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2011-01-18, 02:12 AM
Sons of Bjarki-

The Little Bear- Sons of Bjarki

Lumber| 300
Food| 300
Iron| 200
Stone| 100
Wyrdstone| 100
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

A new day dawns on the lush green plains. On the horizon, a red sunrise peeks over strong grey mountains. Many miles away a deep, enigmatic forest looms over the horizon. A strong ocean breeze wafts through the plains, the smell of salt is pungent. A new age of man has begun, how will you rule?

After finally establishing a small settlement, you have sent out scouts to survey the land in detail. A full report entails the many wondrous resources and locations these lands have to offer.

The massive woodlands, which lie well out of reach, are thick with lumber. Establishing another settlement here, or building fortifications and roads will allow you to access the near limitless supply.

Many smaller copse lie closer to the coast. These can be harvested now, however they will dwindle with time.

Many reliable stone deposits have been found outside of the mountains. While there is fewer stones in the plains, they can be harvested now, rather then waiting to establish on the mountains pass.

A rare, pale-white lumber has been found growing in the woodlands far to the south. It is unrealistic to assume you can harvest it yet, however it's nature is far too alien and unique to be ignored.

Coal Mines! Three individual cache's have been found to the north and the west. These supplies are nothing near unlimited, but they will prove beneficial in the years to come.

A few silver veins have also been found within the plains. A rare commodity that will quickly enrich your empire.

A few copper deposits have been found. This will prove useful in maintaining metal stocks.

Finally, rare tropical vegetation and wildlife has been found along the coast. Both are limited, but will prove beneficial to your survival.



Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)

Volenbursh People!-

???- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 75
Stone| 100
Iron| 125
Food| 75
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 50
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 125
Swords| 50
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Agricultural Value| .00
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00

Among the rolling yellow plains, a bright white sun held high in the clouds, you awaken to a new age of man. Large mountains fill the panorama, criss-crossing rivers lining the land. A new age is upon you, how will you rule?

After establishing your first real settlement, your people send scouts to properly survey the lands. A full report returns within only a few months.

A massive forest hangs on the edge of your vision. This dense woodlands is currently too far away to successfully harvest from, without fortifications or trails to aid in logging efforts. However the supply seems endless, a glorious boon indeed.

Much stone fills the land, enough to survive on for a few centuries at least.

Many smaller copses line the plains, more then ample supply to get you buy for the time being.

A rare breed of foliage covers the land. These exotic white and black flowers have a putrid aroma, and taste horrid. There use is yet unknown.

A magnificent deposit of cinnabar has been found far off in the mountains. This resource is yet unattainable, but when finally aquired can prove immensely useful.

Few iron caches can be found lining the plains.

Cobalt, a curious metal, is abundant, and will be beneficial in the years to come.

GOLD! The very rivers that are scribbled along the world have shown to be a bounty of the rare metal.



- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)

Seven Spears Tribe-

???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 250
Food| 2500
Metals| 300
Stone| 200
Agricultural Value| .00
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00

A new age has come. Your people look about the mighty woods that house you, and protect and feed you. Pillars of light strike through gaps in the dark canopy, eluding to a bright, vibrant new day. A new age of man is upon us, how will you rule?

After your people have finished the settling of their first real town, a scouting expedition is called to survey the land. After only a couple months the scouts return baring good news of many wondrous resources.

The massive woodlands that house you are a source of endless lumber. Your people will not want when it comes to wood.

An unorthodox copse of yellow wood can be found deeper in the woodlands. This material is unique, and exotic. You do not yet know it's properties.

Copper deposits litter the near-by mountain pass, many lie along the base of the mountains, allowing you bountiful access.

Tin caches are also in abundance, complimenting well the copper.

Many exotic flora and fauna inhabit your woodland home. These animals range from powerful hunting predators, to rare and exotic pets.



- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6)
- Tin (10)
- Exotic Animals (10)


Magocracy- ???

Lumber| 100
Food| 400
Iron| 25
Stone| 100
Clothing| 50
Meterorite (Special)| 100
Gold| 50
Silver| 25
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 50
Agricultural Value| .00
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00

The sun rises high in the sky, the wind blows fierce, biting at your flesh. A new age of man is upon us, how will you rule?

After establishing your first settlement, your people begin a scouting expedition that will survey the land in depth. After many months your scouts return with wonderful news about the surrounding landscape.

Many copse line the lands, offering a bounty of lumber waiting to be harvested.

Stone is plentiful, there should be little reason to want, and much time will be spent mining.

The mountain range that lies well into the distance gifts you with a single, powerful resource. An endless supply of stone. Unfortunately it'd be unreasonable to attempt to harvest the materials from such a range. In due time, when you have established more of the land, this may become a reality.

A cache of beautiful gems has been found deep below the earth. You have access to rubies, which can prove beneficial in enriching your culture.

Lead is thick in these plains. While the metal is a crude one, and unfit for use in combat, it may still have many other uses.

A copper deposits was found not too far from the settlement. This material will prove beneficial to your people's survival.

Nickel, while also rare, is in more of abundance then copper.

The same mountains that lie so far out of touch hold many secrets. An endless supply of rare gems have been discovered, but there is yet a way to safely procure the supply.



- Lumber (6)
- Stone (6)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Rubies (1)
- Lead (8)
- Copper (1)
- Nickle (2)
- Rare Gems (1)(x) (Out of Range)

Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 250
Food| 300
Metals| 350
Stone| 200
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 50
Herbs| 50
Spices| 50
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00

The warriors of the misty isles awaken on this day, a new nation to the world, a young people full of aspirations. The sun rises above you, smiling upon you has you prepare to shape the earth. A new age of man is upon us, how will you change it?

After establishing your first settlement, your people send a large scouting party across the isles to assess your condition. A full report of available resources is returned in only a few months time.

Lumber and Stone are plentiful. While both are limited, they should well last you the centuries to come.

Copper deposits line some of the islands, giving you access to the weak, but useful material.

The isles that make up your home are comprised of a rare, silvery sand. The material is unique, that is certain, however it's properties are currently unknown.

A coal deposit was found. While not large, it can still be beneficial to survival.

Tin is bountiful in the lands, and will prove to be a reliable resource.

Finally, you are reported of a curious sea-beast. Whales surround the isles in massive amounts, their numbers seem unlikely to dwindle anytime soon.



- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)

The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 40
Food| 230
Iron| 60
Stone| 199
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

(Note: A few elements were removed, and a few combined with others. Fish was combined with food. Arrows were combined with bows.)

The next age of man is upon you, your people look to the horizon hopefully. You will soon be pitted against the elements, the very valley that houses you also threatens to swallow you whole. The mountains lining your view are traitreous and cold, but carry many useful minerals. The day is young, your people are wise, and a new age beckons you, how will you answer?

After establishing your first settlement, a scouting party is sent to survey the lands. After only a few months away, reports are brought about the surrounding landscape and the many resources it holds.

Lumber and Stone are both plentiful, and should prove difficult to deplete.

Equally so you have access to mighty mountain passes which are a prime source for stone. When you've furthered your established land, you should give thought to the endless bounty.

Both Iron and Copper litter the valley in droves. Plentiful are the supplies, but not endless.

Finally you are introduced to a collection of exotic spices. Already your people season their foods with these, and mix them in their drinks.

A rare vein of multi-hewed stone has been found. The material is stronger then normal stone, and comes in many shades both light and dark.



- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)

With that, let us begin. My first request is that you copy/paste your table (and please don't read others unless they allow it) in your first post. Include any information not already included such as technology, history, leadership, magic, etc.

Second, a quick clarification. (Out of Range) means that the resource is further then 20 miles, and is unrealistic to be harvested until you make another settlement / establishment to harvest and store it, plus roads to allow the shipment of it easier. (x) next to a resource means infinite for the current era. (#) such as 1-10 means how many available deposits there are of the resource. For example, Copper (2) means you have 2 seperate deposits that can be tended to, and harvested from, both require an establishment of some sort to use (mines, quarries, logging camp, farm, etc.)

Third, your first post should include any flavor related to your first turns actions. You can take any amount of actions you have available population / resources for. For example, if you were to state "I send 16 men to build a stone quarry, using 20 iron" then that would use up the listed resources, and would take as long as is deemed appropriate given the technologies/ resources / magics / misc. implied.

And finally, that nice little spoiler I made for all of you "Establishments" is there to simplify the names / flavor / misc. details of any of your settlements. So far you should only have 1. If you have any questions PM me or ask me over AIM.

happy gaming!

EDIT!!! OoC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10188867#post10188867)

EDIT: The part of your entry that is formatted as; Text- text, is supposed to be your settlement name, followed by your civilizations name. For example The Little Bear- Sons of Bjarki.

Some of you weren't too clear on a settlement name, or a cultural name, so I left some fields as ???.

2011-01-18, 04:49 AM
Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Fine Clay: 50
Woods: 200
Tamable Wild-life, dogs, Moa, etc 50
Herbs: 25
spices: 25
Food: 250
Metals: 200
Workable Stone: 200
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00

- Agriculture
- Crafting Metal
- Law
- Construction: wood
- Military
- Construction Metal
- Strong Military training
- Skilled farmers
- Animal husbandry (trained dogs)
- Herbal skills (poisons, basic medicines, pain relief.)


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)

The great chief of the Misty Isles, Karahoe, spoke to the gathering tribe as they looked over their new great lands. "We will make this place our home. This land, this is scared! We shall live in this land, and this land shall live in us. First we must shelters and collect food. Then we shall build great store rooms to keep our food and supplies safe."

The chief looked to the warriors of the tribe "We will need weapons to show our strength and valor."

300 men.
50 are to create a Logging site for wood, (50 Metal, 50 food)
25 are to create a copper road to the logging site (50 Metal, 25 food)
100 are to create two Farm stations (100 wood, 100 food)
50 are to create copper roads to Farm stations (50 metals, 50 food)
25 are to sit down, and work out how to get out on the sea to catch the whales (100 wood)
50 are to go out hunting taking the hunting dogs with them (50 Animals)


25 sitting workers are researching boats, in the hopes to have something to take out whale hunting.

Edit: Added actions.

Edit: Changed actions again.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-01-18, 02:12 PM
???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 40
Food| 230
Iron| 60
Stone| 199
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

(Note: A few elements were removed, and a few combined with others. Fish was combined with food. Arrows were combined with bows.)

The next age of man is upon you, your people look to the horizon hopefully. You will soon be pitted against the elements, the very valley that houses you also threatens to swallow you whole. The mountains lining your view are traitreous and cold, but carry many useful minerals. The day is young, your people are wise, and a new age beckons you, how will you answer?

After establishing your first settlement, a scouting party is sent to survey the lands. After only a few months away, reports are brought about the surrounding landscape and the many resources it holds.

Lumber and Stone are both plentiful, and should prove difficult to deplete.

Equally so you have access to mighty mountain passes which are a prime source for stone. When you've furthered your established land, you should give thought to the endless bounty.

Both Iron and Copper litter the valley in droves. Plentiful are the supplies, but not endless.

Finally you are introduced to a collection of exotic spices. Already your people season their foods with these, and mix them in their drinks.

A rare vein of multi-hewed stone has been found. The material is stronger then normal stone, and comes in many shades both light and dark.



- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)

Ioth, the leader of the Kellardian council, looked around at the temporary settlement, the people bustling in and out, and finally, at the mountains surrounding them. On the lakeshore, the first houses, high and made out of stone, began to fall into place.

60 Citizens building houses, 99 stone
35 Citizens making a corral for the animals, 20 lumber
35 Citizens chopping wood
20 Citizens making rafts for the lake
10 Citizens mining Iron, 10 stone, 5 iron
10 Citizens mining Copper, 10 stone, 5 iron
30 Citizens guarding the animals, preventing them from escape

2011-01-18, 03:31 PM
Seven Spears Tribes

Deep in the forest, at the foot of the mountains, is a fairly small nation of devout warriors. The Seven Spears Tribes, so named for their belief in seven separate gods and the clan order based around them, have developed from hunter-gatherers. This culture has a strong sense of conviction towards, what they feel, is their destiny of total rule over the lands.
Leadership: Council of Elders, seven elders total. Each of the seven clans elects and elder from their own sub-councils.
Localization: The Seven Spears Clans are located in the wet plains between a large dense forest and tall mountains.

Lumber| 250
Food| 250
Metals| 300
Stone| 200
Agricultural Value| .00
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population: 50 + 100 (-2)
Crafting Metal
Construction: wood

Bronze Tools/weapons
Armor Crafting
Archery (crafting of basic short bows with iron tipped arrows)
Animal Husbandry (domestication of animals)
Structured Military Doctrine (advanced tactics such as structured ranks and positions and formations)
Magic +3 (see below)

The Most Holy Art of the Seven Spears
The Holy Art of the Seven Spears, or Seven Spears Art (SSA) is a magic gifted to those chosen by the Seven Gods. It is both a ritual and a deadly form of combat, strengthening the Chosen's body to near superhuman levels. It allows the user to move as swift as the wind, strike as fast and hard as lightning, and endure blows that would shatter the bones of a normal person.

Elements: Physical Enhancement, Air, Holy Energy

The Rules:

Only the god's chosen are selected to even be able to understand this Art.
The Art may only be used with a hafted, purpose made weapon (a quarterstaff would count, a long stick or broom handle wouldn't)
The Art must be able to be used with unrestricted movement.
No Chosen may use the Art to kill another Chosen.
A Chosen must maintain his/her body in perfect condition.
A Chosen must remain faithful to the Pantheon of Seven.
A Chosen may not own material possessions, but may ask for food and shelter.
A Chosen must use a weapon crafted by their own hands.

To break any Rule deems a Chosen unworthy of the Art. Should a Rule be broken, a Chosen shall lose all knowledge of the Art.

Vlexios looked over the horizon. A bright new future. The clans had ceased fighting, for now at least, and were finally working together. The clan elders were sitting in a make shift wooden hut, smoke steadily billowing out of it as they decided the order of things. Others were scouting out the area, marking off locations for a great wall to be build. Still, most had begun the process of building the Clan houses, which would hold individual clans.

He jumped to the ground from the low branch he was sitting on. There was much that was unknown, much the gods did not reveal to them yet. Still, they would learn and grow.

15 men to take 10 wood and 10 bronze to the copper ore deposits, to begin building a mine there.
Similarly, 15 men to the tin deposit, again with 10 wood and bronze.
10 men to go investigate the strange yellow wood, seeing how well it can be lit on fire, any taste, how well it can bend, etc.
40 men to begin construction of a wooden wall, about large enough that you can just barely see it from the middle of the town, or 200 meters in diameter. 20 of each stone wood and bronze to be used for that.
10 men to build a forge between the tin and copper deposits. using 10 stone and bronze with 5 wood.
20 men to hunt for wild game
15 to look for stone to quarry.
The final 20 to set about researching better building techniques. (IE, starting research on Improved Construction)

2011-01-18, 05:28 PM
Sons of Bjarki, The Little Bear!

Leadership: Styrbjorn, Chieftain of the Sons of Bjarki. Ruling by a combination of martial strength and cunning, the leader commands the authority of the actual Sons, who- in turn- rule over the tribe's thrall contingent in a rather direct hierarchy. Styrbjorn himself is a mountain of a man- wielding the twin axes Heimdall and Tyr. The mighty man embodies the virtues of the Bjarki- strength, comradeship, power over those incapable of wielding it.

300 Food
300 Lumber
200 Iron
100 Stone
100 Wyrdstone

Localization: Situated in a wide, grassy series of plains along the ocean shore, the Bjarki have finally settled down in what could be considered a prime location for a beginning society. With a mountain to the southeast, and the ocean shore along their northern side, they have a large ring of woodlands to the south, from which they have drawn- for the moment- both timber and the magical creatures they use in their magic.

Population:250 (4 Techs foregone)

-Crafting (Metal)
-Law: Might makes right. Though not an absolute, there is a defined heirarchy amongst the Bjarki, between common warriors and serfs and from Chieftain to young man.
-Construction (Wood)
-Rune Magic (Level 1)
-Improved Logging
-Improved Architecture
-Improved Mining Techniques

Magic: Rune Magic is practiced by the Runesmith Skalds of the Bjarki, a class unto themselves, loyal only to the Chieftain. The magic relies upon using wyrdstone- a finite resource, crafted from the ritual sacrifice of magical creatures- in order to produce effects along a series of magical axis. For now, only the outermost axis- the Minor Runes- are known, though their power progresses as they are further researched and developed. (A chart has been submitted for the specifics of the Runes in existence).

There are a few major factors to keep in mind, besides the requirement of wyrdstone, physical nature of using the runes, and ritual nature of Bjarki magic. Wyrdstone is, in and of itself, highly mutagenic. For this reason, practitioners of Bjarki Rune Magic often develop severe mutations. While not usually fatal unto themselves, they can be severely debilitating, not to mention very poor for diplomacy. As well as this, Runesmiths- more often than not- are often made to ink enhancing runes upon the skin of the current Chieftain's Chosen. Mutation on those so enchanted is uncommon due to the fact that the Runesmith Skalds are forced to imbibe the wyrdstone themselves, and simply bestow the boons on another. While more powerful Runesmiths can ink themselves to create "reusable" effects, it is often at great personal expense, usually accelerating the mutagenic process.

{table]Resource|Port Styr
Food| 300
Lumber| 300
Iron| 200
Stone| 100
Wyrdstone| 100[/table]

Agriculture| Rune Magic (Level 1)
Crafting (Metal)| Improved Logging
Law| Irrigation
Construction (Wood)| Improved Mining Techniques
Population: 250

Styrbjorn, Chosen of the World Serpent, Chieftain of the Sons of Bjarki, Jotun of Jorumgandr. So many titles could be used to describe the massive man that now sat within the frame of the first of several longhouses. The Bjarki had lived well for a time, but it was now- upon the twentieth summer Styrbjorn had seen, and his first as Chieftain- that they were no longer fit for simply settling.

The sea air, their constant companion, called to their warrior spirits. It spoke to them of glorious yet achieved, of conquests simply waiting! They were warriors to the man, blessed by Jormungandr, destined to ride upon the great serpent's back after the world had been scoured of all its victories! Of course, in order to do so, they first had to prove they were worthy of such an honor. And so, as the serfs worked around him and the small enclave of Bjarki scouts that had so recently returned bearing news of their rich landscape, Styrbjorn was left to set out a course of action.

"Meili!" The Jotun said, pointing a meaty hand at one of his most intelligent men. "Take yourself a company of serfs and a handful of good men, and head south, to the great wall of trees. Take what you need with you, and send back the timber you collect. I trust you to manage an outpost well, so go with the favor of not only myself, but Jormungandr- should you last!" Styrbjorn emphasized.

And with that, Meili was dismissed, leaving Styrbjorn to delegate tasks to the rest of his people.

90 Serfs and 10 Bjarki will set forth to the out-of-reach set of woodlands. Taking with them 135 units of wood and 100 units of food, they will set up an outpost there collecting timber, as well as a small farm to sustain themselves with. At the end of the year, they will take all the timber they have collected and send it back to Port Styr. Out of reach be damned!

75 Serfs will proceed with farming and other agricultural tasks, making the land their own! They will have eight Sons of Bjarki as escorts

25 Serfs will take the remaining 200 timber and work on constructing four longhouses at fifty timber each, to house forty people in each one. They will have three Sons of Bjarki as escorts

39 Sons of Bjarki will alternatively hunt for magical creature dens and work to produce many strong children amongst the serfs, the better to further the goals of the Bjarki! At the end of the year, they will help transport the wood from the outpost to Port Styr itself.

2011-01-18, 06:31 PM
Volenbursh People!-

???- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 75
Stone| 100
Iron| 125
Food| 75
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 50
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 125
Swords| 50
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Agricultural Value| .00
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00

Among the rolling yellow plains, a bright white sun held high in the clouds, you awaken to a new age of man. Large mountains fill the panorama, criss-crossing rivers lining the land. A new age is upon you, how will you rule?

After establishing your first real settlement, your people send scouts to properly survey the lands. A full report returns within only a few months.

A massive forest hangs on the edge of your vision. This dense woodlands is currently too far away to successfully harvest from, without fortifications or trails to aid in logging efforts. However the supply seems endless, a glorious boon indeed.

Much stone fills the land, enough to survive on for a few centuries at least.

Many smaller copses line the plains, more then ample supply to get you buy for the time being.

A rare breed of foliage covers the land. These exotic white and black flowers have a putrid aroma, and taste horrid. There use is yet unknown.

A magnificent deposit of cinnabar has been found far off in the mountains. This resource is yet unattainable, but when finally aquired can prove immensely useful.

Few iron caches can be found lining the plains.

Cobalt, a curious metal, is abundant, and will be beneficial in the years to come.

GOLD! The very rivers that are scribbled along the world have shown to be a bounty of the rare metal.



- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)

In what had previously been the feasting hall of a barbarian chieftain, Master Eythedemise occupied a crudely crafted throne which sat before a long, square wooden table. The middle aged, balding aristocrat stared blankly ahead, a light mist in his eyes betraying his pensiveness.

Four others were present; the lesser leaders of the state. Two were male, two were female, and each was attired in fine clothing.

"Then it is agreed. We shall begin work on the new constitution immediately. The slaves are to begin construction of a road leading to the river. We have an abundance of stone, and they have proven rather skilled in construction with such materials, so this would be invaluable. Further, slaves not engaged in this task should begin gathering the strange flora, for investigation and inspection, it may prove medically beneficially. Any slaves not engaged in these two tasks should work the land, so as to provide a good harvest. Our soldiers should begin work to create new weapons from our supply of bronze, and our philosophers should begin to examine the potential use of iron in such weaponry. Though we may believe in peace I fear others may not hold our opinions. For that reason, I believe a wall must be constructed around our settlement. However, I believe the other listed tasks are presently more important, and are certainly more practical."

The Leaders, listening intently to their Master, nodded on occasion during his speech. Seeing that he had finished, each applauded him simultaniously, as a show of respect. Two of the leaders left the hall to inform the people of their tasks, while the remainder stayed, to begin the discussion on philosophy.

5 Leaders to begin drafting a constitution, using 10 units of papyrus
20 Slaves to begin work constructing a road leading to the river, using 30 units of Stone and taking with them 20 units of food
10 Slaves to begin gathering the strange fauna, taking with them 5 units of food
20 Slaves to begin cultivating the land, and doing generally farmy activities
30 Soldiers to craft bronze weapons, using 30 units of bronze
10 Citizens to research the possibility of creating weapons using Iron, using 10 units of papyrus

2011-01-19, 04:42 PM
Year 1

Sons of Bjarki-

The Little Bear- Sons of Bjarki

Lumber| 0
Food| 50
Iron| 200
Stone| 100
Wyrdstone| 104
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 150

The first year is over, the winter's were harsh, and the summers even more so. Your people are off to a great start, a sizable expedition went south to the massive woodlands, intent on further settling the area. The first year had shown improvement, a patch of farm-land now supports your unfinished fortification.

Unfortunately, the rest of your people are not as well off. With the comming of the end of the year you find that your food stores are dangerously low. You cannot support your people for even another year before famine strikes. An unfortunate lack of resources compliments this, as the completion of longhouses eats away at your remaining timber.

While your people are unruly, and fearful of the comming year, there is much hope left on the horizon. Your sons of bjarki return with a sizable hunt of many magical creatures, giving you a small boon in wyrdstone.


(Please put your settlement(s) names here as well.)

- Outpost 1: In development, completion in 5 years. (small farm completed at end of year 1).

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed (note: you only had 165 lumber remaining, I downgraded the construction to Large, rather then the size you intended. 20 population each, +60 population can be housed)


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


- Your population is in a state of unrest due to the empty food stores and the lack of farm land.

Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 0
Stone| 70
Iron| 105
Food| 0
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 50
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Agricultural Value| .00
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 121

The first year has ended, and your people rejoice. Much good has come from the one year. A new farm sits not miles outside of your settlement, awaiting the next year's crop season to harvest.

Your people struggle to spread the idea of a constitution among it's people, but without a means to convery the message, short of word of mouth, the beliefs are quickly lost. (need a writing system)

You have made contact with the near-by river systems. Many roads travel from your village in all directions to one of the many criss-crossing rivers.

A boon to your people, as the hammer of industry strikes the hot steel of progress. Weaponry has been established, albeit slowly, among your people. bronze swords, axes, pikes, and many other basic tools begin to stockpile in the comming year.

Unfortunately, with all the glory of your first year, so much too is tragedy felt. Your food stores had always been low, you never had enough to safely ration among your people, only halfway through the year did your stores last, some have died due to famine.


- Road (15 miles) to River: (Completed)

- Farmland (1): Completed (Note: I used your 75 wood, since you diden't specify a value. If you want this changed just tell me.)


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- You need a system of writing before you can create a constitution.
- You did not specify you wanted to establish a site to tame and breed the exotic animals through.
- 250 bronze weapons were created.
- I am going to subtract the 20 papyrus for research out of your iron. it's more pratical at this era to assume you are "learning by doing".
- 29 people died due to famine.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 9 years.

Seven Spears Tribe-

???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 210
Food| 120
Metals| 260
Stone| 180
Population| 133
Agricultural Value| .00
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00

The comming saw much for your young people. Among the many expeditions sent out into the world, many have succeeded. Although insufficiant supplies were sent, the men at both the copper and tin mines are able to keep themselves sufficiantly fed and warm.

A small forest fire in the yellow woods has given much insight to the material's properties. It is obviously unburnable, as the roaring flames would lead you to believe. The fire consumed no resource, only a few unlucky souls caught in the blaze.

Your wall had seen completion this year, it spans only so far, barely covering your settlement. However it is durable, and apon total completion it will be more then difficult to penetrate.


- Copper Mine (1): Incomplete, Requires additional materials (30); estimated time till completion, 3 years.

- Tin Mine (1): Incomplete, Requires additional materials (30); estimated time till completion, 3 years.

-Wall (166m): Complete, 166 meters was established with the alotted materials.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (10)


- A small forest fire has broken out in the rare yellow woods you discovered. No damage seems to have fallen the woods, however 2 population was lost.

- A forge is unnescessary, no loss in materials.

- An expedition of 20 men are sent out into the wilds to hunt down a sizeable and strong stone desposit. They will not return for some time.

- Your wall is "completed" based off the invested resources, however you can expand it as far as you like. Feel free to place the 166 meters wherever you see fit.


R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Incomplete; estimated time till completion, 10 years.

Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 0
Food| 0
Metals| 50
Stone| 200
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 50
Population| 300
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00

The end of the year brings much hope. Your people establish multiple strong farming communities, as well as a logging site to procure wood. So far your people have little to fear from the world.

The year shows ample progress, the secrets of boatsmanship is not far from your reach, only a few more years and you will have adapted to sea travel well.

Your people rejoice as the year as a sizeable success, little troubles have yet to wash onto your shores.


- Logging Site (1): Completed

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed; (Note: The 25 miles can be distributed as you please. I will at this time assume the roads are branched to connect to other roads in the future)

- Farms (2): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)


R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Incomplete; Estimated time till completion 2 years.

The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 20
Food| 30
Iron| 10
Stone| 149
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 200
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

The new year has brought much to your people, but equally has it taken away much. Your food stores dwindle, no other outlets have been created to supplement the lost supplies. The next year does not bode well for your people.

However much good has come of this year as well. Two new mines have seen completion, their works begining early, the next year shall show sizeable income.

Many rafts have been succesfully constructed, allowing your people easy travel along the rivers. This has revealed to you an untapped food-supply. The rivers seem thick with fish and edible shrubbery, you could use these as a supplementary food supply until farming has been established.


- Copper Mine (1): Completed
- Iron Mine (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- No need to build additional housing yet, you can still go ahead, if so tell me in your next post or in a PM, and subtract the materials from your resources yourself please.

- You need to invest in a site to begin harvesting wood. Check the OoC thread if you are confused.

- I subtracted 20 wood to supplement the resources required to build rafts.

- I subtracted the full 50 stone / 50 iron to build both your mines. (otherwise they wouldent have been finished this year).

I am certain you will all have LOADS of questions.

Also, please copy and paste the above spoilers for your future posts, I went the extra mile and edited them to contain ALL the required information so you would not need to.

2011-01-19, 05:17 PM
{table]Resource|Port Styr
Food| 0
Lumber| 0
Iron| 200
Stone| 100
Wyrdstone| 104[/table]

Agriculture| Rune Magic (Level 1)
Crafting (Metal)| Improved Logging
Law| Irrigation
Construction (Wood)| Improved Mining Techniques
Population: 150


- Outpost 1: In development, completion in 5 years. (small farm completed at end of year 1).

-Port Styr Longhouses (4) (L): 60 people housed


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


-Population is in a state of unrest due to the empty food stores and the lack of farm land.

With the four longhouses built, the tribe now had plenty of room to expand into. While agriculture would have to grow next, the longhouses meant plenty of shelter for when the next generation of strong young men came of age.

Of course, this now left the Bjarki to enforce order amongst their serfs. While their tongues could not be stayed in private, the full force of the Bjarki warriors was put to good use in teaching the whelps the meaning of authority. The outpost in the distance would be fine on its own authority- that left Port Bjarki to manage its own assets.

Which, at the moment, needed a bit of refurbishing. The Bjarki soldiers themselves were quick to move out as the serfs were set to work gathering food. Timber was a resource they could not afford to lose- and the honor of claiming it would fall to the Bjarki warriors.

25 Serfs will proceed with farming and other agricultural tasks, making the land their own! They will have two Sons of Bjarki as escorts, and use one hundred units of stone to set up the necessary infrastructure to assist in farming, such as irrigation channels, pens for livestock, and so on. The Runesmith-Skald of the small village will take 40 Wyrdstone, and create a permanent enchantment on the farm and a large plot of land (where the farm will expand) using the Rebirth Rune to increase crop yield.

Seventy five serfs and forty seven Sons of Bjarki, accompanied by Styrbjorn, will hunt for wild game, seeking to keep the people fed until the farm was producing.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-01-19, 05:17 PM
The Kellardians!-

Lorcath- The Kellardians

Lumber| 20
Food| 30
Iron| 10
Stone| 149
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 200
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

The new year has brought much to your people, but equally has it taken away much. Your food stores dwindle, no other outlets have been created to supplement the lost supplies. The next year does not bode well for your people.

However much good has come of this year as well. Two new mines have seen completion, their works begining early, the next year shall show sizeable income.

Many rafts have been succesfully constructed, allowing your people easy travel along the rivers. This has revealed to you an untapped food-supply. The rivers seem thick with fish and edible shrubbery, you could use these as a supplementary food supply until farming has been established.


- Copper Mine (1): Completed
- Iron Mine (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- No need to build additional housing yet, you can still go ahead, if so tell me in your next post or in a PM, and subtract the materials from your resources yourself please.

- You need to invest in a site to begin harvesting wood. Check the OoC thread if you are confused.

- I subtracted 20 wood to supplement the resources required to build rafts.

- I subtracted the full 50 stone / 50 iron to build both your mines. (otherwise they wouldent have been finished this year).

Ioth walked through the town, glancing around at the well kept buildings and the like, a bow and quiver slung over his back. He forewent the use of a horse, instead allowing them to be used by all folk. He turned to two of his subordinates, a young women named Kia and a older fellow by the name of Likat.

"Kia, go have some of our aurochs slaughtered for food, salted, and prepared. Likat, take a group of men and start fishing. I'll go take care of some other things."

60 Men fishing for food.
20 men slaughtering 20 aurochs, NOT pregnant cows or young ones.
40 men building a lumber camp with 50 stone and 10 wood.
20 Men working the stone mine
40 Men working the iron mine.
20 Men setting up farming.

2011-01-19, 06:00 PM
Seven Spears Tribe-

Domum- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 210
Food| 120
Metals| 260
Stone| 180
Population| 133
Agricultural Value| .00
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00

The comming saw much for your young people. Among the many expeditions sent out into the world, many have succeeded. Although insufficiant supplies were sent, the men at both the copper and tin mines are able to keep themselves sufficiantly fed and warm.

A small forest fire in the yellow woods has given much insight to the material's properties. It is obviously unburnable, as the roaring flames would lead you to believe. The fire consumed no resource, only a few unlucky souls caught in the blaze.

Your wall had seen completion this year, it spans only so far, barely covering your settlement. However it is durable, and apon total completion it will be more then difficult to penetrate.


- Copper Mine (1): Incomplete, Requires additional materials (30); estimated time till completion, 3 years.

- Tin Mine (1): Incomplete, Requires additional materials (30); estimated time till completion, 3 years.

-Wall (166m): Complete, 166 meters was established with the alotted materials.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (10)


- A small forest fire has broken out in the rare yellow woods you discovered. No damage seems to have fallen the woods, however 2 population was lost.

- A forge is unnescessary, no loss in materials.

- An expedition of 20 men are sent out into the wilds to hunt down a sizeable and strong stone desposit. They will not return for some time.

- Your wall is "completed" based off the invested resources, however you can expand it as far as you like. Feel free to place the 166 meters wherever you see fit.


R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Incomplete; estimated time till completion, 10 years.

Vlexios looked about the village of Domum proudly. To the west, a strong wall had been constructed. More men had even started on building an expansion of the wall, to better defend the lands.

To the west, more materials had been brought to the miners in hopes of building a better work site. And while some men had set about to mining, more took up spears and bows once again to hunt and stock the storehouses.

- 10 men to work on the Tin Mine, with an additional 15 stone, lumber, and metal being sent to complete construction on the mine.
- For the Copper mine, as above.
- 30 men to hunt animals and gather food.
- 33 men to build another section of wall. 30 metal and 10 wood to be used for this.
- 25 men to set up a lumber camp, taking 20 of stone wood and 10 metal with them
- 25 men to begin tilling the land between the forest and mountain and turn it into a farmland with 20 metal and stone and 10 wood.

2011-01-19, 07:25 PM
Warriors of the Misty Isles

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 0
Food| 0
Metals| 50
Stone| 200
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 50
Population| 300
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00

The end of the year brings much hope. Your people establish multiple strong farming communities, as well as a logging site to procure wood. So far your people have little to fear from the world.

The year shows ample progress, the secrets of boatsmanship is not far from your reach, only a few more years and you will have adapted to sea travel well.

Your people rejoice as the year as a sizeable success, little troubles have yet to wash onto your shores.


- Logging Site (1): Completed

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed; (Note: The 25 miles can be distributed as you please. I will at this time assume the roads are branched to connect to other roads in the future)

- Farms (2): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)


R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Incomplete; Estimated time till completion 2 years.

The great chief Karahoe, looked over the farms he had ordered, while standing on his bright shiny road. The tribe had done well. Now it was a time of peaceful work, a time of reflection and consideration. Soon a time of great change will be upon them....


130 men sent to work farm 1
130 men sent to work farm 2
25 men to continue boating research
15 men sent to work logging mill.


25 men sitting and thinking about boats... again

2011-01-20, 11:41 AM

Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 0
Stone| 70
Iron| 105
Food| 0
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 50
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Agricultural Value| .00
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 121

The first year has ended, and your people rejoice. Much good has come from the one year. A new farm sits not miles outside of your settlement, awaiting the next year's crop season to harvest.

Your people struggle to spread the idea of a constitution among it's people, but without a means to convery the message, short of word of mouth, the beliefs are quickly lost. (need a writing system)

You have made contact with the near-by river systems. Many roads travel from your village in all directions to one of the many criss-crossing rivers.

A boon to your people, as the hammer of industry strikes the hot steel of progress. Weaponry has been established, albeit slowly, among your people. bronze swords, axes, pikes, and many other basic tools begin to stockpile in the comming year.

Unfortunately, with all the glory of your first year, so much too is tragedy felt. Your food stores had always been low, you never had enough to safely ration among your people, only halfway through the year did your stores last, some have died due to famine.


- Road (15 miles) to River: (Completed)

- Farmland (1): Completed (Note: I used your 75 wood, since you diden't specify a value. If you want this changed just tell me.)


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- You need a system of writing before you can create a constitution.
- You did not specify you wanted to establish a site to tame and breed the exotic animals through.
- 250 bronze weapons were created.
- I am going to subtract the 20 papyrus for research out of your iron. it's more pratical at this era to assume you are "learning by doing".
- 29 people died due to famine.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 9 years.

It was a hard year. The Master sat on his throne, appearing just as pensive as he had over three hundred and sixty five days ago. Though the constitution was drafted, its ideals were lost. To that end, the Leaders had decided amongst themselves to devise a coherent system of writing, so as to entrench the notion as law. Progress would no doubt be slow, but they would persevere.

The soldiers, having crafted a surplus of fine weapons, had taken to hunting, to aid in the restoration of the depleted food stores. The farmers and slaves toiled long and hard, hoping for a bountiful harvest so as to circumvent the tragedy of the previous year.

5 Leaders to begin developing a system of writing
30 Soldiers to hunt and attempt to gather food
10 Citizens to continue research into the use of Iron
25 Slaves to work the land, and do general farmer-y things

2011-01-20, 09:21 PM
Year 2 - Dawn of the sow

Sons of Bjarki-

The Little Bear- Sons of Bjarki

Lumber| 0
Food| 22
Iron| 200
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 64
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 150

A new day is apon you. You've seen as your people have struggled. But warmth is brought to your heart as you see the smiling faces of new borns. The young now litter your tribe. In only a few short decades your forces shall double, no TRIPLE in size. Your power will be alien to this land as you grow ever further, and evolve ever faster.

Your skalds begin work on enchanting the farm land, the process proves lengthy, and ardous. The project will not see fruition for some time, but when it does you are confident many of your problems will be unknown.


(Please put your settlement(s) names here as well.)

- Outpost 1: In development, completion in 1 years. (small farm included)

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed

- Farming Plot (1): completion in 1 years.


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


- Your skald's have begun the lengthy process of enchanting the few hundread acres that makes up your first farming plot. The practise involved will require much time. You will not see results for at least five years.

Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 0
Stone| 70
Iron| 105
Food| 25
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 50
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 93

A new day! A new chance to show your might. Your people grow, and dwindle. New borns now fill the tribe, bringing a promise, one that will prove worth while in the comming decades.

Your people see little problems this year, expanding faster by the day.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed (25 pop. Maintaining)


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- 23 population suffered from starvation.
- Your farm(s) have turned up 25 new units of food.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 8 years. (on Hold)

- Writing: Incomplete, estimated time till completion 10 years.

Seven Spears Tribe-

???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 130
Food| 30
Metals| 160
Stone| 130
Population| 133
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

The comming year brings mixed feelings. New births litter the settlement, bringing a smile to your face as you now know that, within only a few short decades you'd have a whole new force ready to manage your empire.

With the completion of more sections of wall, your empire is quickly established. You have enough now to bar your land off from others, albeit only a small amount of land.


- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (1): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (10)




R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Incomplete; estimated time till completion, 9 years.

Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 16
Food| 0
Metals| 50
Stone| 200
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 50
Population| 290
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .01

With the new year comes new hope, and new desperation. While some men had passed this year, others had been given new life. Young babies now clutter the tribe, taking up the time and energy of many of the matron's of your people. Within only a few short decades these men would be fit to work for your empire, if you can survive that long.


- Logging Site (1): Completed (15 maintaining)

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed; (Note: The 25 miles can be distributed as you please. I will at this time assume the roads are branched to connect to other roads in the future)

- Farms (2): Completed (130 maintaining both)


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)


R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Incomplete; Estimated time till completion 1 years.

The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 20
Food| 30
Iron| 0
Stone| 149
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 164
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

Yet another year passed, and with it brought an uneasy mixture of both life and death. As some had passed due to the lack of food to sustain them, others were born as new babies. In only two short decades these young boys will be fit to become strong, proud workers for your people, if they can survive that long.


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed (40 pop. devoted)

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- Starvation continues to hit your people as the construction of your first agricultural land comes to fruition.

- I did not know you had a stone mine.

2011-01-20, 09:34 PM
Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 16
Food| 0
Metals| 50
Stone| 200
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 50
Population| 290
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .01

With the new year comes new hope, and new desperation. While some men had passed this year, others had been given new life. Young babies now clutter the tribe, taking up the time and energy of many of the matron's of your people. Within only a few short decades these men would be fit to work for your empire, if you can survive that long.


- Logging Site (1): Completed (15 maintaining)

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed; (Note: The 25 miles can be distributed as you please. I will at this time assume the roads are branched to connect to other roads in the future)

- Farms (2): Completed (130 maintaining both)


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)


R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Incomplete; Estimated time till completion 1 years.

Karahoe, looks over his people, things had not gone as he would have hoped. This land was hard, much like his people. But like his people he could sense a hidden depth to the land. A richness to it, a strength that will outlast the ages.

Karahoe ordered the people to continue, so long as their bellies were full and their bodies in motion hope was not lost.


290 men
130 men sent to work farm 1
130 men sent to work farm 2
25 men to continue boating research
5 men sent to work logging mill.


25 men to think about boating, hopefully they will soon master the art.

2011-01-20, 09:51 PM
Seven Spears Tribe-

Domum- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 130
Food| 30
Metals| 160
Stone| 130
Population| 133
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

The comming year brings mixed feelings. New births litter the settlement, bringing a smile to your face as you now know that, within only a few short decades you'd have a whole new force ready to manage your empire.

With the completion of more sections of wall, your empire is quickly established. You have enough now to bar your land off from others, albeit only a small amount of land.


- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (1): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (10)




R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Incomplete; estimated time till completion, 9 years.

Vlexios was worried. Their food stock was getting low, even with the hunting groups.

Men were assigned to the work camps now. Most began mining for ores, but others went to the farm and began to prepare crops. Still, another group set for the lumber yards, to cut wood for more houses. They would be needed for the growing empire.

30 men to the Tin Mine
30 men to the Copper Mine
30 men to the Lumber Yard
30 men to the Farm Lot
The remaining 13 to use 20 metals to build a 10 mile road connecting all the work camps and the village.

2011-01-21, 03:54 AM
Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 0
Stone| 70
Iron| 105
Food| 25
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 50
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 93

A new day! A new chance to show your might. Your people grow, and dwindle. New borns now fill the tribe, bringing a promise, one that will prove worth while in the comming decades.

Your people see little problems this year, expanding faster by the day.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed (25 pop. Maintaining)


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- 23 population suffered from starvation.
- Your farm(s) have turned up 25 new units of food.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 8 years. (on Hold)

- Writing: Incomplete, estimated time till completion 10 years.

"Expansion of the farmland is the priority at present. I will not have more citizens or slaves go hungry in the name of defence, Myzansie. The wall can wait until our food stores are fully stocked."

The leader, apparently named Myzansie, returned to his seat, looking somewhat dejected. However, the Master, as ever, had proven wise in his ideas, and thus, he respected the orders.

"Now, this year I see no reason to do anything radically different. The expansion of the farm, I think, should be a priority."

5 Leaders to continue development of a writing system
10 Citizens to continue research into the use of iron
25 Slaves to maintain the farm
20 Slaves to work to expand the farm so that it may produce more
30 Soldiers to train and hone their skills

2011-01-21, 06:20 AM
Sons of Bjarki

Lumber| 0
Food| 22
Iron| 200
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 64
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 150


- Outpost 1: In development, completion in 1 years. (small farm included)

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed. +60 to pop housing

- Farming Plot (1): completion in 1 years.


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


- Skalds have begun the lengthy process of enchanting the few hundread acres that makes up your first farming plot. The practice involved will require much time. No results for at least five years.

Styrbjorn, for his part, could not help but smile at the faces of the infants being carried about by the tribe. Though the Sons of Bjarki were very harsh in both law and manner, they were not heartless. They felt joy, compassion, and had even claimed a few of the women that birthed particularly strong boys as their own, unable to be used by any but themselves.

It was a good life. Even now, the mountainous chieftain could see the distant workers in the fields. Having finally pinned one of the more scrappy young men, he gave the boy a welt to the ribs with an open-palm strike.

"You're good, my boy, but a true Son of Bjarki does not allow himself to be captured, neither in wrestling nor in the field!" Styrbjorn remarked, "It is in capture that you find yourself not under your own power, but the power of another! Life and death should only be in your control- to allow another to determine whether you live or die is an ignoble fate!"

It sent no small amount of pride, or pain, to feel the young man's foot kick into his crotch. Letting go of the arms, Styrbjorn stepped back.

"Good! Now come at me again! Remember to pace your strikes; Punch, kick, punch, elbow!" The man used his forearms and palms to block each hit from the much smaller man, "Even the smallest warrior can overcome the biggest threat with the right pacing!"

This would continue for several hours, the young, but massive bearded chieftain teaching the younger man the finer points of fighting unarmed. Even when axe and spear are discarded, a warrior must be able- and willing- to take a life. Fighting does not stop just because a weapon has failed.

It stops when the other man is dead.

Provided the farm is usable:
175 Serfs will proceed with farming and other agricultural tasks, making the land their own! They will have eight Sons of Bjarki as escorts, and use one hundred units of stone to set up the necessary infrastructure to assist in farming, such as irrigation channels, pens for livestock, and so on. Enchanting will proceed.

25 Serfs will go out, collecting timber from the nearest copse of trees, with three Sons of Bjarki as escorts. They will bring along 50 Iron to set up infrastructure.

10 Sons of Bjarki will ride out, searching for any tribes or dens of magical creatures inside the area created by the forest ring and mountains. They will then return to report their findings, and proceed with hunting for themselves for the rest of the year whilst training alongside the rest.

29 Sons of Bjarki will proceed with alternatively training for combat and hunting. All the training in the world means nothing if a man cannot fend for himself in the wild.

If the farm us unusable:

25 Serfs will proceed with farming and other agricultural tasks, making the land their own! They will have two Sons of Bjarki as escorts, and continue working to get the farm operational.

Seventy five serfs and forty seven Sons of Bjarki, accompanied by Styrbjorn, will hunt for wild game, seeking to keep the people fed until the farm was producing.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-01-21, 04:45 PM
The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 20
Food| 30
Iron| 0
Stone| 149
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 164
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

Yet another year passed, and with it brought an uneasy mixture of both life and death. As some had passed due to the lack of food to sustain them, others were born as new babies. In only two short decades these young boys will be fit to become strong, proud workers for your people, if they can survive that long.


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed (40 pop. devoted)

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- Starvation continues to hit your people as the construction of your first agricultural land comes to fruition.

- I did not know you had a stone mine.

Ioth slams his hand on the table. "Goddamnit, there will be no more starving! Get more men on the fishing boats, now! Send some men out scouting, too. Have them forage.

104 Men on fishing, gathering water plants, etc.
10 men scouting, using ten horses, and foraging food.
10 men mining iron
40 men 'dedicated' to the lumber camp.

2011-01-21, 11:39 PM
Year 3 - Dawn of the sow

Sons of Bjarki-

The Little Bear- Sons of Bjarki

Lumber| 0
Food| 0
Iron| 150
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 74
Soilders| 29
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 215

The year passes by uneventfully. Only six men died this year, mostly from famine. While not much was accomplished, there was much talk for the coming years. Your people still feared the lacking food supplies, but it was becoming increasingly less potent.

With a new logging site built nearly eighty miles away, your people saw hope for a new resource to find its way here. While the lack of a system to maintain safe and fast travel, such as roads, limited your ability to harvest, it did not cripple you out right.


(Please put your settlement(s) names here as well.)

- Outpost 1: In development, completion in 1 years. (small farm included)

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed

- Farming Plot (1): Completed

- Logging Site (1): Will be completed in 1 turns.


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


- Your enchantment will be completed in 4 years.

Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 0
Stone| 20
Iron| 105
Food| 0
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 50
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Soldiers| 30
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 77

The next year was worse then the last. Your food supply weakens, and your population dwindles. So far it doesn't seem likely you will make it another decade, let alone two. You not only fear for your own lives, but those of the new borns, whom seemed to be cropping up en masse with each year.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- Subtracted 50 stone for your farm improvements (please list what material / how much next time)

- Your population yet again suffers from starvation, 16 people die.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 8 years. (on Hold)

- Writing: Incomplete, estimated time till completion 9 years.

Seven Spears Tribe-

???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 163
Food| 0
Copper| 103
Tin| 103
Stone| 130
Population| 112
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

The year brought a mixed message. One of hope, and one of tragedy. While your mines, your mills, and your farms had begun to show production, it didn't seem ample enough to sate your ever dwindling population. Twenty-Three more had not seen the rising sun of the newest year. Their family's would be homeless, but they would learn to get by.


- Road System (10 miles): Will be completed in 1 year.

- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (1): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (10)




R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Incomplete; estimated time till completion, 8 years.

Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 21
Food| 0
Metals| 50
Stone| 200
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 50
Population| 290
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .01

The new year had seen much fruition. While you did not grow in numbers, you equally did not dwindle, not by much. Even if your people were to continue to fall at such a minor rate you would see nearly three decades before your empire were to fall. Only two men passed this year from hunger. What your people lacked in riches, they made up for by shear survival ability.


- Logging Site (1): Completed (15 maintaining)

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed; (Note: The 25 miles can be distributed as you please. I will at this time assume the roads are branched to connect to other roads in the future)

- Farms (2): Completed (130 maintaining both)


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)


R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Complete

The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 64
Food| 0
Iron| 11
Stone| 149
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 137
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

Only the third year had passed since your people began this foolish quest of settling their own land. It was foolish, not because of the poor harvest of the season, or of the slow progress your people saw in expanding. It was foolish because your people are still surviving. While your will pushes you onward, there are few too men who still believe that continuing this hopeless endeavor will end well.

Unfortunately, there is no turning back. While a sum of sixty-three may have passed away this year, you are determined to press forward. If every last man were to fall to the earth in hunger, you would continue forward until the very heavens themselves struck you down.

Your body's may weaken, but your wills will not be broken.


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- Starvation continues to hit your people as the construction of your first agricultural land comes to fruition.

- I did not know you had a stone mine.

2011-01-21, 11:58 PM
Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 21
Food| 0
Metals| 50
Stone| 200
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 50
Population| 290
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .01

The new year had seen much fruition. While you did not grow in numbers, you equally did not dwindle, not by much. Even if your people were to continue to fall at such a minor rate you would see nearly three decades before your empire were to fall. Only two men passed this year from hunger. What your people lacked in riches, they made up for by shear survival ability.


- Logging Site (1): Completed (15 maintaining)

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed; (Note: The 25 miles can be distributed as you please. I will at this time assume the roads are branched to connect to other roads in the future)

- Farms (2): Completed (130 maintaining both)


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)


R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Complete

It was with frustration that Karahoe watched the first prototype ship get launched. It was a beautiful vessel, but there just wasn't enough people to keep producing these masterful ships. Something had to be done. Food was needed. His people were at risk. Karahoe went and spoke to the researches of the ships, those who had watched the whales with envy at their speed and grace. He asked them a question they knew was coming. "How can we kill one?"


130 men sent to work farm 1
130 men sent to work farm 2
25 men to create spears, for hunting of whale, animals and men. (50 metal)
5 men sent to work logging mill.


25 men working on Spears (50 metal used)

2011-01-22, 02:06 AM
Seven Spears Tribe-

???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 163
Food| 0
Copper| 103
Tin| 103
Stone| 130
Population| 112
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

The year brought a mixed message. One of hope, and one of tragedy. While your mines, your mills, and your farms had begun to show production, it didn't seem ample enough to sate your ever dwindling population. Twenty-Three more had not seen the rising sun of the newest year. Their family's would be homeless, but they would learn to get by.


- Road System (10 miles): Will be completed in 1 year.

- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (1): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (10)




R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Incomplete; estimated time till completion, 8 years.

Vlexios was disheartened. Many people had passed away the following year. To compensate for this, much of the population was reassigned to the farm plot. Those that weren't were sent out to hunt, to keep the population from dying even further from lack of food.

Assigning 100 men to the farm-plot.
The remaining 12 are to be assigned to go hunting and hopefully keep themselves from dying.

2011-01-22, 09:47 AM
Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 0
Stone| 20
Iron| 105
Food| 0
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 50
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Soldiers| 30
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 77

The next year was worse then the last. Your food supply weakens, and your population dwindles. So far it doesn't seem likely you will make it another decade, let alone two. You not only fear for your own lives, but those of the new borns, whom seemed to be cropping up en masse with each year.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- Subtracted 50 stone for your farm improvements (please list what material / how much next time)

- Your population yet again suffers from starvation, 16 people die.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 8 years. (on Hold)

- Writing: Incomplete, estimated time till completion 9 years.

Master Eythedemise buried his head in his hands as he cast his mind back to another year of hardship. He had resolved that the attainment of food was the be the priority, and that almost all other research (With the exception of that into the writing system) was to be frozen.

With a heavy heart, he assigned all citizens to work the farm, and all soldiers to hunt using the few bows and arrows that they possessed in the armoury.

5 Leaders to continue research
25 Soldiers to hunt using 25 bows and 25 arrows
47 Slaves and citizens to work the farm and produce food

Halna LeGavilk
2011-01-22, 11:56 AM
The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 64
Food| 0
Iron| 11
Stone| 149
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 137
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

Only the third year had passed since your people began this foolish quest of settling their own land. It was foolish, not because of the poor harvest of the season, or of the slow progress your people saw in expanding. It was foolish because your people are still surviving. While your will pushes you onward, there are few too men who still believe that continuing this hopeless endeavor will end well.

Unfortunately, there is no turning back. While a sum of sixty-three may have passed away this year, you are determined to press forward. If every last man were to fall to the earth in hunger, you would continue forward until the very heavens themselves struck you down.

Your body's may weaken, but your wills will not be broken.


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed (40 pop. devoted)

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- Starvation continues to hit your people as the construction of your first agricultural land comes to fruition.

- I did not know you had a stone mine.

An emergency election had been held. Ioth had been deposed from his reign, in turn for a young man named Lurat Ildaness, who would hopefully be a better leader than Ioth. Lurat first set about a single thing: farming.

97 men farming
40 men 'dedicated' to the lumber mill

2011-01-22, 02:42 PM
Sons of Bjarki

Lumber| 0
Food| 0
Iron| 150
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 74
Soilders| 29
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01


- Outpost 1: In development, completion in 1 years. (small farm included)

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed

- Farming Plot (1): Completed

- Logging Site (1): Will be completed in 1 turns.


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


-Enchantment will be completed in 4 years.

Total Population: 244. 205 Thralls, 39 Sons of Bjarki

Splash, splash, splash, splash, splash, splash.

Just like that, the six bodies were cast into the sea. The Bjarki had no need for formal rituals for those too weak to survive in the harshness of the land. There would be mourning for the thralls lost, yes, but it would not be a mourning they deserved. There was no place for weak stomachs amongst the fur-swathed men, no place for dying minds or crippled bodies. Better to die young than to fail others when older.

As it was? They had need to build, to grow and survive. The fields would tide them over for now, even as Styrbjorn looked back. A full army of Thralls were left to farm and till the soil, as the Sons of Bjarki themselves trained day and night. Muscles flexed as men punched, kicked, and did everything short of actually murdering one another. It was a good example to set, to show just how much might makes right.

Though might couldn't fix everything, as Styrbjorn was learning. As the Runesmith-Skald worked, the beginnings of mutation already deforming his body, the Bjarki leader knew- knew- that his people would survive under his guiding hand.

200 Thralls will proceed with farming, with 20 Sons of Bjarki as escorts.

The remaining five thralls, alongside the nineteen Sons of Bjarki, will work to gather timber from the new site and proceed to store it in the outpost. Industry cannot falter!

2011-01-23, 03:48 PM
Year 4 - Dawn of the sow

Sons of Bjarki-

The Little Bear- Sons of Bjarki

Lumber| 6
Food| 25
Iron| 150
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 74
Soilders| 29
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 215

At last, a surplus of food begins to flow into your town. While your settlement is nearly completely neglected to care for your peoples most basic needs, you find that the coming years may prove increasingly less inhospitable.

Other news on the western front, from along a large hill-line that blocks most view beyond the horizon. A small band seems to have moved within your borders. The caravan is large, however not massive. The groups have no banner, or way with which to identify themselves.

The caravan still lies a day's travel away. You could easily intercept them, or welcome into your world with open arms.


(Please put your settlement(s) names here as well.)

- Outpost 1: Completed

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed

- Farming Plot (1): Completed

- Logging Site (1): Completed


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


- Your enchantment will be completed in 3 years.

- A Caravan has come within your sites from the west. Their intentions are still unknown.

Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 0
Stone| 20
Iron| 105
Food| 4
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 50
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Soldiers| 30
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 77

While your settlement had quickly become neglected, your food stores were very much the opposite. You finally carried surplus, meaning in only a few short years you'd be able to move from a life of direct agriculture, and expand.

However every action has a price, and every price must be paid.

Something has occurred not far to the north, along the forest line. A band of well-armed, poorly clothed barbarians has found their way into your midsts. These men are easily a while away, and may not find their way into your settlement immediately. Despite this, their intentions are not yet clear, and it is impossible to guess their exact wants in this situation.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- Barbarian's to the north. The tribe is small, but well armed. They are still a few months off, and their progress is slow. They may well not reach you till sometime next year.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 8 years. (on Hold)

- Writing: Incomplete, estimated time till completion 8 years.

Seven Spears Tribe-

???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 163
Food| 50
Copper| 103
Tin| 103
Stone| 130
Population| 112
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

The next year brings joy and satisfaction. While your people tended to the fields nearly all year, allowing little room for personal growth, a massive storm rolled in, up heaving much earth, overturning many trees, and threatening to destroy your very home. However this violent storm brought a wondrous gift.

Many scared animals, who would call the nearby woodlands home, have ran wild, making your hunt that much easier. Between the gathering of many corpses, as well as much more wild game to be found, your food supplies have gone into a sizable excess.


- Road System (10 miles): Complete.

- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (1): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (12)


- Your Exotic Animals resource has increased by 2 more sites.

- The recent poor weather had unleashed a rampage of wild game. While this did not last long, your people took full advantage, bringing in more food then was hoped for.


R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Incomplete; estimated time till completion, 7 years.

Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 27
Food| 0
Metals| 50
Stone| 200
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 50
Population| 289
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .01

Still your people find themselves without ample food to feed all your men. However, very few actually starve this year, even few had died from the event. Only one man had perished this year from starvation.

As well, a curious event had transpired this year. A whale had washed ashore on your beaches. Before any structured plan could be set in motion, the animal had unfortunately perished. The carcass now remains where it was left, free to be harvested as you see fit.


- Logging Site (1): Completed

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed

- Farms (2): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)


- If you choose to harvest from the whale, then you can take from it anything your technology level allow. If you choose to use it as food, ignore then -1 population loss, and add +10 to food surplus.


R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Complete

- Weapon Smithing (Spears): Incomplete; will come to completion in 3 years.

The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 108
Food| 0
Iron| 11
Stone| 149
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 150
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

This year had brought odd occurrences. While men had, yet again perished from starvation, it seems fate is in your favor as a small band of nomads, carrying their own history and stories, has found your settlement. They had hoped you'd accept them with open arms, if this is the case you have been given a generous gift indeed.


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- 18 men died this year

A nomadic people, known as the callisha, have found your settlement. Their population has already been added, but you can still choose to turn them away. They do not bring many gifts or skills, but can enhance your working force for the time being.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-01-23, 05:15 PM
???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 108
Food| 0
Iron| 11
Stone| 149
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 150
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

This year had brought odd occurrences. While men had, yet again perished from starvation, it seems fate is in your favor as a small band of nomads, carrying their own history and stories, has found your settlement. They had hoped you'd accept them with open arms, if this is the case you have been given a generous gift indeed.


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- 18 men died this year

A nomadic people, known as the callisha, have found your settlement. Their population has already been added, but you can still choose to turn them away. They do not bring many gifts or skills, but can enhance your working force for the time being.

Lurat smiled over his assembled people, a warm feeling rising in his chest over the newfound glory. "We welcome our Callisha brothers and sisters! All who are willing to work and provide for this republic are welcome!"

After the assembly, Lurat called the best minds and farmers together. "I need you to improve our agriculture. We've had a rough couple of years, but I know we can get through this if we work hard and get together, alright?"

100 men to farming
20 men to fishing, etc
10 to mining iron
20 to researching improved agricultural techniques.

2011-01-23, 06:15 PM
Seven Spears Tribe-

???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 163
Food| 50
Copper| 103
Tin| 103
Stone| 130
Population| 112
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

The next year brings joy and satisfaction. While your people tended to the fields nearly all year, allowing little room for personal growth, a massive storm rolled in, up heaving much earth, overturning many trees, and threatening to destroy your very home. However this violent storm brought a wondrous gift.

Many scared animals, who would call the nearby woodlands home, have ran wild, making your hunt that much easier. Between the gathering of many corpses, as well as much more wild game to be found, your food supplies have gone into a sizable excess.


- Road System (10 miles): Complete.

- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (1): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (12)


- Your Exotic Animals resource has increased by 2 more sites.

- The recent poor weather had unleashed a rampage of wild game. While this did not last long, your people took full advantage, bringing in more food then was hoped for.

The council continued to send the majority of the Clans' population to work the farm lot. While that was being done, the hunting group was sent to start work on a second farming plot, to increase the production of foods. While their stocks were slowly being replenished, it would be many years before the council felt safe enough to split interest into other projects.

Sending 100 men to the farm plot 1, once again.
Sending 12 remaining men to start work on a second farm plot, near enough to the road that a new section of the road would not be needed. 30 lumber and 20 stone are to be used in building the second plot.

2011-01-23, 07:20 PM
Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 27
Food| 0
Metals| 0
Stone| 200
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 50
Population| 289
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .01

Still your people find themselves without ample food to feed all your men. However, very few actually starve this year, even few had died from the event. Only one man had perished this year from starvation.

As well, a curious event had transpired this year. A whale had washed ashore on your beaches. Before any structured plan could be set in motion, the animal had unfortunately perished. The carcass now remains where it was left, free to be harvested as you see fit.


- Logging Site (1): Completed

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed

- Farms (2): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)


- If you choose to harvest from the whale, then you can take from it anything your technology level allow. If you choose to use it as food, ignore then -1 population loss, and add +10 to food surplus.


R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Complete

- Weapon Smithing (Spears): Incomplete; will come to completion in 3 years.

The problem with being a leader is that hard choices had to be made. No progress was being made. Risks had to be taken. But his people were strong. They were brave. They knew the risks, and the costs. What has to be done, MUST be done. With that Karahoe gives the order that will see lives lost...

The food must flow!


105 men on Farm 1
105 men on Farm 2
5 men sent to harvest Whale meat (+22 food)
25 sent to think about spears
50 men sent to create a new Farm (50 Stone, as much food as can be spared, others may starve, but this group or the researchers)


25 sent to think about spears

2011-01-24, 08:13 AM
]Volenbursh People![/B]-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 0
Stone| 20
Iron| 105
Food| 4
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 50
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Soldiers| 30
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 77

While your settlement had quickly become neglected, your food stores were very much the opposite. You finally carried surplus, meaning in only a few short years you'd be able to move from a life of direct agriculture, and expand.

However every action has a price, and every price must be paid.

Something has occurred not far to the north, along the forest line. A band of well-armed, poorly clothed barbarians has found their way into your midsts. These men are easily a while away, and may not find their way into your settlement immediately. Despite this, their intentions are not yet clear, and it is impossible to guess their exact wants in this situation.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- Barbarian's to the north. The tribe is small, but well armed. They are still a few months off, and their progress is slow. They may well not reach you till sometime next year.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 8 years. (on Hold)

- Writing: Incomplete, estimated time till completion 8 years.

"There is no need to be overly concerned with the barbarians at present, my friend. Well armed though they are, our soldiers are well trained and equipped. I think, however, that now is the time to build that defensive wall, using the remainder of our stone. Though we have little remaining, it should suffice, I think."

The Master smiled. The year had went well, and there was a small surplus of food. However, there was no call for contentment. With the leaders assembled, he decreed his orders.

5 Leaders to continue research into system of writing
25 Slaves to continue to produce food on the farm
17 Slaves and citizens to begin building a small defensive wall, using 20 Stone
30 Soldiers to prepare to defend the settlement from any barbarian assault

2011-01-24, 10:31 AM
Sons of Bjarki

Lumber| 6
Food| 25
Iron| 150
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 74
Soldiers| 29
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 215


- Outpost 1: Completed

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed

- Farming Plot (1): Completed

- Logging Site (1): Completed


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


-Enchantment will be completed in 3 years.

Styrbjorn felt his mind focus on the distant caravan. He had taken the warriors of the Bjarki, at least those available, with him for this task. Armed with their bows and their spears, the tribals moved whilst crouched. Sprinting from cover to cover, the men kept their bodies low to the foliage. They were men who had lived their entire lives hunting animals, knowing the value of silent discipline when it was required.

As the group moved to approach the caravan, Styrbjorn held up a meaty fist as a signal for the group to halt and stay crouched. Grabbing the massive axe Tyr, a weapon whose head was almost as large as a man's, the barbarian leader attempted to scout out the group. Whatever secrets these foreigners held, and whatever weaknesses they possessed, the trained barbarian's eye would pick out. The clan would grow in strength today...whether by new thralls, or new brothers in arms.

Behind him, the first bows were drawn, blunted arrows withdrawn from water-slicked quivers.
200 Thralls will proceed with farming, with 9 Sons of Bjarki as protection.

15 Thralls will continue collecting wood from the mining site, inhabiting the distant outpost and using it for food and shelter while they- themselves- simply proceed with harvesting wood.

Styrbjorn and the remaining 20 of the Sons of Bjarki will go forth and scout out the caravan, and decide their course of action from there.

2011-01-24, 02:50 PM
Year 5 - Dawn of the sow

Sons of Bjarki-

The Little Bear- Sons of Bjarki

Lumber| 22
Food| 50
Iron| 150
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 74
Soilders| 29
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 215

The year comes and goes, your food stores growing ever fuller with each year.

The sons of bjarki travel well west, to intercept the alien caravan that has pierced your borders.

Apon meeting the caravan you learn first of neighboring nations, a land of mages known simply as "The Holy Lands". The next thing you learn is that these men guiding this caravan are nothing short of powerful, each one unique and versed in magical arts.

The caravan does not act negatively to your ambush, and simply requests that you allow them to negotiate they're stay in your lands.

Their leader also notes that they have many unique goods to trade you, ranging from precious gems and a few rare metals to some more superflous items.

Finally, the caravan offers you a gift for your hospitality, a unique metal unknown to you so far, it's tint is unlike a color you've yet seen. (+20 gold)


(Please put your settlement(s) names here as well.)

- Outpost 1: Completed

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed

- Farming Plot (1): Completed

- Logging Site (1): Completed


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


- Your enchantment will be completed in 2 years.

- The caravan turns out to be missionary's from "The Holy Lands" seeking shelter within your borders. They offered you a hefty sum of gold as a gift, and further offer many resources for trade.
Exotic Plants (x), Iron, Mithral (2), Exotic Animals(x), Enchanted Tools(10), Precious Gems(x), Gold(x), Alchemical Supplies(x).

Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 0
Stone| 0
Iron| 105
Food| 0
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 50
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Soldiers| 30
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 52

A year passes, and the barbarian people reach your walls. You have erected further barricades in the time that had passed, however it may still not prove enough. The barbarian people meet with you, out on the open plains outside of the city.

Here it is discovered that the barbarians intentions are indeed nothing near generous. They demand slaves, in exchange for protection from the rest of their tribe. The leader could easily be bluffing, and an entire tribe of barbarians would take a few years to close in on your town, but the threat is still an open one.

On top of the threat of an attack, further famine cripples your population.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- The Barbarian's Demand 20 slaves or else they will return to their tribe and begin an all out assault on your people.

- 25 more people died this year, things were not looking good.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 8 years. (on Hold)

- Writing: Incomplete, estimated time till completion 7 years.

Seven Spears Tribe-

???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 133
Food| 46
Copper| 103
Tin| 103
Stone| 60
Population| 112
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

a new plot of agricultural land has been seen to fruition in the comming year. A small farm has been errected, and men already prepare to till the soil in hopes of a larger harvest.


- Road System (10 miles): Complete.

- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (2): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (12)


- Farm plot (2) completed.


R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Incomplete; estimated time till completion, 6 years.

Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 27
Food| 0
Metals| 50
Stone| 150
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 50
Population| 262
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .01

In order to placate the constant need for food, your people had decided to take a risk. While sacrificing working men who would normally manage your already existing farms, you had brought to your people the gift of a third outlet for food.

With the completion of your third farm plot, you are hopeful the need for sustenance will soon even out. A sizable sum of men had parished during the process, but they will be remembered as heros to your people.


- Logging Site (1): Completed

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed

- Farms (3): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)


- 26 men died from starvation this year.

- Farm plot (3) has been completed.


R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Complete

- Weapon Smithing (Spears): Incomplete; will come to completion in 2 years.

The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 100
Food| 0
Iron| 22
Stone| 120
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 142
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

The Year was uneventful. Bringing further starvation, albeit less. You're people have begun furthering themselves, with the attempt at improving their existing farming techniques to yield better production.


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- 8 men died this year

- -29 stone and -8 lumber were removed to pay for your researching campaign.


R&D Value: 3%

- Improved Agricultural Techniques: Incomplete, Will be Completed in 10 years.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-01-24, 06:33 PM
The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 100
Food| 0
Iron| 22
Stone| 120
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 142
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

The Year was uneventful. Bringing further starvation, albeit less. You're people have begun furthering themselves, with the attempt at improving their existing farming techniques to yield better production.


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- 8 men died this year

- -29 stone and -8 lumber were removed to pay for your researching campaign.


R&D Value: 3%

- Improved Agricultural Techniques: Incomplete, Will be Completed in 10 years.

The losses had been great, but the Kellardians had recovered. They were on their way to a new future. The farmers kept farming, though the iron miners were reassigned, to try and get some more food for the future. Overall, it looked to be a good year.

110 men on farming.
20 men on research
12 men fishing, gathering plants, etc.

2011-01-24, 08:12 PM
Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 27
Food| 0
Metals| 50
Stone| 150
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 50
Population| 262
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .01

In order to placate the constant need for food, your people had decided to take a risk. While sacrificing working men who would normally manage your already existing farms, you had brought to your people the gift of a third outlet for food.

With the completion of your third farm plot, you are hopeful the need for sustenance will soon even out. A sizable sum of men had parished during the process, but they will be remembered as heros to your people.


- Logging Site (1): Completed

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed

- Farms (3): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)


- 26 men died from starvation this year.

- Farm plot (3) has been completed.


R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Complete

- Weapon Smithing (Spears): Incomplete; will come to completion in 2 years.

So much death.... another funeral fire was burning on the breach front. His people were dying. But at least now, they had hope. There people will rise again. Karahoe began to walk back on the stunning copper road. It lead to the farms. It lead to life.


25 sit and talk about killing things with spears.
79 will work Farm 1
79 will work Farm 2
79 will work farm 3


Weapon making (Spears)

2011-01-24, 09:44 PM
Seven Spears Tribe-

???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 133
Food| 46
Copper| 103
Tin| 103
Stone| 60
Population| 112
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

a new plot of agricultural land has been seen to fruition in the comming year. A small farm has been errected, and men already prepare to till the soil in hopes of a larger harvest.


- Road System (10 miles): Complete.

- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (2): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (12)


- Farm plot (2) completed.


R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Incomplete; estimated time till completion, 6 years.

As the years passed, the council was still worried about the clans' food supply. Those that could were sent to the farmlands to continue working it.

Sending the 100 men to the farm plot 1, once again.
The other 12 are to go to farm plot 2.

2011-01-25, 02:00 PM
Sons of Bjarki-

The Little Bear- Sons of Bjarki

Lumber| 22
Food| 50
Iron| 150
Gold| 20
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 74
Soilders| 29
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 215


- Outpost 1: Completed

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed

- Farming Plot (1): Completed

- Logging Site (1): Completed


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


-Enchantment will be completed in 2 years.

-Missionaries from "The Holy Lands" seeking shelter within borders. They offered a hefty sum of gold as a gift, and further offer many resources for trade.
Exotic Plants (x), Iron, Mithral (2), Exotic Animals(x), Enchanted Tools(10), Precious Gems(x), Gold(x), Alchemical Supplies(x).

Styrbjorn stroked his beard as the Holy Lands traders made their case. The seasons had been rough, and the loss- even if only a few- had made things a bit different. While they could surely take down this entire caravan, and what it possessed, the matter came up where the Bjarki actually didn't need what these foreigners were offering.

At least, most of it. Gold? Gems? "Alchemical Supplies"? Oh, they were nice to look at, to hold, but they weren't any more valuable than regular iron or lumber. In fact, they were worth less so.

But still, the Bjarki could use every tool they could, even if it was an unwitting one.

"Your stay here is acceptable." The Bjarki leader said, "So long as you do not retain a constant presence here. We are generous, but we shall not have our land consumed by others."

He gave a dismissing wave to the archers, who slowly rose from behind the trees and rocks they had taken as cover. They had their bows in hand, but aimed towards the ground, arrows knocked.

"This gift of generosity is a fine way to begin." Styrbjorn said, "But we have no use for it. These enchanted tools of yours, alongside with your iron, however, will be much better. A fair trade of these for those, yes?" He said, presenting the gold back to the merchants.

Far, far away from the meeting place, life continued as usual for the Bjarki, their farmers and gatherers working towards a very...singular goal. One that could have interesting effects for their future development.

200 Thralls will proceed with farming, with 9 Sons of Bjarki as protection.

15 Thralls will continue collecting wood from the mining site, inhabiting the distant outpost and using it for food and shelter while they- themselves- simply proceed with harvesting wood.

After trade deals are completed, Styrbjorn and his warriors will proceed wit hunting and training, working to not only better their own skills, but the ability of the next generation of warriors.

2011-01-25, 07:22 PM
Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 0
Stone| 0
Iron| 105
Food| 0
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 50
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Soldiers| 30
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 52

A year passes, and the barbarian people reach your walls. You have erected further barricades in the time that had passed, however it may still not prove enough. The barbarian people meet with you, out on the open plains outside of the city.

Here it is discovered that the barbarians intentions are indeed nothing near generous. They demand slaves, in exchange for protection from the rest of their tribe. The leader could easily be bluffing, and an entire tribe of barbarians would take a few years to close in on your town, but the threat is still an open one.

On top of the threat of an attack, further famine cripples your population.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- The Barbarian's Demand 20 slaves or else they will return to their tribe and begin an all out assault on your people.

- 25 more people died this year, things were not looking good.

"Concede to their demands, and we die of starvation. Refuse, and they will no doubt overpower us. I believe our fate is sealed, and thus, our course of action is a foregone conclusion."

"We invite the barbarian chieftain back to our settlement, we offer him what fine food and wine we possess, asking only that he dine with us in return. Then, when he is drunk and merry, we slaughter his guards and eviscerate the chieftain in front of... Call it one survivor. That survivor shall then be ordered to return to his settlement and tell the barbarians of the justice of the Volenbursh people."

The Barbarians are to be invited back to the settlement, under the guise of truce and acquiescence to their demands. Before the ownership of the slaves is passed on however, 20 soldiers (Using what bronze weapons they have)are to storm the feast and slaughter the present barbarians, and brutally execute the chief, so as to send a message to the tribe.

25 Slaves to continue farming

2011-01-26, 12:50 PM
Year 6 - Dawn of the sow

Sons of Bjarki-

The Little Bear- Sons of Bjarki

Lumber| 22
Food| 75
Iron| 170
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 74
Soilders| 29
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 215

The trader's consider long and hard on your offer. It was a curious position you had placed them in. While it was obvious you would return their gift, for something you deemed as greater value, they could not say you had not out-right refused the generocity. In the end, they decided offering an equal amount of iron for the return of the gold would be sufficient. (+20 Iron, -20 Gold).

The year moves by, and the caravan promises only one more year of living with your people. After this time they will return to their own lands, and no doubt report to their leader of your own might and generocity.

Food stores continue to rise as the new year settles in.


(Please put your settlement(s) names here as well.)

- Outpost 1: Completed (16 lumber stored)

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed

- Farming Plot (1): Completed

- Logging Site (1): Completed


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


- Your enchantment will be completed in 1 years.

- The Caravan will remain one more year, still offering the same wares.Exotic Plants (x), Mithral (2), Exotic Animals(x), Enchanted Tools(10), Precious Gems(x), Gold(x), Alchemical Supplies(x).

Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 20
Stone| 20
Iron| 105
Food| 20
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 48
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Soldiers| 28
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 52

What has this year brought? Destruction, Death, and new enemies. The barbarian's had been massacred, all but one. The one, heavily beaten man was forced into the wilds, in a hopes your message would be delivered.

The skirmish was quick, but bloody. Your dwindling population ment more room to move about and fight. The barbarian's never saw the ambush comming, and their body's now littered your town.

But there is an upside to so much suffering. The overly proud barbarian's had brought with them much food, no doubt enough to have remaind on the outskirts of your civilization for years. Your people took what they could of the food, and began taking the rest of the barbarian's things.

Ultimately you did not come out too poorly. With the threat of a barbarian invasion on hold, and your food stores finally with surplus, you have high hopes for the comming years.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- The Barbarian's have been routed, only a single messenger allowed to live. If there is chance of a retaliation, you pray it will not be for some time yet.

- 0 men died this year, the barbarian's food stores saw to that, your people rejoice in this gift.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 8 years. (on Hold)

- Writing: Incomplete, estimated time till completion 6 years.

Seven Spears Tribe-

???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 133
Food| 58
Copper| 103
Tin| 103
Stone| 60
Population| 112
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

The year was spent with most of your people seeing to the farms. Despite the lack of advancement, your people could not have been happier. A simple, easy life is all anyone could ever want, and for the time being your people have just that.


- Road System (10 miles): Complete.

- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (2): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (12)


- Farm plot (2) completed.


R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Incomplete; estimated time till completion, 5 years.

Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 27
Food| 0
Metals| 50
Stone| 150
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 50
Population| 261
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .01

The passing year made it very clear to you, your people were going to survive. Even with your entire force devoted to working the fields, you found that food supplies were high enough to feed nearly the entire town year-round. Unfortunately one unlucky soul did not manage to get by, and found himself starving to death before the years end.


- Logging Site (1): Completed

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed

- Farms (3): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)


- 1 man died from starvation this year.


R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Complete

- Weapon Smithing (Spears): Incomplete; will come to completion in 1 years.

The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 100
Food| 0
Iron| 22
Stone| 120
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 140
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

Only two men died this year. Your food stores were growing with each year, and soon you'd be more prepared to advance in the world, and make a name for yourself!


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- 2 men died this year.
- Notice (To all Players): You only need to devote 1% of your total population for research. So feel free to edit future actions for this.


R&D Value: 3%

- Improved Agricultural Techniques: Incomplete, Will be Completed in 9 years.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-01-26, 04:25 PM
The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 100
Food| 0
Iron| 22
Stone| 120
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 140
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

Only two men died this year. Your food stores were growing with each year, and soon you'd be more prepared to advance in the world, and make a name for yourself!


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- 2 men died this year.
- Notice (To all Players): You only need to devote 1% of your total population for research. So feel free to edit future actions for this.


R&D Value: 3%

- Improved Agricultural Techniques: Incomplete, Will be Completed in 9 years.

Life was going good for the Kellardians. Grain silos were being filled up, aurochs were being bred, it was truly starting to become a good year.

110 men to farming
14 men to researching new farming techniques
6 men to fishing/gathering water plants
10 men mining iron

2011-01-26, 08:09 PM
Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 27
Food| 0
Metals| 50
Stone| 150
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 50
Population| 261
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .01

The passing year made it very clear to you, your people were going to survive. Even with your entire force devoted to working the fields, you found that food supplies were high enough to feed nearly the entire town year-round. Unfortunately one unlucky soul did not manage to get by, and found himself starving to death before the years end.


- Logging Site (1): Completed

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed

- Farms (3): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)


- 1 man died from starvation this year.


R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Complete

- Weapon Smithing (Spears): Incomplete; will come to completion in 1 years.

Karahoe glared at his empty food stores. Almost his entire people were farming. 90% of his people were farming from sun up to sun down and still people starved. This wasn't right. This was unnatural. The land was hurting, Karahoe sat down and considered. How can they help the land...


25 sit and talk about killing things with spears.
79 will work Farm 1
79 will work Farm 2
78 will work farm 3


25 men work on the finer points of life, e.g. spears.

2011-01-26, 08:22 PM
Seven Spears Tribe-

???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 133
Food| 58
Copper| 103
Tin| 103
Stone| 60
Population| 112
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

The year was spent with most of your people seeing to the farms. Despite the lack of advancement, your people could not have been happier. A simple, easy life is all anyone could ever want, and for the time being your people have just that.


- Road System (10 miles): Complete.

- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (2): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (12)


- Farm plot (2) completed.


R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Incomplete; estimated time till completion, 5 years.

For now, the Seven Spears Clans continued their agricultural pursuits. In hope of a brighter future. In hope of one where their children would not starve. Having become better skilled at farming, the people split more evenly among the two plots. Still, a dozen went to aide their brothers who have been working hard for the past several years on improved building.

50 people per farm plot. Sending 12 more men to work on research in progress.

2011-01-27, 05:52 PM
Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 20
Stone| 20
Iron| 105
Food| 20
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 48
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Soldiers| 28
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 52

What has this year brought? Destruction, Death, and new enemies. The barbarian's had been massacred, all but one. The one, heavily beaten man was forced into the wilds, in a hopes your message would be delivered.

The skirmish was quick, but bloody. Your dwindling population ment more room to move about and fight. The barbarian's never saw the ambush comming, and their body's now littered your town.

But there is an upside to so much suffering. The overly proud barbarian's had brought with them much food, no doubt enough to have remaind on the outskirts of your civilization for years. Your people took what they could of the food, and began taking the rest of the barbarian's things.

Ultimately you did not come out too poorly. With the threat of a barbarian invasion on hold, and your food stores finally with surplus, you have high hopes for the comming years.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- The Barbarian's have been routed, only a single messenger allowed to live. If there is chance of a retaliation, you pray it will not be for some time yet.

- 0 men died this year, the barbarian's food stores saw to that, your people rejoice in this gift.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 8 years. (on Hold)

- Writing: Incomplete, estimated time till completion 6 years.

The victory was swift, but the preparation for retaliation was swifter. While the slaves continued to work the farm, the remaining soldiers toiled hard to fortify the perimeter of the settlement, using the remaining stone and wood to construct a defensive wall, which could hopefully keep out the retaliation party.

In the town hall, the Master breathed his first relaxed sigh in many years.

"They will return. And when they do, we must be ready."

5 leaders to continue research into writing system
25 Slaves and citizens to work the farm to harvest food
22 Soldiers to construct defensive wall, using 20 stone and 20 hard wood

2011-01-28, 05:36 AM
Sons of Bjarki-

Lumber| 22
Food| 75
Iron| 170
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 74
Soilders| 29
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 215


- Outpost 1: Completed (16 lumber stored)

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed

- Farming Plot (1): Completed

- Logging Site (1): Completed


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


-Enchantment will be completed in 1 years.

- The Caravan will remain one more year, still offering the same wares.Exotic Plants (x), Mithral (2), Exotic Animals(x), Enchanted Tools(10), Precious Gems(x), Gold(x), Alchemical Supplies(x).

Styrbjorn sat in the longhouse with his men, the younger boys- those coming of age soon- standing before him. They had been raised in the culture of fighting, weathered by hard times. But they had survived, prospered, even. Their bodies had borne the scars of an upbringing, though the Bjarki had made sure that they were never anything more serious than skin deep. A crippled boy was of no use to anyone, especially if he was born healthy.

However, that was the past. Now, and the future, was much more important. As the boys sat cross-legged in the longhouse, Styrbjorn's chosen lined along its walls in deference to the importance of the ceremony. The Runesmith had withdrawn from his duties to anoint the men with bear's blood, the sacred animal of the barbarian tribe. It was from that great beast that they drew their strength, strength that they used to come closer to the great Jormungandr.

The purpose of their sitting was simple. As the Chieftain tugged at the rather impressive braided beard he had been growing, he had begun to explain to the boys the much more...vivid stories of the Bjarki past. Of the weak souls who had given themselves into thralldom, and doomed not only themselves, but their children and their children's children. A lesson in strength, and the importance in never- ever- allowing surrender.

200 Thralls will proceed with farming, with 9 Sons of Bjarki as protection.

15 Thralls will continue collecting wood from the mining site, inhabiting the distant outpost and using it for food and shelter while they- themselves- simply proceed with harvesting wood.

Styrbjorn and his twenty nine soldiers will work to alternatively train and bring back the timber from the outpost.

2011-01-28, 10:20 PM
Year 7 - Dawn of the sow

Sons of Bjarki-

The Little Bear- Sons of Bjarki

Lumber| 22
Iron| 170
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 74
Soilders| 29
Agricultural Value| .05
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 215

Stybjorne and his men left on this day, knowing well it'd be at least two years until their return. The outpost was far, much further then any man had traveled in such a long time. It had been years since you had sent the man off, and you were wary of their activity. By the time you were to show up on their doorstep you were certain there would be a flood of magnificent lumber to supply your people for many years to come.

The farms were producing more and more food, a small surplus would show each year, promising much future trade. The advent of your powerful spell, which had seen the begining of your village, to the dawn of the next decade, was finally complete. The very lands themselves glowed a mysterious hue, vegitation now took less time to grow, and less water and sunlight was required to achieve the task.

Finally, the year comes near to a close with a mysterious event. The men of your outpost, having occupied for an easy five years now, have lived an easy life. Work in the day, relax in the evening. However, their world would quickly be turned upside down by a comming event. Men have begun to dissapear from the outpost, not returning within the comming years.


(Please put your settlement(s) names here as well.)

- Outpost 1: Completed (30)

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed

- Farming Plot (1): Completed

- Logging Site (1): Completed


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


- Your enchantment has finished, causing your single farm plot to become enriched with magic, ensuring a good harvest every year.

- Stybjorne's journey has begun, and it would be seen to it's end. The quest will take three years, but the results will be worth it.

- A mysterious occurance is plaguing the men of your outpost. A single man has "gone missing" (dead) within the last year.

- The Caravan has taken leave at the year's begining. But you are not without fortune. Stybjorne and his men, as their own journey for your far off outpost begins, had uncovered a curious bit of information. The people left to the west, as they arrived, however there is a specific pass they traveled, one you should be sure to visit in the future.

Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 0
Stone| 0
Iron| 105
Food| 0
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 48
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Soldiers| 28
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 52

Was this year any better then the last? Your people continue to starve. The boon from the raiding barbarians had proved bountiful, only one man had risked starvation this year, and had survived. But how long could this last? Men were aging each year, you'd be gaurenteed a double, possibly tripled work force in meer years, but could you last that long? Only time would tell...

The completion of your first defensive structure was seen this year. A five-foot high, mile-long segment of wall stood on the edge of your town, proving imposing to any who would come from that direction, ultimately it was futile without further increments however.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed

- Wall (10): Completed


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- Compelted 1 mile of wall (10 units).

- 0 men starved this year, but food is dwindling fast.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 8 years. (on Hold)

- Writing: Incomplete, estimated time till completion 5 years.

Seven Spears Tribe-

???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 133
Food| 56
Copper| 103
Tin| 103
Stone| 60
Population| 112
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

Your food stores were holding. You'd survive the comming decade, but that ment little until you could supplement the loss. Thankfully hope stood on the precipice. In the eyes of the young men, once children, was a glimmer of hope. For when these men came of age, your force would easily double, allowing for a more strongly established people.


- Road System (10 miles): Complete.

- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (2): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (12)


- Farm plot (2) completed.


R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Incomplete; estimated time till completion, 3 years.

Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 27
Food| 0
Metals| 50
Stone| 150
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 50
Population| 261
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .01

You were fortunate this year. Your increased focus on farming has proven beneficial. While you found little to no surplus this year, you did have just enough to feed all the men, women, children, and sick of your village. This year was the first of many to come that would bring good news, the hopes of all your people rising with it.


- Logging Site (1): Completed

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed

- Farms (3): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)


- Your people have developed weaponry, a skill they would come to appreciate more fully in the following years. Their focus was on spears, sharply tipped shafts of wood ment for piercing strong hides.


R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Complete

- Weapon Smithing (Spears): Complete

The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 100
Food| 0
Iron| 33
Stone| 120
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 135
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

This year saw further starvation. Five men had passed. However, this was not without good news as well. Men had aged, quit rapidly for the comming years, and young boys would soon be grown men, capable of the laborous tasks farming and mining entailed. Your work force was soon to double in size!


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- Five men died this year.


R&D Value: 3%

- Improved Agricultural Techniques: Incomplete, Will be Completed in 7 years.

2011-01-30, 01:44 AM
Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 27
Food| 0
Metals| 50
Stone| 150
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 50
Population| 261
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .01

You were fortunate this year. Your increased focus on farming has proven beneficial. While you found little to no surplus this year, you did have just enough to feed all the men, women, children, and sick of your village. This year was the first of many to come that would bring good news, the hopes of all your people rising with it.


- Logging Site (1): Completed

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed

- Farms (3): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)


- Your people have developed weaponry, a skill they would come to appreciate more fully in the following years. Their focus was on spears, sharply tipped shafts of wood ment for piercing strong hides.


R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Complete

- Weapon Smithing (Spears): Complete

Karahoe had watched the land closely in the previous year. He had studied how it responded. He now found something suspect. Land that was rich with wildlife would grow more readily. He sent men to try and discover is this could be used to help with increasing the yearly harvest.


3 sit and talk about fertilizer (25 spices, 25 lumber)
86 will work Farm 1
86 will work Farm 2
86 will work farm 3


3 sit and talk about fertilizer (25 spices, 25 lumber) (Should less men not result in slower research, please add them evenly to the farms.)

Halna LeGavilk
2011-01-30, 03:31 AM
???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 100
Food| 0
Iron| 33
Stone| 120
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 135
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

This year saw further starvation. Five men had passed. However, this was not without good news as well. Men had aged, quit rapidly for the comming years, and young boys would soon be grown men, capable of the laborous tasks farming and mining entailed. Your work force was soon to double in size!


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- Five men died this year.


R&D Value: 3%

- Improved Agricultural Techniques: Incomplete, Will be Completed in 7 years.

The Kellardians were growing up. It was working. They were finally getting out of the rut they had been in. It was a beginning of a glorious time.

100 men to farming
10 men to mining iron
25 men to cutting wood

2011-01-30, 10:44 PM
Sons of Bjarki-

Lumber| 22
Iron| 170
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 74
Soldiers| 29
Agricultural Value| .05
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 214


(Please put your settlement(s) names here as well.)

- Outpost 1: Completed (30)

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed

- Farming Plot (1): Completed

- Logging Site (1): Completed


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


- Enchantment has finished, causing your single farm plot to become enriched with magic, ensuring a good harvest every year.

- Stybjorne's journey has begun, and it would be seen to it's end. The quest will take three years, but the results will be worth it.

- A mysterious occurrence is plaguing the men of the outpost. A single man has "gone missing" (dead) within the last year. Totally Dead Space it up. Or Dead Village, whatever.

- Found Dragon Pass Caravan Trail. Must fortify it.

With Styrbjorn focused on their greater work, it had fallen down to Ragnar and five of his men- plus one of their Runesmith-Skalds now freed from the enchanting process- to investigate what was taking place. This six-man fellowship, men who had trained for years in the ways of war and the art of the hunt, moved quickly.

Armed with axes and hunting spears, the men had departed with what food they could, their travel packs filled with fresh food. The fields would produce more than enough to replace what they took with them. Having offered a sacrifice to Jormungandr before their departure, a rack of wild white rabbits, they had promptly set out to discover the cause of their problems. Styrbjorn's blessing, alongside with their wayside sacrifice, would be more than enough.

With their sorcery to aid them, and their weapons in hand, Ragnar- second to Styrbjorn- sincerely doubted the chances of any creature foolish enough to come at him and his double-headed axe. The Sons of Bjarki were much tougher to take down than their thralls.

200 Thralls will proceed with farming, with 9 Sons of Bjarki as protection.

14 Thralls will continue collecting wood from the mining site, inhabiting the distant outpost and using it for food and shelter while they- themselves- simply proceed with harvesting wood.

Styrbjorn and his twenty soldiers will work to alternatively train and bring back the timber from the outpost. Five of the group will detach to deal with the matter of the disappearance while the others continue their journey.

5 Sons of Bjarki will attempt to find out what has caused a thrall to vanish so abruptly and- if feasible- slay it.

2011-01-31, 05:10 AM
Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 0
Stone| 0
Iron| 105
Food| 0
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 48
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Soldiers| 28
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 52

Was this year any better then the last? Your people continue to starve. The boon from the raiding barbarians had proved bountiful, only one man had risked starvation this year, and had survived. But how long could this last? Men were aging each year, you'd be gaurenteed a double, possibly tripled work force in meer years, but could you last that long? Only time would tell...

The completion of your first defensive structure was seen this year. A five-foot high, mile-long segment of wall stood on the edge of your town, proving imposing to any who would come from that direction, ultimately it was futile without further increments however.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed

- Wall (10): Completed


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- Compelted 1 mile of wall (10 units).

- 0 men starved this year, but food is dwindling fast.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 8 years. (on Hold)

- Writing: Incomplete, estimated time till completion 5 years.

"The wall must be augumented, if it is to prove useful. Further, we must hope for a good harvest this year. We are in desperate need for a surplus of food, if we are to survive. At present, we must turn our minds to the following tasks..."

5 Leaders to continue development of writing system
25 Slaves and Citizens to continue farming
22 Soldiers to gather stone and lumber

2011-01-31, 09:22 PM
???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 133
Food| 56
Copper| 103
Tin| 103
Stone| 60
Population| 112
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

Your food stores were holding. You'd survive the comming decade, but that ment little until you could supplement the loss. Thankfully hope stood on the precipice. In the eyes of the young men, once children, was a glimmer of hope. For when these men came of age, your force would easily double, allowing for a more strongly established people.


- Road System (10 miles): Complete.

- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (2): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (12)


- Farm plot (2) completed.


R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Incomplete; estimated time till completion, 3 years.

The clans continued their diligent work. Never again would people die from being unable to feed their families, that would be seen to.

continuing from last time with 50 in each farm and the 12 remaining going to aide the research on improved building techniques.

2011-02-05, 04:09 PM
Year 8 - Dawn of the sow

Sons of Bjarki-

The Little Bear- Sons of Bjarki

Lumber| 22
Food| 25
Iron| 170
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 74
Soilders| 29
Agricultural Value| .05
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 215

The year was long, but bountiful. Food continues to flow form your farm, the enchantment only making the process more powerful.

Stybjorne and his men had arrived at the outpost / lumber site only days before the years end. It was here they learned of a horrible secret. A beast lives within the large woods, a monster described as having a massive, black body, sharp and deadly spear-like tusks, and feral red eyes. The beast continues to pick off your men as they attempt to harvest from the forest. However this may all stop with the right intervention.


(Please put your settlement(s) names here as well.)

- Outpost 1: Completed (30)

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed

- Farming Plot (1): Completed

- Logging Site (1): Completed


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


- A monster plagues the woodlands and your outpost. You must subdue or kill it in order to ensure the outpost's safety.

- 1 man died this year (at the outpost).

Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 15
Stone| 15
Iron| 105
Food| 0
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 48
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Soldiers| 28
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 50

The year was better then expected. Only a few deaths through starvation, and you were hopeful, no... you were SURE that in only a few short years that problem would be remedied.

You men kept the food stores as high as possible, given the current work force. And both stone and wood were succesfully harvested and returned to your people.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed

- Wall (10): Completed


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- 2 men starved this year.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 8 years. (on Hold)

- Writing: Incomplete, estimated time till completion 2 years.

Seven Spears Tribe-

???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 133
Food| 0
Copper| 103
Tin| 103
Stone| 60
Population| 112
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

Your food supply had diminished, but your people went well fed this year. A new hope is just on the horizon, and soon the world shall change forever.


- Road System (10 miles): Complete.

- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (2): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (12)


- Farm plot (2) completed.


R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Incomplete; estimated time till completion, 1 years.

Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 2
Food| 0
Metals| 50
Stone| 150
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 25
Population| 255
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .01

Only a few men had passed this year, and things were begining to look up. Your people would soon supplement the lost lives, and quickly grow beyond such simple issues such as starvation. A new dawn would soon rise, with you at it's front.


- Logging Site (1): Completed

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed

- Farms (3): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)



R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Complete

- Weapon Smithing (Spears): Complete

- Fertalizers: Incomplete; Estimated time till completion 2 years.

The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 127
Food| 0
Iron| 44
Stone| 120
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 130
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

Once more, five men exactly had passed. The year's were harsh, but a new hope sat on the horizon. A new hope that promised much, and seemed so simple. You and your people's moral was replenished, and you will soon begin to expand, and grow into a mighty empire.


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- Five men died this year.


R&D Value: 3%

- Improved Agricultural Techniques: Incomplete, Will be Completed in 3 years.

2011-02-08, 02:34 AM
Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 2
Food| 0
Metals| 50
Stone| 150
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 25
Population| 255
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .01

Only a few men had passed this year, and things were begining to look up. Your people would soon supplement the lost lives, and quickly grow beyond such simple issues such as starvation. A new dawn would soon rise, with you at it's front.


- Logging Site (1): Completed

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed

- Farms (3): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)



R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Complete

- Weapon Smithing (Spears): Complete

- Fertalizers: Incomplete; Estimated time till completion 2 years.

Karahoe watched as his people starved yet again. Options were running out. It appears hope is lost.


3 sit and talk about fertilizer (25 spices, 25 lumber)
84 will work Farm 1
84 will work Farm 2
84 will work farm 3


3 creating fertilizer.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-02-09, 10:04 PM
The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 127
Food| 0
Iron| 44
Stone| 120
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Population| 130
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

Once more, five men exactly had passed. The year's were harsh, but a new hope sat on the horizon. A new hope that promised much, and seemed so simple. You and your people's moral was replenished, and you will soon begin to expand, and grow into a mighty empire.


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- Five men died this year.


R&D Value: 3%

- Improved Agricultural Techniques: Incomplete, Will be Completed in 3 years.

The Kellardians began working hard again, trying to ensure that no more people would die.

13 men to research
17 men to making metal farming implements
100 men to farming.

2011-02-09, 10:23 PM
Seven Spears Tribe

???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 133
Food| 54
Copper| 103
Tin| 103
Stone| 60
Population| 117
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

Your food supply had diminished, but your people went well fed this year. A new hope is just on the horizon, and soon the world shall change forever.


- Road System (10 miles): Complete.

- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (2): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (12)


- Farm plot (2) completed.


R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Incomplete; estimated time till completion, 1 years.

The people of the seven clans continued to till the land, taking a bit of food from the stores as needed.

Same as before...
58 in one farm plot, 59 in the other.

2011-02-11, 09:54 AM
Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 15
Stone| 15
Iron| 105
Food| 0
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 48
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Soldiers| 28
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 50

The year was better then expected. Only a few deaths through starvation, and you were hopeful, no... you were SURE that in only a few short years that problem would be remedied.

You men kept the food stores as high as possible, given the current work force. And both stone and wood were succesfully harvested and returned to your people.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed

- Wall (10): Completed


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- 2 men starved this year.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 8 years. (on Hold)

- Writing: Incomplete, estimated time till completion 2 years.

"We must improve the wall and continue to build the food stores. The task regarding our writing is almost complete, soon our plans shall be put into full action."

The Master said, hoping, perhaps in vain, that there would be no deaths this year.

5 Leaders to continue development of writing system
25 Slaves and Citizens to continue farming
20 Soldiers to reinforce the wall using the collected stone and lumber

2011-02-11, 03:29 PM
Sons of Bjarki-

The Little Bear

Lumber| 22
Food| 25
Iron| 170
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 74
Soilders| 29
Agricultural Value| .05
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 214


- Outpost 1: Completed (30)

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed

- Farming Plot (1): Completed

- Logging Site (1): Completed


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


- A monster plagues the woodlands and outpost. It must be subdued or killed in order to ensure the outpost's safety.

- 1 man died this year (at the outpost).

Sons of Bjarki. Men of the World Serpent. Soldiers, warriors, fighters! And here, they had staked their claim. They were men, real men, who had claimed the Black Coast for themselves! They had taken their slaves, consumed the lifeblood of the weaklings that Jormungandr had set before them! Now, as their food stores overflowed and their tribe prepared for even further growth, some beast saw fit to take on their thralls? It did not even have the courage of trying to assail a true Son of Bjarki! It was content with trying to attack their servants, but servants were still property- just as this beast would be.

Or it would die.

Both were acceptable options. Reading their bows and hunting spears, the men passed through the settlement. Braided beards caught loose drifts of snow, their pelt-coated bodies scathingly warm. The distant howl of the blizzard winds was matched only by the roar of the Jotun in the midst of these warriors. Towering above the rest, a massive axe in each hand, the giant walked with footfalls as light as snow. They were hunters, predators, men who had made their livelihood hunting not only their fellow man, but the greatest beasts nature could provide.

This was simply a newer, greater beast than those before. And it would submit and die, just like all the others.

200 Thralls will proceed with farming, with 9 Sons of Bjarki as protection.

14 Thralls will continue collecting wood from the mining site, inhabiting the distant outpost and using it for food and shelter while they- themselves- simply proceed with harvesting wood.

Styrbjorn and his twenty five soldiers will, together, hunt after this strange creature, operating in groups of five with four groups in the field and a fifth one- including Styrbjorn- in reserve. Should they locate it, they'll send a runner for Styrbjorn and his Chosen before attacking. If they can subdue it, that is preferred, but they'll sooner kill it than lose a true Son of Bjarki in detaining it.

2011-02-11, 05:09 PM
Year 9 - Dawn of the sow

Sons of Bjarki-

The Little Bear- Sons of Bjarki

Lumber| 22
Food| 50
Iron| 170
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 74
Ivory| 1
Pelt| 1
Soilders| 19
Agricultural Value| .05
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 205

Nearly a decade since you first settled. Your people's history is long and illustrious, even before establishing themselves as a nation. But now, they would grow even larger, and become more powerful then before.

The boar-like beast that stalked the forests was quickly delt with. The effort took not even an entire year, and the beast was slaughtered. Capturing it would have no doubt proved more useful, however the beast took with it ten sons of bjarki, proving it's lethalness in combat.

The beast was mighty, more dangerous then first thought. It took out two full groups of men before the third, led by Stybjorne himself, felled it. While the beast's blood now paints the earth, you can rejoice in the knowledge that the forests are safe, for now.


(Please put your settlement(s) names here as well.)

- Outpost 1: Completed (30)

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed

- Farming Plot (1): Completed

- Logging Site (1): Completed


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


- The beast was defeated, it's blood staining the earth red. The corpse provides many nescessary, and luxurious materials. An ample amount of hide was recovered, as well as ivory, and meat.
- 10 men died this year.

Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 0
Stone| 0
Iron| 105
Food| 0
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 48
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Soldiers| 28
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 50

The year was merciful on you. An unusually bountiful harvest was bestowed on your farm, granting just enough food to get by.

The wall was nearing completion, the extra wood and stone quickly filling in missing spots. While it is not whole yet, it would be few years until it was, and still there was no sign of the neighboring barbarians.

Finally, your people have completed a form of writing, while the alphabet was still young, and there was much room for improvement, your people could effectively convey their language unto solid surfaces now.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed

- Wall (25): Completed (wall will cover entire civilization to the requested distance at 40).


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- Writing was completed, your people now have a means to communicate over longer distances without sending embassadors.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 8 years. (on Hold)

- Writing: Completed

Seven Spears Tribe-

???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 133
Food| 56
Copper| 103
Tin| 103
Stone| 60
Population| 112
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

A surplus of food was met this year, showing great things for your people. Starvation would quickly dwindle, and your people would grow, and become strong. Accompanying such a glorious feat is the advancement of construction practises. Your people are much wiser, and can build faster and with better quality now.

Your scouts have returned after many years of tasking work! With them they bring knowledge, knowledge of the best locations to find stone in the surrounding lands. Eleven sites, suitable enough to harvest vast amounts of granite, marble, bedrock, and many other minerals have been revealed to you.


- Road System (10 miles): Complete.

- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (2): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (12)
- Stone (11)


- Farm plot (2) completed.


R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Completed

Warriors of the Misty Isles-

The Misty Isles- Warriors of the Misty Isles

Lumber| 2
Food| 21
Metals| 50
Stone| 150
Clay| 50
Wildlife| 0
Herbs| 50
Spices| 25
Population| 255
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .01

A surplus! your people rejoice as the amount of produce begins to stockpile. Even with every citizen having their fill this year, still more sat in your grocery houses. The spirit of your people was rising, and a new hope and larger smiles were apon their faces.

As well, your people have developed a new means to fertilize their fields, ensuring a greater yield in production each year!


- Logging Site (1): Completed

- Road (50 miles) to Farm, Logging Site: Completed

- Farms (3): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (3)
- Copper (4)
- Rare Sand (1)(x)
- Coal (1)
- Tin (7)
- Whale (10)



R&D Value: 3%

- Ship Building: Complete

- Weapon Smithing (Spears): Complete

- Fertalizers: Complete

The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 127
Food| 0
Iron| 44
Stone| 120
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Farming Tools| 17
Population| 125
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

A third year where exactly five men perished, talk begins to rise among your people of a "curse" and superstition is quickly spread. Unless something is done fast a revolt could well be on hand.


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- Five men died this year.


R&D Value: 3%

- Improved Agricultural Techniques: Incomplete, Will be Completed in 1 years.

2011-02-14, 06:12 PM
Sons of Bjarki-

Lumber| 22
Food| 50
Iron| 170
Stone| 0
Wyrdstone| 74
Ivory| 1
Pelt| 1
Soldiers| 19
Agricultural Value| .05
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01
Population| 205


- Outpost 1: Completed (30)

- Longhouses (4) (L): Completed

- Farming Plot (1): Completed

- Logging Site (1): Completed


Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range) (Fort)
- Lumber (2)
- Stone (3)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Coal (3)
- Silver (2)
- Copper (2)
- Tropical Vegetation (5)


- The beast was defeated, it's blood staining the earth red. The corpse provides many necessary, and luxurious materials. An ample amount of hide was recovered, as well as ivory, and meat.
- 10 men died this year.

Coated in blood, Styrbjorn was left heaving, his chest rising and falling with the shifting of the wind. His twin axes were slick with the gore of the wild monster, its tusks having been snared by the body of a man who had been all-too-perfectly gored. The man was inevitably going to be dead with such severe injuries, no doubt about it, and Styrbjorn had lopped off his head as an act of mercy. The beast itself had been a bloodier affair: With its tusks rendered moot, it had still been in possession of its jagged teeth and powerful hooves.

The duo, chieftain and beast, had fought tooth and nail, battering at one another to the brink of death. It had only fallen when Styrbjorn had taken the axe Tyr and rammed it into the open maw of the monstrous boar. Its chomping teeth had buried the arcane axe's supernatural edge into the roof of its mouth, severing its brain stem.

Gathering their equipment from the fallen, the remaining hunting parties would return to the lumber camp, to refresh, heal, and eventually depart with timber for Port Bjarki.

200 Thralls will proceed with farming, with 9 Sons of Bjarki as protection.

14 Thralls will continue collecting wood from the mining site, inhabiting the distant outpost and using it for food and shelter while they- themselves- simply proceed with harvesting wood.

Styrbjorn and his ten remaining soldiers will work to bring back the timber from the outpost.

2011-02-18, 11:59 PM
???- Seven Spears Tribe

Lumber| 133
Food| 56
Copper| 103
Tin| 103
Stone| 60
Population| 137
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

A surplus of food was met this year, showing great things for your people. Starvation would quickly dwindle, and your people would grow, and become strong. Accompanying such a glorious feat is the advancement of construction practises. Your people are much wiser, and can build faster and with better quality now.

Your scouts have returned after many years of tasking work! With them they bring knowledge, knowledge of the best locations to find stone in the surrounding lands. Eleven sites, suitable enough to harvest vast amounts of granite, marble, bedrock, and many other minerals have been revealed to you.


- Road System (10 miles): Complete.

- Copper Mine (1): Complete.

- Tin Mine (1): Complete.

- Lumber Camp (1): Complete.

- Farm Plot (2): Complete.

-Wall (469m): Complete.


- Lumber (1)(x)
- Rare Yellow Lumber (7)
- Copper (6) (Mine)
- Tin (10) (Mine)
- Exotic Animals (12)
- Stone (11)



R&D Value: 3

- Improved Construction: Completed

With the newly returned men comes slight looks of worry. While the food supplies were stable for now, there was word that they might not hold.

Some that had finished research were sent to build. Others began work on the farms, tilling the land to feed the (very) slowly growing population. Still, one frustrated man had grabbed a stick and was trying to figure out a way to attach a metal blade to it, to better the harvest of grains. Most thought he was crazy, but left him to his task.

65 men in plot 1, 65 in plot 2 (that's 143 food produced this turn)
2 men to Lumber Camp
2 men to Tin Mines
2 men to Bronze Mines
1 crazy SOB to research improved farming techniques

Halna LeGavilk
2011-02-20, 10:17 AM
The Kellardians!-

???- The Kellardians

Lumber| 127
Food| 0
Iron| 44
Stone| 120
Horses| 60
Aurochs| 60
Gold| 10
Copper| 10
Nickel| 10
Lead| 9
Silver| 30
Zinc| 30
Clothes| 50
Cloth| 50
Bows| 100
Exotic Tigers| 2
Exotic Animals| 20
Rafts| 100
Farming Tools| 17
Population| 125
Agricultural Value| .01
Mining Value| .01
Logging Value| .01

A third year where exactly five men perished, talk begins to rise among your people of a "curse" and superstition is quickly spread. Unless something is done fast a revolt could well be on hand.


- Copper Mine (1): Completed

- Iron Mine (1): Completed

- Lumber Camp (1): Completed


- Lumber (7)
- Stone (7)
- Stone (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Iron (8)
- Copper (5)
- Exotic Spices (9)
- Rare Stone (1)


- Five men died this year.


R&D Value: 3%

- Improved Agricultural Techniques: Incomplete, Will be Completed in 1 years.

The curse of "The Five Deaths" infected everyone with fear, some of the most superstitious claiming they should return to barbarous "sacrifices". That, would not be allowed.

100 men to farming
13 men to research
12 men to logging

If exactly five men die again, someone gets stabbed. In the throat, and then the body is burned.

2011-02-21, 07:33 AM
Volenbursh People!-

(CITY NAME)- Volenbursh People

Hard Wood| 0
Stone| 0
Iron| 105
Food| 0
Wool| 25
Papyrus| 30
Clothing| 50
Gold| 50
Copper| 25
Tin| 25
Bronze| 95
Swords| 48
Bows| 25
Arrows| 25
Light Metal Armor| 50
Soldiers| 28
Agricultural Value| .02
Mining Value| .00
Logging Value| .00
Population| 50

The year was merciful on you. An unusually bountiful harvest was bestowed on your farm, granting just enough food to get by.

The wall was nearing completion, the extra wood and stone quickly filling in missing spots. While it is not whole yet, it would be few years until it was, and still there was no sign of the neighboring barbarians.

Finally, your people have completed a form of writing, while the alphabet was still young, and there was much room for improvement, your people could effectively convey their language unto solid surfaces now.


- Road (15 miles) to River: Completed

- Farmland (1): Completed

- Wall (25): Completed (wall will cover entire civilization to the requested distance at 40).


- Lumber (1)(x) (Out of Range)
- Stone (3)
- Lumber (10)
- Rare White Lumber (1) (Out of Range)
- Cinnabar (7) (Out of Range)
- Iron (2)
- Cobalt (6)
- Gold (10)


- Writing was completed, your people now have a means to communicate over longer distances without sending embassadors.


R&D Value: 3%

- Crafting; Iron: Incompleted, estimated time till completion 8 years. (on Hold)

- Writing: Completed

And thus, with the system of writing complete, the leaders of the settlement began work on the constitution which they had sought to create from the first day of the formation of the town.

The slaves and citizens continued to farm, the soldiers continued to harvest materials and construct the wall, and all and all the life of the settlement at last appeared to have fallen into full swing.

5 Leaders to begin work on drafting constitution
25 Slaves and Citizens to continue farming
20 Soldiers to collect more stone and lumber