View Full Version : Stealing from the Bottom of your Heart (D&D 3.5 IC thread)

2011-01-10, 01:51 PM
The city of Unac, the first leg in this journey, where you are getting your mission briefing, is something that looks like it has outlived the human race. The walls are pitted from catapult stones, never rebuilt. Ragged banners of the city-state Unac fly from bent, twisted, or leaning pennants atop the walls. Fortress parapets are marked by archers, who sit in lawn chairs idly peering over the edge with crossbows.

The guards at the gate stand present: half a dozen men in plate armored with heavy repeating crossbows, led by their captain and supported by a trio of ogres. They do not bother to ask your purpose here, or for any form of identification or registration. They merely say, ''The city guard is known as the troubleshooters. We find trouble, and we shoot it. Check your temper at the door and keep your head down, stranger."

The city gate has been left somewhat open, and you're allowed to shuffle uncomfortably past the unmoving, unflinching guards through the crack in the gate, sufficient to allow a single horse through.

The city is a desolate place. Even though it's on the edge of the desert and verdant forest is a mere four days ride to the east, and even though the city is built along a river that runs here, everything is dry. Water is still used sparingly, largely for hydration and cooking. Water used for other purposes must be bought from one of the temples. People shuffle about in billowing robes designed to open to the breeze and keep their skin from being burnt, throwing somewhat hostile gazes at you. It feels like everyone here has a tough guy routine to dissuade trouble.

Tullisu Gaunt proclaimed he'd meet you at the inn & bar called, ''Monsoon Season'' and that you'd need to wait for him in a secret room, which the barmaid Elinda would lead you to.

Each of you has managed to make it into the city today, riding with due haste but taking routes prescribed to you by your handler to ensure that you wouldn't see each other before hand and to ensure that you would arrive around the same time.

Feel free to post your actions.

2011-01-11, 07:00 AM
Kira keeps her head down as she walks towards the city. She knows this game all too well, and wishing for her presense to be utterely unremarkable, preferably ignored, she simply blends into the crowd as she walks her horse in through the city gates.

[Hide (to blend into the crowd): (1d20+19)[29](take 10)]

As she enters the city, she discreetly notes the thickness of the walls, the placement of the guards, and any other relevant details regarding the 'security' of the city.
Wandering along with the foot traffic, she heads first for the central marketplace, or whatever passes for one here.

2011-01-11, 07:22 AM
Wearing his hat to disguise him as a small skinny human in a tattered cloak, Tamer enters the city, nods to the guards as they approach him with this rather unfriendly greeting and scans the the surroundings with his mage sight.

Doing a spot check [roll0]
and just in case .. a disguise check [roll1]

He ambles slowly towards the central plaza of this .. city and stops at a fruit vendor.
Greetings, Goodman. How much for those two apples there and some direction? I've heard, one can lodge comfortably in the Monsoon Season. Could you point me the way?

2011-01-11, 12:34 PM

He enters wearing town wearing a dirty white robe, and a turban to protect his shaved head from the unforgiving sun. dressing as a local villager should help him avoid suspicion. His tan skin has darkened during his time in the desert, making him look even more like the locals.

His eyes are pointed down before even approaching the guards. He flawlessly follows the routine he picked up by watching the locals. keep your head down. do not speak, even if spoken to. if a guard wants you to answer him, he will make it clear enough. do not stutter, stumble or break stride. do not fidget or hold your hands where it looks like you're protecting something of value.

Jiang has a sixth sense when it comes to finding a tavern with good ale. wishing to keep up his appearance as a typical peasant, he strolls around town talking to no one, except to make idle chit chat. his eyes are everywhere, searching for both trouble and opportunity, but mostly for a placard depicting a storm.

2011-01-11, 03:22 PM

Traveling through the desert was not one of Ringos favorite activities, but he had fared the journey well enough. Upon reaching Unac he squeezed through the gate, not giving the guards much notice. Outwardly at the least.

On the inside he was always calculating, remembering and keeping a watch out for where any shiny full plate of the tip of a crossbow might be visible. Guards often caused problems. Ringo liked to avoid problems.

Before seeking aide in finding the appointed tavern he took a stroll around the city, and kept his eyes open for the Monsoon Season. No need to disturb the public if he could find it himself.

2011-01-11, 09:36 PM
OOC: Anyone attempting to locate the Monsoon season by way of just looking needs to make a Search check. Anyone looking for it through word of mouth needs to make a gather information check. Gather information will be the easier of the two, but as seasoned operatives, you're aware that this leaves an impression after your passing.

Jiang, roll a Disguise check, and a Search check.
Ringo, as above, roll a Search check.

Kira, as you walk about, you know you are as a ghost. Expertly and with a great deal of practice, you manage to be in no one's sight for more than a few seconds, and even then, only from a single angle. No one will remember your passing; not a guard, not a citizen, not even any wary rumormongers eying new arrivals. You feel confident in this belief - you are doing the Fox's proud.

Tamer, you're drawing a fair number of suspicious and interesting glances, many double takes. You're pretty sure you screwed your disguise up, and you might actually attract less attention by stripping it off or attempting more mundane, sneaky crowd-surfing as opposed to walking openly in disguise.

The central bazaar is the one place that's remotely crowded, as the heart of the city consist of organic, and thus haphazard, development. There are many narrow streets and alleys, with vendors parked right in front of shops which are two story, with a different shop on each story. You notice many travel in groups, with someone in each group taking the role of watching avidly for pickpockets and perhaps even assassins. Those wealthy enough to do so hire rough, professional looking guards. The ones who walk alone all walk with a certain quiet, deadly swagger, with openly displayed and often valuable looking weapons.

Despite this - and the occasional screams and desperate swearing of a would be thief before being stabbed - there is a certain ceremonial cordiality here, as if a mutual agreement exists to brutalize the first one to disturb the peace and to overlook whatever happens to them. About everyone here is armed. Everyone goes about quietly, and no one makes eye contact with anyone unfamiliar to them. Those who do violate this rule are given a solid ten feet of space, and move unfettered.

The vendor you talk to, Tamer, looks you up and down with a smile. He's got a thick beard and mustache, swarthy skin, and a bald head, with an apron covered in blood and grease. He sells a good deal more than fruit. He shakes his head. "I unno 'bout nah da inns or bars. I just sell food here in the weeks before and after the Market Festival. Ya wanna get a 'monger. Look for da blokes wit a purple turbans, yah?"

He idly hacks apart a strip of unknown meat. You have a horrible feeling that it's some sort of gizzard.

"That'll be ten gold, bloke."

The Grue
2011-01-11, 10:43 PM
...They merely say, ''The city guard is known as the troubleshooters. We find trouble, and we shoot it. Check your temper at the door and keep your head down, stranger."

Miles puts on his best smile and shrugs. "Really, gentlemen, do I look like the type who'd cause trouble?"1


Well clear of the local lawmen, Miles Glib stops a moment to take in his surroundings, and a cool sip from his waterskin. The journey had been long and hard, and nary a pretty maiden nor greedy merchant to be had for most of the way. But now...now Miles could get back to what he loved.

He was expected to meet someone at an establishment called "The Monsoon Season", but that could wait. There was business to attend.

First, his bearings. He'd spend a few hours slipping coins into palms and whispering into ears to get a feel for this new city, learn the important names, the local crime barons, the watch captains that were vigilant and the ones that liked coin, the hotspots and places of interest, and what juicy marks had just strolled into town this week.2

Then, he'd canvass the street urchins and offer a hot meal and a pocketful of coppers to anyone with information on suspicious new arrivals, especially anybody asking after or stumbling around in search of the Monsoon Season. He might only get one or two careless Foxes, but it was always good to be alert.3

Finally, he'd ask around and find two specific things: the second-nicest inn in the city, and the second-greediest barkeep.4

Then, and only then, would he discreetly inquire about the Monsoon Season. If he found it, he'd spend some time running surveillance on it to see who came looking.5

But all that could wait. For now, he was tired, thirsty and saddle-sore. Miles would see to his immediate needs before putting his plans into motion.

Unac would be his town soon enough. Of that, Miles Glib had no doubt.

Just in case it's not clear, Miles is going to find a tavern, have a drink, and relax a bit before doing anything else. Then he'll perform tasks as outlined unless something happens that requires further player input before proceeding, or unless it's so late in the day or actions take so long that it's well into the night before he finishes.

I've numbered actions I think necessitate a roll. Check the OOC thread a few minutes after this post goes up for corresponding dice action.

2011-01-12, 02:02 AM
As she wanders the central bazaar, all but invisible to the casual eye, Kira watches the crowd, alert for anyone who might have the skill to notice her and assessing the various people moving around the market keeping a particular eye out for those who seem notable, the very wealthy entourages, the very skilled or dangerous individuals, and those who stick out like a sore thumb.

2011-01-12, 06:14 AM
Finally, after a few days travel, Qutral had finally come to the edge of town. She stopped outside to both rest for a little after the tiring flight, and to take time to form a good disguise, with the assistance of her hat. She mumbles through her list of things to make sure nobody touches a part that would make them suspicous.

Let's see, bend feet to the body, fold wings over chest, stand up on back half of tail so people don't tromp all over it, fold in fangs to in case a drunk or mistaken lover tries a kiss, retract spikes. O.K., think that's everything.

While she does this, she keeps an eye one the various people walking by into and out of the city. After watching for a little, she assumes the disguise of a beggar-woman. Her hood becomes a ragedy old cloak as her monstrous parts disappear from sight.

check:19 (taking 10+10 hat of disguise-1 charisma penalty)

She then slinks into town, with her eyes on the lookout for the tavern. She briefly entertain the idea of asking for directions, but decides not to. Best not attract any attention, lest her illusion be seen through.

2011-01-12, 06:18 AM

"Thankee, Goodman." and with that he flips the ten crowns to the vendor and moves on. On his way to the central bazaar he's looking for a side alleyway with a doorway he can lean into to get some seconds without curious eyes on him.

Waiting for the right moment when noone passes by and until everyone, who has seen him enter has passed by, he changes back into his own form, now wearing his turban of disguise and wide dusty sandcollored robes.
Not the best start, it seems i'm a bit rusted. He picks on of the apples, polishes it with his sleeve and takes a hearty bite as he takes up his way to the bazaar. As he enters the more crowded place, he starts collecting informations, making small talk with some locals and the mongers there, trying to blend in by bluffing in pretending he's from one of the caranvans currently staying in the caravanserai outside the city portals.

doing a gather information [roll0]
and a bluff check [roll1]

2011-01-12, 01:54 PM

After a bit of unsuccessful searching, Jiang heads toward a local temple, if he can locate one that is not evil aligned. He asks around, claiming to be a religious pilgrim (which is technically true). Before asking anyone, he chats with them briefly and spends a few copper at their kiosk. He doesn't bother asking if he thinks that either: the person might me a monger, or the person might worship an evil deity.

Listen [roll0] (keep an ear out for names)
Search [roll1] (locate temple)
Kn Religion [roll2] (avoid evil temple)
Sense Motive [roll3] (get a read on street merchants)
Kn Religion [roll4] (maintain cover as a religious pilgrim)

2011-01-12, 09:06 PM
Miles Glib

The guard captain looks at you dead on, coldly, for a moment before you slip past. To your back, he mentions, ''You most certainly do look like the kind to cause trouble. I'll remember your face, stranger."

Your discussion with the street urchins depresses the rougish opportunist in you somewhat. Apparently, the guards here aren't purchasable. Firstly, the guards are paid very generously and given a great deal of favoritism and benefits from the ruler of this city, State-King Adron. Secondly, the Mage's guild of the city is very thorough in probing the city guards for dishonesty. All guards routinely subject themselves to Dominated interviews to a handful of city Mage-Inquisitors and to thorough Mind Probing from the League of Psykers. Thirdly, there exists a large cash bounty for turning in people who are found guilty of bribery, and there are three penalties for the person found guilty: death by torture, a lifetime spent working in the mines and lumber facilities, and magical banishment to another plane of existence.

Oh, and the street waifs are paid by an unknown party to give this information out. As are a handful of other parties.

They don't seem to know anything about new marks or hotspots, although the Market Festival starts in three weeks and there is always a ton of foot traffic going on during that time. Rulers from other countries often come during a flag of truce, and wars are suspended during this time.

They take your coin gladly after offering this information, and promise to put in a good word for you, discreetly, if the situation comes up. The five or so youth you talk to tell you where they'll be in the future and tell you that if you need to duck in somewhere for a while, they'll keep watch over you.

You're told the second nicest inn is the Laurid Delci Celestias, often just called the Celestias. Good food for a good price, a comfortable room with a downstairs locker for keeping goods stashed, bouncers and watch guards who are the sons of the owner who are thus highly motivated and determined to ensure customer safety, and a library and bank service for people who come. It's three stories tall and has two basement levels, and is rumored to be the oldest inn in the city. It's in the far northwest corner of the city, and it won't be hard to find it.

The second greediest elicits a laugh. They tell you the owner of the Mogul Enterprise Inn is a greedy, opportunistic bastard who is only surpassed by Father Gredick, a former Priest of Vecna, who actually has connections to black marketeers and slavers. Somehow, Father Gredick is ignored by the guards. The owner of the Mogul Enterprise won't be hard to find - just wander about for half a mile and follow the omnipresent signs and ''you are here'' maps. The owner - Sir Chancelot Dulpric, is good at least at making sure people know his inn exists.

You expertly drop the name of the inn you're looking for and get someone to mention it in passing. The charmed young woman walking with her kid seems to make no special note of you asking. You're sure no one could pull your face from her mind in later conversation.

You manage to discreetly bump around. After a while, you realize in retrospect that you probably would have been seen by a determined observer of people - of which there seem to be many in the city, as you feel eyes boring into you all the time - but no common folk would recall your passing.

Having garnered your desired information and taken care of your needs, you find yourself overlooking The Monsoon Season. It's a busy two story inn, and seems to be quite sizable, taking up a respectable chunk of the corner on the city block. (I'm assuming since you mentioned discreet surveillance you're not going inside.) It's made from gray stones with wooden window frames, but you notice the building has an odd sort of overall structure. You realize after a time from your Fox training that this is a subtly disguised set of fortified buildings. The windows are unusually bulky, to allow them to be barred and barricaded from the inside. The stones are designed so as to be battered out from the inside to make impromptu exits, and the door has a significant reinforced frame and you recognize an alchemical sheen that makes it fireproof. Someone designed an inn with the idea of withstanding a siege or invasion. Curious.

There is indeed a large placard depicting heavy rains and flooding plains. The words, ''Monsoon Season'' are spelled in curving, cursive script in red paint.


Lots of people stick out. There are many people who are obviously highly trained, or experienced, or armed, or wealthy. Or all of the above. And they are all immensely wary. The mistrust and alertness to the schemes of strangers has never been more palpable for you. The citizens are only slightly less observant than the actual designated guards. The trick wouldn't be finding worthy marks here. It would be finding one you could survive robbing. The people who stand out are the ones who aren't obviously armed and trained to use their weapon, and their defense seems to be to carry as little that's worth stealing as possible.

Unusually, you notice a lot of people who you suspect are bounty hunters and mercenaries. You rarely see so many, and they seem to be anticipating something. Your survival senses are tingling. Something is wrong about the presence of so many career sellswords here. Were it not for your immense skills at avoiding attention, you know you would be flagged by someone. What they are looking for, you're not sure.


You're having a hell of a time finding this place. Everywhere, the double takes and interested glances from others distracts you from your search, and you know your disguise is recognized as such, although it is perhaps better than going undisguised. A clumsy disguised still obstructs your true appearance. However, your current visage will definitely be in people's memories if someone asks about it specifically. Best not to do anything you regret wearing this disguise. A skilled bounty hunter could see your undisguised form and connect it to the disguised one. Nothing to do but try to redo it out of sight.

This place feels terribly self-same to you. One city block looks much like another; dusty, sparsely packed, narrow, winding, with a curve leading around the corner to houses of alternating squatness. It's somewhat boring to look at, and that boredom is ruining what is left of your focus after trying to scurry past inquisitive glances.


The street merchants seem interested in you, but only as a potential customer. They seem unusually laden, as if looking forward to a great sale or rush of customers.

You have no trouble avoiding the temple of Wee Jas or Hextor, who are allowed to practice worship openly here. The temple of Farlanghan takes you in with a great deal of obvious curiosity when you approach them, welcoming you with a pitcher of water and some bread seasoned with some lemon pepper and an unusual spicy oil.

The bow to you and seem to have no anxiety around having you around. The monk introduces himself as Pastor Lodias. he's a shaven half Elf who keeps an amused smirk. "What would you like, brother-monk?"

2011-01-13, 03:43 AM
Her senses alert, Kira discreetly chooses a spot from which she can remain hidden from watching eyes (or at least hidden from as many as possible) as she continues to watch the ebb and flow of traffic within the bazaar, particularly those who appear to be bounty hunters or mercenaries. As she watches, she attempts discern any pattern to their movements or anything else that might serve as a common link, other than the fact that they are all here within the city walls.1

After watching for a while, her mind returns to the watchers above and the conumdrum they present. How to watch the watchers without drawing attention to oneself, preferably without being noticed. As she absentmindedly contemplates this, she thinks of the structure of the city, or at least what she has seen of it so far, and attempts to deduce where the hidden paths might be, the paths that the watchers would use.2

Wary and watchful, Kira moves discreetly and unseen to the edge of the bazaar where she assesses the various people thereabouts before choosing a local beggar, one who spends more time watching than asking for alms. Choosing her path carefully so that he would be aware of her approach and crouching down beside him such that her face remains occluded by the hood of her linen cloak, she palms a gold coin and discreetly slips it into the beggars bowl with a telltale soft clink as she asks in a soft voice "Where might a stranger find a quiet, peaceful place to sleep? A reputable inn with good food where they respect privacy?"
She asks a few more questions, including location and discretely ascertains where else one might find inns located within the city and a little general information regarding them. Each time the 'beggar' answers a question, she slides another coin into his bowl.
Thanking him, she rises to her feet, takes a couple of steps and dissappears amongst the passerbys.3

Using what she has just learnt of the placement of inns within the city, Kira then proceeds to discreetly search for the Monsoon season, remaining unseen to the best of her ability. Once she arrives at the inn, she remains wary and cautious, keeping a careful eye out, as she examines the building from the outside.4

2011-01-13, 03:04 PM
"Thank you for the hospitality Pastor Lodias. I have traveled all the way from the Temple of the Golden Aerie, and Fharlanghn has blessed me on my travels. There is much to learn from the hardships of this land, and its perseverant people. It strengthens the soul, and hardens the heart." Jiang spends the next hour or so discussing religion and his travels.

..."I feel i have rested long enough. thank you for the company Pastor. I am on my way to sample some of the local ale, and take in some of the culture. A fellow pilgrim at a wayshrine suggested Monsoon Season, perhaps you know where that is? Might you have any suggestions of your own? I understand the templars of Fharlanghn to be no more abstinate than the monks of the Golden Aerie." He returns a smirk to Pastor Lodias.

...Once the conversation is wrapped up, Jiang bids farewell to everyone in the temple and places 10gp into the tithe box.

2011-01-13, 08:53 PM
(in Common)Oh for the love of, how hard can it he to find a tavern! When I turned down the mount, I probably should have asked for a map instead. Not even a magic one, with the little "you are here "on it. Just a map so I can know where the heck I'm going. Looks Like I'm going to have to do a more thourough job searching.(in Dousa-Kli) Hmmmm. It seems I'm being noticed. Ah well, I'm not doing anything illegal (yet), so I guess it doesn't matter.

2011-01-18, 10:53 AM

Deciding to leave the local populace to itself he wandered and kept up the facade of a traveling swordsman, one that came easy and practiced to him. As the cities streets yielded to his feet he kept his eyes flowing from street side to street side, shop to shop. Ever the wide eyed tourist, noting the places and streets of Unac.

After a bit of wandering Ringo spied the Monsoon Season and made a mental note of the alleys and other buildings in the direct vicinity, before stepping through the door and sweeping his cloak back as he approached the main bar, propping an arm on it and considering for a moment before finding someone to take his order.

"I'll need a room and a drink. Something decent, no weak brews."

2011-01-18, 05:26 PM
Her senses alert, Kira discreetly chooses a spot from which she can remain hidden from watching eyes (or at least hidden from as many as possible) as she continues to watch the ebb and flow of traffic within the bazaar, particularly those who appear to be bounty hunters or mercenaries. As she watches, she attempts discern any pattern to their movements or anything else that might serve as a common link, other than the fact that they are all here within the city walls.1

It's obvious that there is an inordinate amount of armed professionals here, but as to what or why, you can't tell. There is no consistent piece of heraldry, no common ethnicity, not even a shared posture or weapon that would tip their hand as to why there are so many gathered. All the usual things - and many of the less usual - that you would check for are simply failing to tell you anything. You've even tried seeing if there is, at the least, a pattern to who they are looking for or where they're standing, but even that doesn't appear to give usable information.

After watching for a while, her mind returns to the watchers above and the conundrum they present. How to watch the watchers without drawing attention to oneself, preferably without being noticed. As she absentmindedly contemplates this, she thinks of the structure of the city, or at least what she has seen of it so far, and attempts to deduce where the hidden paths might be, the paths that the watchers would use.2

Damnably, you know there has to be such things, but it's not obvious just from careful observation. You need to find someone with inside knowledge and have a chat with them, or else get extraordinarily lucky. Failing that, getting on the rooftops and walking the visible routes might allow you to know how these watchers move about the city, once you're in a bird's eye location...if you could do that stealthily, without detection.

Wary and watchful, Kira moves discreetly and unseen to the edge of the bazaar where she assesses the various people thereabouts before choosing a local beggar, one who spends more time watching than asking for alms. Choosing her path carefully so that he would be aware of her approach and crouching down beside him such that her face remains occluded by the hood of her linen cloak, she palms a gold coin and discreetly slips it into the beggars bowl with a telltale soft clink as she asks in a soft voice "Where might a stranger find a quiet, peaceful place to sleep? A reputable inn with good food where they respect privacy?"

He stares at the coin quietly, obviously deep in thought. Still looking wholly at the bowl, he answers you. "A man they call Padfoot runs an inn called Silent Nights. It has a reputation for being just that - silent. Well armed individuals who want to be left alone and are willing to leave others alone come there. Mutual ignorance and isolation, reinforced by all the compatriots. He doesn't take kindly to snoops and knows how to deal with them. If you want to lay low and be left alone, that's the place, m'lady."

She asks a few more questions, including location and discretely ascertains where else one might find inns located within the city and a little general information regarding them. Each time the 'beggar' answers a question, she slides another coin into his bowl.
Thanking him, she rises to her feet, takes a couple of steps and dissappears amongst the passerbys.3[QUOTE]

He answers to you of about a dozen inns before the Monsoon season comes up. He gives you accurate locations of all of them, using landmarks you're certain you can find. (You get a +10 on all Search, Spot, or Gather Information checks within the city made to locate an inn now.)

All in all, his information cost you about 25 gold pieces, but his information feels like quality and your honed people reading skills give reason to be confident in your investment. He's terribly cordial and you know there's a story somewhere in there that leads him to be so well informed. When you depart, he says, ''My name is Uron Caul. I'm here most of the time. Fare well m'lady."

Using what she has just learnt of the placement of inns within the city, Kira then proceeds to discreetly search for the Monsoon season, remaining unseen to the best of her ability. Once she arrives at the inn, she remains wary and cautious, keeping a careful eye out, as she examines the building from the outside.4

You notice a clean shaven, brown haired man observing the inn by the time you get around to it. Your mastery of observational skills immediately makes him stick out in your mind and you set about profiling. He's armed with a rapier, but seems to be studying the inn just like you are, from a somewhat discreet position. He's looking thoughtfully at it, and his eyes seem to linger on unusual details.

There's also a disturbance on the roof. By dint of sheer luck - something cast off the roof by accident - you realize someone is standing invisibly on the roof. Either that, or telekinetics are at play.

Having garnered your desired information and taken care of your needs, you find yourself overlooking The Monsoon Season. It's a busy two story inn, and seems to be quite sizable, taking up a respectable chunk of the corner on the city block. (I'm assuming since you mentioned discreet surveillance you're not going inside.) It's made from gray stones with wooden window frames, but you notice the building has an odd sort of overall structure. You realize after a time from your Fox training that this is a subtly disguised set of fortified buildings. The windows are unusually bulky, to allow them to be barred and barricaded from the inside. The stones are designed so as to be battered out from the inside to make impromptu exits, and the door has a significant reinforced frame and you recognize an alchemical sheen that makes it fireproof. Someone designed an inn with the idea of withstanding a siege or invasion. Curious.

There is indeed a large placard depicting heavy rains and flooding plains. The words, ''Monsoon Season'' are spelled in curving, cursive script in red paint.


"Thank you for the hospitality Pastor Lodias. I have traveled all the way from the Temple of the Golden Aerie, and Fharlanghn has blessed me on my travels. There is much to learn from the hardships of this land, and its perseverant people. It strengthens the soul, and hardens the heart." Jiang spends the next hour or so discussing religion and his travels.

You get the impression he's not terribly interested in religion, but he manages to make the occasional quip or somesuch here and there. He seems vastly more interested in you, however, both in your travels and how you bore them. He also seems to not really believe that you're here to ''mill with the people''. He clearly suspects an ulterior motive. He does not, however, bother to ask you about it, and remains the soul of courtesy in hosting your stay. Every ten minutes, he offers you a little dish to try: it seems they do a lot of cooking here.

.."I feel i have rested long enough. thank you for the company Pastor. I am on my way to sample some of the local ale, and take in some of the culture. A fellow pilgrim at a wayshrine suggested Monsoon Season, perhaps you know where that is? Might you have any suggestions of your own? I understand the templars of Fharlanghn to be no more abstinate than the monks of the Golden Aerie." He returns a smirk to Pastor Lodias.

He laughs mirthfully at your comment about the wayshrine, and is genuinely redfaced at the implication about Fharlanghn's servants. "Ah, you should come back 'round here some time. We do have inn and lodging of our own. And there are certain religious courtesans who enjoy coming here for more lively spectacles, if you see my meaning, unchaste brother."

He winks. "Nonetheless, I feel obliged to fulfill your request."
He gives detailed instructions on how to reach the Monsoon Season.

..Once the conversation is wrapped up, Jiang bids farewell to everyone in the temple and places 10gp into the tithe box.

The monk smiles gratefully at that. "Be well in your travailing, brother-monk."

Necrotic Plague

Your search goes slowly and you reach the objective late. It's quite possible that you're late for the meeting, so it seems prudent to you to hurry inside.


Though the search goes slowly, for Kalach is a large city, you've got time, and by about four PM, you're there. You walk right in without any difficulty, and the heavy wooden door swings in. Everyone inside spares a single look at you.

The place is filled with travelers, and an odd stock of everyone from noblemen with man servants to peasants blowing the week's wages. How or why this place is so popular to such a wide audience is unclear. When you order, however, it becomes rather clear: this place serves delicious
alcohol. The barmaid who takes your order and serves you introduces herself as Elinda. She's a tall, scrawny woman with fine, elegant hands and a pale face, with wheat-blond hair in a tight, professionally styled pony tail held together with hairclips.

(I hope that name is not lost on you. ^_^)

2011-01-19, 01:45 AM
Kira makes a mental note of the clean shaven, brown haired man before turning her attention to the invisible presence on the roof.
Having deduced the presence of someone on the roof, Kira uses a skill she has only recently perfected - the trick of focusing ones vision to see that which is not there.

[Skill trick: Clarity of vision (Autosucceed vs DC20 Spot) -> Allows her to see invisible creature for one round]

2011-01-19, 09:56 AM

After his brief but pleasant visit at the temple of Fharlangn, Jiang sets out once again on the streets of Unac. He takes a round about route, stopping at various vendors to window shop.

Eventually he comes to the correct street. after spotting the placard for the inn, and noting the surrounding buildings, he enters. First, he bellies up to the bar and orders a flagon of the house brew. He quietly sits at the bar and enjoys his ale, while making note of everyone who looks like an employee.

2011-01-20, 05:48 PM

After the long time spent searching , she is very tired when she finally arrives at the Monsoon Season. She goes up to the barmaid to ask for a drink, but then she remembers she doesn't have any money. So she redirects the conversation:

Wait, forget about the drink, I probably couldn't afford it anyway. Did you happen to see a man named Tullisu Gaunt? He said he'd meet me here, along with a few other people, so he might be in a group. He's a....(goes on to describe Tullisu). He sometimes changes his name, so he might not be called Tullisu.

2011-01-21, 10:51 AM

When Ringo received his drink from the tall woman he rolled the glass between his hands and watched the liquid, not taking his eyes off it as he spoke to the woman, trying to keep their conversation low enough that others may not take note.

"Elinda hmm? A man named Gaunt mentioned a barmaid named Elinda to me once."

He peered up at her as he lifted his glass and drank. He hoped that the name he dropped was not lost on her.

2011-01-26, 03:16 PM
There is more than one barmaid. Just in case that wasn't clear. Ringo just got lucky and managed to find Elinda when he placed his order. Feel free to read each other's spoilers. I'm trusting your honor on roleplaying what your character wouldn't know. I simply spoiler it so it's easier to read and so that you can go right to the bit you know pertains most to you, but some detail will be naturally observed by all of you. If you aren't sure, go ahead and ask.

Ms. Sands

You see a man on the roof. He's heavily swathed in the desert robes, replete with turban and face piece. Because of that, his actual features - skin color, build, face - is largely undetectable. He stiffens when you look straight at him, and steps backwards over the edge. You notice he was holding a spyglass in one hand and a heavy repeating crossbow in the other.


The employees all wear a red sash to indicate who they are, with the exception of a single barmaid, a tall woman with wheat-blond hair in a tight bun, who is busy taking an order for an unusual looking member of the clientele.

The beer in this place is delicious. Slightly expensive (20 silver) for the brew they recommend, but it comes with a few refills and it tastes delicious. Oddly sweet.

OOC: I'm blanking on what Quetral looks like. Please write a description in either the OOC or IC thread dictating what Ringo sees when you approach, Necrotic Plague.
Quetral & Ringo

OOC: I am assuming that you are asking for the barmaid Elinda first, Quetral. Otherwise you have no special ability to identify who Elinda is in the crowd.

The bartender points her out. She is speaking to a clean shaven, brown haired man with a rapier at his side. He's speaking in low tones and keeping his eyes downwards, making it hard to make out much of his face or body.

When you approach her, she looks in exasperation & bewilderment. "Who the hell is this Tullisu guy that people keep asking me about?!"

She puts her hands on her hips and steps back away from you two. "Look, I don't know if this is a prank or just an attempt to do something weird and see what happens, but I don't know the man you're talking about. He sounds fishy, and the way you are asking about him makes you guys seem like trouble too."

She purses her lips. "Now I'm going to go off to the people actually here as customers. So unless you need anything else, have a nice night."

2011-01-26, 05:50 PM

The quiet and unassuming monk sits at the bar and finishes his first mug of ale while watching the rest of the bar patrons. The people here seem to be on edge, best to remain subtle. There are a few barmaids waiting on customers, but it is impossible to make out what they are saying.

He waits for the barkeep to check up on him. "I must compliment your ale. I am a bit of a connoisseur and this is some of the finest iv tasted in my travels. A refill, please." Once the barkeep returns with a full mug. "I notice that barmaid bears no red sash. Would she be the proprietor of this establishment?"

2011-01-26, 07:26 PM

A slight chuckle colored his face as he watched the woman react to being bombarded with questions and name dropping. Sitting back in his seat he settled his hands against his midsection and relaxed as he regarded the woman, his fingers moving deftly, to the common eye simply tapping away and fidgeting.

"Pardon the intrusion, and I suppose I had you wrong on first guess. I'd fancy something to fill my belly though, since you mention paying customers. Whatever you have on hand will suit me I'm sure."

Regarding the other that addressed her he tilted his head and pushed the seat next to him out in Quetrals direction.

"Take a seat if you like. A drink is recommended as well."

When he leans back and addresses Elinda, his hands look as if idly fidgeting but are exhibiting enough hand sign for Elinda to recognize,he hopes. I'll make some appropriate skill checks in the OOC thread.

2011-01-26, 08:39 PM
OOC: Oh dear. I've been confusing Ringo's appearance with mr. Miles Glib. Ignore all references to Ringo as an, ''unassuming, clean shaven brown haired man with a rapier.'' DM request: Please post your appearances in the OOC thread so that others have a frame of reference for what you look like (actually, I want it for the same reason).


OOC: Wow. Somehow, I keep forgetting to post responses to your action. Give me crap next time I do that. You can use any medium you care to =P Because I've skipped over your action and the narrative has sort of moved on, I'm going to take some liberties with your character actions, if you don't mind...? The idea is that I move you to the Monsoon Season, and you tell me in PM or OOC chat what your character was doing in the 4-5 hours before he got there. Sorry. So you're now inside the inn. I'll say you're drinking ale in a corner, you got there first, and you've been waiting for something to go down. We can retcon this if it's truly displeasing, since it was my fault. I just wanted you to know I'm not picking on you.

Everyone Inside

All of the patrons become glazed over, stiff, and very still and quiet. Everyone's gaze is fixed, as if time were suddenly frozen. The fact that they are still moving, however subtly and with eerie silence, is the only evidence you have that time hasn't stopped.

Quetral & Ringo

Elinda is in the midst of fluttering her delicate eyelashes in annoyance. She obviously was hoping you'd apologize and let her run off. Nevertheless, she pulls out a small piece of wood with a piece of paper on it, and a quill. "Your or-"

She's in the midst of asking for your order when her eyes fall to your hands. You see her expression glaze over. You've seen Enchanted individuals enough time to recognize one when it happens right in front of you to someone you're watching.

She motions for you to follow. She seems like she's in a hurry all of the sudden, although her expression is blank and her eyes are glazed, half lidded. She abruptly does a heel-face-turn and leads you off to the corner of the room, where you see a door covered by a curtain. Odd. You'd sworn you'd seen the dim back lighting of a window coming through that curtain.

As you look about, you notice everyone else has that same glazed look to them, as if all suddenly preoccupied with some deep, internal issue.


As you turn to indicate the woman in question to the barkeep, he grunts and starts to explain. "That's my dau-"

When you turn to see what halted him midsentence, you see his expression is oddly glazed over and his eyes are half lidded. In fact, everyone seems to have become suddenly fairly still and quiet. Only a few people are moving about - a tough, sharp looking woman and an equally tough man who looks like a hardened swordsman, as well as the barmaid without the sash. She's leading them towards a curtain in the corner.

Miles Glib and Ms. Sands

You two both observe from your respective posts a sudden influx of varied and heavily armed looking individuals not exerting much in the way of subtlety. They look kind of like mercs, or...

Well, Foxes are mercenaries.

Way too heavily armed to be bouncers, not disciplined enough to be undercover city guards, too skilled to be enforcers or thugs just by their walk.

2011-01-27, 05:56 PM

Jiang studies the barkeep's face for a moment, then picks up his ale and heads over to the blonde barmaid. After getting a look at her face, he begins to wonder if he was the only person in the room to resist the effects of a mind-altering spell... again.

Judging by the gait of the folks following the barmaid, they still have their wits about them. "I hope the festivities aren't dieing down so soon. I was just getting to know everybody." Jiang flashes the sign with his nimble fingers, then hoists his mug for a long drink. "But maybe this young lady is bringing us to the real party."

2011-01-28, 08:34 AM

When Elindas face seemed to go into a catatonic stare his eyes widened. He sat up as if to see if she was all right, and that was when she turned about face and stalked off. It was also at that point he noticed the similar state of the rest of the patrons. Shrugging he followed her and even had the audacity to reach over to a table he passed and grab a couple grapes, munching them as he pushed the curtain back, looking at the door he had previously not been aware of.

"Shiny. I rarely miss an exit, even a hidden one."

With that he stepped through to what lie beyond.

2011-01-28, 09:29 PM

She notices the way everyone suddenly stops, and spends a second musing over what’s going on to herself, when she decides to ignore it and follow Elinda. Before she starts walking, she focuses for a second and pays attention to her gut to see if she''s being scryed.While she follows behind the brown-haired man, she tries to strike up conversation, if only to see if he's an ally or enemy, and to see if she can get useful details.

"So, why're you here?Oh hey, was that spell back there you?!"

2011-02-08, 01:11 AM
Making a mental note of the specific gear the man in the turban was carrying, Kira turns her attention to the other observer, the clean shaven, brown haired man, and discretely using one of the wands she carries, she begins assessing what he carries.

[Use magic device(Eternal wand of detect magic - Assessing the equipment carried by Miles): [roll0] vs DC20]

At the influx of heavy armed individuals, Kira turns her concentration onto each of them in turn.

[Change target of detect magic to the other individuals]