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View Full Version : Advice on pathfinder campaign

2011-01-15, 12:47 PM
So I recently got pathfinder books, and I want to run a campaign that is memorable. I've got the world worked out, the problems, and XP. My question is that I have some players that like playing chaotic neutral (read: evil) and so are difficult to work with. I came up with an idea: let all my players have 2 characters, one good-only, and one evil minion. does anyone have any advice on whether this would be a good idea? or would it be more trouble than it's worth?

2011-01-15, 12:49 PM
What's wrong with them being neutral, or even neutral with a mean streak?

All it means is that you need to give them some personal stake in saving the world.

2011-01-15, 01:04 PM
Talk to them about the kind of game you'd like to play. If necessary, find a compromise that makes all of you happy. Asking them to play good aligned characters is a valid request.
If you feel they are about to play characters that would spoil the fun for you as a DM, don't run the campaign for them.

2011-01-15, 03:25 PM
hmm. Well, my issue is with one player in particular. I was with him at his first game. he plays a very self involved sorcerer, not a bad thing, until he starts attacking literally anything. maybe I should just give him the option of being a "bad guy" if he wants, and not allow him to play otherwise...

2011-01-15, 03:28 PM
Or just kill him. Most people that go around "attacking everything" would realistically be taken down in short order. Just make sure you make the way it happens relevant to the game and not too over the top. He won't be able to argue it and might learn his lesson.

2011-01-15, 05:15 PM
What I do is tell everyone at the beginning of the game (while I'm telling them the other stuff they need to know for setting up characters like level, any class or race restrictions, and so on) that I don't care what alignment their characters are, but they must be able to work with the party. If a player makes a character who cannot work with the party, then I privately tell them that they're not working well with the party, what I see them doing that doesn't work well, and talk with them about what they need to do differently. Because I make it clear at the beginning that they need to work with the group, I've only once had to ask a player to do something differently, and he immediately agreed when I pointed out what the issue was.

If I'm reading you right, you've played with this person only one time and you're worried about how he'll play his character based solely on that experience. It is possible that he's a good roleplayer who was playing an evil character just that once (not necessarily likely, but it is possible). You should just lay out your ground rules (work with the party, don't kill stuff randomly) and give him a chance rather than banning him from the game based on a single experience.