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View Full Version : Shades of the Jedi(IC)

2011-01-16, 03:54 PM
Anyone checking an image from the forward viewscreen or an angle out the forward canopy sees a station of a configuration you do not recognize with an odd-looking ship that looks too small for the shipyard resting at the back, you assume that the ship in the dock is your group's target to steal or destroy.

The pilot seems to be accelerating at a hangar bay on the forward end of the shipyard's dorsal spine that looks far too small.
With a howling scream coming from the engines, and a protesting screech of metal on metal, the assault shuttle spins as it skids to a stop inside the small hangar bay.

The hatch blows open as the shuttle stops spinning, through it, the half dozen or so Imperials that you can see seem frozen in shock.

Metagame: Initiative.

2011-01-16, 04:21 PM
Tarlan Argenter (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=186115): initiative = [roll0]

2011-01-16, 04:34 PM
Tarlan walks calmly out and looks around

2011-01-16, 04:58 PM
"Moron, get moving!" Hogekan said, drawing his blasters from their hip holsters and firing at the two nearest stormtroopers. "Stick around and you'll get yourself shot. We need to clear out before they get smart and bring in heavy guns. Now."

2011-01-16, 05:24 PM
A tall figure in a suit of steel-blue Mandalorian armor strides out of the crashed shuttle, unslinging a massive rifle from his back. Two bandoliers criss-cross his chest, festooned with grenades and spare ammunition. A small black cylinder is attached to the back of his belt, and his forearms bristle with muzzles and nozzles for concealed weaponry. His helmet eschews the menacing T-visor of the Mandalorians for a round, opaque blue faceplate.

With little ado, Zyralis raises the rifle up and unleashes a hail of fire upon the closest stormtrooper. An echoing, telepathic voice pierces the minds of the whole group. <Focus attention on one soldier at a time to bring them down fast!> the armored Draethos orders.

2011-01-16, 06:13 PM
Another figure joins the others. Clothed in a dull black and brown Ubese suit, he carries an older blaster, with another rifle of some kind strapped to his back, and a pistol at his waist. Wordlessly, he raises the blaster and fires at one of the imperials.

2011-01-16, 07:17 PM
The Hangar is 250m wide, 300m deep, and 75m tall.
The rear wall of the hangar has (you assume) 3 blast doors on the base level, however, the shuttle appears to be blocking one on the right side (going in from the outside) off. There is another blast door in the center of the rear wall, and another ~50m from the far wall.
The near side of the hangar appears to have a hangar control room, about 50m further towards the outside.
At present, the hangar is more or less empty - there are some stacked crates near the edges of the bay. The hatch is opened out back towards the magcon field in direction of the control room, there are a couple of Imperial technicians and 4 Imperials in pilot's uniforms about halfway between the control room and the shuttle hatch where you are.

As you burst out of the shuttle in a flurry of blaster bolts, Hogekan's bolts hit two of the 4 pilots, Zyralis's shot drops one of the 2 Hogekan hit, and Karak drops the other.

2011-01-17, 06:51 AM
Tarlan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=186115)walks towards the control room and calmly commands the imperial technicians and pilots:
"Get down on the floor with your hands on the back of your head if you want to live"

2011-01-17, 06:02 PM
A red skinned woman in her mid twenties makes her way out of the shuttle, holding her head and seeming a bit wobbly. She's clothed in a white tank top, an open cloak, pants, and boots.

"Anyone hurt? Besides the obvious Imperials" Meialla asks to nobody in particular.

2011-01-17, 06:49 PM
The blue-armored Mandalorian shakes his head. <We are unhurt,> the Draethos confirms telepathically.

2011-01-17, 08:03 PM
A red skinned woman in her mid twenties makes her way out of the shuttle, holding her head and seeming a bit wobbly. She's clothed in a white tank top, an open cloak, pants, and boots.

"Anyone hurt? Besides the obvious Imperials" Meialla asks to nobody in particular.

The blue-armored Mandalorian shakes his head. <We are unhurt,> the Draethos confirms telepathically.

OOC: ...um, there are still enemies standing...

2011-01-17, 08:12 PM
OOC: ...um, there are still enemies standing...

OOC: I'm quite aware of that.

2011-01-17, 09:32 PM
As the party exits the shuttle, the two standing pilots rip out their sidearms and fire at shoot the crazy dude trying to get them to drop their weapons so his buddies can kill them all.
Both techs turn and sprint for the control room, one pulls out a comlink as he runs.

As you clear the front of the shuttle, a squad of ten naval troopers rushes towards you from behind and around towards the middle of the bay, the accompanying officer shouts "SURRENDER OR DIE! Get the Mando!" as they open fire. While a flurry of bolts flies towards the group, only one bolt hits Zyralis as the rest fly past.

2011-01-17, 10:08 PM
Zyralis simply holds out his free hand at the incoming wave of blasterbolts nonchalantly, but all he gets for his trouble is a scorching blaster bolt to the shoulder.

[roll0] ((since I forgot to roll it earlier))

2011-01-17, 10:12 PM
"Moron." Hogekan said simply, taking aim at the officer. He fired both blasters, hoping to take down their commander and put them in disarray.

2011-01-17, 11:22 PM
Meialla lets out an "Eeek!" and dodges a blaster shot supposedly aimed at her.

"Who aims directly at the woman!" she yells at her attacker.

She calms herself and focuses on filling her allies with dedication and conviction through the Force. They could win, and now they would be more sure of it than they had before.

Not that conviction to win was really an issue.

2011-01-18, 12:09 AM
Karak unleashes a spray of blaster fire at the officer, it is often best to sever the head of a snake.

2011-01-18, 03:06 AM
"Now you're not really helping me keeping you two alive, are you?"
Tarlan asks a bit bored as he points each of his hand towards the pistols of the pilots as if reaching for them, still closing in on them, and then pulling his own heavy blasters
"Last chance: your death will be totally unnecessary and disappointingly unentertaining"

2011-01-19, 04:15 PM
As Hogekan fires at the officer, dropping him with two bolts to the chest, both pilots trigger additional bolts at Tarlan, hitting him once (14 energy) before he pulls the pistol out of one of their hands, but the other managed to retain his grip.
Karak's shot, an instant after Hogekan, passes through where the officer had been as he slumps to the ground.

Both technicians have reach the hangar control room, the one without a comlink out opens the door to get inside, the other has sounded an alert, as a new set of alarms start blaring.


Seeing Tarlan pull at their blasters the pilots shout He's a Jedi!.

With their CO down, and seeing that the intruders are tougher targets than expected, the naval troops focus their fire on three targets, the Mandalorian, the one the pilots are saying is a Jedi, and the one who dropped their CO. They score two hits on the Mandalorian(12 energy, 11 energy), miss against the alleged Jedi, and miss against the one who shot their CO.

2011-01-19, 04:20 PM
"Take fire at individual targets. Don't waste your shots by pumping blaster bolts into a single target." Hogekan said. As he did, he split his attention to two of the naval troopers, firing a shot at each. "And for Force's sake! Don't go showing off your force powers to anyone who can spread word about it. We don't need Imperial hunters after us."

2011-01-19, 05:20 PM
Zyralis winces, staggering with the impact as he looks around for suitable cover. Finding none nearby, he makes a yanking motion and an enormous shipping crate smashes into place between himself and the Imperials.

2011-01-20, 12:46 AM
Karak turns to blast the tech with the comlink, hopefully he can at least limit the knowledge anyone else might have of them.

2011-01-21, 04:40 AM
"Don't fire on civilians, you coward!" Tarlan scowls at Karak as he increases his pace a bit and sticks the muzzle of the heavy blaster in the face of the pilot that is still armed
"Think of your widow and fatherless children..."
the other gun pointed at the unarmed pilot waiting for him to lay down on the ground with hands above his head

2011-01-22, 03:02 AM
Meialla reaches a hand to Zyralis, with a concerned look on her face, while using Force Heal on him.

"Are you alright, Z?!" she asks, calling over the alarms and occasional blaster fire.

2011-01-22, 11:04 PM
Zyralis redirects one of the bolts that would have hit him, then gestures, Force-hauling a large crate from near the wall to block the Imperial naval troopers from having clear shots at him.

Meialla continues focusing on empowering the group with the Force as she channels soothing energy into Zyralis.

Hogekan continues his two-gun mojo as he fires at and drops two of the naval troopers with bolts to the chest as the remaining armed pilot fires a shot at Tarlan that goes wide before Karak puts a bolt in between the shoulderblades of the tech with the comlink out, dropping him, while the freshly unarmed pilot starts to backpedal away from Tarlan and the others.

Tarlan levels his blasters at the helmets of the pilots as he advances towards them, telling them to drop their weapons and surrender as the door to the control room seals behind the second tech.

The remaining naval troopers fire off another inaccurate volley at the group.

2011-01-23, 03:35 PM
"They aren't civilians. They are contracted military personnel. Who do you think designs all those nice ships of terror for the Empire?" Hagoken commented, gunning down two of the naval troopers that had fired at Tarlan.

2011-01-23, 04:17 PM
The blue-armored Zyralis pokes his head around his makeshift cover at the remaining naval troops. Making a fist with his free hand, he yanks at the weapon of the closest trooper.

2011-01-23, 07:28 PM
"I know who made the ships. Still, they're not carrying guns, so they are civilians as far as I'm concerned. Their deaths are unnecessary and should be avoided. Although I know better, I still hope that the day I am captured, I will be treated with some respect, not butchered for convenience"
A look at Tarlan indeed shows he knows better: his many scars testifying to endless hours of torture

2011-01-23, 07:34 PM
"Do you really think the Empire will give you that honor? DID YOU FORGET THE TEMPLE? DID YOU FORGET THE YOUNGLINGS THEY SLAUGHTERED?" Hagoken was shouting now.

2011-01-23, 07:37 PM
"Well, if you think me killing this pilot will bring them back to life, I'm certainly willing to try!" Tarlan smiles as he puts the gun at the still armed (and presumably shooting) pilot to the neck of the pilot

2011-01-23, 07:43 PM
Karak speaks for the first time, This debate would be far better suited for a moment when we are not in combat. His voice sounds synthesized, as all Ubeses' do, but it is a little less gritty, and more real sounding than most. As soon as he has finished speaking, Karak moves with inhuman speed towards the door.

(Following is assuming he can reach the door)

He then proceeds to open the door, then enters and aims his blaster at the tech, stating, Stop.

2011-01-26, 03:19 PM
Meialla taps Zyralis on the shoulder.

"I can already see that getting us in there will be tough enough at this point, and we don't have time to lose. I'm going to Phase in there. Try to keep them distracted by tossing crates at the viewports, or something. I know you can do it, Z!" she says, then smiles and runs off towards the control center.

2011-01-28, 05:59 PM
Hogekan drops two more troopers with shots to the chest, as the pilot being menaced by Tarlan turns, dropping his pistol and sprinting for the near wall, as does the second pilot.

Karak starts to run towards the hangar control room's door, and notices a flicker as though a shield has been activated over it.

Warning. Warning. Magcon Field shutdown and Hangar Decompression in one minute. Repeat Magcon Field Shutdown and Hangar Decompression in one minute. Warning. Warning.


Initiatives to go in this round: Tarlan, (remaining) Imp Troopers, Zyrael and Meialla.
Rounds to go before decompression: 9

2011-01-30, 05:14 AM
"At last things are getting interesting" Tarlan says, pulling out a vacum survival pouch and walking swiftly to the control room door

2011-01-30, 07:58 PM
Tarlan starts to move towards the hangar control room as well, he notices the flickering over the door as well. The flickering aura does not appear to cover the control panel adjacent to the door.

The Naval troopers ripple off another volley at the three closest to the control room door, missing widely, then turn and run towards the middle hangar exit as Zyralis rips the blaster from one of them as an afterthought.
Meialla heads for the hangar control room, noticing the flickering aura over the door as well.

2011-02-23, 04:10 PM
Zyralis turns to the closing door. With a clehnched fist, he brings the might powers ot the Force to bear, thw swirling energies attempting to rip the door open like a tin can.
