View Full Version : In the Plains of Yl (IC)

Frog Dragon
2011-01-07, 04:08 PM
It is a fairly normal day in central Tren. The plaza is a bustle, and while there are some unusual things around, there is always something, and people in this part of the world have come to expect a little color in their daily lives.

As of now, a white-clad priest has hauled a soapbox near the central fountain of five marble horses, each spouting water from its mouth. The white-robed man, wearing the black pendant decorated with 5 rays of light associated with some sects of Lumina. He has started a passionate speech and is aggressively proselytizing for converts.

"The light is your savior! And the shade it casts is your refuge from evil!" Most people seem to be scoffing at such speech, and simply going about the daily lives, excluding a few who have sat down on the ground to listen to the speech, forcing people to circle around them. "How can you not embrace the glory of that which allows you to live?" The priest continues, continuing his speech too quickly to allow for an answer. "Listen, my brothers and sisters!" He now seems to be aiming his words at the bystanders who are doing their best to ignore him. "Follow the Light and be saved!" This must be the aggressive conversion undertaken by the Illuminated here, annoying many and worrying some. Such tactics may mostly serve to annoy, but too many shall heed the call in some people's opinion.

Ignoring the proselytizing priest in the central marketplace, one will see many other things more worth he average market goer's attention. In fact, most things in the Tren central plaza are worth one's time. Space in the plaza is valuable, and would not be bought for shallow purposes.

Of course, some people get priority. Like the mercenaries from Belrondar supplying the men and women who watch the streets for crime and disorder. Their white brick house, an odd one, both a public service and private mercenary company, is situated prominently at the end of the plaza, just by the road leading directly to the majestic brass-domed palace overlooking the plaza, as if designed to draw the attention and impress those who would seek the guards' help. As of now, they seemed to be short on numbers, as a note was plastered to their wall, large letters at the top of the note reading "Hirelings wanted!".

And of course, in addition to all the other shops, catering to the needs of the many, from food to fine carpets, there was the eternal classic of all adventuring. The tavern. A sign above the door of the rather shack-like inn, likely deliberately made so for atmosphere, read, "The Bountiful Plaza".

All in all, the plaza is a rather colorful sight, each establishment tailored to the senses of their owner. As such, the styles varied dramatically from shop to shop, causing the place to seem slightly chaotic for the lack of ways to tie everything together. Still, Tren, the greatest center of trade in all of Kree, had certainly earned its reputation.

2011-01-07, 06:13 PM

Wandering among the various stalls and displays set up across the plaza is one more oddity that seems to fit right in by being just as different as everything else. A large, shining golem with a reptillian cast and metallic wings appears to be browsing through various vendor's wares, looking at an eclectic mix of items. Stopping and examining well-crafted things of all sorts one you assume it was simply looking for something specific for it's master, if one weren't paying much attention. It never glances at the preaching priest or any of the crowd unless they get in it's way, or get too close.

If one were paying attention, they would notice the surprise shared by all the merchants when speaking with the construct, and it's clear intelligence. And it's autonomy, as it moves from baubles and ribbons to heavy armor to silver craft to leather work, with no goal readily apparent.

Eventually it makes it's way over to the white brick house and the advert for help. After taking a moment to examine the notice, the house, and the guards, it strides forward to the nearest guard. "You are shorthanded. Am curious about this, and what you need more hands for. And what compensation is being offered." It speaks in a low rumble, void of emotion, stating simple facts.

Frog DragonLaraek is currently under the effects of all of it's invocations, and always is (except for magic insight). It renews them every 12 hours (or whenever it expends magic insight to identify something).

This means he is constantly under the effects of endure elements (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/endureElements.htm), see invisibility (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/seeInvisibility.htm), has blindsense (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#blindsightAndBlindsense) to 30', darkvision to 60'.

Laraek will be looking through the various items on display, with detect magic up the entire time. If anything magical catches his eye he will ask about it, then identify it, using the magic insight invocation. Unless you've got something special he finds, the only thing he is currently looking for is a Heward's Handy Haversack. Sufficiently nice Masterwork items may catch his eye enough to examine them, and perhaps talk to the owner, but he probably won't buy anything at the moment.

2011-01-07, 08:58 PM

From one of the side streets, an unusually grumpy young man emerges. He is heavily built, in a squarish barrel chest fashion, and his skin is dull bronze, as if tanned from long hours under the sun. Short, messy black hair crowns a plain-looking face, and frowning dark green eyes constantly glance around for potential trouble. A stiff bronze scale cloak hangs from his back, covering a small backpack of supplies.

In the hustle and bustle of the plaza, he is just one more unassuming figure, that easily fades into the background (unlike the attention grabbing Dragon Golem yonder). In fact, he could easily be mistaken for a common labourer- were it not for the fact that he is decked out in stony gray crystal armor, and carries enough weaponry to outfit a small squad.

The man takes a brief walk around the plaza, noting the important buildings and trying to get his bearings right. He was new in town, but was trying his best not to show it, least he become a target for pickpockets and the like. Not that he had much money to steal- he had spent much of his coin just getting here, but what little Dovyl he had left was the difference between a bed in an inn, and a night on the streets.

Once he was satisfied with his explorations, he walks over to the Belrondar building, hoping there would be ready work available. Lo and behold, an advert was up on the wall! He stands before the poster, and takes in its contents.

2011-01-08, 06:48 PM
Lakarr'n (Lack arrren)

It was probably fairly normal to see a plate mailed person walking through the streets, though it would be fairly odd for them to be a gnoll. But such was Lakarr’n and walk through the streets he did. He didn’t bare any insignia anywhere on his armour, shield or anywhere except on the signet ring that hung on a chain from around his neck, it bore the mark of the dwarven clan he was raised in, by a dwarven Doctor who had found him wandering in the mountains as a pup. The people in Tren expected to see odd things now and then, they probably saw them all the time it after all was the greatest centre of trade in all of Kree. So the full plated gnoll wasn’t really an issue just another oddity in a bustling market of oddities, rare finds and general junk.

He needed some gold to further his travels, he had thought to sign up as a caravan guard, but it hadn’t sounded that interesting, though he had heard about the mercenaries from Belrondar and how they were looking for people. He was headed in that direction when a white clad priest baled him up.
“Turn from the darkness and embrace the light! Without the light, you are but blind in the darkness, follow the light!”
Lakarr’n looked at him slightly amused and curious.
“I'm sorry, I already follow the light, the light of the purging flame that burns away sickness and pain and many other things that we normally don’t want burned, but such is the nature of a two edged sword with no handle. If in darkness do you not light a torch? And sometimes do you not need to stand in the shadows to better see the light? Also, I can see in the dark, that kind of invalidates your argument sir, so if you’ll excuse me...” he made to continue on his way.

2011-01-10, 01:49 AM

Threading her way through the crowded plaza with practiced ease, Dacien drank in the sights, sounds and smells of the place, savouring the experience. The only thing to spoil the experience was the constant proclamations of the white robed priest. She sighed with mild annoyance. The disciples of the Illuminated seemed to be on practically every street corner these days; indeed, it seemed she could barely step out of her inn room without someone try to convert her. Still, what could you do about it, other than try to ignore it? Which is exactly what I'll do right now! Trying not to let the priest spoil her good mood, Dacien ran her fingers through her silvery-blonde hair, worn loose for a change, and laughed at the sky. For the most part she was ignored as people went about their business, but she did draw a few glances - some admiring or curious, others envious or lustful. Dacien smiled. It would be a sad day if she didn't manage to turn at least a few heads.

Moving through the plaza, Dacien contemplated her options. It felt slightly strange to be wearing adventuring garb and weapons again after a couple of months of downtime. She adjusted the falchion sheathed slantwise across her back, beneath her cloak and backpack. Still, the new clothes felt good - comfortable knee-high boots, light woolen hose, leather skirt split up both sides for mobility, lace-up with shirt with plenty of pockets, and a fine weather-proofed cloak. Dacien hefted her coin-purse as she walked for perhaps for the fourth or fifth time this morning. Enough for a week at most if I keep up my current lifestyle; maybe three weeks if I move to cheaper inn and watch my spending carefully. She sighed to herself. Careful spending was something she'd never been good at.

Enticed by the smell of food, she stopped at a vendors stall and purchased a skewer of braised beef, onions, and sweet peppers. Eating carefully, she couldn't help but let her eyes wander towards The Bountiful Plaza. Maybe a quick drink... and who knows what adventures I might find in there? Dacien finished her meal and began making her way towards the tavern, when something unusual caught her eye. There was a metallic dragon-man outside the Belrondar building... a mage's construct, by the looks of it, but with no apparent signs of its master. Curious. The "Hirelings Wanted" sign also caught her eye. Mercenary work... ugh. :smallyuk: Still... prehaps a short term contract, if it's interesting enough? I can always ask there first, and head to the tavern if it's no good. She abruptly changed directions and headed towards the white brick mercenary headquarters. Today was going to be interesting - she could feel it.

2011-01-10, 11:30 AM
Chas O'Malley

Three steps forward, one step left. Three steps forward, one step right. Two steps forward--an orphan seated on the ground stood in the way of Chas O'Malley's third step, listening to the evangelist. With his foot perched precariously in midair, Chas weighed his options. He could try to step over them; however, he knew that a stretching stride would technically be more than one step. He could circle around them to the right, but he had just gone right and didn't want to throw off the pattern. He could strafe to the left, but that's a step too early...

About to fall, Chas is forced to plant his foot in a halting, stumbling step to the left. A whole step early, he scolds himself and shudders at the thought. Regaining his composure, the troubled man straightens the collar of his shirt and continues. Three steps forward, one step right. Wait, no, it's all wrong. Now I've taken 11 steps forward since the last cart. One step forward, one step left. Three steps forward, one step right. Chas lets out a content sigh, happy that he has regained his pattern.

Immaculately pressed shirt and pants, Chas stands out from the crowd like a sore thumb, even without his strange route. He averts his eyes from all around him in attempts to distract himself from the sea of uneven knots, crooked buckles, and mismatched articles of clothing. However, the chaos overwhelms him, and he enters into a white brick building seeking a moment's shelter. He doubles over, hands on his knees, and attempts to regain his breath.

Frog Dragon
2011-01-10, 02:04 PM
The note on the Guardhouse wall (Xaine)

Hirelings Wanted!

Theo Zindar, under the employ of the Nabach mercenary company, requests bodyguards on a mission to negotiate with the Aeral tribe south from Tren. The pay will be 50 Teryl in total, to be distributed among those who take up the mission. The group is to prove their competence to the mercenaries of the house before undertaking the mission.

The note is signed: Marquis Nabach

The guard looks at your slightly warily, clearly at least mildly surprised by the appearance of a winged humanoid dragon robot. However, it also seems that he has seen odder things, and calmly answers. "50 Teryl to be distributed among the takers." he points back at the note. "Go inside, and watch it with the wings."

The priest shoots the gnoll an incredulous look, opening his mouth only to be cut off by Lakarr'n's comments. "Do you know the significance of metaphor?!" The priest loudly asks, but can't get more out of his mouth before Lakarr'n starts disappearing into the bustle. The priest grumbles, and continues. "We see here again! The subversive threat wishing to turn us all from salvation!" He shouts as he wades through the crowd.

You can see the winged construct conversing with the guardsman positioned at the door, along with the young man reading the note on the wall.

Luckily for you, the inside of the guardhouse is much more quiet and clean than the plaza outside. The room you enter, containing a door to a back room, a comfy looking armchair in the corner of the room farthest from the door, and a staircase upwards turning about 90 degrees in the middle of the length to accommodate for the corner in the wall. A mahogany hybrid of a desk and a counter resides taking up one end of the room, extending behind the staircase, having a chair both in front and behind it.. The room is empty of people except for one person behind the mahogany hybrid of a counter and a desk. The person seems way past his prime, at least in his fifties, his neck-length hair already grayed down from age. Still, even as he shuffles through his paperwork, he carries himself with the quiet dignity of an advanced age, taking over ten seconds before taking note of Chas from behind the round frames of his glasses. He looks up slowly, and finally speaks "Do you want something?"

2011-01-10, 04:02 PM

Nodding slightly for the information, Laraek heads towards the building's entrance. The Aeral? Should the rumors prove to be true they should have some interesting items and lore. And Arriving under the flag of negotiations will likely grant me multiple opportunities to judge for myself. Yes, this could work well.

Standing before the door it flares its wings slightly, stretching them, before heading inside. The wings disturb nothing, their movement leaving it's vest as clean and unwrinkled as it has been all morning. Only those without wings assume that we are not careful with them. I pity them.

It stops just inside the door, looking down at the man hunched over in its path. Laraek gazes down at him for a moment, its metallic face naturally devoid of caring or curiosity or scorn, before stepping out of the doorway and into the room. Scanning the rest of the room, Laraek directs its voice towards the bent over man, "Do you require assistance?" Laraek's dull orange eyes brighten slightly as they land on the older man at the desk. It nods to him in greeting, waiting for a response from first man before approaching the older.

2011-01-10, 10:12 PM

Dacien wanders up to stand near the young man reading the notice and quickly scans it herself, noting that the strange construct has entered the building.

"50 Teryl!" she exclaims. "Those must be some pretty important negotiations." She ponders the notice, tapping one well-manicured finger against her lips. Important in Tren always meant money. If they're willing to spend that much on bodyguards, then someone is planning to make a decent profit somewhere... still, why hire independants? Why not hire from within the Nabach? The thought intrigued her - this mission could be more than it seemed at first glance. Plus, she'd never heard of the Aeral tribe - but that didn't concern her, there were dozens of tribes living out on the Plains. The requirement for proof of competence was of no surprise - if the Nabach were paying that much, they'd need to know they were getting value for money.

Nodding to herself, Dacien pulled out a leather headband to tie back the hair from her face, and with a swish of her cloak sauntered towards the door. "Good day," she said cheerily to the guard, showing him a bright smile. "I'd like to apply for the bodyguard mission."

@Frog Dragon:
Just FYI, Dacien currently has Mage Armor cast on herself, in case it becomes relevant; and all her masterwork/magical equipment has her Arcane Mark cast on it.

2011-01-11, 05:01 AM

"50 Teryl to be distributed among the takers." he points back at the note. "Go inside, and watch it with the wings."

Xaine, suddenly looks up from the poster and glances around, while reaching back to check on his cloak, before realizing the guard was referring to the Dragon Golem. He returns to reading the poster, when...

"50 Teryl!" she exclaims. "Those must be some pretty important negotiations."

...a shrill voice from the right breaks his train of thought. He turns his head to give an annoyed glance at its source, but his expression quickly shifts to wide-eyed wonder, when he sees the blonde stunner (OOC: Ha!). He stares for a long while, as she cheerily ties her hair and walks into the building- undoubtedly to apply for the 50 Teryl job.

It takes him a few moments (and a Moment of Perfect Mind) for him to collect his thoughts: The blonde was right, 50 Teryl was a lot of money. Although the fact that it would be split equally amongst all the bodyguards, meant that it was either meant to attract a legion of basic grunts, or a small handful of more experienced mercenaries. And right now, he wasn't which they were looking for... or even what category he fell under- he hadn't had very much actual combat experience beyond the sparring sessions with his teacher.

Still, if he was ever going to make a name and fortune for himself, he had to start somewhere, and this was as good a place as any other. Hoping that the qualification trial wasn't too arduous, Xaine checks his belongings (and his cloak) before walking into the building, and joining the growing crowd of applicants at the reception.

Xaine will have bound Naberius to disguise his wings.

Binding Check for Naberius: [roll0] vs DC 15

2011-01-11, 10:31 AM
"Do you want something?"

Chas raises a hand and waves it slightly. "No, no, just catching my breath. Though..." he adds sheepishly, "would you mind squaring off that stack of papers?" Chas points to the paperwork through which the man had been shuffling.

"Do you require assistance?"

By the time Chas hears this second voice, he is able to right himself as the winged machine approaches him. "Erm, n-no thanks," he stammers, trying to make heads or tails of the creature. "Maybe you can help him with straightening those papers?"

2011-01-12, 03:40 AM
Lakarr’n sighed he really didn’t like people like these priests, it wasn’t there religion that he didn’t like, it was the way they chose to share it, like it was an undeniable fact that only their way led to salvation... but really, what were they saving people from?

Pushing these thoughts from his mind he headed over to the white brick building, he had heard about these mercenaries from Belrondar already. He didn’t look at the flyer he just nodded politely to the guard and entered. He looked around at the hustle and bustle, under the circumstances of a normal universe those gathered there in the door way could be seen as an odd bunch, as this wasn’t one of those normal universes, there really wasn’t anything strange about it.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting, but we all seem to be milling in the doorway without any discernible purpose, I'm sorry where are my manners... I am Lakarr’n a doctor seeking a more interesting employment.”

2011-01-12, 05:14 AM

Laraek looks down at the man at his strange question. The orange light of it's eyes swirls as it ponders the request.


With a final searching look, it dismisses the strange man since it's fit seemed to have dissipated. Laraek nods in affirmation of the newest creature's comment, "Indeed, the entry has become crowded." With that it turns and walks towards the older man sitting behind his desk. Stopping just before the desk it stands erect and regards him with the same dispassionate gaze that it views most everything. "Your requirement for guards to Aeral lands. Will apply."

2011-01-12, 10:10 AM

The young warblade can scarcely believe his eyes. Alongside himself and the blonde (which he certainly would not mind working with), the Dragon Golem, and an Armored Gnoll were all applying for the bodyguard work! In and of itself, this was not remarkable, as work like this would have several takers. What really surprised him, was that they all decided to walk into the building at the same time.

"Yeah, I'm here for the Aeral job as well." He calls out from the back, in a low growling voice- a side effect of binding Naberius.

2011-01-12, 10:26 AM

Chas furrows his brow and a sickened look comes over his face. "Why? Why? Can't you see that the papers are in a state of disarray? How can you--" His rant is interrupted by the entrance of a strange doglike figure. He begins to draw back compulsively, but is surprised by the creature's eloquence.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting, but we all seem to be milling in the doorway without any discernible purpose, I'm sorry where are my manners... I am Lakarr’n a doctor seeking a more interesting employment.”

"Hello," the frazzled man says with a slight nod, "the name's Chas O'Malley." Before anyone can ask, he adds, "NOT Charles. Who (or what) are you?" he asks, turning toward the winged creature.

Frog Dragon
2011-01-12, 12:34 PM
The old man looked up, confused at Chas' rant and request. He nevertheless picked up the papers and hit the table with the stack before smoothing out the sides and laying it back down on the table, now somewhat better squared.

He seems largely unfazed by the draconic golem, the hyenaman, and the other people that have suddenly invaded the guard building. "Sounds like you're all here for the same reason." He speaks slowly and deliberately, leaving absolutely no question as to exactly what he said. He suddenly turns his head towards the door apparently leading to another room in the guard building, raising his voice. "Mince! Get over here! Applicants"

A low, crude voice responds. "Right." Before the door opens, revealing the hulking form of a full blooded orc, his head nearly hitting the doorframe, his face adorned with a few scars. He is clad in leather that looks like it could take a few blows, and calmly walks to the front of the group of five, assessing them up and down. The old man continues with his paperwork as the orc points at the stairs, speaking with surprising eloquence. "Upstairs, please. We must see your qualifications."

2011-01-12, 04:08 PM

The metallic creature nods at the older human's words. It turns as Mince comes through the doorway, and watches it with the curious stare of a statue (which looks much like any other stare). It assess the orc as it looks Laraek up and down as well. At the orc's request it turns and heads towards the indicated staircase. An intelligent orc, now that is uncommon. Though not as uncommon as myself. It would explain how he can function in a mercenary band.

2011-01-12, 10:06 PM

Xaine follows the rest of the applicants upstairs, all the while trying to imagine what they meant by "see your qualifications". I wonder if they accept Graduation Certificates from the College of Warbladery... not that I have one, seeing how I didn't actually go to the College of Warbladery, but still...

2011-01-12, 11:45 PM

After being directed inside by the guards, Dacien finds herself in a reception office with what she can only assume are other mission applicants or mercenaries. She silently eyes the other occupants.

The young man - more of a boy, really - who was reading the notice and gawking at her had followed in her from the plaza. He barely looks old enough to be let off his mother's apron strings, though he certainly looks the part of a mercenary; it'll be interesting to see if he can handle all those weapons he's carrying. She idly wondered if his growling voice was some attempt to make himself sound tougher, or if that was his normal way of speaking.

A flustered looking man - Chas? - was harrassing the clerk behind the desk over something trivial. If he's another applicant... urgh, how long could I stand working with such a fusspot?

Of more interest was the dragonman-shaped construct. Such an unusual design. Either it had some form of free-will, which would make it very rare; or it was operating under some extremely explicit instructions. That one certainly bears more investigation.

Finally, hiding in set of full plate-mail, was a gnoll... doctor?!? :smallconfused: Dacien had had dealings with gnolls in the past, but usually on the opposing ends of weaponry. This one sounded oddly cultured, but - she shrugged to herself - Tren did attract all sorts of people.

"Upstairs, please. We must see your qualifications."

"Certainly." With a confident smile on her lips, Dacien nods at the orc and proceeds up the stairway.

2011-01-13, 11:12 AM
Chas was unsure of whether or not to join this motley crew. It's been a few weeks since I've had a lead on Nick the Knife, he thought, not to mention a decent meal or a bottle of wine. Perhaps some coin could help with that. Anyway, these people look relatively clean.

He follows silently.

2011-01-13, 03:29 PM
Lakarr'n just nodded and moved towards the stairs with the rest of them. Falling towards the back of the marching order.

Frog Dragon
2011-01-14, 04:57 PM
The orc shows you upstairs, and you are greeted by what is apparently and oddly placed lounge of sorts. There is a world weary looking guard with his armor by his side shining his sword in one of the several chairs adorning the hall apparently only meant for the breaks of the guards. The orc grunts a greeting at the soldier. "Day." The guard simply looks up to nod in acknowledgement.

The orc directs you to the rightmost of the three hallways, all branching to different directions, making the hall like the center of a cross. He keeps up the pace, explaining as he walks. "We have had to send more guards out more often. Those Illuminated are trouble. There have been problems around the city. Increased crime rate, all sorts of mysterious happenings. We're too needed." He bluntly lists out. "That's why we don't just send our elite as Zindar's bodyguards."

He opens a door to the left in the hallway, revealing a currently empty large room apparently used as a training facility. It has a few sparring dummies, a lot of empty space, weapons lining the walls. The dummies look well worn. "You'll be tested shortly." The orc says in his typical low voice. "We simply require proof that you are good at your job."

2011-01-14, 10:53 PM

As Mince explained the situation in troubled situation in Tren, Xaine nods his head in comprehension. Hmm, sounds like they could use a helping hand... I wonder if they're looking for any temporary mercenary help in local enforcement... Well, I'll worry about that later, I have to try and land this job first.

Once in the room, he sits down somewhere and waits for the test to begin.

2011-01-16, 01:27 PM

The orc continues to speak in an intelligent manner, explaining the reasons for needing outside help for escort mission. Surprised that religious preachers could make things so difficult, Laraek can simply think Fotunate. I have no desire to remain within the city.

Once they group has made it to the large open room, it nods at Mince's words. "Understood." With that it waits patiently, examining the room around it while standing near the door where it came in.

2011-01-17, 12:17 AM

As he waited, Xaine glanced around at the other applicants, wondering what they were capable of. Since the Belrondar did not specify how many people they wanted for this job, there was a reasonably good chance that they were looking for a multi-role party, and that several of those gathered here would eventually get in. However, 'several' could still mean 'less than 5'. So right now they were also potential competition for the same work, and he was not about to get too chummy with them just yet...

Unfortunately this applied to the blonde, and especially to the blonde in fact. Part of Xaine wanted to go up to her and ask for her name, class and if she wanted private falchion lessons. But another part decided that if he tripped over his feet and fell on his own sword at the trial later, he could at least salvage some dignity if the gorgeous girl didn't remember his name. As such, he simply continued to sit in a corner and stare wistfully at her.

Of course, we'll all eventually get in, but our character don't necessarily know that. :smallbiggrin:

Uh... we will all get in, right? :smalleek:

2011-01-17, 12:19 AM

Dacien's eyebrows arch in surprise at the orc's comments. "How very interesting..." she murmurs after Mince departs. "I wonder if the problems, increased crime rate, and 'mysterious happenings' are separate; or if they're somehow related to the Illuminated?" Dacien shrugs, not really expecting any of the gathered group to be able to supply answers. She suddenly seems to realise something. "Please forgive my rudeness" she says, smiling. "Allow me to introduce myself - I'm Dacien Tremaine." The young woman extends her gloved hand to each of the applicants, to be shaken in greeting.

"So, has anyone worked for the Belrondar or Nabach mercenaries before?" She glances around the training room. "And do you know what sort of 'proof' is required, other than skill at arms?"

2011-01-17, 02:47 AM

Oh crap! She's coming this way! Quick say something clever! Xaine panics as he accepts Dacien's outstretched hand with a (perhaps overly)-firm grip, and a blank look. "Uh... well, they said they require proof that you are good at your job, so uh..." He stammers as he tries to express himself. "It... would... probably depend on what job you are applying for right? I mean, if the healer can't hit things as hard, thats still fine, so long as he can heal well, right?"

2011-01-17, 03:50 AM

Dacien smiles politely at the young man as she shakes his hand, noting the blank look and his stammering speech. He seems really nervous... maybe this IS his first mission or adventure, and all the weapons and growly voice and crushing handshakes are over-compensation for insecurities?

"Well, yes," Dacien replies patiently after he releases his grip on her hand "But I was wondering if anyone has had specific dealings with our potential employers, rather than just general speculation." She ponders a moment. "Given your example, Mister...?" she prompts for the young man's name "How exactly do you go about testing competence of a healer? I mean, do they bring you someone who is injured or been poisoned and ask you to heal them?"

2011-01-17, 04:58 AM

"Given your example, Mister...?"

"Xaine." The nervous boy blurts out, before wincing a little. He had been hoping to keep his name until after (and if) he passed the selection, so that in case he made a fool of himself, he would at least have anonymity. But right now, his mouth was moving faster than his brain.

"How exactly do you go about testing competence of a healer? I mean, do they bring you someone who is injured or been poisoned and ask you to heal them?"

"That would be the most direct way..." He says with a shrug. "But the priests might have other methods of accessing the competence of fellow priests. I wouldn't really know, since I'm not a healer."

He pauses for a while before wincing again. "Oh wait, I am a healer... well a quasi-healer at any rate." By now, it was apparent that his mouth was running circles around his brain. "But I'm not a priest so I still don't know."

2011-01-17, 09:57 AM

The dummies look well worn. "You'll be tested shortly." The orc says in his typical low voice. "We simply require proof that you are good at your job."

Chas shudders slightly as the orc finishes. "You mean," he says with a quaver in his voice, "we're going to have to touch those horrid old things? First the plaza, then the papers, and now this? Today just wasn't shaping up to be Chas' day. Now, to make matters worse, the blonde was piping up. "I'm Chas O'Malley," he says in response to her introduction. "NOT Charles," he adds without looking up. Her hand...her hand! She actually expected him to touch it? Chas lets out an audible sigh of relief as Xaine shakes Dacien's hand. At least that ordeal was over.

2011-01-17, 04:49 PM
Lakarr'n Just watched them argue or debate or deliberate about what was going to happen next, how they were going to be tested. He was more then happy to just wait and find out. When Dacien got to shaking his hand his grip was firm, not too tight but not too soft. “Lakarr’n” was all he said it didn’t really look as if he needed to say much really. He did have a growl to his voice too, but he was a gnoll it was expected, his was rather soft though because of a lot of practice, but he couldn’t eliminate it all together due to the nature and shape of his larynx.

(BTW: Lakarr'n's helm only covers the top, back and sides of his head, it doesn’t cover his ears, face or muzzle)

2011-01-17, 05:27 PM

"Allow me to introduce myself - I'm Dacien Tremaine." The young woman extends her gloved hand to each of the applicants, to be shaken in greeting.

"So, has anyone worked for the Belrondar or Nabach mercenaries before?" She glances around the training room. "And do you know what sort of 'proof' is required, other than skill at arms?"

The metal automaton looks at Dacien as she introduces herself, having already taken in her basic features in the other room. "Am Laraek. Have not worked for them before. And we shall find out shortly. Suspect ability to keep merchant or negotiator alive if hostilities arrive and return to Tren." The golem doesn't move to take her hand (if it was offered to it), but its voice carries no rudeness to it, only information. It makes no attempt to integrate itself with the others there for the position, listening but not getting involved.

2011-01-17, 11:34 PM

"So, it appears that we are all newcomers." Dacien comments once introductions are complete. If she is in any way offended by either Chas' or Laraek's refusal to shake hands she certainly doesn't show it. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see what our erstwhile employers have in store for us." she says with a grin.

While waiting for whoever is going to review them to show up, Dacien takes the opportunity to study Laraek in greater detail, unashamedly making no disguise of her examination of the construct. At one point she mutters a short arcane phrase and her nimble fingers trace an odd sigil in the air, then returns to her study.

Casting Detect Magic and using it to examine Laraek, and other members of the group if there is time before the reviewers arrive.

Frog Dragon
2011-01-18, 10:19 AM
Emerging from a corner door of the room, a somewhat jittery light blue robed young man walked to stand before you. He was a dark haired youth, with a holy symbol hanging from his neck. He shakily assesses the group, before uttering a stumbling "G-good day." He doesn't seem to wish to speak up more, so the orc decides to pick up the slack.

"This is acolyte Maxwell. We always have one around to have someone who knows a thing or two about magic." The orc explains. "He's quite shy, but he has studied well." The acolyte, Maxwell, shuffles his robe upwards to hide his face and looks down at the floor.

"If your greatest talent is magery, you need to present your best magic for Maxwell to see." The orc explains as the acolyte takes a book from the folds of his robe and starts leafing through it. "If you seek this job by virtue of combat skill, I expect you to best me." The orc states matter-of-factly, picking up a batch of saps.

"We don't have too much time here, and all of you be either mages of some caliber, skilled warriors, or otherwise useful to the cause. If you wish to impress with the knowledge of a scout, he will check the true value of your knowledge.[color] He stops for a second. [COLOR="green"I have also prepared a few locks which you can attempt to get past, if such pursuits have crossed your career." The orc smiles a toothy grin. Then he looks directly at Chas. "You though... you have a bit of a reputation. I don't believe I need to test you. Charl... Chas was it?"

2011-01-18, 10:57 AM
Whelp, here goes nothing. Time to impress the lady... or suffer total embarassment. Xaine thinks to himself, as he drops his excess baggage in the corner, and picks up a sap. "I will try the test by combat then, although I must confess some of my abilities are unsuited for a non-lethal fight." He waits for the Orc to prepare himself as well, before commencing the match.

Initiative: [roll0]

2011-01-18, 11:23 AM
"You though... you have a bit of a reputation. I don't believe I need to test you. Charl... Chas was it?"

"Yes," Chas says coolly, glad that the big lummox hadn't used that name. "I'm glad to hear that--I wasn't sure which test would be best. I mean, sure, we could spar, but then the lockpicking might be better. No, I think the test of knowledge. Hmm, or the spellcasting or..." The man trails off, mumbling to himself.

2011-01-18, 02:37 PM

"If your greatest talent is magery, you need to present your best magic for Maxwell to see." The orc explains as the acolyte takes a book from the folds of his robe and starts leafing through it.

The adamantine man nods at the orc's words, turning towards the shy acolyte. In the dry, informative manner that is quickly becoming apparent as its standard voice, Laraek addresses the young man, "Do not engage in non-lethal combat. Therefore shall be tested by you. Can breath flame and cold for extended durations, including movement hampering breath. Acute senses can detect invisible or hiding creatures. Can identify magical items without spell, and verify standard items accurately. Need no rest or sustenance. Can grant companions comfort from extreme weather. What proof is required?"

2011-01-20, 07:55 PM
"If your greatest talent is magery, you need to present your best magic for Maxwell to see." The orc explains as the acolyte takes a book from the folds of his robe and starts leafing through it. "If you seek this job by virtue of combat skill, I expect you to best me." The orc states matter-of-factly, picking up a batch of saps.

The young lady with the silver-blonde hair approaches the young man in the blue robes. Curious for one such as he to be associated with a mercenary company.

"I would have to say that the arcane arts are my particulary forte, though I tend to specialize in battle-oriented enhancements." Dacien looks over to where Xaine is squaring off against Mince. "Perhaps my spell-casting skill is best observed under more combatative conditions?" She picks up one of the saps and hefts it uncertainly. "I'm untrained with this weapon, but with my magic, perhaps it would sufficiently even the odds to make it at least an... interesting bout. I assure that I will use only non-lethal spells. What do you say?" She smiles brightly at Maxwell, though her expression is one of determination.

Then he looks directly at Chas. "You though... you have a bit of a reputation. I don't believe I need to test you. Charl... Chas was it?"

Dacien idly wonders what is so special about Chas O'Malley's reputation that he is exempt from the assessment.

2011-01-21, 07:30 AM
Lakarr'n watches then all sort themselves out.

"I guess I'll wait till someone is sufficiently injured, then fix them up, I believe that should be sufficient to prove my worth... unless you want the building burnt down... Which I don't think you do"

Frog Dragon
2011-01-21, 08:42 AM
You both having gotten into position, the orc moves very quickly for a creature that big, keeping the sap in his right hand by his left hip. As he approaches, he takes full advantage of the momentum of the charge to swing upwards at roy, but misses.

After Xaine's fight is finished, the orc is in the center of the training room with you instead. Once again, he exhibits greater reaction speed and he is quickly attacking you, slamming below the chest with the sap. While there is no real damage inflicted, the sap still stings quite a bit. Likely a part of the warrior's test.

Acolyte Maxwell starts examining the construct, carefully at first, but is quickly overcome by curiosity. You even hear him chanting a simple spell to gain more insight. Then, he remembers the breath weapons of the draconic construct. "Could you demonstrate? The breath that is." He seems more confident, now that he is in his element, pointing at one of the training dummies.

The orc speaks a few words to you before starting the test with Xaine. "You can try to null the pains from the matches then. That will certainly prove your worth." He then steps to the center of the room, opposite to Xaine, starting the battle.

One of the Belrondans walks past the room, looking inside to see an apparently familiar face. The tall, breastplate armored man walks up to you, though keeping some distance. The dust of the streets is still on him. He seems to have just returned from patrol. "Hey. Aren't you Chas?" You remember working with the Belrondans in the last few months as a detective in Tren. "You were the one that solved the South Wall District kidnappings!" You may have met this man before on a case. "I'm Jake, pleased to meet you." He offers a hand, but not really expecting you to shake it.

2011-01-21, 10:35 AM
After Xaine's fight is finished, the orc is in the center of the training room with you instead. Once again, he exhibits greater reaction speed and he is quickly attacking you, slamming below the chest with the sap. While there is no real damage inflicted, the sap still stings quite a bit. Likely a part of the warrior's test.

Smarting from the strike, Dacien somersaults backwards and away from the orc. Whirling to face her opponent, she chants arcane syllables and raises her hand toward him. A thin beam of sparkling green energy lances from her palm and at her foe.

Move: Tumble 10' away from the orc. [roll0]
Standard: Cast Ray of Enfeeblement. [roll1] (Touch attack) [roll2] (penalty to Str on hit).

2011-01-21, 10:37 AM
"Hey. Aren't you Chas?"..."You were the one that solved the South Wall District kidnappings!"..."I'm Jake, pleased to meet you." He offers a hand, but not really expecting you to shake it.

Chas furrows his brow as he looks toward the dirty man. Unsurprisingly, he does not shake the man's hand. "Yes, that's me," he says with a slight nod. "NOT Charles," he adds once more. "I remember the case; it was nothing, really. The kidnapper kept using the same burlap sacks on each victim...low-quality stuff from a merchant in the North Wall District that always left fibers behind. There were at least two or three left at each crime scene."

2011-01-21, 03:17 PM

"Could you demonstrate? The breath that is."

Laraek watches the mage as he grows curious, unmoving except for his head, following Maxwell's movements. These wizards...always assuming they can poke and prod and examine me out of their fascination. I suppose I am partly to blame for that, given the image I cultivate. But better to suffer a little indignity...for now...than to invite further questions. At least this one seems somewhat respectful...certainly not joining my list of those who need a lesson in respect. The golem turns at Maxwell's request, facing the nearest dummy, and opens a jaw that had previously appeared to be nothing more than an ornamental design on its lower face. Smoke trickles from the corners of this crevice for a moment, before a steam of blazing reg-gold flame shoots forth, enveloping the dummy in an inferno. And it keeps coming...and coming...the jet of fire doesn't slow or die until the entire dummy has been reduced to a charred pile of ashes.

2011-01-21, 11:35 PM

Xaine executes a jumping somersault, leaping back from the Orc. Once he lands, he rears back and then springs forward trying to channel his momentum through his sap.

Swift Action:
Sudden Leap back from Orc: [roll0]
Tumble to avoid AoO, at half distance: [roll1]
Edit: So somersault back 15 feet.

Full Round Action:
Battle Leader's Charge:
Charge Attack Roll: [roll2] (including +2 from Charging)
Sap Damage Roll: [roll3] (including +10 Battle Leader's Charge, +5 Leading the Charge)

HP: 50/50
AC: 15 / 13 Flatfooted / 10 Touch (including -2 from charge)

Maneuvers Readied
-Moment of Perfect Mind
-Action Before Thought
-Mind over Body
-Cloak of Deception

-Sudden Leap
-Battle Leader's Charge
-Strength Draining Strike

Stance: Leading the Charge (+5 to Charge Damage for all allies within 60 ft)

2011-01-22, 01:24 AM
Lakarr'n just watches, slightly bemused.

Frog Dragon
2011-01-22, 08:19 AM
The orc tries to take the sap-strike with his armor, but steps short and gets smacked in the jaw instead. He staggers back, reeling and holds his hand out as if a sign to stop. He drops the sap and looks at Xaine, holding his jaw. "Truly, you have proven your worth." The orc manages to speak out before part-falling, part-sitting down on the floor. He takes a few deep breaths, before looking at Lakarr'n "If you wish to pass your test with healing, now would be a good time."

The orc almost pauses as the spell hits him, but continues charging, despite having been reduced to the strength of some of the weakest of his species. He swings again, and despite the dramatically reduced force, he manages to score a telling hit, which nevertheless hurts much less than the last one.

The dummy, a straw dummy with a wooden cross at its core is burned to ash in under half a minute as the acolyte steps back. The dummy leaves a blackened and cracking cross now sitting in a pile of ash. The cross is slowly collapsing to pieces, constantly cracking apart another little piece of wood. Suddenly, it collapses completely, leaving a pile of ash with a few pieces of wood on it. Maxwell looks at Mince and nods.

The guardsman pulls back his hand, seeing that Chas is not willing to shake hands. "None of our men noticed though. Took your eyes to see that." He looks at the fight going on. "Wow. Mince is really not doing all that well there. Looks like you folks are more than qualified."

2011-01-22, 11:39 AM

Xaine drops his combat stance, and gives a small bow to the Orc. "Does this mean I get the job?" He asks while placing the sap back where he found it. He then retreats to a side to observe the rest of the proceedings. Whew, that went fairly well. I wonder if Dacien was impressed. He thinks to himself, as he observes the blonde's reaction.

Xaine looks surprised as the Dragon Golem burns the dummy to ashes. He was told that most mages built their constructs to be melee brutes, although some incorporated various secondary functions. This one however, appeared to be constructed primarily as an element breathing machine.

Of course, he was also told that most constructs were mindless slaves, who were never far from their masters, rather than free-willed talkers looking for mercenary work. So either this was an atypical specimen, or he had been grievously misinformed.

2011-01-23, 01:31 AM

The sorceress steps back a pace from the orc and begins chanting another spell. Once again she raises her hand, though this time a lance of pulsing blue light streaks towards Mince.

This ought to even the odds a little...

Move Action: 5' step away from the orc.
Standard: Cast Ray of Clumsiness [roll0] (Touch Attack) [roll1] (penalty to Dex on hit)

Xaine drops his combat stance, and gives a small bow to the Orc. "Does this mean I get the job?" He asks while placing the sap back where he found it. He then retreats to a side to observe the rest of the proceedings. Whew, that went fairly well. I wonder if Dacien was impressed. He thinks to himself, as he observes the blonde's reaction.

Dacien smiles brightly and applauds enthusiastically as Xaine quickly concludes his duel. Her expression shows that she both mildy surprised and impressed. Well, he certainly looks more than capable of pulling his own weight, at least in a training scenario. Time will tell if he holds up under real combat.

2011-01-23, 04:58 AM
Lakarr'n moves over to Mince and casts 'cure Serious wounds' (burns Wind wall to do so)

He moves out of the way after doing so.

Frog Dragon
2011-01-25, 03:55 AM
Xaine and Lakarr'n
The orc quickly gets up, healed, and nods at the gnoll. "It seems you are all capable enough. Yet one to test." At this point, only Dacien was left. All the others were deemed adequate at least. The warforged had proved destructive capability and clearly something else as well to the acolyte. The detective, Chas, was already known to be useful.

The orc stumbles again as the ray strikes him solidly in the chest, and while he is not injured, strictly speaking, his fighting ability has been cut in half. He drops the sap and stops. "If the fight lasted longer, I would surely lose." The orc recognized how much he had been weakened.

After the tests are through, Mince addresses you all. "You are all well qualified." The orc states, the tests having passed just fine. "Zindar and his bodyguard are here already. They're waiting, and it looks like they don't need to do so any longer."

It is at this point when you notice an armored form standing in the doorway. Likely the bodyguard Mince mentioned. "Zindar awaits. We should leave as soon as possible." The armored form speaks, taking his helmet off. He is fairly tall, and apparently human. He is not old, but he has certainly passed his youth and looks professional. "Ah, but I forget my manners. I'm Michael Hayre, Mr. Zindar's current bodyguard." He bows towards the group, and as he rises up, waves you to follow, moving into the hallway towards where you came from.

2011-01-25, 04:49 AM

"You are all well qualified."

The normally stoic Xaine cracked a small smile. His first real job! With a hot blonde no less! Of course, he was still far from his dream of vast wealth and resplendent glory. But every journey had to begin with a first step after all. If he kept it up, soon he would be leading armies and rescuing princesses... or so the stories go.

"Ah, but I forget my manners. I'm Michael Hayre, Mr. Zindar's current bodyguard."

Xaine gave a small bow, before introducing himself in his characteristic low growling voice. "Xaine, warrior... mostly, and uh... some other stuff."

2011-01-25, 10:18 AM
"Chas O'Malley," he launches into his customary greeting, "NOT Charles." Without another word, he follows the bodyguard, carefully inspecting the man's armor for loose buckles, scuff marks, and the like.


2011-01-25, 04:52 PM

Laraek ceases the gout of flame when Maxwell nods to the orc. It then turns to observe the remaining tests, watching the various combats play out.

"Zindar awaits. We should leave as soon as possible." The armored form speaks, taking his helmet off. He is fairly tall, and apparently human. He is not old, but he has certainly passed his youth and looks professional. "Ah, but I forget my manners. I'm Michael Hayre, Mr. Zindar's current bodyguard." He bows towards the group, and as he rises up, waves you to follow, moving into the hallway towards where you came from.

"Indeed, waiting is a waste." With a nod at Micheal Hayre's introduction, it walks towards him. "Called Laraek." It then follows the man down the hallway and to where ever Zindar is waiting.

2011-01-26, 07:31 AM
The orc stumbles again as the ray strikes him solidly in the chest, and while he is not injured, strictly speaking, his fighting ability has been cut in half. He drops the sap and stops. "If the fight lasted longer, I would surely lose." The orc recognized how much he had been weakened.

"Awww!" The young lady mock-pouts. "And I was only just getting warmed up, too." With a friendly wink, she hands the sap back to Mince.

"Ah, but I forget my manners. I'm Michael Hayre, Mr. Zindar's current bodyguard." He bows towards the group, and as he rises up, waves you to follow, moving into the hallway towards where you came from.

"Pleased to meet you - Dacien Tremaine, at your service." Dacien likewise bows, and quickly gathers up her weapons and backpack from the training hall. With an overly-dramatic flourish of her cloak, she follows the bodyguard into the hallway. "So, you're our employer's current bodyguard. If I might ask... what happened to the previous one?"

2011-01-26, 08:41 AM
Lakarr'n just follows behind, nodding respecfully to Mince and Maxwell as he leaves.

"Lakarr'n, doctor" with the same polite nod, is his only responce to Michael Hayre's greeting.

Frog Dragon
2011-01-26, 12:18 PM
The bodyguard, Hayre, raises his eyebrow at Xaine's "description" of his capabilities, but decides not to ask anything more about it. He does however, seem happy to answer Dacien's question about the fate of the last bodyguard Zindar had. "The last bodyguard got killed by ogres on a trip to Hyer two years ago. After that, Mr. Zindar has refused to take on longer or riskier travels without additional protection." With this, Hayre walks down the stairs.

Following him, you can see that in the armchair downstairs, a short and stocky man has settled himself in, waiting something. Seeing Hayre, he stands up, taking a backpack from the under the chair and approaching Hayre. "That was fast." The short man, apparently Theo Zindar casually states. This suspicion is quickly confirmed as he looks at the five of you, walking up and shaking the hand of whoever is closest. "A good day to you. I'm Theo Zindar, merchant and negotiator for the Nabach company." He energetically shakes the first person's hand and has now switched to a much more jovial tone. Appearing friendly seems quite automatic to people in his position.

He doesn't even bother confirming with you that you are the mercenaries, instead simply deciding to simply instruct you. "If at all possible, I intend to leave now. We have already readied a cart and horses in the stables, and with them, we should be in Aeral territory by the second day." He starts shuffling his way out, motioning the rest of you to follow. "Hopefully, they will not be aggressive, but if they are, I will be relying on you."

Hayre appears to have recently shined his armor, but you do notice a few things annoying your eye. The ankle of the left metal boot is visibly more darkened than the right one. In addition, there is a small dent in the right arm of the armor, near the elbow joint. Finally, the riveting in the right shoulder buckle is a tiny bit off-center.

2011-01-26, 03:18 PM

Nodding in greeting to the jovial man who was now its employer, the golem follows Zindar out to the waiting cart and supplies.

2011-01-26, 09:42 PM

"Dacien Tremaine" the young sorceress introduces herself, shaking the hand of the short merchant. "What can you tell us about these Aeral tribesfolk?" she asks, as the group makes their way to the waiting cart and horses. "It might help us plan how to better guard you if we can know as much as possible about them. Also, if it's not a secret, what are these negotiations about?"

2011-01-27, 01:35 AM

"Xaine." The young man introduces himself as he shakes the jolly merchant's hand. "Well, seeing as to how I just walked into the city, and still have all my belongings with me, I'm ready to leave now, if required. Although, as the lady says, more information is always welcome."

2011-01-27, 11:13 AM
Chas forgoes introductions, instead squatting behind Michael. He pulls a kerchief from his breast pocket and begins attempting to polish the ankle of the bodyguard's left boot.

2011-01-27, 08:58 PM

Ready to go and waiting for the other to finish their pleasantries, Laraek examines Zindar. "What magical precautions have been taken to keep you safe? What are your self-defensive capabilities? Explain while departing city."

2011-01-28, 06:09 AM
Lakarr'n looks Theo up and down, "Lakarr'n, ex-Zaka border patrol field medic, pleasure to be working with you sir."

Frog Dragon
2011-01-29, 06:59 AM
As you walk out the Belrondar guard building towards the stables right next to it, the merchant starts trying to asnwers some of the questions presented at him. "The Aeral are a fairly reclusive group, but they could also be very useful." He explains as he takes out the key to the stable gate well ahead of time. "The tribe is said to train their warriors into odd sorts of magician." He walks up to the gate and twists the key in the hole, only earning a glance from the stablehand as he walks in. "And we're going to recruit them."

Chas' attempts at cleaning Hayre's boot were both unnoticed by the two and unsuccessful. Unsurprisingly, it was hard to clean a boot when it was being moved. All his attempt accomplishes is a few odd looks from onlookers in the short time you are on the street.

The bodyguard then hoists himself up to the reins as the merchant gets up on the back of the two-horse led wagon. It seems to be already loaded with all sorts of supplies, and ready to leave at a moment's notice. The merchant motions you to get up on the wagon. Then, he starts answering the warforged's questions. "The magical isn't a threat as much as the physical in the plains. That is why I hire bodyguards." He explains. "That said, I'm not quite as defenseless as I look, though still no fighter. I have learned a few bits of minor arcane theory." He takes out something that looks like a wand from a side pocket of his pack, and immediately sets it back in. "Still, I mostly rely on guards."

His official bodyguard doesn't seem to be entering the conversation, instead simply spurring the horses forward out of stables, and into the streets of Tren. People are quick to make way for the mounts as you advance through the city. You should be out of the gates shortly.

2011-01-30, 08:02 PM

Dacien slings her pack into the back of the wagon and climbs in, finding a comfortable position among the supplies. After adjusting her weaponry to allow for ease of drawing, Dacien turns to Zindar to talk as the wagon makes its way through the streets towards the gate. "Are you looking to recruit the whole tribe? Or just some of the warrior-magicians?"

As Dacien listens to Zindar's response and the others talking, she idly wonders about this "odd magic". Her own studies into the mystical arts have revealed that there are certainly some unsavoury magical practices in the world, some involving live sacrifices and unwholesome bargains with evil powers from beyond the mortal realm. She shudders slightly, hoping that these Aeral magicians aren't practitioners of those sorts of magic.

2011-01-30, 10:16 PM

Laraek starts up after the wagon as it starts to move, declining to climb aboard. Staying near the rear, it listens to Zindar's explanations with interest. At the mention of the strange magics the tribe practices, and the goal of the mission, its wings flare slightly, but are quickly controlled. Nodding at the merchants abilities to defend himself, the golem seems to relax slightly, though it was impossible to say how.

Scanning the crowds the pass towards the gate, it listens with interest to Dacien's query, keeping a steady pace as a rear guard.

2011-01-31, 04:46 AM
Lakarr'n climbs onto the back of the wagon and makes himself comfortable, making sure he can move at a moment’s notice. he listens to the conversations, not really having anything to say or ask, finding his questions answered, without the need to say anything.

2011-01-31, 11:20 AM

Xaine hops onto the wagon, quietly wondering what sorts of warrior-magicians these Aeral folk could be. Although, if they are all that powerful, why do they seclude themselves to a reclusive existence out on the plains? One would expect them to attempt to conquer surrounding tribes and carve out name and territory for themselves. If it is out of utmost tradition that they isolate themselves, then what might Zindar hope to achieve in trying to recruit them?

2011-02-03, 09:15 AM
Chas eyes the wagon with trepidation, likely looking for a clean seat. He steps cautiously onto the wagon, squatting in the cleanest available space.

Frog Dragon
2011-02-04, 09:42 AM
You are quickly carted out of the city, people making way for the horses and the cart following them. The group starts to make good time towards the Aeral lands. The arid plains are quickly being crossed. Theo tries to strike up some sort of small talk within the group, also eventually taking out some sorts of snacks to eat.

Sometime after, they decide the horses deserve the same courtesy, and Hayre stops the wagon, hauling out some feed from the back of the cart, and getting feeding the horses. However, at this point, something unusual appears.

A young child is approaching from the opposite direction, alone. As he walks closer, you see a few things about him. Firstly, he is clad in a skirtlike cloth, and on his chest is tattooed a symbol. "Aeral." Hayre notes, walking closer to the oddly placed youth.

He cannot be more than eight years old, and the Aeral are still a day's trip away. No-one else can be seen around. No one but you seven, the horses and the child. The child is looking down, arms hanging from the shoulders, but his step is still steady and resolute, even if he otherwise appears tired.

Hayre places himself in the youth's path as he approaches. Zindar has now gotten out of the wagon, and appears puzzled and slightly worried about this. Not often you see a child as young as this going around on his own. And trips of such distance, and on foot. He carries a small bag on his shoulder, but nothing more.

2011-02-05, 11:19 AM

Xaine deftly hops off the wagon and approaches the boy, scratching his head, uncertain of what to make of him. Once he comes within conversing distance, he stops and leans casually on his spear. "Greetings, I am Xaine, from the city of Trent. Can you... uh... speak common."

2011-02-06, 08:41 PM

Keeping its focus on the approaching child, Laraek addresses the puzzled merchant, "Do you know this child? Is he a threat?" Small licks of flame escape the sides of the golem's mouth crevice as it readies itself to take flight. Careful of falling into a trap, it examines their surroundings more closely, searching for any signs of an ambush.


Readied Action At the first hostile act from the child or any accomplices, Laraek will breath an Entangling Fire Breath at the hostile most threatening the merchant. It'll use either a 30' line or 15' cone, whichever is needed.

Reflex DC 23 for half damage. Any creature damaged by the breath is entangled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#entangled) for [roll2] rounds.

2011-02-07, 02:11 AM

Dacien likewise dismounts from the wagon and moves to stand closer to Zindar, glancing around for any potential threats. "Can you think of any reason why a lone Aeral child would be this close to Tren?" she asks the negotiator. Calling ready to mind the appropriate incantations for a Haste spell, she looks more closely at the child, examining him for any signs of injury or mistreatment.


Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Ready Haste, targetting all party members except for Hayre.

2011-02-07, 05:41 PM
Chasstays on the wagon, and eyes the boy with intense curiosity. He cups his hand over his brow, arching his neck to see more clearly. "His tattoo!" Chas exclaims. "It's so...crooked!" He looks away, the image of the off-center tattoo burned in his skull. He wonders to himself if there's anyway to stretch and rotate skin, pausing to think if he's seen that symbol elsewhere.

A Spot check, if the child is particularly far from the caravan, as well as a set of knowledge rolls, since I'm not sure which would apply (though I'm thinking local (for Aeral customs) or religion (for ritual significance).


2011-02-09, 04:58 AM
Lakarr'n gets out of the wagon and walks up near the horses and merely waits for something to happen, that would require action on his part.

Frog Dragon
2011-02-09, 08:48 AM
"I have no clue." Zindar says. "They're usually pretty tight knit." He notes, continuing to watch the situation. "I can't see a youngling like that being a threat." He answers to Laraek.

The child has now stopped, examining the group with slitted eyes. He opens his mouth, keeping silent for a second as if searching for words, but still speaking with surprising deliberateness. "Common... Yes." He has now moved to a more upright position, and you cannot see any obvious injuries or mistreatment apparent from him. He does seem to be almost unconsciously exhausted, but his demeanor doesn't reveal it, almost as if he didn't know at all.

There doesn't seem to be anyone else around, and as far as you can tell, the child is truly traveling alone. "This child is acting oddly. I don't like this." Hayre notes, trying to keep his voice low enough so the child doesn't hear him.

You know that the tattoo is really just tradition, and doesn't have much ritual significance. However, they are often used in gauging the importance of the person with the tattoo in the tribal hierarchy. This particular tattoo seems to denote an important position of some kind. Likely, the child is a son of someone with an important hereditary position.

2011-02-09, 01:57 PM

Laraek nods at Zindar, remaining vigilant. Xaine should try to get information out of the child...I've had more than enough fruitless experiences with these undeveloped creatures. I'm still not sure why three of them started crying.

2011-02-09, 09:10 PM

"Poor kid," Dacien says to the child in a kind voice. "You look exhausted. Here..." from the wagon she retrieves a waterskin and some food. "Sit down, rest. Have something to eat and drink, then tell us what happened." As she approaches the Aeral child, Dacien mutters to the others "Keep a close watch on him, warn me if he does anything odd."

2011-02-10, 01:12 AM
(Regardless of whether he accepts Dacien's invitation)

"Common... Yes."

"Ah good. So you can understand the words coming out of my mouth then." Xaine says as he continues casually leaning on his spear. "Well, like I said, I come from Trent, about 2 days walk that-a-way. The City is in a bit of a mess now- there's been a major wave of crime recently, and the guards seem to be a bit in over their heads. You would do well to watch yourself and your valuables if you are stopping over there."

Use Naberius to take 10 to Diplomacy for 22 to improve attitude.

He pauses for a bit before asking. "Any news of significance you can tell us about... wherever it is you came from?" There was the possibility that the child could be someone on an important mission. Or he could be a young man attempting some traditional ritual of adulthood that require he leave home for a while. But the most likely scenario, was that he was a runaway.

2011-02-11, 03:48 AM
Lakarr'n continues to wait.

Frog Dragon
2011-02-11, 12:35 PM
The child glances around frantically, as if looking for a way out of something, not at all soothed by what Dacien says. He regards Xaine with reservation, seemingly instinctively drawing back. Fear and uncertainty paint his face, and you get no coherent response. He twitches, before suddenly closing his eyes. He twitches slightly again.

The child opens his eyes, revealing them to be suddenly horribly bloodshot. The child snarls, baring his teeth, some of which curve into slight fangs. Any signs of tiredness are suddenly gone, and the child reaches two fingers into the bag on his shoulder, drawing a small knife, dropping the bag itself. At this point, the child is suddenly hit by a stream of fire, which he flinches away from. He doesn't look very damaged from it. It clearly caused him pain, but it seems that it didn't cause him any real damage. Then, Dacien gets a quick spell off, speeding the group's reactions up.

Zindar appears startled, and Hayre reaches for his blade. He looks uncertain though.

Frog Dragon
2011-02-14, 03:28 PM
Chas draws knives and attacks the suddenly extremely aggressive child, who nearly dodges one knife while, which fails to scratch him, while he takes the second head on as it simply dings off him.

Then he keeps concentrates, keeping his guard against Chas as a sickening aura erupts in your midst, bowling over you as a thick, dark veil, leaving being a retching feeling and apparent physical damage.

2011-02-14, 06:35 PM

Laraek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=263648)
TN Dragonborn Warforged Dragonfire Adept
Level 6
Init +0
Perception +10 Spot, +10 Listen
HP 69/77
Speed 20ft (Land) | 30ft (Fly, average maneuverability)
AC 21, Touch 10, Flat-footed 21
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +6
Immune Poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause sickened, energy drain, and Frightful Presence of dragons
BAB/Grapple +3/+4
Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 24, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 11
Condition -
Item Anklet of Translocation [2/2 d], Wand of Light Repair Damage [50/50]
Other Effects Blindsense 30' | Darkvision 60' | See Invisibility (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/seeInvisibility.htm) | Endure Elements (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/endureElements.htm)

Flame dances across the demonic boy as he looses the cloud of fumes. With a low growl the silvery construct thrusts itself into the air for a moment, its wings flapping majestically carrying it outside the fumes. As it settles to the ground it appears to breath towards the child again, but no fire appears to issue forth. However, the swirling vapors trailing after Laraek and in between it and their creator take on an odd quality, their movements slowed as if they were passing through a wall of amber.

At the beginning of Laraek's turn, the child takes [roll0]
Move Action Fly up and out of the cloud of fumes, landing within 15' of the child and in a position to breath a cone without hitting any allies
Standard Action Breath a 15' cone Slow Breath targeting the child. The child is slowed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/slow.htm) for 2 rounds. This is reduced to 1 round with a successful DC 22 Fortitude save.

2011-02-14, 10:25 PM

Xaine waits for a bit, before executing an acrobatic somersault forward until he is face to face with the child. Holding his spear in one hand, he uses the other to try and slap the boy across his face. "Stop this!"

Immediate Action: Moment of Perfect Mind [roll0]

Delay Actions until after Dacien, so as to give her Rays a clear shot.

Move Action: Tumble forward [roll1]

Standard Action: Unarmed Attack Strength Draining Strike, dealing non-lethal since we presumably want to bring him back to his tribe alive.

Unarmed Attack Roll: [roll2] (not including +1 from Haste)
Unarmed Damage Roll: [roll3]

Additionally, he must make a DC 13 Fort Save or take 4 Str damage. A successful save halves Str damage to 2.

HP: 42/50
AC: 18 / 15 Flatfooted / 13 Touch (Including +1 Haste)

Maneuvers Readied
-Moment of Perfect Mind
-Action Before Thought
-Mind over Body
-Cloak of Deception

-Sudden Leap
-Battle Leader's Charge
-Strength Draining Strike

Stance: Leading the Charge (+5 to Charge Damage for all allies within 60 ft)

Edit: Note that numbers above do not yet reflect damage/sickened from the Boy's aura. And I also apparently forgot that Dacien has cast haste.

2011-02-14, 11:55 PM

Dacien's eyes widen in alarm at the boy's sudden transformation. The child is possessed! As she just manages to complete her spell the thought is confirmed when an unnatural darkness bursts among the group, leaving her weakened and sick to the core. "Zindar and Hayre, fall back!" Dacien yells between coughing fits. "Everyone else, surround it."

Using her spell-enhanced speed, Dacien circles around the Aeral boy, maintaining a safe distance. As she moves, the young sorceress recites incantations and performs arcane gestures; and, raising a trembling hand, launches a ray of slowly-pulsating blue energy at the child.

Spellcraft to identify the attack: [roll0]
Move action: move to a flanking position 40' from the child.
Standard action: cast Ray of Clumsiness [roll1] (touch attack, sickness and Haste taken into account) for [roll2] Dexterity penalty.

HP: 24/40
AC: 20 (+2 Dexterity, +1 Deflection, +3 Dodge, +4 Mage Armor)
Conditions: Sickened
Spells Active: Mage Armor, Haste
Spell slots remaining: 5/4/6/3

2011-02-15, 07:21 AM
Lakarr'n was surprised by the sudden change in the child but not too surprised, the kid was tired not and properly not thinking strait due to such, this transformation could be some sort of tribal magic, not a curse. But then again it could be, the quickest way to find out was to ask. However asking might be difficult right now, though circumstances could be altered. Though the fighting had already started it was still worth a try. waiting till he seemingly had enough time to get the spell off without others being in the middle of an attack he casts Calm Emotions, centred on the kid (DC 15)

Calm Emotions
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Brd 2, Clr 2, Law 2
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: Creatures in a 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell calms agitated creatures. You have no control over the affected creatures, but calm emotions can stop raging creatures from fighting or joyous ones from revelling. Creatures so affected cannot take violent actions (although they can defend themselves) or do anything destructive. Any aggressive action against or damage dealt to a calmed creature immediately breaks the spell on all calmed creatures. This spell automatically suppresses (but does not dispel) any morale bonuses granted by spells such as bless, good hope, and rage, as well as negating a bard’s ability to inspire courage or a barbarian’s rage ability. It also suppresses any fear effects and removes the confused condition from all targets. While the spell lasts, a suppressed spell or effect has no effect. When the calm emotions spell ends, the original spell or effect takes hold of the creature again, provided that its duration has not expired in the meantime.

2011-02-15, 05:56 PM
Chas O'Malley

Chas paused for a moment to study his opponent, shifting his weight onto the balls of his feet. Suddenly, the frazzled man seemed like an entirely different creature--a sleek, graceful predator created for combat. He lithely tucked and rolled around the child, remembering his courses on human anatomy in mid-somersault. The temple and the jaw are two easily damaged points in the human cranium, and blunt force can cause a loss of consciousness or, in some cases, death.

A misty cloud began forming behind the child, from which Chas' sneering face emerged. "You sicken me, kid," he whispered. He spun his daggers by the handle, striking the child with the handles on his right temple and jaw in a wide, sweeping strike.

"Try to subdue," Chas called to his fellows with alien confidence, "he may be the child of a significant tribesman."

Free action: designate child as dodge target for +1 AC
Free action: Knowledge Devotion (boosted by Collector of Stories)

[roll0] +3 insight bonus to attacks and damage against humanoids for remainder of combat
Move action: tumble around child to stand behind him (boosted by Inspiration 2 out of 4 for this encounter)

Swift action: activate Mithralmist armor for 1 minute of concealment
Free action: speak
Standard action: attack twice for nonlethal damage (-4 penalty offset by Inspiration points 3 and 4 for this encounter)

[roll2] +3 from Know Devo
[roll3] +3 from Know Devo
[roll5] +3 from Know Devo
[roll6] +3 from Know Devo

Final Results: 22 vs. AC for 17 nonlethal damage, 25 vs. AC for 21 nonlethal damage.

Frog Dragon
2011-02-16, 01:22 PM
Zindar pulls out a wand of some sort while waiting for the situation to play out. Then Dacien casts a spell at the child, but the ray is somehow warded away. Xaine is then quick to move, whacking the child across the face, though it barely fazes him and it feels like hitting a plank.

Hayre watches Laraek move to a better position to further impair the child, responding to Dacien with a "No. This is our problem just as it is yours!" before rushing into the fray himself to knock him in the head with the pommel of his blade. This attack is however, completely ignored by the child. Finally, Zindar himself acts, pointing the wand and sending a ball of bluish energy, trailed by a "tail" of similar energy towards the child, causing his face to contort slightly. Then, Chas strikes the child twice from behind with the pommels, causing much less damage than expected. They are solid blows, but they cause much less of a reaction than expected, and cause no bruises.

Finally, the gnoll priest sends out an emanation of calmness, erasing the frantic aggression from the child, replacing it with mere untrusting glances.


2011-02-16, 08:30 PM
And thus my theory that I was unlikely to need to make 2 Will Saves in a row is blown out of the water.

Will Save vs Calm Emotions [roll0]

2011-02-16, 08:42 PM

Despite not falling under the sway of the spell, Xaine sheathes his spear as a sign of parlay (not that he had used it in anyway so far). He crosses his arms and starts talking. "Hey guys, any idea whats up with this kid? He's not acting like any boy I know of. I mean, little Dennis next door back home was a real terror, but not like this."

Full Round Action: Recover Maneuvers.

Can we get a knowledge roll to figure out whats wrong with the kid?

2011-02-16, 09:19 PM

Glancing at the group of people surrounding the strange child, Laraek follows their lead and does not further engage the now-calmer boy. "Child appears calmer. Restraints seem advisable. As does Zindar maintaining distance. Can child be confirmed of Aeral origin? If unrelated to mission termination is recommended."

2011-02-17, 12:43 AM

Activating her belt of magical healing to negate some of the damage caused by the boy's strange powers, Dacien carefully moves a little closer to the group. "Be wary," she calls. "The 'boy' may be another creature in disguise; or he may be possessed by some evil spirit." She rests her hand on the pommel of her falchion, ready to draw it at a moment's notice.

Activate Healing Belt [roll0] (2 charges remain)
Move to U15.

2011-02-17, 11:06 AM
Chas follows suit, activating his belt as well with a ginger touch. He tilts his head, attempting to make the tattoo seem straighter. "Definitely Aeral," he says, "and possibly the child of an important tribesman." Chas does his best to kneel without letting his knee actually touch the ground. "No need to fear us," he says while averting his eyes as a sign of respect. "We seek an audience with the village elder. Your father, perhaps?" Even as Chas speaks, he can't help but tilt his head strangely.

[roll0] 1 charge remaining

Frog Dragon
2011-02-19, 05:30 AM
The child seems to want to answer, and opens his mouth to the effect, but then collapses backwards upon the dirt. He is no longer awake, but he is breathing. It appears the exhaustion had finally caught up to him.

Zindar himself walks up closer while Hayre sheathes his blade. "What do we do with him?" Hayre asks, wishing for input from both his client and the rest of you. "If he truly is the child of an important Aeral, then they will want him back." Zindar notes. "I just hope they don't think we put him in this state."

2011-02-19, 06:57 AM

As the child collapses, Xaine squats next to him to check that he was still alive before remarking. "Alright, I'm thoroughly confused now. Someone tell me what's going on and what we should do."

And now Chas must share his OOC knowledge. Xaine being the big dumb fighter is out of his league here.

Incidentally, would protection from Evil be able to suppress the possessing entity?

2011-02-19, 04:41 PM

Approaching the fallen child, the shining automaton looks down impassively. "Containment or binding magic would be useful. Child may have been banished and is outcast. Caution to ensure mission is not disrupted is advised."

Laraek uses detect magic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectMagic.htm) on the child, concentrating for at least three rounds.

2011-02-19, 10:01 PM
Chas scratches his head, then takes a cautious step back. "They may not want this boy back; in fact, he may have been exiled. His symptoms are all indicative of fiendish possession--sudden rage, inability to communicate, fainting--all signs point to the indwelling of an...evil creature, as superstitious as that may sound. However, this may provide us some leverage. If we cure the boy--possibly a child of importance--we may gain the favor of the village.

If we have strong enough magic, we may be able to end the fiend's control of the child. If not, we can try speaking with the creature. Perhaps we could negotiate with it," he says with a sideways glance to Lakarrn, "unless any are morally opposed. Either way," he continues, "we may all want to step back and encircle the victim with chalk. You know, if you're superstitious."

2011-02-21, 09:19 PM

Dacien cautiously approaches the boy and kneels down to look him over. "I agree that it looks like he might be possessed by some evil spirit or another." She looks at Chas and Laraek. "It might well be that the spirit escaped using the boy as a host, rather than the boy being outcast or exiled. I think we should take him with us, but he should be bound and prevented from invoking any form of magic - for his own safety as well as ours."

She strides up to Zindar and levels a stare at him, arms folded across her chest. "Okay, mister employer" she says gravely. "Tell us straight - do you know if these Aeral tribesfolk practice the summoning and/or binding of spirits, demons, or any variety of other-worldly entities?"

2011-02-21, 09:26 PM
Chas cuts off Dacien before Zindar can answer. "No such practice," he says matter-of-factly.

2011-02-23, 04:28 AM
Lakarr'n shakes his head, "Chalk will not do, you will need silver dust, but while it has a vessel such methods will not contain it, and the dust alone is useless anyway." he says solemnly "I do not have a problem with you negotiating with the creature, though I would rather be rid of it and free the child, but I have yet to obtain the power to do so. I do agree the Aeral might be pleased for us to return him fiend free, or at least his parents, which would be a useful foot hold for leverage if the need arises."

2011-02-23, 01:53 PM
Chas scratches the back of his head as a puzzled look crosses his face. He was...wrong? "Yes, yes," he does his best to cover, "Silver dust, of course. Must still be the symptoms of the child's attack clouding my mind. Anyway, any suggestions as to how we can cure this child, if silver dust won't hold the fiend and you haven't the spells to expel it?"

2011-02-23, 03:18 PM

Laraek listens to the discussion, absorbing the information and waiting. When it dies down a little, he chimes in. "Viable to return to Tren? Should be priests capable of exorcism there. What is distance still to Aeral? Possible possessed child ran from village and will be happily returned regardless of of demon." Looking towards Zindar, the golem waits for an answer from the merchant.

2011-02-23, 09:47 PM

Chas cuts off Dacien before Zindar can answer. "No such practice," he says matter-of-factly.

"How can you be so certain?" The sorceress turns to face Chas. "Unless the child was randomly possessed by some wandering spirit, or making pacts with other-worldly powers is what the kiddies are into these days," her tone of voice makes it clear that she considers either of these possibilites highly unlikely. "It seems to me that someone or something in or near that Aeral community called up whatever is using that boy as a host."

Dacien nods in agreement with Laraek's assessment of the situation. "As I see it, we have two choices - we either turn back Tren and take the boy to a priest or mage powerful enough to banish the entity; or we press on to the Aeral with the hope they have the ability to deal with... whatever's happened to him." She directs her gaze back to Zindar and Hayre. "Well?" Dacien arches an attractive eyebrow at the emissary. "What do you think we should do?"

2011-02-24, 08:33 AM

As Dacien mentions children making pacts with other worldly powers, Xaine's expression changes to one of mild paranoia... or was it a tinge of guilt? He glances around somewhat suspiciously, wondering what the others would know about pact magic.

Not that he knew anything about such things, nosirree... nothing at all...

Frog Dragon
2011-02-24, 03:41 PM
"We have been traveling for hours now." Zindar comments. "I don't think we should turn back now. We've been making good time, and should be able to reach the tribe by tomorrow morning. He briefly turns to Chas. As you said, bringing him back to them is likely to be a significant leverage, and they will want to know of the actions taken towards their child. At least, I think so." The merchant finishes, and gestures at Hayre, who gently picks up the child, walking back to the wagon. "Or does anyone have any objections?"

2011-02-24, 04:17 PM

"Decision is yours. Payment does not hinge on success of mission, only your safety. Recommend constant guard on child."

2011-02-25, 09:18 AM

"Well, if the kid is possessed as you say, then we are probably the only folk around this here wilderness who can keep him out of trouble." Xaine says as he scratches his head nervously. "So while, I do not think disagree with the principle of taking him along, does anyone have any idea how we are going to... ya'know... keep him from stabbing us in our sleep?"

"I mean, I could punch his lights out in a big way, but I doubt the resulting bruises would please his parents. Rope would probably be more... diplomatic, but there's a good chance that the demon inside might have magic to get free... so what should we do?"

Frog Dragon
2011-02-28, 08:47 AM
"Perhaps we should use one of the chests? We have a fairly large, empty one in the back just in case." Zindar suggests as he starts walking over to the back of the wagon in a movement somewhat resembling a waddle. He whisks a cover to the side, revealing a cargo compartment in the back of the wagon, and indeed, a large chest. "It's not airtight, and it has a lock." One of the horses looks inquisitively at Zindar from the other side of the wagon as he speaks.
"If we pad the chest, I think we could put the kid in fairly comfortably, and he won't be getting out before we let him." Zindar smiles slightly nervously as he throws open the chest as Hayre carries the child over to the cargo compartment in his arms. "Could someone rein the horses?" Hayre asks, setting the child in. "I think we should go."

2011-02-28, 10:11 AM
Chas seems slightly nervous about the idea of keeping the child in a wooden chest. "Th-th-the chest," he stammers, "is it clean-clean-clean?"

2011-02-28, 10:23 AM

Xaine helps hold the horses as Hayre puts the kid inside the chest. "Don't forget to tie him up first. And yeah, we should probably get moving. Times a'wasting."

2011-02-28, 02:54 PM

"Chest should function, assuming no further incident." With that, Laraek turns, surveying the area, before following to the back of the wagon and taking up a rear guard position. "Time to proceed."

2011-02-28, 09:29 PM

Dacien frowns at the idea of keeping a child locked in a chest, but without any form of magical restraint, she can't think of any other way to prevent the boy from hurting himself or others.

"All right," she says, somewhat dubiously. "We lock him up - but only under the provision the chest gets opened regularly to check on him, and give him fresh air, water, and food as needed."

The sorceress nods in agreement with Xaine and Laraek. "The sooner we get going, the sooner we can get him to his people. Hopefully they will be better equipped to deal with whatever has happened to him." She sounds a little worried.

Dacien assists with binding the unconcious boy, making sure the ropes aren't so tight as to cut off circulation or forcing him into an overly uncomfortable position, and ensures that the chest is lined with plenty of blankets before he is placed inside.

2011-03-04, 06:17 AM
Lakarr'n looks thoughtful as he watches them package the child.

"hmm... If the Aeral find him or if he makes a ruckus or escapes when he's being checked on, could cause us major problems, like making the Aeral think we did this to him. I can supply magical restraint but it will not last very long at all and there is the possibility of it not taking at all. And I do not have it readied at this time, we might want to plan how we are going to do this." he suggests uneasily, the last thing he wants is to be chased by angry tribes people.

Frog Dragon
2011-03-04, 10:06 AM
"Can we do much else?" Zindar asks as he dusts off the inside of the chest before getting out blankets to stuff the chest with. Finally, Hayre puts the sleeping child in, as Zindar takes rope and tries to tie him down securely without causing him discomfort, gladly accepting Dacien's help to do so. "We'll let him out shortly before entering the Aeral settlement." He runs his eyes across the group to make sure no-one objects, before closing the chest. "That way, we won't be taking him out of the chest in the middle of their camp. Hopefully they know what to here." Zindar adds, before climbing back over to the wagon.

Frog Dragon
2011-03-06, 03:44 PM
The child actually sleeps through most of the trip, waking up only the next morning and vacantly and mindlessly eating what food is offered to him. "Whatever is possessing him probably went to hiding right now." Zindar notes. "Better for us, since we don't have to keep him in the chest. We should see the settlements any minute now."

True enough, you shortly see a village shaped of clay and stone. A river cuts across the landscape behind the village as you regard it from the crest of a hill overlooking the settlement. Clearly, the Aeral have developed rather advanced building skills despite their relative isolation from most of Ylian society. Such a tribe apparently feels reason to be watchful, for you already feel many eyes upon your caravan. No one comes to greet you yet however, as the wagon begins rolling down the hill. Zindar glances at the child.Hopefully they will appreciate his return.

2011-03-06, 04:05 PM

Looking out from the vista the hill crest offers, Laraek considers the village, wondering if these primitive tribesmen really having crafts worth his consideration. Well, this merchant and the others back in Tren seemed to think there was something special about them. So I suppose its possible, and certainly worth exploring more. Hopefully that blasted child doesn't make things too much more awkward.

Turning, it nods at Zindar's reflections. "Are the Aeral welcoming of outsiders? Do you need protection within the village?"

2011-03-07, 08:44 AM

Xaine took some time to peel his eyes off Dacien and to look at his surroundings as the group approached the village. The fact that they were watched but not greeted, made him wonder if there was some sort of ambush waiting for them in the village. Kinda makes me wish I could bind Malphas.

And of course, Xaine will heal himself, and whoever else wants it back to full health, by channeling positive energy from the plane of fire or something like that.

2011-03-07, 10:15 AM
Chas O'Malley

Chas looks around with consternation, counting the number of buildings he can see. "It's prime," he says with a sigh of relief. "Everything's okay." He scans his mind for any bits and pieces about the Aeral.

[roll0] for how the Aeral regard outsiders (and any ways to gain acceptance).

Does Xaine's healing require a touch?

2011-03-07, 10:52 AM
Does Xaine's healing require a touch?

Yes. I take it Chas will take care of his own healing then.

2011-03-08, 01:07 AM

As the wagon crests the hill and reveals the settlement before them, Dacien casts Mage Armor, first upon herself and then upon Zindar. "Better safe than sorry," she explains to the negotiator. "And it's our job to keep you safe." She looks around at the others. "I can't really speak for everyone here, but we'll try to follow your lead. However, if things go downhill, you'll have to let us take charge of your safety."

Dacien can't help but feel uncomfortable with all the stares upon them as they approach the buildings. "I wonder why no one came out to greet us?" she asks quietly. "I would've thought that if they saw strangers approaching their village, they'd send out scouts to find out if they're friendly or not." Still, she does her best to appear friendly and non-threatening.

Xaine took some time to peel his eyes off Dacien and to look at his surroundings as the group approached the village.
Dacien can't help but note that the young man was gazing at her every time she looked in his direction. Goddess help me, I hope he's not getting a crush. She sighed to herself. The attention was flattering, but she knew all too well that romantic involvement with adventuring team-mates could turn awkward very quickly.

And of course, Xaine will heal himself, and whoever else wants it back to full health, by channeling positive energy from the plane of fire or something like that.

Dacien will still be down 2 HP after a night of rest. She'll gladly accept any healing magic on offer, rather than using a charge from her Healing Belt for a measley 2 HP.

Frog Dragon
2011-03-11, 06:04 PM
"The Aeral are reclusive folk, and we are both odd and diverse." He glances at the bunch of you, who, if you had a uniform, would be extremely out of. "But we'll see them soon." Zindar adds as the wagon approaches the settlement. Individual people start to be in your sight, though the child still does not react at all to going back home.

The village opens into a clearing of sorts as the tribespeople clear out, all wearing tattoos similar to the one on the child, in varying shapes and levels of detail.The wagon is let to advance to the clearing, but people now dot the surroundings, seemingly stopping the group's advancement. None of them seem to be armed, though they strike off the resolute air of people with the situation well under control.

The horses seem nervous, surrounded from afar by the entire tribe, and even Hayre and Zindar seem wary. The silence lasts for a moment, before three tribesmen break off from the surrounding mass of tribesfolk. In the middle walks an older man, likely reaching his fifties, cloaked in the skin of some great beast, tattooed quite similarly to the boy, though his tattoo has some additional details. Surrounding him are two fit young men, both unarmed, and wearing skirt-like clothes on their waists. They stop in front of the horses, and the cloaked man opens his mouth to speak, tone signifying both relief and suspicion. "Who are you to hold my son within your grasp?"

2011-03-11, 06:30 PM

Watching the tribe gather, it was clear to Laraek that visitors, while not common, weren't unheard of. Which meant that they shouldn't be any immediate danger, assuming the older, decorated man did not take offense regarding his son. The golem stands behind Zindar, extending it's sense and watching the crowd, letting others watch the main focus of the talks.

2011-03-13, 10:28 PM

Xaine walks to the front, gives a small bow. "Greetings, I am Xaine, a mere hired escort of Theo Zindar, the man over there." He says as he gestures at his employer in the back. "We found your son wandering at <insert location here> yesterday. How he came to be there, we do not know. All we can tell you, is that when we tried talking to him, he attacked us without provocation."

"Now, I'm no expert on the subject, but my compatriots told me that he appeared to be demon possessed. So we knocked him out and took him with us. Unfortunately, my compatriots have so far not found a way to exorcise the possessing entity, so its still hiding in there, somewhere. We will gladly return your son to you, but you might want to take some appropriate precautions, at least until you can find a way to drive the demon out."

Take 10 to Diplomacy for 22.

Frog Dragon
2011-03-18, 12:03 AM
The chieftain regards you for a few seconds, introducing himself as well. I am Renak of Aeral, chieftain of this tribe. Then, after the routine introduction, he sighs. "It was what we suspected. And you have confirmed it." The chieftain walked up closer, and the warriors next to him relaxed their poses. The chieftain looked into the wagon, pulling the child out. The child continued to be vacant. "You have my thanks for returning him, but we must watch him for now." He holds the child by hand, who is still acting apathetic. One of the warriors guarding him nods, indicating that you can follow.

"I don't think this is the best of times to negotiate a contract. My luck never ceases to amaze me." Zindar mutters, and walks off after the chieftain, telling Hayre to stay with the wagon. The crowd of Aeral make way for the chieftain and his son, as Zindar walks a few meters behind them, motioning the rest of you to come with him. "Keep him in the back room of the house, and don't let him out until the Northern One returns." From his expression can be seen that doing this pains the chieftain, but he seems feel he has no other choice right now. "He might be able to remove the fiend." Two warriors nod, and take the child, while the chieftain continues to lead you further on through the village. Finally, he reaches a circle of stones, and sits down on one of the smooth stones, a larger stone separating him and your group like a table. There are stones spread around the inside of the circle, apparently intended just for that purpose. Zindar takes the hint, and sits down.

"We cannot help my son right now, so I will cut to the chase. We get few visitors. What do you want from us?" The chieftain stays silent for a moment."If you wish to know something, ask now."

2011-03-19, 02:16 AM

Standing impassively behind Zindar's chair, the golem keeps a subtle eye on the proceedings.

2011-03-20, 04:50 PM
Lakarr'n finds a seat near Zindar but not too close.

2011-03-20, 09:57 PM

Xaine sits down on one of the stone chairs, and waits for Zindar to speak his piece.

2011-03-21, 12:56 AM

"We cannot help my son right now, so I will cut to the chase. We get few visitors. What do you want from us?" The chieftain stays silent for a moment."If you wish to know something, ask now."

Dacien surveys the Aeral tribesman, assessing them for possible threats either physical or magical, before sitting on one of the smooth stones. Noting that the chieftain seems to favour blunt, straight-forward speech, she responds in a similar fashion. "Greetings Renak of Aeral, chieftain of this tribe. I am Dacien, of the Tremaine family." Her voice is pleasant, polite and respectful, and she keeps her gaze locked on his face as she speaks. "I am glad to see your son returned safely to his people, though curiosity compels me to ask how he became possessed in the first place? And who is this 'Northern One' who may be able to cure his affliction?" She pauses, and glances sideways at Zindar, hoping she isn't over-stepping her bounds in what she says next. "Though we are more than glad we were able to return your son, the true purpose of our visit is due to the reputation of your tribe's skill in battle. Word has reached our leaders of the skill of Aeral warrior-magi, and we have been sent to observe the truth of these words. Would it be possible to see a demonstration of the prowess of your tribe's warriors?"

Diplomacy (if required): [roll0]

Frog Dragon
2011-03-22, 11:45 AM
Zindar seems to accept Dacien's choice to speak up about the meaning of their visit. At least, he doesn't show any visible displeasure over it.

"The Northern One came two years ago. He hasn't given a name, but he has been nothing but helpful over the entire time. He has some powers, and we believe he should be able to exorcise the fiend." He explains. However, he seems apprehensive when he considers what Dacien followed up with. "Why would we change a lifestyle we've cultivated for generations?" The chief asks, furrowing his brow.

Zindar seems to have an answer ready, and speaks out. "I am Theo Zindar. On behalf of the Nabach company, I can say we could reward you and your tribe handsomely for even a few warriors. Even if you feel you cannot agree to a mercenary contract, we will be happy with just tutors for some of our more talented soldiers." He pauses for a second, perhaps to give the chief time to absorb what he said, before continuing. "And can you say you never have trouble with monsters and raiders out here in the plains?" Zindar asks, and is about to continue, only to be cut off by a flat "Yes."

Zindar and the chieftain look at each other, and the merchant sighs, gathering himself to continue. "Still, consider our offer. Both of us, and the ones behind us, have much to gain here." The chieftain only nods, and stands up. "I believe we are done. You will have your answer after the creature plaguing my son is exorcised. We will negotiate the exact terms then. If I decide this is worth our while." The chieftain finally remarks, walking off from the circle of stones.

Zindar appears slightly perturbed. "That could've gone better." He notes. "This is no courtly aristocrat. This man is far more direct and honest than can be said for any of them." He sighs. "My negotiating tactics are practiced on the merchants of the cities, not tribal chieftains." He pauses, changing the subject. "Maybe we should just go see the exorcism. Hopefully Hayre has found a place for the wagon."

2011-03-22, 12:49 PM
Chas perks up. "I've read of Aeral rituals and spiritualism, but only the odd scroll here and there. I’ve never actually had the chance to witness such a rite firsthand. It could prove immeasurably valuable!”

2011-03-22, 03:01 PM

Intriguing...they are confident in their power and direct in their approach. Crude, perhaps, but an indication that their secrets may be worth learning. The golem watches the chieftain walk off, returning his attention to surrounding area as the man walks off, though finding no threats. He glances down at Zindar's words, light flashing off his head as he moves. "Man of honor. Impressed by deeds, not words. To convince, must earn respect."

Laraek grunts with approval at Chas's curiosity. Of course, it will also likely be out of order and natural. How your fanatic obsessions will fare with that, I wonder?

2011-03-25, 08:54 AM

Zindar appears slightly perturbed. "That could've gone better." He notes. "This is no courtly aristocrat. This man is far more direct and honest than can be said for any of them." He sighs. "My negotiating tactics are practiced on the merchants of the cities, not tribal chieftains." He pauses, changing the subject. "Maybe we should just go see the exorcism. Hopefully Hayre has found a place for the wagon."

The young sorceress also seems slightly taken aback by the chief's abrupt manner. Dacien looks around, making sure that they don't appear to be being listen to. "Direct, yes; but how honest or honourable he is remains to be seen." She taps a finger against her naturally pouty lips in contemplation. "He didn't explain how the boy got possessed in the first place; and he didn't agree to let us witness his warriors' powers." She sighs and runs her hands through her silver-blonde hair. "Let's see what happens at this exorcism, hmm?" Dacien stands and taps the hilt of her sword with the palm of her hand, her message should be very clear - be ready for trouble.

Frog Dragon
2011-03-25, 09:44 AM
The same evening
A tribesman had come to see you, saying that the priest was almost done with his preparations, and the boy would be brought to the scene soon. Most of the tribe had gathered to witness the chieftain's son freed from possession. The one apparently referred to as the northern one was at the center of it all, averagely tall, and dressed in a white priestly gown with a crescent moon symbol hanging from his neck. He has a fairly smooth face, and light skin tone. Really rather odd for one who had lived here for a prolonged period. His hair is short-cut and brown and he seems rather young.

Two of the men came carrying the still sleeping boy, placing him within the circle. The northern one, kneels down to the child, chanting a spell of some sort, one hand on the child with the other holding a crescent moon symbol. After a few seconds, he stops chanting and rises up, staring intently at the child, though he seems to be looking more through the child.

Then, things start happening simultaneously. The gowned priest casts another spell, this time targeting the child from afar, who suddenly bolts up, lunging at the priest, getting about halfway through the movement, before an ear-splitting screech rings through the air and the child falls down on his face, unmoving again. The priest had not moved an inch as this happened, though his posture appears to be wavering slightly. The chieftain rushes forth, taking the child within his arms and looking at the priest questioningly. "It is done." The priest says, wiping his brow before starting to walk away, apparently going off to wherever he had been staying for the last two years.

Zindar nudges the rest of you. "I have questions for that priest." Zindar speaks. "A few oddities here."

2011-03-26, 08:06 AM

Xaine watched with some fascination, as the priest went about the exorcism. Unlike his more magically inclined comrades, he had no idea what the priest was doing, which perhaps made the scene all the more interesting. Everything he knew about magic (and demonic possession) could probably fit into a speck of dust. While he had heard of the adage "when in doubt, consult a caster", it was somewhat humbling to see firsthand the problems that could not be solved by poking harder with a pointy stick.

Zindar nudges the rest of you. "I have questions for that priest." Zindar speaks. "A few oddities here."

Xaine nodded, as he ran after the priest while calling out. "Northern One! Please wait!"

Surprsingly enough, Xaine is the only member of the party with no ranks in spellcraft. Anyway, take 10 to Diplomacy for 22.

2011-03-28, 01:34 PM

Laraek passes the day watching over the merchant, occasionally pulling out and polishing the odd trinket when it was growing dull. When evening arrived, it followed the others to watch the exorcism, curious about this "Northern One."

Watching the ceremonies, the mechanical man is quickly reminded that it doesn't know everything about magic yet, as it can't identify the spells of the exorcism Impressive. I wonder if he is some kind of wandering or banished priest. Odd that he appears to have retained his own style despite living out here for who knows how long.

When Zindar mentions that he wants to talk to the man, Laraek begins to move, but is not a match for Xaine's eager speed. So it settles back to watch over the merchant, ensuring his safe return to the city in a day or two.

2011-03-31, 02:26 AM
"I also would be interested in meeting him as well" Lakarr'n comments watching Xaine run after the Northern One.

Frog Dragon
2011-04-02, 03:54 PM
The priest turns, and nods, motioning you to follow as he walks into one of the houses. He slows down to allow you to follow, sitting in a chair, wiping his face with his palm, momentarily covering his eyes, as if wiping away an unpleasant situation.

The priest appears grim, but doesn't say anything, before Zindar takes the initiative. "First, I thank you for resolving the issue, but I have some questions... You are..?" Zindar raises his eyebrow. "Names are not important, merchant. I do not use one." The priest simply states. Zindar blinks at this response, but continues anyway. "Why has no one heard of you? That was impressive magic you displayed there. Surely, you'd be something of a celebrity around the area. Spellcasters of your potency rarely go unnoticed." Zindar questions. The priest doesn't display any real reaction at the question, except a calm answer. "Those who don't want attention usually learn to avoid it." "Even so, what brings you to this village? Tren would offer many more opportunities, even for those preferring to keep themselves underground." Zindar replies. "Oh, I do know that. I make supply trips occasionally. But now, I have preparations to make, so I do not have much time. Please, make it quick." The priest seems ready to stand up, looking somewhat unfocused.

2011-04-04, 09:00 AM

Xaine meekly raises his hand. "Uhh... I have a question: Since you appear to be an expert on the subject, what can we escort bodyguards do to avoid demon possession in the first place?"

2011-04-07, 02:03 AM

I suppose that is a relevant question, for these creatures. Hmmm...I wonder if I can even be possessed? This is something worth looking into. Laraek regards the priest with impassive respect, hiding his lack of knowledge (as no one needs to know of it). "What preparations do have? Why in hurry? Why no desire for attention? Help with chief?"

Frog Dragon
2011-04-07, 01:00 PM
The priest seems to ponder for a few seconds after Laraek speaks, tapping his chin with his fingers. Then, he waits for a few seconds, before sighing. "I should never have let you in here." He casts a quick spell, doubling in height, his head bumping into the roof of the hut. As he grows, he grabs a spiked morninstar from the table next to him, it growing with him.

Having lost the element of surprise to empower himself, the priest hefts the morningstar to attack.

2011-04-07, 01:22 PM

Laraek stares at the priest, then turns as the he starts to swell in size. "Protect Zindar! And run!" the golem yells as it turns, grabbing Zindar by the arm and fleeing the tent with all possible haste.

Note - this occurs before initiative is rolled or the priest casting his spell.

2011-04-07, 03:52 PM
Chas O'Malley

Chas turns tail and runs as well, hoping to get clear of the expanding priest. "Let's disembark, yes? Never thought I'd say this, but I'm ready to get back to the city."

2011-04-08, 03:59 PM
Lakarr'n frowns as the Northern one prepares to attack them without provocation. As he Backs away he calls to his fleeing comrades, "Laraek! get Zindar to safety! Chas! Go and inform the chief that the northern one is attacking us with out provocation, and ask him to step in! Xaine with me! We'll keep him distracted till Chas returns, try to maximise non-lethal and minimise lethal, we'll need him to answer questions later." Casts Mass Aid

move action to back away while talking, standard action to cast, range close, 40 feet. Allies gain +1 morale bonus on attacks, saves against fear and 1d8+7 temporary hp. I don't know if each character has to roll separately or if I just make the roll for them for the temp hp, regardless [roll0]

2011-04-09, 06:57 AM

Xaine draws his Falchion, and tries to slash the priest.

Free action: 5' step towards the Cleric
Free Action: Quickdraw Mwk Sanctified Cold Iron Falchion

Standard Action: Strength Draining Strike

Falchion Attack Roll: [roll0] (NOT including +1 Morale from Aid, since it won't be cast before Xaine's turn)
Falchion Damage Roll: [roll1]

Additionally, he must make a DC 13 Fort Save or take 4 Str damage. A successful save halves Str damage to 2.

Swift Action: Sudden Leap away from priest, and place himself between Lakarr'n and the Priest.

Jump Check: [roll2]
Tumble Check: [roll3]

Edit: So halfing the first 20 ft of the jump from tumbling to avoid AoO, and he can move back 23 ft.

HP: 50/50 + 11 Temp
AC: 17 / 16 Flatfooted / 12 Touch

Maneuvers Readied
-Moment of Perfect Mind
-Action Before Thought
-Mind over Body
-Cloak of Deception

-Sudden Leap
-Battle Leader's Charge
-Strength Draining Strike

Stance: Leading the Charge (+5 to Charge Damage for all allies within 60 ft)

Frog Dragon
2011-04-10, 01:59 PM
Chas, Laraek and Zindar run off as the rest engage the suddenly offensive pastor.

Xaine reacts swiftly, swinging at the priest. The blow only glances him, seemingly bouncing off some sort of protective barrier. Lakarr'n casts his spell, lifting the spirits of the group to fight with enhanced vigor. Dacien takes a similar route, moving into the doorway, and speeding the group's reactions up with a haste spell.

The priest, instead of attacking with his mace, chooses to utilize magic instead, casting his spell with such ease as to avoid opening himself up to attack at all. The spell apparently only serves to empower him further, and produces no visible effect.

2011-04-14, 04:39 AM

Xaine charges at the priest with a shout "Hah". Trying to hack him with his Falchion.

Tentative actions (provided there is no angry mob coming to lynch us outside):

Full Round: Battle Leader's Charge, power attack for -1/+2

Falchion Attack Roll: [roll0] (Including +1 from Aid, +1 from Haste, +2 from Charging, -1 from Power Attack)
Falchion Damage Roll: [roll1] (Includes +10 from Battle Leader's Charge and +5 from Leading the Charge, +2 from Power Attack)

HP: 50/50 + 11 Temp
AC: 16 / 14 Flatfooted / 11 Touch (includes -2 from charging, +1 from Haste)

Maneuvers Readied
-Moment of Perfect Mind
-Action Before Thought
-Mind over Body
-Cloak of Deception

-Sudden Leap
-Battle Leader's Charge
-Strength Draining Strike

Stance: Leading the Charge (+5 to Charge Damage for all allies within 60 ft)

2011-04-14, 05:09 PM
Lakarr'n casts bulls strength on Xaine

moves in to touch, grants +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, adding the usual benefits to melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, and other uses of the Strength modifier for 6 minutes

Frog Dragon
2011-04-15, 02:27 PM
The priest flinches as Xaine's blade cuts into his flesh, though some sort of force clearly absorbs and diverts a lot of the damage. The gnoll moves in to empower Xaine further. Dacien casts yet another spell, and the priest almost stumbles out of balance, before widening his stance to compensate for the lost agility.

Then he unleashes a furious assault on Xaine, abruptly bringing his mace down on him with pure weight and force, bashing him squarely over the head before following up with a powerful strike to the chest.

2011-04-16, 07:03 AM
As he runs, Chas calls over his shoulder: "Someone tell the boy to get out of there! I just calculated the odds of his survival alone, and they're..."

I figure that's about all I could say in 6 seconds.

2011-04-19, 09:15 PM

Seeing the others fleeing like scared poultry, Xaine frowns as he realizes he cannot take the Priest alone. Grunting unhappily, he follows the others and reluctantly retreats.

Full round action: RUNAWAY! Tumble the first 10 ft to avoid AoO. Haste means he should be able to cover 240 ft normally, and 230 ft after tumbling.

Tumble: [roll0]

HP: 18/50
AC: 18 / 15 Flatfooted / 13 Touch (+1 from Haste)

Maneuvers Readied
-Moment of Perfect Mind
-Action Before Thought
-Mind over Body
-Cloak of Deception

-Sudden Leap
-Battle Leader's Charge
-Strength Draining Strike

Stance: Leading the Charge (+5 to Charge Damage for all allies within 60 ft)

2011-04-20, 08:49 AM
As his last ally runs away like a whipped dog, Lakarr'n sighs "Well it's been fun, you've attacked us without reason and most of us have fled, while others put up minimal resistance. You're not by any chance taking on a trainee? I believe my current training is inadequate. if you wish to hunt down my former comrades please feel free"

Move action, moves out of his way.

Frog Dragon
2011-04-26, 05:50 AM
The priest blinks, accepting that the others have managed to evade him for now. He pauses, looking at the gnoll baffled, before laughing. "I have more than enough servants already. And none of questionable loyalty." The priest says, putting special emphasis on the last word. "But how nice of you to betray your comrades, makes it so much easier."

Then, leveraging his larger size, he takes a step forward and delivers two devastating blows to the gnoll.

The others, apart from Lakarr'n, find themselves stopped by a few of the tribesmen, the ones that had fought having caught up to Chas and Laraek due to their magically enhanced speed. The skirt-clad warrior takes one look at Xaine before exclaiming "What in the abyss happened to you?", having noticed the bleeding wounds. People are gathering around you, and suddenly the warrior first to notice you does something, a long, orange, furred tail with spikes at the tip lashing out from under the skirt.

The other warriors follow suit, the spiked tails starting to appear around all of them, around 10 in total. Zindar, huffing from the sudden stint of running, doesn't answer yet, and indeed, seems to be rather slow in taking it all in. The warriors themselves seem more watchful than aggressive, not making any other moves other than whipping out their strange weapons.

2011-04-26, 10:05 PM

"We don't know!" Xaine replied as he caught up from behind. After taking brunt of the attacks so far, he was a bloody mess, but the proud warblade still held his head up high. "We were just asking the Northern One why he didn't like attention, and then he says..." *ahem*

Xaine cleared his throat, turns to the side and spits a gob of blood away, before attempting his best impression of the Priest. "I should never have let you in here... Grr Grr Kill Kill! And before I know it, he's suddenly twice as big and whacking me with a spiky mace."

Alright, he might have embellished the "Grr Grr Kill Kill" bit. But otherwise, I think this is a Diplomacy roll: [roll0]

2011-04-27, 02:56 PM

"Priest attacked unprovoked. Fled rather than engage." The golem is short at to the point, explaining the obvious in a neutral tone. I wonder if I can just fly the merchant out of here...he's probably too fat...and likely wind up riddled with arrows...best to wait for now...

2011-04-28, 03:29 AM
Move action, retreat 40ft while saying "My loyalty is still yet to be earned and I cannot betray a non-existent trust"

As a swift action, spend one charge of Ring of Mystic Healing adding 2d6 to next cure spell cast. As a standard action burn Resist Energy, Mass, as Cure Serious Wounds to heal 3d8+2d6+7 to myself.

Frog Dragon
2011-04-28, 01:35 PM
"Run then, cretin. I have not the time to deal with you." Contrary to this, he still whacks you with the mace as you turn tail and run, but does not follow you out of the hut, despite the fact that you are still standing from the last attack. Then, he turns back to his normal size, along with his gear, turning back to the inner part of the hut in apparent hurry.

The warrior appears shocked. "The northerner? Why would he.." The warrior stops himself and motions three of the other warriors. "Go check up on the northerner... don't discount his story just yet." Three of the warriors nod, jogging off to where you came from. Then he turns to you, specifically, Xaine. "I don't know what's going on here, but we are going to find out. In the meantime, don't go anywhere. We'll treat you, and sooner or later, we'll know just what happened back there. Now someone get a healer over here!" The warrior, apparently a commander of some sort, half-yells at the others, two of which run off, leaving only him and four others around you.

2011-05-01, 07:10 AM

"Be careful!" Xaine says before coughing up another gob of blood. "That spiked mace of his his packs quite a punch" He otherwise starts channeling positive energy from the plane of fire to close his wounds, to supplement what the healers are willing provide.

Frog Dragon
2011-05-04, 11:34 AM
Running away from the hut, you see three of the tribe's warriors jogging to the hut where the fight happened. You notice spiked tails from under their skirts. One of them stops as he notices you, also bearing the marks of an attack. "You too? " He does not sound overly worried, since you are still standing, but continues to "Lets get you to the healers."

Suddenly, you hear a scream from behind you in the hut, and the warrior swiftly turns to see one of his peers run out of the hut. "He's gone crazy! Jaron is dead!" The priest walks out of the hut, wearing some sort of pack, when suddenly, a change happens with his face. He ages a decade within the span of a second, and his hair lengthens and lightens. The smoothness of his face disappears, replaced with the rugged look of a man who has seen much and endured more. His skin seems more tanned, but even so, he does not seem to have tanned very well.

The warriors take one look at the priest. "Impostor! Call for assistance!" The one next to you shouts at the one running away as the priest seems to come to some sort of terrible realization. He looks at his hands. "No! No! How could I forget?" Then, he shrugs it off, breaking off to the side from your viewpoint.

The warrior that had been running away continues to do so, running to where your companions are, shouting."Get the priest! He's an impostor! Impostor!"

A pair of robed tribesfolk, a man and a woman, come running at the call for healers, quickly spotting the injured party and concentrating as they lay their hands on the injured Xaine, each speeding his recovery up from what he was already doing, apparently through some sort of sorcery, likely affiliated with what the others in the tribe used.

Then, you hear commotion from the direction of the priest's hut. The priest shouts something in a panicky voice just before one of the warriors shouts. "Get the priest! He's an impostor! Impostor!" The voice keeps approaching you, and you see one of the warriors run back to you. "We have to stop him! He killed Jaron, and now he's running!"

The one apparently leading the party, as evidenced by the more elaborate tattoo, looks conflicted for a bit. "Fine. Capture him, and make sure the chieftain knows. I'll handle the capture." Then he turns to the rest you "Stay in the village until this is solved" He blankly states, running off with a few other warriors, leaving only the healers with you as the others scatter in their directions.

2011-05-04, 02:23 PM

The golem's head turns quickly, focusing on the noises where they left the priest. A mechanical hand tightens on Zindar's robes, preparing to flee to a further distance, when the warriors come up to the tribesmen surrounding them. Relaxing slightly, Laraek watches the warriors depart before returning a his focus to the curious healers.

2011-05-05, 05:38 AM
"I believe that is a call to assist" Lakarr'n responds and casts 'Clutch of Orcus' or in Lakarr'n's case Clutch of Khaara on the fleeing not-priest.

Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Cleric 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (160 ft)
Target: One humanoid
Duration: Concentration, up to 6 rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Reaching out a hand twisted by tension into a grasping claw, you squeeze your foe’s heart from afar, anticipating the moment its smoking remains will rest in your palm. Magical force grips the subject’s heart (or similar vital organ) and begins crushing it. The victim is paralyzed and takes 1d12 points of damage per round. Concentration is required to maintain the spell each round. A conscious victim can attempt a new Fortitude saving throw each round to end the spell. If the victim dies as a result of this spell, its smoking heart appears in your hand.

DC 16 fort save

2011-05-05, 10:08 AM
How far away is the impostor?

Chas sighs. "All in a day's work, I suppose," he mutters to nobody in particular as he takes off at a run. He speeds through the village, sliding down the dewy bank of a hill above the pseudo-priest. As he glides down the hill, he narrows his eyes to slits and focuses on the priest. Hmm, he definitely still looks human, that's for sure. A solid blow to the solar plexus should be enough to slow him down. I hope there are no mud puddles on this hill. Whoops, coming to the bottom now...

Chas skids to a stop as he pulls his bow and nocks an arrow. He traces the priest's path, exhales, and releases his bowstring.

21 vs AC for 11 damage

Charging the priest, burning Inspiration for damage.[roll0] Just to be cinematic and activate Swashbuckler's Guile.
[roll1] with Collector of Stories, to activate Knowledge Devotion
[roll2] +2 Know Devo
[roll3] +2 Know Devo
[roll5] +2 Know Devo
[roll6] +2 Know Devo

Rolls in the OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10929290&postcount=265)
Free action: designate Priest as dodge target

2011-05-05, 11:01 PM

Seeing the Imposter Priest make a run for it, and realizing that he only had 1 last chance to get in close before the haste spell wore off, Xaine takes the chance to charge him again, hoping that he would be too busy fleeing to retaliate.

Man, all out of maneuvers. Only the small bonus from Leading the Charge.

Full Round: Charge, power attack for -2/+4

Falchion Attack Roll: [roll] (Including +1 from Aid, +1 from Haste, +2 from Charging, +1 Bull Strength -2 Power Attack)
Falchion Damage Roll: [roll] (+1 Bull Strength, +5 from Leading the Charge, +4 Power Attack)

Edit: Rolls are OOC

HP: 31/50
AC: 15 / 13 Flatfooted / 10 Touch (includes -2 from charging)

Maneuvers Readied
-Moment of Perfect Mind
-Action Before Thought
-Mind over Body
-Sudden Flame

-Sudden Leap
-Battle Leader's Charge
-Strength Draining Strike

Stance: Leading the Charge (+5 to Charge Damage for all allies within 60 ft)
Bull Strength (??? Min)

Frog Dragon
2011-05-06, 03:44 AM
The priest is assaulted, first getting shot in the back with an arrow and then swiftly hacked with a falchion as he turns to glance at his opposition, finally getting a spell directed at him, which he manages to completely resist.

The bleeding wounds supporting his assessment, he judges the battle to be going against him, invoking another spell as he avoids leaving himself open. He disappears from sight completely, and only footsteps upon sand betray that he is nearby.

As the priest glances at you, you realize that his face is a fairly familiar one. As a bounty hunter, you have seen many wanted posters, and his was among the most well-known.

The face is that of Nicholae Varan, a human Dedenite from Zaka. His crimes are many, including multiple murders, larceny, dealing with fiends and other nefarious beings, plus other assorted illegalities. His head is worth quite a lot, and returning him alive would most likely just result in the authorities putting him to the sword anyway. The last known sighting of him before this day was 2 years ago in a Zakan town on the border of Yl.

The authorities around Kree had hoped that the plains had somehow gotten the better of him, and would probably like to know that he is still at large.

He has also been known to rarely work alone, and almost always has allies and underlings somewhere.

2011-05-06, 12:22 PM
Chas whistles through his teeth. "Nicholae Varan," he shouts to his companions. "Wanted fugitive; lethal force is authorized." He raises his eyebrows and adds, "Big bounty, too."

He looks around for any sign of the invisible vagrant; anything out of place that would give away his location. They always leave something out of place, they always miss something. Criminals were all the same.


2011-05-07, 01:29 AM

The man dissappeared! Did he just teleport away? Or had he turned invisible? Xaine looked around lost, but his normally dull ears suddenly picked up a telltale shuffling from next to the hut. Xaine hustles over, while reaching into his beltpouch. As he nears the invisible fugitive, he pulls out what looks like a dimly glowing animal bladder, and smashes it on his own chest!

The bladder explodes in a spray of rainbow colours, coating Xaine, but more importantly highlighting the priest."There he is! Get him quick!"

Move Action: Move adjacent to the guy. Since he only had a move action last turn, and was adjacent, Xaine should be to get adjacent to him with a single move as well. I'm hoping that he won't take the AoO, since he doesn't want to break invisibility. If he DOES take the AoO, I'll change my standard action to something else. Like an attack or something

Free Action: Holding Falchion with just one hand, leaving the other free.

Free Action: Pull out Torch Bug Paste [Complete Scoundrel 120]

Swift Action: Recover Warblade Maneuvers.

Standard Acion: As a melee attack on self, smash Torch Bug Paste on his own chest, which should autohit without any attack roll. Since it is a splash weapon however, it will also coat the adjacent priest, negating his invisibility with Faerie Fire for 1 hour.

I've done what I can, its now up to the rest of you guys to finish him.

HP: 31/50
AC: 17 / 15 Flatfooted / 12 Touch

Maneuvers Readied
-Moment of Perfect Mind
-Action Before Thought
-Mind over Body
-Sudden Flame

-Sudden Leap
-Battle Leader's Charge
-Strength Draining Strike

Stance: Leading the Charge (+5 to Charge Damage for all allies within 60 ft)
Bull Strength (6-ish Min)

2011-05-09, 05:48 PM
Lakarr'n double moves towards the foe (40ft)

2011-05-09, 06:11 PM

The metal man remains standing by the merchant, watching the priest attempts to flee without pity or concern. It keeps part of it's attention on the surroundings, vigilant to danger despite distractions.

Frog Dragon
2011-05-11, 11:29 AM
The priest runs off, managing to circle out of sight around another corner of the house just after he is splattered with the rainbow colors negating his invisibility, now out of the sight of you all. Several warriors approach from the direction opposite to the one the priest went to, looking around for a sign of the priest. "Where?" One of them shouts, having heard Xaine's warning. "Where did he go?"

2011-05-16, 10:06 AM

The golem calls out to the warriors, guiding them. "Circled around building, covered in color, attempting to run, straight ahead." It raises it's hand to gesture at the intended structure.

Frog Dragon
2011-05-18, 11:53 AM
The groups of warriors streaming past the huts jog in separate directions, other aiming to find the priest and others to ensure no-one gets away. However, no one shouts anything resembling "Found him!" One of the warriors still within your sight appears confused, glancing at your group. This warrior doesn't seem to be armed like many others in the village. He wipes his brow, visibly stressed.

2011-05-19, 08:49 AM
Lakarr'n continues moving in the direction he last saw the foe, inspecting the confused guy as he draws near.

2011-05-21, 07:03 AM

Xaine tries to trace the footsteps of the priest, and runs out from behind the hut as well. He looks at the unusual tribesman with no weapon, with some suspicion.

Spot: [roll0]

Frog Dragon
2011-06-02, 06:24 AM
The footsteps are quickly mixed with those of the other tribesmen, who have stomped all over the ground in their zealous search. Voices are heard shouting somewhere nearby in the village. "There's no sign of him anywhere!"

The confused guy looks around, seemingly oblivious to your scrutiny.

2011-06-02, 07:21 PM

Looking around, the golem watches for any suspicious behavior from approaching tribesmen, wary of a disguise.

2011-06-07, 05:49 AM
Chas studies the confused gentleman from a short distance away, then raises his arms and makes Ls with his fingers. He twists his hands until he has fashioned a crude frame around the confused tribesman and eyes him unflinchingly.

Without bothering to lower his arms, Chas progresses toward the man--three steps forward, one step left. Three steps forward, one step right. He continues in this zigzag pattern until he reaches the suspicious Aeral. He looks the man over for any signs of trickery or untidyness, and begins with a simple question. "What is your name, friend?"

[roll2] Inspiration point used

Frog Dragon
2011-06-20, 02:14 AM
"Atrek." The man says plainly, still not giving off any apparent trace of priestness. His attire is about as tidy as everyone else's in the village, and he wears the same tattoo you've seen on many of the warriors running around.

2011-08-05, 08:57 AM
"Atrek," Chas asks, raising a hand to his chin, "has the priest been acting odd lately? If so, for how long?"

Frog Dragon
2011-08-08, 03:39 PM
"Hmm, not really." The tribesman placed a hand on his chin, appearing thoughtful."I never really knew him though. But he was always very helpful, right up to this day. One of the men he killed, he had saved from the brink of death two months ago. No one knows what is going on."

2011-08-09, 04:30 AM
Lakarr'n stops to watch Chas work, he himself not good at people relations, being more focused at just making people better, then actually talking to them.

He idly watched the search the other tribesmen where still conducting, there was another thing he was poor at doing, searching, but in the grand scheme of things, he had his function and was happy to preform it.

2011-08-09, 06:59 AM
Chas O'Malley

Chas stops to ponder for a second. Or two. No, two is even, it had better be three. But wait, that's prime...

After 9 seconds of awkward silence, Chas muses to himself: "So the crime may have occurred within the past two months. Interesting. Atrek," the detective says, snapping his attention back to the man standing in front of him, "Would it be okay if we search the priest's quarters?"

Frog Dragon
2011-08-15, 04:17 AM
"It's not really my business to say, but no one'll stop if you do. If we can't find him now, it's useless, so no-one really cares about his hut." Atrek then signs. "I think he has escaped somehow by now. Whatever happened, our quarry is resourceful."

2011-08-15, 12:13 PM

Watching the exchange, the gleaming construct grows slightly annoyed, ready to be off and cease wasting time. "Then recommend leaving. Aeral strong, can look after own. Zindar must return." It's natural lack of tone helps to disguise Laraek's disinterest in hunting down the mysterious priest...for now.

2011-08-15, 03:36 PM
Chas puzzles for a second before deciding that a simple cost-benefit analysis may prove most helpful in swaying Laraek's logical mind. He speaks quickly and matter-of-factly, hoping to convey the facts without emotion. "We can leave and collect our pay from the merchant. However, the man masquerading as the priest is a wanted criminal with a sizable bounty. We're already here, so the investment in...investigating would be minimal. If we're able to track down this criminal on our way back to the city, we can collect twice as much pay for our slightly escalated efforts. Poking through the priest's possessions might prove profitable."

Chas pauses for a moment, counting on his hands as he recounts the number of P words he has just used. He mumbles to himself for a moment, but then seems satisfied. "If we don't uncover any leads, we simply head back to the city. I can always research the case later, though it would help to investigate the scene."

2011-08-19, 02:28 AM
Lakarr'n nods to Chas and replies "That seems like a solid enough plan to me, besides did not Zindar wish to ender some sort of deal with the Aeral? By investigating this occurrence It might assist with this deal and we my obtain a 'bonus' for our efforts." he smiles slyly then motions to the priests tent.
"After you sir" he says to Chas, knowing well and good, Chas is the best to deal with the required searching.

2011-08-19, 09:38 AM

The golem listens to his arguement, ponders, and shrugs. "Very well. Assuming Zindar is agreeable."

Frog Dragon
2011-08-27, 03:57 PM
Priest's Quarters
The hut is still messy, and the floor and nearby table are now stained with drying blood. The table is supported by a shelf-like structure, though the shelves are now empty. The table itself has a potted plant in the corner which has apparently not bloomed very well. A small oil lamp also sits on the table, and parts of the table are slightly blackened, as if by ink stains.

Looking further, there seems to be more shelving as well as cooking implements, though curiously, there are many urns of various shapes as sizes on the shelves. A few lay broken on the floor, result from the fight that took place.

2011-08-27, 08:02 PM

Looking around the disheveled hut, the golem sweeps it with detect magics.

2011-08-28, 06:58 AM
Chas O'Malley

Chas arches an eyebrow as he looked around the room; everything was so...uneven. The detective fights back the urge to begin straightening, as doing so had gotten him more than one tongue lashing for disturbing a crime scene in the past. Instead, he scans over the items in the hut, looking for any clues as to what Varan was doing here...was it just a hiding spot, or something more?

The blood seems recent, probably from the fight. The shelves under the table are empty--whatever had been on them was important enough to snatch. Any residue left behind? Chas crouches down and squeezes one eye closed, hoping to focus with the other. The plant is probably just poor horticultural skills, but one can never be too sure--perhaps something poured in the soil? Odd that Nicholae didn't take his lamp, but it serves to illuminate the ink stains. Are they simply puddles from knocked-over wells, or the ghostly shapes of letters bled through whatever was being written upon? And all the urns...were they the bodies of victims, narcotic substances, or some kind of key to Varan's reasons for being here and sudden shapechanging powers?

Too many questions--Chas closes his eyes and exhales deeply, then opens them and remains motionless. The evidence would move him, that he knew. Chas looks for any clues as he tries to remember any details about Nicholae Varan.

[roll0] Inspiration Point 3 of 4 used for Priest Encounter
[roll1] Inspiration Point 4 of 4 used for Priest Encounter.

OOC: Please let me know if anything besides Know Local would work better to remember details of Chas' experiences with Nicholae Varan before. Also, please let me know if this is still part of the Priest Encounter or counts as a new encounter.

2011-08-29, 04:19 PM
Lakarr'n decides to wait just out side, not wanting to get in the way, in the unlikely event of them needing what power he has left, he won't be far. Though he wonders how long it will take and if he has time to pray for more spells in that time.

Frog Dragon
2011-09-04, 07:34 AM
The urns smell of incense, of the type typically used for religious rituals, and one of the broken urns on the floor is surrounded by a small puddle of another strange-smelling ointment.

The ink stains seem to just be the result of knocked over ink wells, or smudged out for some other reason. Either way, there seem to be no words in them. The plant is similarly innocuous, however, you do notice a piece of copper wire on the floor.

For the criminal himself, rumor says that he had something to do with the power struggles in Deepreach, Bargarin that started two years ago, and that other well-known criminals were also in Deepreach during that time, though none of them are known to have participated in the struggle.

2011-09-06, 08:03 AM
Rats, I had hoped that a 35 Know: local would have gotten me a little more. Does Chas remember any details of the power struggles, or would I need separate rolls for that?

Chas crouches as close to the floor as possible, but does not let himself touch the ground. He inspects both the copper wire and the strange-smelling ointment, studying it for a full minute.

[roll0] to identify the ointment.

Frog Dragon
2011-09-06, 12:39 PM
Power struggles in Bargarin (Chas' knowledge)
The power struggles began when the Eight Winds pirate crew was completely decimated by the Sivizian fleet. The Eight Winds and its captain, Deuter Troy had previously functioned as the de facto rulers of Bargarin, since they had the most men and the greatest amount of influence in Bargarin. However, with Deuter Troy and his eight best ships in the bottom of the sea, nothing was preventing the other captains from making their own grab for power. The struggle continues to this day, since no-one captain has the power to keep things under control.

Not many pirates survived the battle that sunk the Eight Winds. However, one of the survivors was Carsus Wal, the Ninth Wind, and Deuter Troy's right hand man. Curiously, while he took many former members of the Eight Winds with him, both from those who survived the battle and those who did not participate in it, he did not try to take control of the city himself. Many of his men are claimed to have gone north after this.

2011-09-14, 10:52 AM

Seeing nothing of interest, the golem turns to the obsessively neat human. "See anything relevant?"

2011-09-15, 06:39 AM
Chas O'Malley

The detective laughs and wags a finger at Laraek. "Oh yes," he says, "everything is relevant. It's just our job to discover the relevance. Like this wire, for instance." Chas crouches closer to the copper wire and points at it to draw the construct's attention to it. "While the ointments, urns, and potions could have been used by the true priest, something tells me that this wire was being used by Varan himself. The only question is...for what?"

[roll0] to study the wire, as well as the strange-smelling puddle (if it's mundane)

Frog Dragon
2011-09-19, 01:55 PM
The ointment smells like something earthen, mixed with saffron and fat. You can think of no mundane use for such a concoction.

Likewise for the short piece of wire, which doesn't seem to have any sensible mundane application.

Further, as Chas leans down to examine the ointment, he notices a note written in dwarfish script. It reads as follows.

"It was summoned. It is against plan. Problems. Escaped control. Hid in chief's son. Took the body, escaped. Will chase. Will regain it. Be ready."

2011-09-19, 04:31 PM
Chas mutters aloud in Common as he reads the Dwarven script, then gasps. "Whatever had possessed the chief's son was summoned intentionally, seemingly for a far darker purpose. Varan intended to chase down the spirit, but instead we brought it right to him. We need to return to the city to prepare a full-scale investigation. The good news is that the creature is against Varan's plan; the bad news is that Varan can be very convincing. Time is of the essence."

Frog Dragon
2011-09-26, 02:48 PM
A familiar face appears at the door of the hut. It is the armored form of Michael Hayre, Zindar's bodyguard. "The chieftain informed us that he refuses to bring anymore 'outsider trouble' into his tribe. While we are not unwanted here, having saved his child, the business with the escaped priest has convinced him that his tribe should stay put and continue living as they always have, outside the politics of anyone else." He pauses for a moment to better see what you are doing in the hut. "Zindar has no more business here, and hopes to leave shortly. You will be able to collect payment upon our return to Tren."

2011-09-29, 03:57 PM
Chas straightens up and dusts himself off, even though the man is already immaculately clean. "Very well," he says with a brisk nod, "I believe there's enough here to start a full-scale investigation. I'm as ready to return to the city as anyone can be."

Frog Dragon
2011-10-06, 03:23 PM
Having packed up and left the Aeral village, your wagon is now making its way back to Tren on the same route.

While the operation to recruit the Aeral was a failure, that has not affected your mission. And seeing as Zindar has remained unharmed even after the confrontation with Varan, you have completed yours to the letter, and a considerable compensation awaits.

Despite the utter failure at negotiating with Renak, Zindar does not seem to be very struck down by it. Perhaps it is simply experience.

2011-10-15, 02:36 AM

As the returns to Tren and the place they were hired, the golem addresses the merchant. "With safe return, is further service required?"

Frog Dragon
2011-10-18, 02:47 PM
You arrive in good time, and the wagon and the horses are left in the Nabach company stable. Zindar, Hayre and you make your way back to the mercenary company headquarters. The aged man you saw the last time you were here is once again working behind the desk, and only says "Hello, Mr. Zindar", without even peeking up from his paperwork.

After you walk into another room, this time with a large rectangular table surrounded by chairs, Zindar sits down, noting you to do so as well. Then he responds to Laraek. "No." Zindar says. "Our trip is finished, your part of the contract is fulfilled. We don't have anything else to request of you, though I imagine my superiors would be pleased to see Varan's head on a pike."