View Full Version : [Nexus] The Adventurer's Guild!

2011-01-11, 07:11 PM
Welcome to The Adventurer's Guild!

In a particularly bustling area of Inside (described as 'that place just across the street from Trog's Tavern'), there is a small keep. Well, Tower really and it bends at odd angles as it approaches the skyline which suggests strongly that a wizard was involved in it's construction. Well, that and the steeple that is painted blue with stars and moons all over it. Makes it look like the tower is wearing a pointy mage hat, really. The windows are large with stained glass depicting various acts of heroism: A knight in glimmering armor vanquishing a dragon, an aged wizard dueling a lich in a battle for magical supremacy, that sort of thing. The large double-doors are darkened cherry wood and are carved to show the guild's symbol, a compass laying on a half unfurled map, in the corners as the faces show the image of a long, winding road across a hilly country and in the upper halves are the words 'The Roads Go Ever On And On' in block lettering. Over the doors hangs a sign painted a bright red with gold letters stating that it is the 'Adventuring, Questing, And Trailblazing Association.'

Inside is brightly lit at all times of day or night by either sunlight or a myriad of suspiciously luminescent candles that never seem to melt down while simultaneously having quite a bit of wax dribblings. The air is oddly crisp, like that of a morning just before the sun rises on the first day of some grand quest. It also smells of pine, which would be from the fire to the left of the entryway that is kept constantly burning even if it defies the season. There are quite a few chairs here of various sorts which makes this place good for lounging. Farther around the curvature of the wall, there is a massive bulletin board where various bits of paper, some looking rather regal while others seemed very grubby, are tacked. These have behests, requests, trade opportunities, and bits of gossip written on them. Underneath this on a lectern is a huge book with slightly yellow pages on which the words 'Entity Encyclopedia' are written. To the right of the entryway, there is a spiral staircase built into the wall which leads to the upper rooms as well as the basement. Mostly rooms up there as well as a kitchen for the travelers who stop by or the members that lodge here.

Across the room sits a large, long oak desk behind which sits two elderly men, one dressed in shining, very well cared for armor while the other wore trappings that spoke of him as an accomplished magician with no dress sense. They both have kindly smiling eyes and impressive white beards that are quite respectable even by dwarf standards. These would be Sirs Rocksteady and Flimsywilt as stated by the small name plaque on the desk. Each wears a button (or a magnet) that says 'Ask Me About Quests!' in friendly yellow letters. Obviously they run things around here. When they aren't bantering or getting nostalgic about the good old days that is.

Announcement: Sirs Rocksteady and Flimsywilt are launching a project to catalog all manner of beasts and beings found in and around the Nexus. This 'Encyclopedia' will be open for anyone to use but it needs brave souls to go out and find the strange and wild things with which to fill it's pages. Interested parties may inquire at the front desk.

Quest: Mercury's Tomb: Now open for grave-robbers adventurer's.
Treasure beyond your wildest dreams, magic items galore, and more traps, monsters, puzzles and cliches than you can shake a stick at!

Quest: Sidney Lathsi is seeking a person or persons willing to brave an abandoned temple for a certain item. All other treasures and magical things found can be considered payment.

Quest: Oswald Faulkner requests a small group of adventurers to investigate a small ruin in the mountains near the city and clear out any monsters that have taken up residence. Will pay handsomely on completion.

Trade: James Burk is seeking to trade a crystal ball found on a recent expedition for either gold or interesting items.

Quest:WANTED: Items of Historical, Technological, Biological or Magical Interest.

Willing to pay large amounts of gold (or knowledge) for such items as: Books; Maps; Scrolls; Spells; Compact Discs; Other forms of data storage; Unusual biological specimens of rare/dangerous/unique-to-Nexus species; Technological devices regardless of condition; Magical or psionic objects; Artefacts related to Nexus history; And many other things.

If you wish to trade/sell any of the above, please visit the Bronze Pyramid, Outside.

((And now, the stuff for Player's Eyes Only))

Welcome to the guild!

Here is where how it works:

Just have a character walk in and put up a note on the bulletin board with a brief summary of what the request is. Or have a note slide under the door for the anonymous request. The bulletin board in this first post will be updated daily. More or less.

As for joining a quest, just have a character walk up and turn in an interest form to the front desk or do something denoting interest like talking to Rocksteady or Flimsywilt and then lounge around by the fire till it gets going. Plotclones are welcome here if the quest doesn't start right off.

It is recommended that anyone posting a quest or interest put this symbol at the end of their post: /-/

This is so I or someone else can look through and find out who is questing or what not. Mostly it helps to sort through the RP and gets things up on the bulletin board that much faster.

Alternately, you can just PM the person doing the quest to signify readiness. That's fine too.

If anyone can think of a more streamlined method, I'd be delighted to hear it.

That should be all for now. Happy adventuring!

2011-01-11, 08:27 PM
Tendrils of thick black mist curl around the door, and flow into the middle of the room where they swirl and condense into a humanoid form.
As the mist fades, the shape of the man becomes more defined, revealing an lithe man wearing a dark black cassock, with long white hair that descends to his shoulders. In one hand he clutches a long black staff, topped with a claw containing a swirling sphere of smoky darkness.
The man looks around curiously, and, seeing the desk, stalks over to the two dwarves.
I, Akoda Shademaster, wish to inquire about the potential profits of employment as an adventurer, he states in a superior tone.

2011-01-11, 09:10 PM
There was a pause. A good long one as the words took shape, settled in, and then underwent scrutiny to make sure they said what they did. Mr. Flimsywilt looked to Mr. Rocksteady and exchanged an expression that seemed to be a combination of 'You heard that too?' and 'Make sure I don't laugh.' Why this was would be made clear in a moment as Mr. Flimsywilt replied. "Heh. Good to see some spunk there kiddo." he said, apparently seeing whomever appeared younger than him as some or other term reserved for children. Though, considering he'd managed to live to his old age meant that he'd probably earned it. "Adventur'n isn't really a job like a cook or butler or what have you. 'S a way of life. Sorta. 'S more like freelance work if you hafta call it a job. Your own hours and all that. 'S for signing up, just pick something up there on the bulletin board there and tell us you're on the job. Get a few other lads on in it if it looks troublesome and we'll contact the person who put up the request. Do that for a while and build up a reputation or a fat sack of cash or whatever it is you're after. It's not all that complicated, really." the old wizard said.

"So go have a looksee and... Hoy! Rocksteady!" The wizard half shouted at his colleague as the aged warrior seemed to have fallen asleep where he was sitting. "Right.. Just have a glance at what there is, and there isn't all that much at the moment, sorry to say, and pick one that tickles your fancy. We'll handle all the paperwork... Or an intern will at least."

2011-01-11, 09:15 PM
A man, who looks like a construction worker or the like, walks in and tacks a notice to the board.

Mercury's Tomb: Now open for graverobbers adventurer's.
Treasure beyond your wildest dreams, magic items galore, and more traps, monsters, puzzles and cliches than you can shake a stick at!

2011-01-11, 09:37 PM
(OOC Hey I am new here, I was directed here by Zexion who also recommended me to this RP, so here i am!)

A figure emerged in the middle of the door, by the look on the mans face anyone could tell that he had not been here before. He walked slowly but steadily the desk that belonged to Rocksteady and Flimsywit then promptly stated.
Hello, my name is Zander Elsworth, you probably haven't heard of me as i have never been here before. I was wondering how exactly i might acquire a quest as i am in need of a job.
Zander glanced at the other man talking to the two men who exclaimed himself as Akoda Shademaster. Zander wondered what a life of adventuring would be like, and if everyone looked like the man beside him.

2011-01-11, 09:43 PM
Gunther the troll lumbers inside, scraping the doorframes as he goes.

um, i saw your sign about the kitty in the tree

2011-01-11, 09:54 PM
((Well good to see you and welcome to the Nexus!))

"I've got this one." Mr. Rocksteady said. "Greetings and well met Mr. Elsworth! We're glad to see you here. Now, If you're new here, then I'd suggest taking a look at the Trog's Tavern across the street there once you get the chance. Good place to mingle and meet new people for new arrivals." the old warrior said, apparently having lost none of the bombast and bluster with age.

"Now, as for a quest, Just look up there on the bulletin board and pick something that seems up your alley. It's been a bit slow lately but I'm thinking that'll change soon. Lemme know what grabs your interest and I'll write up a chitty for you and let the person know they have a quester ready and waiting. I will advise getting a few friends to help out with the more difficult things but other than that, I think you'll do well here!"

To the troll, he smile a toothy smile and spoke. "Ah you did? Good! You feeling like you need any friends or should I contact the old bird now?"

2011-01-11, 10:09 PM
There was a pause. A good long one as the words took shape, settled in, and then underwent scrutiny to make sure they said what they did. Mr. Flimsywilt looked to Mr. Rocksteady and exchanged an expression that seemed to be a combination of 'You heard that too?' and 'Make sure I don't laugh.' Why this was would be made clear in a moment as Mr. Flimsywilt replied. "Heh. Good to see some spunk there kiddo." he said, apparently seeing whomever appeared younger than him as some or other term reserved for children. Though, considering he'd managed to live to his old age meant that he'd probably earned it. "Adventur'n isn't really a job like a cook or butler or what have you. 'S a way of life. Sorta. 'S more like freelance work if you hafta call it a job. Your own hours and all that. 'S for signing up, just pick something up there on the bulletin board there and tell us you're on the job. Get a few other lads on in it if it looks troublesome and we'll contact the person who put up the request. Do that for a while and build up a reputation or a fat sack of cash or whatever it is you're after. It's not all that complicated, really." the old wizard said.

"So go have a looksee and... Hoy! Rocksteady!" The wizard half shouted at his colleague as the aged warrior seemed to have fallen asleep where he was sitting. "Right.. Just have a glance at what there is, and there isn't all that much at the moment, sorry to say, and pick one that tickles your fancy. We'll handle all the paperwork... Or an intern will at least."
Akoda nods and strides over to the notice board, and skims the Mercury's Tomb notice quickly, before striding over to Zander and saying (very politely)
Would you consider... exploring this temple with me and whomever whomever wishes to join us? We would, of course, divide the monetary gain equally.

((His face is very young-looking, by the way, so their calling him a youngster is justified. :smallbiggrin:
Oh, and as a side note, his features are somewhat Tolkien Elf-ish. Except with snow white hair. :smallbiggrin:))

2011-01-11, 10:11 PM
((Well good to see you and welcome to the Nexus!))

"I've got this one." Mr. Rocksteady said. "Greetings and well met Mr. Elsworth! We're glad to see you here. Now, If you're new here, then I'd suggest taking a look at the Trog's Tavern across the street there once you get the chance. Good place to mingle and meet new people for new arrivals." the old warrior said, apparently having lost none of the bombast and bluster with age.

"Now, as for a quest, Just look up there on the bulletin board and pick something that seems up your alley. It's been a bit slow lately but I'm thinking that'll change soon. Lemme know what grabs your interest and I'll write up a chitty for you and let the person know they have a quester ready and waiting. I will advise getting a few friends to help out with the more difficult things but other than that, I think you'll do well here!"

To the troll, he smile a toothy smile and spoke. "Ah you did? Good! You feeling like you need any friends or should I contact the old bird now?"

uh, no i think i've got this one. poor kitty


2011-01-11, 10:35 PM
"Well then! I'll let Ms. O'Gready know that someone is on the way. She lives on the corner of Zombie Dust RD. and Goblin Hollow Lane. She should be waiting there for you when you get there." Rocksteady said with a smile of one who was glad to see things working. Felt good to see the younger generation take over and all.

"Now if you will just sign here and then come back after you are done and we will have all that paperwork business all done away with." said the old warrior as he produced a moderately legal looking bit of paper. His obvious disdain for the thing was indicative that it was more something that they had to do rather than try to catch someone in a net of paper. It was an honest establishment here and all faults brought to light had better be real ones.

Once the process of signing the paper was done and over with, Gunther would be free to seek out the old lady who was missing her cat off in the wilds of the Inside

((Just head out to Inside and we'll continue there.))

2011-01-11, 10:50 PM
Gunther scrawls something Illegible on the paper, breaking the pen in the process, and trudges out

Mina Kobold
2011-01-12, 01:41 PM
Something enters the Adventurer's Guild, had there been more than a few NPCs the effect of their turning heads would be greater.

Now, usually NPC heads turned when their Unimportant Senses tell them that a great beauty has arrived but in this case there were other reasons.

First of all the newcomer is a robot, steam vents standing in for hair, jacket being the only piece of clothing and all.

Second of all the robot is seemingly made of very shiny brass, copper and steel which wouldn't be so eye-catching had something emitting a lot of blue light not been placed somewhere in the robot's chest.

The robot looks around with equally glowing eyes and apparently has no idea how it got here.

It also appear to be modelled on a female design, no doubt explained by a complicated pseudo-scientific excuse that basically amounts to not having a better design idea.

2011-01-12, 07:45 PM
Rocksteady looked at the broken pen and shrugged as he traded it out for a working one. It didn't look intentional so it was fine, really.

And there seems to be a newcomer! Mr. Flimsywilt waved more energetically than one would expect an old man would be able. Being a mage, and thus learned in the ways of magic and things not prominently his business, he made a guess as to why the robot was of female design. It was probably because the female form had a lower center of gravity than a male and was thus easier to make bipedal. More stability and all that jazz. That or the creator was just a perv. Depends on the level of detail given, really.

Of course, Flimsywilt didn't really mind much what the people who walked in looked like. As long as they didn't wreck the place, it was pretty good.

"Greetings, lass! What might'cha be in here for?" he asked with a smile

Mina Kobold
2011-01-13, 05:13 AM
The robot looks at Flimsywilt with absolutely no expression,which of course shows great confusion anyway. He was probably right about the former reason, the robot has plenty of gears and even a few ornamental bits but that just makes her look like her creator used to work in the clockwork division.

A poof of steam escapes from her head before she speaks.

"Greetings milord, I am unsure, I was sent to retaliate a Message to Meister Peto but I appear flawed as I have no Knowledge of why I have found Myself in this Building."

Her eyes blink, you'd think that would be done by the use of eyelids but she just flicker the blueish light that shines from them. She then decides that Flimsywilt doesn't look like a worker, mostly because he is above thirty years of age.

"But as a Angelus Ministra Automaton I am of indubitably at service for any Meister or Frauchen of the Empire under the Sun"

It lookslike she thinks Flimsywilt is a Meister, whatever that is, and that she is in some manner of empire that needs to specify where it is in relation a large piece of plasma.

An NPC shakes her head at this, obviously the Empire was slightly to the left of the sun!

Earl of Purple
2011-01-13, 01:08 PM
A seven-foot-long millipede-like creature enters the Guild. It holds the first three feet of its body off the ground, nearly in an S-shape. It will walk to the bulletin board and pin up a notice.

WANTED: Items of Historical, Technological, Biological or Magical Interest.

Willing to pay large amounts of gold (or knowledge) for such items as: Books; Maps; Scrolls; Spells; Compact Discs; Other forms of data storage; Unusual biological specimens of rare/dangerous/unique-to-Nexus species; Technological devices regardless of condition; Magical or psionic objects; Artefacts related to Nexus history; And many other things.

If you wish to trade/sell any of the above, please visit the Bronze Pyramid, Outside


2011-01-13, 03:09 PM
Zander looks at the man who had just addressed him, wondering why he would be Zander, probbably just a matter of convienience.
Uh, sure... i guese.
Zander wasn't to sure if he should trust the man he just agreed to "partner" with so he kept his guard up, just in case.
So, when do we start?
Although Zander didn't entirely trust the man who just approached him (what was his name? Akoda?) but he was eager to start a quest. Plus, he needed the money