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The Bushranger
2011-01-15, 07:43 PM
Due to general agreement between people on both sides of the line, TOWN and ACRO merged. Thus, all threads which previously would have fallen in once category or another, are now tagged [NEXUS].



So, what is Nexus?
Well, the Nexus itself is like a rift, a single, brilliant point where all the universes in this strange thing we call 'reality' meet. Traveling to, from, and between any world or cosmology is theoretically possible here, and the Nexus itself seems to encourage this happening, often sucking beings and locations out of other universes at random, and dumping them on the world that lies at its center. It was not always like this, however. Once there were two worlds at the Nexus' heart, separate and distinct, though somewhat similar in ways. Similar enough that they slowly and eventually merged, so that only one remained. Here in this world the Nexus' influence reigns supreme, and as such the world has defied almost all attempts at classification. Here, knights of old may engage with Jedi knights. Gleaming spaceships land in Dark Age hamlets. Cowboys and samurai quest together to find holy sandwich boxes. And in the heavens above, Xi Wangmu and the Flying Spaghetti Monster meet every Woden's Day to play bowls with Pelor (it gets pretty epic). Here the possibilities are endless, and the universe without rules (except the Forum Rules, and the general FFRP rules, and the Individual Thread Rules, and oh whatever). Welcome to Nexus. Fun is had here.

Major Locales

For an endless world that defies all logic and classification, Nexus can be pretty darn consistent at times. As such, several locations have survived the test of time, remaining (somewhat) constant amidst the chaos of the rest of the world.

Inside - Inside mostly resembles a modern city, with high-rise buildings and apartments, alleyways and roads, though the odd Demonic Monument can still be seen rising up above the surrounding suburb, teeming with dark cultists. Inside is the current seat of the Acronymian Empire, which controls much of the surrounding area.

Outside - If you ain't Inside, you're OUTSIDE! :smallamused: Simple as that. Outside is a meta-thread for all those wildernessy type areas that don't merit their own threads, be it wood or lake or tiny shack.

ACRONYMS - Home to adventurers, these complexes provide headquarters and occasionally living space for like-minded Player Characters. Invariably equipped with cheesy names, these structures provide a place for their various members to fight crime, cause chaos, or anything of the sort. Current Acronyms include:

AMEN - Association for the Malicious, Evil and Nefarious. Evil aligned organization, exists to be EVIL! And sometimes Ebil.
HALO - Heroic, Anti-evil and Lawbreaking Organization. Non-Evil aligned organization, exists to smite wrong-doers.
GLoG - Good League of Good. Good aligned organization, exists to redeem evil-doers.
LANTERN - Lawful Awesome Not-Neutral Truthful Anti-Evil Respectable Nothing Else. Good-Aligned group dedicated to fighting evil and crime of any sort.
NO - Neutralist Oganization. Neutral aligned organization, exists to perform mercenary contracts for other organizations and individuals in the Nexus without taking sides
WATCHTOWER - You Know What? Screw It. Non-aligned aligned organization. Exists to destroy threats to Nexus, whatever form they may take.
SAINT - Society of Assassins, Infiltrators, Ninja, and Terrorists. Assasin's guild, located in Riverside.
PACK - Perfectly Acceptable College for Kids. The local Nexus school. Class mostly occurs offscreen, though...

The Taverns
What kind of vaguely DnD-esque adventurer would you be if you didn't visit one of these places at least once? The various Taverns, Grills, Hotels, Cantinas and Restaurant provide meeting places for the Player Characters, areas for quest givers to stand mysteriously in, and also places for people to eat and spend the money they seem to have infinite amounts of. Though there are a vast number of such places in Nexus, some with their own thread and some without, throughout history three major hubs have existed, without which Nexus as we know it wouldn't exist. The Dancing Fox Inn, which is located in What used to be Town but is now another part of the Inside. Taverna Generica, which is located near Inside's more NPC inhabited areas. Finally, there is Trog's Tavern, which is located, maddeningly enough, at every corner of the Nexus at the same time. There is also the Black Dragon's Den, it's located roughly between the docks and the slums of Inside, and is the local hive of scum and villainy.

General Nexus FAQs:

Is there a guide to getting started? Besides this post, which you're currently reading, you should also read post 3 of the stickied FFRP Central thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9241295&postcount=3). Once you've read both, you can ask any questions you ask in the current Nexus OOC thread. If you have no questions, post in the Nexus OOC anyway to introduce yourself. And welcome. :smallsmile:

What kind of character can I make? Any. There are no restrictions on genre, alignment, world of origin, etc.

Will my power work the way it does in the source setting? Almost certainly not. In your setting, you may have been the Mighty Zorlox, whose power to control the world's socks was absolute, but in the Nexus, you may run across Madam Bo Peep, who controls the world's wool.

If my power goes against your power, who wins? In combat or any type of adversarial situation, the defender has the final say. So if Zorlox tries to turn Bo Peep's wool socks purple, Peep's player gets to decide if her wool power prevails. But if Bo Peep tries to have a pair of wool socks strangle Zorlox, then his player gets to decide if his sock power wins.

Oh no! Someone's already using my character concept! In the Nexus, all cosmologies are true. Just because someone is playing the incarnation of Death doesn't mean you can't as well. You are very unlikely to come up with a character concept that is wholly unique while remaining playable; there is nothing new under the sun, and so on.

Sometimes you'll say 'I just came up with a great character idea - they have x race and y abilities and z backstory and I'll call her Linda' and someone will say 'You mean like my character Lynda over there that I introduced last week?' No one really knows why these sort of coincidences occur, but the Nexus seems especially prone to them. When they do, the best thing to do is to fiddle with your character concept a bit to set them apart.

Where should I start? Long answer, you can start in any thread that isn't a private thread or a plot thread. Short answer, Trog's. Just start at Trog's.

Do I need to get pre-approval for my character, or fill in a registry form before I start? Nope. You can if you like, but it's not required. And sometimes it's better to get a feel for your character first, before deciding all the details about them.

Your first character (copied from FFRP Central)
So, you're ready to make your first character. One of the hardest things to get used to in ffrp is that you don't start out in an adventuring party, and there's no DM to push characters together. You'll have to actually find people to interact with on your own. Here are some tips (not requirements!) for making that easier on your first character:

Don't be the quiet person in the shadowy corner. If you roleplay as someone who is outgoing and talkative, you'll find it easier to make IC friends. Someone who is curious or greedy will be more open to plot hooks and adventure opportunities. But if you roleplay someone who is shy or quiet or wary of other people, you're likely to be left alone.
Don't be openly evil. If you walk into the tavern and start murdering npcs, you are unlikely to make a lot of friends and very likely to get jumped on by a bunch of PCs who were looking for a fight.
Consider starting low-powered. It's tempting in a freeform system with no scores or points to decide that your character is the best at everything, but where will they go from there? They can always gain powers or magic items or skills as they go on.
Don't be too needy. Remember in ffrp, you are not THE hero of the story. You are A hero, and there are many stories. The characters you meet at first are likely to be involved in their own affairs. Some players start by having their character immediately in need of rescue, healing, training, attention, etc. This can work well, but make sure you have a plan B in case there is no one willing to drop everything to devote themselves to being your rescuer! Can your character make it if they receive only a minimal amount of help, or none at all?
Don't be too self-sufficient. Remember in ffrp, you are not THE hero of the story. You are A hero, and there are many stories. If you are a combat powerhouse and a healer and a master of obscure lore and a spellcaster, people are likely to get weary of their characters taking a back seat to yours and decide you can do just fine without them.
Be aware of deadtimes and real life. Sometimes, not many people are online and active. Sometimes the people who are may only have a limited time to play and want to use it to progress their favorite storyline instead of meeting new people. Try to be patient and remember that it won't be long before you'll be the one wrapped up in your own favorite storylines. Talk to people in the ooc thread while you wait for your character to get 'stuck in'.
Have fun! Remember this is a game, and if it isn't fun, you aren't doing it right. :smallsmile:

Note: This is the OOC thread. Not a roleplaying thread. That's what the actual roleplaying threads and SMBG are for. :smallwink:

Nexus Character Directory (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8624672#post8624672)

2011-01-15, 07:48 PM
I think I'm putting everyone on hiatus except for Sunny, Charity, Tia, and Mainframe. Just not feeling creative lately.

lord pringle
2011-01-15, 07:49 PM
Pringle is sad at lack of Marisha.

2011-01-15, 07:55 PM
He can always visit her offscreen.

The Bushranger
2011-01-15, 07:55 PM
Hopefully Molly won't be on hiatus for too long. :smallfrown:

lord pringle
2011-01-15, 07:59 PM
Did Nite save 2 people?

2011-01-15, 08:00 PM
And Pringle... it's January! Change your avatar! :smalltongue:

Moff Chumley
2011-01-15, 08:00 PM
Well, I'm done with AMEN. :smallsigh:

2011-01-15, 08:01 PM
Why is that, Moff?

lord pringle
2011-01-15, 08:03 PM
And Pringle... it's January! Change your avatar! :smalltongue:
I'll do it some day... Maybe if I had an Avatar of Prinngle cuddling Marisha...

Well, I'm done with AMEN. :smallsigh:

but why?:confused::eek::frown:

2011-01-15, 08:03 PM
Did Nite save 2 people?

Not yet, but in Nite time it hasn't been two days yet.

Well, I'm done with AMEN. :smallsigh:

I can't help but feel you're overreacting here. I really don't see anything particularly bad about what ThePhantom is doing, especially since Wolfy is handling the Empire's side on the fight.

Moff Chumley
2011-01-15, 08:03 PM
Hasn't been any fun for quite a while, and I'm just not digging the atmosphere, to be honest. I've been trying to change things, improve things, but I don't like the drama and I don't like the direction things are going in, so I'm going to spare myself the headache.

2011-01-15, 08:04 PM
If I had any avataring skills whatsoever, I'd change my computer avi's screen every once in a while.

2011-01-15, 08:05 PM
Well, that's a shame. I hope you'll still be around the Nexus otherwise, though.

lord pringle
2011-01-15, 08:06 PM
Hasn't been any fun for quite a while, and I'm just not digging the atmosphere, to be honest. I've been trying to change things, improve things, but I don't like the drama and I don't like the direction things are going in, so I'm going to spare myself the headache.

I'd like to chat if you'd want to come to Oakland or Piedmont.

2011-01-15, 08:06 PM
Avatars aren't too hard. (http://www.trazoi.net/tutorials/inkscape/oots/) And Pringle, you can use Marisha in your avatar if you like. If I still had energy, I'd make it but... yeah, the list of things I'd do if I had energy is really really long. =/

Moff Chumley
2011-01-15, 08:06 PM
Of course I'll stick around. I do wish I had somewhere better to stick The Moff, but for reasons others would better be able to describe, creating another evil org is a Bad Idea. For some reason. :smallconfused:

I'd like to chat if you'd want to come to Oakland or Piedmont.

That's quite the drive from where I'm at.

lord pringle
2011-01-15, 08:08 PM
Shame. Next time I'm in Marin I'd love to visit.

2011-01-15, 08:10 PM
I'm going to deadtime soon.
I should be back on sometime around six AM GMT.

2011-01-15, 08:16 PM
Of course I'll stick around. I do wish I had somewhere better to stick The Moff, but for reasons others would better be able to describe, creating another evil org is a Bad Idea. For some reason. :smallconfused:

Yeah... I'm not to sure why it's a bad idea either....

2011-01-15, 08:19 PM
I'm going to deadtime soon.
I should be back on sometime around six AM GMT.

*does mental math*

I'll probably be in bed by then. I got work in the morning.

Stupid morning shifts...

2011-01-15, 08:22 PM
Sorry, man.
But yeah, getting off now.
Should be back on...I think it's midnight for east coast Americans and Canadians.

2011-01-15, 08:27 PM
Is what I'm doing that bad Moff? :smallfrown:I know were have clashed a bit, but I thought we were getting along.

2011-01-15, 08:28 PM
Yeah... I'm not to sure why it's a bad idea either....

*puts on top hat and monocle*

Because AMEN has history, folks. XXXVIII. That's one big number.

2011-01-15, 08:28 PM
Sorry, man.
But yeah, getting off now.
Should be back on...I think it's midnight for east coast Americans and Canadians.

Well, we're -5 GMT right now, so it'd actually be about 1 AM.

lord pringle
2011-01-15, 08:31 PM
only 5:30 here.

2011-01-15, 08:48 PM
There we go. My response to the embargo is up. As a bonus I've made a soon to be angry merchant. He's on what he thinks will be a trip to Inside, but will soon find out he's going right back to Riverside.:smalltongue:

2011-01-15, 09:12 PM
Yeah... I'm not to sure why it's a bad idea either....

Several reasons.

First, however you want to put it... if you start a new evil organization, you're pretty much competing with AMEN. From there on, the two organizations are vying for new members. "The more the merrier" you might think, right? Wrong. Very few people are going to play in both, so instead of two strong competing evil organizations, you have two very weak ones struggling to stay alive.

Second, history. There's been several competing factions and none of them stood against AMEN well enough. In fact, ages ago, even non-Evil organizations (mostly) failed to do so.

Third, we've established that you'd be competing with AMEN, but that's not completely IC, because it implies an OOC disagreement, so you're not just competing with AMEN, but also with AMEN's players.

Personally, I think Moff's decision to not create another evil organization is very mature.

The Nexus has changed a lot, but a very long time ago, when there were just the acronyms, I wrote a quick guide to creating factions, and the bottomline was: Think about it. Think about it slowly, thoroughly, sleep on it, talk to people. Don't do it on a whim.

EDIT: This is not a rant, a talking to, or a telling off directed at anyone. Please do not take offense at anything written here.

2011-01-15, 09:17 PM
Hmmm... Is anybody playing lizardfolk in Underside already?

2011-01-15, 09:19 PM
EDIT: This is not a rant, a talking to, or a telling off directed at anyone. Please do not take offense at anything written here.

I'm offended that you would think that I would take offence to this.:smallannoyed::smalltongue:

But in all seriousness, you raise some very good points.

2011-01-15, 09:20 PM
Sorry Moff. I didn't mean to cause to you to go, its just like like playing with big weapons.

lord pringle
2011-01-15, 09:24 PM
I want to bring a carnival to NEXUS. What do you guys think?

2011-01-15, 09:27 PM
I'm offended that you would think that I would take offence to this.:smallannoyed::smalltongue:

But in all seriousness, you raise some very good points.

Thank you! :smallsmile:

And yeah... but I'd prefer to play it safe. It's like starting a comment with "no offense, but..."

2011-01-15, 09:32 PM

lord pringle
2011-01-15, 09:33 PM

If possible it would feature Cosmo working a second job as a clown.

2011-01-15, 09:50 PM
I told him about those stairs, bro.
Yep, moar NexOOC.

lord pringle
2011-01-15, 09:52 PM
I told him about those stairs, bro.
Yep, moar NexOOC.

:smallconfused::smalleek::smallannoyed: :smalltongue::smallamused: there are previous ones?

2011-01-15, 09:55 PM
Beans needs to make a thread in the webcomics forum for these. Maybe a stupid (yet awesome) singularity will occur! :smallbiggrin:

Lord Magtok
2011-01-15, 09:56 PM
But then it wouldnt' be Nexus OOC adventures, silly.

2011-01-15, 10:00 PM
...to quote myself...there's a keyhole in my face...:smallconfused:

2011-01-15, 10:04 PM
:smallconfused::smalleek::smallannoyed: :smalltongue::smallamused: there are previous ones?
Indeed, MAH BOI.
There's a grand total of 8 so far. 9 counting the test comic.

And yes. To put this in the Wubzcombic fred would incite many people to be all OH GOD COMIC WHAT HOW DOES THAT I DON'T EVEN I'M TWELVE YEARS OLD AND WHAT IS THIS. Because those peons don't understand.
*sips caviar* (yes, that was not a typo)
They wouldn't be able to appreciate it, poor dull plebians that they are. *upper crust*

And I'm too lazy to update a thread there. I, like, never venture out of here.

@Fuffle: Because Kingdom Hearts.

2011-01-15, 10:06 PM
I think the keyhole is because you play lots of characters with keyblades... maybe. Why is BR green?

lord pringle
2011-01-15, 10:06 PM
where are the others?

2011-01-15, 10:07 PM
Ah. That makes sense now.

And I only have one character with a Keyblade, Artemis.

2011-01-15, 10:10 PM
Really? Did you ever play them in multiple places at once? Anyways, my mistake.

2011-01-15, 10:12 PM
where are the others?
I'll be putting them all in a big ol' Photobucket album.

BR is green because the Kool-Aid Man is red.

Lord Magtok
2011-01-15, 10:12 PM
Why is BR green?

Because of all his green Danny Phantom ecto-energy craziness, duh. :smalltongue:

Edit: Ninja'd. Or that's why.

2011-01-15, 10:12 PM
Really? Did you ever play them in multiple places at once? Anyways, my mistake.

Maybe. I try not to, though. I hate it when that stuff happens. Bugs me.

But, yeah. Alysha's the only Keyblade user I got.

Though, now that you mention it...:smallbiggrin:

2011-01-15, 10:15 PM
Here y'all goes. Newest are listed first, oldest last, and bleh.
Except the order is all weird now... hold on.

Guess I'll have to delete and reupload them all.

2011-01-15, 10:17 PM

Gah. I should have mentioned...

The two swords Cathy threw are... firstly, they're short swords, and are pretty balanced for throwing.

Second, they're actually attracted to each other once thrown. She would have thrown them in arcs and their attraction to each other would have had their meeting point at... well, the bloodletter.

My fault, so no edit necessary. But it wasn't as dumb as it seemed.

2011-01-15, 10:20 PM

Gah. I should have mentioned...

The two swords Cathy threw are... firstly, they're short swords, and are pretty balanced for throwing.

Second, they're actually attracted to each other once thrown. She would have thrown them in arcs and their attraction to each other would have had their meeting point at... well, the bloodletter.

My fault, so no edit necessary. But it wasn't as dumb as it seemed.

Still thew swords.:smalltongue:

2011-01-15, 10:22 PM
What RPG said. :smalltongue:

But, I had figured it was something like that, but even so, the result would have been the same.

Now, about the spear, is there anything special about that as well? If there's something special about the weapons, you should tell me ahead of time.

I don't know much about Fate/Stay Night at all, and even less about the weapons involved.

2011-01-15, 10:23 PM
Hehe, Beans make funny things.


You know, you seem like an intelligent person Beans is it because you have embraced the internet and it's embodiments that you talk weirdly?

2011-01-15, 10:23 PM
Blaaaaahhh, still trying to re-up the dang things in order... stupid Potatobucket.

You know, you seem like an intelligent person Beans is it because you have embraced the internet and it's embodiments that you talk weirdly?
... Basically.

2011-01-15, 10:26 PM
Very well then. Carry on.


*puts companion cube on head and sits here*

2011-01-15, 11:08 PM
Bam. There.
Sorry, but the site stupidly won't let me have them all visible immediately, so it'll reveal new comics tonight as time goes by.
I dunno why. Because stupid.

2011-01-15, 11:10 PM
Bam. There.
Sorry, but the site stupidly won't let me have them all visible immediately, so it'll reveal new comics tonight as time goes by.
I dunno why. Because stupid.

Tee hee hee, glowy stuff.:smalltongue:

2011-01-15, 11:35 PM
In this case, it's Gae Bolg. Unless she activates its ability, the only special thing about it is a stab wound to the heart from it can't be healed, no matter what.

...activating its special ability would mean you'd need to be superhumanly good to have even a chance at blocking or dodging it. But that takes up quite a bit of energy and is essentially one-use for her, so Cathy probably won't do it unless she has to.

One thing to keep in mind: Cathy can't use these weapons to their full potential. If the original wielder of Gae Bolg, Cu Cuchulain, used its ability, only luck would save you. Skill would mean nothing. Cathy, however, can only use it to a level that allows the chance of blocking or dodging, although luck still plays a big part.

2011-01-15, 11:50 PM
I love this soundtrack.

The Bushranger
2011-01-15, 11:59 PM
I think the keyhole is because you play lots of characters with keyblades... maybe. Why is BR green?

Because of all his green Danny Phantom ecto-energy craziness, duh. :smalltongue:

Edit: Ninja'd. Or that's why.

And Now You Know!

2011-01-16, 12:04 AM
In this case, it's Gae Bolg. Unless she activates its ability, the only special thing about it is a stab wound to the heart from it can't be healed, no matter what.

...activating its special ability would mean you'd need to be superhumanly good to have even a chance at blocking or dodging it. But that takes up quite a bit of energy and is essentially one-use for her, so Cathy probably won't do it unless she has to.

One thing to keep in mind: Cathy can't use these weapons to their full potential. If the original wielder of Gae Bolg, Cu Cuchulain, used its ability, only luck would save you. Skill would mean nothing. Cathy, however, can only use it to a level that allows the chance of blocking or dodging, although luck still plays a big part.

I know what Gae Bolg is, does, and who wields it. I do keep up on my legends and mythology. :smalltongue:

But thanks for saying which spear it was(is thought Gae Bolg might have been it). Just be sure to explain any other weapons you use later in your posts.

2011-01-16, 12:08 AM
Fate/Stay Night does often put their own spin on things, though. :smalltongue:

2011-01-16, 12:11 AM
As much as I want to go on, I think we best wait for SC.

Darklord Bright
2011-01-16, 01:02 AM
Hm. Anyone got someone who wants to interact with Trix's twin or the crystal miner I made in Underside?

2011-01-16, 01:03 AM
I'm considering letting Kirk get nabbed by HG's drider, but I don't want him killed or anything.

The Bushranger
2011-01-16, 01:07 AM
I need to toss somebody into Underside at some point...

Darklord Bright
2011-01-16, 01:08 AM
Um, I'm confused, what was D_Lord doing?

2011-01-16, 01:09 AM
Skugdim still needs to find his way there and explain the benefits of militant union politics to the goblins there. I mean, c'mon, who hasn't ever wanted to see a drow get beaten up with a picket sign by a bunch of little green guys shouting "Scab!"

2011-01-16, 01:15 AM
Um, I'm confused, what was D_Lord doing?

Something that would lead to something much worse in the end, given that that thing is affiliated with AMEN.


I just hate dealing with basically omnipotent things like gods and elder evils (the latter of which D_Lord's thing is) as far as the Empire goes. Especially in this case, since I know it'd be my problem eventually (see: AMEN).

Things that sweep absolutely everything you can even possibly throw at them are not exactly on my list of things I want to deal with. I hope this is understandable. If not...well, I have an opinion, it's not my choice whether or not everyone likes it.

2011-01-16, 01:17 AM
I'm considering letting Kirk get nabbed by HG's drider, but I don't want him killed or anything.

Hey HG, what are your thoughts on this?

Cause I never really specifically asked in that post.

2011-01-16, 01:18 AM
I'd be interested, but after breaking Reccy's character. Okay?

And yeah, he wouldn't have to be killed.

2011-01-16, 01:20 AM
You got it. Maybe I'll have him discover and explore Underside for a while first.

2011-01-16, 01:36 AM
What's the, uh, standard procedure on being in two places at once?

2011-01-16, 01:37 AM
Do it, but they're alternate points on the character's timeline.

The technical term is 'plotclone'

2011-01-16, 01:39 AM
What's the, uh, standard procedure on being in two places at once?

Don't try to understand, just do it.:smalltongue:

2011-01-16, 01:45 AM
Ah, moot point is moot, everybody at AMEN is deadtimed or left.

Darklord Bright
2011-01-16, 01:47 AM
I need something for Iferi to do that isn't tantruming because she failed to brand her sister. :smalltongue:

2011-01-16, 02:00 AM
I'm back! Who all's still on?

Darklord Bright
2011-01-16, 02:01 AM
Nobody. Shh. You're all alone. This post is not here.

2011-01-16, 02:01 AM
This is not the post you are looking for.

2011-01-16, 02:19 AM
I'm back! Who all's still on?

Skugdim just got plans for that priestess o' yers.

Darklord Bright
2011-01-16, 02:21 AM
This is not the time, nor place!


2011-01-16, 02:28 AM
This is not the time, nor place!





2011-01-16, 02:29 AM
Not that kind of plan! Big people? :smallyuk:

No, he just wants to make her a lot more important in her house's heirarchy, for the small price of a friendly reminder to her where her allegiences fall if the time comes.

2011-01-16, 02:30 AM
Skugdim just got plans for that priestess o' yers.

...What sort of plans?

It's funny, I'd actually grown attached to the three drow.

But Davitte's looking to get rid of them as soon as possible.

2011-01-16, 02:30 AM
I need something for Iferi to do that isn't tantruming because she failed to brand her sister. :smalltongue:

What's her motivations and desires? What's she want from life?

2011-01-16, 02:37 AM
...What sort of plans?

It's funny, I'd actually grown attached to the three drow.

But Davitte's looking to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Buy her and enlist her help in his political scheming, which is half altruism for his Goblin brethren, half a quest for personal power. Of course, there would be "insurance," that he wasn't betrayed. After that, it's a few assassinations, some magic items funneled into the right places, and she's moving up in the heirarchy enough to help him out, when the time comes to make his move.

2011-01-16, 02:53 AM
Firstly: Wow it's hard to keep track of the OOC thread if you haven't posted in it yet...

Secondly: Ducktales, woohoo!

Thirdly: I know I should be doing something but I have no idea what. :smalltongue:

2011-01-16, 02:53 AM
Oh okay then.
Wait a second... where'd everybody go?

2011-01-16, 02:55 AM
I'm still around, didn't Darklord post just a second ago?

2011-01-16, 02:57 AM
Oh yeah...wow I'm blind.
I'm going to have Alex and Garrett finally meet in Riverside soon, if anyone wants to be there to help me avoid total self role play and Garrett most likely being killed.

2011-01-16, 03:00 AM
Oh yeah...wow I'm blind.
I'm going to have Alex and Garrett finally meet in Riverside soon, if anyone wants to be there to help me avoid total self role play and Garrett most likely being killed.

Well Nite is coming to Riverside. Maybe Garrett sneaks off, possibly leaves a note. Adele wakes up, panics. Nite shows up, Adele gets him to go after Garrett. Something like that.

2011-01-16, 03:01 AM
Dandy idea.
Just have to wait for someone to post in Riverside so it's not double post.
And you said you couldn't think at night!

2011-01-16, 03:04 AM
Well it is 2 AM. How much will you be on tomorrow do you think?

2011-01-16, 03:06 AM
Hmmm...I plan to get on around fivish PM(eastern time)...But I should still be on until noonish...
It's not late at all here in Dublin...and all my friends have work on sundays.

2011-01-16, 03:09 AM
Totally not on eastern time and much too tired to figure it out.


I'll be on all day tomorrow.

2011-01-16, 03:11 AM
What time are you on? I'll do ter maths.

Darklord Bright
2011-01-16, 03:12 AM
Dublin? I should get you to help me write a phonetic Irish accent. :smalltongue:

If I ever do one.

2011-01-16, 03:14 AM
What time are you on? I'll do ter maths.

I don't even know. It changes every half a year. GMT -7 I believe.

I'm in Saskatchewan, Canada. We are much too cool for daylight savings time.

2011-01-16, 03:16 AM
I hate daylight savings time! When I lived in the US it was nothing but useless and annoying!
Let's see...I'll be on around threeish PM for you...
and I should be on until 10ish AM.
**** sleep, I have BAILEY'S!
That time period in between is for fishing and working out. Don't wanna turn into a slug!

2011-01-16, 03:21 AM
I hate daylight savings time! When I lived in the US it was nothing but useless and annoying!
Let's see...I'll be on around threeish PM for you...
and I should be on until 10ish AM.
**** sleep, I have BAILEY'S!
That time period in between is for fishing and working out. Don't wanna turn into a slug!

I'll see if I can get up early then.

As for working out...

Slug powers activate!


I have the metabolism of a... something with a good metabolism. Probably should still work out, I am out of shape.


2011-01-16, 03:26 AM
This is my weekend off the "Eff sleep, yay booze" mentality which otherwise determines my evenings. Since, uh, finals didn't turn out to be the break from that it should have been. >.>

Mina Kobold
2011-01-16, 04:49 AM
Whatever happened to the Adventurer's Guild?

2011-01-16, 04:51 AM
Whatever happened to my flying, Dalek inhabited hospital?

2011-01-16, 04:52 AM
Dalek-inhabited hospital? :smalleek:

Incidentally, I'm thinking Merra might have friends/cohorts/young to help her capture and torture drow.

You know, so OOC volunteers don't have to wait. :smallamused:

2011-01-16, 04:55 AM
Davitte might start capturing and selling the enemies who attack him instead of eating them.
Would that take him from Chaotic Hungry to chaotic evil? I hope not.

Mina Kobold
2011-01-16, 05:03 AM
Whatever happened to my flying, Dalek inhabited hospital?

Dunno, evil Doctor?

We need to reintroduce it somehow...

Maybe it gets taken over by giant sentient bacteria?

Or controlled by an evil computer that makes it attack somewhere?

A walrus-based marketing campaign?

Hope any of those are useful. :smallsmile:

2011-01-16, 05:11 AM
Just cause a thread is inactive for a few days or weeks doesn't mean it's dead. Locations can come out of deadtime as easily as people do. If it's been more than 6 weeks, just PM Zeb the Troll and ask for necro permission, which he'll give you if you're making a location active again and not just bumping the thread.

Mina Kobold
2011-01-16, 05:34 AM
Just cause a thread is inactive for a few days or weeks doesn't mean it's dead. Locations can come out of deadtime as easily as people do. If it's been more than 6 weeks, just PM Zeb the Troll and ask for necro permission, which he'll give you if you're making a location active again and not just bumping the thread.

I see, I was operating on Non-Nexus FFRPG basis.

With those a week of no activity usually means it's either dead or just barely struggling. :smallfrown:

AvatarITP, War of the RingITP, SupersITP and many more, may you rest in peace.

Anyway, good! That means the Daleks can get back!


2011-01-16, 06:15 AM
Say guys, I'm interested in joining Nexus. I've got a vague idea for a character, and it all seems a little intimidating, so I'm wondering if you guys'd help out a bit.

Can you give me a general idea of how Nexus usually plays, it's posting speed, general guidelines etc.?

2011-01-16, 06:21 AM
I'm prolly not the one to introduce anyone to the grandiose masterpiece that is the Nexus, but I must say I am glad to meet a fellow Spore-er.

Mina Kobold
2011-01-16, 06:46 AM
Say guys, I'm interested in joining Nexus. I've got a vague idea for a character, and it all seems a little intimidating, so I'm wondering if you guys'd help out a bit.

Can you give me a general idea of how Nexus usually plays, it's posting speed, general guidelines etc.?

It usually plays very differently depending on where and who are there.

Trog's Tavern is mostly silly while some places are mostly dark.

The posting speed is roughly nine pages a night (for Europeans) for this thread and at least one or two for each other thread, but if your deadtime is conflicting with this then don't worry, plenty of us are from other timezones and ready to RP when the Aericans deadtime. :smallbiggrin:

The general guidelines are: Don't god-mod or god-mode, let other people have a chance and generally have fun. :smallsmile:

At least, that's the ones I've been following.

2011-01-16, 07:23 AM
Hmmm... does anyone feel like encountering my goblin scouting parties in Underside, or should I just have them mark the borders of the new colony?

2011-01-16, 07:28 AM
I'm good at running NPC monsters and biology so I could think up something for them to encounter and either tame or hunt or fight or whatever.

2011-01-16, 07:39 AM
If you're feeling up to it then, sure.

2011-01-16, 07:41 AM
Maybe they'll run into the horrible, terrible, wearable CEILING WOLVES!
What? They make good coats once they've been poked enough.
If you'r spoking them with arrows.

In truth, the ceiling wolves are docile and in no way canine. They just howl like wolves.

2011-01-16, 07:56 AM
Say guys, I'm interested in joining Nexus. I've got a vague idea for a character, and it all seems a little intimidating, so I'm wondering if you guys'd help out a bit.

Can you give me a general idea of how Nexus usually plays, it's posting speed, general guidelines etc.?
Posting speed varies by thread, players, day, post content, etc.

Read the thingy about godmodding (I'm sorry, too lazy to find a link :smalltongue:) and take it to heart.

Making an aggressive character who always gets into fights is not quite the best way to begin FRRP, nor is making a shy one who sits in the corner.

We assume that anything explicitly seckseh happens behind the Censorship Curtains... but I suspect they're just playing Scrabble with no pants on. :smalltongue:

Don't be a racist raisin, a buttpants, or Beans.

I TOLD YOU ABOUT THOSE STAIRS BRO (http://cdn.anyhub.net/thebest404pageever/swf/thosestairs.swf)

Have fun!

2011-01-16, 09:08 AM
Read post 3 of the stickied FFRP Central thread, post 1 of this thread, and then ask any questions you have here. And welcome. :smallsmile:

General Nexus FAQs:
What kind of character can I make? Any. There are no restrictions on genre, alignment, world of origin, etc.

Will my power work the way it does in the source setting? Almost certainly not. In your setting, you may have been the Mighty Zorlox, whose power to control the world's socks was absolute, but in the Nexus, you may run across Madam Bo Peep, who controls the world's wool.

If my power goes against wool power, who wins? In combat or any type of adversarial situation, the defender has the final say. So if Zorlox tries to turn Bo Peep's wool socks purple, Peep's player gets to decide if her wool power prevails. But if Bo Peep tries to have a pair of wool socks strangle Zorlox, then his player gets to decide if his sock power wins.

Where should I start? Long answer, in any thread that isn't a private thread or a plot thread. Short answer, Trog's. Just start at Trog's.

Do I need to get pre-approval for my character, or fill in a registry form before I start? Nope. You can if you like, but it's not required. And sometimes it's better to get a feel for your character first, before deciding all the details about them.

Your first character
So, you're ready to make your first character. One of the hardest things to get used to in ffrp is that you don't start out in an adventuring party, and there's no DM to push characters together. You'll have to actually find people to interact with on your own. Here are some tips (not requirements!) for making that easier on your first character:

Don't be the quiet person in the shadowy corner. If you roleplay as someone who is outgoing and talkative, you'll find it easier to make IC friends. Someone who is curious or greedy will be more open to plot hooks and adventure opportunities. But if you roleplay someone who is shy or quiet or wary of other people, you're likely to be left alone.
Don't be openly evil. If you walk into the tavern and start murdering npcs, you are unlikely to make a lot of friends and likely to get jumped on by a bunch of PCs who were looking for a fight.
Consider starting low-powered. It's tempting in a freeform system with no scores or points to decide that your character is the best at everything, but where will they go from there? They can always gain powers or magic items or skills as they go on.
Don't be too needy. Remember in ffrp, you are not THE hero of the story. You are A hero, and there are many stories. The characters you meet at first are likely to be involved in their own affairs. Some players start by having their character immediately in need of rescue, healing, training, attention, etc. This can work well, but make sure you have a plan B in case there is no one willing to drop everything to devote themselves to being your rescuer! Can your character make it if they receive only a minimal amount of help, or none at all?
Don't be too self-sufficient. Remember in ffrp, you are not THE hero of the story. You are A hero, and there are many stories. If you are a combat powerhouse and a healer and a master of obscure lore and a spellcaster, people are likely to get weary of their characters taking a back seat to yours and decide you can do just fine without them.
Be aware of deadtimes and real life. Sometimes, not many people are online and active. Sometimes the people who are may only have a limited time to play and want to use it to progress their favorite storyline instead of meeting new people. Try to be patient and remember that it won't be long before you'll be the one wrapped up in your own favorite storylines. Talk to people in the ooc thread while you wait for your character to get 'stuck in'.
Have fun! Remember this is a game, and if it isn't fun, you aren't doing it right. :smallsmile:

If anyone has anymore FAQs to add to the Nexus one that would be helpful for new players, please do so. The 'Your First Character' is copy pasta straight from the FFRP Central thread.

I think both should go in the OP of the Nexus OOC thread, if everyone agrees.

2011-01-16, 10:02 AM
I really don't know how I dragged myself out of bed, but I'm up.:smallsmile:'

So Techno, whenever you're ready.

2011-01-16, 10:07 AM
Yeah, I'm ready.
My checks will be ten to fifteen minutes apart, though. I'm watching TV and checking during commercials.
The Brits make some damned good telly.

2011-01-16, 10:34 AM
OK guys what's going on now?

2011-01-16, 12:40 PM
*Pokes SC to Riverside* You may have missed it since I edited my response in.

2011-01-16, 03:24 PM
Hey, guys, Psi is currently researching the Power Rings and needs someone knowledgeable about Magic or Rings to help her out. Anyone come to mind?

Mina Kobold
2011-01-16, 03:27 PM
Hey, guys, Psi is currently researching the Power Rings and needs someone knowledgeable about Magic or Rings to help her out. Anyone come to mind?

I'd suggest me, but I'm not a character.

Friend is a bit of a magic expert but I do not have any Lantern characters.

Maybe CRae can help her?

2011-01-16, 03:30 PM
I'd suggest me, but I'm not a character.

Friend is a bit of a magic expert but I do not have any Lantern characters.

Maybe CRae can help her?

Doesn't really matter where the character comes from. She'll make no distinction between Evil and non-Evil characters, and she doesn't care about factions, either.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-16, 03:32 PM
Hey, guys, Psi is currently researching the Power Rings and needs someone knowledgeable about Magic or Rings to help her out. Anyone come to mind?

Well, she's already talked to Crae. She could try to find UnRae, who knows even more, but that probably wouldn't be pleasant. You never know, though.

Mina Kobold
2011-01-16, 03:34 PM
Doesn't really matter where the character comes from. She'll make no distinction between Evil and non-Evil characters, and she doesn't care about factions, either.

I meant that my characters are unrelated to the rings so they don't even know what they are. Sorry for the misuderstanding. :smallredface:

2011-01-16, 03:34 PM
Higgs (Mercury) is an artificer, and knows a little about the rings.

2011-01-16, 03:47 PM
Well, she's already talked to Crae. She could try to find UnRae, who knows even more, but that probably wouldn't be pleasant. You never know, though.

I meant that my characters are unrelated to the rings so they don't even know what they are. Sorry for the misuderstanding. :smallredface:

Higgs (Mercury) is an artificer, and knows a little about the rings.

Well, she could talk to all of them, really. Just gotta go after them separately.

What's unpleasant about UnRae?

2011-01-16, 03:48 PM
What's unpleasant about UnRae?

He may try to kill her.

2011-01-16, 03:51 PM
I've gotta deadtime until about 8 gmt-5.

2011-01-16, 03:56 PM
He may try to kill her.

Is he likely to succeed?

2011-01-16, 04:02 PM
Is he likely to succeed?



Don't take my word for it, but basically he is a violent nut bar that is as powerful as Rae.

2011-01-16, 04:15 PM
Cathy dismisses the copy of Gae Bolg, and once more summons kanshou and bakuya (http://bumped.org/psublog/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/kanshou-and-bakuya.jpg), holding the two blades in reverse grips, and moving forwards, blocking its sword with one of the twin blades and swinging at the bloodletter's arm with the other.

She also reinforces the muscles in her arms and legs, letting her move fast. In addition, this time, the blow doesn't really numb her when she blocks it.

HG? I have a few concerns. First, the sword it wields is six feet long, giving it at least a 9ft reach if you include it's arm. While it's probably my fault for not saying how far it was away from Cathy when it attacked, I still find the response a bit too complex and too much against what was a simple attack(even slowed, the Bloodletter should be much faster than a normal human).

Also, while I have no problems with her evading or hurting the daemon, I'm trying to provide something fun and challenging, but if she never has any trouble fighting it, then I'm not really accomplishing either(no fun for me to write it, and not challenging for you either). Even if she's a master at swords, so are the Bloodletters. They will have just as much, if not more experience at this kind of thing.

Plus, since she's apparently summoning and unsummoning weapons every post, don't you think that'd slow her down some?

Think of them as superfast gorillas with hell-forged blades with centuries of combat experience. They aren't pushovers, and I kinda don't want them to be treated as such.

2011-01-16, 04:34 PM
Hmm... okay. Do you want me to edit it, or simply tone down future stuff?

2011-01-16, 04:43 PM
Would anyone mind if I started a clan of lizardfolk in Underside? They would probably be a major food supplier, trawling the great underground lakes for fish.

2011-01-16, 04:52 PM
I'd like a bit of both. Just for this last post and future ones. I'd like it more if she showed some signs of actually trying to do these things, instead of simply doing them without any effort at all.

2011-01-16, 04:57 PM
Okay. I'm not sure how to edit this one... so it might take a bit.

I'll probably delete and rewrite from scratch.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-16, 05:27 PM
He may try to kill her.

Well, she could talk to all of them, really. Just gotta go after them separately.

What's unpleasant about UnRae?



Don't take my word for it, but basically he is a violent nut bar that is as powerful as Rae.

Is he likely to succeed?

This is all true, but at the same time not, possibly, for Psi. Yes, UnRae is a violent psychopath who would probably try to kill her, but before that he would try to get her worked up, get her to feel one of the seven emotions that run the Lantern rings so that when he kills her it will fuel his power. If he couldn't do that, he may let her live, if only for a challenge to try to break later.

Lix Lorn
2011-01-16, 05:30 PM
...I thought we killed him...

Rae Artemi
2011-01-16, 05:32 PM
...I thought we killed him...

He got better. Unfortunately.

lord pringle
2011-01-16, 05:34 PM
Psi could ask the entity of the white ring itself.

2011-01-16, 05:55 PM
Hey! I'm back! Be happy about it!

Earl of Purple
2011-01-16, 06:26 PM
Good news, everybody! Your friendly bug-worshipping cult of demonolaters have built a new temple in Underside. How many people were expecting that? I'm expecting several.

2011-01-16, 06:30 PM
Bug worshipers, eh?
There's business to be had there! And food!
Plus, they totally kidnapped Din, so once the spell wears off, Blue will use his amazingly awesome senses to try and track them down and KILL THEM ALL FOR USING OFFENSIVE MAGIC NEAR HIS BOY!

I was worried that Davitte might be evil when I remembered evil people do things for the evil, or at least enjoy the evil some, while he's entering the sell-who-attacks-you business because he's hungry and it's good money.

2011-01-16, 06:37 PM
I was worried that Davitte might be evil when I remembered evil people do things for the evil, or at least enjoy the evil some, while he's entering the sell-who-attacks-you business because he's hungry and it's good money.

Justified evil is still evil. :smalltongue:

Its a bit better of an explanation than "for the evuls", though, so there's no fault.

Earl of Purple
2011-01-16, 06:39 PM
Well, not just bugs. Also beetles, butterflies, moths, bees, hoverflies, wasps, ants, cockroaches, termites, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, scorpions, spiders, mites, ticks, centipedes, millipedes, crabs, shrimp, prawns, lobsters, barnicles, woodlice, worms, octopi, squid, cuttlefish, mussels, clams, limpets, snails, slugs, oysters, horseshoe crabs, and I'm forgetting loads for the simple reason there's too many to remember. Basically, insects, arachnids, myriapods, crustaceans, molluscs, worms, and I'm still missing some. Horseshoe crabs aren't true crabs or crustaceans at all, but more closely related to arachnids and, I believe, are of the same order as the extinct trilobites.

2011-01-16, 06:39 PM
He's not even chaotic neutral, really. Just chaotic animalistic hunger and joyful devotion to his easy life time mission.

2011-01-16, 07:03 PM
I'm prolly not the one to introduce anyone to the grandiose masterpiece that is the Nexus, but I must say I am glad to meet a fellow Spore-er.

Okay. I haven't really been playing spore too much recently actually. But it is a pretty cool game.

It usually plays very differently depending on where and who are there.

Trog's Tavern is mostly silly while some places are mostly dark.

The posting speed is roughly nine pages a night (for Europeans) for this thread and at least one or two for each other thread, but if your deadtime is conflicting with this then don't worry, plenty of us are from other timezones and ready to RP when the Aericans deadtime. :smallbiggrin:

The general guidelines are: Don't god-mod or god-mode, let other people have a chance and generally have fun. :smallsmile:

At least, that's the ones I've been following.

Now that's fast. Right. I might create a character then.

2011-01-16, 07:17 PM
I got to deadtime for a few hours. Be back later.

2011-01-16, 07:21 PM
And let there be much (belated) rejoicing. http://forums.civfanatics.com/images/smilies/w00t.gif

2011-01-16, 08:06 PM
I may suddenly deadtime until my usual midnight-ish time soon.

Earl of Purple
2011-01-16, 08:28 PM
I'm going to bed now. Which means Deadtime. See you all this evening. Because yesterday became yesterday and no longer today for me an hour and a half ago. Good night.

Darklord Bright
2011-01-16, 08:34 PM
Who's going to be the lucky person who's getting leant on by a drunken Shy'anni? :smalltongue:

Well, lucky until she vomits, at least.

2011-01-16, 08:40 PM
...I'm tempted to have Merra encounter Iphy, then go 'nah, looking for a drow, not a nymph'.

Just for the latter's reaction.

2011-01-16, 08:44 PM
...I'm tempted to have Merra encounter Iphy, then go 'nah, looking for a drow, not a nymph'.

Just for the latter's reaction.

It probably involves excruciating pain and death.
Depending on her mood of course. Which is something I can almost never tell.

2011-01-16, 08:47 PM
Of course, her bearing might be so obviously drow-like that Merra might attempt to kidnap her anyway. 'Even if you're not like then genetically, you're TAINTED BY THEM!'

Actually, interesting thought: she hates Drow culture and the Drow themselves, and would identify Iphy with the drow because Iphy is so obviously self-identifying herself with them? :smallconfused:


Either way, your choice.

2011-01-16, 08:52 PM
Had it not already been established, I would've chosen Skugdim. It would be great for him to get puked on in both of his first two threads.

2011-01-16, 09:02 PM
Of course, her bearing might be so obviously drow-like that Merra might attempt to kidnap her anyway. 'Even if you're not like then genetically, you're TAINTED BY THEM!'

Actually, interesting thought: she hates Drow culture and the Drow themselves, and would identify Iphy with the drow because Iphy is so obviously self-identifying herself with them? :smallconfused:


Either way, your choice.

Ilpholin's perhaps my least easiest to kidnap. Merra's better off going to the Black Dragon Inn and picking on Nadas. Still. :smalltongue:

Course I thought Merra operated her taking drow in the tunnels and not the city proper? :smallconfused:

I'm deadtiming for an hour or two regardless.

2011-01-16, 09:02 PM
Who's going to be the lucky person who's getting leant on by a drunken Shy'anni? :smalltongue:

Well, lucky until she vomits, at least.

Not really doing anything with Alysha at the moment. Where's Shy'anni at?

Oh, Underside. Never mind. Don't plan on bringing Alysha there anytime soon.

Though, I have been thinking about having Talia going down there. Or maybe making a new character.

Still tossing around the idea of a new Keyblade wielder.

2011-01-16, 09:09 PM
Ilpholin's perhaps my least easiest to kidnap. Merra's better off going to the Black Dragon Inn and picking on Nadas. Still. :smalltongue:

Course I thought Merra operated her taking drow in the tunnels and not the city proper? :smallconfused:

I'm deadtiming for an hour or two regardless.

She doesn't go up to the surface. :smalltongue:

And besides, Nadas wouldn't be a challenge for her!

...well, Iphy would probably end up seducing her. Which would have... interesting results. :smalleek:

2011-01-16, 10:22 PM
So, how do you wanna divvy up this hurr drow, Artemis?

2011-01-16, 10:23 PM
So, nobody has a problem with me making a Lizardfolk tribe for Underside?

2011-01-16, 10:26 PM
So, VeisuItaTyhjyys... (Dear gods, that's one heck of a name)

I'm pretty sure you're new to FFRP. At least I haven't seen you around here much before. Anyways... jumping in on something while someone else is deadtimed and not giving them a chance to respond, well, it's downright rude. I don't know how else to put it. But, like I said, I fgured you're new, I was going to let it slide. But then to further hold my absence against me as the plot moves along and use it as an IC advantage, really isn't fair at all.

Edit: And of course you ninja me as I type up my monologue there. As for the priestess, I had made arrangements about her fate with another player before you even came into the picture.

2011-01-16, 10:33 PM
Oh, yeah, sorry, just for Veisu.

Anyway, we stopped when we figured out you weren't on, to give you a shot to respond. As I said in the thread, I figure if the characters didn't come to some sort of agreement, something would happen so you'd get the priestess, anyhow. It's just that it doesn't make sense for a guy who already gave the slave-merchant the money not to, you know, point out doing that; that's why I was saying it was being brought up as an IC advantage, but I wouldn't actually consider it an advantage, OOC.

2011-01-16, 10:39 PM
Alright, that makes sense. I think I misunderstood you a little bit back there. No harm done. Having already paid for something is a bit important to point out, yes.

2011-01-17, 12:18 AM
Psi could ask the entity of the white ring itself.

Psi's actually trying to understand how the rings work, so... talking to a ring might not be the first thing that comes to mind. But I'll consider that.

2011-01-17, 12:22 AM
Psi's actually trying to understand how the rings work, so... talking to a ring might not be the first thing that comes to mind. But I'll consider that.

2011-01-17, 12:25 AM

YES! THANK YOU! Someone got it! :smallbiggrin:

.....so about Psi... :smalltongue:

lord pringle
2011-01-17, 12:28 AM
The entity would happily explain it to her.

2011-01-17, 12:56 AM
Okay, I've got my character posted up here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10177415&postcount=355)

Where should I start?

2011-01-17, 01:34 AM
Try Trog's. Always a good starting location.

2011-01-17, 02:44 AM

"The. . . man, is he here?" The (what is that? an undead? a golem?) asks. It stumbles closer; it is a horrifically wounded man, with the majority of skin having been relatively recently, and inexactly, reattached. "He said to come here, before he left." He's lost, a lot of blood, and he's got to be in great pain, so the lack of lucidity in his comments is no surprise. "He left him a back, but I didn't get one, I guess he didn't notice." It may be apparent he's refering to the wraith at Trogg's, whose brief manifestation he seems to have witnessed, from whatever bloody alleyway he wallowed in at the time, but who knows how much the guards at the gate know about that. From the bar, he adds frantically.

Veisu? I'm sorry, but I don't see this guy referenced at all in Trog's. And the speech and writing is so erratic, it's hard for me, as a player, to understand what he's saying.

2011-01-17, 02:54 AM
He was Skugdim's "suit," or, rather, his skin was. He was a guy lying in an alley with no skin while they beat up Kore. Now he's a mysterious, amnesiac deformed guy with one lead on whatever stole his skin, a conversation he heard between another mutilated guy pretty near him. I just wrote up a character profile for him, but he doesn't remember that he is that guy, yet, or anything else, he just heard "ISF HQ" and went there.

2011-01-17, 02:57 AM
Generally, when you have someone overhear a conversation, you're supposed to post that they overhear it while it's going on instead of simply charging off later saying they've heard it.

2011-01-17, 02:59 AM
Ah. Well, if you'd rather, I could edit it to have him stumble to the police station because it seems the most prudent place to go when one has just had one's skin removed.

2011-01-17, 03:02 AM
There isn't an official police station, but I imagine he'd get a better response if he simply wandered into Trog's instead. First, it's closer, and second, the people there are generally much friendlier than others.

So yeah, I'd suggest just striking out your post at ISF HQ and heading there instead.

2011-01-17, 03:05 AM
And I'm out of here, folks. Have a good night/day/appropriate time for your particular geographical location.

2011-01-17, 03:33 AM
I'll remove the police station post, but I imagine the poor guy will be getting as far from Trog's as he can as fast as he can and not going back for quite some time. Anyhow, sorry about the confusion; I'm newer to the unspoken sort of rules.

2011-01-17, 04:28 AM
Okay, I'll be moving my character to Trog's when I get back online. Probably tomorrow. For now, it's deadtime for Charles.

2011-01-17, 05:27 AM
People I was posting with in Underside:
I am really sorry. Work called up at about four (eleven for gmt-5ers) for a conference call and it didn't end until six.

Darklord Bright
2011-01-17, 05:46 AM
What to do, what to do...

2011-01-17, 05:48 AM
I should probably mention, darklord, that Davitte's hypnotizing eyes tend to leave a lasting effect.
If he hypnotizes someone multiple times over the period of a day, it can be...well...to the point of mind control.
The point is, Shy'anni might be easier to influence in the future, though really he was just looking for a new friend who might be handy in a bar fight.

Darklord Bright
2011-01-17, 05:52 AM
Well, at the moment, it only vaguely worked. Mostly because she was drunk and already mentally messed up. Will probably actually be harder to do the second time if she's sober.

2011-01-17, 06:02 AM
Good point.
I didn't mean to sound like I was god modding, I was just saying that if it was successful, it might be easier to pull off later.

Darklord Bright
2011-01-17, 06:17 AM
I'm trying to think of something to do right now, and it's not working...

2011-01-17, 01:21 PM
I'm writing another book...hopefully I'll get this one published.
I'm half way through and only one of the characters who was there when I started is still alive.
Garrett's in it...but he dies. Goes out with a bang, though. He's about to get killed by underkin (fantasy world reavers (from firefly) jacked up to 11) and he makes everything asplode. Awesome last words, "You wish to hear me scream. You won't have the satisfaction."

2011-01-17, 01:41 PM
People I was posting with in Underside:
I am really sorry. Work called up at about four (eleven for gmt-5ers) for a conference call and it didn't end until six.

It's fine, TS. We managed to entertain ourselves in the meantime, I think. I hope the conference call wasn't too boring for you. :smalltongue:

2011-01-17, 01:47 PM
Hey, TS? Is that drow being sold to Raril an NPC, or do you plan to play her?

2011-01-17, 01:49 PM
I was thinking about playing her, but I'm not a big drow person. I just figured she'd be one of those more important NPCs if she was used, or that someone else could play her.
If someone does want to play her...I guess they could. They may want to check with Artemis first.

2011-01-17, 01:53 PM
I had been considering, and I've already talked to Art about it. I figured if you didn't mind, I'd go ahead with it.

2011-01-17, 01:55 PM
Well...I don't mind. So go right ahead.
She's been hypnotized so many times in the past day by Davitte it's not even funny, so that may lead to some weird happenings later on, considering the permanent subconscious affect Davitte's eyes have. He prolly won't take advantage of that though, he wouldn't wanna piss Raril off.

2011-01-17, 02:07 PM
Yeah, pissing Raril off is generally considered a bad idea.

Anyways, I've also got a pair of drow warriors now. I'm pretty sure I'll just turn them into servers/bouncers though.

Also, would anyone be interested in adding a clan of Dwarves to the undercity? They'd mine and drink and be loud and carry axes and hammers and probably try to build giant megacrafts connected to levers that have a good chance of going horribly wrong.

2011-01-17, 02:09 PM
Sorry...DF fan...

2011-01-17, 02:12 PM
Incidentally, I won't be on much today. Got a church thing on from 9 to late at night.

2011-01-17, 03:13 PM
By the way, is everyone okay with assuming the Goblins don't have much/any voice in the noble council of Underside? Skugdim's plans for significant political upheaval would become much less dramatic if he just turned out to be wrong entirely about the current situation. Although that would have the redeeming quality of being another hilarious lesson that he should look before he leaps.

2011-01-17, 03:27 PM
Well, I happen to be playing a bunch of goblins who're building a colony in the western part of Underside. They're not a part of the Undercity, though.

2011-01-17, 03:29 PM
Hmm...Isn't today a holiday in the US? Martin L. King day?

2011-01-17, 03:37 PM
I recalled somebody introducing Goblins, but I wasn't sure whom I recalled doing so. You don't have any problem with goblins being socio-politically disagvantaged in Undercity itself, though?

It is, indeed, TechnoScrabble.

2011-01-17, 04:18 PM
Obviously I don't. I can hardly tell other players what do to, after all. :smalltongue: Even I used to be the only player with goblin PCs and NPCs.

2011-01-17, 04:21 PM
I wouldn't mind.
In goblin society, it's commonly every man for himself. Undercity seems to be the same way. Goblins in Undercity? Individuals are screwed, and would probably be likely to band together for an uprising like that.
I'm just saying that from what I've observed, the only times people pay much attention to goblins is when they're in combat, pretty much the only time they work as a group, and even then there's not much coordination beyond set up a trap, wait, and dogpile 'em.

2011-01-17, 04:30 PM
That's D&D goblins, though. The goblins that I play are quite a bit different. They're smart, civilized and have steampunkish technology.

2011-01-17, 04:34 PM
Like the goblins from WoW? Who go out of their way to kill each other to secure patents for new ways to kill each other?

2011-01-17, 04:36 PM
Do any of the noble houses of Underside have an embassy? My lizardfolk tribe's leader needs to speak to someone in charge.

2011-01-17, 04:37 PM
Like the goblins from WoW? Who go out of their way to kill each other to secure patents for new ways to kill each other?

They share some characteristics WoW goblins, yes, but they're not as crazy as them. For the most part, they're my own creation.

2011-01-17, 04:44 PM
In that case, you are awesome.
I for one, like to imagine goblins as entirely different from the DnD and WoW goblins and more as your traditional fey-ish ones, but nobody seems to remember that in old folklore they were some of the better fey.

Earl of Purple
2011-01-17, 05:00 PM
I've posted something your goblins might be interested in, Morty. Or something they might want to investigate, anyway.

Darklord Bright
2011-01-17, 05:04 PM
I'm really glad people are enjoying Underside - I didn't really expect it to get popular. :smallsmile:

2011-01-17, 05:06 PM
Do any of the noble houses of Underside have an embassy? My lizardfolk tribe's leader needs to speak to someone in charge.

Well, seeing as how the only noble house that's been introduced is my crystal giant's, they could visit them. :smalltongue:

I think, I may have missed someone else's, and I'm unsure if DLB's miner's guild counts as one.

2011-01-17, 05:07 PM
I've posted something your goblins might be interested in, Morty. Or something they might want to investigate, anyway.

Sadly, the ones currently in the Undercity are a diplomatic party, so they won't do much about the cocoons.

Mina Kobold
2011-01-17, 05:07 PM
I'm really glad people are enjoying Underside - I didn't really expect it to get popular. :smallsmile:

Of course it is, it was made by Darklord Bright.

That alone makes it most groovy. :smallsmile:

Anyway, I really need a place to introduce a dino-/bird lady somewhere so I can get on to the steampunk kobold for Underside.

Maybe Trog's? It's not bad to have two characters there is it?

2011-01-17, 05:17 PM
Yeah two chars never hurt well I have two in Trogs and noone of them has any interactions every time I start one it switch soon and they got ignored. Well ok I most time have to deadtime but after I return there is noone left.

Mina Kobold
2011-01-17, 05:25 PM
Yeah two chars never hurt well I have two in Trogs and noone of them has any interactions every time I start one it switch soon and they got ignored. Well ok I most time have to deadtime but after I return there is noone left.

I'm usually there, maybe I can have my bird-lady interact with Fade or Andy when I have slept and escapes from the education facility tomorrow. :smallsmile:

That's right, Lewis stays a cat a little more for I unfurtunately have to Deadtime

*Passes out and mumbles about secret kobold samurai and time-travelling dinosaur birds*

2011-01-17, 05:25 PM
Key just one question is Lewis the cat from the box ?

Earl of Purple
2011-01-17, 05:27 PM
I have had four, maybe five characters in Trog's at once. Maybe six, if I had the three Emotion Faeries, Jorje & Destur and Morbit undeadtimed all at once. But that's only three groups; I usually only have two groups of chracters at any one time.

2011-01-17, 05:30 PM
Hmm...Garrett should be getting his armor soon...
Nah. He's gotten in far too much trouble lately. He's gonna settle down for a while.
Ember needs her sleep.
Keith is still on that UFO. Though he could easily say 'screw this' and blast his way out.
Davitte needs something to do now, though.

2011-01-17, 05:32 PM

The UFO got hijacked and everyone on it got dropped off, I think...

2011-01-17, 05:32 PM
Hey Rae is Crae still at LANTERN base there is a delivery man at the door knocking^^.

Earl of Purple
2011-01-17, 05:33 PM
He could visit the new Temple of Dalachrech in Underside. It's on the western outskirts of the city, and being a collection of cocoons it is rather visible. Why is it a collection of cocoons? Because it was built by a drider. It's also on the ceiling.

2011-01-17, 05:39 PM

The UFO got hijacked and everyone on it got dropped off, I think...

I guess the combination of how fast Inside was moving and my terrible time then made me miss it.
Ah well, I probably got my fair share of alien when he blew that hole in the spaceship. And that other one. And those other few...

And Earl, I might take you up on that. Davitte's mission is to map the Underside tunnels.
Of course, the people who gave him the mission, his troupe, are dead, and the rest of his clan got cut off from that part of the tunnels, but he doesn't know that.

Earl of Purple
2011-01-17, 05:42 PM
If he's interested, I'm sure the Head Priestess would be willing to instruct him in the ways of Dalachrech and maybe even convert him to their religion. It won't hurt. Much.

2011-01-17, 05:44 PM
I guess Crae will answer the door or whatever, despite having almost nothing to do with the actual organization. Maxios (the character) should really do a better job running it. :smalltongue:

To be fair, anyone would have a hard time running an organization while they're being thrown into the sun. :smalltongue:

2011-01-17, 05:45 PM
Yeah, no. Most Yuan-Ti operatives aren't very religious and use their missions as an excuse to avoid the zealous priest and warrior castes.
He'd be very interested in making new friends, enemies, food, and business deals, though.

Rae Artemi
2011-01-17, 05:47 PM
To be fair, anyone would have a hard time running an organization while they're being thrown into the sun. :smalltongue:

Hence the :smalltongue:

2011-01-17, 05:48 PM
To be fair, anyone would have a hard time running an organization while they're being thrown into the sun. :smalltongue:

To be slightly unfair, if I was being thrown intothe sun I would want to make sure I wasn't remembered as someone who ran a sloppy superhero guild.

2011-01-17, 05:58 PM
Courir can't die in the sun, that will kill Zefir's preparations eh party planing.
Deadtime for me my clock just ring for 0:00.

Earl of Purple
2011-01-17, 06:02 PM
happyturtle, does Lauretta still want Din for anything? The Cult of Dalachrech currently has Din captive at the Hermitage.

Darklord Bright
2011-01-17, 06:02 PM

...I'll just leave this here.


2011-01-17, 06:06 PM
happyturtle, does Lauretta still want Din for anything? The Cult of Dalachrech currently has Din captive at the Hermitage.

Can we sacrifice her to Dalachrech by having her eaten alive by bugs on the altar? >.>

Lix Lorn
2011-01-17, 06:07 PM

2011-01-17, 06:09 PM

...I'll just leave this here.


So cute Davitte could just swallow her whole!
What? He's a snake person!

Earl of Purple
2011-01-17, 06:09 PM
I'm not sure if iElf will allow that to happen, but the Hermitage is where the... messier... rituals are carried out. People are less likely to notice travellers going missing in the wilderness than in the city. It's possible in cities, but people notice and rumours spread. Whilst the authorities might not know, the people being predated on do and get cautious.

So it's a possibility.

2011-01-17, 06:11 PM
I'm not sure if iElf will allow that to happen, but the Hermitage is where the... messier... rituals are carried out. People are less likely to notice travellers going missing in the wilderness than in the city. It's possible in cities, but people notice and rumours spread. Whilst the authorities might not know, the people being predated on do and get cautious.

So it's a possibility.
hmm...if they can keep her imprisoned for a week...they can sacrifice her, as far as I'm concerned, as long as Carrie can bring her back again.

2011-01-17, 06:13 PM
Well Kore has dug himself a deep hole. A deep hole that is now used to store raw sewage.



Earl of Purple
2011-01-17, 06:15 PM
The problem with sacrificing somebody belonging to another faith is they tend to go to the afterlife their deity promises, so Din would probably go to Angela, unless she converts to Carrieism, or Angela and Carrie have an agreement or something. Or if Din believes she'll go to Carrie's afterlife when she dies hard enough it might occur.

At least, that's how I would play such a thing.

2011-01-17, 06:16 PM
Actually, Gordon dug the hole. If it weren't for him, I'd have continued with my plan and in a few days just have him summoned back to the HQ to be put in training. At least the lack of the knowledge of Nexus could be repaired with a lot of extra courses. >.>


2011-01-17, 06:20 PM
The problem with sacrificing somebody belonging to another faith is they tend to go to the afterlife their deity promises, so Din would probably go to Angela, unless she converts to Carrieism, or Angela and Carrie have an agreement or something. Or if Din believes she'll go to Carrie's afterlife when she dies hard enough it might occur.

At least, that's how I would play such a thing.

every time din has dies in the past, Din has been Carrie's responsibility, so I don't think that will be changing soon

2011-01-17, 06:23 PM
Actually, Gordon dug the hole. If it weren't for him, I'd have continued with my plan and in a few days just have him summoned back to the HQ to be put in training. At least the lack of the knowledge of Nexus could be repaired with a lot of extra courses. >.>


Oh well. Dead character is dead. Whether they kill him or not he's not of any interest to me.

2011-01-17, 06:26 PM
I'm considering retconning Ashley a bit because I realized I don't really want to play another vampire besides Riley. But I still like the idea of her needing to protect herself from the sun. Any ideas?

2011-01-17, 06:26 PM
Sorry it ended like this. :smallfrown:

2011-01-17, 06:28 PM
I'm considering retconning Ashley a bit because I realized I don't really want to play another vampire besides Riley. But I still like the idea of her needing to protect herself from the sun. Any ideas?

UV allergy.
Also, all that lovey st00f going on in GLoG is helping Ember heal physically and emotionally. Thanks, guys!

2011-01-17, 06:28 PM
I'm considering retconning Ashley a bit because I realized I don't really want to play another vampire besides Riley. But I still like the idea of her needing to protect herself from the sun. Any ideas?

A snow man person!:smalltongue:

2011-01-17, 06:28 PM
Sorry it ended like this. :smallfrown:

I'm not going to worry about it. It would have been interesting though.

2011-01-17, 06:36 PM
You know, I should have just let it be the same person. If it wasn't that recon, Gordon would have never have show up.

Sigh, its so very annoying when you work on something, and it just falls through. At least there was a plan b from the start.

Earl of Purple
2011-01-17, 06:41 PM
Drow, I believe, take damage from the sun. I'd need to check and I don't think anybody's ever actually played a drow burning up due to the sun, but still. Also, there's those evil undead with death-gazes that are hurt by the sun. Also shadow-elementals.

Re: Mortal Coil Infiltration- Dam'Bul would be willing to do it. I need to do something with him and Nephrim, anyway.

But now I must regretably Deadtime. Type tomorrow, after my first lectures of the year.

2011-01-17, 06:44 PM
Drow, I believe, take damage from the sun. I'd need to check and I don't think anybody's ever actually played a drow burning up due to the sun, but still. Also, there's those evil undead with death-gazes that are hurt by the sun. Also shadow-elementals.

Re: Mortal Coil Infiltration- Dam'Bul would be willing to do it. I need to do something with him and Nephrim, anyway.

But now I must regretably Deadtime. Type tomorrow, after my first lectures of the year.

only drow eyes are vulnerable to sunlight at first

Darklord Bright
2011-01-17, 06:51 PM
So! Anyone have anything I can do?

2011-01-17, 06:52 PM
Maybe your drifter could explore Underside?
I finally found out that I can plotclone, so she may run into Davitte.
Or a monster.
And a question:
Would it be okay if part of the Bronze Keep extended into Underside?

2011-01-17, 06:55 PM
UV allergy.
Also, all that lovey st00f going on in GLoG is helping Ember heal physically and emotionally. Thanks, guys!

D'awww... :smallredface:

It's doing wonders for Sunny's mental state as well. :smallsmile:

As for Ashley, I'll let her simmer in my head a bit more. If she survives as a viable character, I'll probably throw her at Aurora.

2011-01-17, 06:58 PM
So! Anyone have anything I can do?

Hesjrin the lizardman will be going to the Miner's Guild as soon as he finishes negotiations with the crystal giants.