View Full Version : Freedom Fighter

2011-01-08, 06:10 PM
It seems like they have learned from their mistakes, but history repeats... The body of water is draining slowly, and becoming polluted and unusable. Eventually at the rate it's going, there won't be any water to use, making the entire world a desolate death land. The waters have been taken over by machines that continually waste the water, making any attempt at purifying it a useless attempt, and any attempts to make a claim to the leaders have been silenced, they don't want the commoners to know. Another Divine Wrath may come again, this time without a second chance to start over.

But luckily things aren't completely in the dark. Some people have been aware of what's happening, and realize that passive negotiations will not suffice at this point. These people, for one reason or another, want to overthrow their government. Whether it's to save the water, give better standards to lower-class students, or just because they don't like the dwarfs and gnomes, these people team up in order to take down this corrupt society.

While some of them are normal people, others are different. They, by chance or by choice, have special or supernatural abilities not like what other people see. Their origins wary, from being a genetic experiment to being cyberneticly enhanced to making contact with otherworldly deities. What matters though, is that these people can combat the government, who have their own agenda, and their own dark secrets.

These people are freedom fighters, fighting the government to save the city.

(You are in your base of operations)
A messenger of sorts walks in on you. "The city guard as been patrolling the entrances and exits more frequently. The only time there is not a patrol of some sort is 12 midnight. We were scheduled to bring supplies in later today, and we don't have enough time to tell them to stop. What should we do?"

2011-01-08, 07:00 PM
Mithra was mostly idle at this point, her cloak laid over her, she didn't sleep anymore, she didn't eat, she didn't drink, didn't even breathe, and yet she was human. Fighting against the society was part of her being an outcast after three years of service to them, a single protest to the way the citizens were treated led to her ban from the city and lable as an outlaw. She joined the resistance when Ghrull did, prefering to stick with one she considered a friend.

Currently, she simply polished her mithral arm until the messenger came, at which point she put her other hand (the one that was still flesh and blood) out to calm him, "we go under the wall," she says in an eerie monotone, "Ghrull can tunnel under the walls and open the tunnel at any point within the city. We just have to have masons come in afterwards and make the tunnel more ready for regular use," she explains in the same flat tone.

2011-01-09, 09:35 AM
Ghrull stood in the corner as to try and avoid attention, though it was rather difficult to do so when you're a burly, 9'6'' Troll. His powers as a result of experimentation led him to join the resistance, and he is sometimes labeled as the leader for his bravery and determination, though he lacked the brains the others had.

At Mithra's suggestion, Ghrull walked out of the shadows to speak. "I have little issue with that," he spoke in a boisterous, almost grainy tone. "I'd rather go the physical route, but... Everyone else in agreement with Mithra's plan?" Ghrull always wanted the population to know who he was, and do it by fighting the government out in the open instead of covert action.

2011-01-09, 08:45 PM
The casket-like hyperbaric chamber hisses as a glowing point of light traces an invisible seam. Nira Jhlym sits up from her underwater nap refreshed and ready for a night of infamy. She is one of the few here that easily passes for human, though technically the Aventi are a race apart. Most would agree that whatever she is, she is a fine specimen: long dark hair, skin of clearest pearl, and legs that never seem to end. With a carefree wave of her hand, she touches two fingers to her pursed full lips. The plaintive sprawl of a single highly immodest short towel transforms into her trademark formfitting navyblue jumpsuit. Still dripping wet, she reclines on her side on top of her chamber, toying with a lock of hair as she listens to the messenger's report and the others.

"Far be it from me to interrupt," she interjects anyway, "but what exactly are these supplies? If it's small enough to carry, I can simply bring it with me through the ethereal plane. If it's larger, I can draw up some documents that allow passage through the main gate or better yet a phase gate of our own creation."

"So as you can tell, moving the goods themselves is the least of my concerns." She eyes the messenger suspiciously. "Who else knows of this 'delivery,' and who else would have an interest in it if they did know about it?"

2011-01-10, 05:19 PM
(I appologize if you did not get a chance to post, but the story needs to get moving)

The message replies, "The delivery is that of weapons and food. Only the person making the delivery, and a chain of scouts magically bound to keeping it between them and you guys, know about the delivery. I know with your powers you could get it through, but my point is that they are getting suspicious of us."

2011-01-11, 04:54 PM
Ghrull smashes his fists together as he responds, "Well in that case, no time to waste!" The troll then starts cleaving through the ground underneath him. As the hole grew, he dug deeper for a bit before coming up and asking, "Where's the general direction of the supplies?" Ghrull had a habit of acting before thinking, even before he was given the experiments. He usually came okay in the end though because of his nigh-impervious body.

2011-01-11, 06:20 PM
Mithra shakes her head, a small smile on her face, half hidden by her cloak. "So we're to try and 'prove' we're not suspect as part of the resistance? Not your best bet to send such... obvious members as ourselves, to take care of that. Maybe sending more normal members would be your best bet. However, escorting it from hiding in case things turn ugly is a good idea. We can cover all terains, from the sky to the water to under the surface, as you've seen with Ghrull."

2011-01-12, 01:11 AM
"Fortunately for us, appearances are mutable. That's more than I can say about *ahem*, but we must take what we can get." Nira brushes away a few crumbs, courtesy The Big Dig. "More to the point, we need to know where to meet, what to expect, and what's between there and here." She produces a pen and parchment out of thin air, as if to take notes.

"So," she raises a magically-supercharged eyebrow, "Spill it."

Suggestion, Will DC 20

2011-01-14, 11:39 PM
"They..." The messenger starts to say, as a loud clanking starts coming from one of the main halls, akin to that of platemail and spears.

Cadian 9th
2011-01-17, 07:36 PM

" Hi boys and girls... " Violet says, tired.

Emerging from her room after meditation, Violet smiles then frowns, closing her eyes beneath her mane of long, white hair. She's wearing a brown cloak, clasp just above her breast line over a plain silk shirt. A close fitting mask that covers her Chin and meets a fine circlet around her brow, leaving her Green, glowing eyes visible. She's got two rings, one on each finger, and a black belt tied in a loose knot around her slender waist. A short skirt and black leggings into brown leather boots concludes her appearance. She can sense the minds of any creatures, and waits to find them.

" I can knock them out...? " She says. Violet reaches out, ready to blast the incoming entities minds.

Mindsight, 100 or 200ft depending on wether the item is allowed...

Int score, creature type, position.

Focus: Arcane Focus (+4 spellcraft, +4 will save)

Spells: 4/7/5/4/2
0: Detect Magic x4
1st: Shield x2, Rest free.
2nd: Celerity, lesser x3, 2 free
3rd: Dispel Magic x2, rest free.
4th: 2 free.

Celerity x6.

2011-01-17, 07:46 PM
Ghrull stops digging at the sound of clanking metal to rise from the hole he made. Quickly running to the door and putting the messenger out of the way. "Hah!" he bolstered out. "Get behind me everyone! I'll charge them all down like... uh... buildings!" An excited smile grew on his face as he was ready to charge head on. He loved these situations, even if he wasn't the brightest at what to do. His strategy mostly consisted of running at the enemy, charging them over, and using his brute force to bring them down. Using himself as a shield was also works, though he needed to be reminded every now and then.

Okay, firemagehao, I'd like you to wait for Niezck to finish his sheet before we head into combat please. :smallsmile:

2011-01-17, 09:24 PM
"Oh my God! Someone's coming! Whatever are we to do?" Nira croons dramatically in mock surprise. Pen and parchment vanish in a blink, and so follows Nira. She throws a pair of finely-crafted legs over the edge of the iron casket seat. Her momentum carries her through a pendulous rotation to her comrades' sides. By contrast, her nimble fingers outline a diminishing blur of sigils. Their corporeal forms fade away while her hauntingly disembodied voice continues to cast spell after spell in her native undular tongue.

"It's time to pay the rent, boys."

Invisibility Sphere, everyone within 10ft of Nira is invisible

Plus All Day Buffs:
Nondetection, DC 31 caster level check to detect with divinations
Greater Mighty Wallop, +4 size categories for staff
Greater Magic Weapon, +4 enhancement for staff
Greater Magic Weapon, +4 enhancement for bow
Superior Resistance, +6 saves
Darkvision, see in dark 60ft

Nira's staff is stored in her glove, as usual.

2011-01-22, 02:26 PM
Stepping out of his chambers with a large clunking, Erukal yawns audibly as he looks around the room. His bright red metallic suit, covered in black flames, glistens in the ambient light of the base. He stands at just over six feet, yet little can be determined about his appearance through the suit. Two large, angelic wings sprout from the back of the suit, a strange looking tube rests on his right arm and all manner of little lights and interfaces adorn his chest. To any but himself, his suit was a complete mystery.

"Uhhh, what's going on guys? Why are you all ..."

As he looks around more, it hits him.

"A raid? Again? Goddamit."

A series of strange whirring noises comes from his suit as he stretches, seemingly powering up. He lifts himself off the ground a little and positions himself above Ghrull.

"Alright, let's get this over with."

Cadian 9th
2011-01-22, 06:16 PM

Violet glances coquettishly at Erukal, then back to her task. " Ghrull, could you... Hmm. " She starts. " We should meet them away from here, so we can keep this stronghold. Until I break through and obtain the information in their minds, I hope for all of us that this is just a routine patrol and not an actual attack on this stronghold. "

2011-01-22, 06:34 PM
Soldiers pour into the room, immediately surprised at not seeing the voices they had just heard. They appear to mutter to each other, passing a message along among them. Then, about ten of them charge to where they heard Violet's voice. One lands a blow with his sword onto he shoulder (for five damage). He yells to the others, "I found one!"

Cadian 9th
2011-01-22, 06:44 PM
OOC: How many are there? Mindsight isn't picking them up?
Ini [roll0]


Failing to dodge the blow, Violet tsks, rising into the air with power. " Leave me alone! " She says, distraut. Picking up the soldier with telekinetic power, she moves him close to her, ready to move him in the path of any blows.

Leave now, I'll hold them off. She says to the others, telepathically.

Swift: none.
Move: Move self up 30ft.
Standard: Move soldier up 30ft.
Cunning Surge: Ready action: move soldier if attacked.
Free: Cunning Defence.

2011-01-22, 07:04 PM
I'll roll Initiative now I suppose: [roll0]

Ghrull watches as the soldier slash Violet and in a burst of rage, makes a reckless charge at the soldiers, his voice bellowing his cry of revenge. "RRRRHHHHHAAAAAAHHHHHH!" He quickly draws his massive glaive as he charges and swings his weapon all around him. "Forget it!, you get out of here!" The monstrously powerful troll says to Violet. "These guys are like sticks! They'll do nothing to me!" Ghrull was confident, possibly cocky, but meant well for his companions.

Attempt a charge attack and bull rush at the other 9 soldiers. Improved Bull Rush (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Improved_Bull_Rush) and Rampaging Bull Rush (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Rampaging_Bull_Rush) are in effect as well as the Domino Rush with Shock Trooper (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Shock_Trooper).
Bull Rush attempt: [roll1] Add +4 to my score if they're Medium size.
Glaive attack: [roll2]
Glaive damage: [roll3] If I knock out one, Cleave takes effect. Uses War Hulk's Mighty Swing to attack every enemy in an area that I threaten (now how much reach that is, i have no idea :smalltongue:) 20 ft reach.

Cadian 9th
2011-01-22, 07:26 PM

I'm not leaving you here, Ghrull. Now they know we're working together. She sends, upset. The rest of you, don't even DARE to reveal yourselves.

They might not know how many of us there are, nor if we work together, nor if the stronghold is what it is.

With a shock, Violet thinks of the other resistance fighters, residing in the fortress.

Change of plan. We need to get the others out as well. Ordinarily we would illusion it, but the battle is joined.

Destroy these ones, and make sure none escape. Then, we'll have to move... again.

2011-01-22, 08:03 PM
"Hey, Vi, you go and do that. You're better at that sort of thing and you sure as hell know what I'm good at!"

With that the armour-clad Aasimar raised himself even further up before releasing a blast of electricity that bounced to each target in turn.

Fly about 20ft up
Chain Lightning

[roll0]+53 = 118
To the initial, then 85 to each secondary, DC 21 reflex for 85 (initial) and DC 21 reflex for 69 (secondary).

2011-01-23, 07:18 PM
"We Go. We Stay. We Fight. We *always* fight. Frankly, I don't understand why we still bother pretending to debate it. Just leave one alive." Her disembodied voice deepens forebodingly. "Only one. Any volunteers?"

Initiative [roll0]

Nira delays until after both Erukhal and Ghrull have attacked. If either of their attacks kills or badly wounds any one target, Nira will simply cast Solid Fog (as below) and leave to the adjacent bathroom to freshen up. If not, then she will do the following:

Swift: Quick Cast Greater Invisibility (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/invisibilitygreater.htm)
Standard: Solid Fog (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/solidfog.htm), blocking the entrance/escape-route and covering as many enemies as possible WITHOUT occupying any squares within allies' reach.
Move: Move with group into melee

A map would be great, but I'll take a simple description of how many there are, and what they wear/wield, and how badly hurt they seem.

2011-01-24, 06:58 PM
Grull Cleaves through six soldiers, but is immediately surrounded by more, whose weapons bounce off of him, leaving him unharmed. Erukal takes down many with his lightening, but those who survived it immediately start to throw their spears at him (he takes 20 damage).More when I learn the details on mindsight.

2011-01-25, 07:41 PM
Ghrull simply put on a rather scary smile as the soldier's weapons simply bounced off the troll's skin. "Hahahahahaha!" he cried out in intimidation, he was already having too much fun with fighting. "Know me!" He then bellowed. "I. Am. Indestructible! Your weapons will not harm me! He then swung his glaive all around the room, tearing the flesh of the soldiers. Tell your empire! That I bring the faults of their ideals back to them!"

Mighty Swing with War Hulk, I hit every enemy around Ghrull that's within 20 ft of him
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]
I'm having too much fun with this guy :smalltongue:

Cadian 9th
2011-01-25, 08:15 PM

Vi keeps the soldier where he is, then, eyes blazing, hair fanning out, she rips up a huge chunk of masonry and sweeps it through the enemy ranks, out as far as she can be bothered. She surges, and cracks the ground beneath the oncoming soldiers feet and lifts shards of rock around her to spin slowly, ready to block oncoming shots or aim it at new targets.

Move action: Lift huge shard of rock. I can lift up to 11700 pounds without need for a concentration check, so it should be a chunk of a nearby building roughly 117 cubic feet of stone, That means it's about a 23 squares big. I sweep it through the attackers, trying to hit as many as possible with my 90 ft movement move action. Strength 56 bull rush if they want to resist it, otherwise I leave what happens up to you. Some damage (About 6d6, if we're going at the powerful charge sizes and speed damage + slam of that size) but mostly a knock down and impalement.

Then, move action: Lift rock from the ground with telekinetic strength, ripping chunks of the sidewalk up to form difficult terrain. Levitate the shards to circle around me.

Cunning Surge: ready an action to defend someone by moving shards around.

2011-01-27, 11:22 PM
Intense blue-black radiation flashes like peals of thunder from the lavatory. "Ahh, that's better," she stretches, returning exactly the same as before. She waves her hand, and the solid fog falls away, revealing a new set of victims for the troll. "While Ghrull thinks with his fists, let's figure out who exactly is behind this. After all, they must be taught a lesson, or they'll never leave us alone. Any suggestions?"

Cadian 9th
2011-01-28, 06:40 PM

Nira, talk like this. She sends. We'll keep one alive, then, but I suspect it was that noble that I encountered a few weeks back. I... made a mistake, and he may have remained loyal.

If that's the case, I need to eliminate him before he tells of that I can contact nobles like this.

2011-01-29, 02:04 PM
two of the humans, the ones that appear to have the highter intelligencee score, shoot bolts of lightening a Ghrull, the foot-soldiers throwing spears at Erukal. (Erukal takes 15 from sppears, Ghrull takes 180)

Cadian 9th
2011-01-29, 06:26 PM
OOC: Readied Action Triggers


Seeing the lightning arcing out, she sends shards of rock to block the lightning.

She narrows her eyes at the ones responsible.

2011-01-30, 03:20 AM
As soon as the lightning bolts dash against Vi's rocks, Nira's eyes lock onto the two enemy mages. "This I did not expect, but they will be dealt-with quickly." She points an accusing finger at each of their mages. "The lightning bolt that nearly killed you is proof that your mages are incompetent and a danger to everyone! Keep them bound and stripped of all items for safety's sake!"

And with two sideways glances, she then disappears into the adjacent room inconspicuous-like.

Mass Suggestion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/suggestionMass.htm)

The 8 living humanoid enemies nearest the front of each of the two enemy mages who fired lightning bolts are targeted for a total of 16 targets. Will DC 23 negates.

2011-01-31, 03:21 PM
"I'm bored now."

Erukal takes a moment to calm himself before releasing a defeaning roar at the group.


Greater Shout - [roll0]+53 sonic damage to everybody in a 60ft cone infront of him. Fort DC 23 for half of the rolled number, plus the 53.

2011-01-31, 05:06 PM
Ghrull watches the lightning bolts be stopped by the chunk of earth that Violet had put up. The pain that they would have caused was something that the troll had loved to feel, but was always a threat to his health of course. With yet another mad roar, he wildly charges straight at the two mages, throwing his glaive all around him. "You cheating weaklings!" He bellows out in rage. "You never fight with magic! Come at me with your blades!"

Enter Heartless Fury, +4 Str and Con.
Another Domino Charge with Shock Trooper, Improved and Raging Bull Rush, charging to the enemy mages and attacking them as well as everything in a 20 ft radius.
Bull Rush attempt: [roll0]
Glaive attack: [roll1]
Glaive damage: [roll2]

2011-01-31, 09:11 PM
Ghrull takes 90 damage instead, there being two bolts.
Niezck... you had to do that.

The guards nearest to to the mages begin to restrain them, but are blasted out of the way by Ghrull's charge. The mages themselves splatter against the wall. As Erukal's shout resolves, you hear a great cracking noise above you, as large chunks of rock begin to fall down from the ceiling. The rocks fall on both the small band of soldiers and on you (for 5 each). A large chunk of rock falls over the doorway. (not wanting to make a new post, violets actions do not stop the cave-in.)

Cadian 9th
2011-01-31, 09:26 PM

" I Liked this place! " She complains. Uttering a word of magic, She grips the falling roof section with her willpower, suspending it above the party while rock still falls on the enemy. She winks at the soldier she's still holding.

Cast Celerity (lesser), free action get a hold, move action stop it from falling.

2011-02-02, 10:14 PM
Ghrull feels the chunk of rock rip his skin for a moment before healing like a fly sting. "Aww come on Erukal! You could have let me bring this place down instead!" Ghrull loved to knock down buildings, though aware of the casualties that usually applied. The first time he did knock down one was more of a reflex action to escape the authorities shortly after being transformed into what he was. It was when he tore it down that he had felt all-mighty and dangerous. "Everyone, grab hold of me! I'll smash my way out and take the blow of the ground for you!"

2011-02-10, 04:53 PM
Violet manages to hold the ceiling up above the group, but the soldiers are crushed by falling rocks, and the group is buried in.

Cadian 9th
2011-02-10, 06:38 PM

" Ghrull, try not to cry with joy... " She says, smiling.

2011-02-10, 08:20 PM
Ghrull felt that his muscles could burst as he noticed the opportunity. His psycho smile widened as he used his arms to pick up as much rubble as he can. He paused for a moment to show off his god-like strength to his allies and enemies before throwing the avalanche of rubble at what other soldiers remained standing as a threat. Any chance that Ghrull could show himself off was one of those moments he'd always remember.

Using my 60 Str to pick up as much rubble as possible to throw at the remaining soldiers using the War Hulk's (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20030914a) Massive Sweeping Boulder.. Do I need to make a check?

2011-02-11, 05:40 PM
If you want

Cadian 9th
2011-02-17, 02:00 AM
So, um. Ayup.


Where to now? Once we've destroyed this force? She sends, still holding the rocks above her.

2011-03-11, 12:31 PM
Throwing whatever rubble out of the way, Ghrull simply stated, "We find whoever is still with us and find a new place, haven't we done this before?" Ghrull takes a moment to think, "Uh, how many does this make? 8?" He was clumsy with remembering, which can go to a pretty insane degree of forgetfulness.

Cadian 9th
2011-03-11, 07:43 PM

Yes, 8, Ghrull - I must say, this is the final straw. I can deal with raids and patrols, but now they're declaring war on us. I think it's about time we brought war to them. She sends, eyes glowing with power. What do you say, Ghrull? Time to rouse the rebels?

2011-03-11, 07:53 PM
Ghrull picked up a wide grin as Violet asked those words that came out of her mouth. "Yeah!" he screamed in such a powerful tone. "This is the time I've been waiting for!" He smashes part of the wall to create a 'shortcut' to another room. "I'll go find our men and we'll organize them. C'mon!" Ghrull starts to make his way through the place to find and save the other rebel members.

2011-03-12, 09:22 AM
You find that most of the other rebels are safe in an antechamber with minimal casualties. Not very many armaments survived however. You have enough food for about two days undamaged, although you may be able to dig up more. All entrances caved in, so Ghrull has some work to do. Shy of twenty of your troops are unhurt, although about that many are wounded.

2011-03-14, 10:38 PM
Ghrull checks the group with a less-than-content feeling. We're not going to be going anywhere with these many injured people... he thought to himself. Ghrull turned around to check on Violet. "Most of us are still living, but over half of them are injured, beyond able to fight at their current state. They lack equipment and supplies too." He was annoyed at this, "They can't head into battle, I'll take on the whole damn government if need be, but at the moment I can try looking for more supplies. Violet, can you get these soldiers to recover and move to safety in the meantime?

Cadian 9th
2011-03-24, 10:50 PM

She's already organising everything - genius level intelligence does make her a great planner. " I'm doing it, Ghrull... " She says.

She's also reaching out for any officers and/or corrupt/suspectible nobles that she's found before. If they showed signs of defection to her and the rebels in the past, then now was the time to ensure their safety and help.

I didn't expect to have such a huge battle thrust upon us, so firemageho I'm happy to slow this down and give us a few weeks to prepare for the uprising. :smallbiggrin:

2011-03-27, 12:15 PM
All of the nobles that violet had contacted are still willing to help.