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View Full Version : Genius:TG and NWoD Question

2011-01-17, 12:22 PM
Do Geniuses count as supernatural creatures for interacting with other, non-normal humans (such as mages, vampires, prometheans, etc)? Are they able to perceive them normally, or would a wonder be required for this?

2011-01-17, 12:30 PM
Genius's are very much supernatural. They wouldn't generate paradox for a mage, or get lunacy from a werewolf. The general definiton of supernatural is "Does it have a supernatural stat, ie Wyrd?" As Genii run off Inspiration, they are. Hunters and Psychics are about the only ones where it's not quite clear if they'd be affected as such or not, as they stradle the definitions.

2011-01-17, 01:05 PM
Ok. So can a Genius see supernaturals? The description for the apokolypsi axiom makes it seem like you need a 2 rank wonder to see them.

2011-01-19, 08:45 PM
Well, they don't know that they're a supernatural just by looking. They can tell if something is powered by mania (mostly by the feel of the air I rule), but get no such feeling about vampires or werewolves, other than going "huh, a giant wolf thats trying to eat me; hypothesis: not good".

Genius's have no special bodily functions of anykind, no x-ray vision, no superhuman toughness, everything they have is in their head and their 90-degree veiwpoint to the world. They can't see the supernatural, but they make up for it by having the most ridiculous power level of anything in WoD.

As a side note, are there any house rules you use when playing? I'm quite interested in how you use it. Personally I feel Automata+Assembly Line is terifyingly broken, as an entire oneshot was solved by dogpiling everything they came across with 5ft tall bullet-proof teddy bears.

2011-01-19, 08:49 PM
No house rules, but when I play anything I always go for cool over broken.

The ST settled on letting me make a pair of Apokalypsi-2 glasses that can detected supernaturals, but any sort of concealment ability will be invisible to it.