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2011-01-13, 10:10 AM
The Encephalon, a theoretical space which arose from one of the solutions to the Animaus equations. And now he was here, fancy that. He looked around and saw only two others, the mages from the hilltop though he wasn't there anymore. Point of fact he wasn't here either, but best not try to explain that too hard.

The souring columns and pristine windows framed a vista of vast and distant mountains, as if he were suspended above a mountain range. This was a familiar location to him, a forward outpost in the Brokenback mountains where he had lived for several years. He didn't linger on the scenery too much, not like the other two could appreciated it, they would see whatever was most conforming to them.

"So, you two, mind explaining why I woke up a hilltop with no idea who I got there or why?"

Back in the Real World

Bairn still meditated on primeval love, Baylin was still wrestling with his shade, and Old Man Jim was still surrounded by his whirlwind. Everything carried on as it had been. The Encephalon was like that, sort of like being in two places at once, except only in your mind.

2011-01-13, 11:27 AM
Old Man Jim stares for an instant before realizing that he is suddenly in some nonsensical realm where forces, many of which beyond his comprehension, collide. There is a constant whirlwind of unmoving stone, forest fires made of water, and many other impossibilities superimposed. Not to mention the world was always twisting and writhing, making a twisted snake hole out of the most simple thoughts. (Old Man Jim's mind makes no sense to him :smallamused:)

Slowly Old Man Jim noticed that within this mass of nonsense that there were tow others there. "What in all the 73 deamon lairs of Hassteufel is going on here!?!"
Than slowly regaining his composure, and solidifying his decision that he wasn't about to be electrocuted by a flying ice loving toad who wants to become a nice hat one day, and who happens to have the ability to snatch dragons out of the sky as frogs snatch flies, or unumade by... well he reassures himself at least that the whatever it is that he finds himself at won't kill him yet, despite the infinite unnatural strength (and thought deeper than he could ever understand) that appears to be there.

Old Man Jim looks at the two men and feeling that they were somewhat familiar, yet not wanting to embarrass himself, says: "Nice catastrophic weather we're having today, your name seems to have slipped my mind Mr... (addressing the man who spoke) , and do you happen to know where we are, not that I'd ever suspect you causing us to fall into this deadly little place."

2011-01-13, 12:59 PM
"I am afraid I can't relate. I perceive a rather peaceful scene involving a fine ceder wood oil and a glass of thirty six Clariant.

To answer your question, this place is... an oddity. To many powerful and interacting spells were cast by too many people who's fates are too closely interwoven. I am not even certain we will remember any of this when we leave. A little more bluntly, this is where our minds go while reality finishes thinking about what is going to happen based on what we are doing. A waiting room if you will.

My people, Adori’naix’celtis, call this the Enchephalon. I am Bairn of Plinth Domitian, Favored Son of the Exalted Nation."

He sighed heavily before lowering the firmness in his chair. This was going to be a long wait no matter how much subjective time it took.

"I don't know either of you by name or reputation, but I recognize you from the statues on the hilltop. So again, any idea how we got there?"

2011-01-13, 01:13 PM
Well, This spell must have been weaved back when magic was loose within the world, and dragons flew free, and the spirits lived in the crystal city, and when a presence resided there, one more powerful than even the holy mountain...

As for the statues, they were idols, meaning him Gesturing to Baylin and I must have been powerful gods.

That also means that there was a blasphemous spirit impersonating my image, and weaving yours into puppets, with no form besides dark thoughts and darker magic.

And being on the hilltop, what can I say, I've been many places, and many more before those, how must I describe the wonders of traveling, and simply living for the sake of life?

Mr. Plinth, I must request that you stop sitting on that herbivorous plant/cannibal fish/broken mirror made of brick/vary much alive inanimate... This continues for an indefinite amount of subjective time before he finishes: .../spotted prehistoric mechanical pink spotted elephant with a crocodile's tail, and a corpse's sense of humor (which is actually fairly good).

2011-01-13, 01:18 PM
A look of mild annoyance crosses Bairns face briefly.

"Looks like a chair to me. Are you entirely right in the head? You seem a bit... unbalanced. Incidentally, I suggest you ignore the environment as much as possible, its more garnish then anything else."

2011-01-13, 01:23 PM
OK, I guess you may have a point, after all I'm starting to sound like that loony fortune teller who said that they could "peer into my mind, and read the mystery that is me"... than she soon died from being a little insane, which is apparently bad for any who can do magic.

Anyways Mr.Plinth I must ask if you yourself are a tad unstable? After all you admit to having memory lapses surrounding your appearance on the hill. Might it not be that you are the unstable one, and that I am the sane one?

2011-01-13, 01:27 PM
"Always a possibility, though I could make a good argument that either of us doesn't exist except in the mind of the other. Perhaps you are a manifestation of my insanity and I am a manifestation of your insanity. I will avoid making that argument, because I would hope my insanity is a bit more obsessive compulsive and a bit less manic then you are. Being honest of course.

So, who are you? I have told you my name and Mr. pale and moody over there appears to have written us off as figments of his imagination or a really demented illusion spell."

2011-01-13, 01:50 PM
Well, the first way to avoid making your illusion spell demented is to not give it names like Mr.Plinth, I mean what are you supposed to be? Is Mr. pillar here too? Mr. statue? Perhaps Mr. Picture with Mrs. Picture frame?

As to who I am You can call me Old Man Jim. But your whole talk about us existing or not forces me to believe that in truth you are the insane one... though your "chair" is forming words...I-f--i-n--f-a-c-t--w-e--a-r-e--j-u-s-t--p-r-e-s-o-n-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n-s--o-f--e-a-c-h--o-t-h-e-r-'-s--i-n-s-a-n-i-t-y--t-h-e-n--t-h-a-t--w-o-u-l-d--m-a-k-e--y-o-u--t-e-c-n-i-c-a-l-l-y--i-n-s-a-n-i-t-y--i-t-'-s--s-e-l-f--a-n-d--a-s--a--r-e-s-u-l-t--y-o-u--w-o-u-l-d--b-e--u-n-a-b-l-e--t-o--f-o-r-m--c-o--h-e-s-i-v-e--t-h-o-u-g-h-t-s-.--a-n-d--t-h-e-r-e-f-o-r--i-t--i-s--f-a-r--m-o-r-e--l-i-k-l-e-y--t-h-a-t--w-e--a-r-e--s-i-m-p-l-y--u-n-d-e-r-g-o-i-n-g--a-c-o-n-c-i-o-u-s--o-b-s-e-r-v-a-t-i-o-n--o-f--a-n--e-l-e-m-e-n-t-a-r-y--t-e-l-e-p-a-t-h-i-c--c-o-n-e-c-t-i-o-n-,--w-h-i-c-h--s-i-m-p-l-y--l-a-c-k-s--t-h-e--f-o-r-c-e--o-f--b-i-n-d-i-n-g--i-n-v-o-l-v-e-d--i-n--t-h-e--a-n-c-i-a-n-t--r-i-t-u-a-l-l-s--t-h-a-t--w-o-u-l-d--b-i-n-d--t-h-o-u-s-a-n-d-s--t-o-s-h-a-r-e--j-o-i-n-t--f-u-n-c-t-i-o-n--o-f-- t-h-e-i-r--c--l-l-e-c-t-i-v-e--b-o-d-d-i-e-s-,--a-n-d--t-h-e--l-i-k-e-s--o-f--w-i-t-c-h--c-a-u-s-e-s--t-h-e--m-i-n-d-s--o-f--a-l-l--i-n-v-o-l-v-e-d--t-o--f-u-z-e--i-n-t-o--a-n--a-b-o-m-i-n-a-t-i-o-n--i-t--i-s--l-i-k-l-e-y--l-e-f-t--o-v-e-r--f-r-o-m--t-h-e--p-r-i-m-e--w-a-r-,--a-n-d--j-u-s-t--l-a-c-k-s--s-t-r-e-n-g-t-h--d-o--t-o--t-h-e--e-l-l-a-p-s-e--o-f--t-i-m-e ...I Just want to point out that if this is making any sense to you that you are talking to a chair that isn't really a chair, which you can't even perceive.

2011-01-13, 03:42 PM
"As I was walking up the stair. I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today. I wish, I wish he'd stay away. An interesting observation my people made once.

I should like to point out that my name isn't Mr. Plinth, but since you made a point of it, I will explain what my name actually means.

Within the uplifted structures of the exalted nation types of structures exist which have no analog to more terrestrial constructs. A plinth of the Nation, when it refers to a type of building and not an actual plinth, is what might be called a standard floating city. When it reaches a sufficient population size the upper structures are removed and a single larger structure is built on top of this. When that happens it will be called Column Domitian. If the city eventually expands to the point where it becomes a primary structural element in the Nation's mana support system it will be called Buttress Domitian. If it ever becomes sufficiently important that its destruction or removal would damage or destroy a large portion of the nation it will be called Cornerstone Domitian. As you can see, we named the new kinds of buildings based on the function they serve for the Nation, not on what they look like.

Domitian was my genetic ancestor who's family first assembled the structure that became Plinth Domitian. About half the people who live on it are related to him by blood, the rest have moved there over time. So if you want to address me properly, it is Bairn of Domitian, though if I make take the liberty of calling you Jim you may call me Bairn."

2011-01-13, 03:55 PM
Old Man Jim scratches his head for a minute before replying I guess I'll call you Son of the Exalted, and you can call me irremann. That aside your imaginary chair's message means nothing, and I just waisted my breath in reading it Son of the Exalted?

In that case I suppose that you carry some rank in your country, may-haps I'll visit it some day, where is it?

2011-01-13, 05:46 PM
"You don't deal much with international politics do you? The Exalted Nation is the second most powerful polity in the world after the Dawn Empire. You must know of the Holy Mountain? The Nation is built around it, it is our beating heart.

As for being influential, I am no more important then any other of the People of the Nation. I am respected as a mage and for what I contribute to our society, but that is all. But tell me, what of you. I don't believe I have heard of you."

2011-01-13, 05:59 PM
Well, the trifles of politics are a bit too whimsical for my tastes, I simply travel where the wind pulls me. Though I'll have you know that in certain circles I am known as the greatest magician of all time, though I have only really done what come naturally, and a bit of preforming on the side. How do you mages deal with those magic circles, and phrasing incantations for each spell. That's a big wast of time all things considered isn't it?

2011-01-13, 08:21 PM
"I thought the greatest mage of all time was supposed to be Merlin. Or one of them as the case may be. You truly haven't heard of the Nation? Our method of casting is... not well liked in some circles."

2011-01-13, 09:11 PM
Merlin... The Nation... You serve the nation of Merlin?? what is the nation of merlin?

And what is this Fawn Empire you were talking about before? I never thought deer would defeat the nation of merlin... Why are we talking about things that don't matter again? As I said the trifles of politics are just too darn whimsical . whenever a new king dies, or a new is born, or two countries go to war, or make peace. Only one thing changes, and it changes whimsically. sometimes they give free food and are happy, other times food is expensive and they are just as happy, and sometimes humans just aren't happy for no good reason. Why should you care about the Fawn Empire, or how much people like your magic... well people should love magic, but my point is that you humans get too caught up in your pesky fake worlds that you ignore all the beautiful spring flowers around you. Back on the hill I vary much doubt that you even spared a moment of wonder at the peaceful and soothing flow of the wind, or the shining warmth of the lightening now did you?

Old Man Jim (as he looks around in the real world) begins to become more accustom to the chaos in his head. As he does so he notices that he's not alone with Mr. Exalted son, and quickly regains his composure to ask "Who are you three?"

2011-01-17, 05:52 PM
"I suppose you have a point there. It has been said that man is a political animal, so I suppose it will always be around.

I haven't admired nature much, at least not the individual parts. When I return to the Nation though, I do look over the world and wonder at its splendor. Have you ever seen the whole world? Well about half of it or so. Even the largest cities are barely twinkling smatterings of light. Whole forests look like they would fit in your hand. The clouds look like... well I don't really know how to describe them. There is a great sense of layers.

You also get a sense for how fragile it all is, how small and insignificant we are before the wonders of the world."

2011-01-17, 06:22 PM
Old Man Jim sighs and puts on a straight face. Well, I've never seen the world at once, though I believe I may have seen a fair deal more than you of it all the same. I have spent the entirety of my life on the road, with few places that could ever be considered "home". During my travels I have ventured most of the known world, and some of the surrounding oceans. It appears your problem is that extra distance you are putting between yourself and the world. I thought mages of the Nation were supposed to be more in touch with the world, I had never thought that they could be counted amongst those who would view the world as a small fragile thing in their hand. The truth is that the world is a massive beast, more virile and vibrant than any species you will ever come across, and it's ability to recover from just about anything continues to astound. No matter how many die upon the ground, a few drops of blood does little to the leaves, and the trees retain their silent power.

Let me ask you this Nation mage, have you never felt utterly suppressed by the wind, or confounded by a mountain you lacked the strength to push aside. Have Mages of the Nation truly sunk as low as some circles say?

2011-01-17, 06:35 PM
There is more to this one then he let on, half mad he might be, but there is an earthy wisdom.

"I did not say a little thing in my hand, I said a little thing. I have beheld oceans so vast the whole of the earth could be suspended in them. I have gazed with open eyes upon the sun and beheld its inner workings. I have measured the distance to the farthest star and the nearest.

The whole of the life of man is a short thing, and our lives are as mayflies. I have been humbled by the power of this world, and yet I have been humbled by its weakness. So vast a think is less then a grain of sand before the vastness of the stars, how much less a mortal man? Even a mage in the full of their power and art are little things.

Thus the extra space we place between us, a didact for our own edification. That we should never forget our own smallness, we behold the smallness of our world. That we should do no harm to so fragile a thing we tread upon it with soft and quite footsteps.

I grant you know this world more then I, but by no means do I love it less."

2011-01-17, 08:06 PM
I'm afraid that you are vary much missing my point. I am asking for something much more simple, and yet something that requires much much more. Take your self a breath, and think of all that there is to it.

After you take a breath:
Now I'm going to anticipate that you are going to tell me what is in the air, and the mechanism of breathing, but there is a much more complex explanation, one that vary few of the dragon sages could even fully comprehend, and that even than was based upon countless eons of study, debate, and meditation. That answer is life. Life is a vastness beyond your comprehension, and even if you claim to accept this I challenge you Nation mage, try harder. Understanding this is as understanding death. You can never fully grasp it until you notice that you have been in it's maw this whole time. I challenge you to accept that there is not the inner workings of the sun, there is not the measurements of the stars, there are some things than even true understanding of is simply to not understand. It is not about who loves the world more (theres certainly no love lost between it and myself), there is simply acceptance, just as you forced your judgmental nomination of insanity upon me, you dent yourself the true world you inhabit.

Now before we got sidetracked into the essence of life, I believe we were discussing how we ended up on the hill, and I feel that I should warn you about a few things I have encountered.

I have met a mage of rare prowess, one who's skill challenges my own. I can't tell if he is crippled or escaped, but... watch your self. Also I have a prisoner with potential information, but first I must question him... Also I have found the true identity of the shadows that inhabited out Manikins... They were puppets of darkness. Thoughts of hatred, revenge, ear, and loathing stitched together with black threads of magic. I have dealt with all but that that of the dark mage that had been with us, but my statue roams free, and I fear a powerful spirit inhabits it. I was wondering Nation mage if I could expect your cooperation in dealing with out quickly cumulating problems. There is likely still siege in the towns and on the hill, but I believe this beyond our powers for now, I do though believe that my prisoner's protection, and hunting down this spirit and mage would best be dealt with by both of us, and that they be dealt with before this atrocity could reoccur.
I am up for whichever option, but I would rather that if you are in any position to take over one of these tasks at least, that you do.

2011-01-18, 01:39 PM
"Agreed, to some degree. Insanity may grasp you, but I did not say I or any other was sane. We are all insane to each other, save the Nation towards itself.

I am working on rendering assistance, but currently I am rather immobile. To say my legs were broken would not quite do justice to who damaged they are. Should I be able to contact my people I could perhaps provide more direct aid. Moreover, there is something you should know. The Black Iron prison is near, as is its prisoner. I do not say this out of superstition, but experience most recent.

You know, we might be arguing without knowledge. When this is over and done, would you like to visit Adori’naix’celtis? I would wager you have not looked at the world from such height. It is a cold beauty possess by our home from so great a height. What do you mean though, saying there is no working of the sun, or measurement of the stars? Quite manifestly there is because the sun works and the stars are a distance away."

2011-01-18, 02:48 PM
Philosophical part :smallbiggrin:
Hmm, a faint smile crosses Old Man Jim's face. As long as you accept your insanity, though with your initial reaction to label me as insane, as well as when I spoke of measuring the distances to stars, or the inner workings of the sun I was attempting to tell you to at least put them aside for a moment, and reexamine them without the aid of magics and sciences, to simply gaze in wonder. I was saying that all your presumptions, regardless of how mechanically accurate, keep you from seeing the world simply as the world.

I would certainly pleasure your Adori’naix’celtis with a visit once this is through, though I believe you assume too much Nation Mage. I have stared down at the world from the great darkness of the clouds themselves (which of themselves demonstrate still the strength of the earth), and let me remind you at that distancing your city from the world doesn't make it any less a part of it, nor does staring at the world from an angle that allows you to see it's vastness give any reason to call it weakness. The world may be small relative to other worlds, or the stars in the sky, but all the same there are discrepancies in scale everywhere, otherwise there would not be a world big enough to inhabit, or people small enough to inhabit it. Scale repeats it's self indefinitely with little difference between small and large. In the greatest movements of the vastest groupings of stars one will still see none but the mirroring or the smallest forms of life. In the same life we see the equivalent of the breathing of the stars, or the movement of spilled water. Just because the world is small to some does not make it any smaller to us, and certainly doesn't alter it's strength. Our world may be a dandelion amidst a garden of crabgrass, and yet still it will show a dandelion's resilient will to live.
Other part:
If it is true that your legs are broken, I must ask if you can yet preform magics? If you could still protect my prisoner, even use your magics to track down one of the other two's locations. Perhaps you could even transport my charge to you via this peculiar magical link we share?

Edit: Old Man Jim walks over and kicks Baylin.

Say, Mr Nation Mage, I think I'll need that teleportation soon if you can, otherwise something to shield him, of make him fly. I think I'm gonna get serious soon, this man is radiating power like few can. Can I count on you Nation mage?

2011-01-19, 12:16 PM
Baylin had been calmly reading one of his many spellbooks in his library when Old Man Jim came over and kicked him. Up till now Baylin had been trying to ignore the two spirits wandering around his tower since it was obviously merely a mental construct and not his real one, but this was too much.

Glaring at Old Man Jim he says, "And what was that for, spirit."

2011-01-19, 01:19 PM
the "spirit" retorts just as angrily :smallmad:"Why are you stealing my prisoner? Why I have half a mind to... Well I'll admit it's been a long day, so I'll tell you what. You can have him when I'm done, yet if you proceed to capture my prisoners out from under my nose... well, lets just say that your not the only one who can throw around that much power magic." :smallamused:

2011-01-19, 06:12 PM
"Bah I don't want your stupid prisoner. He's obviously an amateur and therefore quite useless to me. I just want the book he has."

2011-01-19, 06:16 PM
Old Man Jim visually relaxes a bit. Fare enough, you can take his silly book, and I'll just dispel that little wind for you, no point in fighting git than.

2011-01-22, 03:33 PM
"As an interesting note, I am now conversing with a Shadowmancer. I will do what I can to extract useful information. Is there anything of particular importance you would like to know?"

2011-01-22, 03:56 PM
Old Man Jim turns around somewhat startled that another person had beed concealed behind the volcanic mucus spewing turtle that happened to have bat wings and the tale of a lizard which happed to be superimposed with... (you get the point), than he realized it was Mr. Plinth "Hellow Mr. Plinth, I'm walking down this hill right now towards what appears to be a missive army preparing to siege a castle... I guess if you could figure out were we are, why all these forces converge here, and the story behind those statues it would be nice." :smallbiggrin: "Oh yah, and I hear that shadowmancers wanna eat you, so I hope you don't have a bit of salt on you."

2011-01-22, 04:05 PM
"Where we are I can at least answer, we are on Cross Island, far to the south of the Nation."

2011-01-22, 04:23 PM
"Hmm, I've just become a massive fire demon" Old Man Jim says with a massive gin on his face. "Hmm, well my most pressing question is about the statues, than I would like to know why this army is here, and their beliefs about the situation, such that I can put on a better show. And thirdly, what is a Prime Lord?" "next would be the identity of the one in mage armor, if I recall correctly he attacked you as well back before you began jumping for joy." "Oh yah, and stay away from the salt, I hear that shadowmancers eat young children. I hope you aren't a young child." :smalleek:

"Change in plans, I don't need to know about the army and their beliefs, but I have come across a tidbit that you can trade to your new friend (you can pay me back later). I wonder what it's worth to him that the army hare has suddenly been attacked by the other mage. And I must say he's inevitably gonna wipe them out without batting an eye at this rate, and just for the fun of it mention something about a fire giant facing the army, and deciding not to bother after realizing that their deaths were inevitable." Than Old Man Jim is suddenly upside down within this realm. He does not flip or any such nonsense, but is suddenly standing upside down on the air. He doesn't appear to notice anything of the sort, and carries on "see if you can find out anything about that man who was wearing old fashioned mage armor, I would like a word with him."

Edit 2: "I see you."

2011-01-30, 05:19 PM
A fourth consciousness shimmered into being, stumbling disorientedly a few steps toward the others.
"I...wait, what? Wasn't I just on a beach...standing behind one of you? I don't like confusion, and it seems to be overcoming me at this rate.

2011-01-30, 05:56 PM
"Calm down child, you are safe from your drunken urges now."
(see IC, and though shadow magic fails with the truth, that is a fairly elaborate story to be doubted, and your breath says it all. :smallbiggrin:)

"You are still on the beach child, our minds are just touching. This place exists only in your mind, and as such your body is not truly her, only a mentally projected image of it."

Yes that's right, Old Man Jim picks now to speak coherently. :smallbiggrin:

2011-01-30, 08:45 PM
"We are in the enchephalon, the mindspace. We are particularly important to the world, thus fate has bound us together. This place appear different to each of us, a reflection of our minds.

As the universe ponders the results of our actions we are sent to wait here."

2011-01-31, 02:28 PM
Old Man Jim looks Barin in the eye and says: "Nation mage, make haste, there is a great storm approaching to purge this island, and I suggest you being the best out of us at rituals get one underway. We have three options to avoid this calamity: preform a ritual of which we know little, and which I have only just found in this book, or to run, or lastly to stay and combat the storm. I would like to hear your opinion since your rituals are likely our best bet. I doubt the shadowmancerr will help us, I'm fairly spent, and the boy may not even know what magic is for all we know."

2011-01-31, 03:52 PM
Barin doesn't seem to respond, in the trance of his magic. He does speak though, and what he says might even be relevant.

"In perfect wisdom is perfect virtue. In perfect power is perfect wisdom. That which is great is so by virtue of its perfect. It is not by virtue of greatness that perfection is attained. That which has power on account of its correctness. That which is correct is so not on account of its power."

2011-01-31, 04:38 PM
Old Man Jim sees logic in the nation mage's ramblings, but no definite answer to his cause, and as such turns to Baylin. Mage, I must warn you that a great and powerful storm is coming. "I fear that it may be intended as the end of us all, and as such I have decided to open my hallways to you such that you may flee with us. I must request though that you do not cause excessive damage to others within it, and that you be in control of yourself enough that you don't loose yourself within it. Can you promise me that?" Old Man Jim than turns to the lad asking "I'll ask you this once boy for it may mean your life, do you know anything of the workings of magic?"

2011-02-01, 12:36 AM
"I've knowledge to a greater or lesser degree with all the magics save Shadow, have managed to respect the spirit world in my studies, my small Rituals are my best controlled and most powerful, I don't stay locked in a tower all day, and I built these Lenses myself...they're telling me that you two are working some sort of Ritual, and a pulling great amounts of Mana...and there's Shadow around, but I can't "see" it very well. What can I do to help?"

2011-02-01, 06:31 AM
Old Man Jim doesn't respond until the firs par of the island is safely in the sky at which time he tells the lad " here are really two things to do. You could help us defend his rock from the storms, or you could go help our other friend crazy "Mr. dark and creepy tentacle man" He should be by hat burning own that I mentioned before. If i's him than all I ask is get him under control, and bring him here."

Than an echo of his IC orders echo within the telepathy.

2011-02-01, 02:44 PM
"Well first I'm going to stop that Shadowmancer from leaking demonic essence everywhere...and then I'm going to tell you that the passage I read over your shoulder contained the second Ritual. If we all gather together down near the sea, we might still be able to do it, though I doubt it'll put that Demon back in the ocean."

2011-02-01, 02:55 PM
Old Man Jim grumbles something about having already mentioned the ritual, and about how it's more fun to face whatever the purification is.

2011-02-01, 04:03 PM
"Leave some piece of the shadowmancer, the head preferably. Destroy the rest."

2011-02-01, 04:07 PM
Old Man Jim continues mumbling, this time about how nobody listens to him when he brings them a new ally.

2011-02-02, 05:45 PM
"I'm fairly certain this ShadowMancer would never ally with us, if that's what you're getting at, and the purification you want to see so badly will likely annihilate the city on this island. I'd rather stop it, if I can."

2011-02-02, 08:09 PM
"You know, I have no object to you killing this thing while I debate philosophy with it.

By definition while it is doing that, it isn't attacking you. Or was this not clear from the fact that I stopped what I was doing to buy you time?"

2011-02-03, 01:31 AM
"Er, right. Getting right to that..."

He turned his attention toward the last Mage, the one still attempting to ignore the others...or was he too absorbed in his magics to notice?

"If you made those wards, they're empowering that Demon. A bit counterproductive, I think."

With that, the relative youth dropped back to his own focus.

2011-02-03, 06:39 AM
Old Man Jim buts in": And at the same time they're keeping that storm from blowing you off this rock pup, or worse. I believe there may still be hope for the shadwmancer, but if he crosses me as that other mage did today there will be hel to pay. And when you say that about shadowmancers it begins to take on a whole new meaning." :smallamused:

2011-02-07, 01:52 AM
"This does complicate matters. We seem to have been scattered, and this infestation of the walking dead is not beneficial to a healthy social order.

What has become of you and the disagreeable one?"

2011-02-07, 06:00 AM
"I'm with some happy people, who appear to love all these nice things that keep happening. :smallbiggrin: As for Mr. grumpy I will kill your prisoner, ramble about a book and spoil your fun... I don't know :smallbiggrin: Also isn't the simple fact that they're walking prove them healthier than if they couldn't?

Old Man Jim slowly walks over to the nation mage and whispers to him "He who made zombies is attempting to turn the whole of this island to his legion." Demons may pay more for the entertainment of a fair, yet futile struggle when the time came to sell. :smallbiggrin:

2011-02-18, 09:00 PM
"Hope springs eternal, yet their fate is there own. To them I have given the key to salvation if they but reach out and grasp it.

If they succeed or fail it shall be by their own doing. I will not save those who do not wish for salvation. To those who seek to go down to damnation, down to damnation they shall go.

Oddly enough, they seem to think I am a Prime Lord. You two wouldn't have had anything to do with that now would you?"

2011-02-18, 09:07 PM
Old Man Jim miles "well, I don't know why they would think you to be a prime lord. I told them I was a prime lord" :smallbiggrin: "Regardless I have already begun to fuel the spell, so you may wish to rush their grasping for salvation if ou with for any chance. "

2011-02-19, 06:36 PM
"Couldn't you just... I don't know... blow up the crazy zombie lord? You have enough mana to melt the island."

2011-02-19, 09:08 PM
"Well, I can't say I didn't consider it... more than once..., but in truth I'm kind off strung up by the concubine, and it ma help a distant friend, and worst and most important of all, he has my cloak. I like m cloak. I'm sorry, but I need by cloak back, and he refuses to give it back until his conditions are met, so I ended up not melting his face."

2011-02-19, 09:16 PM
"Couldn't you, being hypothetical, just take it back?"

2011-02-19, 09:52 PM
"Hmm, I maybe could, but than I can't do that 'maybe help out a distant friend part" (yes this refers to the idea of how much some demons would pay for that memory, ant this tends to lean towards that same specialized manna category. :smallbiggrin:) yes, he thinks of spirits and demon's desires as being as valuable as those of humans, and seeing as the spirits and demons aren't trying to kill him at the moment...

Edit: As Old Man Jim is chatting with the spirit he asks Barin "So, did you ever find out any more about that purifying storm? What happened to your captive? Why aren't you responding? Are you in the middle of something? Is this a bad time? Are you dead? Are you spiritually troubled? Annoyed? I knnooww you couldn't be mad at me. Are you exhausted? Sleeping? Dead? Summoning demons again? Are you fighting a dragon with nothing but a few grains of sand?" Old Man Jim's questions seam endless, and though not all of them are that likely... well why not? :smallwink:

2011-03-19, 02:46 PM
Sorry, I am meditating on Love, have been for rather a while.

I take it mister blood knives is trying to kill everyone. You wouldn't know anything about that would you? Specific details of the ritual perhaps?

2011-03-19, 07:50 PM
"I know that he's been writing for a week or two tweaking, and tweaking, and than he refuses to simply do it, insisting that everything must be perfect. Well I'm finally off to my own negotiations. Oh, and I know it will make more not so dead dead people. Slightly repulsive to the scenes, but it gets worse when they attack you and poke you with their spears. And worse yet I still can't fathom how I got caught. Best shape of m life as always and a not quite dead person gets me. Also why are you meditating on love? Have you found anything out about what happened?" Old Man Jim is somewhat indigent until the end with his question.