View Full Version : [Exalted 2e] We Hunt For Madness

Lucus Casius
2011-01-05, 06:44 PM
A fine mist settled over the lowlands of the Pauha Basin, as your small group approached the vineyard of your sister-in-arms, Cynis Velo. The smell of the grape seemed to be carried along with the clouds, its pleasant aroma surrounding you as you passed grapevine after grapevine in the early morning gloom. The path between them meandered slowly, almost naturally, to the villa-manse ahead, where a bright light was clearly shining from several windows, welcoming you as you returned.

Each of you recalls having met here once before, as you prepared to set off on the Wyld Hunt which turned you into the brotherhood you are today. Each of you had met Velo before at some point, whether at school, or at one of the famous Cynis parties, or simply running into her through your work, and you had suitably impressed her enough for her to invite you on your first expedition to hunt down one of the Anathema who had made an appearance in the South. Now, judging by the content of the letters you had all received, she had decided to start hunting again.

As you reach the door, it is pushed open from the inside, and you are greeted by the pretty young Wood Aspect, grinning cheerfully at you. She ushered you inside with a laugh and a flourish before shutting the door behind you.

"Well!" she said finally, clapping her hands together and grinning yet again. "Nice of you to meet me at this old place. Sit down, sit down! Have a drink. We can talk about business after we catch up."

2011-01-05, 07:08 PM

Amarr walked down the vineyard. He'd plucked one of the bunches of grapes from the vine, and was lightly picking them off the bunch, tossing them up in the air and catching them in his mouth. The Monk, conventionally good looking, stuck out among the others of his order. His Robes were travel stained, showing especially badly on the Blue Stripe that marked him among the Disciples of Mela. The Black was just as bad, but it hid it better. His head was bare, exposing his shaved pate to anyone among the party. He smiled at Velo tossing up a grape to catch it out of the air.

"Greetings to you as well, Velo. A pleasure, as always."

He smiled catching the grape in his mouth and swallowing it down.

"Wonderful Grapes, by the way. I'm not allowed to have a cup of wine anymore, but the Grapes themselves pass muster, last time I checked. Would you like some?"

Amarr had met Velo some time ago. He'd ostensibly been surveying some of the Immaculate Shrines in the Scavenger Lands, though in reality, he was hunting down refugees from Thorns. One of his greatest failures. He'd been in the South, looking after the machinations of another of the Deathlords around Gem. He rushed northeast, joining a Cynis caravan. It was then that he met Velo. The Caravaners had been worried about his presence, but once it became obvious that he would turn a blind eye to almost anything in exchange for speed, they warmed to his presence. He and Velo had passed many nights on that journey playing games of Gateways, a game Amarr enjoyed immensely, precisely because he was so terrible at it.

Skybound Fencer
2011-01-05, 07:20 PM
The Earth. The Earth is an unbending force. It is stubborn, yet patient. It is immobile, yet strong. It is where life is first born, and yet also where it returns once it dies. It is many things at once, yet so simple. And perhaps amongst those aspects, the latter was the one Mnemon Daichi represented the most.

The man walked, his gi fastened tight around his body, concealing, as usual, his White Jade Lamellar from sight. He did not have the time to take it off after an exhibition of Earth Dragon Style, thus the reason for him wearing protection to a simple meeting. Furthermore, he had grown used to it at this point - and, he noted with mild amusement, whenever the Brotherhood was gathered, something was bound to happen.

Ah yes, the Brotherhood. Daichi had grown used to the lot of them, even though he was reluctant at once. They were all fierce comrades, all of them very strong in their own way - and they were all useful, if, for some of them, annoying. But the man did not complain - being in such a brotherhood was a good occasion to not only be away from his wife, but also to serve the interests of House Mnemon quite well. And thus, how could he find anything bad to say?

He looked up at the strange villa as he walked its paths, and hid a small smile. Ah, yes. So many years ago, they had already met there, all of them. But it was no use thinking about the past, Daichi reasoned - it was gone now, and could teach him nothing more. Velo, whom he had met during one of his assignments in one of Mnemon's satrapies in the Threshold, had called for a meeting, apparently wanting to...hunt once again, then? An interesting idea. Anathemas were fierce opponents, and bringing one down would bring great honor to his family and House. Intrigued, he had bothered to put off his usual rendez-vous and meetings to a later date.

Once he arrived before the door and was greeted by the Wood Aspect, Daichi bowed his head before her.

"Good to see you again," he said with his deep, rumbling voice, his voice and face apparently attempting to be warm.

Deciding to add nothing for now, he sat down on one of the offered seats, his back was completely straight and his stance rigid. He didn't look tense or anything - that was simply how he sat most of the times, apparently decided to show proper behaviour at all times. He also decided not to take a drink - years of training at the Cloister had taught him that, in order to reach true understanding of the Martial Arts, and in order to be closer to the Dragons, once must be as restrained as possible - pure, they said, though Daichi was intelligent enough to guess this was intended for would-be monks.

2011-01-06, 01:03 AM
Chuckling good-naturedly, Mnemon Nasaka steps over the threshold. Polished jade glimmers in the misty dawn light as he offers a bow to their host - a pair of white blossoms on his forearms, a black pendant at his throat, tracery of all five colours embedded in his wrists - and the liquid gleam of the clasp affixed to his belt is indicative of something far more than simple silver, although not everyone would notice. He wears a dark green vest over a short-sleeved black shirt and trousers, and appears even more stretched than usual without his armour, but despite the walk, his outfit is free of dust as always.

"Your company is always a pleasure, Velo. And I must admit an admiration for the design of your manse, as well, even if I do not entirely understand the geomancy involved." It had been a chance meeting and conversation with Velo, another half-remembered friend from primary school, that had given Nasaka the idea to seek out Saera and her group in the first place; a Hunt with someone he trusted had certainly proven much better than his first. And it had been so good to have someone to test himself against again...

Grinning at the memory, Nasaka takes a few unnecessary steps upward over the back of an unoccupied seat, dropping lightly from his perch in midair and seating himself at Velo's suggestion. He pours a cup of wine, although he doesn't touch it until everyone is seated. "What have you been up to since our last meeting?"

Lix Lorn
2011-01-06, 04:46 AM
"Great to see you, Velo." said Saera with amusement. It had been a while since she'd managed to attend any Cynis gatherings, due mainly to her commitments to her brotherhood and similar ventures. She was sorely beginning to miss the presence of civilised society, and a fellow member of her house was surely able to help with that.

Saera too was armed and armoured, a breastplate of gleaming gold hidden in her robes. She had no such excuse for bringing it, but refused to go out unarmed for any reason.

2011-01-06, 07:21 AM
Another figure made his entrance in the estate of Cynis Velo. A tall, fit man, clad in an exquisite silk robe with long, flowing sleeves, mostly white, embroidered with blue silk details, displaying the insignia of Great House Peleps. The man, calm and smiling, sported a small beard that made him look deceptively older than most of those present knew him to be, walked inside the courtyard.

He was Ishiro, scion of House Peleps, but more commonly known as the "Ebon Crane" or the "Young Sifu". He had met Cynis Velo, a few years back in the Threshold. Ishiro, a martial arts prodigy, as his brotherhood came to know him, was participating in martial arts demonstrations and tournaments back at the time and Velo, impressed by his techniques and the styles he used, asked him to join her for a Wyld Hunt, reasoning that it would be for the benefit of Creation and for his own acclaim to defeat such mighty threats in combat and continue the safeguarding of Creation against such perils. Ishiro had accepted and he gradually met and came to respect each and every member of his brotherhood, doing all in his power to assist them whenever possible.

As a matter of fact, two of the brotherhood members have come to entrust upon Ishiro the tutelage of their young daughter, deeming him worthy to impart upon her lessons that will fortify her for the rest of her life, not only regarding the study of the esoteric techniques of martial arts but also those regarding a way of peaceful co-existence among the people of Creation.

Ishiro nods to the rest of the brotherhood members, turns around, marvelling once again at the sight of vineyards and the exceptional skill of their cultivator, and bows slightly before Velo, kissing gently her hand.

"My fair lady Velo, I am honoured by your invitation and I am very happy to witness once again with my eyes your exceptional beauty, which as i've always said makes you the queen among the excellent flowers of your garden, in whose cultivation, your expert skill and aesthetics are demonstrated".

He then takes his place with the brotherhood awaiting to listen Velo's news as well as the reason of this gathering.

Noble Savant
2011-01-06, 05:03 PM
Dajem trailed at the back end of the group, smiling vaguely, seeming to stare at a point somewhere in the distance. His heavy robes trailed after him, dragging slightly on the ground. Though he gave the impression of being oblivious, if someone took the time to drag him back to the present moment, Dajem would likely be able to perfectly recall what had been said till now. His senses were on automatic while he was thinking back to the first time he had met Cynis Velo.

As part of his practical training, he was assigned to a Legion as a sorcerer-engineer, in charge of keeping the equipment of the commanders in working order. The legion was stationed within Arjuf, on the whim of some Dynast or another who was pulling their strings at the time. As the days passed by, more and artifacts were sent to him for repair, word has spread around that he was doing the work, and for free. For his part, Dajem was simply happy to have an abundant source of different Essence patterns to examine. Cynis Velo had been one of his many "clients", and had been very impressed by his talents.

She had offered to bring him along on one of her hunts, where he had come together with the brotherhood. Dajem's smile widened, lighting up his face. It had been the greatest time of his life, with his brother and sisters. People he respected, or admired or... other things. When they met, she had mentioned "showing him a good time", reflecting on the hunts they had been through, he smiled even more, it had certainly been a good time. The woman had remarkable foresight.

Dajem realized he had been quiet for quite a while, and that his brothers were beginning to stare. Blinking furiously, he backtracked over the conversation till this point. With great force of mind, he managed to hold back his blush and splutter his greetings in a nervous voice. "It's a p-pleasure, Cynis Velo."

2011-01-07, 03:50 PM
“Mommy!” The pretty little girl, red-black hair fluttering behind her as she ran to her mother’s arms, oblivious to the rest of the people around her. “Daddy took me out on an airship today, and went to play in the water off the coast, and then he got me ice cream!” She squealed as she hugged Saera. “And we passed a a BIG store, where they had kitties, and I want one, but daddy told me he had to ask you first.”

Meanwhile, Suki paused outside the door, just at the right angle for everyone to clearly see him kiss a pretty young mortal woman, her eyes wide and excited as he finally pulled away, and gave her a quick wink as she scurried off before stepping in to join his peers. Suki was a handsome man, it was undeniable, there was more to him then his looks though, he carried a force of personality about him that others couldn’t help but notice, marking him as soon as he entered a room.

His stride was wide and fluid, wearing that easy lopsided grin never left his face as he stepped into the room. Suki exuded friendliness and geniality. He seemed at a glance, approachable and easy going, where most Dyansts stood aloof from everyone they encountered. That brief glace though, revealed nothing more about him then a slight glance showed of the deepest darkest waters. Suki was a man with layers upon layers upon lays, surfacing occasionally like an underground spring, before drying up once more.

Moving next to Saera, he gave her a light kiss on the cheek, before smiling at his assembled friends. “Sorry I was late, got tied up, you all know what its like here, craziness everywhere. So what I miss?”

2011-01-07, 05:14 PM
Ishiro greets Suki, commenting on his young daughter's limitless energy and assures him that she's been performing excellently during her early stages of training despite being so young.

He turns then to Marisa, and after she finishes hugging Saera, calls to her.

"Well my young lady, it seems that you had a great day and saw some very interesting things. Be sure to tell me about them during our next lesson. As for now, little sunshine, will you please make a formal bow to our kind hostess, lady Velo, who welcomed us into her estate, as i have already taught you"?

As Ishiro speaks, his bond to the young girl and his affection and protective care for her becomes obvious. His sworn brotherhood already acknowledges his boundless compassion and calm manner, knowing that he prefers to correct someone with detailed explanation and assistance rather than severity and contempt. It was no surprise then, when Suki and Saera agreed with Ishiro to undertake part of their young daughter's education and early training that would be appropriate for a child of Dragonblooded parents, bearing great expectations for exaltation. Ishiro has taken to this role with extreme attention and care, making sure to educate the little girl as if she's his best student.

Indeed, as he often remarks, it is much easier to shape a young personality, untainted yet by the various wrong ways and thoughts existing in Creation, and gently guide it to become a better person.
"As I often say to my older students, you must empty you cup in order to fill it again with new knowledge and wisdom. This little flower here - pointing to the small girl - already has an empty cup, therefore being much more suitable to proceed in the way of true enlightment".

Lix Lorn
2011-01-07, 05:24 PM
“Mommy!” The pretty little girl, red-black hair fluttering behind her as she ran to her mother’s arms, oblivious to the rest of the people around her. “Daddy took me out on an airship today, and went to play in the water off the coast, and then he got me ice cream!” She squealed as she hugged Saera. “And we passed a a BIG store, where they had kitties, and I want one, but daddy told me he had to ask you first.”

"Sure you can, love." she smiles, hugging her and picking her up, spinning her around slightly. It's likely a total shock for anyone who knows her normally to see her with her daughter.

A little reluctantly, she lets her down to go over to her mentor, Ishiro.

2011-01-07, 07:34 PM
Beaming at her mother, as thoughts of kitty cats filled her mind, she turned to her host happily, a sweet smile on her face. "Yes Sifu." Marisa said obediently, turning Velo and giving her a poised bow, then turning back Ishiro hopefully a slight, 'Did I do it right' expression painted across her face.

Suki for his part was pleased to hear of her progress. It hadn't been his plan, but... Marisa had become a weak spot for him. It had been even more worrying that he didn't care that he truly loved his daughter. It was something he couldn't control, and in that chaos, found he didn't want to....

Lucus Casius
2011-01-07, 07:58 PM
Velo laughed as the members of your brotherhood gathered in the manse, clearly happy that you had all decided to come. She paused to give a kiss to Ishiro on the cheek after he kissed her hand, followed by a teasing wink when she had finished. "Good to see you too, Ishi. Good to see all of you are doing well."

She took a grape from Amarr and popped it into her mouth, chewing it thoughtfully before answering Nasaka's question. "I've just been working on the family finances, amongst other things. Mostly for our parties." She winked again. "I like to think I'm part of the reason they keep getting bigger and better every time. Other than that?" She shrugged. "Looking to get ready for this."

Spotting the bowing Marisa, Velo smiled and picked up the little girl, hugging her. "That was good, little one! Though I guess I can't go calling you little one anymore. You've grown bigger AND cuter since I last saw you!" She set the girl down, laughing yet again.

Alright, NEXT update will be the important one. Post, then be prepared.

2011-01-07, 08:12 PM
"Velo," Suki disregard a kiss on the hand, as he smoothly slipped his hand behind her back and lifted her slightly off the ground and into his arms as he pulled her into a deep kiss for several long, delicious seconds. Wood Aspects where excellent. Tasted like fruit, he thought idly before setting her down as he took a step back. "Its good to see you. How is your brother doing?" He laughed, it was nice to be back on the isle, no one trying to kill the, not having to scavenge for their next meal.

Marisa patiently waited for her father to finish, waiting with a slightly bored expression, though she smiled widely when it was her turn to speak. "Thank you Auntie Velo! Its very nice to see you" S too!" he said hopefully, with a lopsided grin she had no doubt inherited from her father.

Noble Savant
2011-01-07, 08:55 PM
Dajem watched Suki carefully as he entered, trying to look casual. He would, in his private moments, admit that he was jealous of him, envious of the required self-possession to be him in public like that. To act with such audacity. To be with Saera the way he was. Dajem had purchased several books on courtship in the Shogunate, and was just waiting for his chance. One day, when the time was right he would invite Cynis Saera to a formal dinner and then... Dajem drifted off again, his mind awash with protocols, carefully timed compliments, and genteel gestures. He briefly wondered what would happen after the courtship, but was fairly certain it would all work itself out.

It was because of this drifting that he was standing right in front of Velo when Suki made his move. Startled, he blinked furiously at the kiss in front of him. This time he was certain he felt his cheeks heating up. Taking a quick step backwards, he began to fidget nervously with his cuff-links. "P-Peleps Sukiven..." He began, then trailed off, unsure of what he could possibly say. He resolved the conundrum by making a solid attempt to look disapproving.

Lix Lorn
2011-01-07, 10:12 PM
Saera snickered at Velo and Suki, watching a little protectively.

2011-01-07, 11:31 PM

Amarr nodded toward Velo, chuckling.

"For whatever could you mean? I thought you were just hankering to beat me a Gateways again."

He was fond of the child, to tell the truth. Amarr did his best to protect children, like his sister had him. He had few enough ways of honoring her memory. Mostly, he had a litany of failures. He reached into his robe, pulling free a small package of sweets he carried. He didn't allow himself to eat them anymore, but he didn't begrudge the pleasure to anyone else.

"Hello, young one. I might have a treat for a certain someone, if she can give me the names of the Immaculate Dragons."

He pulled out the sweet, wrapped as it was in Wax Paper, and winked at her.

2011-01-08, 03:18 AM
"Ah, of course," Nasaka observes dryly, although his amusement is plain in his eyes as he watches the exchange. "Inspiring our brethren to new heights of silliness. Or old heights, perhaps, in this case."

Brushing a few errant strands of hair out of his face, he grins briefly at Marisa. The child seemed to be growing up well enough, even if she appeared to be losing track of time somewhat, but that was a common enough trait at her age - perhaps even to be expected, in someone being mentored by the contemplative Ishiro.

"A little early in the morning for Gateway, I think. But then again, I suppose what we're after might not be so different."

2011-01-08, 07:22 AM
Ishiro nods approvingly to Marisa, indicating that she executed the bow perfectly, as a true lady.

He, then hears Amarr's question and nods again.
"An excellent question brother and one of great significance, especially when coming from a dedicated follower and aspirant to the might and grace of the Dragons. You see, my young student, Brother Amarr is a master of one of the Five Glorious Dragon Paths and possesses great knowledge of the Immaculate texts.

Of course, brother, i could not have forgotten such an integral part of every Dragonblooded offspring's training and education. As a matter of fact i have combined the teaching of such knowledge with other methods, the better to remain rooted into her mind and soul. If you'd allow us".

Ishiro stands up and gestures to Marisa. She gets by his side, then he kneels down and says: "The name and element of each immaculate Dragon. As we learn them, as we emulate them".

Ishiro begins executing a brief kata, which Marisa mimics at the best of her ability, focusing on balance, jumping and gracious movement. When it ends Ishiro says: "Elegant, permeating, swift and devastating like..."
"Mela the Dragon of Air" Marisa responds.

They continue on a kata emphasizing strength and stability. "Unmoving, unwielding, rooted in tradition like.." "Pasiap the Dragon of Earth".

Then a fast kata, moving up and down and executing quick hits and parries.
"Quick, sudden, burning with energy like..." "Hesiesh the Dragon of Fire".

They follow up with a kata of flowing movements that peak into devastating attacks. "Flowing, giving way, adapting, crushing like..." "Daana'd the Dragon of Water".

Last they fall into a kata whose movements seem to imitate the growth of a tree and borrow energy from the surrounding environment. "Nurturing growth, curing sickness, giving life like..." "Sextes Jylis the Dragon of Wood".

Ishiro finishes his kata, bowing first to Marisa and then to the rest of the brotherhood.

Skybound Fencer
2011-01-08, 07:34 AM
Daichi completely ignored Marisa and the shenanigans surrounding her - she was not Exalted yet, and thus, was of no real importance. He certainly did not understand why everyone was paying so much attention to her, but as such, did not care. Instead, he took the time to observe every member of the Brotherhood.

Amarr, the Immaculate Monk, seemed to be much of the same as before. Nasaka, his cousin, seemed to also realize the silliness of the situation, which pleased Daichi, but otherwise seemed in a good mood. Saera...bah. Dajem, the martial artist noted, seemed to be a bit fidgety that day - more than usual, even. Suki certainly didn't seem to have gained a point of IQ since the last time they met. Or some manners, for that matter.

Ishiro, he observed last, and watched as he performed the katas with the little girl. His stance, his movements, were perfect and clear - again, as usual, and as expected of a martial artist of his caliber. Daichi had a great deal of respect for the man, despite their differences in ideology. The Earth Aspect returned Isihiro's bow with his head, and gave him an approving look.

"As expected of the Ebon Crane," he said, looking straight at him.

Despite the nature of his comment, his voice was still neutral. Perhaps Daichi was clever enough to admit when a man was his equal - or even his better-, but he certainly was too proud and arrogant to admit it out loud. He then turned his gaze towards Velo, waiting for her to begin.

Lucus Casius
2011-01-09, 05:49 AM
If Velo was at all surprised by Suki's kiss, she certainly did an admirable job of hiding it, wrapping her arms around the back of his head and responding to his kiss with obvious enjoyment. She grinned up at him as he set her down, eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, yes, now I remember why I was looking forward to seeing you so much, Suki. You haven't changed a bit." She giggled. "As for my brother, he keeps threatening to pull a Rokujai, but you know how he is. Sure, he'd have plenty of business, but he would never actually charge anyone. I told him as much myself, and he just went off in a huff!" She shook her head. "Last I heard, there was talk about marrying him with a Sesus girl, but I don't think a decision has been reached yet."

The Wood Aspect rolled her eyes. "Other than that, Tarou's in about the same place he was when you last saw him; enjoying himself at parties and taking the occasional trip south to help with the family trade. He was actually talking about going out to visit contacts in Chairoscuro when I left, if only to avoid the marriage talks." She shrugged, giving Suki one last, inviting look. "Ah, but we can make small talk later, in private, hmm? Saera knows well that I wouldn't think of keeping you to myself, but I don't want to ignore my other guests, do I?"

Turning away from Suki, she smiled over at Marisa, nodding approvingly at her young niece's demonstration. She made a slight bow to Ishiro and his student, before turning again to answer Amarr lightheartedly. "Oh, don't sell yourself short. By the last of our games, you could nearly hold me off for twenty turns before I managed to take your Dragon." She laughed yet again. "Please, Amarr, you know I enjoy playing Gateway with you. Later, I'll see if I still have the pieces around here somewhere, and we can get a game going..."

You continued to speak with your old friends for a while, before, in a brief lull in the conversation, Velo paused and looked outside. The Sun had risen fully over the vineyard, its rays casting a golden radiance over the land, dispelling the mist and shining through the windows of the manse. Velo spoke up, more seriously than she had been, yet her voice still carried that fundamental tone of good cheer.

"Thank you all for coming here. As you know, during our first expedition together, we hunted one of the Anathema in the East. A man, who called himself Just Risen Wave, walking amongst small towns and villages in the East, attempting to stir up rebellion amongst those there still loyal to the Realm and the Immaculate Order. We managed to track him down and finally... our Hunt was a success, and the Anathema was destroyed. Even greater, we became what we are today." She turned, smiling. "I know its been some time, but... from what I've learned, and what you've probably heard, more have revealed themselves. Since I managed to earn a respite from my work... well, I've been hoping to get away and hoping for a chance to go on another trip with you all for some time now! I asked around, cashed in a favor or two, and managed to get us all permission to go!" Her smile widened. "Well? Are you up for it?"

2011-01-09, 07:08 AM
"You can count on it Velo. Anathema sightings are disturbing the peace and harmony throughout Creation and threaten the stability and wellfare of the Scarlet Dynasty and must be therefore dealt with decisively. It is a pity that in these times of tumult our respective Great Houses cannot set aside their differences and work together for the benefit of Creation. And that is the reason for which i deem so important our meeting today and i thank you all for attending after Velo's invitation.

I believe that our Houses should take our union and cooperation as an example and strive to safeguard our august dominion over Creation, as they have so well done for hundrends of years. And furthermore i believe that this may be a chance to prove ourselves worthy of our glorious Dragon heritage and make another step forward to the wellfare of Creation.

You all know me to be a kind hearted man, never resorting to violence unless it's absolutely necessary. Yet, and because the threat posed by the return of the Anathema is so grave, i'm afraid that i will have to make my part as a scion of the Scarlet Dynasty and a worthy protector of Creation. Apart from the hunt that we are begin though, i sincerely believe - and that is more of a suggestion for those among us with political acumen or with connections to such individuals - that special care should be taken to deprive the anathema of the people's support, by strengthening our ties to them and show for all Creation to see, that we are interested in their prosperity and safety.

To the task at hand, Velo, did you receive notice of another troublesome anathema in particular and if so - as i understand from your words - in which area of our beloved Creation are we heading to?"

Skybound Fencer
2011-01-09, 08:21 AM
Daichi listened very carefully to both Velo and Ishiro, and sighed after the latter had finished, and shook his head in response. For all the respect that the Earth Aspect had towards his peer, his wide-eyed idealism was more than disappointing. He crossed his arms and held a sneer back.

"Let us focus on the task at hand," he responded, glancing towards the Water Aspect. "The people are easily corrupted because they are weak, and the power of the Anathema is strong. Of course, we are stronger. Proceeding as last time will be sufficient - kill the Anathema and reassert our positions as Princes of the Earth."

With that said, he fell into silence once more, and closed his eyes in order to think about the offer. Of course, this was a very rare occasion to hone his skills and to get away from his damned wife, and Daichi would love to fight alongside his brethern once again. But he hadn't forgotten his duty. House Mnemon needed him here, on the Blessed Isle, and not anywhere else. However...surely, hunting an Anathema down with his Brotherhood would be an epic endeavour, bringing more reputation to House Mnemon as well. Perhaps, then, it would not be time wasted for him.

"...If you have permission for all of us," he said, opening his eyes again and looking at Velo, "Refusing would be uncouth of me, then. In what direction are we headed?"

He would have to free his schedule for that, but surely they would understand his decisions. A Wyld Hunt, after all, is no small affair. He would have a lot of paperwork to take care of once it was finished, but the payoff - helping House Mnemon - was worth it.

Lix Lorn
2011-01-09, 12:37 PM
Saera licks her lips with a grin.
"Anathema, you say? Count me in. Cleansing the world of another of those is always... fun."

2011-01-09, 02:41 PM
"I'd been wondering why I hadn't gotten any new work for the last few days," Nasaka comments with a grin. "Of course I'm interested." Another Hunt with the brotherhood was an excellent opportunity; he'd quite enjoyed the first, rather contrary to expectations, and it had proven his theories quite correct.

"It's not a bad idea, Ishiro, in and of itself, but you know how they are with resources. Anathema are an immediate problem. The race for the Throne is an immediate problem. Support in the Threshold... well, it's something they'll have to worry about, but eventually, not now. In addition to that, they're not likely to see it as resolvable while the former two remain."

He nods to Velo. "But we'll see how events play out. When are we leaving?" He glances at Saera and Amarr. "I'd like to make sure our arsenal is in good condition beforehand. Lightning box, lens, wings, amulets, adapter... you haven't picked up anything else lately, have you?"

2011-01-09, 02:57 PM

Amarr had chuckled at Ishiro's performance. A nice bit of prompting, but he would have given the child the candy even if she hadn't been able to name a single one. He handed over the sweet, ruffling her hair fondly.

"Well done, child."

However, Velo dragged his attention back (not that he minded. Velo was a pleasant object upon which to fasten ones attention.) At her mention of their Gateway games, Amarr chuckled, and smiled.

"At least that is what you had me believing. You come one step closer to the Dragons with your commitment to dealing with the Anathema. Of course I will accompany you."

Amarr nodded solemnly.

2011-01-09, 04:01 PM
A Wyld Hunt, a prestigious affair without a doubt, assuming you survived it. Suki’s mind raced and crashed like a tidal wave as he began to look at benefits and costs. Death was honestly unlikely. Few Wyld Hunts where destroyed when they went after a anathema, the creatures would often rather flee and gather their strength then face them in combat anyways. He would have to be careful, but he could use some more contacts in that arena anyway. Yes, this may be for the best after all.

“That sounds wonderful Velo!” He said with one of his warm, slightly foolish smiles that beamed like sunlight off a lucid river. “The talk in private… and the hunt that is. I’m sure we could enjoy some more excitement, and some time off the Isle would do wonders for Marisa. Learning by doing, as I always say.” Marisa, for her part, was to intent on the sugary treat to pay much more mind to the conversation, though she perked up curiously when he name was mentioned.

“Where exactly are we going? I’m sure I have some friends in the area I can get to pitch in a little bit of help.” He asked. It was true, as the Brotherhood had discovered Suki knew people everywhere. Everywhere. He found it a safe practice to count his wealth not in money, but in people who owed him, people who thought of him as a friend, and in that area he was rich indeed.

“As for you Nasaka, don’t worry, I’ve been keeping both mine and Saera’s skin mount amulets in excellent shape.” He said, giving him a pleased expression. It was true, he had picked up a small amount of skill when it came to magitech, not much, but enough to keep most things running from day to day.

Noble Savant
2011-01-09, 05:26 PM
Dajem nodded quickly, beaming, his face lighting up. "I think we'd all love to get the brotherhood back together again. The first time went so well..."

Still nodding and smiling absently, he thought back to their first hunt together. It had been the best time of his life, ever since he had left the House of Bells. He was back together with Saera, for one. And touring the world, seeing things he had only read about before. It was all perfect. Except Peleps Sukiven.

He had seen so many things out in the world, and learned so much... They had fought together, and brought down the strongest of foes. Over the hunt, Dajem had began to admire and respect all of his brothers and sisters. Except Peleps Sukiven.

And finally, and most importantly, he had shown his house that their hard work with him was paying off, and earned respect of his own from the community at large. Except Peleps Sukiven.

Dajem shook his head, blinking at the group, his smile fading slightly. "And well... It's a p-personal honor to be invited once again, Cynis Velo." He stammered, bowing his head.

After Nasaka spoke, Dajem glanced to the side, giving him a bright smile. Dajem always enjoyed working with Mnemon Nasaka. His skill and breadth of knowledge were always refreshing, even if Dajem had never quite managed the things he did without resorting to sorcery.

2011-01-09, 06:21 PM
"Fair enough, one less thing to do. But Saera'd best not be letting you near her wings unless you've picked up a workshop and a proper education since the last time I saw you. And I don't know if you've seen what can happen if someone tries to draw a charge from a worn-out lightning box, but the results can be rather unpleasant for anyone around them," Nasaka replies with a wry smile. "I could go on, but some people start getting paranoid by the time I get to elemental lenses that reflect bolts at their users, so we'll leave it at that."

Lucus Casius
2011-01-09, 11:53 PM
"Excellent!" the Wood Aspect exclaimed when you voiced your agreement, looking like she was about to literally jump for joy. "I knew you'd all want to go!"

Velo motioned them over to a nearby table, on which a detailed map of Creation was spread. "You might be a bit surprised about where we're going, too!" She pointed to their current location in the Pauha Basin first, then, traced her finger south over the map until she was pointing at an area of land bordering the Great Western Ocean. "An-Teng! Lovely place, great vacation spot, very loyal to the Realm. I'd say the Anathema must be insane to go there, but so far he has evaded all capture, and no one knows who he is, or even what he looks like! All they know is that he's a he, and he's there." She smiled up at the others. "Of course, there has yet to be a dedicated search by a group like ours. Whaddaya think?"

Skybound Fencer
2011-01-10, 02:11 AM
Daichi stood up once Velo prompted them to and looked at the map carefully. He raised his eyebrows when he heard about the location of the Anathema, however. An Teng? Really now?

"That Anathema holed himself up in a place surrounded by Dragon-Blooded and people loyal to the Realm..." he said, sounding temporarily worried. Then, he smiled, and added : "I don't know how he escaped capture for this long, but this shouldn't take too long, if he's stupid enough to do that."

Despite his usual arrogance, the Earth Aspect was somewhat curious about this. What could he be doing here, when that place would be extremely dangerous for any Anathema? And how did he manage to say incognito for so long, anyway? Something was fishy.

But a seasoned group of Dragon-Blooded like them should be able to take care of it, regardsless. After all, they had the power of the Dragons behind them, and the Anathema had nothing.

2011-01-10, 04:07 PM
"I may have a few friends in An-Teng." Suki said casually. His circle had learned, long ago, Suki seemed to know people everywhere, and had a skill for pulling friends out of nowhere that put practiced politicians to shame. In this case it was Just Fharen, the old War Elephant trainer. Good man, honestly forthright, easy as hell to manipulate. "'Fraid I haven't heard much more then that though." It was odd, but it WAS keeping a low profile, and his had long ago sacrificed specialization for breadth of information. He might have to work on such things later, he mused.

"Can I see the 'thema when you catch it?" Marisa asked, finishing off her candy as she looked around at the brotherhood. She for one, had a faith in each of their abilities that only a child could bear, a trust in the invincibility of the adults around her, and their ability to see everything put right.

Lix Lorn
2011-01-10, 04:15 PM
"Marisa." admonished Saera slightly. "The Anathema will be dead after we get it, and you don't want to see that."

Saera, on the other hand, had no such excuse for her confidence. Apart from the fact that it was likely justified.

2011-01-10, 04:39 PM
"It is odd. Anathema don't exactly have a reputation for hiding out and avoiding trouble, and there are far better places to do that if he were so inclined." Nasaka frowns, scanning the areas surrounding An-Teng. "And there's not too much else in easy reach. Probably safe to say there's something or someone important in An-Teng he's after."

2011-01-10, 06:12 PM
"And the fact that is still evading capture in such a loyal region to our Scarlet Dynasty, may very well indicate the measure of his capabilities. We should proceed with caution and deal with him decisively and effectively", Ishiro says with a skeptical look on his face.

Noble Savant
2011-01-11, 07:20 AM
Dajem nodded his agreement quickly. "I've always wanted to visit An-Teng, they say that the canal roadways in the City of the Steel Lotus, are a rare sight. The Geomancy used to set it all up must is fascinating... I have a treatise about it somewhere in here..." He began to rifle through the pockets of his robe, still talking, as loose pages escaped his grasp and fluttering to the ground. "And of course... Where is it...? There are all sorts of native crafts." Here, Dajem shook a now empty pocket experimentally, shrugging.

"Silk! Ivory! Teak! Lapis! We could get souvenirs after we liberate the populace from Anathema." Giving up his search, Dajem briefly wondered if he should mention the other things he had read about An-Teng. He decided, with a firm shake of his head, that no one would really care about courtesans anyway.

2011-01-11, 10:04 PM

The Monk smiled and stretched.

"When do we leave, Velo?"

Lucus Casius
2011-01-12, 11:56 PM
"I'm expecting a quick, enjoyable hunt," Velo said optimistically. "After that, we should be able to just relax for a time. Whoever this is, they won't be able to hide for long."

She glanced up from the map, eyes turning to Amarr as she answered his question. "We'll be taking a ship from Dragonsmouth in nine days time, if the captain isn't delayed. I had a feeling you would all want to come, so I saved us the trouble of finding passage. Might seem like a bit of a trip, but I've traveled with this guy before. If all goes well, we'll be in the City of the Steel Lotus by the end of next month."

The Wood Aspect stood, stretching. "Ah, but it doesn't take that long to get to the city! I insist that we stay here for a few days before leaving. It would be rude of me not to offer such hospitality to my friends, especially before we leave on this trip!" She winked at Suki as she said this, obviously meaning to give him a "special" sort of hospitality.

Lix Lorn
2011-01-13, 12:29 PM
"Hospitality is always something I can appreciate." grins Saera. "Especially with a fellow Cynis, hmm?"

2011-01-13, 01:40 PM
"Thank you for your hospitality indeed dear Velo", Ishiro answers with a calm smile. "I could use some rest before our hunt begins. The late months had been full of travelling, martial arts tournaments, exhibitions and teaching promising students in the Threshold and the Blessed Isle alike. A chance for rest and relaxation is most welcome and i believe it should be great in replenishing my reserves for the adventure awaiting us".

Noble Savant
2011-01-13, 03:22 PM
Dajem ran a hand through his hair, a smile slowly spreading across his face. His eyes were glittering, and his voice remarkably calm and steady. He had an idea.

"Cynis Velo, we shouldn't have to take a regular ship..." His mind was awash with runes now. And symbols. And massive multicolored essence patterns, all of them coming together to make a whole. "We're back together now..." He would only need one or two of them... "That means we need to celebrate with style. And flair. We're going to make full use of our time resting here. Enjoy some quiet time together." He blinked and smiled innocently at them. "Just like old times, right? And when we're rested..."

Here he paused, and broke beatific grin. "Then we're going to to fly to An-Teng. I'll make the ship myself! It will the perfect way to start our trip! Much faster and more interesting. I've been meaning to test this out for a while."

Skybound Fencer
2011-01-13, 04:25 PM
Daichi remained there, with his arms crossed, simply nodding after Velo's suggestion. A bit of rest...well, the Earth Aspect never really rested. He would have to do some paperwork, probably, but possibly could afford to train with Ishiro, too, if he would accept it. Sparing with the man was always a great pleasure, since they were both very skilled in their respective arts. The Mnemon, however, hoped he would not have to suffer through another of the Water Aspect's sermons.

However, when he heard Dajem's little...idea, he raised his eyebrows. An airship? Really? The Earth Aspect closed his eyes, and thought about the idea for a moment. Perhaps it could work, but...

"Dajem, forgive my inquiry, but..." he said slowly, opening his eyes again and looking at the Air Aspect, unblinking and frowning. "Would that not require not only a lot of Essence, but also more time than we have available? Furthermore, since Velo here has already bothered to make arrangements with the captain, it would be poor form to make a new plan now, would it not? Not to mention that this is no small feat you are trying to attempt - but, from the sound of it, you're not sure it would even work. Would it not be best to wait for another time, where there are no other arrangements and, perhaps, with more Resources at your disposal?"

Daichi was a practical man, and he really did not see how this was a good idea. But he was willing to listen, at least, and so continued to stare at Dajem.

Noble Savant
2011-01-13, 05:21 PM
As Daichi stared at him, Dajem cringed back, away from Daichi. After a moment he straightened up, smiling nervously up at him.

"W-Well..." He began, struggling for the right words. "You see, with careful ra-rationing of essence... And a few proper elemental aides, we could probably build it all before the week is out." He nodded quickly. "And of c-course, think of the principles we would be testing. Elemental carrying capacity and efficiency. And speed, we would, very likely, be gaining time on a simple sailing ship." Gaining a slight measure of confidence, he continued on. "The contribution to the world of sorcery would be significant as well! Think of the grand testament to sorcerous skill and utility we would be showing. And if ah... Anyone was susceptible to sea-sickness... Just hypothetically... They wouldn't have to worry."

Dajem's voice, towards the end, began to trail away slowly once again, and he watched Daichi hopefully, fiddling with his cuff-link.

Skybound Fencer
2011-01-14, 01:49 AM
Daichi stared down at Dajem for a while after he answered, thinking quickly. His arguments were...full of holes, and he did not sound as confident as he should've - though, perhaps, that was due to the Child of Pasiap's intimidating poise. But after all, there was a slight chance he might succeed. And, as a Mnemon, he respected the pursuit of knowledge. The Earth Aspect blinked, once, and then nodded.

"Very well," he said, reluctantly but nodding. "If you believe you can make this airship without making us lose time, then go ahead, if it's alright with Velo."

With that, he sat down once again in silence, and closed his eyes in order to think.

2011-01-14, 02:25 AM
Nasaka rests his chin on entwined fingers, looking at Dajem thoughtfully. The plan sounded impossible at first, but perhaps he was missing some essential aspect of it.

"What, exactly, are you planning? I admit that I am no sorcerer, but I don't know of any spells that would last long enough to carry the unwinged among us to An-Teng. And even those of us who aren't living on the largesse of our families are not exactly wealthy, so regardless of time, we couldn't obtain any great quantity of materials..." He closes his eyes for a moment, thinking, before looking up at Dajem again.

"I don't see it. Explain the schema in more detail."

2011-01-14, 06:54 PM
Suki's grin only spread wider at Velo's wink. It looked like they would be having some very interesting discussions tonight, maybe Saera would come along as well. Alas, such rewards need to be ignored for the time being, as pleasant as they were letting himself become purposelessly decedent would be the truest way to destroy everything he worked for.

In the meantime, he smiled at Dajem, smacking him on the back goodnaturedly as he smiled at the stammering boy. The gods had seen fit to grace the poor child with the social skills normally reserved for small annoying dogs. Nevertheless, he was useful to have around, there was little doubt of that. Plus his obvious infatuation with Saera made it remarkably easy to dance to whatever tune needed playing.

"That sounds very impressive Dajem." he said with a laugh, "I have the upmost confidence in your ability to finish the Sky ship. No doubt Saera feels the same way! We're counting on you now, and its best not to waste anytime. Why don't you get started making a list of supplies, while we work on a plan to take down this anathema."

Noble Savant
2011-01-14, 07:57 PM
Dajem nodded quickly, at everyone's words, grinning even as he rubbed at his smarting back. If even Peleps Sukiven was supporting his plan, and Saera too, it was sure to work!

"It's not t-too difficult Mnemon Nasaka." He began eagerly. "We simply utilize an elemental task-force to get the jobs done quickly and efficiently." He began to count out on his fingers. "I would design the ship of course! J-just something simple to start with. E-elegant. W-wood elementals to find lumber and build us the sh-ship. And a few Air elementals to fly us there in luxury!" After a moment of excited nodding, his face fell. "Oh er... that is, if there is any source of wood around here. Anywhere." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking abashed for a moment. "But if there is, I can get to work right away." He added, trying to look hopeful. "Why, it won't take more than a few days to get the boat ready."

2011-01-15, 02:00 AM
"An interesting concept. I'm not sure how reliable it sounds, but I won't be the one in trouble if it fails, so go right ahead." Nasaka grins widely, looking up at Dajem from a fall of hair that nearly covers his eyes. "I'm not sure what variety of air elemental you'd bind to that task, either, but you're the summoner."

Sitting back and flicking the hair out of his face, he draws a pouch of heavy cloth out of his vest pocket, spinning it once by the drawstring before catching it and holding it out to Saera. "Care to take advantage of Velo's hospitality with a match, Saera? I haven't yet reclaimed my honour from the last time we played."

Lix Lorn
2011-01-15, 01:15 PM
"Of Gateway?" she asks. "Why not."

She grins widely. She had no idea about sorcery, or elementals, or shipbuilding... Gateway was much more up her alley.

Lucus Casius
2011-01-15, 01:31 PM
"Well, you can certainly try, I suppose," the Wood Aspect said doubtfully. "Though I can't say there's much usable wood around here, especially not what would be needed for a ship." She sighed and brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. "Ah, well. It would be fun if it worked. See what you can do!"

As she was speaking, several servants walked into the room, bearing platters of food and drink. Velo nodded to them, and they set it down on a table before hurrying back to their other chores. "I usually take my lunch in here. Kerra must have decided that the same could be said for my guests." She shrugged. "Dig in, everyone! Dajem, you can get started after we eat. There's a nice spot out back that could serve as a place to build."

Lix Lorn
2011-01-15, 02:06 PM
"Oh, thanks." says Saera, distracted by the food. She does indeed dig in.

Skybound Fencer
2011-01-16, 10:32 AM
The Earth Aspect watched quietly as the food arrived and nodded. He went to the table and made himself a plate of food, deciding not to point how seemingly crude this was - at this point, he had become used to shenanigans like those. Instead, he took a sip from his cup of tea and then settled it down, and then looked at Ichiro.

"Have you seen any interesting Martial Arts or martial artists during your travels, Ichiro? he asked, politely. I'm afraid I haven't had the time to pay much attention to that, lately, much to my dismay."

Since Daichi had nothing better to do but wait and eat, he thought he might as well try to catch up with that man. As a fellow martial artist of great skill, but with apparently more time to travel, surely he would be aware of some of the news regarding that topic. It was always interesting to hear about those - it offered a nice distraction for a while.

2011-01-16, 12:31 PM
Ishiro thanked Velo for the food and began eating slowly. Then Daichi asked him and his face almost lit up. Having the chance to discuss about his favorite topic and especially with a disciplined and exceptionally skilled martial artist like Daichi, who seemed to prefectly internalize and emulate the stability, endurance and undeniable might of the Earth Dragon, filled him with even more joy.

"Well, brother, truth is i was somewhat busy myself, but as you said i tend to travel and i try to attend martial arts events i hear about. As of lately, actually prior to receiving Velo's message and beginning my trip to her estate, i was wandering in the Threshold, looking for young promising students and new experiences alike. During that time, i heard that a martial arts demonstration event would be organised in the vaunted city of Nexus, to celebrate the city's founding and thought that it would be interesting to attend. Turns out a lot of talented martial artists were invited there and the event was truly magnificent. Many well known sifus of the Immaculate Order were attending as well, and their demonstration of their respective styles was a true wonder to behold.

In addition to that a special event was held between two of the most renowned masters of Even Blade style, each with his personal interpretation and application of similar techniques and from what i found out, one of them maintains a respected dojo inside the city as well.

The main tournament was a great success and i had the chance both to demonstrate my - let's say - not so usually witnessed styles - at least not by one of our elemental heritage, suffering contemptuous looks from our brothers in the Immaculate Order and a lengthy discussion with the eldest among them after the event ended.

There were some unusual styles displayed as well, especially one which resembled much shipboard combat, and was aptly called "Seafaring Hero style" and another that imitated the behaviour and natural dominance in the insect kingdom, that of mantis.

I also met another famous dynast martial artist, who apparently was on leave from his usual duties and had a special invitation to the demonstration event. None other than the vaunted Tepet Yasal, the martial arts instructor of our glorious academy of war, the House of Bells. While still arrogant as i remembered him, his natural affinity for unarmed combat and his undisputed mastery over terrestrial hero style make him a truly fearsome opponent in such occasions.

All in all it was a fine tournament and a few of the younger martial artist demonstrated evident interest in learning my techniques. One of them, already the owner of a small dojo in the back alleys of Nexus, invited me to teach for a few days and after doing so, i promised him to return one day and see if he has mastered the basic katas and is ready for more complex exercises and techniques.

Other than that and while travelling along the coast to get a ship to the Blessed Isle i fell upon a young lady, executing with precision and much care her martial techniques, near the outskirts of a village. The form she assumed was a strange one, for even though low forms can confer stability and power as i'm sure you know much better than me, she almost seemed to fight prone. Wearing tiger claws, she was apparently mimicking the great cats of the East, something that she confirmed upon my inquiry. We sparred for a while and got to know each other a bit more for a few days, but while i cannot but acknowledge her mastery over her chosen style, i still find it unsuited to my personal taste. You see, my brother, this was a style of untamed savagery, dedicated to furious combat, with techniques concentrating on lightning fast maneuvers and devastating assaults.

Comparing it to my personally preferred and mostly practised Crane style, which imitates the wisdom of the ideal celestial crane, i find my techniques to be more concentrated in maintaining a balanced and compassionate approach to the essence of martial arts, as well as achieving my goals without causing unnecessary harm to others. What is more, i came to understand that many times the martial artist is a reflection of his style just as the style is an expression of one's soul. The lady i met possessed a truly strong personality and her views on personal combat were flamboyant and overconfident as well. A useful experience to say the least and one that i'll remember for quite some time i assure you".

Discreetly, Ishiro, lifts up the long flowing sleeves of his robe, as if to eat without risking to accidentally stain them, revealing to Daichi a couple of scars accross his forearm.

"Do not worry though brother", he continues smiling, "i made sure to leave the marks of my techniques as well, marks that may actually help her understand certain slips in her stance and openings in her guard".

Skybound Fencer
2011-01-16, 04:02 PM
Even though Ichiro had a lot to say about the subject, Daichi listened to it all, very interested in what his peer had to say. The various styles he had encountered... the Martial Arts tournament... that mysterious girl, which had managed to harm him somehow... Inwardly, the Earth Aspect sighed. If only he had more time to travel, as well... but no. He berated himself internally for thinking such foolish thoughts. His duty to the House came first, and he was happy with that role.

Once Ishiro had finished, Daichi, who had not eaten or drank during the duration of the speech, took another sip from his cup of tea, his eyes still staring at Ichiro.

"She must have been very potent, if she managed to harm you," he commented. "Sounds like you've had time to practice, then, Ichiro. It is good to know that you have not lost your edge - I would have loathed to see you weakened from your adventures. Would you perhaps entertain the idea of a spar with me later? It has been a while, and I would like to fight a worthy opponent, for once."

After having said that, he turned his eyes away from him, and began eating his food. However, at the same time, his mind already began planning the eventual duel - Daichi doubted Ichiro would refuse, unless he had a very good reason to. Even though he looked quite calm, his mind was already making schemes, planning moves and counterattacks and strikes, and worked as fast as it could.

2011-01-16, 04:57 PM
Ishiro nods towards Daichi, with a spark evident in his dark blue eyes.
"But of course my brother. You know that sparring with you is my favorite time of brotherhood reunions. I can only imagine what elevated techniques you have in store for me this time", he answers with a hearty smile and then proceeds to eat his food with renewed appetite.
Sparring with Daichi was the best training Ishiro had aside from sparring with his own sifu and the Earth Aspect's skill and prowess combined with his mastery over Earth Dragon style made him a great martial artist and more than a match not only for Ishiro but for most of the martial artist's he had met during his travels as well.

2011-01-16, 05:30 PM
"Ah, thank you, Velo." Nasaka tucks the pieces back in his vest, acquiring a light meal from the table. "Afterward, then."

He eats in silence for a while, listening to the martial artists planning their own version of a duel. That was another area he'd have to test himself in soon. It had been rather a while since he fought a serious opponent, and somehow he couldn't quite see Saera suffering from that problem. Either way, though, that could wait until they found An-Teng's Anathema. Already, he was working through possible strategies for the confrontation; fighting as a group again was going to be delightful. It was finding the elusive bastard that was going to be a problem; he lacked Velo's optimism in that area.

Noble Savant
2011-01-16, 06:08 PM
Dajem looked over the food for a moment, quietly bringing to mind the very long article he had read about proper dining manners. He began to eat mechanically, a glazed smile on his face. Dajem remembered, as a younger boy, being drilled rigorously by his elders, until he managed to do it perfectly. He hadn't been allowed to eat for several days, until he managed it. Cynis Velo's tableware was excellent of course, but it was slightly lacking.

"I wonder if I'll be punished for using a dark meat fork for white meat..." He murmured, slightly too loudly, breaking his self-imposed silence. Immediately, his face turned a faint shade of pink. "I m-mean-" he stammered, searching for words. "I mean, I wonder if we'll get to punish that Anathema for er..." His imagination failed him. "-using a a dark meat fork for white meat?" He finished, trailing off awkwardly, and staring pointedly down at his food.

2011-01-17, 02:42 AM

Amarr sits down and begins to eat, picking out the very best bits of the meal with quick stabs of utensils. Immaculate Monks were not supposed to eat very much. So Amarr just compensated by eating the very best bits. Made sense to him. He'd even dart in and take a particular good looking bit from one of the others plates, if they were looking the other way. Between mouthfuls, he smiled at Velo.

"If you aren't otherwise occupied..."

Amarr looked at Suki with a smile and a shrug.

"...I'd enjoy a game of Gateways. I have to be kept humble some how."

2011-01-17, 01:41 PM
Suki ate the food carefully, making a few small jokes at the table as he enjoyed one of the best meals he'd had in a long time. His recent exploits had truly emptied his coffers, perhaps he would be able to make some decent business deals while they where away and make up some of this losses. Of course, speaking of making money... "Come on. Why doesn't anyone want to play cards with me anymore? Takes less time then Gateway, and lets more then two people in on the fun. I'm sure it would be fun to do a small game together. No need to bet. Much."

Meanwhile, Marisa spent the meal babbling to her mother about all she did today, and about what kind of kitty she was going to get. The little girl was so excited about her upcoming pet she forgot to even touch the food.

Lix Lorn
2011-01-17, 01:51 PM
Saera paid careful attention to her beloved daughter, and not-so-gently tried to nudge her to eat.
"Marisa, if you don't eat something you'll feel ill tomorrow." she points out whenever there's space to get a word in edgeways.

Lucus Casius
2011-01-18, 11:53 PM
A servant stared with incredulity at Dajem as the Air Aspect muttered to himself, while several others tended to the rest of the brotherhood. Velo, of course, was happily chatting away with Amarr and Suki, as she does most everything happily.

"Of course," she nodded, hearing Amarr's request. "I'd love a game after we eat. Sorry, Suki." She grinned at him. "You know I only play if its strip, and I know how much you end up betting after a few hands of a "friendly" game."

She signaled a servant to bring out the Gateway set and set up a smaller table for Amarr and herself, then sat back and continued talking and eating.

It wasn't long before he returned, set up a nearby table, bowed, and departed. Velo nodded to him, then turned to Amarr, pulled the Air Aspect to the table, and began the game.

We'll be moving this along shortly. Consider all posts made before my next one to take place over the next several hours. Shouldn't be more than two-three posts of mine before you're fully on your way.

2011-01-19, 04:08 AM
Nasaka retrieves the pouch as soon as he is finished, appropriating a small side table. From the small cloth bag come several hinged and folded triangles of thin hardened crystal, and a flicker of green and white essence from the jade fragments in his wrists solidifies into a series of simple tools. The crystal segments are assembled into a miniature Gateway board in less than a minute, and his briefly ten-fingered hands lay out pieces of intricately carved black and white onyx. One of these days, when he wasn't quite so busy, he was going to have to find a way to remove the need for the table. He had his hearthstone and the windblade to study for inspiration and mechanics, so it was just a matter of time...

He nods to Saera with a grin, beckoning her over. For now, the game itself was more important.

Lix Lorn
2011-01-19, 04:28 AM
Saera grins. It's been a long time sine she last played Gateway, and it would be nice to test her skills once more.

Skybound Fencer
2011-01-21, 04:44 PM
Duty of the Earth, Compassion of the Water
The morning was still young as the Sun slowly continued its ascent across the sky. The vineyard of the villa-manse was as calm as usual, the grapes growing there peacefully. Yet, on the path that lead to the gigantic House, the two martial artists now stood - and the silence was about to be broken.

Daichi breathed in deeply, and stared at Ishiro, unblinking, while cracking his knuckles. "It has been a while since we've fought, hasn't it, Ishiro?" he commented, contemplatively.

The Water Aspect stood tall across from the Earth Aspect, and bowed in respect before looking up at him again. His hands were folded and the loose sleeves of his exquisite silk robe were flowing, following the whims of the gentle morning breeze. "Indeed brother, it has been quite some time." he responded with a smile.

Daichi stopped cracking his knuckles in response, and clasped his hands before his torso and bowed deeply. When he stood back up, his hands were folded across his chest. "I shall look forward to seeing the progress you've made, then. Shall you deal the first strike, as the challenged party?"

"My brother Daichi, I thought you knew better of me. Crane stylists never initiate hostilities. I would refrain from dealing the first strike even against an enemy, let alone an esteemed brother."

"Ah, yes, Crane Style...” he responded, his voice neutral. "Forgive me. I seem to have forgotten myself for a moment there. In that case..." With slow, deliberate movements, the martial artist extended his hands out before him as his knees bent slightly, bringing him closer to the Earth.

There was a minute of silence, as the two stared at each other intensely. Then, with no forewarning, the Earth Aspect's anima started shining around him, a simple, pale, yellow and white haze, and Daichi raised his right hand into the air. His face still neutral and collected, his hand seemed to grow twice its normal size before suddenly striking the ground. A rumbling sound was heard, and the Earth was split apart from that mere strike, opening what looked like a gaping maw, and the crack headed towards Ishiro at a blinding speed.

The Crane Stylist unfolded his hands and, suddenly, each of them held a majestic daiklave, with a hooked end, akin to the beaks of predatory birds. They shone as Ishiro extended his hands holding them, reflecting the light of the morning Sun. Both hands extended, as the wings of the Crane that Ishiro's style of preference emulated. Then, Ishiro knelt and suddenly brought them before him like a bird protecting his offspring. With a mighty sound, the crack heading towards the Water Aspect reached him but, for some reason, stopped before the protection of his "wings".

"Even Earth will not harm such a wise and beautiful bird as the crane," said Ishiro, while still knelt. "Hungry Earth Strike. Excellent move, Daichi." Then suddenly Ishiro got up, and launched himself into the air. "The Ebon Crane flies!" he shouted as he soared in the sky, before closing the distance to Daichi and striking him with full force, presenting the last instant of his complex aerial maneuver.

The Earth Aspect's demeanour remained calm, even as he witnessed his strike being so easily blocked, and even as he saw his opponent fly straight at him, he did not bulge from his position. In fact, his position strengthened further, as he clenched his fists and focused, his muscles suddenly becoming tense, his stance even more stable, even calmer. At the very last moment, he raised his hands before him, the strike hitting the Perfected Kata Bracers that laid upon his wrists, sending a shower of sparks flying. Immediatly thereafter, his stance switched again, his foot taking a step towards his still airborne opponent. Then, the child of Pasiap raised his leg suddenly and, with the force of a mountain, struck the Water Aspect in the stomach, sending him flying backwards.

Ishiro marveled at his brother's technique, sheer strength and endurance. Not only did he not flinch against an aerial attack, but he remained unmoved by the forceful blow, standing like a a true mountain. Then in the blink of an eye Daichi's foot connected with his body, and the force of the blow threw the child of Danaa'd a few yards back. The Water Aspect regained his balance immediately, however, and, responding to Daichi, performed a sweeping maneuver with his swords, one after the other, attempting to erode Daichi's defence by moving one of his hands out of the way, then successfully grasping his wrist with the hooked edge of his daiklave, while using the other to inflict a strong blow to Daichi's chest.

And this time, however, Daichi offered a reaction. His stance had prepared to defend against the strike of the Hook Daiklaves, but was seemingly taken by surprise as his hand is moved away - his eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly, revealing clenched teeth. However, even when disturbed, the Earth is unmoving and stubborn - and it is as resistant as the mountain, even in the face of the coiling, ever-lasting and powerful Water. Therefore, the anima of the martial artists started shining brighter, a low, grumbling sound began to be heard somewhere in the distance. And yet, Ishiro's strike connected... and was met with extreme, supernatural resistance, as the strike produced a metallic sound that echoed through the silent morning. From the bit of his chest that was struck, a shower of tiny, diamond-sharp rocks erupted. And, without so much as a word, those stones redirect themselves towards Ishiro's face, showering him with the strength of an avalanche...

When water strikes a mountain, rocks fall from the mountain and hit the water with great force. But the water is not harmed, for it is ever mutable, changing, and while one moment it may strike furiously, the next it may give way as easily as the grass swayed by strong air. In the end, all rocks that fall, dissipate in the vastness of water and the water is whole again. A lesson that Ishiro internalized and one that agrees with his own sifu's interpretation of the Celestial crane defense methods. Even though surprised at the redirection of the diamond-hard, razor-sharp stones, Ishiro used his black jade swords as great waves, upon which all things drown. Then, as the sea, he calmed and regained his stance. "Most interesting technique, brother, " the Water Aspect commented. "I have never witnessed any resembling it, even though I watched intently the Immaculate sifus at the Nexus tournament. Your enlightenment is most impressive."

"That Crane Style you wield..." Daichi responded, his voice low. "I can see the power behind it, and your mastery of it as impressive as it has always been. I commend you for that. But I've fought with you before, Ishiro. How do you intend to defeat me now, when Crane Style is such a defensive style? For it is sure that the Crane is magnificent and soars high in the sky, it must land once - and how, then, would it stop the mighty avalanche of the Earth Dragon Style?" He did not deliver a strike, but circled around his opponent, as he did the same, his eyes never leaving him for a second.

"I see the wisdom in your words, Daichi, and I must say that there is truth in them as well. The Crane style was not made to defeat opponents and give his stylist supreme reign over the battlefield. It was made to educate, to teach, to enlighten, without fear of injury for the student. Besides, it is a style that resonates perfectly with my personal view of Creation and my boundless compassion for most living things. Defeating you is something I will never aim to achieve, because, besides my usual beliefs, I also respect you tremendously as a brother and a fellow martial artist. I find your emulation of the Earth Dragon to be better than most Immaculates I have met, and I am certain that my techniques are not qualified to penetrate your impressive defenses. My purpose for sparring with you, apart from gaining valuable experience is also to improve you as well, by pointing out things regarding your technique and how it interacts with mine, in order to make you even better."

"Is that so?" the Earth Aspect answered, his mouth shivering into a lopsided smile."You are a wise man, Ishiro, that much is true. However, for all your wisdom, you should know...it is not with your compassion that martial prowess is achieved. It is not with defense that a war is won, but with attack, and as such, compassion should be thrown away." He raised his right leg vertically, holding it high above his head. Despite his awkward position, he stood quite still, still looking at Ishiro. "Allow me to demonstrate." With a sudden burst of speed, and as his anima glowed even brighter and the sound of an earthquake disturbed the stillness of the air, the martial artist slammed his foot onto the ground. There was an instant of expectation, and then, the Earth started shaking violently, the vineyards dropping some of their grapes on the ground due to the sheer force of the impact.

"The Earth obeys you as readlily your own hands and feet, Daichi," the Water Aspect retorted, jumping into the air and landing on top of a thin branch from a nearby tree, standing there in perfect balance, perched as a Crane. "You siphon tremendous elemental power through your style and therefore your approach to battle is accordingly altered. But I do not believe that martial prowess is achieved by compassion, for that would make inherently weak, in terms of physical combat, all those with none inside them. I believe that compassion is a way of life and promotes peaceful coexistence. Thus, I seek not to harm those who would harm me but only to impart certain lessons upon them, lessons that could remain with them and, if at all possible, reshape their life.”

The Earthquake slowly settled down as Daichi folded his hands before his chest once again and looked up at Ichiro, a frown on his face. "It is all well and good to teach," he answered, "but no battles can be won in such a way. Martial Arts, as the name implies, are the arts of War. In War, the strongest survive, and the weak die. There can be no survival without aggression, and peaceful coexistence will never be possible!"

"Alas, that is the regrettable state of Creation, my brother," Ishiro answered, shakind his head, "for we live indeed in the aptly named Age of Sorrows.No more the Glory of the Shogunate. Now all, people and exalts alike are on each others throats in games of power, wealth, supremacy. And so many threats, gathering ominously like vultures above Creation. Not least of whom the resurgence of the demonic anathema who we hunt, loyal to the protection of Creation and its people. But having peace in your mind and serenity in your soul can sometimes help you to provide that which is missing in current times, and this makes you valuable. Anyone can pick a sword, and anyone can learn to fight. Many can become good fighters, even leaders of armies, attain prestigious status by triumphing in martial tournaments and leaving their opponents crippled husks of their former selves. But not all have the kindness of soul to defend what needs to be defended, without losing their selves into the very conflict that rages around them. We were chosen to make a difference. But each one chooses for himself how he will carry out this divine mandate."

Daichi rolled his eyes in response. "To make a difference? Oh, yes, we were chosen to make a difference, indeed. But the kindness of your soul...it hinders you. It slows you down, hides your true potential. There is no need for it. It is not with defense that this Age will be rewritten by our will, but with attack! I will follow House Mnemon until the bitter end, and nothing more, for that is my role, my way of life. I have no need for changes or compassion - there is only my duty!" With that, he rushed towards the tree upon which Ishiro was perched, and punched the trunk with his open palm. The wood immediately dilated and exploded before the mighty strike, and Ishiro's perch started to crumble and fall.

Ishiro nodded understandingly. He knew Daichi and respected him, but felt that somehow he must have suffered intense stress and pressure from his House since he was young and that has led to his current character development. He felt no ill against him and, on the contrary, wished he could help him to somehow not be so hard on himself. But, long ago, Ishiro had learnt that to be a true friend to another is to accept him as he is, and not try forcefully to change him. Find the best elements in him, and then improve them. Thus, your friend will become better and you will be happier without invading the core of his personality.* Daichi's thunderous strike brought him back from his thoughts and Ishiro, spreading once again his arms as wings to the sky, touched down, behind Daichi, easily and turns to face him once again. "I believe that your message has been clearly understood, brother," the Water Aspect said, folding his hands inside of his sleeves once more, and I appreciate that you demonstrate a most impressive consistency of martial techniques and respective philosophies. Your words reflect perfectly in your actions and, as such, you truly are a master upon yourself. I bow to your peerless internalization of the Earth Dragon, Daichi. It is the Dragons blessing to count you among my friends and brothers, and not among my enemies."

Daichi instantly turned around and stared at Ishiro for a while, not sure what to make of his sudden surrender. His desire to be peaceful about this frustrated him at first...but then, he understood. Of course, he had just won a duel with Ishiro. But not with his fists...with his words. Suddenly realizing that, he relaxed his stance and clasped his hands and bowed once again. "I see," he said as he stood back up again. "I see that we have reached a level for which we do not need to use our fists to do the fighting for us. I understand...this is also a part of Martial Arts, as well. You have truelove mastered the art of teaching, I realize, if even I was taken aback by one of your lessons. A most enlightening experience, I believe. Thank you, Ishiro. I have learned much from this, though I would still like to fight you at your fullest one day. Perhaps another time, then..." With that, he nodded, and turned away, heading back into the manse, his head filled with the words of the other martial artist and the things he had learned from this experience. A fight it had been...though not of fists, but of minds. Interesting. Only a martial artist of Ishiro's caliber was capable of bringing this amount of reflexion into him, no matter how foolish his words were. The duty went above all else, of course, and his words about compassion and kindness left the Earth Aspect cold, as usual.

After all, duty had just triumphed over compassion. It always has, and it always will.

Noble Savant
2011-01-22, 06:30 AM
As the meal ended, Dajem, struggling to juggle a thick sheaf of papers and his other implements. Though his face was half-concealed by the equipment in his hands, you could clearly see the excited smile on his face.

The back of the house was had the perfect area to begin his work. There was a small, raised platform in the middle of the garden. Nodding quickly, he began the process.

Dajem pulled out a series of chalks, of varying colors and thickness, and began to meticulously drawn out the summoning circle, and the smaller, more complex circle where he would stand. As he worked, he began to pour essence through his hands, leaving the chalk-lines as faintly glowing trails on the ground. When he was done, he stood for a moment, to examine his work. The two circles were similar in design, being perfectly round, with an elegant pointed star drawn inside each one. Runes of Old Realm surrounded the outlines, and stylized pictures of the elements were nestled between them. His own circle had an additional set of runes around each cardinal point of the star.

Next, he concentrated on the message he would send to his would-be servant. The dragon lines of essence would spread his message to the elemental, calling him to this place. "Most glorious of Artisans," Dajem intoned, his voice confident and powerful. "You are called to serve by the Princes of the Earth. You have the chance here, to create a true work of art, under my guidance. To work under me and use your skills to their fullest."

As the message sped away, a bright blue ball of essence to his sight, running along the dragon lines away from him, Dajem began the longest period of the ritual. He began to murmur quietly in Old Realm, directing the flows of essence between the five cardinal points of his own summoning circle, watching a faint reflection of the used essence appear in the second circle. As the hours began to tick away, the area began to be suffused with the deep green of Wood Essence, eventually becoming faintly visible to ordinary sight.

The chanting began to wind down, as the four hour mark approached. "By Pasiap and Hesiesh! By Daana'd and Sextes Jylis! By Mela the First Sorcerer, I bring you into this world!" He finished, raising his arms.

And now, he had to negotiate.

Lucus Casius
2011-01-25, 04:18 PM
Velo allowed Amaar to get the upper hand at first in their Gateway game, before quickly turning the tables and smashing his defenses with her ever-effective strategies. Giggling as she took his Dragon, she absolutely laughed when she looked up and saw him with most of his clothes removed. It was Strip Gateway, after all, and Amarr had lost.


Dajem's summoning is a complete success, though it takes him many hours. One by one, the artisans appear, almost as if they were summoned by magic.

Oh, wait. They were summoned by magic.

In any case, the willowy creatures rose in the circle, each watching the sorcerer. Two were smaller, younger in appearance, their color showing birch and cherry hues. The third was larger and older, stronger seeming and more experienced, his body oaken-carved.

They waited patiently for the Dragonblooded to speak, having been defeated in the contest of wills when they had arrived and eager to learn just what art the man proposed to make.

Noble Savant
2011-01-27, 03:46 PM
Dajem grinned widely, his face flushed with pride and shining with the sweat of his exertion. This was when he felt most alive, working his magic. This was something he could do, and he could do well. He was proud of himself, for once hardly thinking about his duties to the family. This was his small personal victory. At that moment, to any watcher, Dajem was radiant, looking at his best, shining with rarely scene confidence and youthful joy.

"Excellent! This is the time for us to bring into being a great work of art, as promised." With a small flourish, Dajem whipped out a quill, pen and paper, rapidly beginning to sketch the airship as he had planned it. After a short while, he presented his work to the three Artisans, beaming.

It was a fairly small ship, carved in the shape of a longboat, wide enough for perhaps three people, but many times as long. It was long and fluted, with gentle curves and whorls that, aside from being decorative, would conduct the wind perfectly. Along the sides, instead of oars, was a great amount of wide, triangular sails, three in each vertical row, stretching to the end of the ship. Small partitions sectioned the ship into four separate parts, allowing the group to have a modicum of privacy if they so wished.

"This is the task that we all will undertake, my fellow Children of the Elements. This ship is going to fly, and it's going to do it before these two weeks are out. For that, I need your skills, and I need materials." He nodded at them, his voice firm and determined. "This is what I require of you, Artisans. This will be my great work, and yours. Art, but useful art."

Lucus Casius
2011-01-29, 02:19 AM
The Artisans examined the design carefully, calmly discussing the design amongst themselves as the Oaken one jotted down notes using Dajem's pen. Overall, they proclaimed it a good design, but did note one or two improvements that could be made, primarily in the size of the ship and ideal placement of the sails. Other ideas were more artistic, as could naturally be expected from elementals of their type.

"We will require supplies if we are to complete your ship," the Oak said quietly, handing the design back to Dajem. "Enough should be found tonight for us to begin construction. With your permission, we will depart to collect it."


Yawning, Velo stood up from her seat. The sun had set completely after your long games of Gateway, and the Manse was now illuminated by candles in the walls. Dajem had been outside for some time, but, judging by the clear affects of his anima out the back window, he was still attempting his summonings.

"It was an interesting game," she said kindly to Amaar. "But I'm a bit tired after playing for so long." The woman giggled again at Amaar's half-naked form, then turned and walked over to Suki, a playful smile on her face. Leaning on to him, she whispered in his ear. "You could join me in my room, hmm? It's been a while, and I'm interested to see if my cousin taught you any new tricks..." She paused for a moment, glancing at Saera. "...Actually, bring her along too, if she wants. She always did have fun at the parties."

With a wink and a smile, the Wood Aspect turned away, heading up a nearby staircase. Two servants glanced at each other, both barely suppressing a chuckle. Others stood quietly nearby, ready to lead you all to your own rooms.

Skybound Fencer
2011-01-29, 04:58 AM
After winning the duel against Ishiro, Daichi had much to think about - and so, he entered the room where the others were again, and stood there in silence for a long while. He stood in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest, deep in meditation, watching the game of Gateway Naseka and Saera were playing but only partially paying attention to it. His mind was too occupied internalizing the things he had learnt during the spar.

When he was finally done, he realized that night had fallen. He blinked once, then looked around. Oh, good, the servants were ready. He would have work to do tomorrow - he realized it would mostly be paperwork. After all, he still had some matters to deal with before going on this mission. The Earth Aspect did not like paperwork, but he knew that it was a necessary part of being a Dragon-Blooded - a necessary part of serving the House. Thus, he did not complain.

He stood up from his chair, and cracked his knuckles before walking towards one of the servants, not bothering to look at him but fully expecting to be led towards his room.

2011-01-29, 06:14 AM
Ishiro, after the duel with Daichi, stayed out for some time. He needed to reflect on several things and he needed to calm down after the exertion of the sparring with his brother. So he meditated for quite some time, in the shade of a tall tree, bringing himself once again in unity with the flows of Essence around him, feeling once again even more a part of Creation.

Then he stood up and practiced several of his katas and forms, reveling in the solitude and serenity of the natural scenery around him. These exercises though were not the ones Ishiro had been observed to practice usually. These were different. There was no expression of majesty or compassion in them, but the emulation of one of the most sly and deadly animals. The celestial snake. Quick maneuvers, lightning fast attacks and parries, sinuous movements that belied his actual power and almost hypnotized those who would look upon him, coupled with more esoteric techniques that fortified his body, and gave his hands the aspect and qualities of a deadly serpent's fangs. Twisting himself and being aware of all around him, responding with exceptional speed and grace to any potential attack, darting forth unrestricted as an uncoiling snake of the East.

It was a style Ishiro rarely used, but one that he would need to practice to perfection, if he was to confront that Anathema and assist his sworn brotherhood in the epic task of eliminating it and protecting Creation from another menace. When he finished his practice, he went back to the house, requesting to be led to his quarters and to get a hot bath as well. The day had been long and he needed some rest and relaxation.

2011-01-31, 09:38 AM
Suki smiled over at Velo, giving her one one his old, mischievous lopsided grins. "Of course, make yourself comfortable Velo, I'll be up shortly." He said, before scooping his daughter into his arms who giggled loudly as he tickled her side. At her mothers insistence she had devoured the food, and was now obviously dozy, as she gave everyone a silly smile as her father took her into her arms and give her a gentle kiss on the check. "Saera, will you put our little princess to bed? If you want to come up afterwords, I'm sure we'll enjoy the company."

Lix Lorn
2011-01-31, 10:06 AM
Saera nodded with a smile.
"Of course."
She went over to him, gently taking Marisa and kissing her on the forehead, before taking her to whatever place had been arranged for her tonight-but not before casually calling to Suki and Velo that she'd 'be right up.'

2011-01-31, 04:55 PM

Amarr retired to his room at the invitation. The Stereotypical thing to do would be to forswear the bed, and meditate for the night. Amarr had tried it before. Just made him tired and irritable, and usually stiff. He retired to bed, and immedietely fell asleep. He snored terribly loudly, for anyone curious.

2011-02-01, 07:31 PM
Nasaka smiles contentedly as they finish the game, carefully dismantling the board and wrapping up the miniature pieces. This was what being back with the brotherhood was supposed to feel like. All the rest, important as it may be, would come later.

The clear glow of Dajem's anima brought certain duties back to mind, however, and he called to Saera before she left. "Leave your wings with me, if you don't mind; I doubt you'll need them tonight, but if Dajem's little experiment doesn't go well, you'll certainly want them in perfect condition then."

Working by candlelight had never bothered him, as long as there was enough of it; much of the elegant beauty in artifice was only enhanced by the gentle flickering light, and even when he wasn't responsible for anyone else's belongings, it was a rare night on which he went to bed without first carefully inspecting his own. He allows a servant to lead him to a room, in the hope of quiet at least, but the multicoloured glow of his tools flickers under the door for several hours before he retires to bed, the upcoming expedition lending him additional caution.

Lix Lorn
2011-02-02, 11:17 AM
She paused at his voice, and called back. "Oh, my thanks. They're in my room, feel free to come in any time." she says with a grin.

Despite her teasing, she will bring them down before heading up to Suki and Velo.

Lucus Casius
2011-02-03, 04:40 PM

Your time at Velo's manse passes quickly as you enjoy the company of your brothers, each in your own way. Saera and Daichi have their own, rather amusing anecdote after being sent to both Dragonsmouth, and the Imperial City, in Velo's place in order to gather supplies and inform their old captain about the new travel arrangements. Dajem himself manages to complete the project with the help of the Artisans, creating a rather beautiful longboat of sorts and summoning several air elementals in order to carry the ship in lieu of a proper engine.

Within 11 days, you are prepared to depart. Stepping on the ship Dajem and his elementals built, you take to the skies, flying quickly for An-Teng.

Go ahead and describe your trip here.

Skybound Fencer
2011-02-04, 07:42 PM
Daichi stood on the deck of the ship. He was looking over the horizon, his arms crossed before his chest. He did not move an inch from his spot for several minutes, his chest barely heaving due to the rhythm of his breathing. Then, he closed his eyes, and remembered.

He remembered how he and Saera had been sent to the Imperial City in order to make the necessary arrangements for the trip. It had been an...eventful trip - though of course, that was an euphemism. In the Imperial City, something very strange and peculiar had happened - and the Earth Aspect did his best to block that aspect of the journey out of his mind, for he would rather had never had been a part of it. But it was a thing of the past now, even though he knew Saera would certainly not forget that easily. That damnable woman.

He remembered how, when they both came back, he had witnessed the ship being fully built. It was extremely impressive, how quickly the Iselsi Sorcerer had managed to do such a feat. Well...for a member of a fallen House like the Iselsi, that is. But still - he was his brother, and deserved praise just as anybody else. And thus did Daichi compliment Dajem - which, in his language, pretty much translated to a nod and a pat on the shoulder - and then moved onto the ship.

And now, the long journey towards An-Teng had begun - there would be time to talk with his brothers later. At the time being, he felt like a little meditation was needed. After all, he was so far from the Earth he was so used to, now, and was closer to Mela. Ah well. It would only be 11 days. He would not crumble for such a short period of time.

Lix Lorn
2011-02-04, 08:19 PM
"Daichi!" comes a voice from behind him, feigning exquisite surprise. "Why, imagine finding you. I was just walking the ship." she says casually, in a tone that makes it quite obvious that she's lying. "How are you, love?" she adds, draping a hand on his shoulder.

Skybound Fencer
2011-02-04, 08:46 PM
Oh, no. Not her. And he was just about to enjoy a nice day, too.

The Earth Aspect sighed with exasperation, grabbed the woman's hand and took it off his own shoulder, before turning to face Saera. Speak of the devil, and she comes running, they say. Whoever first said that, however, had apparently forgotten to precise that thinking about the devil also has the same effect. He sighed for the second time as he looked at her.

"First, don't call me that," he retorted, his voice calm but firm. "What do you want, Saera?"

He knew, all too well, that when Saera came to him with that "jolly" air about her, it spelled bad news for everybody involved. And here, he already had a good guess as to what that conversation would be about...

Lix Lorn
2011-02-04, 08:48 PM
"I'm sorry, honey." she says, playing the part of an apologetic wife. "I didn't realise it upset you. And why, I need a reason to spend time with such a good friend?" she adds, with a pretty smile.

Skybound Fencer
2011-02-04, 09:04 PM
Daichi stared at the Fire Aspect. He blinked in response to her words - once. His brain was working very quickly in response - what was her game at this juncture? What was she planning? And why was she doing it?

"Please, Saera," he answered, his demeanour still collected. "I know you all well. TOO well. I know you wouldn't have come here without a good reason. Drop the act and tell me what you want."

Considering the unstable nature of Saera's personality, Daichi decided it would be best to play it safe for now. After all, the ship was made of wood - sending Saera flying into a rage at this juncture would be counter-productive.

Lix Lorn
2011-02-04, 09:12 PM
She merely smiles.
"Why, want, my dear? I merely want to spend time with a member of my brotherhood. Is that so strange to you?"

As always, her words are honeyed. Poisoned honey.

Noble Savant
2011-02-04, 09:30 PM
Dajem stood at the back of the ship, his face flushed with pride and the slight chill in the air. The ship unfolded marvelously before him. It was a magnificent feeling, feeling the ship take to the sky, and now to watch it gliding along like a ghost, cutting through the air. He rubbed along the fine grain of the wood, glowing slightly to his sight with the essence of Wood, thanks to the tireless efforts of the Artisans he had summoned. He watched the other trails of essence around him the thick cables of Air that flowed around the ship and off towards their destination.

Here, so close to his native aspect, he could feel the power he and his brotherhood had at their palms. It was a glorious feeling, at times like this, he knew with perfect clarity why the Dragon Blooded host was fit to rule over all Creation.

Things were sublime now, as he had known they would be, when he had rejoined the brotherhood. He could feel the respect he had won from them with this endeavor. Even Daichi had, in his own cool aloof way, (one that Dajem admired so very much), shown his approval. The honor of his house was surely so close to being restored now. He could already hear his elders heaping praise upon him.

Now he could relax, for just a moment. He had earned a bit of rest. He had spread out his books in a large pile inside his little hold of a room. Nested in the middle of them, he pulled out a large, weighty book and Western Dialects, and began to read. Picking up languages was easy for him, it probably wouldn't take him very long to get it down perfectly. Sighing in utter content, he leaned back, turning the pages of the book lazily as he read.

Skybound Fencer
2011-02-04, 09:34 PM
The Earth Aspect sighed once again. All right. He had had to deal with this kind of mood before. Daichi crossed his arms once again, and glared at the Fire Aspect - an unblinking stare with a slight frown.

"If you want to do that," he said, turning his back on her once again, "Then surely you can do it in silence."

It wouldn't be that easy, Daichi was fully aware. That damnable woman was very insistent. And, well...with what had happened to them, she had an edge on him. He was also fully aware of that, and detested the situation. Oh, but he would have his revenge, one day. One can strike at the Earth until it becomes nothing but stones and tiny rocks, but there will always be more waiting.

Lix Lorn
2011-02-04, 09:38 PM
"Companionable silence!" she agrees. "Couldn't have said it better. Love."

She throws her arm around his shoulder and attempts to kiss his cheek.

Skybound Fencer
2011-02-05, 09:33 AM
But the Earth Aspect was certainly not about to let himself be touched and kissed by a woman - and especially not Saera. With a firm shrug of his shoulders and a step to the right, he managed to avoid the kiss. Luckily, he was taller than Saera, so that factor had helped in breaking her embrace, as well. But al the while, he hadn't actually looked at the Fire Aspect - Daichi simply continued to examine the horizon, his eyes half-closed and looking almost bored.

Of course, inside, he was still pondering the best course of action. Obviously, Saera had decided to taunt him for his earlier weakness. Well, Daichi certainly wasn't about to run away from his mistakes. At least, he hoped she would be smart enough to not set the ship on fire during her childish endeavour.

2011-02-05, 12:00 PM
Ishiro stood at the back of the airship, looking absently at the scenery unfolding below them. His brother Daejem had managed no small feat in creating such a marvellous means of transportation in so short time. Of course Ishiro would prefer to travel by boat, the closer to be to his element of natural affinity, the ever flowing, ever shifting, ever changing, peaceful and savage, in the same time, water. But this would have to suffice for now and he tried to enjoy the view as much as possible. As they travelled, he took some time to examine and familiarize hiself with his latest artifact, a magnificent serpent sting staff, constructed from black jade, bearing engravings resembling waves and sea-serpents upon it. His growing expertise in Snake style drove him to seek a more fitting weapon resonating with the forms, katas and concepts of this martial style. Therefore he used up his free time before the journey to An-Teng, to request such an artifact from his family vaults of House Peleps.

His growing reputation as a martial arts sifu as well as the announcement of taking up a Wyld Hunt, convinced his family to allocate additional resources to him. In addition to that, he offered to teach several young members of the household the ways of martial arts, earning thus their collective support for his endeavour.

Seeing his family after a long time was good. Especially discussing with his parents, sleeping in his childhood room after many years and looking upon the painting he had years ago commisioned to one of the greatest artists of the Realm. It depicted Ishiro alongside his sworn brotherhood, during a moment of joy and happiness, after their original bonding and everytime Ishiro looked upon it, he drew strength to continue on with his life as a Chosen of the Dragons and protector of Creation. To this end they now travelled to An-Teng and Ishiro prayed to Daana'd that he would assist his brothers and sisters adequately in cleansing the Realm of yet another danger.

Lix Lorn
2011-02-05, 01:28 PM
Saera laughs, the sound like tinkling bells, and steps up to him again. She doesn't say anything, but just remains as a presence just behind him. :smallamused:

Skybound Fencer
2011-02-05, 05:04 PM
The Earth Aspect stood quite still for a long, long while. He felt the stare of the Fire Aspect piercing through his back, and slowly began to understand her plan. Ah, so she wanted to wear him out with fatigue? What a foolishly childish tactic to use to attempt to annoy Daichi. That Saera...what a fool she could be, sometimes. Certainly, she was a powerful warrior and was dead-set on following her ideals unto the end - an admirable trait, were it not for the foolishly idealist nature of her ideals - but yet so narrow-minded.

After a while of this charade, the martial artist turned to face the woman. This time, he indulged in an arrogant grin. You will never break me, the man thought as he smiled at Saera. The Earth will never give in. I made a mistake once. But never again. He repeated those thoughts over and over as he plunged his gaze into hers, fighting her without the need of words.

Lix Lorn
2011-02-05, 05:52 PM
She stared right back into his eyes, her gaze burning with cool intensity. Her face fell into a slight half-smile. She didn't consider this an actual battle. She was just having fun with him.

Skybound Fencer
2011-02-05, 08:57 PM
Daichi kept staring at the woman for a long, long while. The man barely blinked, and his smile did not bulge an inch - the intense training he had been subject to for all of his life had given him great patience and impassibility. However, that time...yes, he had failed. He had been ensnared by her prowess, and he hated her for it. Hate...no, that wasn't the right word. The Earth Aspect could not hate any member of his brotherhood - he had far too much respect for them all, and hate was a sentiment he reserved for one person and one person only - his wretched wife. Saera wasn't worth the trouble, nor really deserving, of hatred. Though he did feel annoyance the mere moment she entered the scene.

Finally, after a long moment, Daichi raised his right hand up and rested it on Saera's left cheek, after brushing aside a strand of her hair. He continued to stare at her for a while in this manner. Then he brought up his second hand to rest on her right cheek, and...

...strongly pinched both of them at the same time.

The Earth Aspect indulged himself yet again, and grinned - a brief flash, that was gone as soon as it had come. Then, he withdrew his hands into the sleeves of his gi, and simply, wordlessly, walked away from the Fire Aspect. He would withdraw to his quarters for the time being - he had some things to ponder about their mission.

Lix Lorn
2011-02-05, 09:16 PM
Most of all, Saera was amused by this. It certainly didn't feel like him.
Excellent. A good start, she mused, heading to her own room.

2011-02-06, 07:17 AM
Standing at the rail, wearing armour and blade again for the first time in weeks, Nasaka gazes down at the disparate elementals carrying the ship with muted appreciation. He still wasn't entirely certain this was going to get them all the way to An-Teng without an unfortunate - for most of them - fall from the sky, and the number of bound elementals the task had required was rather excessive, but he couldn't help admitting it was a rather clever way of getting the brotherhood across the Inland Sea.

Drawing his daiklave halfway from the sheath, he studies the deliberate grooves and cracks in its surface, relics of its long and determined history. He knew it had been broken and reforged twice before, earning its current name, and quite aside from its more direct uses, he found the enduring white jade shards an excellent tool for focusing meditations on his element. His breathing slows as he follows its lines down to the unseen tip with his mind's eye, and his pupils briefly dilate as his awareness extends around him, pulling in minor details and filing them away as quickly as they appear. Now that they were finally underway, his thoughts had returned to ways for dealing with the Anathema, and that meant he wanted new options.

Saera's... game with Daichi filters through his peripheral vision before he can seek her out, and he remains where he is, watching the clouds pass by. Something new there. Friendlier? Perhaps. But a stronger bond between my cousin and any of us is a good thing, regardless. He gives no indication that he has noticed, however, merely waiting until they are finished before following Saera back to her room. A few seconds after she enters, he knocks twice, not waiting for a response before he pulls the door open and steps inside. "If you have a little while..."

He falls silent briefly. Harder to ask her for help than I thought. Can't just word it like that...

"We may want some different tools at our disposal, for this one. More effective coordination. I thought you might enjoy it if we could crack the entire battlefield deep enough to bury this Anathema and whoever's hiding him in a burning pit, but alas, for that, you would have to give up a little knowledge of the appropriate methods of Essence manipulation." He taps beside his eye with one finger, the dilated pupils making his appearance even odder than usual, and grins slightly.

Lix Lorn
2011-02-06, 09:25 AM
Saera looks at him bemusedly, and then smiles widely. "Why, if you want something from me, you only have to ask. No need to hide your request in a cascade of complex wordings and nebulous metaphors."

2011-02-07, 04:44 AM
Nasaka chuckles, dropping his hands to his sides. Whether she'd understood him or not (and he rather suspected she had), it seemed sufficient, somehow. "I'm speaking of the Dragon Vortex Attack, of course. It should only take me a day to learn it from you, if you can spare some time from teasing Daichi. We could make An-Teng's dislike of Anathema literal, as it were. And we could likely both benefit from a sparring session or two."

Lix Lorn
2011-02-07, 04:49 AM
She laughs. "Oh, that I can most assuredly teach you, if you have the strength of essence necessary. And I'm sure you know that I never turn down a sparring session."

2011-02-07, 01:49 PM
"Hah, if my essence were any more refined I would start turning to stone. I've no doubt I can learn this one. Perhaps I can even teach you a few things in return, although if we're going to spar, we'd best do so off the ship." He taps the moonsilver clasp at his belt with a wicked grin. "Dajem would be heartbroken if you set fire to his masterpiece."

Lix Lorn
2011-02-07, 01:57 PM
"Wouldn't want to break Dajem's heart now, would we." she laughs.

Ironic, all things considered.

2011-02-08, 05:07 PM

Amarr spent most of the trip in a hammock slung up on the deck napping, and enjoying the Sea Breeze. He didn't concern himself with his fellow Dragonblooded all that much. He might have claimed to be meditating, but he didn't. In fact, he spent most of the trip snoring.

2011-02-10, 06:38 PM
Suki spent most of the trip with his daughter, entertaining her proved to be a full time job. She insisted on bringing her new little black kitten with them on the trip, and carried the creature everywhere with her. The few moments Suki did get alone where spent in quite contemplation. A kind of melancholy had fallen over him recently, unusual in the normally active and friendly Dragon Blooded, causing him to spend much of his free time alone, in quiet contemplation.

Lucus Casius
2011-02-13, 03:05 PM
Your journey by air nears a close as you near the City of the Steel Lotus, having chosen to bypass the cities of Dragon's Jaw and Salt-Founded Glory in favor of heading straight to the seat of the Realm's satrap. The Airship lands on the outskirts, in a clearing near a large poppy plantation. Surprisingly enough, it appears as though your arrival was expected in this way. An elegantly-dressed man approaches, surrounded by a small guard wearing obviously ceremonial armor. He stops, making a short bow as he waits for you to step off the ship.

Skybound Fencer
2011-02-13, 03:53 PM
The trip was finally finished, and Daichi thanked the dragons for it. It had been long, especially considering he was so far from his natural element, the Earth, and his mood had worsened over time (mostly due to having to deal with Saera's shenanigans, the other part was dealing with the rest of the party's). He had, however, managed to keep a cool head all the while, for he was used to it all at this point. He, however, was the first to get off the ship, and a slight smile appeared on his lips as his feet touched the Earth once again - then it faded away, leaving not a trace behind.

Once off the ship, the Earth Aspect watched the elegantly-dressed man bow before them, and he clasped his hands together in return and slightly reclined his back - a curt bow, at best. As he usually did, however, Daichi did not speak first. It was considered polite to let diplomats and ambassadors speak first while in foreign countries, and the Dynast would make sure that House Mnemon's reputation was not tarnished. Further, surely somebody else in the Brotherhood would speak. Probably Saera, considering that woman simply cannot keep quiet.

Lix Lorn
2011-02-13, 04:03 PM
"Ah!" said Saera, stepping gracefully to the ground. "Our thanks for your meeting us; but may I inquire as to who you are?"

2011-02-14, 01:34 PM
So, the ship really had brought them all the way here. That was interesting. Although he'd spent plenty of time off it on the way here, that was just another kind of flying, and as much as he enjoyed the activity, it was nice to be back on land. Stepping onto the rail of the ship and walking down the air to the ground, Nasaka stands to one side and returns the man's bow in equal measure, unsure of his station. He lets Saera handle the talking, for now; as much as he strived to surpass her, he had come seeking her in the first place in order to find a leader he could trust, and he still considered her one.

2011-02-14, 01:52 PM
Ishiro stepped out of the ship, after congratulating Daejem for the exceptional skills he and his elementals displayed. They had arrived now in An-Teng and their task was ahead of them. He silently prayed that they'd be ready for it and would once again contribute in the cleansing of Creation from yet another dire threat to its integrity. Ishiro took his equipment with him, neatly put in a backpack and returned the bow to the man who met them upon their arrival.

Noble Savant
2011-02-14, 07:21 PM
Dajem marched off the ship, his head held high, his face still flushed with pride at the successful landing and Ishiro's praise. Waving his hand, he told the elementals that their task was done for now. He didn't want them wandering around and causing trouble, and they wouldn't be willing to stay and fly them back.

He was feeling happy, his studies on the ship had gone remarkably well. There was something... calming, about being up so high. Even with the rest of the group on-board, he had been able to relax, to enjoy some moments of pure silence.

As the armored group approached, he stiffened, nervousness taking over again. He hung a few feat behind the group, huddling uncomfortably within his voluminous robes, examining the armored knights. This was odd, unforeseen. How had anyone known they would land here at all, let alone at this day?

2011-02-15, 04:43 PM
Amarr stepped off the boat as well, having changed into a clean set of robes. Instead of looking slightly scruffy, with a good natured smile on his face, he appeared serene, and dangerous, his bald pate on full display. He stepped off the boat as well, and nodded to the represenative, waiting for him to speak.

Lucus Casius
2011-02-19, 01:44 AM
The man straightens up, and you get your first good look at him. He appeared quite young, barely out of his teens. Lithe, moderately attractive, with rather delicate features standing in sharp contrast with the rougher guards nearest to him, his bearing and manner all signified him as being, or at least considering himself as being, someone of importance, albeit someone of importance who is still not entirely comfortable with the heat of An-Teng. His skin had a faint bluish-white tint, and crystal-blue eyes watched as each one of you stepped off of the ship before finally focusing on Saera.

"Greetings," he replied to the Fire Aspect, making a polite welcoming gesture. "I am Ragara Soras Tetsuo, the eldest son of Satrap Ragara Soras Jor. My father was informed of your mission here, and sent me to meet you and see that you are properly accommodated during your stay. If you are willing, he also requested that I take you to meet with him before you begin your search, so that he may better provide aid to your noble cause."

Lix Lorn
2011-02-19, 08:53 AM
Saera gives a slight bow in return, a slightly amused smile on her face.
"I am sure it would only be an honour." she says silkily.

Skybound Fencer
2011-02-19, 01:41 PM
Daichi listened to the man well, his arms crossed before his chest and his hands lost in the folds of his long sleeves. The eldest son of the satrap...still inferior to a full-blooded Dragon-Blooded from the Realm, but certainly a man of importance. He - or rather, they - would have to thread carefully with this one. Furthermore, they were still of House Ragara, and House Mnemon had always had a close relationship with them, as they are both blessed by the will of Pasiap, the Earth Dragon. Daichi would have to make sure to act properly - no big problem for him, of course.

"We should go see the satrap, Lord Ragara Soras Jor, immediatly," the Earth Aspect suggested to the rest of the group with a calm voice. "The sooner we can get started on searching for the Anathema, the better our chances of finding him will be."

After all, they had already taken a while to get to their destination, but it was capital that they got started on their mission before the Anathema became aware of their arrival and became even more careful, rendering himself - if that was even possible - even harder to find.

Of course, no matter how hard he would try, the Brotherhood would still find him, for they were endowed with the power of the Dragons and him with the meager power of demons, but the Earth Aspect was a practical man, and liked to do things quickly and efficiently.

2011-02-20, 12:56 AM
"Our thanks for the hospitality," Nasaka adds with an amiable nod. "I'm sure meeting with the Satrap will be most useful, and have no objections to an immediate meeting if he has the time." It wasn't as if he needed time to make himself presentable, after all. And Daichi was right - their arrival certainly wouldn't go unnoticed, so they oughtn't waste time.

2011-02-20, 07:36 AM
Ishiro nods respectfully to the young son of the local Satrap, acknowledging his position of authority. He remains calm as usually and follows the rest, while trying to observe as many things as possible from the city of An-Teng.

Lucus Casius
2011-02-24, 01:16 AM
Tetsuo nodded, seemingly pleased with their decision to go to meet his father immediately. "He will have no objections, I believe." He smiled. "If you will follow me, then."

The man turned, guard falling in around him, and began walking towards the city, apparently expecting you to follow.

Skybound Fencer
2011-02-24, 01:52 AM
Daichi glanced at the rest of the brotherhood, and nodded. It was difficult to tell whether he was pleased by this turn of events or not, since he kept his expression perfectly neutral as always, but the most attentive ones could tell his steps seemed a little lighter as he walked after Tetsuo. Even though he kept those feelings secret, he was glad to be able to work with his brothers (and sister) again. And, hey, at least he was far away from his wife.

2011-02-24, 02:47 AM
Nasaka takes a moment to center himself before following, streamers of invisible essence briefly trailing around his head as he extends a sixth sense outward. There was, after all, no reason not to begin the investigation immediately, and while he didn't expect to get that lucky, he might still find a place to start. He says nothing, however, following along as though he had not done anything at all.

Lix Lorn
2011-02-24, 11:46 AM
Saera merely follows, her slightly superior smile never leaving her face.

2011-02-27, 03:18 PM
Suki walked along as well, quietly watching everything unfold, content for the moment to let the rest take the lead as he observed and thought silently to himself.

Lucus Casius
2011-03-07, 08:14 AM
Tetsuo leads you out of the fields, and you soon enter the city. Opulent buildings line the entrance, outside- and inside, in many cases- of which you can see and hear merchants crying out their wares, selling numerous rare and valuable items. You see Velo waving to a couple of them, likely old friends and contacts of hers. In the distance, near the center of the city, rises the Palace of Threefold Magnificence. Its stunning frame- lapis, gilded teak, and mother of pearl- shines brilliantly in the sun's light, seeming to cast its own rays over the city.

Tetsuo pays attention to none of it, simply leading you through the city until you reach the door of a large manse, albeit one not nearly so extravagant as the Palace is. Pools of water in a symmetrical pattern surround the building, and you cross a small stone bridge that rises over a particularly large one in order to reach the entrance.

Tetsuo opens the door and allows you all to enter. Waiting for you in the parlor is a tall, sallow-faced dragonblooded in his early fifties or sixties with dark hair, wearing white robes embroidered with gold and gems. He nods his head politely as you enter, then motions for you to sit down. Tetsuo, after a glance from the man, bows and departs.

Regara Soras Jor leans forward, examining you quietly for a moment before speaking. "I'd like to discuss pleasantries, but I must meet with one of the princes at the Palace soon. He always becomes angry when I keep him waiting." He shook his head, a faint, half-mocking smile on his face. He looked as if he found the idea amusing.

"In any case... you are the group who came here to hunt down the Anathema?"

Lix Lorn
2011-03-07, 09:49 AM
"Correct." says Saera, with her own half-smile still there.

2011-03-07, 10:04 AM
Ishiro had a good time so far, looking around the city, and keeping in his mind as best as possible the details about its layout, its buildings, its people. As they arrived, he observed with interest the palace, then the manse, taking an apparent liking to the symmetrical water pools surrounding it.

He bowed slightly to their host and responded, calm and kind hearted as ever.
"Indeed we are, honourable scion of House Ragara. Thank you for being here to recieve us. You live in a very beautiful city indeed".

Skybound Fencer
2011-03-07, 05:11 PM
Daichi did not look around the city as they walked. In fact, he did not even turn his head left and right - he simply kept his gaze in front of him, his mind already completely focused on the task ahead. The mere mortals around him were of no consequence, nor was admiring any sort of architecture a worthwhile activity. They would soon have to hunt an Anathema, and the Earth Aspect made sure he was ready for that aspect, both mentally and in the planning aspect. Of course, he was already ready physically - he always was.

Once they arrived before the Ragara Satrap, the Mnemon nodded as well, and sat down as instructed - as usual, he looked tense and serious even when doing so. He examined the man before him rapidly - he did indeed have the marking of his aspects, though perhaps in a slightly lesser fashion than Daichi himself. Of course, it was difficult to do better than the Earth Aspect's breeding, but still. At least it was a proper Ragara Dragon-Blooded, unlike his...

Daichi frowned, and pushed the thought away. Even the mere, fleeting thought of his wife, however, managed to make his mood fouler. He kept a straight face on regardsless.

"Yes, Lord Ragara Soras," he added politely. "Please, tell us the information we need so we can get started as soon as possible."

Quick. Efficient. Polite. Everything a Mnemon needed to be, and everything Daichi was.

2011-03-09, 07:27 PM
"Indeed, Satrap Ragara." With a short bow, perhaps a shade higher than appropriate, Nasaka takes the indicated seat.

"We have heard this one is particularly elusive; presumably as a result of that, this is about the extent of our knowledge. Has anything else surfaced during the time of our voyage?"

Lucus Casius
2011-03-16, 12:03 AM
Ragara Soras Jor inclines his head in polite acknowledgment of Ishiro's compliment, then turns to the two who asked for information. He regards you for a brief moment before speaking.

"It is unfortunate, but I have received very little information on the movements of the Anathema. Rumors pop up here and there, of course. Some say that he, or she as the case may well be, takes refuge with one of the local spirits. Others say he wanders outside of the cities, managing to avoid our patrols despite our best efforts to capture him. Then you have those who claim that the Anathema is simply invisible at all times." He smiled that same mocking smile, before becoming serious again. "Of course, given what we have, they may well be right. We simply don't know."

"However... we can suspect. Not even those who can be invisible are capable of leaving no evidence of their passing." He drums his fingers together. "We suspect that there are citizens of An-Teng aiding the Anathema, both in the cities and the countryside."

Skybound Fencer
2011-03-16, 01:55 AM
Daichi kept his gaze firmly on the Dragon-Blooded in front of him. He apparently had very little information on the Anathema, as advertised, but the Earth Aspect had not expected that he wouldn't even know of her/his gender. That would prove to be problematic... however, his last sentence didn't surprise him. That happened often, be it in Immaculate Texts or in reality.

"Yes," he replied, nodding slightly. "The Anathemas are known for their power of persuasion over the weaker minds of the populace. That is not surprising."

He blinked once, then added :

"Are there any specific households, or families, that you suspect have been aiding the Anathema?"

And if so, he added mentally, perhaps we could pay them a little... visit.

Lix Lorn
2011-03-16, 08:18 AM
"Treachery." scowled Saera. "I'm sure we can solve that problem too."

2011-03-16, 11:49 AM
"It is logical. The Anathema are not known for following up on their promises, but those promises could still be very tempting for certain folk. It could also be abusing the misplaced trust of its former family." Nasaka steeples his fingers, looking up at the Satrap carefully.

"There must be something, however, or we would not know there was an Anathema at all. What has this one done that initially brought him to your attention?"

Lucus Casius
2011-03-28, 03:35 PM
The Satrap answered Nasaka's question first, sighing and shaking his head. "Caravans attacked, especially those carrying goods that could be used for military purposes. All questioned survivors say they saw nothing more than flashes of golden light. After placing tighter guard over them, important goods and documents began disappearing from the homes and offices of prominent members of the local government... myself included. Smaller signs, whispers in the populace..." He shrugged. "It all points to Anathema."

Turning to Daichi, he nodded, handing him a sealed document. "In this is written the names of households suspected of assisting the Anathema, as well as where you may locate them."

He stood, making a short, polite bow to them. "I wish you luck in your hunt."

2011-03-28, 04:47 PM
Nasaka stands as well, returning the bow. "The same with your duties. This should be quite helpful, thank you."

"Military supplies, government documents... I do believe our Anathema may be dreaming of rebellion," Nasaka murmurs once they are outside. "But before we discuss this further, it would be wise to find a place where we can take measures to ensure we are not overheard. I don't suppose any of you have anything to help with that?"

Skybound Fencer
2011-03-29, 12:56 AM
Daichi stood up as well, and bowed deeply.

"Thank you for your time, Lord Ragara Soras," he said. "We will have that Anathema killed soon."

Once they were outside, he, too, waited for an answer to Nasaka's question, thinking about what they were just told. They didn't have many clues, aside from the list of names, which Daichi immediatly opened and looked at once they were all together.

Lix Lorn
2011-03-29, 04:05 AM
Saera peers over his shoulder at the list.

2011-03-29, 06:08 AM
Ishiro steps closer, extending his thanks to the Satrap and awaiting to see what clues they might find from the list.

Noble Savant
2011-03-29, 11:29 AM
Dajem shuffled forward nervously, smiling carefully at the group. "Well er... I b-believe I have just the thing f-for a private conversation. I've been wo-working on it for a while, and I just got it wo-working while we were on the ship..." He tried to sound confident, and glanced at the o,thers especially Saera, trying to gauge their reactions.

2011-03-29, 12:34 PM
"Excellent, excellent. What would be best? Open space, or should we find lodgings? Which cities are those names from, at that? We don't know how much of an area we'll need to cover, but that list might be a little help." With the casual air of one completely unaware they're doing anything unusual, Nasaka climbs an invisible spiral staircase, stopping at an imaginary balcony several feet up to survey the city for a likely location.

"Rather nice place, isn't it? I can see why people visit."

Skybound Fencer
2011-03-29, 04:31 PM
Daichi barely paid attention to what the others are doing, too preoccupied with the list, though he did listen to their suggestions, especially Dajem's. As he spoke, the Earth Aspect slowly raised his eyes to look at him. His stare was slightly unnerving, as it didn't blink and seemed to pierce right into the Air Aspect's soul.

"If you have something in mind," he said, his tone neutral, "then please take us there swiftly."

His eyes lowered themselves on the list again, and only there were they allowed to blink, once, before scurrying the paper once more.

Noble Savant
2011-03-29, 04:54 PM
Dajem shied away from Daichi's stare, biting his lip nervously. "W-well Daichi. It's n-not quite a 'the-there'." He said, managing a wan smile. "I c-can do from r-right here." He closed his eyes, breathing deeply, letting the moment come. He couldn't afford a mistake here. He raised his hands in front of him, spreading his fingers. A faint wind rose, playing gently across his hands, tiny gentle gusts forming and beginning to orbit around him. He brought his hands down, discharged all the wind at once, his heavy robes flaring around him for a moment. His next words seemed to reach the mind's of the brotherhood directly, without bothering with their ears. "With One Mind."

Dajem watched the group carefully, wondering if it had worked. With the effects of the charm, the others were able, for once, to hear his mental meanderings. "I wonder if it worked... Maybe I should of practiced more. The essence flows are tricky. But it seemed like such a good opportunity, and I'm sure Saera would have loved it... She always liked it when I showed her my tricks back in school..." He began to lapse into recollections of his time at the House of Bells, he remembered things in great detail, especially at any time when Saera was around. He could continue for quite a while, staring into space. Unless someone decided to interrupt his thoughts.

Dajem will use With One Mind on the group, obviously. Even Suki.

2011-03-29, 05:07 PM
Amarr is curious about this sensation, as he finds himself embedded in the minds of the other Dragonblooded. His own thoughts were strange, and vaguely opaque. The seemingly lazy Monk didn't appear to be thinking of anything besides poking around in the others head. He smiled at Dajem's reminisces.

"As pleasant as accompanying a stroll down memory lane might be, perhaps we should focus. Are we sure we can trust this fellow? He may be simply using us to dispose of political rivals."

Amarr's face showed nothing more then sarcastic amusement.

2011-03-29, 05:26 PM
Even from his removed perch, Nasaka finds it difficult to keep a straight face as Dajem's fluff filters through. A flicker of mingled irritation and amusement makes itself felt as he explores the link, still scanning the city. Keep a tighter rein on your thoughts, Dajem. If that's what the inside of your head looks like, it's a wonder you can bind elementals at all.

Still, while this is quite convenient, perhaps we shouldn't stand around on the Satrap's doorstep while we have our discussion. I believe I see a fairly empty park; if we're not going to find a place to stay, we should at least relocate. Descending his imaginary staircase, he tilts his head in the general direction of the open area.

So, we have missing caravans of supplies, stolen government documents, and a list of possible sympathizers. The Satrap said heavier guards on the caravans discouraged the attacks, so it's possible the Anathema isn't particularly strong, but it's also possible that he had simply acquired all he needed. If he robbed several caravans, though, that's plenty to store, and he'd need a place to store it - unless, as I suspect, he plans to foment rebellion, in which case the supplies would be distributed to his sympathizers. Really, the biggest problem here is the potential area for the search. Do those lists have enough information on the locations of the potentials to limit the range we're looking at?

He pauses at Amarr's question, with a faint shrug and the mental equivalent of a sigh. I suppose it's a possibility we should take into account, although it would have to be a fairly extensive operation to yield any fruit. We'll want to confirm the locations of the caravan attacks anyway; if there are holes, that's a likely place for them to show up.

Skybound Fencer
2011-03-30, 05:39 AM
Daichi was not even surprised to find that their minds were now linked. After all, Dajem might be from a shadow of a family, but he was still a valuable asset - him knowing such a Charm was not something to be concerned about. The Earth Aspect's thoughts were as cold as marble, and focused on the task at hand. Humongous walls of Earth met anyone who tried to pry upon his thoughts, for his resolve was strong and he knew how to hide what he didn't want the others to know perfectly well. His thoughts were not chaos, but order, and even though he was working very quickly to solve the situation, there was no panic. Only perfect, eery calm.

"You are right as always, Cousin Nasaka," he answered through the mental link, as he followed the other Mnemon. "We will perhaps need to split our forces in order to cover a larger area. I do not know how far this link can stand, but if it can hold for that long, then we will be able to share information instantly. This will be an useful tool."

He brought up the list before his eyes once again, and read it mentally, sharing it with everyone in the group instantly - and with no "noise", either, since he was perfectly focused, unlike Dajem.

Lix Lorn
2011-03-30, 07:12 AM
Saera's thoughts were sharp, like a white hot razor blade, and tinged with a slightly superior amusement. Although she appears to be mentally kicking herself about something...

2011-03-30, 09:20 AM
Ishiro opened his mind to the rest of the Brotherhood. He had no secrets from the anyway, and his thoughts were akin to the deep and calm ocean, exerting a serene influence upon those who would want to tread through them.

"We must not overlook the fact, that this Anathema possibly possesses allies or potential sympathizers in the vicinity, either by honest feelings or by foul sorcery and imposition of his will upon them. It could have created even a network of individuals at his service, aiding to its cause and this could hamper our efforts to locate and restrain the Anathema. If there is need to split up in order to cover more ground, I'll be fine to accompany any of you.

Lucus Casius
2011-04-01, 04:21 AM
The list is written rather simply- merely names and locations, with little else that could aid you- but seems to indicate a rather large number of suspected families and individuals around An-Teng. Of these, several were crossed out rather boldly, but others have asterisks next to their names, drawing your attention to them.

Amongst these asterisked names are:

*Kios and Vosei wiithin the City of the Steel Lotus
*Noven in Salt-Founded Glory
*Mir and Losta in Dragon's Jaw

*Swift Redress, Luxova, and Areii in Sapphire
*Unflinching Glove and Grannis in Prosperous Garden

*False Coin and Dososha in the Jade Plum Citadel

*The Golden Lord on the Pinnacle of Mercy
*The Pale Mistress on the Shore Lands
*The Serpents Who Walk Like Men in their Dwelling

The list also makes note of several families spread in the country between the cities, normally of little consequence though possibly worth examining.

Skybound Fencer
2011-04-02, 03:33 AM
Once Daichi finished reading the list, he paused. His thoughts were mostly blocked for everybody else, but he slipped a few times, and those paying attention could catch a glimpse of his thought process which was, much like himself, very organized and tidy. So they were spread all around the country, not just in this city. Having to track them all would require more speed and time than they had. Therefore...

"It appears we will not have the time to visit every location," he suggested through the mental link. "That is because those places are too spread out from one another - seeing to them all would allow the Anathema to spread his influence further. Speed is key, here, my brothers and sisters. Therefore, I suggest the following : we will go, as a group, to see the people within the City of Steel Lotus - Kios and Vosei. With luck, we can get the information we want out of them - I doubt they won't be scared enough of us to keep their secrets for long. If not, then we will have to spread out in tiny groups and find a way to move around the country quicker."

He paused. "Does that sound acceptable?"

2011-04-02, 04:23 AM
My, this is quite the wide list. Families across the entire country, and both local gods. Although that last might be just casting stones... but then again, they wouldn't be fond of the Dragons, would they? Nasaka muses for a while, trace thoughts of travel times and presence flickering across the link.

Yes, I suppose we should start with the locals. But it would likely be better to split into two groups and contact both simultaneously. Even in the City of the Steel Lotus, eight of us will stand out, and if they are collaborating, we don't want one to warn the other. If we are lucky, we can secure conversations with some of the higher-ranking matriarchs...

Lix Lorn
2011-04-02, 08:00 AM
Saera nods.
"Seeing to as many of them as possible seems logical." she says coolly. "Splitting into two groups makes a lot of sense."

Skybound Fencer
2011-04-02, 09:03 AM
Daichi ponders the idea for a while, then nods.

"Indeed, splitting into two groups would be for the best,seeing as we have much ground to cover," he said mentally, his tone neutral, refusing to admit he had made an oversight. "In that case, let us decide now how we will split the groups. It would be more efficient to send two balanced groups, in regards to abilities, though a fight is unlikely to break out. Any ideas in that regard?"

2011-04-02, 03:48 PM
Nasaka falls silent for a short while, turning his mind inward and closing off his thoughts from the group. Certain aspects of this reasoning were probably best not to share. After a minute, he nods, opening the link again. Suki, Saera, Daichi, and myself. Velo, Dajem, Amarr, and Ishiro.

How far will this link carry, Dajem?

Noble Savant
2011-04-02, 06:19 PM
Dajem flushed with embarrassment as he was knocked out of his reverie, his thoughts going very briefly muddled and confused "Oh. O-of course. I'm t-terribly sorry. I must learn to c-combat this effect" He said, even his mind voice stuttering, and briefly fluttering into a complex pondering of the essence fluxes involved in the charm. He listened mostly quietly to the rest of the conversation, his thoughts drifting only occasionally, into odd tangentially related subjects. These include the customs of the City of the Steel Lotus, Saera, his airship, Saera, a treatise on proper investigative procedures in the Shogunate, and Saera.

"Ah... N-no need to wo-worry... This will last for quite a while, and up to a m-mile can be be-between you and m-me, before the link i-is broken."

Skybound Fencer
2011-04-05, 01:42 AM
Daichi listened to Nasaka's suggestions, and his spirit visibly flinched for a while, the walls of stone cracking before becoming whole again. So he was to be sent with Saera? That was not a pleasing thought for him at all, but... duty was stronger than feelings, always, and therefore he would've to endure her.

"Very well," he said, if a little reluctantly. "If nobody objects to the group they're in, then, I suggest we get going as soon as possible."

He waited for them to raise eventual objections in silence.

2011-04-05, 06:06 AM
"Indeed. Time is of the essence in such cases and the Anathema has already a considerable head start".

2011-04-05, 10:51 AM
Suki, I don't suppose you know anyone in town that could point us in the right direction?