in the food room....Let's risk it"
Hatia kicks open the door, revealing a room filled with what seems to be the ship's staff, including the head chef, two cooks and six maids. An aspect that all share is the ropes around their wrists and ankles, and the gags around their mouths. They attempt to nudge away from the door as it is opened.

Also in the room is two untied cooks, but both have a pool of blood seeping from holes in their heads.

Goblin Music
2011-01-21, 11:32 AM
Zach coughs, i shall keep guard then? he stands by the door and glances down the way they just came then at the door Sahz was just about to open.

2011-01-21, 02:40 PM
Sahz dips his head slightly and muses some words to himself before entering and untieing the captives "are you allright? where are the guards that tied you up?"

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-21, 04:47 PM
"Dont know dont know, monster probably got them, keep away from the monster."
The people seem mostly hysterical. One of the maids seems slightly more in control of herself, though, waiting for a lapse in the ravings of the others before taking the chance to speak.
"We were locked up, we can't tell where they went. A man passed by after who had...an unnatural voice...He made some vague threats and said something about taking advantage of a situation"

Goblin Music
2011-01-21, 04:53 PM
Firstly: he must have been very strange indeed if their minds have been shattered, secondly: need i remind you that there is a massive body of water coming at us at high speeds? Zach comments over his shoulder at the party, still at his spot by the door watching the hall

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-21, 06:17 PM
They'll be fine with a bit of rest...if you're trying to stop the ship, go. I can take care of them"

2011-01-22, 03:25 PM
"Do you know where the ship's controls are?" Renard asked the maid. "We need to get to them right away. Incidentally, what's this about a monster? Is there something not human on board?" If it weren't for their more pressing crisis, he would have doubled back to check if Bridgett was alright.

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-22, 03:38 PM
"Controls? In the bridge, at the front of the central wing. Just cross the walkway in the room ahead and turn left. And no, there's no monste-""Yes there is!""No there isnt! It was just a man with an odd voice. Your mind can play tricks on you when you're tied up in a dark room"

2011-01-22, 07:25 PM
"thank you, you have been most helpful." Sahz says. "we will be on our way quickly, and i hope we manage to sort this out before we crash." Sahz beckons everyone to make a move quickly for the sky walk. clearly more concerned now than before about the imminent crash of the ship into the sea.

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-23, 03:34 PM
The dining room is perhaps the most extrvagent one of all, though the most eye-catching feature is the massive windows all around the edge, revealing a view of the ocean.
The walkway looks poor by comparison. Not even sealed off from the elements, a constant wind blows at high speeds. it is quite thin, only allowing one to pass at a time. As the head of the group reaches the halfway mark, the door on the other side opens to reveal a group of soldiers. They look surprised to see you, but quickly move their hands to their weapons and advance.

Back in to combat time. From his eagerness, I shall assume Sahz was first.

The walkway imposes the following conditions on a fight:
-60 to dodge due to confined spaces.
-60 to ranged attacks due to strong winds
No room for more than 1 melee fighter at a time
An Easy(DC 40) acrobatics check or a DC 9 Agility check(see houserule) must be made by active combatants to keep your balance. Failure indicates your are proned

2011-01-23, 04:26 PM
initiative: [roll0]

balance: [roll1]

Sahz redies his shield and sword and takes up a defensive position "fall back! get off the bridge! we will hold them at the doorway!" sahz will (when and if there is space) move backwards to the door so that he is inside, but blocking off the guards entrance.

block 2: [roll3]
Block 3: [roll4]

open rolls [roll5] [roll6] [roll7]

2011-01-23, 08:54 PM
"Out of my way!" shouts Lurodes at Sahz, drawing two daggers, and gets past him to attack the soldiers by any means necessary - if he has to, Lurodes will push Sahz off the walkway, but hopefully Sahz will let him past without any need for this. He sprints toward the soldiers, daggers raised, aiming to stab them - but if he gets an opportunity to save time and knock them off the walkway, he will.

Balance [roll0]
Initiative [roll1]

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-23, 09:39 PM
Ok, so I looked through the books, and the best way to handle this current rounds action is for Lurodes to have attempted a Take Down attack on Sahz, using his attack for the round

Since Sahz is most likely going to be surprised by this, and is clearly being attacked from behind, this amounts to a -170 to his defense, giving a total of:
(86 vs 52) Lurodes partially succeeds on the first part.
Lurodes rolls either Strength or Dexterity with a -3 penalty, opposed by either a Strength or Agility check from Sahz

Edit:If you count the takedown as a separate type of action(which is fair enough here), you could make a second attack at -25, providing you get past Sahz

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-23, 09:48 PM

Hatia can see that their best chance probably lies in bringing the fight back indoors, and begins to backstep, seeing as her slow pace leaves her to take up the rear. At the same time she begins to draw on her inner energy again, even though she knows that she can no longer pull off any subtle tricks.

Balance:[roll2] - Only applies if she finds herself in combat

Goblin Music
2011-01-23, 09:55 PM
Zach backs away slowly, bow at the ready but still, Zach is unsure of how to react to the wind and lack if direct line of sight.


defenses / open rolls


open rolls

2011-01-23, 10:13 PM
Renard decides to take Sahz's advice and let the enemies come to him. He draws his short sword and makes ready to fight.

Initiative: [roll0]+95 (The total is 154.)

Acrobatics: [roll1]+25 (113.)

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-23, 10:22 PM
Map:(Round not over, this is how things are at the start)


2011-01-24, 06:26 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Irene's hair and coat blew in the wind quickly and she protected her eyes with a hand. The walkway was a dangerous place, she gulped, realizing there was no good way to get through this but to go forward or backward.

Initiative: [roll0]
Acrobatics: [roll1]

Looking down, Irene winced with the high wind, stumbling and then getting knocked over as she struggled to keep her jacket and skirt to stop moving in the wind.

"I hope you know what you're doing!" She yelled. "I don't want to fall off here!"

She tried to think of a way she could use her powers to help. Maybe she could run along the railing, but with the wind that strong, surely this was a terrible plan, since she was already on the floor.

Was there anything around to help? She looked to see if there was another way across.

[roll2] dodge
[roll3] dodge

Extra roll:

Shade Kerrin
2011-01-24, 04:23 PM
soldier defense:[roll0] Dodge
Soldier attack:[roll1] shortsword, 50 base


Shade Kerrin
2011-01-24, 04:37 PM
The soldiers surge forward to engage the group. Lurodes' reckless motion catches them slightly off guard, the lead getting a thin scratch to his ribs. Lurodes inflicts 11 damage to the first soldier.

Round 2:


Shade Kerrin
2011-01-31, 05:23 PM
((Guess I'd better make the first move))


Hatia looks out over the walkway, looks at the mob of soldiers advancing on Lurodes. She can see that sooner or later, one of them is likely to strike a lethal blow to him, and there is nothing that can be done to help him((her perspective, not actual fact)). Finally, she mutters, "You know what, I don't even care anymore," and channels her energy in to one of her more blatant techniques. In an instant, she transforms in to a cloud of mist, surges through the field of combat, before reforming in the middle of the group of soldiers, her spear already moving to trip up one of them and give her breathing room. She just hopes her leg won't give out mid-combat

Attack:[roll1] Take down attempt, -25 penalty for second action, -40 penalty for tight spaces
Opposed check:[roll2]

Open rolls:[roll6],[roll7],[roll8],[roll9],[roll10]

Edit:Target is the soldier positioned in space M, and Hatia will be standing with either side in flanking position.

Goblin Music
2011-01-31, 09:04 PM
Zack looks behind himself as Hatia looses patience and snaps, then he jumps in surprise as she transforms zooms off with her technique. Zach sighs and draws his nocked arrow back till the fetching brush lightly against his cheek, i hate windy bridges he mutters trying to adjust for the wind before losing his arrow.

delaying action till after Hatia's technique using


open rolls

2011-01-31, 11:52 PM
Renard's eyes widened as he watched Hastia transform into a cloud. He stood for a moment, lost in thought. Was it some kind of magic? Why did that ability seem so familiar?

"Excuse me, Mr. Fury." Carefully sidestepping Sahz, Renard slowly drew a dart from his coat. It wasn't poisoned, but it would give the soldiers something to think about. The dart might even goad one of them into getting within range of his sword or fists.

2011-02-01, 02:14 AM
"Irene von Feuerbach

Acrobatics: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]

Irene stood up carefully, holding the railings strongly.
Am I afraid of heights? She wondered to herself.

But this fight was dangerous. They couldn't go forward like this! She tried to think. If she pushed forward surely her allies would be angry with her. But maybe if they all pushed together they could get across?

It was a silly tactic she thought. Very un-noble-like. But so was holding onto a railing in fear of falling.

Falling. Ah, the airship was still going down.

"Come on! Just push into them!"
She yelled above the wind.

(ooc: If the characters are to combine their action like in the thread, Irene will assist to push.)


2011-02-02, 04:48 AM
Sahz feels useless on this bridge, he cant protect anybody in this situation. Sahz just waits and hopes everyone is alright...

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-02, 04:40 PM

As it is most beneficial to him, I will assume Lurodes pushes the offensive, so L - Init [roll0]Take down attempt, [roll1] vs [roll2], [roll3] vs [roll4]

S1 vs Lurodes(if applicable)[roll5] vs [roll6]
S3 def vs Hatia[roll7](Surprised, From Behind), [roll8]
Possible counter:[roll9]

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-02, 04:43 PM
Second roll of def vs hatia should be [roll0]

And open rolls - really bad luck on behalf of Lurodes, there

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-02, 04:56 PM
The front-most soldier laughs at Lurodes' assault, before swinging his shortsword towards the other's head with deadly precision. Lurodes was clearly expecting this, however, and ducks low at the last instant, completely evading the assault. OOC:That looked really bad for Lurodes, but then I realized he had managed to get 2 open rolls on defense
Despite their efforts to compensate for the wind, the shots of both Zach and Renard are whipped away before they can reach their destination, and while Irene prepares herself for a physical rush against the foes, Sahz doesn't seem to respond to the attack.
Considering themselves safe from immediate attack, the soldiers behind the first pull out their crossbows and load them. As a result, Hatia's attack manages to take them completely off guard, her weapon catching on the fabric of the third's pants and throwing him clear overboard.The third soldier is out of the battle

Round 3:


Goblin Music
2011-02-02, 06:34 PM
Zack grumbles something that is unheard as the wind whips it away, he draws and fires another arrow at the closest guard


open rolls[roll6]

2011-02-03, 05:58 PM
initiative [roll0]

Sahz gets fed up of not being able to help, and reers behind his shield as he charges down the skyway in an attempt to push all the soldiers back into the corridoor "help me push them!" Sahz says to the others just as he runs, shield raised.

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-03, 10:40 PM

Hatia decides to forgo her back to the soldiers between her and her friends, knowing that the biggest risk to her right now is keeping her balance on this bridge. Instead, she turns to face the last ones at the end of the bridge and in the next room, Striking with a ferocity that she hopes will be enough to intimidate the already spooked opponents

Attack:[roll%]+15 65 base

Defense:[roll1], [roll2], [roll3]
Open rolls:[roll4],[roll5],[roll6],[roll7],[roll8]

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-03, 10:41 PM
Redoing attack roll:[roll0]

Edit:and since I forgot last time,

2011-02-04, 11:06 AM
"Irene von Feuerbach

Acrobatics: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]

Irene nodded as she heard Sahz's command. She put her sword carefully away and then put her hands on his back to help.

But this fight was dangerous. They couldn't go forward like this! She tried to think. If she pushed forward surely her allies would be angry with her. But maybe if they all pushed together they could get across?

Activate Psychic Power: Increase Strength [roll2]  (Edit:=+3)

Then she would help to push.
"I'm ready!"
She said. Not that one would expect a young lady like her to help much with such a task. But she was determined!

(ooc: If the characters are to combine their action, Irene will assist to push also this round.)


Maintain Power: Increase Strength (+2)

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-05, 03:54 PM
Soldier Defense:[roll0]
Soldier offense:1:[roll1]

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-05, 04:06 PM
Opposed checks:Highest of either side+half of everyone else. +3 bonus for overwhelming difference to attackers.
[roll0] vs [roll1]

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-05, 04:22 PM
Irene's efforts to push come slightly sooner and stronger than Renard and Sahz expect, but they willingly comply to the effort. They have a fair amount of momentum behind them, leaving all in their path with no choice but to push back or with them.In other words, anyone with Init less than 131 in the line loses his/her action One of the soldiers doesn't get this message, and his attempts to avoid the charge knock him off the walkway.One of the soldiers falls.OOC:Should have taken 3 from their score for that

The charge turns out to be an effective one, pushing all involved a clear 30ft. However, as they get in a crossbow bolt flies straight in to Hatia's chest. She collapses, the blood already starting to stain her shirt. As Sahz grunts from the touch of the attack's mirror impact, he knows how lethal the strike could potentially be. Hatia suffers 77 damage, a 169 All-action penalty, and is now bleeding out. Sahz suffers 38 damage

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-05, 04:33 PM
Round 4:

{table=head]|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y |Z
b=Bleeding out

Balance checks are no longer neccessary

Zach, given your place in the initiative order, you can retroactively have moved in the last round.

Goblin Music
2011-02-05, 05:16 PM
and retroactively move he shall, right up to the end of the line.

noticing Hatia's untimely hit Zack fires an arrow at the nearest guard he can see mercenaries he snarls under his breath
[roll1] (assuming the penalty to ranged attacks is no longer in affect)

defenses(assuming the penalty to dodge is no longer in affect)
open rolls

if given a chance and the guards around Hatia are sufficiently preoccupied, Zach will move to try and treat Hatia's wounds.

2011-02-05, 06:36 PM
initiative: [roll0]

spoiler for shade only: i will attempt to "ignore" my damage by making a composure roll to not grunt/grimace/react to the pain as so not to tip off the others in game [roll1] ill let you determine the difficulty of that though, thus if i succeed or fail EDIT: darn that fails even an easy test.

Sahz instinctively moves (to space S2) to protect Hatia and Zack who is (or will be dependant on initiative) tending to her wounds.

Sahz braces himself for any attack the soldiers might throw at him. "you dare attack a lady?!" Sahz says to the soldier in an attempt to gain his attention, as well as that of the others.

block 1: [roll2]
counter attack if able + any modifiers from the block etc. [roll3]
block 2: [roll4]
block 3: [roll5]
unlikely they all attack me... but possible block 4: [roll6]

open rolls: [roll7] [roll8] [roll9] [roll10]

2011-02-08, 12:58 AM
Renard knew they had to move fast. Hatia's wound would kill her if they didn't finish this battle quickly and give her some medical attention. Sidestepping Lurodes, he lunged at one of the enemy soldiers.

Move to R2 with a Passive action.

Attack: [roll0]

Dodge: [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]

Open: [roll4], [roll5], [roll6]

2011-02-08, 03:15 AM
"Irene von Feuerbach

Initiative: [roll0]

Irene was horrified by the attack on Hatia. Did the guards really want to kill everyone this badly? They were going to die if the airship fell also!

"Y-you barbarians!"
Irene said.

She moved in to attack, not really thinking about her strike. It was clumsy, but she had a terrifying strength in the attack.

Attack: Move to P2 and attack Soldier S4.

ooc: Is there a way to make her attack completely but not worry of defense?

(Knock-out attempt)
[roll1] (damage should be +30 from 2hand)


Open roll


Maintain Power: Increase Strength (+2)

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-08, 04:32 AM
From the GM's toolkit:Pushing the offense(+10 att, -30def) and Total attack(+30 att, Def=0, keep init if hit unless critted.) I'll assume the second

Lurodes:attack, Def[roll1]
1:[roll2], def:[roll3]
2:[roll4], def:[roll5],d%+10
3:[roll6], def:[roll7]
4: Def:[roll8], vs Projectiles

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-08, 04:33 AM
Redo second [roll0] and opens:

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-08, 05:17 AM
OOC:Noticed that Renard had declared a location on the field after doing my calculations. If you want I can run as stated, but this will be detrimental to the party(Renard and Lurodes will form a 'Wall' that prevents anyone from striking those who prepared a counter, they would react by forming a wall back that would prevent any rescue of the DMPC)

Moving more on an unknown instinct that active ability, Renard strafes right, hugging the wall as he darts forward and pushes off the wall to fall behind the furthest opponent, delivering a straight punch at the last moment. Said foe is able to keep track of the motion, however, ducking low and swinging his sword at Renard's chest. Still running on instinct, the man manages to step out of the swing of the blade.
The frontmost soldier is amazingly able to attack a split second before Lurodes, making a rising slash against his foe whilst signalling for one of the others to approach. Lurodes scoffs at this attack and sidesteps, before making a lunge forward that throws the soldier slightly off balance.
The middle soldier responds to his superior's signals and darts towards Sahz, hoping the man is less skilled at evading blows than the others. This proves to be a futile hope, Sahz completely deflecting the other's attacks and impaling his sword in to the other's ribs in one fluid motion. The man drops to the ground as the blade is extracted. Sahz's counter inflicts 75 damage to his foe, causing a 130 AAP and rendering his foe unconsious(bleeding out)
Zach, still just outside the doorway to the walkway, has trouble finding a clear shot. As Irene charges forward, however, he spots a perfect opportunity. Though through some feat of luck the lone soldier is able to use his crossbow to halt Irene's attack(breaking it in the process), the arrow that follows through has no such difficulties, striking true into his right shoulder. Zach inflicts 72 damage to S4, causing a 134 AAP. The man stumbles back, bleeding profusely.

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-08, 05:25 AM
Round 5:

{table=head]|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y |Z
b=Bleeding out

Zach, it will cost all of your active actions for a turn to attempt to stabilize Hatia mid-combat

2011-02-08, 06:44 PM
initiative [roll0]

Sahz begins to see the battle take a turn for the worse... for the enemy. "you wretched scum! flee while you still have your lives!" Sahz says, knowing that if something isnt done soon, that might be a technicality when this thing crashes into the sea.

Sahz will await his initiative and make a swing at the soldier next to him unless the chance for a counter arises first.

defences block 1: [roll1]
counter attack/standard attack [roll2]
block 2: [roll3]
block 3: [roll4]

open rolls [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8]

Goblin Music
2011-02-08, 08:21 PM
Zach drops his bow by Hatia and gets to work on stabilizing her

open rolls

2011-02-08, 11:46 PM
Renard presses the attack, stabbing at his opponent with the short sword. The guard couldn't keep up his defenses forever.

Attack: [roll0]

Dodge: [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]

Open: [roll4], [roll5], [roll6]

2011-02-09, 03:24 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Irene's last attack had ruined the crossbow. The arrow from Zach had defeated the enemy. Without stopping, Irene charged the other enemy(S4) and moved to P4. She swung again with all of her strength.

Initiative [roll0]

Total Attack (Knock Out Attempt)

[roll1] (damage should be +30 from 2hand)



Open Roll


Maintain Power: Increase Strength (+2)

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-09, 05:29 AM

Init:[roll0], att:[roll1], Def:[roll2]


S1:Init[roll3]], attack:[roll4] - PaWP, Def:[roll5], [roll6], [roll7]
S3:Init:[roll8], [roll9] vs [roll10] - Retreat, Def[roll11]

[roll13], [roll14],[roll15],[roll16],[roll17],[roll18],[roll19],[roll20],[roll21],[roll22]

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-09, 05:53 AM
edit:Forgot to include, S1 was in total attack mode(reduce all defense by 60)

Showing his usual speed and recklessness, Lurodes makes a low swing at his opponent. Though the other suffers a mild injury(lurodes inflicts 4 damage), he seems to be ignoring his opponent, instead concentrating on Hatia. He slowly and gracefully lowers his weapon to rest on her neck, only to have his perfectly executed hostage plan ruined when the flat of Irene's blade slams in to the back of his head. The concussion is enough to drop him.Irene inflicts 18 damage to her opponent, inflicting a 77 AAP and rendering him unconsious.Fun fact:You only need to inflict 10% damage to initiate a critical when you call a shot to the head, and only need to get a grade 50 or greater to render the target unconsious. Advancing to her at almost the same time, Zach manages to extract the bolt from Hatia without worsening her injury too much. It will take a bit longer to bandage Hatia up, but unless there's a distraction you should succeed.
Meanwhile, Renard's attempt to take down his foe does not yield results(although the other is just barely evading the strikes). The soldier reacts by seeming to lunge at an opening. Though Renard easily dodges the 'blow,' he is caught somewhat off-guard when the soldier keeps going and dashes away along the corridor, his 'strike' a mere feint.
The last soldier, though still alert, is inexperienced and seriously injured. He does all that he knows how to do in this situation: run, clutching his shoulder. with each step he leaves another drop of blood on the floor.

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-09, 05:59 AM
Round 6(If you wish to pursue):

{table=head]|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y |Z
b=Bleeding out
U = Out cold

<,>,^,V:Off the map

Goblin Music
2011-02-09, 11:42 AM
Zach continues his work, pausing only for a quick look around to see if anyone is going to try to kill him or his new patient.

2011-02-09, 08:04 PM
"leave them, we must stop this thing crashing into the sea, we can deal with them later." Sahz says pointing towards the bridge. "once Hatia is back on her feet, we should make a move for the bridge."

after a moment Sahz walks up to Irene, and wispers for only her to hear "that was an impressive push back there on the walkway... beyond that of perhaps the strongest men in existance, and from such a dainty form is surprising." Sahz grins at Irene.

after a moment Sahz raises his hand and places it on his chest as if in some kind of pain. clutching as if at a wound.

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-09, 08:52 PM
OOC: At this point we must make a decision as to the nature of Sahz's mirror wounds - are they purely spiritual in nature, or do they leave physical evidence of their presence? I personally prefer the second one, as it makes for better narration and story development.

IC: Though Zach is able to skillfully bind the wounds, he can see that Sahz is greatly underestimating Hatia's condition. Even if she manages to wake within the next few minutes, it will be weeks before she can truly recover from the wounds suffered.
(If Sahz's wounds are physical:) A red stain is beginning to show through Sahz's shirt.

2011-02-09, 10:51 PM
OOC: i assumed it was the second one. also Sahz is wearing red if i remember correctly. so the bloodstain (although not exactly hard to see) will not really stand out much.

IC: "well Zach? how is she?"

2011-02-10, 04:34 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Irene breathes heavily and falls to sit on the ground. The airship is still going down, but they haven't gotten to the bridge! How will they stop it?

She looks around. It seemed Zach was doing his best to help Ms. Hatia. Irene didn't know very much about medicine or injuries like this, but Ms. Hatia looked very bad. Irene clutched her fists. She didn't know anything about the people she was with. They had all just come together to try not to be killed. That was ok, wasn't it? But it showed - they didn't really know how to work together, or do things together.

And so far they almost had fallen off the airship, or been shot by crossbows and cut by swords.

What was she getting herself into? She didn't want to die. She just wanted adventure... But if this was 'adventure', then it was too much.

...Wasn't it?

In her moment as she sits, Sahz came up to her and whispered to her. Self-consciously, Irene curled up a little more and tried to stare at her stomach to hide her red cheeks. Sahz was speaking about her push. She had known when she had pushed someone would notice.

Wasn't it strange enough someone as young and dainty as her was fighting?

What was wrong with that? She asked herself. She wasn't helpless.
She was...just...


Strength had always flowed through her. Royal blood maybe was the reason - she had never really known why. But it was a gift. She had some sorts of gifts- blessings maybe. But they were secrets. She knew unconsciously that these were treasured things of her own. And if other found out, it was dangerous.

Sahz was grinning. But Irene just nodded and looked up at him silently.

Activate Power: Mental Communication: Sahz [roll0]

For Sahz

<"Please don't tell anyone."> She said with a kind of childlike pleading. She sounded more vulnerable, maybe even a little scared, but maybe because of the current mood, and this kind of private conversation.

Sahz also feels like if he wants to, he can respond silently, and she will understand...

Irene then noticed the blood on Sahz's shirt.
"Y-you're injured too!" She cried out in surprise, hurrying to stand up again.

Maintain Powers:
Increase Strength (+2);
Mental Communication (Sahz - 1500 feet)

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-10, 05:27 AM
Oh, a fumble...at least it didn't happen mid combat. Rolling intensity, will subtract the result to determine the drain: [roll0]

Result:Suffer 2 points of drain(fatigue or PP, your choice). I'll say if you want to just do the same thing again you won't need to roll, though

2011-02-10, 05:46 AM
Oh, a fumble...at least it didn't happen mid combat. Rolling intensity, will subtract the result to determine the drain: [roll0]

Result:Suffer 2 points of drain(fatigue or PP, your choice). I'll say if you want to just do the same thing again you won't need to roll, though

It will be used of fatigue. If she does it again of same turn is it ok?

Goblin Music
2011-02-10, 02:44 PM
Zach gives Sahz a very complex look, probably contains several looks at once.
you underestimate her condition, i don't think she is going anywhere for a while, it may take weeks to heal as is. not to mention that she probably won't wake up for a while.

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-10, 04:05 PM
It will be used of fatigue. If she does it again of same turn is it ok?
We are out of combat time, turns are irrelevant.

2011-02-10, 08:26 PM
Renard frowned. They had to make it to the bridge, but they couldn't leave Hatia here, unconscious. Was there somewhere safe to keep her? "Do we have time to head back to where the other passengers are? Hatia needs a safe place to rest and recover." It would give him a chance to check on Bridgett, too.

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-11, 11:38 PM
It can be hard to judge distances, but a fair guess would be that the Lady has closed half the distance to the ocean since it began to descend. Although there would theoretically be enough time to return to the passenger area, there would be no time left to return.

The soldier fleeing to the right ducks left about 150ft along the corridoor, passing in to a doorway. If the map is accurate, he should be entering the bridge now.

Goblin Music
2011-02-11, 11:43 PM
I think things might get a bit interesting around here shortly. Zach says as he notices the fleeing guard. we might want to decide soon with that Zach picks up his bow and nocks an arrow

2011-02-12, 11:49 AM
Lurodes, breathing heavily from the exertion, rushes up as quietly as he can, following the guard, and runs right past the doorway he goes into. Hopefully, if the guard summons help, they will go back the way the guard came and he can back-stab them. Lurodes poises and waits.

2011-02-12, 08:50 PM
Irene von Feuerbach

With the discussion, Irene stood up again. She didn't know quite what to do, but a noblewoman shouldn't just sit and do nothing!

So the noble girl walked over to ms. Hatia and the others with a stern look on her face.

"Here, let me help Ms. Hatia. I can support her while the rest of you hurry to the bridge. I'll be right behind with her. But we have to hurry! We're still falling, and it feels like we are going faster.

Once we can safely land this, we can get more treatment for her wounds."

Maintain Powers:
Increase Strength (+2);
Mental Communication (Sahz - 1500 feet)

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-13, 04:47 PM
Stealth check for Lurodes: [roll0]
Possible opens:[roll1], [roll2]

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-13, 06:20 PM
A voice calls out loudly from within the room.
Why don't you all stop skulking around and come in here, hmm?

2011-02-14, 05:08 AM
"Well, I think we shall have to accept his invitation if we are to save everyone on board." Keeping his weapon ready, Renard approached the room. He motioned for the others to wait while he entered, in case their enemies inside had readied an ambush.

2011-02-14, 07:13 PM
Irene von Feuerbach
In her moment as she sits, Sahz came up to her and whispered to her. Self-consciously, Irene curled up a little more and tried to stare at her stomach to hide her red cheeks. Sahz was speaking about her push. She had known when she had pushed someone would notice.

Wasn't it strange enough someone as young and dainty as her was fighting?

What was wrong with that? She asked herself. She wasn't helpless.
She was...just...


Strength had always flowed through her. Royal blood maybe was the reason - she had never really known why. But it was a gift. She had some sorts of gifts- blessings maybe. But they were secrets. She knew unconsciously that these were treasured things of her own. And if other found out, it was dangerous.

Sahz was grinning. But Irene just nodded and looked up at him silently.

Activate Power: Mental Communication: Sahz [roll0]

For Sahz

<"Please don't tell anyone."> She said with a kind of childlike pleading. She sounded more vulnerable, maybe even a little scared, but maybe because of the current mood, and this kind of private conversation.

Sahz also feels like if he wants to, he can respond silently, and she will understand...

Irene then noticed the blood on Sahz's shirt.
"Y-you're injured too!" She cried out in surprise, hurrying to stand up again.

Maintain Powers:
Increase Strength (+2);
Mental Communication (Sahz - 1500 feet)

For Irene only: <"I won't tell anyone, but your not the only one with secrets you know. maybe ill tell you more if we survive">

"im bleeding? oh, hadnt noticed. It should be fine, ill get it looked at later." Sahz says pretending to shrug it off as if it was nothing.

Zach gives Sahz a very complex look, probably contains several looks at once.
you underestimate her condition, i don't think she is going anywhere for a while, it may take weeks to heal as is. not to mention that she probably won't wake up for a while.

"well, shes not dying while im around. Bring her to by any means nessisary."

the voice echos down the corridor

"it is perhaps, too late for now. we will return to her."

Sahz helps move her to near the entrance to the bridge so we can keep an eye on her during the fight. Sahz redies his sword and shield, stretches his arms a little then opens the door shield raised standing in the door way to protect the others while getting a heads up if its an ambush.

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-15, 03:14 AM
Though the heavy wooden double doors have closed behind the soldier, Sahz and Renard are easily able to open them to reveal the scene within....

As with the rest of the ship, the bridge is more luxuriously designed than normal. The prevalent decor resolves around dark wood and heavy curtains, creating a solemn feeling that mixes oddly with the complex machinery that wraps around the exterior. It is divided in to two layers: the lower level(in which you enter), which in theory should be empty save for a table in the middle; and the upper level, containing the steering and navigation equipment, along with a large window giving a nice view of the ocean below.

The first out-of place detail to be noticed is the dead strewn across the area, consisting of three soldiers and four crew. The man who was introduced to you as captain earlier lies on his belly mere inches away from the door, his right arm outstreched, and with a look of absolute terror permanently locked on to his face. Just in front of the table is a group of four soldiers(including the one who fled), with a fifth up at the control panels. The one in the middle of the group seems to stand out amongst the others, though.

Whilst all the soldiers stationed on the ship had a few ceremonial but useless details added to their uniforms and equipment, this man looks more like a young aristocrat than a soldier. His blond hair is tied neatly in to a tail, his face is without a single blemish or scar, and his shirt is ruffled at the collar and sleeves. As opposed to the others who each hold a standard issue longsword, this man holds two highly ornate blades of slightly differing length to each other. Facing towards the group, he begins to speak with a rather angry tone in his voice.
"So, you are the ones who find it fun to slaughter my men then." He glances towards Irene before stating, "And you must be the Witch... Before I give you what you deserve, would you mind telling me what possible purpose you think you can accomplish by crashing the ship?"

OOC note for Littlebottom and Goblinmusic:
Yeah, so he's acting a little differently from how the module says he does...I think it's probably for the best, though

2011-02-15, 05:40 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Irene helped to bring Ms. Hatia to the bridge. She was worried about the bodyguard and also the princely Sahz's injuries. But when she saw and heard the young aristocrat, she became angry and made her hands to fists.

"You scoundrel murderer! Isn't it obvious even to someone like you?! She pointed her finger at him.

"You are the one at the captain's controls, so you must be the one making us crash! If it wasn't, then why haven't you already stopped it from crashing!?"

They had hurt and killed so many people...just to blame Irene?

2011-02-15, 06:24 AM
"Interesting coincidence." Renard replied calmly. "You see, I was about to ask you something similar. Assuming that neither of us want the ship to crash, is there any way you could first see about righting the ship's course so we may talk or kill each other without this additional doom hanging over us?" Brenan did not sheathe his weapon, but he kept it pointed downward to show the man that he was, at least, not in any immediate danger of being attacked.

Should I make a check for this?

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-15, 04:19 PM
"Well I would...if your pet monster hadn't sealed itself in the engine room. Do you really think that I could do this?"
As he says the second sentence, he moves closer to the party and kicks the captain on to his back. The injuries that killed him are now visible, resembling a mauling from a large wild animal. They also, however, demonstrate a level of precision unlikely in such a beast.
"Now, are you going to be honest with me, or will I need to force the truth out of you?"

2011-02-15, 06:59 PM
Sahz looks at the wounds on the captain "ive never seen a manner of beast with such precision." Sahz says to the man.

"but i must ask you this, why did you and your guards take it upon themselves to attack the innocent, us and the other passengers?! what was the need for all that bloodshed?"

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-15, 09:21 PM
The man looks like he is about to say something, only to pause and contemplate the words of the group. Eventually he speaks up, though the words do not come easily.
"We were....we were to comandeer the vessal to the New Continent, and deliver it there....We would have no opportunity to stop, and barely enough food for us and a skeleton crew...it was this or starve them..."
At this point the soldier above calls out, "I've figured out the locking mechanism, Sadler."
'Sadler' turns back to Irene. "...Swear to me now that the creature in the engine room is not yours. We'll go deal with it, and figure out what to do about the ship after."

2011-02-16, 08:23 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Irene made an angry pout of a face. Adults never seemed to treat her seriously unless they were going to blame her for a problem!

"I'm not a witch, and I don't know about a creature! I was on the deck when your men attacked everyone!"

For Sahz only:

<I didn't do anything! I was with you and everyone else the whole time! You must believe me!>

Maintain Powers:
Increase Strength (+2);
Mental Communication (Sahz - 1500 feet)

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-16, 05:09 PM
Sadler looks like he would rather argue the case further, but you aren't the only ones feeling rushed by the ship's descent. Instead, he calls out to his men,
"Stay here and guard the area. Roderick, keep monitoring the displays, and make sure to level out the ship the moment the engines come back online." He then proceeds to head to the entrance, almost as if expecting Sahz and Renard to simply move out of the way when he reaches them.

2011-02-16, 07:00 PM
For Irene only: <"I believe you because i trust you. you have faught by my side, and earned my trust, i have seen the honesty on your face. It is not I you have to convince, but im sure i can help you convince the others if needs be.

also.... this is certainly handy isnt it?">

Sahz turns to Irene and smirks.

Sahz then steps out the doorway the moment it is established that their isnt going to be a fight to check on Hatia. then to carry her with us through the corridors to the engine room.

2011-02-16, 10:23 PM
Renard remained in the engine room, ready to back Irene up in case any of Sadler's men decided to take matters into their own hands. The accusation that she was a witch disturbed him. Brenan was also wondering where the leader of these men was off to. When everyone had entered the engine room, he would go check on Bridgett.

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-16, 11:12 PM
Renard remained in the engine room, ready to back Irene up in case any of Sadler's men decided to take matters into their own hands. The accusation that she was a witch disturbed him. Brenan was also wondering where the leader of these men was off to. When everyone had entered the engine room, he would go check on Bridgett.

As per the map on page 2 of the OOC thread:
You are currently at 10, the bridge.
Engine room is 12, the opposite end, and a long walk.

From what I'm gathering, though, you want to make sure nothing fishy is done at the bridge, then head back to the initial area?

Goblin Music
2011-02-17, 12:21 AM
Zach stood close to the door during the initial exchange, survival is key, here Zach stops himself before he voices his next thought, then he settles on, glad to have you on board, so to speak Zach will try to stay in the center of the group on the way to the engine room, even though the guards will not attack them when Sadler walks among the party, Zach is a bit weary of this creature. in all his experience he can't quite remember up a creature that could or would do something like this

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-17, 01:47 AM
As Sadler looks almost as if he is about to ask about Hatia, but manages to come to the obvious conlcusion on his own and keeps his mouth shut
Will post final area info tomorrow

2011-02-17, 09:12 AM
For Irene only: <"I believe you because i trust you. you have fought by my side, and earned my trust, i have seen the honesty on your face. It is not I you have to convince, but I'm sure i can help you convince the others if needs be.

also.... this is certainly handy isn't it?">

Sahz turns to Irene and smirks.

Irene von Feuerbach

The girl continues the pout on her face as she looks briefly at Sahz.

For Sahz only

[i]<Thank you. Maybe it is useful, but it takes some concentration. I...only do it if there is someone I trust. Or... I guess if there is a desperate situation.

Ah...this seems to be a time that would qualify. Ahhh you're distracting me!>

Irene hurries closely behind Zach and the others. She doesn't want to be at the end, but she doesn't trust this Sadler, and keeps a childish and imperious look at him the whole time.

Maybe it's just an act to seem calm in this whole situation. A noble lady must have her pride!

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-17, 04:50 PM
Hidden behind an iron door, the engine room lacks the stylized appearance and good lighting of the rest of the Lady. As the booklets warn you, 'Though the noise levels of the Lady's engines have been tested to ensure they do not cause deafness, they are nonetheless at an uncomfortable level. Please ensure that you wear sound reducing equipment if you need to enter the engine rooms.' The noise doesn't seem too bad, though, just a mild clicking noise - as if a set of gears had an object obstructing their motion.

The middle of the room is clear of any obstruction, but contains something completely out of place. There is what appears to be a large magic circle of some sort, drawn entirely with a wet liquid that is most likely blood. Set at strategic locations around the outside is a ring of candles, the only source of light. They cast eerie shadows on the wall, almost resembling a collection of desperately grasping hands.

On either side of the back of the room is a long metal rod, both of which a constantly tapping against a larger block of solid iron. As page 7 of the booklet states, '(these) are the ailerons that are used to control the direction of the thrust from the Lady's propellers. Please do not obstruct their motion unless in an emergency.

Between these is a small door with a sign attached, reading 'Employees, ensure you are properly harnessed before moving to the ship's exterior

2011-02-17, 09:38 PM
You were right about my action. That's exactly what I want to do.

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-17, 09:55 PM

I'll run through with you separately, then. As at now you would have reached the kitchen area, which is now deserted.

2011-02-18, 08:57 AM
"if we clear the obstruction, we should get the engine working again." Sahz points out. "i advise no one step inside the circle though..." Sahz steps slowly into the room keeping his eye out in the dark the best he can, he also (if possible) inspects the magic circle closer without entering it.

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-19, 07:55 PM
The hall looks completely different to how it did when you last saw it. All of the tables have either been used to barricade the 'southern' door, or taken out in to the bedroom area that you passed. The ones used in the barricade have been bound with ropes to prevent them from slipping. All of the passengers have been tied to the walls in a similar manner, though each has about 5 meters of wiggle room. towards the 'north' of the right wall is Bridgett, who enthusiastically waves you over.

Everyone else:
I shall post what happens tomorrow if nobody else acts before then.

Goblin Music
2011-02-19, 10:59 PM
i think i see your beast. Zach snarls staring forward at the circle, griping his bow a bit tighter and tensing up, getting ready for a fight.

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-20, 12:39 AM
"Beast? What an odd comment for you to make."
Accompanied by a light chuckle, this raspy voice originate from a point on the roof. The speaker reveals himself, floating down from the ceiling in to the blood circle.

What you are looking at seems at first glance to be a slightly overweight old man, dressed in disheveled but expensive looking clothes. He comes out to a mere 4ft tall, with greasy black hair. It might just be because the only source of light is at his feet, but he seems to have an unnatural demeanor to his appearance. There is definitely something off about his hands, but exactly what cannot be determined due to the layer of blood coating them
Zach:There seems to be a slight glow to his eyes, which sends an involuntary shiver down your spine

"I was almost disappointed that I wouldn't have an audience for the finale. Do sit back and enjoy the show."

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-20, 01:03 AM
Sadler seems positively livid when he sees the man who seems to be responsible for this mess. screaming out "YOU!," he dashes forward to attack his designated foe.
Despite his rage, Sadler has not forgotten how to fight. He makes a feint at the other's head with his shortsword, before impaling his longsword straight in to the gut of the man. The blow is clearly and instantly fatal....at least it should be.
The man, chuckling as he does so, grabs Sadler by the face and hurls him against the nearest wall with uncharacteristic strength. "No need for violence, I've already had my fill for today."

2011-02-20, 06:13 PM
"what are you doing?! are you trying to kill us all?! if the lady crashes, you will die too!" Sahz exclaims at the man. He watches as the man flings an entire human body with such ease.

Sahz raises his shield, and circles around the circle towards the gears that are stuck, in the hope that should he be attacked it will allow someone else the chance to get past while the man is distracted.

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-20, 06:37 PM
"I will die? But how could that happen?"
The man simply watches Sahz, doing absolutely nothing to stop him

Goblin Music
2011-02-20, 06:55 PM
sir, Zach says to Sahz our blood stained friend here just took a sword to the gut, a blow that should have instantly killed him. i don't think a wall of water is going to faze him much despite this comment Zach pulls and holds his bow at full draw, pointing at the short man what finale?

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-20, 07:28 PM
"You'll see, just be patient."

2011-02-20, 08:09 PM
Renard smiled and patted Bridgett on the shoulder. "I can't tell you how glad I am to see that you're not injured. You are uninjured, right?" He looked her up and down briefly. "Did anything happen while we were gone? How are all the other passengers?" He spoke hurriedly. As worried as Renard was about his charge and the people on board who couldn't defend themselves, he wanted to return to the bridge as soon as possible, in case the others needed help.

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-20, 09:10 PM

"Umm...No, No and they were fine once a bit of leadership was given. And you? Did you find the cause of the problem? We still seem to be falling. You should tie yourself down or grab on to something soon."

2011-02-21, 03:36 PM
"I'd like to, but I can't. We're still working on stopping the ship from crashing. But you don't have to worry, Milady. Everything will be alright." He sighed and turned to leave. "I'm sorry. I have to get back to the others. I will see you soon."

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-21, 04:55 PM
"Come back safely...."

OOC:Unfortunately, you won't make it back in time for the finale...On the other hand, you will get to see something interesting

2011-02-21, 06:28 PM
The tension in the room could likely be cut with a knife. Sahz moves ever closer to fix the gears, never turning his back on the man in the circle if possible. then if he remains un-attacked he will attempt to fix the problem.

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-21, 07:35 PM
Sahz: The problem seems to be quite clear - the two iron blocks that are blocking the motion of the rods. You attempt to move it, but it seems to be just a little too heavy to shift.

The man does nothing to stop Sahz, however Sadler stands up somewhat shakily and charges at him again. Looking somewhat annoyed now, he grabs the long blade with his left hand, slamming his right into Sadler's gut. He stumbles back a couple of steps from the force of his blow, miraculously managing to stay on his feet.

2011-02-21, 07:52 PM
For Irene only:
<"it seems your strength will be the savior of the day, quick, come help me shift this bar.">

"Quick, the lady is decending faster, im sure of it!"

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-22, 04:48 PM
Time to make some assumptions on character actions to speed things along, unfortunately. Also, unless something majorly unexpected happens, part 1 will end on (my) Friday.

Not called the captain of the soldiers for nothing, Sadler knows better than to simply keep attacking a clearly superior opponent. He makes a gesture with his head for the others to move and help Sahz, ensuring that he remains between his opponent and them at all times. The man doesn't make any further attacts, simply chuckling and muttering, "Useless, Useless," again and again.

With Irene's help, the first iron block is shifted out of the way. As the rod shifts back into a slot in the ground and the gears start to turn again, the Lady begins to tilt just the slightest bit to the left.

2011-02-23, 08:46 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Irene had been frozen when they entered. But hearing Sahz, she was moved to action and hurried to help him. The iron blocks were heavy, but there was no time to worry about this.

"Do you think we can make it?" She asked, putting her hands on the second iron block.

She looked back at the creepy man. What a scary thought! What was he doing here?! It was a bad thought and she did not like it. But they had to stop from drowning first. Irene knew she couldn't swim well. That was a bad thought too.

Maintain Powers:
Increase Strength (+2);
Mental Communication (Sahz - 1500 feet)

Shade Kerrin
2011-02-23, 05:06 PM
OOC: I guess that new note in your signature is important to know. Don't feel pressured to keep up, and good luck with your exams.

Even without Sahz, the block slowly begins to shift out of position under Irene's effort. Assumption: Once Sahz joins in the problem is resolved quickly. A few moments later the Lady levels out with a much more fluid motion than when it began to dive. A voice channels out of one of the pipes on the wall; "The ship's under control, Captain. What are your....What the hell is that!?"
The man in the middle of the circle has begun to laugh outright....it is not a pleasant sound.

Goblin Music
2011-02-23, 05:24 PM
Zach looks at the man, then, do you need this? he asks as he shoots one of the lines of the circle, looking to break it


open rolls


Shade Kerrin
2011-02-23, 07:07 PM
OOC: Looks like my time estimate was a little to long. Part one's end now

The main group:
The man mutters "Useless," one more time, and swats the arrow out of the air with a catlike swipe from his hands. In doing so, however, he leaves his back completely exposed to Sadler, who nods in thanks to Zach before physically charging the man. "...What?" he says with confusion as he feels the impact, and "No!" as he is forced out of his circle. At this point a hideous sound of tearing wood and scraping metal rings through the air, whilst a bright red light coats the edge of the circle, of which Sadler is still half in. He begins to scream at this moment, adding to the din. The last thing you see before all goes black is the 'northern' wall burst as something impacts against it.

As you pass in to the dining hall once more, you feel the ship regain its balance. With this comforting fact, you manage to make it halfway across the walkway between decks before you notice an oddity: You cannot hear any noise at all, nor is there any wind blowing against your form. Your eyes involuntarily drawn towards the 'north,' you see what seems to be a massive....hole.... in the sky racing towards the ship, slightly larger than the middle deck. As the Lady begins to pass through it a series of white cracks manifest on the surface, but these seem to tear through anything they touch. One such crack passes only an inch to the left and right of you, leaving you stranded on a small piece of wood. As you pass through the 'hole,' you feel a primal terror overtake you, then blackness.

Part One:End

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-06, 03:38 AM
Part 2: Welcome to the Island

You wake to the sound of waves hitting the shore and the scent of salt water in the air. A quick gaze around reveals a rather nondescript beach, save for the mess of quite a hefty shipwreck strewn about you - here a few planks of wood, there a metal pipe. Also dotted about the beach are the bodies of several of the soldiers and crew of the Lady, but more importantly you all are alive, as are five of Sadler's men.

You notice quite quickly that you have no injuries whatsoever, which could be quite fortuitious after what you have been through. You quickly realize it is not just you, though, not a single person on this beach, living or dead, has any visible wound, not even those who you remember having been torn to pieces. Sadler..is almost an exception to this rule. His body is missing from the waist down, though a smooth layer of skin covers what should be a bleeding gap. Needless to say, he is not alive.

You didn't really have time to pay attention to such details earlier, but now you can clearly take in the appearance of those soldiers who survived along with you. Two look to be no older than 16, with blond and red hair respectively that seems to be cut in an imitation of Sadler's. The redhead looks nervous, and those who were at the front of the bridge charge will recognize him as the one who shot Hatia. The next two are significantly older, but look completely identical down to the cut of their greying hair and moustaches. The last doesn't really seem to stand out, with nondescript brown hair and a face you feel you've seen a thousand times before.

As far as you can see, the only people here were those who were located in the middle deck of the Lady((And Renard)). Where everyone else wound up is a complete mystery.....

2011-03-06, 07:02 AM
Sahz picks himself slowly off the floor, dusting off as much sand as possible "is everyone alright? it looks like we are all here... well, all of our group atleast." there is a moments silence from Sahz "well... no sense dwelling on it too long." Sahz says as he turns and walks to the waters edge, fighting with himself on the inside that he was unable to help so many, unable to save them, they may be alive, but he somehow doubted it with the only people in sight being from the main deck.

Goblin Music
2011-03-06, 10:35 AM
Zack stays on his back looking at the sky after his survey of the area so, anyone have a guess as to what happened?

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-06, 06:59 PM
The words uttered from her mouth upon waking go along the lines of "Owowowowow.....wait..."
Looking around the beach, she states, "I'm guessing we didn't reach the bridge in time? I'd say this is the afterlife, but that wouldn't explain the shipwreck."

2011-03-07, 05:29 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Sand. Sand is dirty. It's uncomfortable and bad for your beauty. It ruins your clothes and it gets in your hair easily.
Irene woke up staring at sand. The water about her was cool and relaxing. But it was wet too, and the muddy sand was stuck to her also.
She was surprised she did not ache, but still she woke sleepily and then realized with disgust that she was covered in sand. Her expensive clothes were messy now and she sat up coughing sand and water.


Was it all a dream? She blinked and looked around at the island. It seemed so peaceful...except now she saw the others too.
It was not a dream.

"No... I don't believe it.

It's a lie." She said to no one.

"What happened to the Lady?" She asked with a panic. She stood up unsteadily. They couldn't be trapped here... And all of the people who weren't here. Were they dead?

She shivered by herself. What had happened? Why didn't she just stay at home?

2011-03-07, 06:50 AM
"the lady is gone. or as good as." Sahz says outwards towards the sea. still lost in his thoughts and emotions.

after what felt like 5 minuites Sahz finally stops stairing out to sea and walks up the beach to the others. "im afraid were stranded til a boat comes past. it could be benificial to look for a settlement on the island. if there is, then they will have boats coming and going for trade."

Goblin Music
2011-03-07, 12:01 PM
you assume much. Zack responds to Sahz siting up and giving the man a grin. they could get all they need from the land, we could be on a beach of the country we were headed for, there could be no settlement but a good trade here that is worth the time for travel. he points out listing some options Sahz did not consider. although i do agree, exploring this place is a must. he seems like he is agreeing more because he wants to go exploring than to find a way back to civilization.
with that he stands up and checks his equipment and stuffs his soggy hat into his pack, allowing his more inhuman aspects, slightly pointed ears and almond shaped pupils, to show

2011-03-07, 02:44 PM
Renard was surprised at how easily he got to his feet. If he didn't know better, the man would have thought he had fallen asleep on the beach and been awoken by the waves. Given the crash he just survived, he expected considerably worse injuries. Renard walked over to join the rest of the group. "Glad to see that you aren't hurt."

The horrible realization struck him as soon as he realized no more than a handful of people were standing on the bridge. Where was Bridgett? "Bridgett!" He called her name several times before turning to the others.

"Have any of you seen the noblewoman I was guarding?" Renard felt the blood in his veins turn to ice as he looked around for any sign of his charge. She had trusted him to protect her. If anything happened to Bridgett... He put the thought out of his mind as he asked the others for help. "I need to find her. Please, help me."

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-07, 04:22 PM
The soldiers collectively shrug their shoulders, their attention more focused on their captain. As the younger pick his form up, the two elder simultaneously state, "Yes, we should find a settlement...get Sadler a proper burial, you know."

"I'm sure she's fine...There's a lot of wreckage, but not enough for such a large ship." She looks around at everyone before continuing, "Even if there is no people here, there's plenty of trees. We could probably put together a raft or someth-"
She is interrupted by a low noise that sounds like a bell being struck. It repeats itself a second later, and continues until it has sounded 10 times, which if you had to guess would be the time as at now. It comes from inland

2011-03-09, 07:48 AM
Irene von Feuerbach

Slowly Irene started to respond. Renard's calling made her finally turn and look around. But she didn't see anyone else on the beach. Just some of the soldiers and her companions. She turned away from the captain.

She wanted to say something hopeful for Renard. But she was a little envious had was such a loyal bodyguard for the woman. And then she saw Zack. Were her eyes ok? Zack looked...strange. Different.

Irene opened her mouth. "Wha-" But a bell ringing made an interruption.

She tried to find the source. "That sounds like a town bell." She said- some growing hope to replace her worries. If there was a town, then they would be safe. Then she could go home and forget this awful trip!

"We-we should go there! Let's hurry up!"

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-10, 04:52 PM
Muttering words of agreement, the soldiers begin to head in the direction of the noise. The younger two seem to be doing their best to ensure the elder three are between them and you(the PCs).

Hatia also seems ready to go, easing herself up to a standing position with her spear, before heading to the treeline, taking great care to avoid losing her balance in the sand.

2011-03-10, 06:12 PM
Sahz will walk to the front of the group, likely subconciously. walking in the direction of the bells, Sahz wonders how far it could be to the source of the noise.

Goblin Music
2011-03-10, 06:50 PM
Zach will keep to the front of the group, at least until they get to the tree line. He seems a bit more carefree now that they are on solid land, slowing down and talking with the soldiers only to speed up and chat with the party members, seemingly forgetting that the soldiers were enemies a short while ago. despite his lighthearted attitude he surveys their surroundings every once and a while, letting his eyes absorb the foliage and fauna.

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-10, 06:55 PM
The young ones don't seem willing to talk at all, but the eldest two happily exchange small talk and stories of their youth with Zach - Although the constant synchronization of their words is possibly a bit annoying.

Hatia takes the rear of the group - not out of any particular desire to do so, just because she's a slow walker. With no immediate danger, she too begins to take on a light-hearted visage, and starts whistling a well-known, but slightly off-key, tune.

2011-03-11, 05:02 PM
Reluctantly, Brenan follows along. If there were other people here, they might be able to help him find Bridgett. But, he was still worried. Renard couldn't think of any reason his charge would leave his side, save abduction. The girl wasn't the athletic sort, and she had more sense than to go wandering off on her own.

2011-03-12, 10:16 AM
Sahz runs through the events on the ship again in his mind. there was something missing, a motive, why, why did that man attempt to sabotage the ship. its extremely rare someone would do something like that without atleast a reason. Sahz wanted to know what that reason was.

thinking about it, he didnt stop anyone from fixing the ship. did he want the ship to crash or not? it was all very weird.

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-12, 10:37 PM
The forest eventually breaks right on the edge of a small village. It doesn't seem too odd, the villagers going through the normal day-to-day life of such a small village. A few people look up at your approach, then back to their work...before looking back at you all again with an expression of great surprise. One of them quickly calls to get the attention of the others, at which point the entire township swarms about you. They start speaking at you in such numbers that it is simply impossible to hear a coherent sentance, though in general they look surprised and suspicious

Goblin Music
2011-03-12, 11:04 PM
Zach seems a bit unhappy about leaving the trees, but only for a moment. he smiles and attempts to greet the people when they come over, but he is easily drowned out

2011-03-13, 10:46 AM
Sahz was a little overwhelmed by the crowds at first, but then he pulls himself togeather "QUIET, QUIET! we washed up on shore after out vessal crashed. who here is in charge?"

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-14, 01:26 AM
Even at the top of his voice, Sahz is drowned out by the din of the crowd, however, the piercing ring of metal on metal is capable of creating a lapse in the noise. Looking to the source, you see a shirtless man standing by what is recocnizable as an anvil. Despite his advanced age, his body is very well toned, making it clear that he is the blacksmith here. In a surprisingly quiet voice, he states, "The mayor was trying to talk."

"...Yes, thank you Marcus," states a middle-aged man, dressed in somewhat neat clothes. "I am Mayor Raymon, but the important questions are these: Who are you, where did you come from, and why are you carrying a corpse around?"

2011-03-14, 06:18 AM
"who are we. we are a group of people, general citizens, a body guard or two." Sahz motions to himself and his comrades "they are soldiers, with their own reasons for carrying the body. we are all here because we were on a ship that crashed, we seem to be the only survivors... or atleast the only ones we could see washed up on shore." Sahz wanted to disasosciate himself with the soldiers a little, being as they were willing to attack innocents on the ship, whether they would do now or not is not an issue. he would still not like being put into the same group as such people.

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-14, 04:43 PM
"Shipwreck? You sure?"
The mob of people begin to talk at you again, but a few hits on the anvil by Marcus keeps them quiet. The general feel of the crowd has changed, though. They seem....relieved?
"I apologize for my rudeness. On behalf of all gathered here, I would like to welcome you to Corvinus....You're porbably desparate to get back to wherever your heading, so let me assure you that a ship is scheduled to arrive in 2 weeks and 5 days' time. In the meantime, we shall be holding a festival to our patron saint Corvinus in exactly 2 weeks, and I'm sure Madam Moonflow will be glad to have a few heads at her inn for once." As he turns to the soldiers, he states to the crowd, "Feel free to ask a few questions of our visitors....QUIETLY, mind you."
While the villagers harrass you with all kinds of questions about how you crashed, where you came from and what city life is like, Raymon asks the soldiers about who Sadler is and if any other bodies have washed up on shore, to which they answer honestly(omitting the most recent actions of their boss, though.)

2011-03-16, 02:51 AM
Renard took the opportunity to resume the search for his charge. "I'm looking for a young woman." Brenan told the first group of people he ran into. "She has long brown hair and she is wearing a dress of green silk. Her name is Bridgett Gannis." He suddenly felt the weight of an overwhelming guilt. "I was supposed to be protecting her, but we got separated in the shipwreck."

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-16, 04:14 AM
No-one is able to answer Renard in the affirmative, several pointing out that this group is the first people they have seen since the previous ship a year ago. They wish you luck in finding her, but in general do not sound optimistic in the slightest.

2011-03-16, 06:05 AM
Sahz hears Ranards worry and plight, and walks over to him.

placing a hand on Ranards shoulder, Sahz says "a lesson i learned the hard way, no matter how much you want to, you cant save them all..." after a moments silence Sahz says "there is still hope mind, except it is out of your hands, it does you no good to worry about it for now. we will just have to wait and see."

2011-03-16, 09:58 PM
Renard stopped himself from responding with an insulting comment. He swallowed his anger, telling himself that Sahz was only trying to reassure him. But he didn't want to save "them all". Brenan wanted to save his closest friend. Renard kept these thoughts to himself, deciding to follow Sahz's advice and wait for signs of his lost charge. "Perhaps you are right. What shall we do in the meantime?"

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-20, 06:18 PM
"I don't know how long the 'meantime' will be, but you will probably be needing someplace to stay, right?"
The speaker is a rather attractive woman, who is clearly a few months pregnant. "My name is Miriam Moonflow, and I run the only inn in town, the Small Castle."

2011-03-20, 06:31 PM
"I doubt you've got any beer there, have you?" asks Lurodes after having been silent for some time, not looking at the woman. Gods, did his head hurt.

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-20, 07:51 PM
"Beer? My stocks are a bit low, but I still have a supply of beer. I guess it depends on how much you want to drink."
The crowd is slowly starting to break away, the people returning to their regular work.

Goblin Music
2011-03-20, 09:42 PM
Zach make a face of distaste at me mention on beer would be nice to rest, or food, what do you have for a menu? Zach asks with a smile

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-21, 12:07 AM
"Well, the prepared lunch for today is a Corvinus-style tuna salad...Uh, the costs are 2 silver coins per head, including food and lodging. Alcohol is not included."

2011-03-21, 07:21 PM
"I'd like a room." Renard hands her the money. It had been a long day, and he needed a place to have a quick nap.

2011-03-21, 09:57 PM
"If your stocks are as low as you say they are, I'll have the lot," grunts Lurodes, passing a handful of silver in the woman's direction, somewhat more aggressively than one might expect. "And the room. Please." he says as an afterthought, adding two silver coins to the pile.

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-21, 11:09 PM
Hatia checks for her coin-purse, relieved to find it still there. She opens it and gazes in at the disappointingly small number of coins, sighs slightly, and fishes out a pair of silver. Maybe she can find work of some sort before she runs out of money.

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-21, 11:40 PM
A little taken back by the sudden pile of coins, Miriam leads the group through the to the Small Castle. Behind you, you notice the soldiers leading a small group of men back to the beach. Once indoors, Miriam steps behind the counter of the place, pulls a few keys from underneath, and gives one to each person who has requested a room. She then heads down a set of stairs that also fall behind the counter, eventually emerging with a box containing 20 bottles of beer. Finally, she counts through the pile of coins before returning most of them to Lurodes, then steps through a small set of swinging doors, from which the sounds of cooking begin to emerge. As at now, the town bell sounds 12 o'clock(midday)

Lurodes: The total amount of money spent by you is 8 silver

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-21, 11:50 PM
The common room of the inn is small, but the emptiness means that there is still plenty of room. The place is generally decorated in soft shades of green, with a few plants to liven the place up. On the left wall is a pair of maps, one of the island, the other of the town. A wide staircase leads upwards where you can see the doors to a number of rooms.

The text written in a square font is part of the original map, while the text written in cursive has clearly been written in over the top.
The grey lines are contour lines, please ignore the fact that they are over the top of landmarks.
Town map coming soon.

2011-03-22, 03:05 PM
"this is a cozy lodging, but we have 2 weeks to wait before the ship arrives and i regret to say, i cannot pay for a room having just been in the crash." Sahz implies he lost his money in the crash, but doesnt actually spell it out. Sahz doesnt like lying if he can avoid it. "that said, i would be willing to work for food and a room. is there any work i can do for you Miriam?"

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-22, 05:04 PM
((I shall assume all talks of lodging occur before she starts cooking)

Miriam sighs at Sahz's words, but the over-dramatic nature of it make it clear that she is merely making a show of disappointment, after all she has at least 3 more paying customers than normal today. As she opens her mouth to speak, however, Irene steps forward and offers to pay for both herself and Sahz.
((We've at least temporarily lost her as a player, sadly, though apparently I can still contact her for questions about Irene's conduct. If she feels that this is out of character, I will remove it, but it seems to match what I know of her.))

2011-03-23, 12:46 AM
Renard sat on the staircase for a few minutes, thinking about the soldiers outside. Could they still be a threat his newly found comrades or Bridgett? He stood and walked over to the others to voice his concerns. "We should keep an eye on those soldiers. I don't know what they were planning on the ship, but they've already tried to kill us once, and they might try to finish the job."

2011-03-23, 10:57 AM
Sahz thanks Irene graciously. "thank you. Come to think of it, theres something i think we all need to talk about. in private, we will talk about it later when its quiet and out of earshot." Sahz feels that the group has a lot of secrets hidden in it, some have become evedant already, but now feels like its time to share his own, whether the others will indulge him in telling him their own secrets, only time will tell.

Shade Kerrin
2011-03-23, 04:07 PM
Once Miriam is out of earshot, Hatia quietly asks, "Is this about the rapid motion thing? I'm not quite sure how to explain this, but it isn't anything...uhh...demonic, just fiddling around with attractions and repulsions. And I had nothing to do with the healing thing, so don't even ask me about that."
OOC:Remember, to Hatia's perspective she is the only supernatural thing to reveal itself at all so far.

Goblin Music
2011-03-23, 05:42 PM
Zach looks into a pouch he had on his belt, looks like i got enough for one room and a meal he hands her the coins after she has dealt with the huge stack from the others.

Zach grins, somehow i don't think that is what he is talking about.

hey, the guy has pointy ears, i think he can be a bit subtle about mentioning them:smallwink::smalltongue:

2011-03-24, 09:45 AM
Sahz speaks quiet enough so that only his commrades could hear. "well, I myself am... special as it were. some of you may have noticed the injury i sustained on the ship, when i wasnt actuall hit. at the time i acted as if nothing had happened, but, the more observant of you may have noticed that it...er... mirrored Hatia's injury. maybe not as seriously as the injury sustained by Hatia herself mind."

Sahz takes a moment to take a deep breath before he says it, knowing of Irenes power settled him a little, knowing that there was someone who could atleast understand. "i am a man with the soul of another being... a nephillim." Sahz pulls at the collar of his neck reavealing just past his collarbone, and what can be seen are like strange tribal tattoos.

OOC: i cannot remember if thats the spelling or even the right word at the moment ive not got access to my book as it is at home, and i am not returning home for a couple weeks. so if i get things wrong, forgive me (doesnt help ive been drinking too :smallbiggrin:)