View Full Version : Star Trek: Trevelyan

2011-01-18, 12:13 PM
Space, the final frontier.
These are the voyages of the starship Trevelyan.
Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

The USS Trevelyan sits in orbit around the brown-green expanses of the planet Enticea IV.

2011-01-18, 12:58 PM
Captain's Log, Stardate 3217.4

We are in orbit around Enticea IV, a planet thus unfamiliar to the Federation not dissimilar to Earth in it's atmospheric & geological composition, though distinctly lacking in natural expanses of water compared to it's land mass. The planet itself consists mostly of jungle and swamps, broken up by large swathes of relatively barren desert.

Scans have indicated significant amounts minerals and metals in the planet's crust, including sizeable amounts of dilithium. Our orders were to investigate local warp signatures with the possibility of first contact if appropriate.

However upon arrival the primary culture of the planet seems to be early industrial by Earth's standards, and even more puzzlingly we have also detected several early anti-matter generators on the planet itself, in addition to clusters of beings moving much faster than their main technology should allow.

I am currently awaiting an analysis by Dr. Newsreader regarding any biological elements that may hinder an exploration of the planet and these unusual findings.


Sharec is in the Captain's chair, examining a PADD bearing the most recent Starfeel intelligence regarding the Klingons; something he believes necessary to keep up to date on.

"For now keep us in orbit behind the Enticean moon Mr. Chertan, with the unusual technology we detected I don't want to run the risk of someone down there detecting us. Same for you Lieutenant ((aimed at T'Jen)), there's no need to keep your finger on the trigger but eyes open."

2011-01-18, 01:18 PM
"Matching lunar orbit, sir." Brad said, entering the necessary commands. The Trevelyan was a nice ship, with adequate defenses and firepower for her role, but the helm always felt sluggish next to the smaller shuttlecraft he was used to piloting. Well, not the freight shuttlecraft, nothing was less maneuverable than them.

"Sir, if I may suggest, the moon will likely interfere with our sensors as well as the planet's. We could dispatch a shuttle to act as a sensor relay. If it was powered down except for essential systems, it would be very difficult to detect. A probe could do the same, but a shuttle is easier and quicker to recover in case of an emergency."

2011-01-18, 01:26 PM
"Your concern is noted but at the moment that will not be necessary; I'm not expecting any interference from the planet, simply being cautious."

2011-01-18, 01:32 PM
The doors open and Dr Newsreader comes walking in. Nodding to all the other people at the bridge, she comes right to business. In a voice with a professional, confident, but cold and distant voice she says:

"Captain, I've analysed the ship's scans. The wildlife could, theoretically, form a problem, with the alien species native to the jungles, swamps and deserts of the planet possibly using poisons and chemicals unknown to us, but I'd say the chances of that are pretty slim that our highly trained staff won't be able to deal with them. I don't think there is any problem with sending down a team, as long as we're careful and take all the standard precautions."

2011-01-18, 01:38 PM
T'jen, from his post at weapons, simply nods at the captains orders and focuses on his controls. He keeps a close watch on the sensors for anything unusual or hostile.

2011-01-18, 01:43 PM
T'jen sees nothing new at all as he monitors the scanners, let alone anything hostile.

Although it is a little unusual that there are no new warp signatures or trails in the area, when the probes Starfleet initially sent out detected such.

With Mr. Chertan's deft fingers at the controls, the Trevelyan easily slips behind the moon. The ship is now hidden from any planet-bound sensors.

2011-01-18, 02:49 PM
Satisfied with the Doctor's report, Sharec stands.

"Obviously this is distinctly against protocol but given the unusual situation & first contact possibility I will be joining the mission & I want senior staff on hand. T'Jen obviously and Dr. you as well in case something does come up. Mr. Chertan, we'll be going in by shuttle since we can't use the transporter from this position. Everyone report to shuttlebay one."

He activates the intercom on his chair. "Mr. Roe, meet us in shuttlebay one, bring your full assessment kit."

Discontinuing communication he turns to Raynes as everyone leaves. "You have the bridge Commander."

With a nod he leaves the bridge.

2011-01-18, 02:49 PM
"Aye aye, sir." Brad says, locking in the orbit, and relinquishing the helm to a subordinate. He tried to keep the excitement from his voice. The shuttles on this ship were a far sight from the sleek command shuttles built for aerodynamics in earth's atmosphere and to look nice in holograms, but they were still maneuverable.

Brad made his way to the shuttlebay and checked over the shuttle before beginning the startup procedure.

2011-01-18, 02:57 PM
"All right, Captain. I'll go prepare my medical kit." (I'm assuming I'm bringing more than just a tricorder, right???)

"When I'm done, I'll get to the shuttle bay as well."

She leaves, with an almost too-confident air. She's very full of herself. This is what she was trained to do after all and she has the experience. She was confident nothing could surprise her.

She goes to sick bay, and gets a medical tricorder and a standard medical kit. And gives orders on how to treat the patients while she is away.

2011-01-18, 03:22 PM
Sharec: Raynes nods his acknowledgement, and continues to monitor his station.

Brad: The shuttle is, as usual, in pristine condition. The soft, comforting hum of the engine starting up soon infiltrates the shuttle.

Sarah: The nurses take to their duties with the efficiency you've come to expect from them, double checking each patient's chart against your orders. As usual, your orders are precisely the optimal treatment for each patient.

2011-01-18, 03:24 PM
T'jen rises without comment, allowing a subordinate to take his place, and follows the captain, checking to make sure he has his phaser secured on his belt as he walks.

2011-01-18, 03:26 PM
Working his way through the pre-launch checklist, Brad also pulls up the scans collected on their approach to the planet. He'd collect more once they were en route, but he decided to pour over the preliminary information while he waits for the rest of the away team. He tries to figure out the best approach, and any potential landing sites, close to civilization, but far enough away as to reduce the chance of being noticed. He presents any he finds to the Captain as potential landing sites, when he is aboard.

2011-01-18, 04:06 PM
T'Jen: As Security Officer, you also have the responsibility to advise the captain on whether the landing party should be armed with the easily concealable Phaser-I or the more effective but more obvious Phaser-II.

Brad: Working through the scans, you identify several potential landing sites.

One of the energy signatures is located just west of the center of one of the stretches of desert. 1.9 km north of that signature is a rocky mesa with a concave top. The shuttle could be hidden there, and the landing party would have to trek the 1.9 km through the desert terrain.

Another energy signature is located in the southern hemisphere, in one of the large jungles. There is what appears to be a natural clearing 1.1 km south-west of the signature and 2.3km from an apparent native settlement. The jungle terrain will be tough and dense, but should allow for a stealthy approach.

A final landing point is in an area where jungle starts to become swamp. The deep, swampy terrain gradually sweeps round the natural clearing, leaving an eastern approach the only easy way to access the landing site. That direction (west for those coming from the site) leads to another energy signature 1.4km from the site.

2011-01-18, 04:15 PM
Sharec walks with T'Jen to the shuttlebay.

"It's been some time since you were on a deep space assignment, eight years if I recall correctly. How are you adjusting?"

2011-01-18, 04:22 PM
Brad compiles the sites locations onto a PADD and adds the appropriate notations. While the second site seems to be the best possibility, it is the Captain's prerogative where they land.

2011-01-18, 04:27 PM
Sarah remains quiet, observing the others, trying to spot any type of illness or fatigue early. She liked to be out of sick bay for once, but it had been quite some time since she was sent on an away team. She was quite nervous and not as confident as she'd like.

2011-01-18, 04:38 PM
"Very well sir. I have found the time I have spent in deep space to be more fulfilling than other duties, necessary though they may be." T'jen says as they walk, being careful to place his steps.

"Sir, if I may, I would recommend we bring type 1 phasers. They should be less noticeable in case of first contact and this civilization does not seem advanced enough to pose a threat. Or at least a threat which would merit type 2 phasers." T'jen says as they enter the shuttlebay.

2011-01-18, 04:48 PM
"Maybe we should think of a cover story in case of first contact. It's always better to have a plan before they start to dissect you."

"What do we know about the people that live there?"

2011-01-18, 05:53 PM
"A good point. Agreed."

Once in the shuttlebay Sharec will take the PADD from Brad.

"While stealth may be preferable, I'd rather not run the risk of any natives coming across the shuttle, assuming our assessment of the majority's technological level is correct. We'll go for the desert site, less risk of someone coming across it with it being in the middle of nowhere.

As for cover, Mr. Kelso has been monitoring planetary communications all the time you were working but wasn't able to detect anything, not even radio. Hopefully if the situation calls for it the U.T will accept their language. If not, we will just have to try our hand at sign language. Nothing is quite right about this situation, so contact is to be an absolute last resort at the moment.

2011-01-18, 06:19 PM
"Roger, sir. We are ready to depart on your command." Brad enters the course heading into the helm console, and waits for the Captain's order to take off.

2011-01-18, 06:26 PM
"Has anyone checked if the replicators are working? I wouldn't want to be without water in the desert."

2011-01-18, 11:19 PM
T'jen steps over to the Food Synthesizer and presses a few buttons. A small bowl of something red appears. Taking a small sniff he regards the buttons with a furrowed brow for a moment before letting out a small 'ah'.

"The synthesizer appears to be working correctly. Would anyone care for some Bolian tomato soup?" T'jen asks, looking a bit embarrassed as he holds the bowl.

2011-01-19, 04:08 PM
"Crewman, recycle the Lieutenant's soup please" Sharec says to an Andorrian crewmember in the docking bay.

"Once Mr. Roe arrives we will depart."

2011-01-19, 04:16 PM
Sarah looks at the Andorian, who she hadn't noticed before. She remains quiet, pretending not to look at him. Too many bad memories.

2011-01-19, 04:42 PM
The Andorian crewman takes T'jen's soup, and leaves the shuttlebay. Presumably, he is taking it to the nearest water recyc point.

2011-01-19, 04:56 PM
T'jen takes his seat, looking a bit embarissed, and begins examining his phaser to ensure it's armed, set to stun, and the safety is on.

King Tius
2011-01-19, 06:16 PM
The Captain's communique catches the Chief Engineer off guard as he is working inside a Jefferies Tube with his first assistant engineer. The two are scanning a power relay that has been acting up over the past few hours.

"Aye Captain, on my way." He snaps his tricorder shut and hands the Phase-Inductor to his assistant. "Finish this up for me, will you Mel?"

"Aye Sir" she says, giving him a sly smile.

Roe backs out of the tube and down the ladder to engineering. He grabs his away kit from the engineering locker and heads towards the turbolifts. He makes a quick pit stop at his quarters to retrieve his phaser and his favorite leather jacket.

As he walks onto the shuttle, he nods to those assembled. "Sorry I'm late Cap'n" he says as he slips his arms into his jacket. "You know how cold I get in these shuttles."

The Chief takes his seat at one of the tactical stations and stows his kit. "Ready when you are."

OOC: Gotta cook dinner, then I'll post the rest of my stuff onto my character sheet.

2011-01-19, 06:46 PM
"These things weren't designed for comfort, Chief."

King Tius
2011-01-19, 07:08 PM
"Don't I know it." The Chief stretches his back. "You think this is cramped, you should try the Jeffries tubes. Funny they never listed 'contortionist' under the requirements to go into engineering."

2011-01-19, 07:38 PM
"There's a reason there are no fat engineers." Brad says, mentally adding better environmental controls to the list of things that could be improved about the shuttles. Long experience in shuttlecraft had made him used to the cold chill of space, so much that he hardly noticed it, unless on a long mission, or someone reminded him of it.

"I think that the shuttlecraft is an underutilized tool. Every ship of the fleet has a launch bay, but these things are only really designed to ferry down away teams or supplies when transporters aren't useable. Seems like a waste of deck space, especially when we have four shuttles." Brad mused. "Now if we had a better shuttle, I'm sure its usage would more than make up for the deck space."

2011-01-19, 11:54 PM
"Perhaps one with a better weapons package" T'jen muses as he waits for take-off.

2011-01-20, 12:15 PM
"Once we are finished with this mission I will assess any plans you have for this theoretical shuttle. For now, we are all assembled so at your will Mr. Chertan."

2011-01-20, 12:36 PM
"Roger, sir." Brad requests permission to depart from the Trevelyan, and takes off as soon as he is given leave to. He carefully pilots the shuttle out, around the moon, and down to the landing area. He keeps an eye on his sensors to ensure no surprises sneak up on him.

2011-01-20, 03:35 PM
Brad flies the shuttle like a true master, skirting above the cloud level for most of the flight before gracefully bringing the shuttle down on the mesa. The rim of the concave top hides the shuttle from sight. The steep slopes of the mesa extend below you.

Towards the south, you can see your path to the energy signature. About a kilometre along that path, a mountainous ridge runs roughly parallel to this path and continues on for about another 5km. You can't, from this position, see any particular structure or unusual feature at the point of the energy signature.

The scanners have revealed several lifeforms in and around that mountain range. One of the fast-moving clusters of lifeforms was moving north of the mesa at an average of 40km/hour.

2011-01-20, 03:43 PM
T'jen waits for the captain to disembark, following right behind him with phaser holstered but easily accessible and eyes scanning the area for potential threats.

2011-01-20, 04:11 PM
"Sir, do you want me to join the away team, or stay with the shuttle?" Brad starts to work through the power down sequence while waiting for his answer.

2011-01-20, 04:46 PM
"Come with us, in an emergency the Trevelyan can move into direct orbit and beam us out, no use wasting your other talents sat in the shuttle."

2011-01-20, 04:55 PM
"As ordered, sir." Brad finishes up the shutdown procedure, programming the unlock commands into his communicator, notifying the Captain of the command as well. Without one of the two of them, the shuttle would be useless, unless someone with a good deal of skill hacking starfleet systems spent some time with it.

Checking that his phaser and communicator were secure, Brad formed up with the rest of the away team.

King Tius
2011-01-20, 05:09 PM
Given that it is probably fairly warm out, Roe leaves his jacket in the shuttle. He checks that his tricorder is calibrated correctly and that his phaser is set to stun. Finally, he pulls his communicator out and flips it open. Before signaling the ship, he looks to the Captain.

"Shall I make sure we can communicate with the ship, Sir? I doubt the locals will be able to detect our signal."

2011-01-20, 05:14 PM
"Given that they are our emergency way off the planet, I would say yes, it would be preferred."

King Tius
2011-01-20, 06:34 PM
"Aye, Sir.".........*flip noise*............ "Roe to Trevelyan...."

2011-01-20, 06:59 PM
"Commander Raynes here. Mr Kelso suggested we launch a relay beacon in order to communicate with you from our current position. He is insistent that it can't be detected unless it's in use.

Was there something that you needed, Lt. Commander?"

King Tius
2011-01-20, 07:41 PM
"Verifying comm status. Do you have a fix on our location?"

2011-01-21, 12:39 AM
"Fix confirmed. Transporters and helm on standby."

King Tius
2011-01-21, 08:15 AM
"Roger. Roe out." Eugene turns towards the assembled away team, drawing his tricorder as he does so. "Ready to go, Sir."

He begins scanning, trying to detect the fast moving life forms and doing a general scan for any other abnormalities.

2011-01-21, 08:45 AM
The tricorder's range doesn't extend out to the mountains, so Eugene can't currently pick up any lifesigns. There are no anomalies, either.

The shuttle is carrying some climbing and abseiling apparatus, so making your ways down the steep slopes of the mesa should be not be difficult.

2011-01-22, 03:37 PM
"Mr. Chertan, Mr. Roe, you'll go first to secure the ground. The good doctor will accompany me after that, and Mr. T'jen will bring up the rear after assuring our safe descent. Phasers on stun setting one."

Sharec takes a moment to absorb the feeling of the natural heat on his skin, the temperature was reminiscent of Vulcan and it was a pleasant sensation compared to the artificial heat generated the environmental controls in his quarters.

2011-01-22, 10:40 PM
Brad nods and checks his phaser's setting. He takes the lead, paying as close attention as he can to his surroundings.

King Tius
2011-01-22, 10:58 PM
Roe keeps his phaser holstered and focuses on his tricorder, following close behind Brad.

2011-01-23, 01:49 AM
T'jen quickly checks that his phaser is set to the right setting and follows the group. He frowns a bit at the heat, an unpleasant reminder of certain parts of his childhood on Vulcan, but otherwise displays nothing.

2011-01-23, 09:31 AM
It's hot and dry, but the descent is fairly easy. At least, it's fairly easy for members of the galactic elite.

As each of you reaches the bottom, you feel the brown sand of the desert floor shift just a little under your weight.

The path to the signature now lies before you, as well as the path to that parallel mountain range which contained lifesigns. No tricorder is currently picking up those fast-moving lifesigns.

2011-01-24, 08:49 AM
"Captain, I'm uncertain what to make of this. We picked up life signs, but the tricorders now pick up nothing. So, I'd either say those living beings are no longer showing any life signs OR we can't pick them up either because something is blocking it or they're too far away."

2011-01-25, 09:22 AM
"Sir, what's the primary target of our investigation? The life signs or the power source?"

2011-01-27, 05:35 AM
"The anti-matter generators. It is logical to assume that they are the root necessity for the advanced vehicles we detected, and in our current situation we are much more likely to keep up with a stationary generator than a fast moving vehicle.

While I personally find the temperature agreeable, if anyone begins to feel fatigued inform Dr. Newsreader immediately."

And with that Sharec will set off, Phaser holstered but in easy reach.

2011-01-27, 05:13 PM
T'jen nods and follows, keeping his eyes open and scanning the area for any trouble.

2011-01-27, 05:21 PM
Sarah follows as well, paying attention to any tri corder readings, but mostly focusing on the rest of the crew and if they're showing any signs of fatigue or illness.

2011-01-27, 05:32 PM
Brad nods to the captain and continues on his way, being very cautious.

2011-01-27, 06:04 PM
The walk across the desert is hot and uncomfortable, but not as bad as might be expected. For the two Vulcans, it's not as harsh as their homeworld.

After 1km of travel, you are now walking with the mountain range to your left. At the base of the mountain, there's some sort of... small dust cloud? Those with tricorders quickly confirm that the dust cloud's signature conforms to that of those fast moving lifesigns. They are coming towards you.

0.1km further along your path, there is a rock formation approximately 2x3 meters across and 2.4m high. There is also a scattering of smaller rocks in the vicinity that could be used for cover. You could, if you wanted to, make it before the lifesigns arrive.

2011-01-27, 06:56 PM
"Sir." T'jen says, pointing at the mountain, "Inbounds."

2011-01-28, 01:22 AM
Sharec nods. "Move. Phasers out but down, defence patter Sigma 4." He then moves to the outcroppings.

2011-01-28, 03:00 AM
Sarah quickly moves with them, "Captain, do we have any indication that they're hostile? Maybe we should try to communicate?"

2011-01-28, 03:58 AM
"I intend to if the opportunity presents itself, but I'm not willing to risk it straight off."

Once in position he presses the red "on" switch on the Univeral Translator on his belt.

King Tius
2011-01-28, 08:10 AM
Roe keeps his tricorder out but also draws his phaser as he takes off towards cover. He tries to get to the highest possible spot which still provides cover.

2011-01-28, 11:29 AM
T'jen positions himself in the back as the group moves to cover, drawing and readying his phaser, or at least trying to as it slips his grip and he has to try and catch it a few times before he gets a secure grip on it.

2011-01-28, 11:45 AM
Sarah follows the others, draws her phaser and says quietly: "I don't like the look of this."

2011-01-28, 11:49 AM
Brad follows orders, and takes his place among the rocks, phaser ready.

2011-01-28, 08:01 PM
As the dust cloud approaches, you can see a dark shape within. You can hear the sound of wheels on sand, and the sounds of clunking and reverberating metal. As the Captain had rightly guessed, this is some kind of vehicle - but why didn't it scan as such?

The vehicle skids to a halt roughly 120m before the rock formation. It is an ugly thing, little better than a rollcage with two long struts extending from the front. Much of the rollcage is taken up by some sort of machine, presumably the engine. One large, thick wheel half-protrudes from the back of the rollcage, with a smaller wheel embedded in the end of each front strut.

The vehicle has two occupants. Both are reptilian, with light-blue scaled bodies and a black beak-like mouth. Their heads are predominated by a colourful bony crest, not unlike that of a triceratops from ancient earth, although these crests are as long again as the alien's heads are. Even from here, you can see that each hand has an opposed thumb and three fingers, each digit ending in a bony claw.

One sits in front of a crude, box-like steering apparatus, the other leans out of the rollcage. It is brandishing a long, rectangular cuboid, about 1m long and 10 by 15 long and wide. The clawed digits of the alien's right hand are wrapped around a trigger located in a cut-out oval about a 1/3 of the way down the cuboid. The end pointing towards you sports a large, circular hole.

The alien wielding the cuboid opens it's mouth and emits a crowing hiss. The Universal Translator's going to need some time to figure out their language.

2011-01-28, 08:23 PM
"Safe to assume they know we are here." Brad says. "If those aren't the indigents, then hiding in a cyclone would be a great way to disguise their vehicles from the natives. Either way I'd suspect that whatever is generating the power signature is going to be similarly disguised." Brad waits for the Captain to decide a course of action.

2011-01-28, 11:51 PM
T'jen keeps his phaser out, but not pointed at the aliens. Instead he holds it pointing at the ground but ready to raise and fire if needed. He remains silent, surveying the area to see if anyone might be sneaking up on the group or if the aliens are planning anything.

2011-01-29, 06:52 AM
The Captain focusses his mind, seeking a window into the creature's intellect. This wasn't exactly easy having no previous knowledge of this particular species, and the lack of success from the U.T didn't fill him with confidence. However, once he was satisfied he holtered his Phaser and slowly stepped out from behind his rock, his hands at his sides, plams open and facing the creature. His voice is slow and steady.

"My name is Sharec, I am not your enemy. We cannot understand you, if you know what I am saying then nod." He nods his head as he says that last part, and attempts to pass a telepathic reaction between them: We are not hostile.

Psi Score : 94
Psi Score Modifiers: +10 = 104

2011-01-29, 07:18 AM
For several long seconds, the alien stares at Sharec. Then, slowly, it lowers it's weapon. The alien at the vehicle's controls expressing some sentiment with a series of clicks and soft hisses, and the alien Sharec addressed turns to reply in kind. This... conversation seems to be very involved.

At least the Universal Translator is collecting more data on their language.

2011-01-30, 11:35 AM
Trying to do without being noticed, Sarah tries to collect data on them from her medical tricorder, of course from a distance, without getting closer to them.

2011-01-31, 06:11 AM
Sarah's activity with her tricorder does not go unnoticed by the aliens. They look her over for a few brief moments as she works, before resuming their 'conversation'. They seem to have calmed down quite a bit.

2011-01-31, 06:18 AM
Sarah raises an eyebrow, when she notices the creatures look at her, but quickly continues her work. "Fascinating."

"Captain, these creatures, they share a lot of traits with Earth reptiles, they're cold-blooded, omnivirous. Not very intelligent. I doubt they could have designed that technology they're using, sir."

Then, she looks at her tri-corder readings again. "Wait a minute... sir, this is interesting..."

"Can you see those vents across their skin? About 30 cm apart from each other? Each vent has a diameter of barely 0.6mm! The scans suggest that they can take in water through these vents, or shut them off entirely with a controlled muscle action. Their head crests appear to regulate body temperature. By forcing blood through the crests, they can cool or warm their blood as they need to. This keeps them at a fairly regular temperature. Isn't that cool?":smallbiggrin:

She always loved Exobiology.

King Tius
2011-01-31, 08:42 AM
Roe makes a point of holstering his phaser before focusing his tricorder on the alien vehicle.

OOC: Which of my many technical skills should I roll?

King Tius
2011-01-31, 11:12 AM
"Fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. Captain, I've never seen anything like this. It is primitive but ingenious. Hmmmm." Roe gets lost in though as he starts to wonder about the implications of this tech.

2011-01-31, 12:23 PM
"I certainly hope they have a shuttle or spaceship parked somewhere close so I have something to be fascinated by." Brad says dryly. He has set his phaser on the rock in front of him so it is close at hand, but not slick from his sweaty hands. He envied the vulcans a little, as the heat didn't seem to bother them.

Brad takes a drink from his canteen, and waits for the universal translator to do its work. "Just for conjecture, if I were to make first contact with a primitive species, and I wanted them to take leaps and bounds in terms of civilization, I would start with vehicles and power sources that they could make themselves...if this vehicle is primitive but advanced in engineering, it fits that bill."

2011-01-31, 12:34 PM
"Captain, remember that this is still likely a pre-warp society. We can't tell them we're aliens from outer space. They are not. Supposed to know. We can't let knowledge about us spread. if they suspect anything, I must advise you to capture them and let them be transported to my medical bay at the ship. My staff can erase their memories. "

[OOC: If I'm wrong about the rules/laws of First Contact, please ignore this post.]

2011-02-01, 08:44 PM
The green display on the Universal Translator flashes twice. Just as the gun-wielding alien speaks to the other, those clicks and hisses become hissed words.

"No! Nathros has seen Old Traders! These are not."

2011-02-02, 11:28 AM
T'jen does his best to remain calm and focused as he watches the aliens. Concentrating for a moment on the weapons they carry he tries to figure out what kind of power they might have, while also wondering what security procedure best fits this sort of situation.

Recalling standards security regulations, and noting the alien's lack of hostility, T'jen holsters his phaser, though he keeps his guard up, ready to react if needed.

No idea what kind of rolls to make, so here's a d100 for both checks I'd like to try. If it's supposed to be a d10 can just divide :).
First, personal weapon's technology. How advanced are there weapons. Skill 28 [roll0]
Second, what's the standard procedure for a situation like this. Weapons drawn, holstered, and any other useful info a security officer should know from experience and the rules. Skill 59 [roll1]

2011-02-03, 03:04 PM
Sharec clears his throat and talks slowly, as if he is adjusting himself to another language, when in reality he is still still speaking his usual Vulcan.

"We are not traders, we are explorers; here seeking knowledge. I am Sharec, who are you?"

King Tius
2011-02-03, 09:57 PM
Roe continues to study his tricorder, barely interested in the conversation with the aliens. He waits for orders from the Captain before doing anything else.

2011-02-03, 11:44 PM
The gun-wielding alien seems to be doing all the talking.

"This one, Nathros."

Nathros jabs a clawed digit at the alien driving the vehicle.

"That one, Kasan."

Now, Nathros sweeps his arm out to indicate the desert.

"We are guardians. You are explorers..."

Nathros seems to mull this over for a few seconds. His grip on the gun gets a little tighter again.

"...Explorers... Sharec lies. Knowledge is not sought. Is given."

2011-02-05, 08:03 AM

"Then your customs are different to ours. Regardless we mean no harm. You say you are guardians, what is it you guard?"

2011-02-05, 09:46 AM
Nathros glances south, towards the energy signature, before he answers.

"We guard the gods. We guard their temples. We guard their lands."

2011-02-05, 04:05 PM
Sarah doesn't say much. She doesn't like this situation at all though. She walks in the captain's direction, whispering in his ear: "Captain, I don't like the direction this conversation is going to."

2011-02-05, 04:12 PM
"It sounds to me like these Traders are indeed an advanced civilization. Especially when Gods are being mentioned."

2011-02-05, 04:33 PM
Sharec had to agree with the Doctor. Preventing advanced races from taking advantage of less developed ones was one of the Federation's highest priorities; and using technology to feign God-like power was reprehensible to the extreme.

"Then I apologise for our intrusion. I humbly request that me and my comrades might visit one of these temples, they sound greatly interesting."

2011-02-05, 05:34 PM
Sarah closely observes the reptiles' responses, trying to discover any strange behavior.

She whispers again: "Sir, I don't think a meeting with their 'gods' is advisable, at least not until we know something more about what we can expect."

2011-02-05, 05:37 PM
Nathros points south.

"It is not far. Look for ground that is not."

You can see quite far south, and it looks like more desert. No structures or temples; there's not even a suspicious-looking bunch of rocks.

2011-02-05, 05:43 PM
"Wait... sir, I think this is a trap.... why would they lead us to their gods, their leaders, without them having a slightest idea who or what we are?"

2011-02-05, 05:50 PM

"Perhaps. However we need to get there and they are much more mobile and more heavily armed than us; I would rather go as guests than prisoners."

He looks back to Nathros.

"Ground that is not? I'm afraid I do not understand what you mean."

2011-02-05, 05:56 PM
Sarah doesn't respond to the captain's words., but only looks in a very paranoid manner at the reptiles.

2011-02-05, 06:00 PM
"Looks like ground. Is not ground. Is temple."

Nathros pauses.

"Looks like wet ground."

2011-02-05, 06:01 PM
"Like mud?"

2011-02-05, 06:11 PM
To the extent that a large lizard-like creature can express emotion, Nathros seems to be annoyed.

"Is not mud. Is holy ground."

2011-02-05, 06:22 PM

"Then you mean an oasis? Water pooled in the sand?"

2011-02-05, 06:28 PM
As Sarah sees the reptiles react more annoyed to their questions, she slowly lays her hand on her phaser, ready to draw it and shoot, in case they make any aggressive movement towards any member of the party, especially if they make any advancement towards the captain. She wanted to prevent any strive, but if they were going to get violent, she wanted it to be they, not them, to make the first blow.

If it would come to combat, she decided to aim for the reptilian's faces, going for a head shot.

2011-02-05, 06:29 PM
Nathros lets out an extended click.

"No. Not water. Not mud. Not ground. Holy ground.

Nathros can show you. If Sharec wants."

2011-02-05, 06:31 PM
Sharec nods.

"Yes please."

2011-02-05, 06:43 PM
Nathros clambers out of the vehicle, still clutching his gun. Fortunately, it is pointed towards the ground, and away from the landing party.

"Follow Nathros."

Nathros starts to lope off, heading south. As you follow, it's soon apparent that he's heading straight for the energy signature. It isn't long before you have arrived at the 'temple' - a wide pool of a grey, clay-like liquid, about 2.5 across in all. In the centre of the pool, bubbles rise to the surface in a continuous stream.

The tricorders confirm that the pool is definitely the source of the energy signature.

2011-02-05, 06:50 PM
Sarah whispers, cynically, to Roe: "So, it seems I was right. Mud it is."

2011-02-05, 07:29 PM
The bubbles in the center start to rise faster, and the area covered by bubbles expands. Almost the entire pool is bubbling and steaming as three figures start to rise from the grey muck. Each has a bald human-like head, followed by broad, powerful shoulders. The grey substance runs off the figures like water as they continue to rise, revealing skins of dark blue scales, human-like jaws and gleaming purple eyes. Each figure is draped in a full-body cloak supported by a metal apparatus. This apparatus forms pointed shoulder guards, and extends down diagonally to form a diamond in the apex of each being's chest. A glowing circuitry array sits in each diamond. The beings each stand a full 2 meters tall, perhaps even a little more. They each speak in turn.

"Who comes unbidden?"

"Who disturbs our rest?"

"Who dares to approach?"

2011-02-06, 01:07 PM
T'jen swallows loudly and stares at the figures. He puts his hand on his phaser but leaves it holstered as he waits to see what happens.

2011-02-06, 01:15 PM
Sarah says nothing. It would be for out of place to talk first. Let the captain talk, she thought. She remained ready though to attack them.

2011-02-08, 04:12 PM
I am Sharec, how might we address yourselves?"

2011-02-08, 05:15 PM
The being on the left speaks first...
"I am Therus, twentieth-spawn of the Old Traders."

Followed by the being on the right...
"I am Danatos, nineth-spawn of the Old Traders."

And finally, the being in the middle speaks.
"I am Carator, third-spawn of the Old Traders.

Your arrival is unexpected. Your master gave no indication that he would be summoning more of his vassals."

2011-02-09, 03:25 PM
"Yet here we are. Does our presence disquiet you?"

Sharec; his hands held behind his back since they arrived (a habit of his, both by practicality & preference) makes three a small gestures to his crew: a loose fist, three fingers and a cross of his middle and fourth finger; Starfleet Sign Code for "Tricorder, Three, Careful".

2011-02-09, 04:55 PM
It is Carator who speaks.

"There is some... discussion within the ranks. Not all our number agree on the nature of the New Traders. Every one of you that arrives only engenders more of these discussions.

Some are raising questions about the nature of things."

He nods briefly towards Nathros. This is apparently a signal to Therus, who in one smooth motion produces a silvery tube from within his cloak and points it, arm extended at the lizard-like alien. With a thin, red beam of energy, Nathros is pitched to the ground.

2011-02-09, 06:15 PM
T'jen reacts the instant he sees the beam. Stepping forward to a point where he could easily place himself between the captain and the aliens he draws his phaser but keeps it pointing down for the moment.

2011-02-09, 08:52 PM
Brad also pulls his phaser and steps between the doctor and the aliens. He doesn't point it at them, yet.

["Captain, as much as I hate the method, I believe we are no longer bound by the Prime Directive."

King Tius
2011-02-10, 09:04 PM
The Chief stands there befuddled, unsure of what is about to transpire. He considers going for his tricorder or his phaser, but decides that it might be best just to wait and see how this goes down.

2011-02-12, 03:17 AM
Sharec remains composed, as only a Vulcan can under such circumstances.

"Doctor, if you would examine Nathros to confirm his condition please.

It is my opinion that to question something is to is to understand it; and to wish to understand something is a sign of great respect for it. You disagree?"

2011-02-12, 01:00 PM
"To question is to demand knowledge! To demand knowledge is to show the gravest contempt for society! For over a thousand rotations of the sun, we have- Nathros? What is Nathros?"

Dismayed, Carator gestures towards the cooling corpse.

"Not-? It hadn't named itself, had it?"

2011-02-13, 03:52 AM
Sarah reacts shocked when she sees Nathros fall down to the ground. With a few beeps from her medical tricorder, she tries to identify what happened to him.

2011-02-14, 05:05 PM
"Captain, he's wounded, we should take him to our ship or he dies, quickly."

Sarah, grabs her phaser, points it at Therus and shouts: "Freeze! We're leaving, and taking him with us!"

2011-02-14, 05:54 PM
T'jen blinks in confusion 5 times before a pair of simple thoughts cross his mind. Firstly, that the doctor threatening these beings is likely to make them angry, and secondly that, the doctor outranks him and is therefore to be supported unless overridden by the captain.

Smoothly T'jen raises his phaser arm, phaser already in hand, and takes aim at one of the beings, ready to fire if necessary.

2011-02-14, 05:59 PM
Brad hands his phaser to T'Jen, and picks up Nathros's body in a fireman carry.

"Sir, I recommend getting the ship to beam us out. It will take us too long to get back to the shuttle. I can have them beam me back to the shuttle and pilot it back, or destroy it if we do not have time for that."

2011-02-15, 09:27 AM
Carathor turns to Danathor, his voice both worried and angry.

"It did name itself! This is unacceptable! We'll have to exterminate that entire clutch."

Danathor seems to be keeping a cooler head as he makes an observation:

"These vassals seem rather agitated. Perhaps we should summon their master to the surface. He may be able to calm them."

2011-02-15, 10:42 AM
"While I appreciate you compassion Doctor, we are still bound by obligation and cannot remove him without risking furthur contamination. Please do what you can here. Lieutanant, please send an E-1 signal to Trevelyan.

I assure you that I am far from agitated. Having said that however, I warn you three that we are not defenceless and I will not tolerate further assaults either on us or any others.

He also points to Nathros's partner, not using his name.

You, help my doctor with her work.

E-1 = I forgot the proper name, but the communicator I think have a couple of emergency settings: one being an alert (E-1) and the other being a "GET US THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!" distress beam out signal (E-2 in my imaginary naming system).

2011-02-15, 12:50 PM
Brad sets down the injured native, and does what he can to help the doctor.


2011-02-15, 06:28 PM
The other alien hesitates for a moment before crouching by Nathros's body, looking to the doctor for instruction.

T'jen finds himself at a similar loss as for what to do.


Carator seems to smile, just for a moment, as Sharec issues his warning.

"Ah, you're starting to sound more like your master. Perhaps this has all been a... cultural misunderstanding. We have had many such misunderstandings with you New Traders. With hope, this one can be the last."

The three figures step backwards, freeing more space in the pool of clay-like goo.

"Please, come inside. Your master is surely awaiting your arrival."

They really don't seem concerned about Nathros.

2011-02-15, 06:31 PM
T'jen takes a step closer to the captain. Speaking in a whisper he comments, "Sir, I must recommend against following these beings anywhere. They have already demonstrated dangerous behavior and we have no reason to trust them."

He hesitates for a moment before speaking again, still quietly. "If, however, you believe it best for us to follow them I would ask that you allow me to go first and ensure that it is safe."

2011-02-17, 05:33 PM
((Assuming someone sent the signal, I assume that would mean Trevelyan is moving into a beamable position.))

"The Lieutenant is of course correct, why should I risk going with you?"

2011-02-17, 10:56 PM
((Trevelyan would be in position, had someone actually sent the signal))

"We had assumed that you were vassals of the New Trader. We therefore assumed that you had been sent for by your master.

His other vassals expressed no concerns of risk. You must be lesser vassals of some form. As the worker is inferior to the guardian, so you are inferior to those vassals who first arrived with the New Trader.

I am sure your master will take his low expectations of you into account when punishing your disobedient time-wasting."

Therus suddenly speaks.

"Third-Spawn Carator, there is a simple explanation for all this confusion.

Perhaps these beings are not vassals of the New Trader at all.

The Old Traders did warn that they had evil, unnatural foes that sought only destruction and strife. These beings may be those enemies, seeking entry under the guise of old traders."

2011-02-23, 09:32 PM
Realizing that the Captain's orders had not been followed, Brad uses his communicator to send the relevant signal. He tries to pretend to still be tending to the wounded creature while he does so.

2011-02-26, 07:06 AM

"An unusual conclusion, given that I have never claimed to be a 'New Trader', and have most recently refused entry to your cavern.

I am not an enemy of the New Traders; however nor am I an ally of the three of you given your recent actions. I will speak to the New Trader on the surface, send for him."

Sorry for the delay, fingers crossed this works :smalltongue:

King Tius
2011-02-26, 11:33 PM
The Chief continues to stand there and watch the proceedings.

OOG: Sorry I don't have more to post. My character is quiet to begin with and there isn't much for him to do.

2011-02-27, 04:21 AM
"Very well, Sharec.

Wait here."

The clay-like goo starts to bubble again, and the three sink into the muddy pool.


Brad's communicator flashes a light briefly, a silent indication that the Trevelyan has received and acted upon his signal.

2011-02-27, 05:10 AM
Brad approaches the Captain and whispers. "Ship signals that she is en route, sir. What are your orders?"

2011-02-27, 01:23 PM
T'jen takes a look around after the 3 leave. He holsters his phaser again, trying to make a good impression on this 'New Trader', who our whatever he might be. He spares a glance over at Nathros, but keeps his attention focused on the main threat.

2011-02-28, 03:26 PM
There are a few minutes of silence and inactivity.

Then the clay-like pool starts to ripple, circular pulses spreading out towards the rim. As the ripples come faster and faster, a low-pitched wail starts to get louder and louder.

Sharec's communicator starts to beep - a call from the Trevelyan.

Before he can answer, however, the wail seems to be getting to the second alien that accompanied you to the pool. It snarls, and launches itself at Doctor Newsreader with claws outstretched. Taken by surprise, Sarah is knocked onto her back - only for the alien to pin her to ground, ready to strike at her neck with it's beak.