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View Full Version : 4E - Helpless Rant But Maybe You Can Help

2011-01-06, 06:12 AM
So, tomorrow night was going to be the final big battle and the party was going to find out what was behind the madness that was our campaign for the last year...

However, due to the flooding in northern Queensland See here if you are interested (http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/breaking/2011/0106/breaking4.html) one of our players is stuck there and cannot make it down for the game... understandable, but annoying to my wonderfully laid out plans.

So, everyone else is coming tomorrow and now the session that I had planned has to be postponed until everyone is safe back in Brisbane.

The party previously had a member that was consumed by a Lamia who then went off and sought out some items that the party were out hunting. I had planned for a short encounter before the big battle where they fought their former friend turned Lamia.

So now I am thinking that I am going to turn this into the entire sessions plot... but how to do that?

Should I run some skill challenges to get the players to track him down? Should I make a series of Lamia-related-monster encounters leading up to a showdown with the Lamia? Or should we just do a one-shot for the night, maybe with the Tomb of Horrors I got for Christmas??!!?!?

Cast your vote now...

2011-01-06, 09:27 AM
How much time do you have? Tomb of Horrors will require your players have time to make new characters.

The New Bruceski
2011-01-06, 10:05 AM
Have them adventure through a swamp filled with Aussie zombies?

Christopher K.
2011-01-06, 01:56 PM
I'd suggest one-shot, as this sounds like the kind of dramatic moment that the unavailable player might enjoy. (Depends on this player, really, but I'd assume so)