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View Full Version : SMT d20?

2011-01-16, 12:03 PM
Hi, I'm a huge SMT (Shin Megami Tensei) fan. I've had the idea of playing characters inspired by monsters or characters from their games. With the huge amounts of Homebrew stufff that's out there, I am surprised that I can't find any SMT Homebrew stuff (ie: Persona Homebrew, Nocturne Homebrew, Digital Devil Saga Homebrew, etc.).
Some fo what I've looked into before can be handled with a few classes (like Persona inspired builds that can work thanks to the Binder class from ToM). But some fo the other works introduced by these games don't have (or at least not without a vast amount of time and effort beyond the scope available to me for a sngle character that may on recieve 4-5 session of play) the ability to be realized in the same capacity in D&D.
Does anyone know where I can find SMT d20 stuff, if there is any?
