View Full Version : [Nexus] GLoG 65

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2011-01-08, 07:09 PM

The Good League of Good is an ACRONYM organization devoted to the redemption of evildoers and the care and support of those in need. If you are looking to smite evil, please check out HALO or WATCHTOWER.[/SIZE]

If you are new to Acro or ffrp, please come to the Nexus OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=182202) and introduce yourself first. :smallsmile:

Our IC leadership council:
Quinn (played by The Bushranger)
Runner (played by KerfuffleMach2)
Phoenix (played by Kid Kris)
Andreas Emeral (played by Zefir)
Susan (played by billtodamax)
Shrike (played by The Bushranger)
Zamira (played by horngeek)
Ironbeard (npc, can be played by anyone)

OOC: All players are welcome to make a character to join GLoG. The post-in-ooc-thread-first request is only so we know who is around. We aren't running auditions or anything. :smallsmile:
IC: Your character may be refused entry to the premises or asked to leave if they cause trouble in-character.

Membership form:

Current Moral or Ethical Leanings (Good/Evil):
Desired Moral or Ethical Leanings (Good/Evil):
Why do you want to join GLoG?
How can you contribute to help support this organization's goals?
Any other important information:
Preferred room assignment:

((see room list and choose))

Character room assignments:
Main Lodge - Willow|Happy Amakirr, President|Happyturtle||
Cabin 1 - Oak|Jazirian,|KidKris|
|Susan, Head of Security|billtodamax|
Cabin 2 - Sycamore|Amadeus|Happy Days Falgorn|
Cabin 3 - Redwood|Crodelus|Hyozo|
Cabin 4 - Maple|Shania|Lex-Kat|
D|broken windows
Cabin 5 - Apple|||
A|Visitors Cabin|
Cabin 6 - Cherry|Marley|ThePhantom|
Cabin 7 - Chestnut|||
Cabin 8 - Birch|||
|Zamira, Shrike/Falcon|Horngeek, BR|
Cabin 9 - Dogwood|Coma Nothing|Beans|
Cabin 10 - Elm|||
Cabin 11 - Denim|Rae|Rae Artemi|
A|Cabin is made of denim
|Emily|Lix Lorn|
Infirmary - Cedar|Eko|Earl of Purple|

Each cabin has rooms A-D. The main lodge has plenty of bunk space, but there are no separate rooms.

Cabin 5 - Maple is reserved for visitors who do not want to stay at the lodge. They are requested to check in at the main lodge, where any member can give them permission to stay for a few days. Longer than that, and unless they are in need, they would be requested to either join or move to their own place or one of the local inns.

New cabins can be added as the plot demands it. Here is a list of unused tree names:

Linden, Larch, Ash, Pine, Hickory, Poplar, Magnolia, Olive, Rowan, Fir, Spruce, Holly, Cottonwood, Cypress, Hemlock, Teak, Ebony, Pear, Fig, Date, Mahogany, Palm, Lime, Acadia, Gumbo Limbo…

Description of the new GLoG setting:
After the original GLoG building was destroyed by an army of catpeople, the survivors took out a mortgage and purchased Phoenix Lake Campground. Facilities include the main lodge house, a bathhouse with separate male and female sections, a stable (no horses present), various picnic shelters, and a few scattered cabins. It's set in the foothills of the Acro mountains, and mainly surrounded by woods. There are many hiking trails nearby leading to mountaintop vistas, waterfalls, seacoves, and various other locations, both within this thread, and in the Outside thread. The campground is also within easy walking distance of the Taverna Generica and the city of Inside.

At the lake, there is a small dock with a little shed nearby where a few canoes and paddleboats are stored. (They probably should be inspected first before trying to put them in the water.) The swimming area has a GIANT slide and a rope swing. Because GIANT slides and rope swings are awesome. :smallbiggrin: There is also a playground under the trees, set back from the lake somewhat, and a set of horseshoe pits.

Having been built on a Generic Ancient Burial Ground, Phoenix Lake Campground is haunted by various ghosts. They are generally harmless, and for the most part glad to have some company, though pranks and hijinks may occur. Ghosts, like the drones of old, can be NPC'd by anyone. They tend to speak in Gray.


South, by Neon Knight:
[Lake, Southern Shores]

Our descriptive tour starts here, because NK has jurisdiction here.

The southern shore is a gentle slope descending into the waters of the lake, sandy here and there, and perfect for waders and swimmers. There are no high banks along the water, which is normally quite pleasant. Being winter, of course, it is rather chilly. The foliage around the lake isn't prickly or harsh at all, and a free trees provide shade for those inclined to lounge nearby.

[South Meadow]

Immediately south of the central shoreline is a rather nice meadow. Although winter has robbed it of some joy and vitality, [South Meadow] will be a lovely spot for picnics when warmth returns, with soft grass, pretty blooms, and an arrangement of surrounding trees that lets in just enough wind to cool you off in the summer but blocks enough so that the windchill doesn't freeze you.

[South Forest]

As the tree line thickens, conifers and deciduous trees grow in thick clumps, making a patchy canopy overhead. Hiking trails wind through it here and there, but it is mostly overgrown; the southern woods are a more remote and neglected part of the campground.

The bare wooden limbs of the deciduous trees contrast sharply with the continued vitality and life of the firs and other conifers. The elevation gently slopes up the deeper south you go, wit forested hills rising and eventually the great peaks of the mountains forming the southern part of the valley.

North, by EleventhHour:
[Once in a lifetime, you get a new beginning]

GLoG, was blown apart and torn down, those who visited it mourned the loss of such an extravagant building, and for the loss of a landmark they grew up with. When they heard word of it being rebuilt, from almost the ground, people came to see, and to work. The following is an excerpt from a journal of a woman who came to see the new place...

On the northern shores of the lake, 'tis easy to see why they pick such a place. To the south it one range of mountains, sandy beaches and old forgotten trails, on the north side, things are rockier. For example, even as I write this, I stand on the head of a short cliffside some six feet above the glistening blue waters, well they are frozen over with ice at the moment, glittering in the sun, but I can imagine the summer view...

To look around, turning in an eastward fasion, it's easiest to notice the grey mountain peak of the beginning of the northern range, the massive waterfall feeding the lake shining white even from here, there are the forested groves and the low growing holly bushes, some dead for the winter, others still a vibrant green as thier sort dictates. To the north, I will have to travel through the woods, to be looking upon the sights. Coming back 'round to the west, you can see the battered place of old, where a graveyard must have stood, some pitted old pillars and laystones of granite grown over with moss, and pushed aside by saplings.

Upon starting the climb up the hillsides about the mountainous locale, I noticed that where some rockslides had taken the face away from the lower mountain revealing black, midnight cracks into the roots of the world, leading who knows where, and sealed for who knows how long. Ah! I have reached a merry pinnacle, about halfway up those imposing peaks. Oh, 'tis cold, certainly, but any who dare venture up this far are surely in for a treat of wonder. Looking down across the forest, you can see the blackened trees to the west, and the breaks in the treeline where the cabins and lodges stand empty, with the little cleared roads drawing snaked pathes between them.

Up here, you can taste the frigid air, and only the lowest growing bushes are able to grow at all. Miraculously, when I stopped in a little enclave on the side of the hill, heading back down now, there were blueberries growing! In the middle of winter, no less! Unfortunately, there was a storm brewing, and I had no time to stop and wait. One thing did catch my eye though, on the way down, that somehow I couldn't see from the peak, and I have yet to drop by the main lodge itself to see, but from here I could see a tree, massive beyond reason of twisted branches and a trunk easily as large as a house, I would say it was a blue ash, but they couldn't possibly grow so tall...

Island: (by Rebonack)
In the midst of the lake there is a small island. Getting here is a bit of a swim unless other means of transportation are available.

It's generally sandy with more than a few alder trees quite happy to take advantage of the water. Everything is powdered with a light application of snow, disturbed by only the occasional bird footprints. Isn't exactly the sort of location large animals come to.

The place is largely wooded with the occasional granite boulder sticking out of the snow, strange swirling petroglyphs etched into them. And in the middle of the island is a structure of decent size. A low, squat building of stacked stones. Looks to be a crypt of some kind.

Should one step into the barrow...

It's dark inside. And kinda wet. The walls are carved with the same odd swirling sigils that were found on several of the stones outside. In the middle of the ruin lies a huge stone table, ancient glyphs ringing the edge. The slab appears to have broken ages ago, split right down the middle. Several windows allow sunlight to filter in, causing the various stone to cast long shadows.

Or at least they do when the skylights aren't covered in snow.

Main Lodge: This large building contains an industrial kitchen with a cafeteria style serving area, and an open space that was once used as the dining hall. The space is warmed by a massive fireplace. Bunk beds are lined up on one end of the hall, opposite the kitchen, and a few comfy chairs and sofas are beginning to appear around the fireplace as they are procured. The building itself is made of stone.

Bathhouse: This building is divided into the men's and women's bathhouses, with entrances at either end. It has shower stalls, a line of sinks, and toilet stalls in each. By now, the shower curtains have been replaced and the whole area has been scrubbed to cleanliness and usability.

Cabins: Each cabin has 4 rooms, each with shelves and space for three bunk beds. The ones nearest to the lodge have been cleaned out and are habitable, though they lack furniture and any source of heat.

Workshop: A well built cabin designed by Reelshka, containing nothing at present but the Mainframe installation. It is locked.

The outside of the infirmary looks just like all the rest of the buildings. Nothing distinguishes it at all.

But inside, everything is white, with silver highlighting. Even though it doesn't seem possible, when looking from outside, sunlight filters inside. Giving the place a warm feeling with natural light.

A soft, soothing music filters through the whole building and words can barely be heard saying words of healing and comfort, like: "You are going to be okay." "We'll take care of you." "You are dear to us." and so on.

Each room is walled off for a limited amount of privacy, because the pixies know that humans seem to need this. Strange. But it is limited. There are no doors.

Kinda looks like this:

Except the angles are more severe, so that people on the other side of the hall can't see into anyone's room. Only someone intentionally looking in, can see you.

There is also a small living area in the back which includes a small kitchen and bedroom among a few other things.

About the Drones Mk 2:
In other news, the drones are back at GLoG (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10099372#post10099372). :smallbiggrin:

Drones are NPCs who can be played by anyone, within the guidelines below
Their Primary Function is member safety
They no longer have teleport beams or alignment scanners
They do have stun beams and the ability to record what's going on around them
They follow orders, unless those orders conflict with their Primary Function
There are only 10-12 in operation at any one time
They can be destroyed, but if so, they'll be restored from backup
A few have been supplied with medical programming, and thus can be godmodded for infirmary duties.
Sadly, they have no cake fixation. Sunny arrived after the Top Secret Cake Baking Kitchen had been abandoned.
They speak in DarkOrange FixedSys


(Sadly, the drones were removed for IC reasons. If someone wants them back, they'll need to build new ones.)


Teenage Prankster|Hyozo|Seems to enjoy tormenting Charity
Bloody gentleman|Hyozo|
Ironbeard|Happyturtle|A dwarven gentleman rake
Lady Anastasia Miranda Ophelia Stuart|Happyturtle|former royal courtesan
Nurse Piper|NPC|Former camp nurse, thinks of the GLoG infirmary as her domain
Lady Phoenix|ThePhantom|the lady in the faded red dress
Vidalia|Lex-kat|Former member of old GLoG
Heather|Happyturtle|Drowned teenage girl
Jase|Happyturtle|teenage boy

http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1001/d10/1026/f540261.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/33956942)

Attention villains:
Conflict is great! It's the heart of any story, and there isn't much to roleplay without it. However, as a player to player courtesy, please check in with the players who are active at any given time before launching an attack. Not everyone wants to roleplay combat scenes, and sometimes there are other things going on (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0497.html) that players don't want to interrupt for a random fight. Either a PM/IM to players, a short post in thread to say ((Mind if I introduce a villain here?)) or a longer post in the OOC thread if it's a larger plot is appreciated.

Also, please don't plan any villainy that will result in destroying the base or having the same effect (poisoning the lake, burning down the forest, etc.)

Base Defences:
So Khiansa goes around the grounds, casting alarm spells around the surrounding woods, and wards against the weaker classes of undead, devil or demon (eg. Those least likely to be PCs :smallwink:), weak wards to limit the strength of destructive magic, and other such weak fields of protection, in order to make things a bit safer in general, before he can eventually go back over and make stronger, more selective wards.
After setting up the wards, he'll start the considerably harder work of magically fortifying the buildings themselves, especially the lodge, weaving spells of protection and strength in between and through the building materials, so that they may better withstand attack.

NB: As part of a continuing effort to move away from DnD and become more freeform, there is no longer any inbuilt organizational capability of 'alignment detection'. Individual PCs may or may not have this ability.

Reference images:

Main lodge:

GIANT slide:

The lake:



GLoG 64: Campsites, not Chessboards! (http://tinyurl.com/36v5yf2) - Dec 26, 2010
GLoG LXIII: Roman Numerals are back! (http://tinyurl.com/34r84po) - Dec 9, 2010
GLoG 62 (http://tinyurl.com/3xl5bym): Come for the paddleboats. Stay for the hawt shirtless catboy! Nov 19, 2010
GLoG 61: Now with 100% More goblins (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=174011) 31/10/2010 - 19/11/2010
GLoG 60 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=172330) 18/10/2010 - 31/10/2010
GLoG 59: Now with Trees! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=171051) 07/10/2010 - 18/10/2010
GLoG 58: Shaken, but not baked (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=166295) 30/08/2010 - 07/10/2010
GLoG 57: Princess Power Trio Plus Protective Parents (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=162251) 31/07/2010 - 30/08/2010
GLoG 56: I had a joke but I forgot it (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=158433) 02/07/2010 - 31/07/2010
GLoG 55: Witty Title And/Or Song Reference (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=155622) 10/06/2010 - 02/07/2010
GLoG 54: Sleeping with the Lights On (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=150343) 26/04/2010 - 10/06/2010
GLoG 53: These are the Days of our Lives. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=147198) 30/03/2010 - 26/04/2010
GLoG 52: Home of the Next Generation (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=144489) 07/03/2010 - 30/03/2010
GLoG 51 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=140882) 05/02/2010 - 07/03/2010
GLoG 50: Rife with new Life. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=139052) 20/01/2010 - 05/02/2010
GLoG 49: Who Ya Gonna Call? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=137536) 07/01/2010 - 20/01/2010
GLoG 48: From the Ashes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=135587) 19/12/2009 - 07/01/2010


GLoG 47: Nothing can stop us. Well, except that. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132715) 24/11/2009 - 19/03/2010
GLoG 46: With a Maraschino Cherry On Top. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=130806) 06/11/2009 - 24/11/2009
GLoG 45: The winds of change be darned! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7157132#post7157132) 20/10/2009 - 06/11/2009
GLoG 44: Continuity has no place here! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7083539#post7083539) 09/10/2009 - 20/10/2009
GLoG 43: Behave yourself, Dani! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=126397) 27/09/2009 - 09/10/2009
GLoG 42: Yes, curtains still get dropped here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6941877#post6941877) 17/09/2009 - 27/09/2009
GLoG 41: When you're smiling, the world plots against you. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6846909#post6846909) 02/09/2009 - 17/09/2009
GLoG 40: Now one year old! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=122892) 27/08/2009 - 02/09/2009
GLoG 39: And there was much rejoicing. (Yay!) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=122072) 20/08/2009 - 27/08/2009
GLoG 38: Pay No Attention to the Computer's Paranoid Ramblings (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6705222) 12/08/2009 - 20/08/2009
GLoG 37: Dysfunction Junction (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6633791#post6633791) 02/08/2009 - 12/08/2009
GLoG 36: Curse You, Dramatic Irony! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=119462) 26/07/2009 - 02/08/2009
GLoG 35: There shall be happiness!!! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6534057#post6534057) 20/07/2009 - 26/07/2009
GLoG 34: It gets worse! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6474253#post6474253) 11/07/2009 - 20/07/2009
GLoG 33: Do you think you can handle it? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=117222) 04/07/2009 - 11/07/2009
GLoG 32:The Loved and the Lost (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6374234#post6374234) 27/06/2009 - 04/07/2009
GLoG 31: To live defeated and inglorious is to die daily (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=115398) 19/06/2009 - 27/06/2009
GLoG 30: Defying Biology Since 2008! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=114665) 13/06/2009 - 19/06/2009
GLoG 29: Under New Management (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=114159) 09/06/2009 - 13/06/2009
GLoG 28: The People's Republic of Magtok (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=113550) 06/04/2009 - 09/06/2009
GLoG 27: Pay No Attention to the Thead Behind the Curtain! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=113096) 31/05/2009 - 06/04/2009
GLoG 26: Now With 100% More Things Trying to Nom You! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=112530) 25/05/2009 - 31/05/2009
GLoG 25: Mapped out and everythin'! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6119687#post6119687) 20/05/2009 - 25/05/2009
GLoG 24: This Ain't No House of Cards (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6077066#post6077066) 08/05/2009 - 20/05/2009
GLoG 23: With malice towards none. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=110243) 27/04/2009 - 08/05/2009
GLoG 22: Ahhhhhh!!!! They're after us!! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5984825#post5984825) 12/04/2009 - 27/04/2009
GLoG 21: Half of Life, the Universe, and Everything. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5928981#post5928981) 28/03/2009 - 12/04/2009
GLoG 20: Twenty Times the Awesome (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5841981#post5841981) 03/03/2009 - 28/03/2009
GLoG 19: For those who can't make it over the rainbow (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=104568) 13/02/2009 - 03/03/2009
GLoG 18: It's A Brand New Day (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5718680#post5718680) 31/01/2009 - 13/02/2009
GLoG 17: SMITE CONTINUITY! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=102962) 23/01/2009 - 31/01/2009
GLoG 16: Built out of 100% recycled babies. That's why we're good. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5627357#post5627357) 12/01/2009 - 23/01/2009
GLoG 15: Beware the Ides of GLoG. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5583710) 03/01/2009 - 12/01/2009
GLoG 14: Where Bad Puns Go To Die. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5556061#post5556061) 29/12/2008 - 03/01/2009
GLoG 13: Bring It On, Omnipotent Beings! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5515315#post5515315) 21/12/2008 - 29/12/2008
GLoG 12: [Insert Unique and Witty Title Here] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5424241#post5424241) 06/12/2008 - 21/12/2008
GLoG 11: We Failed Our "Witty Title Check" (DC 3). (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=97041) 23/11/2008 - 06/12/2008
GLoG 10: More Like Good League Of... Of... Crazy (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95462) 03/11/2008 - 23/11/2008
GLoG 9: Death is no longer cheap (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5148912#post5148912) 22/10/2008 - 03/11/2008
GLoG 8: Thread of Exalted Deeds (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5118364#post5118364) 17/10/2008 - 22/10/2008
GLoG 7: Now Vampire Free! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93071) 07/10/2008 - 17/10/2008
GLoG 6: Thread of One Thousand Plots (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=92304) 29/09/2008 - 07/10/2008
GLoG 5: Where Everyone's a Hero (In Their Own Way) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=91447) 20/09/2008 - 29/09/2008
GLoG 4: Please refrain from kidnapping our members (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90630) 11/09/2008 - 20/09/2008
GLoG 3: Albeit, we ate the cake with our sporks (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=89767) 02/09/2008 - 11/09/2008
GLoG 2: Now with 30% More Sporks (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88993) 26/08/2008 - 02/09/2008
The Good League of Good (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88624) 22/08/2008 - 26/08/2008

***When this thread reaches 50 pages, anyone can make a new GLoG thread, which grants them the right to choose the title and (optional) theme song. Please be willing to keep the cabin list updated, and check that the link to the Nexus OOC thread is current. If you anticipate being away from the forums much during the lifetime of the thread (each thread usually lasts a few weeks) then please let someone else do it.***

The Bushranger
2011-01-08, 07:15 PM

I don't know. How can you assist me? Brinika looks at the drone with wide eyes.

Expository Statement: I am programmed to assist you in any way that I possibly can, Mistress Brinika.

[Cabin 8]

The curtain may rise on Shrike and Zamira! The former still wrapped up.

Posting intermittent, though.

Shrike looks to be relaxed, happy, and almost purring.
Only have about 30 minutes though...

2011-01-08, 07:22 PM

The Bushranger
2011-01-08, 07:26 PM
[Cabin 8]

"So. I think...that was pretty fun for both of us," Shrike observes with a soft chuckle. "Now comes the hard part, though."

((and, I'm off.))

2011-01-08, 07:28 PM
Liara and Andy still have there meal in the main room((Right?))

2011-01-08, 09:51 PM
I think Carrie is still with Chris.

2011-01-08, 09:53 PM

Yes, Chris is still with Carrie.

2011-01-08, 09:57 PM
So, now that I'm miraculously dry, where do we go and stuff?

2011-01-08, 10:01 PM

Chris looks around. "Well...maybe we could go on a canoe, watch the scenery? Or do we want to stay as far away from water as possible?"

2011-01-08, 10:02 PM
Perhaps sensing the divine aura, perhaps just hearing unknown people in his woods, Toby Druid stealthily approaches Chris and Carrie.

2011-01-08, 10:05 PM

Chris looks around. "Well...maybe we could go on a canoe, watch the scenery? Or do we want to stay as far away from water as possible?"

I don't mind water. I won't be crash-landing into it.
And it's nice to see naturey things without being, y'know, cursed to kill it by touching it.
She smiles, not noticing Toby's approach.

2011-01-08, 10:10 PM

Chris smiles, then he notices Toby sneaking up. His reaction is somewhat predictable; he forms an energy ball in his hand, mostly force. His attention snaps towards the source of the sneaking.

2011-01-08, 10:15 PM
Toby steps out from cover and looks at Carrie in an almost defiant manner. Chris and his energy ball are ignored, except the ground suddenly bucks beneath his feet, possibly throwing him to the ground.
What are you doing here, Goddess? I hope you aren't meddling.
He's younger than the Tobias they know, looking about 20 years old with cold blue eyes.

2011-01-08, 10:15 PM
Garth is sitting on the porch of the main cabin whittling away at a piece of wood.

Crissellea is currently arriving in a carriage.

2011-01-08, 10:20 PM
Toby steps out from cover and looks at Carrie in an almost defiant manner. Chris and his energy ball are ignored, except the ground suddenly bucks beneath his feet, possibly throwing him to the ground.
What are you doing here, Goddess? I hope you aren't meddling.
He's younger than the Tobias they know, looking about 20 years old with cold blue eyes.

... Tobias? Why are you...

I'm just here to be with my husband.
If Chris falls, she tries to help him up.
Anyway, I don't meddle.

2011-01-08, 10:23 PM
Chris fell flat on his face, but he managed to get up on his own, without Carrie's help.

"...You're Tobias? I thought..." Chris then looks back at Tobias. "She's right. She's my wife. She wanted to come visit with me." Of course, he leaves out the potential moving in.

2011-01-08, 10:28 PM
Lies. All Deities meddle. Every damned one. He turns his head and sniff's in Chris' direction. He's mortal. If he is truly your husband, you would have made him a God too, before he grows old and dies. Or is his Application still being processed?
Without even waiting for an answer to that question, Toby narrows his eyes and glares at Carrie. You know who I am. I'm only famous among the Gods of my homeworld, so far. But I can't quite place who you are, Goddess.

2011-01-08, 10:34 PM
I am Carrion Grimm, Death Inaugurated. Goddess, yes, but more important to me is being a wife, a mother, and a friend.
The question about my husband doesn't get an answer because, well, I don't feel like it.
And if you'll allow me to share your bluntness, I was born mortal and I know firsthand what it means to have your life raped from under you and sold back to you by divine beings.
Can you take my word for it? Or am I just another lying bitch of a death goddess and you'll have to see the scars to believe me?

2011-01-08, 10:45 PM
If I thought you were completely lying to me, we'd be fighting right now. Of course, if I considered you a threat to my family, you'd already be dead. His expression doesn't soften, but he doesn't look ready to attack either. There's something off, still. If you were from my world, I would have heard about you, newly Ascended or not. So how do you know my name?

2011-01-08, 11:03 PM
... I knew a Tobias, one who wasn't paranoid and trigger-happy and, well, I'm starting to wonder how in the hell I made any mental connection between you and him besides "looks similar".
... Yes, it took that long to write that.

Other bullcrap explanations included:
Book of Names
Talked to Fish (I'm sorry)
Something with Scotland?
She "Doesn't Know"
I'm stupid, so cut me a break.

2011-01-08, 11:08 PM
I beg your pardon, but the older Tobias is just as paranoid. This one, when it comes to Gods, is just an Angry Young Man, with his fist in the air and his head in the sand. :smalltongue:
Hmph. Are you members?

2011-01-08, 11:10 PM
"No." Chris says sternly. "But I am an aquaintance of Mrs. Quinn Druid. I believe she's your wife, Mr. Tobias? I assisted during the brief zombie invasion that happened a while back."

2011-01-08, 11:12 PM
Old Toby has the McArthur hat and this one doesn't (I think) and therefore Old Toby is infinitely more likeable.
Yes, I can be petty with hats.

Carrie nods because Chris said what needed to be said.

2011-01-08, 11:15 PM
Toby relaxes at the mention of Quinn. Ah... yes, she is.

Well, young Toby still has the same battered fedora. It can turn into the very same MacArthur hat, but Toby isn't wearing that gold-braided cap at the moment, because he doesn't need to take that role right now. Yay for psychomorphic artifacts?

2011-01-08, 11:20 PM
Chris relaxes a bit as well, backing off visibly and emotionally. "From what I've seen, she's a strong, determined woman. You must be a lucky man."

2011-01-08, 11:22 PM
Carrie deadtimes. See y'alls.

2011-01-08, 11:26 PM
The Druid leans against a tree and smiles. Yeah. And, for a Goddess, your wife... seems pretty decent.
Despite how it sounds, it's meant as a compliment.

2011-01-08, 11:38 PM
The Druid leans against a tree and smiles. Yeah. And, for a Goddess, your wife... seems pretty decent.
Despite how it sounds, it's meant as a compliment.

Chris quirks an eyebrow. "...Well, thank you." He manages a smile at the back-handed complement.

2011-01-08, 11:40 PM
Toby just shrugs. So... what has Quinn told you about me?

2011-01-08, 11:44 PM
Toby just shrugs. So... what has Quinn told you about me?

"Well, according to her, you're the greatest man in the world, and she loves you. However...I haven't stayed long enough to hear much more."

2011-01-08, 11:50 PM
He smiles, rather pleased to here it. Well, you should know: I fight Gods. Mostly Evil ones, but I'll put a meddling Good Deity in its place, if I have to.

2011-01-08, 11:53 PM
He smiles, rather pleased to here it. Well, you should know: I fight Gods. Mostly Evil ones, but I'll put a meddling Good Deity in its place, if I have to.

Chris is...impressed. He nods his head. "Sounds exciting. I hope that all you did to the Good ones was slap them around a bit." He chuckles a bit.

2011-01-08, 11:56 PM
For the most part, yes. He smirks.

2011-01-09, 12:03 AM
For the most part, yes. He smirks.

"...So. I'm guessing you're the resident ***-kicker around here? I thought this was more of a peace-loving organization."

2011-01-09, 12:11 AM
It is, which is why I'm not technically a member. After my last war with Evil Gods and Men, I came here to relax and raise a family. And build up a powerful kingdom to help him take over his homeworld, but he doesn't mention that bit. Here I'm just an infirmary assistant. Before I started killing Deities, I was a battlefield medic. My studies as a Druid have taught me a fair bit about the human body.

2011-01-09, 12:18 AM
It is, which is why I'm not technically a member. After my last war with Evil Gods and Men, I came here to relax and raise a family. And build up a powerful kingdom to help him take over his homeworld, but he doesn't mention that bit. Here I'm just an infirmary assistant. Before I started killing Deities, I was a battlefield medic. My studies as a Druid have taught me a fair bit about the human body.

Chris nods his head. "That's helpful. Nice to know who's going to put me under the knife if it comes to that."

2011-01-09, 12:23 AM
We actually have a lot of healers at GLoG, including Quinn. Most of them, to be honest, do a better job with magic prayers and positive energy spells than I do by coaxing the specific parts of your body to quickly heal in a specified. I've found their kind of magic to be wastefully inefficient, but they'll fix you up just fine.

2011-01-09, 12:27 AM
"Well, just in case, you know."

Chris looks around.

2011-01-09, 12:33 AM
Toby produces a pipe and, removing the dottle, fills it with fine tobacco and light it with a wooden match. Yeah, I get you. He tips his hat, which turns from a fedora into this (http://londonkoreanlinks.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/douglas_macarthur.jpg), to Chris. It's been quite nice meeting you, but I've got to get back to my land. I have an invasion to defend against, don'tcha know. He puffs once on his pipe, then walks literally into a tree and disappears.

2011-01-09, 12:36 AM
Chris nods his head, watching as he dissappears. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Druid."

Chris then walks off, enjoying the scenery. If no one else talks to him after a while, he'll probably deadtime.

2011-01-09, 12:38 AM
Chris nods his head, watching as he dissappears. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Druid."

Chris then walks off, enjoying the scenery. If no one else talks to him after a while, he'll probably deadtime.

Chris may see a young, brown-haired girl in a black hoodie and jeans bouncing around. She seems awfully happy.

2011-01-09, 12:56 AM
Chris may see a young, brown-haired girl in a black hoodie and jeans bouncing around. She seems awfully happy.

Chris sees the young woman, and approaches her. "Hey." He waves to her.

2011-01-09, 12:58 AM
She turns to face him. She grins and waves. Her pale skin and fangs should give away that she's a vampire.

Hi! How are you?

2011-01-09, 12:59 AM
She turns to face him. She grins and waves. Her pale skin and fangs should give away that she's a vampire.

Hi! How are you?

He kinda blanks, and pales, at the giveaway. "Ummm...I'm fine. How about you?"

What's a vampire doing in broad daylight?!

2011-01-09, 01:02 AM
I'm good. My name's Alysha! She'll hold out a hand to shake.

Her other hand is busy holding something very odd looking. Kind of like a giant, old fashioned skeleton key. But made out of engine parts.

2011-01-09, 01:04 AM
I'm good. My name's Alysha! She'll hold out a hand to shake.

Her other hand is busy holding something very odd looking. Kind of like a giant, old fashioned skeleton key. But made out of engine parts.

Chris shakes her hand, a bit hesitantly she might notice. "My name's Chris. Nice to meet you."

Chris then looks at the odd key. "Wwwwwhat's that?"

2011-01-09, 01:08 AM
She doesn't seem to notice the hesitation.

Oh, this? It's my Keyblade. Gotta keep it out when I wanna walk out in the day. Kinda helps keep me from exploding in a dust cloud. She still keeps her happy attitude and wide grin as she says that.

2011-01-09, 01:11 AM
She doesn't seem to notice the hesitation.

Oh, this? It's my Keyblade. Gotta keep it out when I wanna walk out in the day. Kinda helps keep me from exploding in a dust cloud. She still keeps her happy attitude and wide grin as she says that.

Chris nods his head slowly. "Uh-huh."

Yeah, Chris is pretty confused as to what to think about this new encounter. "Mind if I ask how exactly it does that?"

2011-01-09, 01:14 AM
Alysha shrugs a little. I'm not really sure. I think it has to do with its magic. Kinda lessens the vampire symptoms. I think. There's a lot of stuff about Keyblades that nobody knows.

2011-01-09, 01:15 AM
Alysha shrugs a little. I'm not really sure. I think it has to do with its magic. Kinda lessens the vampire symptoms. I think. There's a lot of stuff about Keyblades that nobody knows.

Chris just nods his head and rolls with it. "Got it."

"So, how come you're here?"

2011-01-09, 01:20 AM
Well, you know how there was all that anti-vampire stuff going on in Inside? Some people started attacking me, and I didn't want to fight them back. I ended up getting pretty hurt. But, Krystal and Jamie found me, and invited me to stay here for a while. And I really like it here. It's a nice place. Suddenly her eyes widen. Did you know they got a motorcycle here that turns into a big robot? She seems really excited by that.

2011-01-09, 01:23 AM
Well, you know how there was all that anti-vampire stuff going on in Inside? Some people started attacking me, and I didn't want to fight them back. I ended up getting pretty hurt. But, Krystal and Jamie found me, and invited me to stay here for a while. And I really like it here. It's a nice place. Suddenly her eyes widen. Did you know they got a motorcycle here that turns into a big robot? She seems really excited by that.

Chris nods his head. "Sorry to hear that. But hey! At least you're alright now."

"...Oh really?" Chris smiles at the potential of a Transformer.

2011-01-09, 01:26 AM
Alysha nods energetically. Uh-huh. His name is Runner, and he's big and blue and silver, and he's really really nice. And he says he's an Autobot. Not sure what that is, but it sounds cool. And he can turn into a big jukebox, or a small helicopter, or even a four wheeler!

2011-01-09, 01:31 AM
Alysha nods energetically. Uh-huh. His name is Runner, and he's big and blue and silver, and he's really really nice. And he says he's an Autobot. Not sure what that is, but it sounds cool. And he can turn into a big jukebox, or a small helicopter, or even a four wheeler!

"The Autobot part means he's one of the good guys."

"But yeah, I can't wait to meet this guy. Sounds like a nice guy." Chris smiles. Genuinely this time.

2011-01-09, 01:32 AM
Well, if you see a motorcycle driving around here with nobody on it, that'll be him. You can just go up and say hi, too. I like him.

And, I gotta deadtime.

2011-01-09, 01:10 PM
[Woods, I think]
Carrie is still with Chris, looking around and stuff.

2011-01-09, 01:20 PM

Sunny is sitting at the picnic table near her workshop, running tests on the drones.

2011-01-09, 01:21 PM
Expository Statement: I am programmed to assist you in any way that I possibly can, Mistress Brinika.

Brinika's forehead wrinkles. She can't come up with anything.

Reelshka, meanwhile, is sitting by the doorway to her cellar, wondering how to contacts Dr. Rein.

2011-01-09, 01:23 PM
Stupid-sexey Victor undeadtimes, by his flying horse, Odysseus. He's waiting for Brianna to show him around

2011-01-09, 02:37 PM
Brianna will lead him towards the cabins! "Right. As you can probably see, it's not that high-tech here. Last base got blown up, a bit before I came here."

2011-01-09, 03:34 PM
Victor nods

That kinda thing happen a lot here?

2011-01-09, 03:38 PM
"Not that much. Apparently, that incident was a full-scale army attacking.

An army of catpeople, actually. A lich named Calubufiok was mind-controlling them, from what I heard. Died before I came here, but he was an ommnicidal bastard from all accounts."

2011-01-09, 06:09 PM
The little girl dubbed Sarah is wandering around camp in a plain white dress, looking for someone or something interesting.

Nearby, any one of the cabins might suddenly note a stark thud, as though a heavy object suddenly landed on the roof. Anyone looking up will note a dark, hulking shape sitting up there, trying to stay behind the peak of the pointed rooftop to avoid being spotted. Of course, if noticed, it can also be more closely examined. It appears to be watching Sarah.

2011-01-09, 06:22 PM
Main Gate

A tall dark haired man with an decent looking face strolls up and through the gate, looking for whoever seems to be in charge. He's humming to himself happily, and his clothes are obviously rather old, if well taken care of. He twirls a scalpel in his right hand, and wears a doctor's lab coat.

2011-01-09, 06:25 PM
Carrie is still with Chris?

2011-01-09, 06:30 PM
Main Gate

Sarah spots the man, and momentarily assumes him to be her father. She grins and waves, but realizing he's not, this falters a bit.

All the same, she approaches. "Hi! D'you need something?"

Neon Knight
2011-01-09, 06:46 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]


A metallic echo sounds throughout the camp as a black armored figure stumbles back from the rake he just stepped on and whacked himself in the face in. "Son of a-!" The Neon Knight tries to regain his balance. "Can't see a thing..." Once more his fingers clawed at the release on the helmet seal keeping the brain bucket on his noggin. No good. Still jammed. And his visor had been damaged when the suit got overloaded with magic. It seems like he was stuck in this comic situation until he managed to find some help. With a heavy sigh and a creaking groan, the knight staggered about at random, trying to find help. "Hello!? Anybody got a can opener?"

2011-01-09, 06:49 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]

A sickly looking young woman sees the neon knight and his distress and can't help but giggle a little at the comic situation.

However Crissellea isn't that mean so she carefully walks over to the knight. " Um, I don't have a can opener but maybe I can help? " She offers.

Neon Knight
2011-01-09, 06:56 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]

"Woah!" The Neon Knight jumped at the sudden voice, tripping up under the weight of the damaged armor and cartwheeling back to crash into the side of a cabin. "...shoot. Don't sneak up on me like that."

2011-01-09, 06:58 PM
Carrie is still with Chris?

Yeah, she is.

Don't know exactly what they're doing, but yes they are.

2011-01-09, 06:59 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]

Crissellea gasps and covers her mouth with her hands before hurrying over to The Neon Knight. " Oh no, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to surprise you like that. " She apologizes. The young woman looks the knight over looking for something that might help get him out. " Please, is there something I can do to help? "

Neon Knight
2011-01-09, 07:02 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]

"Well, first, I need to try and get this helmet off. Then, then I need to get out of this broken tin can. But first, being able to see something other than the word TILT! would be handy." The Knight reached a hand up to his covered neck. "Problem is that the seal is jammed and the joints seem to be stuck together somehow."

2011-01-09, 07:03 PM
Yeah, she is.

Don't know exactly what they're doing, but yes they are.
Maybe he's showing her around or somethingses?

2011-01-09, 07:06 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]

Crissellea nods in understanding and then realizes he can't see her nod. " Oh, okay, umm... let me see then... I don't know if I can help though. " She places her delicate hands on him, one on his shoulder and the other on the back of his head so she can get a good view of the damage.

2011-01-09, 07:12 PM
Maybe he's showing her around or somethingses?

Well, as best as he can. He was there for exactly less than half a day, so he doesn't exactly have intimate knowledge of the place. :smalltongue:

2011-01-09, 07:13 PM
[Anywhere Chris Is]
Doesn't really matter, as she's really excited about everything. NATURE! EPIC!

Neon Knight
2011-01-09, 07:13 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]

She can see how part of the metal on the back has become bent and jammed up against the helmet seals, preventing them from opening. In fact, it looks like all that magic he got blasted with had something to do with it too, as there are patches of strange vibrant color across the armor. Oh, and a section near his shoulder appears to have turned into wood. You could probably fix this problem with sufficient brute strength, some tools, or a little bit of magic.

2011-01-09, 07:22 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]

Crissellea frowns, she definitely won't be able to do anything about this but maybe... " Um, hold on just a second. I'll be right back with somebody to help so don't move. " The young woman says and then gets up and hurries off.


Yep, The Neon Knight is left all alone for the moment. The woman talking to him won't be back till the next post with help.

2011-01-09, 07:24 PM
[Anywhere Chris Is]
Doesn't really matter, as she's really excited about everything. NATURE! EPIC!

Chris smiles. "So, what do you think?"

Neon Knight
2011-01-09, 07:29 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]

"Okay, then. I'll just hang out here till then." The Knight sits back. "...I hope she gets back soon. I haven't been out of this suit in nearly three days."

2011-01-09, 07:31 PM
Chris smiles. "So, what do you think?"

It's like camping forever! She squees.

((By the way, I have a plot idea for him to get a more permanent power boost if you're interested.))

2011-01-09, 07:35 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]

... ... Hmm... Maybe Crissellea just left Neon there as a prank? I mean it's been a while since she left. Maybe the knight should just-" Hi, sorry, I brought somebody that might be able to help. You can help right Jeffery? " The woman asks someone else apparently there. " Of course ma'am. Let me see. "

Neon will feel a different pair of hands then the ones earlier against his suit as the old manservant looks at the damage. Jeffery pulls out a small knife and tries to start prying the broken piece of metal away from everything.

2011-01-09, 07:37 PM
It's like camping forever! She squees.

((By the way, I have a plot idea for him to get a more permanent power boost if you're interested.))

((...Well, I might be. What is it?))

Chris smiles. "Plus, from what I can tell, this will be a really nice place to raise Thyna. Although, I have to warn you, one of the children who's about her age is a Magical Princess. I'm worried she might convince her to go along with her saving the world and all that."

Neon Knight
2011-01-09, 07:41 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]

The metal, stressed and warped by magical energies, can easily be moved by with some strength carefully applied through the tool. After just a bit of work, the helmet wobbles loose. "Alright, now, all it needs is a good, hard yank to get it off."

2011-01-09, 07:43 PM
((...Well, I might be. What is it?))

Chris smiles. "Plus, from what I can tell, this will be a really nice place to raise Thyna. Although, I have to warn you, one of the children who's about her age is a Magical Princess. I'm worried she might convince her to go along with her saving the world and all that."
((She requests one for him from The Cycle [life/death deity union she belongs to] but they are basically told that it could take decades of red tape... but there could be a quicker process if they take out the rogue ex-subordinate of another death deity.))
Well, I'll remind Thyna that any world-saving missions require her to first ask Mommy.

2011-01-09, 07:46 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]

" Um, alright. Jeffery, if you would please. " The manservant nods. " Of course ma'am. On the count of three sir. " The older man stands and grabs a hold of the helmet. " One... Two... Three. " And yank. Hopefully that will get it off.

2011-01-09, 07:47 PM
((She requests one for him from The Cycle [life/death deity union she belongs to] but they are basically told that it could take decades of red tape... but there could be a quicker process if they take out the rogue ex-subordinate of another death deity.))
Well, I'll remind Thyna that any world-saving missions require her to first ask Mommy.

Chris nods his head. "Good. Then I think this might just be a good place to settle down." Chris sits down, patting the side of the ground next to him. "Now, the question is, do we take anyone else with us?"

2011-01-09, 07:51 PM
Chris nods his head. "Good. Then I think this might just be a good place to settle down." Chris sits down, patting the side of the ground next to him. "Now, the question is, do we take anyone else with us?"

Um... like... who?

Neon Knight
2011-01-09, 07:56 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]

There's a loud pop and hiss of a hydraulic seal being breached, and then the helmet is wrenched free, revealing the face of a young 20's something fellow, his neat close cut hair not matching with the scratchy patches of beard growing in form not shaving in a while. He takes a deep breath of clean air as his brown eyes light up. "Thnaks! Phew, I owe you two one. "

2011-01-09, 07:57 PM
Um... like... who?

Chris shrugs. "Our kids. Aemi, Summer, Amanda...who do we take with us? Should I ask them if they want to move with us?"

2011-01-09, 07:58 PM
Chris shrugs. "Our kids. Aemi, Summer, Amanda...who do we take with us? Should I ask them if they want to move with us?"

Yeah, we should ask... and promise to visit a lot either way.

2011-01-09, 08:01 PM
Yeah, we should ask... and promise to visit a lot either way.

Chris smiles. "Of course. I'm not sure I'd be able to leave anybody there, though, so if you see me carrying all of our children over my shoulders when I arrive, don't be surprised."

Chris chuckles.

2011-01-09, 08:04 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]

Crissellea blushes a little but nods at the compliment. " If you need anything more ma'am I'll be waiting by the carriage. " " Oh... yes of course Jeffery. " The young woman says to the older man.

Crissellea is a young woman, that could be considered very beautiful and has soft facial features and even softer looking clear blue eyes. Her brown hair falls down to her shoulders. Her skin is an almost sickly pale white and her entire frame seems like it is very fragile. Crissellea is wearing a simple white dress and her whole appearance almost seems to say 'Damsel in distress target'.

2011-01-09, 08:05 PM
Chris smiles. "Of course. I'm not sure I'd be able to leave anybody there, though, so if you see me carrying all of our children over my shoulders when I arrive, don't be surprised."

Chris chuckles.
She giggles.
Sure you can carry 'em all?

2011-01-09, 08:07 PM
She giggles.
Sure you can carry 'em all?

"I'll try, make no mistake."

Chris chuckles. "Now, I just have to ask about lodging..."

2011-01-09, 08:09 PM
"I'll try, make no mistake."

Chris chuckles. "Now, I just have to ask about lodging..."

Alrighty then. She nods, smiling.

Neon Knight
2011-01-09, 08:11 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]

The Knight sits back and makes sure he's got his full balance before getting to his feet a bit ungracefully, with a bit of a lurch due to the weight of the armor. "You know, normally, you're the type of person I help, not get help from. No offense, it's just a little jest." He bows, a bit stiffly and awkwardly. "I'm the Servant of the Elemental Princes of Air, Beknighted by the Noble Gasses, the Neon Knight. May I ask you your name, oh lady fair?"

2011-01-09, 08:12 PM
Alrighty then. She nods, smiling.

Chris gets up, and kisses her. "I'm so excited to get our own place...sort of. It'll be great."

2011-01-09, 08:16 PM
Chris gets up, and kisses her. "I'm so excited to get our own place...sort of. It'll be great."
Me too... that, and it's, y'know, nature-tastic all the way.

2011-01-09, 08:18 PM
Me too... that, and it's, y'know, nature-tastic all the way.

Chris smiles. "Yeah. It's nice to see some underwater life, but even that gets a bit old after a while." He nods his head.

"Well, wanna go find the realtor?" He smiles, reaching for Carrie's hand.

2011-01-09, 08:18 PM
[Amidst the Cabins]

The Knight sits back and makes sure he's got his full balance before getting to his feet a bit ungracefully, with a bit of a lurch due to the weight of the armor. "You know, normally, you're the type of person I help, not get help from. No offense, it's just a little jest." He bows, a bit stiffly and awkwardly. "I'm the Servant of the Elemental Princes of Air, Beknighted by the Noble Gasses, the Neon Knight. May I ask you your name, oh lady fair?"

Crissellea stands up and brushes off the little bit of dirt that had gotten on her dress. She giggles a little at the joke and then starts to blush once he bows to her and calls her a fair lady. It's a nice bright pink compared to her whitish pale skin.

" Oh, well umm... I'm Crissellea Lachoneus. I don't mean to be rude but your name is Neon Knight? That seems a bit odd and silly really. " She says hiding a small giggle behind her hand.

Neon Knight
2011-01-09, 08:26 PM
"A beautiful name, for a beautiful lady." The Knight tries to take one of her hands gently, a place a chivalrous kiss upon it. "It's not actually my name. My name is, well, Daniel North. But when I got the position, they gave me the fancy title, and they were so keen on me using it, and it is a bit more impressive than saying "I'm Dan North! Surrender, criminals!"" He chuckled, the smile spreading easily across his face. This Dan North isn't unhandsome; sure, eh could use with a good shave and cleaning up, but he has strong, well defined and proportioned features, white teeth, and a pleasant voice.

2011-01-09, 08:26 PM
Chris smiles. "Yeah. It's nice to see some underwater life, but even that gets a bit old after a while." He nods his head.

"Well, wanna go find the realtor?" He smiles, reaching for Carrie's hand.
She grabs his hand and stands, grinning and nodding enthusiastically.

2011-01-09, 08:27 PM
She grabs his hand and stands, grinning and nodding enthusiastically.

Chris then heads off, leading her like a couple of little kids playing.

Off they go in search of someone in charge!

2011-01-09, 08:37 PM
Main Gate

Sarah spots the man, and momentarily assumes him to be her father. She grins and waves, but realizing he's not, this falters a bit.

All the same, she approaches. "Hi! D'you need something?"

"Hello, I'm..." His voice cuts off when his player is hit with a computer crash followed by several hours of irritatingly bothersome connection issues, and realizes the other person looks to be deadtimed. He sighs. "Well, I'm Cutter, if that really matters at the moment." He says before heading further in.

2011-01-09, 08:37 PM
Chris then heads off, leading her like a couple of little kids playing.

Off they go in search of someone in charge!
Indeed like little kids, what with Carrie's bright-eyed look of wonder at everything ever.

2011-01-09, 08:38 PM
[Amongst the Cabins]

Crissellea replies to Neon's action and statements with something very simple. Wide eyes, blushing, and keeping perfectly still after the kiss on her hand.


After an awkward moment she pulls her hand back and clasps it in her other while stammering a reply. " O-o-oh, tha-t-t's a very nice n-n-name. S-s-so do you work-k-k here at G-g-GLoG? " The flustered fair female is able to say.

Neon Knight
2011-01-09, 08:44 PM
Neon takes a slight casual step back, wondering if perhaps he was being a bit too forward. Perhaps she was from a culture from which such gestures wouldn't be properly understood or appreciated. "No, not really. I'm not exactly certain what GLoG is, actually. I was helping some people out and this fellow had me deliver some patients here. Apparently you guys have some good doctors or something. Do you work her?"

Rae Artemi
2011-01-09, 08:47 PM
Chris and Carrie are unlikely to run into anyone in charge, as BR is offline, but they may encounter Crae, who is floating around the camp upside down for some reason. They may notice that while his hair is being affected by gravity as usual, his clothes don't seem to be. His wings aren't beating either, so the floating is obviously magical.

2011-01-09, 08:55 PM
[Amongst the Cabins]

Crissellea seems to relax just a little bit as Neon takes a step back. She just wasn't used to someone like... like him. It was as if he was taken right out of one of the stories she read frequently.

The young woman takes a quiet and quick calming breath. " Oh, no I'm not actually part of the Good League of Good, or GLoG as it's usually called, though I do support and help fund their cause. M-m-maybe you should join? Th-they do a lot of g-g-good here. Umm... " Crissellea seems to get more flustered at the last part for one reason or another, who knows.

Neon Knight
2011-01-09, 09:03 PM
[Amongst the Cabins]

"Well, with such a high recommendation, I must certainly consider it." He kept smiling, an easy task when talking to such a pretty girl. "So if you aren't a member of GLoG yourself, why are you visiting? Come to see what they're making of your funding?"

2011-01-09, 09:15 PM
[Amongst the Cabins]

Crissellea nods quickly sending her hair all over her face which then has to quickly and nervously brush back. " A-a-actually that is exactly right. It also g-g-gives me an excuse to get out of the house every know and then. " She says out loud while mentally telling herself to calm down.

" Uh, didn't you say you needed to get out of your suit? " The fair young maiden points out.

Neon Knight
2011-01-09, 09:21 PM
[Amongst the Cabins]

The Knight places a hand on his breastplate. "Oh, that's right... but, uh, I don't exactly have any spare clothes lying around, nor do I have anywhere to change. I guess that's more in the the future, I suppose."

2011-01-09, 09:26 PM
[Amongst the Cabins]

" Oh, well then... " Crissellea looks around bashfully not knowing what else to say to the handsome knight.

2011-01-09, 09:29 PM
Chris and Carrie are unlikely to run into anyone in charge, as BR is offline, but they may encounter Crae, who is floating around the camp upside down for some reason. They may notice that while his hair is being affected by gravity as usual, his clothes don't seem to be. His wings aren't beating either, so the floating is obviously magical.

Hiya there, floaty guy!

Neon Knight
2011-01-09, 09:30 PM
[Amongst the Cabins]

The Knight sighs as he taps at a dent in his armor. "Yes, m'fraid that the Quest for the Holy Trousers won't be very heroic or interesting, but it is rather necessary, as I won't be getting this armor fixed until I get it off, and I won't be questing for real until I get ti fixed." He bends down and picks up his helmet. "Once again, I'm forever in your and your manservant's debt. If you ever need aid, I'll be happy to help."

2011-01-09, 09:33 PM
[Amongst the Cabins]

Crissellea nods and blushes. " Yes, of course. " She looks around and then curtsies to Neon Knight. " Well, I should be going... I have... things... to take care of... " The fair maiden says before quickly walking to the carriage she came in. She climbs in and it is soon leaving.

Neon Knight
2011-01-09, 09:36 PM
[Amongst the Cabins]

The knight watches her go, thinking for a moment, before turning and heading off out of GloG, his helmet tucked under one arm. A nice girl., he thought. He certainly hoped things went well for her.

2011-01-09, 09:38 PM

Alysha, the brown-haired, happy-go-lucky vampire, is currently walking around, taking in the scenery. Her hood is up, and her Keyblade is in hand.

[Also Outside, but somewhere else]

A riderless motorcycle is parked near the lake. The owner doesn't seem to be anywhere in the area.

Course, some people might recognize the red face on the side of the gas tank as the symbol of the Autobots. And, those people might make the connection that this motorcycle is actually Runner.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-09, 09:42 PM
Hiya there, floaty guy!

heLlO TheRe carRiE and chRIs! hoW'rE tHingS?

Crae says with a smile.

2011-01-09, 09:50 PM
heLlO TheRe carRiE and chRIs! hoW'rE tHingS?

Crae says with a smile.

Great! 'Sup with you?

Rae Artemi
2011-01-09, 09:54 PM
RiGHT nOW ThAt woULd bE tHE GROunD. Or my FEet. it ALl dEpeNDs oN pErspeCtIVe.

He says, kicking his feet around in the air.

dO yOU NeED sOMEONE To SHOW You ARound tHe pLacE?

2011-01-09, 09:56 PM
RiGHT nOW ThAt woULd bE tHE GROunD. Or my FEet. it ALl dEpeNDs oN pErspeCtIVe.

He says, kicking his feet around in the air.

dO yOU NeED sOMEONE To SHOW You ARound tHe pLacE?

Yeah, that'd be great, thanks!

Rae Artemi
2011-01-09, 10:10 PM
Well, a tour given by Crae. That will be... interesting. Especially considering that almost everything he knows about this place is secondhand information from when he was part of Rae...

aLRiGHtY then, LET's Go!

He'll start them with the entrance, and then probably the roof of the infirmary, and then the inside of the infirmary and then through the woods, probably including a stop at Denim cabin, at which point Trilby will join them, hopping on Crae's head, and then back for a second stop at the infirmary, then the lake, with the boathouse and stuff, then the rest of the cabins, showing them inside one of the empty ones, before finally going back to the infirmary and, more specifically, the kitchenette, where he will begin making SAMMICHES!

Of course, that is assuming that they were able to put up with his inevitable hijinks and general craziness for that long.

2011-01-09, 10:13 PM
Carrie is [I]flippin' stoked, dudeski.

2011-01-09, 10:14 PM
"Hello, I'm..." His voice cuts off when his player is hit with a computer crash followed by several hours of irritatingly bothersome connection issues, and realizes the other person looks to be deadtimed. He sighs. "Well, I'm Cutter, if that really matters at the moment." He says before heading further in.

"You need to talk to Quinn?" Sarah asks, and probably moves along beside him. "She's in the Infirmary usually."

Rae Artemi
2011-01-09, 10:31 PM

And so Crae ends up bringing a platter to the table with everything you could want on a sandwich on it. Loaf of bread, butter, lunch meats, chips, peanut butter, chocolate syrup, candy, ice cream, bacon, jerky, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, whatever a tomato is, everything. He then proceeds to pile everything up between two slices of bread and chow down.

so, dO YoU guYs waNt tO bECoME mEmbers oR sOMeThINg?

He asks between bites.

2011-01-09, 10:33 PM
[SAMMICHES/Kitchenette/Dudeski is a word]
Carrie instatoasts her breads and puts two things on it.

And at least one of our kids.
Deadtime. Finals start Wednesday and I'm tired and I'm cold and my bed is warm and if I go to sleep I won't be awake long enough to get the 11 PM attack of the Must Have Om Nomses.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-09, 10:43 PM
Crae nods.

WeLl, eACh NOrMAl cABIN HAS fouR roOms, aNd tHerE arE pLeNTy of emPtIES. yOu'D hAVE tO TaLK tO A meMBEr AND Get a FORM and stuFf if yOu WanTED one.

Oh, yeah, Trilby is there too, munching on anchovies.

2011-01-09, 10:44 PM
Zamira and Shrike can undeadtime... I think the latter's still wrapped up.

The Bushranger
2011-01-09, 10:49 PM
[Cabin 8]

Indeed...and, at the moment, asleep.

Don't tell her she looks adorable when she sleeps. She's worse than Patty that way. :smalltongue:


[Main Lodge]

Jamie's here, on the couch with Holly, perhaps? And sound asleep, if so.

2011-01-09, 10:51 PM
Zamira smiles, and snuggles up to her, making sure she's got some skin-to-skin contact.

Which basically means shoulders. Might be more comforting than just pressure on the tape.

2011-01-09, 10:54 PM
Chris is around, considering he briefly deadtimed long enough for stuff to happen around him without his knowing.

Needless to say, he's a bit confused. :smalltongue:

The Bushranger
2011-01-09, 11:01 PM
[Cabin 8]

Shrike murmurs in her sleep, and tries to shift to get closer to Zamira.

((Bah. About to be kicked off for a bit. >.<))

2011-01-09, 11:02 PM
{{How long?}}

Zamira snuggles up closer to Shrike, and waits for her to wake up! :smalltongue:

2011-01-09, 11:05 PM
"You need to talk to Quinn?" Sarah asks, and probably moves along beside him. "She's in the Infirmary usually."

Cutter nods, still spinning the scalpel deftly. "Thank you. Besides, I was likely going to head there anyways." With that, he walks towards the Infirmary before entering it, looking for whoever Quinn might be.

The Bushranger
2011-01-09, 11:05 PM
[Cabin 8]

((Dunno. 30 minutes to an hour? Depending on if the somehow snail-slow-tonight DSL connection holds up, of course.))

When Zamira snuggles closer, she might notice Shrike smiling more.


Cutter nods, still spinning the scalpel deftly. "Thank you. Besides, I was likely going to head there anyways." With that, he walks towards the Infirmary before entering it, looking for whoever Quinn might be.

Quinn would be the plainly-cute brunette who's bustling with dealing with the magical-attack paitents at the moment.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-09, 11:09 PM
Chris is around, considering he briefly deadtimed long enough for stuff to happen around him without his knowing.

Needless to say, he's a bit confused. :smalltongue:

Crae gave him and his wife a tour around the camp, I believe he has a right to be confused. That is, assuming he would have followed. If so, they are all in the kitchenette with sammiches discussing membership.

2011-01-09, 11:10 PM
Zamira smiles as well, and continues her snuggling!

...yeah, not much else to say. :smalltongue:

2011-01-09, 11:17 PM
Crae gave him and his wife a tour around the camp, I believe he has a right to be confused. That is, assuming he would have followed. If so, they are all in the kitchenette with sammiches discussing membership.

Chris nods his head, eating a rather plain sandwich. "Well, we might just have to. So you're saying that in order to get lodging, we'd have to become members in GLoG?"

Rae Artemi
2011-01-09, 11:22 PM
I DUnNo, buT i ThiNk sO. thErE IS tHE GuEst cAbIn, BUt FOR tHe OtHErs I Think YOU NEed tO bE a meMBEr. iF yOU dIdN"T WANT tO beCOmE mEmBErS i SUPPosE i cOulD Put YOu GUys uP aT rAE's pLaCe. It's oN the caMPgROUNDS BUT TEchNiCAlLy not ActUALly A ParT oF GLOG.

Crae says, still munching away.

2011-01-09, 11:26 PM
I DUnNo, buT i ThiNk sO. thErE IS tHE GuEst cAbIn, BUt FOR tHe OtHErs I Think YOU NEed tO bE a meMBEr. iF yOU dIdN"T WANT tO beCOmE mEmBErS i SUPPosE i cOulD Put YOu GUys uP aT rAE's pLaCe. It's oN the caMPgROUNDS BUT TEchNiCAlLy not ActUALly A ParT oF GLOG.

Crae says, still munching away.

Chris nods his head. "Well, I'll have to talk it over, and check out the place before making any major decisions."

2011-01-09, 11:26 PM

Cutter stops for only a moment when he sees the patients and assuming a few are in poor condition, sets down his medical bag, the scalpel slipped back into his sleeve, and begins working along side her to help the people. His equipment seems mostly surgical in nature, but the rest of it is rather advanced technologically. Spray-bandages, air-injectors, and microneedles for sutures and the like.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-09, 11:32 PM
Chris nods his head. "Well, I'll have to talk it over, and check out the place before making any major decisions."

oF COURse.

Munch munch chew chew.

2011-01-09, 11:35 PM
oF COURse.

Munch munch chew chew.

Chris rather silently eats his sandwich, obviously thinking the whole think over.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-09, 11:38 PM
Crae finishes his monster of a sandwich and starts playing with his cat, obviously not thinking much at all.

2011-01-09, 11:41 PM
Crae finishes his monster of a sandwich and starts playing with his cat, obviously not thinking much at all.

Chris, for a while, just watches before picking up the dishes and going to wash them.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-09, 11:45 PM
Crae is engrossed in kitty land and doesn't offer to help or anything. Rude little bugger. Well, not so little since he has the body of a 34 year old man, but still.

2011-01-09, 11:51 PM
Crae is engrossed in kitty land and doesn't offer to help or anything. Rude little bugger. Well, not so little since he has the body of a 34 year old man, but still.

Eh, Chris really doesn't care. It wasn't that much work anyways.

Afterwards, Chris is drying his hands and looking towards Crae and Trilby.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-09, 11:54 PM
And Crae looks back at him, holding Trilby up while lying on the floor.

dO yOU WaNT To sEe the cABin Now oR LaTeR?

He asks.

2011-01-09, 11:57 PM
And Crae looks back at him, holding Trilby up while lying on the floor.

dO yOU WaNT To sEe the cABin Now oR LaTeR?

He asks.

Chris nods his head. "I'd like to see the cabin now, if you don't mind."

Rae Artemi
2011-01-10, 12:04 AM
AlrIGhty tHen!

Crae says, standing up and starting to exit the building.

I'Mma GO on aHEaD aNd TiDY tHINGS Up iN tHERe, TriLBY CAn show yOU the WAy, He'S A SMaRt cat.

And if no one stops him, he will proceed out the door, leaving the kitten behind to act as a guide.

2011-01-10, 12:12 AM
AlrIGhty tHen!

Crae says, standing up and starting to exit the building.

I'Mma GO on aHEaD aNd TiDY tHINGS Up iN tHERe, TriLBY CAn show yOU the WAy, He'S A SMaRt cat.

And if no one stops him, he will proceed out the door, leaving the kitten behind to act as a guide.

Chris doesn't stop him, but instead looks at the cat, expecting him to lead the way.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-10, 12:18 AM

Says Trilby turning to leave the building and plod off into the woods, not looking back to be sure he follows.

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 12:24 AM
[Cabin 8]

Zamira smiles as well, and continues her snuggling!

...yeah, not much else to say. :smalltongue:
Shrike starts to wake up! With a distinct start and, it seems, for a moment, almost panicing, before sensing Zamira's presence and calming.


Cutter stops for only a moment when he sees the patients and assuming a few are in poor condition, sets down his medical bag, the scalpel slipped back into his sleeve, and begins working along side her to help the people. His equipment seems mostly surgical in nature, but the rest of it is rather advanced technologically. Spray-bandages, air-injectors, and microneedles for sutures and the like.

When Quinn notes the newcomer, she frowns, but when he seems to be a doctor allows him to work...
Of course, since the paitents are in semi-deadtime, well...
After awhile, she has an opportunity, though.
"Good evening, and welcome to the Good League of Good. Are you a new member?" she asks politely.

2011-01-10, 12:24 AM

Says Trilby turning to leave the building and plod off into the woods, not looking back to be sure he follows.

Chris instantly takes off after the cat, keeping up a good pace.

2011-01-10, 12:25 AM
"Morning, sleepy. Did you sleep well?"

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 12:35 AM
[Cabin 8]

"Well enough," Shrike allows after a minute. "Of course, being wrapped up like this is different than being locked up in a box..."

2011-01-10, 12:36 AM
Zamira nods. "But overcoming this does help, especially as this is more restrictive. And you did well."

2011-01-10, 12:37 AM

The man shakes his head and stops, taking off his gloves and throwing them away. He offers his hand. "Dr. Cutter. Medical Officer. Not a member yet, but I had been hoping to help out." He looks around the Infirmary. "Understaffed?"

Rae Artemi
2011-01-10, 12:37 AM
Chris instantly takes off after the cat, keeping up a good pace.

Since Trilby is walking at a normal pace for a cat his size keeping up shouldn't be hard. After a while walking through the woods they will come upon a clearing with 40x40 foot building, about twenty feet high. It's very simple, very blue and pretty obviously magical. Crae is sitting on the roof looking at the sky.

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 12:42 AM
[Cabin 8]

"I guess. And...thanks."
Shrike actually blushes a little...



"Slightly. There are other people who help, though."
Quinn offers her hand for shaking.
"Quinn Druid, Acting President of the Good League of Good and Champion of Neirian. It's a pleasure to meet you."

2011-01-10, 12:44 AM
"It's all right.

The next step would probably be to blindfold you. I'd still be there, and I'd make sure you knew I was there with regular skin-to-skin contact, you just wouldn't be able to see me."

2011-01-10, 12:47 AM

The doctor shakes her hand and nods. "I imagine there's a form I have to fill out?" he asks. She may get a feeling that he's hiding something important. "I'll admit, I had expected the name of the place to be a bit more...original when I first heard about it."

2011-01-10, 12:50 AM
Since Trilby is walking at a normal pace for a cat his size keeping up shouldn't be hard. After a while walking through the woods they will come upon a clearing with 40x40 foot building, about twenty feet high. It's very simple, very blue and pretty obviously magical. Crae is sitting on the roof looking at the sky.

Chris looks at it, wondering if it'll be able to comfortably fit his family. "Alright, let's head inside."

He then walks to the door.

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 12:55 AM
[Cabin 8]

"Sounds good to me." Shrike chuckles. "But not right now. Right now I'm getting hungry..."



One of the drones helpfully buzzes up and supplies the membership form!

"Well, it was founded by a former member of the Evil League of Evil," Quinn explains with a shrug. "Hence the name."

Even as she pings Cutter with Detect Evil... >_>

((And my last post for the night...zzzzzzzz...night folks))

2011-01-10, 12:57 AM
Zamira chuckles. "All right. Do you want me to unwrap you, or get you some food?"

Rae Artemi
2011-01-10, 01:08 AM
On the inside it is still quite blue and there are some cat toys and stuff laying around. The main room is about 20x40, with four rooms against one far wall and three against another. There are stairs on either side leading up to a mirrored arrangement of rooms with landings on either side. If Chris were to look up, he would see a picture of a man who looks almost exactly like Crae, except with much longer hair and no wings, with his arm around a very pretty brunette who looks around seventeen. Both of them are smiling, and in the background is another girl, very small, looks to be part cat, in clothes much the same as what Crae wears, jeans and denim jacket, as well as the very cabin they are in. That is, until Crae comes down through the ceiling and a sheet of blue moves to cover it.

i knOW iT'S noT MucH, BUt iT'S LIVeablE, aND i Can Make The roOMs, Or EVEN thE wHOle BUiLding BiGgER iF yOu NeEdED.

2011-01-10, 01:16 AM

The Detect Evil detects only mild snarkyness. :smalltongue:

Cutter takes the form, reads it thoroughly and fills it out.

Current Moral or Ethical Leanings: See: Hippocratic Oath
Desired Moral or Ethical Leanings: See: Above
Profession:Medical Officer
Race: Human
Age: 135 Objective, 35 Subjective
How can you contribute to this organization's goals: See: Profession
Any other important information: Can be called 24/7 at <Cell Number>
Preferred Room Assignment: One currently unoccupied if possible for private research lab.

2011-01-10, 01:25 AM
On the inside it is still quite blue and there are some cat toys and stuff laying around. The main room is about 20x40, with four rooms against one far wall and three against another. There are stairs on either side leading up to a mirrored arrangement of rooms with landings on either side. If Chris were to look up, he would see a picture of a man who looks almost exactly like Crae, except with much longer hair and no wings, with his arm around a very pretty brunette who looks around seventeen. Both of them are smiling, and in the background is another girl, very small, looks to be part cat, in clothes much the same as what Crae wears, jeans and denim jacket, as well as the very cabin they are in. That is, until Crae comes down through the ceiling and a sheet of blue moves to cover it.

i knOW iT'S noT MucH, BUt iT'S LIVeablE, aND i Can Make The roOMs, Or EVEN thE wHOle BUiLding BiGgER iF yOu NeEdED.

Chris nods his head. "Yeah, I'd say it'll work." Chris does notice the picture before Crae covers it up. He can guess who two of them are at least, or who they might be, but the third person remains a mystery. "It's nice to know that it can expand if needed. With my luck, we'll have it as large as a mansion." Chris chuckles.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-10, 01:31 AM
alrighT tHEn, ThaT"s gOOd.

He says, before collapsing backward onto the floor. It softens where he lands and a few seconds later he starts to snore softly. Making eight rooms two staircases and two landings is pretty exhausting.


2011-01-10, 01:56 AM
alrighT tHEn, ThaT"s gOOd.

He says, before collapsing backward onto the floor. It softens where he lands and a few seconds later he starts to snore softly. Making eight rooms two staircases and two landings is pretty exhausting.


Chris is confused for a second at the sudden tiredness, before looking back at the house. He smiles a bit, thinking that it must've been some extra effort that made Crae so sleepy. As a sort of minor thank you, Chris manages to come up with some sort of illusion of a blanket, complete with warmth and fuzziness. He lays it on Crae, about up to his shoulders, smiling as he does so.

Chris then walks out of the house, before leaning against the wall and sliding down to the ground. It's clear that he feels pity for poor little Crae, and wonders if there was some way to help him.

Chances are, he wonders this right up into deadtime.

2011-01-10, 10:03 AM
"Not that much. Apparently, that incident was a full-scale army attacking.

An army of catpeople, actually. A lich named Calubufiok was mind-controlling them, from what I heard. Died before I came here, but he was an ommnicidal bastard from all accounts."

That sounds crap. Dunno what I'd achieve against a whole army. Other than make them all look at me I guess.

Mina Kobold
2011-01-10, 10:09 AM
A hooded figure is walking around the area, apparently it just came from somewhere wet and is visibly annoyed by this.

Possibly because woolen cloaks are irritating when soaked in water.

Somebody should talk to him before he ends up burning something down in an attempt to dry his cloak!

That woulod be bad.

2011-01-10, 03:37 PM
Brianna nods. "I've got some Charms that are somewhat effective, but not against the whole army at once. Luckily, that doesn't seem to happen very often."

2011-01-10, 03:41 PM
Victor nods.

In any case, why join up here? what do they do?

2011-01-10, 03:43 PM
"The main goal of GLoG is redemption, as opposed to HALO, which focuses more on fighting evildoers. On the other hand, GLoG tends to act more here, as opposed to HALO, which tends to act more in other realms of existence."

2011-01-10, 03:45 PM
So do you get involved much? Not many of the titan spawn open to redemption.

2011-01-10, 03:49 PM
"Fortunately, none have turned up yet, so I mostly keep watch. Meanwhile, I work in the infirmary, and if they need a spear for whatever reason, I can do that as well. GLoG does fight against evil, it's just that they're more focused on redemptive than retributive solutions."

2011-01-10, 03:49 PM
Reinholdt is sitting on his thinking rock and looking out at the lake right now. He's a kitty right now. And the sniper version.
He just sits there staring.

2011-01-10, 03:51 PM
Victor nods

Makes sense. So wheres where and whos who here?

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 03:53 PM
[Cabin 8]

Zamira chuckles. "All right. Do you want me to unwrap you, or get you some food?"

"Hmm, how about yes to both?" Shrike asks, chuckling.

[Infirmary>Main Lodge]

Quinn accepts Cutter's application with a smile, then heads to the main lodge to fix breakfast.

This might set her on a course to meet Zamira, which would be good, since she wants to talk to her. :smalltongue:

2011-01-10, 03:54 PM
"The current leader is Quinn, she actually works in the infirmary as well."

Brianna frowns. "I think she might have some patients in there, though, so let's not disturb them right now.

That's the main cabin. Dining, a TV, all that stuff."

Mina Kobold
2011-01-10, 03:54 PM
Reinholdt is sitting on his thinking rock and looking out at the lake right now. He's a kitty right now. And the sniper version.
He just sits there staring.

The hooded figure somehow ends up next to the rock, he's begining to dislike this side-effect of living in the Nexus.


The hoody-McHoodington looks around, obviously still new to the area.

2011-01-10, 03:56 PM
"Gah!" Reinholdt yelps in startled-ness. You'd think he'd be used to such things by now.

He calms down pretty quickly though. "Umm... hello."

2011-01-10, 03:58 PM
Zamira unwraps Shrike, gets dressed, and goes to get some food! Where she might run into Quinn. :smalleek: "Hello, Quinn. What's up?"

2011-01-10, 03:59 PM
"The current leader is Quinn, she actually works in the infirmary as well."

Brianna frowns. "I think she might have some patients in there, though, so let's not disturb them right now.

That's the main cabin. Dining, a TV, all that stuff."

TV's good. So all the places here are like outdoorsy huts?

Victor doesn't seem too pleased at that idea

2011-01-10, 04:00 PM
"More like cabins than huts, but yeah."

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 04:02 PM

"Oh! Hi, Zamira."
Quinn smiles, and waves to the Lunar Exalted, as she fixes ramen noodles.
"Funny, I was just thinking I needed to talk to you."

2011-01-10, 04:03 PM
"Oh? What about?"

Zamira starts fixing up some food as well!

...ramen noodles. :smalltongue:

2011-01-10, 04:04 PM
"More like cabins than huts, but yeah."

Victor nods

Yeah, I'm kinda used to a more ... socialite friendly environment. If you know what I mean. Helps to stay where your skilled, right?

2011-01-10, 04:08 PM
"Point, and I'd imagine you wouldn't want to stay here anyway. Do you want to see HALO next?"

2011-01-10, 04:09 PM
HALO. Where's that? Can we fly there?

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 04:10 PM

"Well," Quinn says, "Actually, I've been thinking that instead of a President, that GLoG should have a Leadership Council, and I was thinking that you and Shrike should be on it."

Mina Kobold
2011-01-10, 04:10 PM
"Gah!" Reinholdt yelps in startled-ness. You'd think he'd be used to such things by now.

He calms down pretty quickly though. "Umm... hello."

"Would you happen to be one of this guild's members?"

The cloaked person removes his hood, revealing black hair and rather stressed eyes. He'd be handsome if he actually knew how eating regularly work, a vampire fanatic may still find him handsome, though.

Which has never gotten him problems from the anti-vampire group.


2011-01-10, 04:11 PM
Zamira blinks. "...I'd be honored to accept. I'd have to see what Shrike thinks, but even if she doesn't want to sit on the council, I'll accept."

2011-01-10, 04:13 PM

Both Reelshka and Brinika undeadtime. Reelshka is drawing a bird perched on a branch and wondering how to contact Dr. Rein. Brinika is sitting on the stairs to the Main Cabin, bored.

2011-01-10, 04:18 PM
"Would you happen to be one of this guild's members?"

The cloaked person removes his hood, revealing black hair and rather stressed eyes. He'd be handsome if he actually knew how eating regularly work, a vampire fanatic may still find him handsome, though.

Which has never gotten him problems from the anti-vampire group.


"No. Afraid not. I'm just the cat."
Why would the cat be an official member? That's just silly.

"I can find one if you need one though. Here to join or something? I'm Reinholdt, Treasure Hunter Extraordinaire." Reinholdt gives his flourish.

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 04:22 PM

And Quinn...looks relieved.
"Thanks," she says, smiling. "I appreciate it. I think you'll do well"



A paper airplane comes sailing over Brinika's shoulder from behind. :smalltongue:

2011-01-10, 04:23 PM
"Thank you.

I suppose I should go and tell Shrike the news."

2011-01-10, 04:26 PM

Brinika looks at the paper plane in bewilderment and turns around.

Mina Kobold
2011-01-10, 04:27 PM
"No. Afraid not. I'm just the cat."
Why would the cat be an official member? That's just silly.

"I can find one if you need one though. Here to join or something? I'm Reinholdt, Treasure Hunter Extraordinaire." Reinholdt gives his flourish.

"I already joined this guild, the cat-human Butler helped with that, as well as a strange being that transported me here"

The green-cloaked has seen stranger creatures doing stuff like being members of public groups than a cat. It made perfect sense to him.

He's not sure that's a good thing.

"I have been given the name Friend. Honour to meet you, Treasure Hunter Reinholdt"

He holds out his hand to shake Reinholdt's but suddenly the ground disappear below him and he falls.


2011-01-10, 04:28 PM
"I ..."
And he's gone.

Oh well. Reinholdt's player has some router/internet tampering to do anyways.

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 04:30 PM

"Probably." Quinn chuckles, and then returns to the Infirmary!

[Front Steps]

Brinika will thus see Jamie there, waving at her friend. Before going to sit down next to her on the steps.
"Whats on your mind?"

2011-01-10, 04:31 PM
Zamira heads back to Shrike with Ramen and the news!

2011-01-10, 04:36 PM
[Front Steps]

Brinika shrugs. Nothing. I'm just bored. What was that thing that just flew by me?

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 04:41 PM
[Cabin 8]

Zamira will find Shrike laying on the bed on her front, legs in the air, looking rather relaxed. And dangerously bored...

[Front steps]

Jamie giggles, and holds up another, pre-folded airplane.
"It's called a paper airplane. See? You fold up a sheet of paper just so, add a little weight to the nose, and zoom! Here, you try tossing it."

2011-01-10, 04:49 PM
[Front steps]

Brinika grabs the paper airplane and sends it flying through the air. Neat! Can you show me how to make it?

2011-01-10, 04:58 PM

Also, Quinn just asked if we'd be on the GLoG leadership council."

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 05:00 PM
[Front steps]

Jamie grins, pulling out another sheet of paper from the book she was carrying.
(The papers are loose in the book, not the pages. :smalltongue:)

"See, you fold it up like this..."

[Cabin 8]

"Sounds good. Both of them."
Shrike sits up, chuckles, and accepts the noodles. Which are consumed hungrily!
"Maybe that'll give us something to do, eh?"

((Back later))

2011-01-10, 05:03 PM
"Yes, it probably will."

Zamira consumes her own noodles! OM NOM NOM.

2011-01-10, 05:07 PM
[Front steps]

And Brinika will be introduced into the arts of paper airplane making as she also deadtimes.

2011-01-10, 05:47 PM
Infirmary=>Hemlock Cabin

Cutter leaves the Infirmary, bag in tow before looking around for an empty cabin. He finds one with a bit of a smirk, deciding that it's a rather appropriate name before going in. After a look around, he takes his scalpel and slices the palm of his left hand deeply. He's not bothered by the pain and wanders around Room A, smearing blood on the walls, floor, and ceiling. The wound on his hand closes after a moment and he locks the room's door to give it time.

A few minutes later, after unpacking, he puts out a sign at the front door.

Dr. Cutter is IN

2011-01-10, 07:06 PM
Chris is confused for a second at the sudden tiredness, before looking back at the house. He smiles a bit, thinking that it must've been some extra effort that made Crae so sleepy. As a sort of minor thank you, Chris manages to come up with some sort of illusion of a blanket, complete with warmth and fuzziness. He lays it on Crae, about up to his shoulders, smiling as he does so.

Chris then walks out of the house, before leaning against the wall and sliding down to the ground. It's clear that he feels pity for poor little Crae, and wonders if there was some way to help him.

Chances are, he wonders this right up into deadtime.
Carrie totally starts being here.

2011-01-10, 07:45 PM
Zamira finishes off her ramen! "So, want to continue on working on what we were doing?"

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 07:49 PM
[Cabin 8]

"Oh, I dunno. Maybe we should start being more formal and businesslike if we're going to be Councilwomen."
...Shrike manages to get through saying all this with a straight face.



Jamie, escaping from the NPC'dom of paper-airplane making with Brinika, pokes the deadtime ooze around her friend, sighs, and then hops up and walks over to the center of the campground.

Carrie might spot her, and see her raising a stick to the air...?

"I am the Druid Princess Mikani, defender of nature's beauty and leader of pure hearts!" she calls out, even as a stiff breeze blows through the campground and swirls around her as she transforms!

2011-01-10, 07:53 PM
Zamira chuckles. "Well, we can still have fun, can't we? Besides, working on overcoming a phobia is always a good use of time."

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 07:59 PM
[Cabin 8]

"I suppose you have a point. Maybe we should...try a more agressive approach now?" Shrike suggests, slightly hesitantly.

((About 20 minutes left))

2011-01-10, 08:03 PM
"...what do you have in mind?"

{{How long after that until you're back?}}

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 08:04 PM
Shrike pauses, the idea clearly not yet fully formed.
"I was thinking that maybe we could get Karen to arrange something where we'd both be in a box together or something..."

((After the Auburn vs Oregon college football championship game. :smalltongue:))

2011-01-10, 08:09 PM
"That... could work. With a panic button, but I'd be the one to press it if it came to that."

Rae Artemi
2011-01-10, 08:10 PM
Carrie totally starts being here.

Oh, hey, look who's awake.

WhAt aRe YOu TALKIng ABOuT? THE housE IS moST deFINitelY Not BlUE.

Indeed, the house is now a deep green. There also seem to be flowers growing out of it. Huh, would you look at that.

2011-01-10, 08:14 PM
Oh, hey, look who's awake.

WhAt aRe YOu TALKIng ABOuT? THE housE IS moST deFINitelY Not BlUE.

Indeed, the house is now a deep green. There also seem to be flowers growing out of it. Huh, would you look at that.

... Wait what how does that I can't finish my sentence.

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 08:14 PM
[Cabin 8]

Shrike nods. "Well, I was thinking it might not actually be locked, but I guess knowing that might take away from the 'realism' of the experience..."

2011-01-10, 08:17 PM
"That could always work as well. The main problem... being in a box seems to much like a coffin to me.

No good triggering off my phobia in the process."

Rae Artemi
2011-01-10, 08:21 PM
... Wait what how does that I can't finish my sentence.

magIC. mIrAcLeS. wHaTevEr yoU wANt tO CaLl it. EiThER waY, i neEd To praCtIcE.

Crae says, placing a hand against his pants and witdrawing a long black sheet.

YOu mIGHT WAnt TO sTanD baCk, i'm woRkiNg ON LArGe ScALE WhIle i Have thE cHANCe.

He presses the sheet against the house and the black begins to spread.

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 08:23 PM
[Cabin 8]

"...oh. Yeah, that would be rather of the bad..."
Shrike now looks rather bad for having thought up the idea in the first place.

2011-01-10, 08:23 PM
magIC. mIrAcLeS. wHaTevEr yoU wANt tO CaLl it. EiThER waY, i neEd To praCtIcE.

Crae says, placing a hand against his pants and witdrawing a long black sheet.

YOu mIGHT WAnt TO sTanD baCk, i'm woRkiNg ON LArGe ScALE WhIle i Have thE cHANCe.

He presses the sheet against the house and the black begins to spread.

... Huh. Cool.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-10, 08:30 PM
And. assuming Carrie stepped back, once the cabin is entirely black Crae will snap his fingers and the entire thing will be engulfed in flame. It's not burning, just on fire, and Crae is digging around in his pockets like nothing weird is going on.

SHoE, ShoE, YoyO, ShOe, GUM...

2011-01-10, 08:32 PM
And. assuming Carrie stepped back, once the cabin is entirely black Crae will snap his fingers and the entire thing will be engulfed in flame. It's not burning, just on fire, and Crae is digging around in his pockets like nothing weird is going on.

SHoE, ShoE, YoyO, ShOe, GUM...

Carrie mutters an exclamation involving Unicron.

2011-01-10, 08:32 PM
[Cabin 8]

"...oh. Yeah, that would be rather of the bad..."
Shrike now looks rather bad for having thought up the idea in the first place.

"That's basically why I'm taking it slow... our phobias are, in ways, incredibly similar. Don't feel bad about it, you can't help it and nether can I, and both the people responsible for our phobias are dead."

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 08:34 PM
[Cabin 8]

Shrike finishes her ramen, sets the bowl aside, and nods.

But then, alas, deadtimes!

Rae Artemi
2011-01-10, 08:42 PM
...shOE, AnOtHER shOE, ThE SAMe shOe, feAThER, feathER, RinG, BuCket, cam- OH, waIT, BUCKET!

And Crae withdraws from his coat pocket a bucket of water seemingly much too big to fit in there. He throws it on the flaming house and the fire immediately stops. Wait, is it raining? No, no clouds in the sky at all. Huh. It seems to be coming from the cabin. Odd, that. Crae is content to just stand in the wet for a moment.

2011-01-10, 08:43 PM
"So... yeah, it's probably better if we take it slow-ish.

Blindfolded this time?"

2011-01-10, 08:53 PM
...shOE, AnOtHER shOE, ThE SAMe shOe, feAThER, feathER, RinG, BuCket, cam- OH, waIT, BUCKET!

And Crae withdraws from his coat pocket a bucket of water seemingly much too big to fit in there. He throws it on the flaming house and the fire immediately stops. Wait, is it raining? No, no clouds in the sky at all. Huh. It seems to be coming from the cabin. Odd, that. Crae is content to just stand in the wet for a moment.

Carrie uses her wings as an umbrella.
... What in Galvatron's name is... bwuh?!

Rae Artemi
2011-01-10, 09:00 PM
WElL, I ThiNK ThAT's eNOuGH fOr ONe DaY.

Crae says, waving his hand as the house goes back to its normal blue and stops spewing water. And then he slumps down onto his knees.

Or maYbE A feW DayS. CONtrOL iS Bad WiThOut a fOcuS, dumMy.

2011-01-10, 09:01 PM
WElL, I ThiNK ThAT's eNOuGH fOr ONe DaY.

Crae says, waving his hand as the house goes back to its normal blue and stops spewing water. And then he slumps down onto his knees.

Or maYbE A feW DayS. CONtrOL iS Bad WiThOut a fOcuS, dumMy.
She kneels by him.
Hey, you okay?
She seems concerned.

2011-01-10, 09:02 PM
Crae and Carrie might hear the roar of an engine, followed by a bunch of odd mechanical noises, then large footsteps.

Runner stops near the pair.

What is going on? I saw fire, so I came to investigate. Is everything alright now?

Rae Artemi
2011-01-10, 09:11 PM
YEah, I'M jUSt DumB. I fORgOT tHat wITH my HAIr CHoPPed oFf i neED TO find a new FOCUS BefoRE I CaN dO StufF LIKE THat.

He says, slowly rising, and then turning to Runner.

hEY, CoOl, A roBOT! EVErYTHinG'S fINE, I was pRACTICing MaGIC.

2011-01-10, 09:15 PM
YEah, I'M jUSt DumB. I fORgOT tHat wITH my HAIr CHoPPed oFf i neED TO find a new FOCUS BefoRE I CaN dO StufF LIKE THat.

He says, slowly rising, and then turning to Runner.

hEY, CoOl, A roBOT! EVErYTHinG'S fINE, I was pRACTICing MaGIC.


2011-01-10, 09:16 PM
Practicing magic? Wait...did you start the fire?

I am going to have to ask you to not do that, sir. At least, not around here. I am sure you could find an area better suited for such things.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-10, 09:24 PM
Crae is scratching the top of his head.

i AlSo PUT ouT tHE Fire... II hAD TOTaL conTrOl, aNd If aNYThING mESSED Me up IT WOUlD HaVE pUT iTSElf out. i ThINk THaT's hOW It WoRks AnywAy. I wAs nEvER MuCh gOod witH THiNKINg.

2011-01-10, 09:28 PM
Carrie looks between the two of them.

2011-01-10, 09:32 PM
I would feel much better if you chose to do that sort of stuff in a much more open area.

Also, I do not recognize you. My name is Runner.

He would hold out a hand to shake, but...well...his hands are almost as big as Crae.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-10, 09:42 PM
Denim cabin is in a clearing in the middle of the woods about a mile or so away from the main GLoG campsite. Just making sure you are aware.

teChnICALly i"m raE, yOU CaN CAll ME cRaE, EVErYone doeS.

Crae says, and extends his hand. The sleeve of his jacket stretches out and forms into a hand big enough to shake Runner's.

2011-01-10, 09:52 PM
Still too close for Runner's taste.

I take it that Crae is a nickname, then?

And how are you able to do that? He'll shake the denim hand.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-10, 10:02 PM
yeAH, SOrT of a nICkName. tecHnicALlY i GuESs I"M raenIr K. aRteMI III. CLonInG IS confuSiNG.

Yeah, handshakes! Crae will beat his wings a few times to get to the top of the cabin to make it a little easier to talk to Runner.

as foR hOw I'm DoIng that, mAGIC aND StuFF. BeinG a clOnE of oNe Of THE most PoWErFuL DeniMAnCeR"S EVer HeLps ToO.

2011-01-10, 10:10 PM
Reinholdt does what he does best! Sit on a rock and stare at the lake.
Ok, it's not what he does best, but he's pretty good at it.

2011-01-10, 10:28 PM
Those at the GLoG campground at the moment might notice a peculiar anomaly high in the sky. A rough, bluish outline of a rather large circle is forming, the boundary constantly shifting, growing, shrinking, though maintaining the same overall size.

It also seems to be emitting a loud and rather obnoxious humming noise.

What the hell is this?

2011-01-10, 10:39 PM
Hemlock Cabin

Cutter hears the noise and looks up. With a sigh, he gets a bad feeling and heads back in to prep his equipment.