View Full Version : Noster Duce Tutus Eris IC

2011-01-17, 12:36 PM
It is one week after the party finally achieved victory over their enemies, becoming the undisputed masters of a kingdom that had now doubled in size and population. We left the city surrounded by masses of cheering people, who had for the most part welcomed our liberation, possibly due to the fact that there was no more war and we were the most powerful beings in known civilization, so they had better be happy, or because they were glad of their new-found freedoms. Either way, most people seemed just thrilled to finally have a leader, and the party sailed off with an honor guard and hundreds of thousands of GP worth of Crown Jewels after feasts and parades.

You are out of sight of land, but sort of theoretically within a day or two of rowboat distance from land. Unfortunately, a freak storm has caused delays in your trip, as most of the time, your ship has to sail against gale-force winds, in rain and heavy waves. On the positive side, the captain is a Legendary Captain, and while there certainly has been more spray than anyone would consider pleasant, the ship has handled every wave without so much as a roll or a wash of seawater coming across the deck.

You start anywhere aboard the ship you choose.

2011-01-17, 02:08 PM
Doom Pixie would be inside the cabin they had, enjoying the time to not be out in the rain and wind, studying the coastlines. She had trouble flying in it, and wasn't very keen on the idea of being out in the wet windy cold. It was such a pain that they couldn't simply teleport home, although she was quite willing to NOT blow her entire load of spells so as to teleport the rest of the government the hell out of this ship in case it started sinking.

2011-01-19, 07:40 PM
Orin Stonereaver Kovenson

Grimacing in the rain spraying across his face, Orin huddled farther into the bit of protection afforded by the small overhang between the forecastle and main deck of the newly renamed ship Triumphant Procession.
Fairly typical for dwarf, save for the green eyes which ran in his clan, and his armor. To most people, dwarven armor was dwarven armor, but even they would have noticed the unusual lines of this suit. Well forged and well fitted, the armor actually looked rather like it had a face on both front and back. The rondels of the pauldrons forming the eyes, the stop-rib centered over his sternum forming a nose, and the articulation between upper and lower forming a mouth. If you turned your mind right, it almost looked as if the short chain mail drape hanging from his waist to protect the joints while walking almost looked like a short, trimmed, beard.
And like many dwarves, this one was definitely unhappy about being on a boat.

<Orin, I don't see why you're so miserable.> A voice said into his head. <This is nothing like that cavern you were and the others were slogging through for two weeks chasing those squid-faces. Remember? Water never lower than your knees, most nights everyone drove stakes into the stone and slept lashed to those, standing up? Just to make sure you wouldn't drown?>

<You forgot that we had to set two watches. In case someones bindings slipped and he fell into the water. > Orin responded.

<Exactly! Remember Hargan? First night she didn't drive the stake in far enough. Fell over, and didn't wake up. Almost drowned before you got her ropes cut. After that, there were two to each watch just so someone could hold someone's head out of the water.>

<You also forgot something else important Armour. The ground didn't move under us.> Orin paused to lean over and retch into a bucket. <Here, it's nothing but movement.>

<And you're throwing up! If you wear that ring, you don't even need to eat, and barely sleep, remember??> There was a note of challenge in the voice.

<And instead I'll be dry heaving for the entire trip, without being able to even escape by sleeping. No thank you Armour.>

<And that's another thing! Why do you keep calling me Armour? Just pick a name and use that. Armour is just a description. Like someone coming up to you and saying "Hello Dwarf". And couldn't you at least go back into one of the cabins? I don't want to rust.>

<Then choose a name for yourself Armour. Why don't you choose your own name? You're not a pet, it's not up to other people to name you. And you're not going to rust, even if I drop you in the ocean for the next hundred years.> Orin took a small swig of water to rinse out his mouth, then a larger one intended to quench his thirst.

< "Not a pet, not a pet." So what? I'm a thing, your uncle made me for you, a gift for becoming a Barakor. If I'm your possession, then you can name me.>

<Fine, then I name you Armour. And I'll keep calling you that until you chose your own name.> Orin took a bite off a loaf of bread, smirking through a full mouth.

<Gah!> Orin could feel Armour fuming through their connection. <Well let's play some chess while we wait.> Out loud, it said, "Advance the white pawn, c2 to c3."

<Shh! Lets play tomorrow, but right now I'm too sick to play.> Orin looks around, trying to determine if anyone else was close enough to hear the voice and realize it didn't come from the throat of a dwarf. < And not out loud. The others don't know you yet Armour.>

2011-01-21, 12:36 AM
At the helm of the ship was the former merchant captain Barlowe, who was officially a commodore at this point. But, he wasn't the kind to let some other, less capable, non-legendary captain take Triumphant Procession before he did, especially on THIS cruise.

It was far less gratifying to know he could handle this ship in this miserable weather with both eyes closed and one hand tied behind his back than he thought it would be, but given the value of the cargo - both in terms of people and treasure - he was refraining from doing any such thing. He shouted commands to the crew, who scurried about as the ship changed directions. It wasn't the rain or the waves, it was the wind.

2011-01-22, 01:10 AM
As she was accustomed to doing, as surely as the trying drawstring of her pants, fastening the buttons on a blouse, or chewing a leaf of mint for her breath, Cora grasped the wooden charm at the end of a bracelet, carved into the likeness of a skull and fireball, as white as her pale skin and red as her hair, respectively, and utters the words of a spell. Though the small woman was always handsome, after the casting ended, she was radiant, her suddently more perfect bone structure accentuated, her hair almost like a tumbling waterfall of flames, her skin like that of no living creature; her beauty transcended the elegant poise and fair features that were her own, into the otherworldly beauty of a goddess of vanity, as though envy took green as its colour in jealous honour of her eyes. Her next spell, expending more of the grim power Wee Jas invested in her, would protect her from spells throughout the day, but offered no such dramatic changes to her appearance.

Cora let her face find its way into a frown; she loved the sea, and would like to be on the deck to look out on it for the last part of her morning ritual. Taking a small wad between her small fingers, Cora packed the pipeweed, something much like what we would call tobacco today, into the bowl of a similarly small pipe. Though she stood half as tall as the shortest crewman, if that, Cora wouldn't seem small to look at her; craning one's head downward to meet her gaze, the world went camera obscura, and one would be almost certain one was looking up, for a surreal moment or a few. Especially after taking up the visage of Wee Jas, the little halfling with her little dimples and hair in tiny braids, cut more imposing a figure than any hulking orc. As impassive and orderly as death herself, that sombre lady, Cora often surprised those around her with the easy mirth that came when she lit and puffed at the pipe her people so seemed to adore. Her smile was particularly warm, this morning, as she blew a few rings of smoke toward the rainy sky she knew awaited above the ceiling of the room; today would be the last day she would have to smoke the pipe inside.

Cora was self-sufficient, having grown up poor long before she learned her gifts, and wasn't the type to, as some powerful mages and clerics she had met, let her magic do her work for her. With a few exceptions necessitated by pragmatism, if Cora tore her clothes, she sewed them herself. If her picnic was rained upon, she packed her food and returned. So it had taken her a few days, and some swalling of a strange pride, to prepare a spell to do away with the wailing wind and rapping rain alike; she'd miss the sound of the latter on her window, though, but the storm would knit itself back together when her magic dissipated, she imagined. As the embers of her pipeweed burned lower, she tapped the ash out into her hand, and, smiling as she did almost every time, she hummed in a high, ethereal tone the tune of a funeral hymn she learned long ago. It stayed on her lips as she mounted the stairs to the deck, where she found her way to the Commodore, though she somehow suspected he'd still prefer to be called "Captain" than his true title; however, as was her idiom, she called him neither.

"Mister Barlowe," Cora said, smiling a girlish grin that seemed like skipping stones and swimming in still summer lakes, "how about the weather the weather this morning?" The bloodred braids, pulled back into a pony tail, had begun already to droop with the weight of water, though each strand shone softly. Their captain, hopefully, took the meaning of her dry comment; she had mentioned yesterday that she could do away -- temporarily, at least -- with the storm, if he so chose. Respectfully, she awaited his go-ahead to begin her spell; he hadn't told her how to cast her spells, and she wouldn't tell him to how to captain the ship. Whoever ranked higher, her magic was, here, at his service.

2011-01-22, 03:49 PM
"You can try if you want, me Lady, but our Wind Sin'er has had no such luck tryin' t' control THIS storm. T' Stormcaster might complain, but I won't."

The (mostly) good captain spared the halfling a smile, then began to tack the ship, concentrating on it for a small period of time. To be honest, he had no particular idea why his otherwise fully capable bard ship's mate had been unable to control the weather as he had done without fail in the past, but most of his experience with magic came from watching other people doing it and his cloak enchanted with prestidigitation, which kept him dry and warm during the storms. This had just come out of nowhere a few days ago, and he didn't like it. It didn't take a very high Profession(Sailor) check for him to figure out that thrice-damned magic had something to do with this.

"This storm be not natural. I would stake me honor on it... and th' men know it too. They be worried."

He coughed, then muttered something that sounded like dry me. He did certainly seem to be less wet from the shoulders down, and would continue to partially dry out bit by bit.

2011-01-22, 09:53 PM
In the meantime, aboard the first of the enemy ships, spoken mostly in Draconic...

"They are late."

"Apologies, my dread lords."

"No. Your experience as a captain lead you to question my judgment, and it was in haste that you were punished. Bash-Bash, you may remove your curse on the master of this vessel."

The former was clearly a Venerable Black Dragonwrought kobold - apparently, a wizard, judging from his dress. Beside him were two other equally ancient kobolds, and even a few humans. The one named Bash-Bash, who wielded a mace and who was dressed in armor, nodded, then pointed his weapon at the captain and spoke.

"Hold Monster!"

The captain's look froze into that of one of horror, and the first Kobold gave him a toothy grin before the three closed in around him.

2011-01-23, 07:58 PM
Cora bit her lip, and, under her breath, swore an oath particular to her goddess. "Your honour is intact, then, Mr. Barlowe," she said with her best smile, "and your men are wise to be wary. Someone's casting the same spell I aimed to, just within a couple miles; moreover, he or she saw fit to set contingencies, some alerting him or her when I tried to do away with it, the others, I can't be certain. I doubt any would be any more pleasant, for any of us. If anything, less so. Enemies are close by, stand wary and alert the crew. If they are are pirates, they're damn good ones; if not, we may want to start setting some contingencies of our own."

Cora set off at once, to begin warning her fellow (former?) adventurers. Together, she didn't think they had much to fear, but their jewels and a crew of decent men weren't so lucky. She wasn't exactly afraid of death, for herself or others, but she was fond of Barlowe and some of the others, and would rather they meet her matron at a later, more pragmatically convenient, time.

2011-01-23, 08:12 PM
Barlowe nodded.

"You wouldn't know how many we're against or where, would you?"

Not bothering to wait for the answer, he proceeded to shout out orders to the crew. One of the men rushed across the deck and disappeared under the cargo hold; moments later, bells were ringing and the whole crew, including the honor guard of veteran soldiers coming along with their rulers, were readying their weapons and getting into position as the captain supervised and swore, giving orders to his officers as they proceeded down the chains of command.

With the noise, it would be evident to everyone aboard that there was likely to be action soon.

2011-01-23, 10:21 PM

This weather is the result of a spell, rather than ill fortune or the humors of the sea bitch? He takes and spits out another mouthfull of water as he stood to his feet. Thank ye lass.
I'll sing out if I see anything, he tells her retreating back as he walks to the gunwales, looking over the side into the wind.
<That goes for you too Armour. Make sure to alert me if you see something.>
<Aye aye mon capitaine!> Armour shouts in his head, obviously over its frustration at losing their earlier discussion.

Orin Spot:[roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-01-24, 06:45 PM
"...ringing? What the hell?"

Doom Pixie would look up and out the window, frowning a little. Her permanent image followed her, and she took the time to look under the door before figuring out what the hell was happening. After realizing what had gone on, she opened the door and immediately held onto it, casting a wind wall and then persisting it so as to allow her to not immediately be blown away.

Naturally, she would remain invisible as she flew towards wherever Rozen was, though her Image would be seen flying above and across the ship, about eight feet by three feet off from where she actually was. Squishy sorcerers liked tanks to hide behind and liberally apply buffs to, and it was more than likely that Rozen had a plan involving a creative use of telekinetic force and floating disc to try to solo whatever the hell it was bothering them THIS time when they had just won the war that had been brewing for ages.

[EDIT: He totally did, too, I'm not hinting. Otherwise I would have just said "because he was the only other person she trusted to do the right thing." :P]

2011-01-26, 01:22 AM

Has anyone noticed anything? He calls out after a few minutes at his position on the windward gunwale.
Cora, are you sure this storm is the result of someone working their magics? Can you tell anything else? Like how far the bugger is, who or what he is? He spits. I've yet to seen anything so far.
<I don't see anything> Armour shouts in his ear.
I know you don't he grumbles out loud.

spot: [roll0]

2011-01-26, 12:54 PM
The captain seemed sort of confused. If she could sense a spell, logically, enemies would be nearby. But nobody could see them... Underwater. The skies. After all, nobody in their right mind would...

The ship would suddenly slow down, and then shudder and groan, almost as though something had attached itself to the ship to slow it down for something underwater that was very big to ram against it. This wouldn't normally be a problem, but given that the ship was now sideways to a very large wave...

[roll0], DC 30...

...which it weathered, the captain managing to keep the ship level. Barely.

While the ship would remain slowed down inexplicably, there would be a slight crest of water speeding away from the ship on Orin's side; he would be able to spot a single large Kraken-like tentacle nearly breaking the surface. Clearly, whatever it was that had rammed them was preparing for another shot.

2011-01-26, 01:32 PM
Though the storm and other elements raged all around the ship, below decks in his room, Rozen sat indian style in the middle of his floor. His hands rested upon his knees, palms turned up and glowing ghostly orbs of power emitting from them like calm flames. At the moment he was meditating. Balancing himself mentally, keeping his powers stable and ready.

He fit the image of the psion and a gentleman. Short, salt and pepper hair, a trimmed mustache and goatee and a medium sized build. His skin was lightly tanned with wrinkles around his cheeks and along his forehead - suggesting he tended to frown more often than not.

Despite his deep meditation, somewhere in there he realized - sensed - the impending danger around him. This did not concern him as it would a novice. He did not get as far as he was now as a warrior by allowing himself to panic at the slightest hint of disaster. Rozen certainly didn't carry himself as anything other than collected and firm.

Once his "mental balancing" was complete, Rozen opened his eyes, each one filled with the same ghostly flame. The knock at the door caught his attention - didn't he mention that he didn't want to be disturbed during in his time of solitude? With a lightly grunt he rose to his feet and gathered together his robes. Rather than his normal armor, Rozen white a long robe with special symbols upon it.

With little thought, he opened the door...

2011-01-26, 04:36 PM
"I think we're under attack. Recon?"

Doom Pixie had flown down and was sort of hovering near the door, dagger already in hand. She didn't seem particularly happy, or dry.

"The dwarf is looking around. Here's to hoping whatever it is isn't big..."

Short post was short.

2011-01-26, 05:43 PM
A cloaked shape shambles up from the hold, hood covering its face.

"Well, I'm ready." It says in a rasping voice. "The moment something shows up, I'll head back under and put the finishing touch on my tricks."

It pauses, looking around.

"It seems like rough sailing, doesn't it?" It asks, before looking off past Orin.

"For the love of..." It mutters, pointing towards the shape and sending five invisible missiles of force directly at it.

...I cast Magic Missile at the creature.

CL check, if needed: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1] Force damage.

2011-01-26, 05:52 PM
"In all the hells," Cora swore as the ship rocked and slowed and jostled like a drunken child. "Did something just ram us?" Something akin to genre awareness, the sort built up through having heard enough songs about oneself, struck Cora as she recalled, glumly, that she was going to get rid of the storm and smoke her pipe on the deck, as of a few hours ago. Now she was buffeted by winds and waves woven from magic, and presumably something more mundane; she didn't see any ships, however. . .

"Did anyone see what that was?" she asked the assembled crewman, though her gaze fixed itself primarily on Orin, who had earned more trust than the collection of sailors.

"What preparations have you undertaken?" she asked her cloaked ally. Thanks to her divine powers, so closely connected to the fabric of death, she'd operate most effectively around him.

2011-01-26, 06:21 PM

"I saw the bloody thing," he growls. "A giant squid I think. I only saw a part of a tentacle, but what I saw was as thick around as the first mates belly." He jerks a thumb back at the rotund first mate. "And it's coming back."

"Do you know why dwarves hate the sea?" Orin asked everyone and no one, strapping his urgrosh into his gauntlet. A gauntlet colored blue as the sea and decorated with a wave motif. "It's not the pitching deck, or the cawing gulls, but that we never have the opportunity to practice swimming as lads like the rest of ye. Now what do you ye think would happen when that's no longer an issue?"

The first may have been a rhetorical question as others had an opportunity to answer. But the second was definitely a rhetorical. A last gesture set his shield to hovering at his side and doublechecked the positioning of a large cabochon saphire set into his cuirass. And without further ado, Orin dives into the water, placing himself between the ship and the monster, a good 30 feet from the hull of the ship.

Initiative: [roll0]

2011-01-26, 06:39 PM
Mid-jump, Armour starts screaming in Orin's head.
<You daft fool! Are you trying to get killed, or just trying to see how good my rust protection will be after two centuries on the ocean bottom! Why are you taking this thing on alone?? That's why you've got ALLIES! And how much did this little jump just cost you? Oh I don't know, how about ALL of your scrolls and maps? Unless you get out quick, they're going to be ruined.
No no no, don't mind me being the voice of reason. Just continue with your suicidal plan. The others will be fine being the 3 pillars of Minoc.>

2011-01-27, 01:03 AM
The captain watched Orin jump overboard and facepalmed really, really hard. The ship creaked slightly as he did so.

Several soldiers tried to fire on the Kraken. The wind made such a thing impossible, and nobody else was foolish enough to jump into the water after Orin.

The Kraken's tentacles would jerk as though they had been punched. It still appeared to be relatively healthy.

?????? was surprised and flat-footed to see Orin adroitly maneuvering in the water - not too surprised to see which of the prey this one was, but thought travelled faster than reflex. Upon recognizing the figure, its eyes opened more, gleaming with a cunning plan of loot and a fun-sized protein bar for later when he was hungry. Although it had certainly been caught unaware, Orin was facing the other direction, so it was remaining ??????? and entirely safe for now.

??????, on the other hand, didn't care, and its reactions were not so slow. Again, it was entirely concealed so a Spot check wouldn't even matter, but it had plans for the fleshy air-breather to show it the paradise beneath the seas. Only the force of sheer DM fiat, causing time to slow down to the quantum level in order to allow the rest of the party time to decide if they wanted in on this particular battle or not so as to not screw up initiative.

2011-01-27, 03:55 AM
"Dwarves," Cora muttered with a shake of her head, though those to the front of her saw it was matched with an honest and heartfelt grin. She was about to inform him he didn't need to learn to swim, since she could let him walk on the water as though it were land, when he hurled himself into the churning sea. "I suppose we should assist the poor fellow. He's a little man and it is a giant squid." Her mind goes, as soon as she finishes speaking, to selecting the spell most tactically advantageous; unless the giant squid was casting the weather control and contingency spells (which was not altogether impossible, but hardly likely, either), there were other threats to consider.

Initiative: [roll0]

2011-01-30, 05:32 PM
Initiative, rolled.

Doom Pixie didn't so much as wait for Rozen to reply.


She pointed at him, then flew five feet closer towards the exit, wind blowing various items here and there as she waited. She was freaking antsy, and wanted to spam mass death on the monsters who dared threaten them.

"Hurry up, human. The rest of them will be done before you're dressed."

It was a friendly taunt.


Up on the surface, the crew began to shout and murmur, clearly afraid of their deaths. Most of the soldiers and the like aboard, however, remained outwardly calm and grasped their weapons tighter.

The Elder Water Elemental really didn't care one way or the other about the people on board, but it had been summoned for a reason. It had been told what to do if anyone jumped overboard, and the ship had already been stopped.

Besides, it reasoned to itself, very few air-breathing meat sacks will get a chance to study the beauty of the deep before they die.

It shifted form into a vortex around the front half of the ship, swirling and thrashing violently. This would not be good for the Dwarf caught in the sudden attack, and, after a second or two, would flee straight down underwater, presumably dragging Orin along with it, down about three hundred and twenty feet.

Either way, being caught in the sudden vortex would whirl Orin around like the dickens, which would happen to turn him around enough to see a dragon crawling its way around the bottom of the ship, looking at him in complete surprise.

[Two Reflex saves, DC 31. The first is for 2d8 damage, the second is to see if you can resist going along.

Creatures trapped in the vortex cannot move except to go where the elemental carries them or to escape the whirlwind. Creatures caught in the whirlwind can otherwise act normally, but must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + spell level) to cast a spell. Creatures caught in the whirlwind take a -4 penalty to Dexterity and a -2 penalty on attack rolls.

2011-01-30, 10:51 PM

Caught in a sudden whirlpool and sucked deep underwater, looks up in surprise at the dragon.
<What in the bloody hell is after us?> He demanded
<Well> drawled Armour, <I see a kraken, and a dragon. And I'm seeing eyes swirling around us. Do you?>
<Eyes? A monster of water?>
<An elemental you dolt. Try and get free, or kill the bugger.>
Beast! Orin mouthes the words underwater, not knowing or caring if the creatures can understand him. You will not find me so easy prey!

Get +2 insight on attack and damage against all 3. See OOC post
Power attack for 10.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack 3: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack 4: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Damage from elemental [roll8]

2011-01-30, 11:09 PM
The whirlpool would darken, almost as though the creature were bleeding. Orin would be able to tell his first three blows landed from the resulting spins and hitting something more solid than just water.

It still seemed to be alive, however, and on its way down since I'm just going to say for the sake of narrative convenience that Orin is attacking while the vortex is moving since it makes more sense that way.

2011-01-30, 11:56 PM
Rozen willed his armor to form upon his body and briskly exited his quarters, heading above deck. Once on the ships deck the wind and the heavy rain hit him with great force - it was a sharp contrast to the calm below deck. His focus, increasing with each breath he took, was unshaken.

There wasn't much he could do against a sea-creature, but he could use his special powers to ward off any tentacles that sought to wreck the deck or snatch away any of the crew.

2011-02-01, 03:32 PM
The cloaked figure lets out a curse, turning to whoever was closest to the entrance to the hold.

"Go down there and grab the gem near me! Bring it up here!" He says, before muttering something and... Walking down the side of the boat.

Action: Cast False Gravity on myself. Move down the side of the boat, to see what's beneath.

2011-02-02, 02:54 PM
Selecting the right spell is, of course, a very careful process; firstly, one has to consider tactical advantage. Then, of course, one must consider the work involved. In example, Cora was not certain how many foes, or what sort, were present, so wasting a devastating assault on a giant squid might be unwise, if more powerful players came onto the scene. Similarly, launching a barrage of weaker spells at a single foe would simply be effort she did not (having only had her first pipe smoke of the day, and broken her fast only much more likely than she would care to) wish to expend. Finally, seeking out knowledge on her foes would require moving closer to them, which not only involved some danger, but also involved going under-water, and she had taken the time to do her hair. This left the agreeable and efficient option of having something else do both her reconnaissance and combat for her. As she finishes the motions and words of her prayer, she begins to tap her foot impatiently, awaiting the arrival of three water elementals near the kraken-or-squid. Boredom, is, after all, the refuge of the adventuress who trusts no harm will come to her comrades, though they may charge alone, beneath the waves, towards a giant squid, walk down the side of a ship, or otherwise seem to have taken leave of their senses.

Action: Summon Monster VIII to summon three huge water elementals.

2011-02-04, 08:45 PM
Said figure would soon find that a black dragon was hanging off the side of the boat, not paying attention to the newcomer. It would be presumed that the undead being would not be just walking directly onto the dragon due to common sense.

Listen: , but it would automatically pass.

It wouldn't bother attacking the zombie - it'd simply make a full attack on the ship, tearing it several new, less useful holes.

[roll]1d20+ 33 Bite [roll1]
[roll2] Claws [roll3]
[roll4] Claws [roll5]
[roll6] Wings [roll7]
[roll8] Wings [roll9]
[roll10] Tail Slap [roll11]

The dwarf could/would make its own way up. Forget chasing. If it died it could be an un-tasty undead. A shame, but oh well.

The Kraken would keep fleeing. It seemed the Dominate spell had worn off, or it was just smart enough to run while it could. Or maybe it was unrelated.

2011-02-04, 08:46 PM



Ship is holed. Captain automatically passes the check. Next is DC 16.

2011-02-05, 12:40 AM

Reaching deep within his soul, Orin draws upon the force of law granted by Gorm Gulthyn. Newly empowered, he strikes out at the elemental currently trying to drag him to a watery grave.
<Now monster, you will fall by hand and return to your watery home.>

Swift action to activate law devotion. +7 sacred bonus to attack rolls for next minute. May switch to defense if desired at start of turn as a free action.
Knowledge Devotion:Get +2 insight on attack and damage against all 3.

Power attack for 15.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack 3: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack 4: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Damage from elemental [roll8]

2011-02-05, 11:07 AM
Oh boop: Distracted DM casts Lesser Retconjuration so as to keep initiative order.

Doom Pixie simply moved, and would stick near the mast.

The Elder Water Elemental would keep going down and vortexing, its run speed going from tripe to quadruple. Orin would be entitled to the same saves and subject to the same damage.

With Orin's third blow, the water would tighten and the vortex would let out a keen howl, then rapidly shunt him to the very bottom as the maelstrom turned into bubbles and foam.

One Elder Water Elemental, down. Orin would eventually slow down of his own accord and stop before he sunk below 850 feet (as in, somewhere between 790-840 feet, or 3 rounds to swim back to the surface.)

2011-02-11, 03:32 PM
Rozen had been standing on the deck of the ship for some time now, simply gathering focus as chaos ensued around him. It was amazing the amount of concentration a psion could have even in a situation like this.

With his focus built up to the right level, he waited for the kraken to make another run at the ship. That is when he'd attack. His aim here would be to 'grasp' one of the tentacles and pinch it off with his mind.

2011-02-14, 09:50 PM
A blurbled curse is let out as the cloaked figure removes its hood, revealing a mostly intact skull with glowing eyes.

"Vnelgeh' aoapaysc!" It blurbles, before releasing a pair of... eye beams at the dragon.


Swift action: Cast Assay Spell Resistance, gaining +10 on all CL checks to overcome the dragon's SR for the next minute and a half.

Full round action: Discharge my "Ocular Shivering Touch"s.

Ranged touch attack for the first one: [roll0]

CL check v. SR 1: [roll1]

Damage 1: [roll2] Dex damage

Ranged touch attack for the second: [roll3]

CL check v. SR 2: [roll4]

Damage 2: [roll5] Dex damage

Free action: Laugh at the now immobilized dragon.

Yes, I play dirty.

2011-02-23, 02:51 PM
"Mm, I wonder if it's running away or trying to ram us? Well, curiosity killed the kraken, let's hope," Cora beamed to no-one in particular, her smile adding endearing dimples to elegantly rouged cheeks, even as words of power slipped out from between her grinning lips. "Just in case, then," she sais, running her hand through her hair, before walking over to others in her party or crew and giving nonchalant, reassuring pats on the back or shoulder. . . or, rather, the lower-back or elbow, in most cases.

Casts Water Walking, on herself and anyone else she can reach during the round, with priority given to party members.

2011-02-23, 07:23 PM
The dragon was illuminated by a golden glow, and arched his back, then arrowed off of the boat, using it as cover to get distance on the wizard. While it had certainly expected there to be attempts to drain its DEX, it had rather expected to not have to blow all of its charges for that particular Rod.

It snarled and whirled, ready to start punching holes in the boat from a distance with its acid breath.

[Why, yes, the Old One has a thought-activated Rod of Bodily Restoration.]

Doom Pixie would wave off Cora's incoming spell, not interested in walking on water when she could breathe it and had a swim speed.

"Quickened Message! Haste!"

She'd point her fingers about at the party, and would gesture in the direction of the corpse and alcoholic. After all, just because she couldn't see them didn't mean they wouldn't benefit from a communications relay.

"Dwarf. Corpse wizard. If you can hear me, what are we fighting?"

She had no way of knowing how deep either of them were, and would prefer to not have to wait for a reply from either of them. Either way, the entire party would be hasted (aside from Orin, sucks for range), as would the captain, his storm wizard, and various other strong-looking crew members who she thought would benefit from it - twelve in total.

2011-02-23, 08:58 PM
Free Action
That dragon is still there. And there's a small army of kobolds down here. I should reach the surface in a 20 count, they'll be about a minute behind me. Don't ask how many of them there are, I'm not hanging around to count.
I'd say a good half have crossbows, the rest tridents and other melee. At least some of the weapons are magic, I can see the glow from here. They could sink the boat on their own I think.
Now is anyone going to help me with that bloody dragon?

Striving for all his might, Orin pulls hard, swimming for the surface with all his might, and activates one charge from his belt for just a little more speed.
<Aren't you glad I convinced you to buy that little belt?> Armour asked in his head.

Run action, swim 240 feet, plus another 60 feet for activating 1 charge on his belt of battle.

2011-02-25, 04:54 PM
Rozen closed his eyes, then opened them, looked at the ship, then the sea, and sighed.


He focused his mind on his mental picture of Orin, then, with the image in mind, turned towards the side of the ship where Orin had gone off, and raised his hand up, using his telekinetic powers to bring the dwarf to the surface and towards the ship, where assorted sailors with Readied Actions would throw down the rope for Orin to grab, then haul him back aboard.

2011-03-07, 03:56 PM
Focusing himself, the body gestures and burbles, a cage made of force appearing around the dragon.


Burn a use of Instant Metamagic to Quicken my Forcecage, surround the dragon with the 20 foot barred version, and then hit it with Avasculate.

Touch attack: [roll0]
SP check: [roll1]
If it fails a DC 28 fort save, it's reduced to half of it's current HP and is stunned for a round. If it succeeds, it's just reduced to half of its current HP.