View Full Version : MnM 2E Newbie Game: A League of Your Own

2011-01-13, 08:12 PM
OoC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=182124)

It happened on an otherwise ordinary Wednesday in the middle of April. Several members of Freedom City's superhero community, having just accomplished personal triumphs or overcome particularly troublesome villains, received short messages from one of the city's most respected organizations--the Freedom League.

While heroes with public identities might have found these letters in their mailboxes, most of them were hand-delivered--either by a man who was there and gone almost before anyone could be sure he was there at all or a by a woman in a trench coat and large hat who could disappear into a crowd or a shadow with the greatest of ease without anyone seeing her face.
Presumably these two were Johnny Rocket and the Raven, representatives of the Freedom League.

These messages all said the same thing:

The League needs you!

The Freedom League is in need of people willing to use their abilities to further the cause of peace, justice, and freedom in the world. We think that you have the potential to work with us and would like to offer you the opportunity to join our ranks as reserve members of the League.
There will be a series of tests to measure your ability and determine if you are Freedom League material. If you're interested, please report to Freedom Hall in downtown Freedom City this Saturday morning at 10 am. We hope you will answer our call and we look forward to meeting you.

Captain Thunder, chairman
Freedom League

Captain Thunder... that was a name that any hero in Freedom City (and indeed, almost any person on Earth) would recognize.
A long time hero with powers of flight and super-strength, as well as power over electricity, Captain Thunder was the current leader of the League and had been for some time.
His real name was Ray Gardner--a fact that had been discovered and revealed by his nemesis, Dr. Stratos, years ago.

The handful of heroes who answered the invitation found themselves in the spacious lobby of Freedom Hall at the appointed time.
There were two woman there who did not seem to be superheroines. One was a young woman in an attractive business suit with her black hair tied into a bun. She identified herself as Cynthia, the League's secretary, and offered coffee to the heroes as they arrived; she then directed their attention toward the other woman.
This woman, older than Cynthia and less formally dressed, with her (slightly grayed) brown hair worn in a loose ponytail, introduced herself as Nancy Gardner. Mrs. Gardner was Captain Thunder's wife and the League's administrator--a role she had filled, and filled very well, since her husband's unfortunate unmasking had put her in danger. Unlike Cynthia, who was probably always in the lobby at this time, Mrs. Gardner seemed to be waiting for the heroes and welcomed them by name.

"I suggest you try to get to know each other a little," she said kindly, "as the League plans to have you work together for some of these tests. We'll wait until about ten past, I think, in case there are any stragglers, and then I'll take you down to meet the League."

2011-01-13, 08:52 PM
The Sentinel stands along one wall of the room, seemingly relaxed. The heavy mechanized suit stands just short of seven feet tall and is an oversized human-shaped mass coloured in varying shades of grey in a style similar to but far more patterned than military-style Urban Camoflage. On its head a quartet of lenses stand out, irregularly placed and of slightly different shape and colour. The figure's shoulders are slightly out of proportion to its body and fairly blocky, and close observation reveals dozens of small hatches covering them. The surface of the suit is incredibly complex, with hundreds of articulation points spaced all over the armour.
The figure quietly declines Cynthia's offer of refreshments. "Thanks, but I'm afraid I didn't design my suit for drinking coffee. No intakes..."
After listening through Mrs. Gardener's announcement, Sentinel steps hesitantly closer to the centre of the room. "Er, hello. I'm still a bit surprised to be invited here, but I suppose I can start the introductions. I call myself The Sentinel, and it's really not too surprising if none of you have heard of me before. I only started fighting crime a few months ago, and I've only been in the news three times. I guess I must be here for taking down that Blastmaster fellow? Er, regardless. I don't really have a superpower... The suit makes me strong and fast and protects me from harm, I guess. Um... I don't think there's much else to say."

2011-01-13, 10:56 PM

He'd been in a state of pleasant shock since he was delivered that letter. Five years ago, he was a nobody. He was a college sophomore, now he's got an opportunity to join the Freedom League. Wow. Just wow.

So here he is, standing in the lobby of Freedom Hall. He's currently wearing his hero outfit. It's a tight one-piece outfight-- black with an orange explosion-style symbol on his chest with orange lines racing down each arm and leg. On his face was a simple black domino mask. Soon he'd be called on to test his abilities. Crap. I knew I forgot something. It was a shame he'd "forgotten" his mimicked powers.

He quickly looked around the room at the other heroes gathered. Who could he mimic? The Power-suit guy was right out.

Crash gives a charming smile and a hello to Cynthia, and when Sentinel introduces himself, Crash follows suit.

"I'm Crash. I've been doing the superhero thing since I was nineteen. I made it into the news a few times, but they always thought I was someone else. I'm a mimic... so right now, I don't have any powers per se... but if anyone has abnormal genetics, I'd appreciate a handshake."

He grins.

2011-01-14, 11:19 AM
He knew that after getting that invitation, all his time spent on crime fighting had payed off as he never expected to be invited to such a place, he was a bit sad he had to leave his home again but he was there for better and bigger thing and also he wasn't the only super hero in that area, so he wasn't worried anything would happen.

He was wearing what he normally used to wore at his shows, which also transformed into his disguise, a white tuxedo obviously also wearing a pair of white shoes and gloves, making himself look rather extravagant between the people with underwear over their clothes, , it seems he tailored the white suit so only half of it would be of a yellowish- golden color as the top hat he was wearing, you could also see a a red J on it.

As Crash stopped to talk he stepped up an said

"Hello l Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Jackpot, the great illusionist you might have heard of me already, or have seen me on one my shows 5 before years or so before this time, as I believe most of you are smart enough to remember, I am an Illusionist. not some fancy one of a kind putting balls in cups kind of tricks but magic illusions" he then turned to Crash
"Can you mimic magic?, Ehem anyway, I am quite glad to be invited to this nice place and it would be a pleasure to work with anyone of you."

2011-01-16, 10:56 AM
"Thank you."

Silverhawk looks around at the others, a motley collection but he is sure they wouldn't be here if they didn't deserve it. If only he was so certain about himself.

He wears his combat costume ready, lightly armoured, silvered and moulded he cuts quite an impressive figure. His utility belt is pressed firmly against his waist, the individual pockets appearing to be nothing more than depressed sockets. The armour itself is stylised slightly in the fashion of a hawk, the helmet reminiscent of a beak and the ejectable blades in the forearms bearing a resemblance to talons. Of course, the suit wouldn't be complete without his cape, long enough to reach his thighs but heavy to not always be in the way.

"I'm Silverhawk, the second Silverhawk and I'm afraid you won't be getting anything from me."