View Full Version : AvB - "Miroslav"

2011-01-18, 12:57 PM
Foryn Gilnith or dm only. Vaguely silly threat for violators.

On the other side is a dwarf sitting at a desk with a pile of papers strewn throughout. He glances up as you enter and says, "Oh, another one? Sign this and please don't let your pet make a mess on my desk." He pushes a paper your direction.

The walls are bare stone, and behind him is a black door made of iron.

Foryn Gilnith
2011-01-18, 02:05 PM
Miroslav peers over the page, giving Mithridates a good angle on it. After he gives it a once-over, Miroslav scrawls something vaguely resembling letters on the dotted line. "This is acceptable."

OOC: Autohypnosis to memorize the contract page. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=183861) Succeeds on the first try.
Assuming it's the same contract Kel had, Mithridates is fine with the NDA, especially since he isn't technically the signee. He'll respect it, but if he looks up the fine print and finds problems with it he's liable to renege on the agreement.

2011-01-18, 02:11 PM
He finds that the agreement binds the undersigned and all associated entities within his party that are so beholden to them. It is not clear whether this applies if a minion signs for a master.

Either way, the dwarf thanks him, and waves him on through the black door.

On the other side is a well groomed halfling standing between two spiral staircases. "Employer or Employee?" he asks.

Foryn Gilnith
2011-01-18, 02:26 PM
Miroslav brushes some dandruff off his hair as he looks at the halfling confusedly. "Employee, for now," Mithridates says as Miroslav flaps his mouth awkwardly. He digs his claws into the slave's shoulder to indicate displeasure.

2011-01-18, 02:39 PM
"Right this way then. I've gotta say, though, your words seem a bit off with your speech. Most employers don't hire drunks."

He cheerfully takes you up the left-hand staircase. He opens the door at the top and ushers you on through.

On the other side are long hallways with labels describing the sort of jobs offered along that hall.

Foryn Gilnith
2011-01-18, 02:48 PM
What sort of jobs are being offered? Can't very well make a choice without knowing the options.

2011-01-18, 03:13 PM
assassin and bodyguard options, of various fluffy descriptions.

The signs all advertise various roles, such as "Protection - offensive" or "Defense - pro-active". They all seem to revolve around the theme of protecting or harming something.

Foryn Gilnith
2011-01-18, 03:39 PM
Mithridates grunts; an extraordinarily odd sound to be coming from a sparrow (and one he hasn't rehearsed lip-syncing with Miroslav). He then chirps to himself, flies around the room a bit, and returns to Miroslav's shoulder. "Somehow doubt I'll be suited for defense, no matter how 'pro-active' the task. Simply don't have the bulk," he murmurs as Miroslav walks over to a more offensively labelled door.

2011-01-18, 03:47 PM
The first one that sounds about right is "Threat Elimination - Covert"

There are twelve doors on each side of the hall. About half have nameplates on them, listing the employer.

Foryn Gilnith
2011-01-18, 05:24 PM
Mithridates briefly contemplates scanning this hallway and the others to see the names, but thinks better of it. The employers wouldn't put up anything they thought could harm them, which meant he was unlikely to get anything useful from the endeavor. Shouldn't have let you drink so much, Miroslav," he says before hopping down onto the ground. "Now your lips are clumsy and I'll have to handle this my - urgh - self. As he says the last word, he finishes changing into a human, and now stands naked in front of Miroslav.

"Unwrap the Pit from my leg, set it down, and rappel to the bottom. In the meantime I'll be molding some Shapesand into a half-decent suit of armor. Practice your letters until I return; you made good progress when we were on the road." Mithridates, after some effort, successfully shapes the sand into a crude brigandine-like style, and a pair of pants. He then folds up the pit, walks over to the closest door with a nameplate, knocks thrice, and moves to open it.

2011-01-18, 05:32 PM
It opens easily. Inside is a bare white room. The only change from the endless white is a red stone set in the center of the ceiling. "Why have you come seeking employment from Lord Jordung?" a female voice says from the stone.

Foryn Gilnith
2011-01-18, 05:47 PM
"I have a surplus of labor and a shortage of capital. You have a surplus of capital and a shortage of labor. We can fix each others' problems," Mithridates says glibly. "Eliminate them, so to say. And if the Lord Jordung would be willing to suffer my direct presence, I would benefit from his local knowledge."

2011-01-18, 05:48 PM
"What sort of talents do you bring with you? Brute labor is not what's needed here."

Foryn Gilnith
2011-01-18, 05:58 PM
"The hallway sign said 'Elimination - Covert', no? I wouldn't enter if those jobs were unsuitable. I can hide, in the shadows or in a crowd or in more or less plain sight. I can be mobile and enter secured places. I can take an ogre down in a breath's time. I could demonstrate if not for the fact that I'll need my energy free for later today. I could ramble on and on, but negotiating contract terms would be a better use of our time."

2011-01-18, 05:59 PM
"Indeed, a small demonstration, if you please. To prove you are not boasting foundlessly."

Foryn Gilnith
2011-01-18, 06:09 PM
Mithridates frowns. "Why so unconfident in your ability to catch lies?" he says with evident frustration, before spitting a glob of acid at the red crystal in the ceiling. "No vitals to aim for in this room, so that was less potent than it could have been. But that's proof enough I have competence.
Damage: [roll0]

2011-01-18, 06:15 PM
You destroyed the red stone, but a section of the far wall recedes and slides back. You hear the voice call out from beyond. "Please proceed. That demonstration was sufficient."

Foryn Gilnith
2011-01-18, 09:13 PM
No wards on the redstone? Odd, though probably not unusual. Most magic isn't adventurer-grade sturdy, after all. And they didn't seem too perturbed about losing it, although he could be walking into a trap. He wouldn't put it beyond them to have an option to dispose of pesky egotists; probably would have been a better idea to come in hybrid form, for immunity to pit traps. Perhaps the cost of the stone would be taken out of his paycheck. Stupid of him to assume there would be protections, he should have spit at the door or something else expendable...
However, Mithridates is walking as he thinks, and at this point he's walked into the next section of the application process.

2011-01-19, 12:48 AM
The woman says, "You appear to have the sorts of talents that Lord Jordung would find useful. Do you have any questions of me?"

Foryn Gilnith
2011-01-19, 08:44 AM
Mithridates seems a bit fidgety; staying on the ground is getting to him. His voice is calm, though, as he asks, "Is this to be an isolated assignment or is there a possibility of further employment? In either case, I'd prefer to leave the questions until I've finished a task first. After all, as you noticed, the full extent of my competence is unclear, and I'd prefer to begin a relationship with some proof to stand on.

2011-01-19, 01:29 PM
"If the client finds your first task to be accomplished skillfully, he will likely keep you on retainer for other assignments."

Foryn Gilnith
2011-01-19, 01:31 PM
Without further questions, Mithridates would like to proceed to the job description.

2011-01-19, 01:41 PM
The woman gives you a piece of paper with an address in Midtown on it. "You will find your new employer at this location. You and he will personally negotiate out your contract."
The Town Crier

The most up to date news in the city!
King Alben Rosen has announced the engagement of Isolde Rosen, his only child, to Archduke Wolfram Rocholl, the heir designate to Aldhaven.

Rumors of King Alben's failing health seem to be gathering strength, though the royal family continues to deny them.

A minor noble's home has continues to be under some sort of befuddling curse that seems resistant to normal means of removal. He's now offering a 20,000gp reward to the person or persons who can rid his home of the enchantment.

A gnomish dignitary has recently in the city to begin negotiations of an alliance between the gnomish nation and the Kingdom of Aldhaven.

Registration for the next semester at the Aldhaven Royal University of Scientific Esoterica begins immediately.

Rumors have begun circulating that ancient ruins have been found buried just outside of the city walls. The farmer who owns the land is allowing people to pay a small fee to enter into them and keep whatever relics they can recover.