View Full Version : Eggplants!

2011-01-13, 11:26 PM
I've just found a very sweet and silly song. The words are in Arabic, but the tune and video are great. The people who made it are art students who were given a project, to totally create a song and music video over one night. I think they did pretty well. Here it is! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vvr7KXAfck)

Edit: Make sure to watch the credits as well, you'll see why

2011-01-14, 12:04 AM
Well, that's extremely impressive if it's really one night's work.

Like really impressive, even though I can't understand the language.

2011-01-14, 12:56 AM
It seems so. As a joke their name is the all nighters :smallbiggrin:

2011-01-14, 06:15 AM
Here is a question that this thread reminded me of:

Do Eggplants grow on Eggplant plants?

Also, loved the video :smallbiggrin: