View Full Version : Shadows of the Past IC

2011-01-18, 03:41 PM
The Realm lies restless. Fifty years after the last of the Purges left the face of the Realm scarred and forever changed. Races have been wiped from existance by the swords and magic of the Inquisition. A new race has been birthed, creatures of wood and stone and steel, the warforged begin to find their identity amidst the temporary peace. Dragons have fled. Gnomes continue to toil in secret, working their arcane weavings and delving further for knowledge. The dwarven clans grow restless among the stones, eager for the warbeat once more. Goliath tribes continue to roam the high mountain passes and look warilly at the signs of coming change. The halflings have become more insular and distrusting of outsiders, goblins and gnolls yearn for freedom to fight once more. The rulers of men wait to see where the dice will fall.

Throughout the land, missives are sent. One finds a knight as he travels, another winds its way through stone tunnels to a monastery in the tall mountain peaks and reaches a formidable monk, a third travels by horse, meeting a journeyman cleric as he travels along the road. A fourth finds its way to a former member of the purge, a warforged now at large. Still another finds a newly released servant of Sigis passing through Byrn. The last finds its way, tattered and slightly worn to the hands of a goblin spellcaster

All of these letters share one thing in common, they summon the one who holds them to the court of Lassar Egan, Inquistor General of the province of Byrn.


Sir Gareth Ward,
The Inquisition summons you to the court of the Inquisitor General of Byrn with all haste.
The family of Ward pledged its service to the Inquisition six generations ago, offering its sons in service to the militia. The Inquisition is willing to consider this debt fulfilled if you will complete a service for us.
It is not required that you accept or refuse this service until you arrive in Byrn and meet with Inquisitor General Egan.
The letter is sealed with the mark of the Inquisitor General

To the Abbot of the Monastery of the Stone Dawn,
The Inqusition has need of the services of one of your monks, in repayment of debts owed. Your monastery was spared, where many others were not, because you swore an oath to serve the Inquisition where needed. The Inquisition requires that you send Kuliak Stonefist Meaoanamalollathek, of the Thaandal tribe, to the court of the Inquisitor General of Byrn.
Attached is a copy of the relevant agreement, sealed with a sun rising over the mountains and the mark of the Inquistor General.


Erick Vargas,
The Inquisition has always had good and cordial relations with the clergy of Veit. We work towards the same goals We hope that you will help us maintain these relations, and present yourself to the court of Lassar Egan, the Inquisitor General. The Inquisition has need of your services.
The missive is sealed with the mark of the Inquisitor General


The Inquisition did not decomission you, with the understanding that should your services would be required, they would be rendered. The Inquisition requires your services once again. Present yourself at the court of the Inquisitor General of the province of Byrn.
The missive is sealed with the mark of the Inquisitor General


Issa Do'Rain,

The Court of the Inquisitor General of Byrn requests that you present yourself with all due haste for service. Your application for employment has been reviewed and accepted.
Should you fail to present yourself by the appointed date, your opportunity of employment shall be considered terminated forthwith.
Welcome to the Inqusition.
The missive is sealed with the mark of the Inquisitor General.


The missive that reaches you appears to have been sent to several places before arriving at its final destination, a little the worse for wear. The address has been crossed out and remarked several times (including once in goblin, with a hasty and poorly spelt translation below). One corner of the envelope has been torn slightly and exposed to water at least once, but the document inside is none the worse for wear despite the state of its packaging.

Grik'Nik of the Kalta'hnk Goblin tribe, you are hereby ordered by the Office of the Inquisiton and the Collegiate Arcana to report to the court of the Inquisitor General of the province of Byrn for assessment. Failure to do so will result in your permit to practice magic being revoked.
A successful assessment will lead to your release from the custody of the Collegiate Arcana into that of the Inquisition for service.
An unsuccessful assessment will lead to your return to the Collegiate Arcana for further training.
The letter is sealed with an Arcane Mark from the Collegiate Arcana and the mark of the Inquisitor General can be found at the bottom of the missive.

One way or another, you all find yourself in the city of Tessalor, in the province of Byrn at the offices of the Inquisition.


JJ: I'll leave it up to you whether or not Issa arrives on time or late. PM me your decision.

Userpay: How much the Abbot will tell Kuliak is up to you.

In general: Anyone can make a Knowledge check to see what they know about the following items (and the specific knowledge type that goes along with that)
Inquistior General Egan (Nobility and Royalty, Local)
The Province of Byrn (Geography, Local, History)
The Inquisition (N&R, History, Local, Arcana)

2011-01-18, 04:20 PM
The watchtowers of Tessalor appeared on the murky horizon just as the sun was descending, so that was one less night in the open for the ArBee (Repair Bot Mark II Model 25, for anyone who didn't know him). Not that he minded yet another night spent at a campfire - his metallic body didn't care either way, being nearly impervious to the elements - but the rest of the caravan have already grew tired of the road, and it was a nice change to feel the tensions in the air to disappear.

Tessalor, a bustling city, so different from the cramped dwarven forges he was about to start calling "Home". Another time, then - after all, Inquisition was pretty clear that the quiet periods of tinkering at the forge were more of an exception than a rule. And this time, he was to report to an Inquisitor General, no less... must be some major undertaking they're planning. Probably a good chance to try out that new shiny armor he made for himself...

2011-01-18, 06:12 PM
Grik'Nik read the letter, scratching his mangy black hair a few pieces of skin flaking onto his shoulder. He didn't think he was that hard to find looking at the state of the letter but good thing they hadn't just given up! He'd have been punished and his magic outlawed otherwise without having a clue why, something that was simply unthinkable.

He squinted at the name on the bottom of the page scrutinizing the marks to make sure they were official. They apparently passed the test as he stuffed the message into one of the pockets of his worn blue robes.

Best be on his way, no telling how long ago the letter had been sent, luckily he was not far from Tessalor where he was to report. Only a days walk...he looked down at his protruding stomach Well maybe a day and a half.

Using his shortspear as a walking stick, pointy end down, Grik'Nik began his walk not worried much about being his own magical ability being satisfactory, but instead musing about how much more freedom he might have without the Collegiate Arcana looking over his shoulder constantly.

Now if he could just remember what he'd been told about the inquisition at the Collegiate Arcana...

Knowledge roll for Inquisition:

He knew he should have payed more attention during those early days when they were taught general information. No matter Grik'Nik would have a refresher when he arrived.

The journey to Tessalor did indeed take more than a day, but at least the weather didn't turn against him. Arriving at the city Grik'Nik takes in the bustle of the crowds and the great buildings around him. So much chaos, like insects buzzing about the common people were. So different from his tribe, so refreshing!

He smiled and whistled a light tune as he plodded around town searching for the Office of Inquisition. It took him another hour to find it but crumpled note in hand he presents himself at the entrance for the summons.

2011-01-18, 06:14 PM
Erick walked through the streets of Tessalor at a rapid pace. His trip to the city had taken quite some time, as it had not been on the path his journey had taken. Still, it was a welcome detour, as whatever service the Inquisitor General had in mind for him would surely help further the cause of Veit. After all, the Inquisition's mission had the Grim Radiance's approval. And maybe, in this endeavor, he might prove himself to the clergy.

He had already asked the guards at the city entrance the location of the Inquisition's offices in Tessalor. The letter he was carrying, and the seal that adorned it, had proven that he had reasons to see Lassar Egan. He wondered what kind of person this Egan was, but did not dwell on it long, for he quickly found himself before the very building he had been going towards. He smiled.

2011-01-18, 06:33 PM
May your name and lineage be stricken forever, your great deeds assigned to your enemies and their failings placed upon your name! Issa grumbled at her horse as she slid out of the saddle. It flicked it's ear at her. Ah, so you understand dwarf swear words. Damn horse. It was harsh language, (though much punchier in the untranslated dwarfish) but the beast deserved all the punishment the gods could ever see fit to bestow upon it.

She really should have refused, but no daughter of House Do'Rain could possible be seen travelling on a humble, nice, docile donkey.

Issa stops to stretch her sore muscles while ordering her thoughts in her head.


Inquistior General Egan
Lore: [roll0]
Know (Nobility): [roll1]

The Province of Byrn
Lore: [roll2]
Know (Geography): [roll3]
Know (History): [roll4]

The Inquisition
Lore: [roll5]
Know (Nobility): [roll6]
Know (History): [roll7] <- I guess Issa's taken an interest.
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll8]

She squares her shoulders and sets off for the office, precisely on time.

2011-01-18, 06:39 PM
Knowledge checks for
General Egan: Nobility and Nobility: [roll0]
For The Inquisition: Nobility and Nobility: [roll1]

Gareth felt worn, and weak and above all he felt filthy. Days of travel had brought him to Tessalor and as he rode through the streets, head held high and eyes tirelessly watching as always, he could not ignore the amount of dust that had settled upon himself. This was why he preferred to stay in one place, the dust. Travelling sure had it's downsides.

His face carried a smile that did not reach his eyes as he reached The Inquisitions stable. The so-called Warforged that came to take care of his horse looked tireless as always, thought Gareth. Soulless too. Most of them had been forged in safe enviroments as far as Gareth knew, not war.Thank you, see to it that it's fed, Gareth said to it while grabbing some water out of a bucket to splash in his face. The cool water ran down his cheeks and he gently rubbed his own temples before wiping it all away with a cloth he later stuffed in a leather-pouch attached to his belt.

He never felt good leaving his majestic war-horse behind, but this General appeared important, and being seen in the company of important people was one of the things Gareth enjoyed the most. He produced the letter he had recieved and headed, hand on hilt, towards the court of Lassar Egan. Refreshed and ready for duty, he held high hopes for this meeting even though the letter had left him in the dark of the subject matter to be discussed.

2011-01-18, 07:08 PM
Kauiak glanced again at the letter his master had just handed him. "Master... Normally I'd be truely honored to have been selected from among the many here but... How would they have known my name in particular? And... must we?" The goliath wasn't sure what to think. On one hand someone, somewhere, was acknowledging his skills, on the other it appeared that it would be for a... a rather distasteful task.

"To the first well... I may have had a bit much to ah *ahem* drink on one of my many trips. And it may have been... in the presence of one of the General's men... and I may or may not have called you my..." At here the dwarf trails off with a harumph that suspiciously sounded like favorite. Kauiak could only sigh at his masters well known weakness for liquor. "Well regardless we cannot ignore their summons." He glances off in the direction that Kauiak knew lay the dojo. "We've to much at stake here... It is unfortunate that it has come to be that you must bear the burden we masters created. You've my permission to go," A mere formality in the face of the summons. "it is time for you to know the outside world regardless world outside these mountains regardless. Stay true to yourself young Kauiak, stay true."

With little choice in the matter Kauiak left his mountainous home a few days previously, and now walked through the gates of Tessalor on foot.

2011-01-19, 08:41 AM
Goliath, hold! Are you Kauiak? The guard at the gates of Tessalor stands to bar your path, somewhat futilely.

Mathis, Satyrus and IAAU:

The guards at the Inquisition headquarters peacebond your weapons, locking them in their sheaths/holsters/equivalent. They glow faintly. You are led under a light guard to a waiting room outside of the offices of Inquisitor General Egan

Issa has spent a week since arriving, but has now been summoned to the Inquisitor General in person, rather than speaking through intermediaries. You await entrance to his office in a waiting room when some guards usher two other humans and a goblin into the waiting room, followed by a Warforged.

You are instructed to conduct yourself to the waiting room outside Inquisitor General Egan's office. The directions you are given are simple and to the point, and you find yourself arriving just after another group.

2011-01-19, 09:09 AM
Gareth walks without objection to the waiting room, though the goblin unnerved him a little. He frowned his nose for a second then remembered his manners and introduced himself to both the goblin, and the other man with the short, swept back hair in the waiting room. Good day to you both, I am Sir Gareth Ward. Knight of Korbinian. You have also been summoned here to meet with the Inquisitor General?

Gareth hoped his simple ice-breaker would do just that, if nothing it would pass the time until he could see the Inquisitor General.

2011-01-19, 09:26 AM
ArBee entered the room, eying out the inhabitants. Not seeing any familiar faces, he greeted everyone with a nod, and proceeded to a corner, where he stood motionless, awaiting his audience.

2011-01-19, 10:15 AM
Erick bowed slightly to the knight in response to his greeting, a practiced smile automatically creeping into his features. "Good day to you as well, Sir Gareth. I have indeed been summoned by the General. I am Erick Vargas, Journeyman cleric of the Grim Radiance."

He takes a moment to note the arrival of the warforged. he respond to the nod in kind, before turning his attention back to the knight and the goblin. "I guess we have all been called here for the same reason. Pardon me if I am too presomptuous, but do either of you have any knoweldge of what that reason might be?"

2011-01-19, 11:30 AM
Stopping, after all there is no point in ignoring the guards, Kauiak looks at the guard thats stepped into his path. The sudden stop setting the boulders hanging from his back swaying gently. "Aye I am he." He fishes around in his vest before pulling out the letter he received. "I am responding to the summons detailed within this missive. I'd hate to be late."

2011-01-19, 11:42 AM
As she sits in the corner, watching as the other's enter the room and trade greetings, Issa taps the side of her chair in irritation. The inquisitor had invited her here with dire warnings about the need to be punctual, then he forced her to wait around, squandering the last of her money on terrible inn food and feed for that damn horse. Her mother would be terribly offended to be treated as such by noble blood, Issa just hoped she could claim expenses for sitting around twiddling her thumbs. Not that the Inquisition was likely to do that in a million years.

Oh well, all in the past now. Issa reached into her bag and pulled out a sheet of parchment, and pulled an inkpen out from behind her ears. A few moment's work had the vial of ink unstopped and the pen wet.


1 knight - not very shining armor. Korbinian. Issa hesitated, then shrugged. Accuracy and completeness were important. Kinda handsome.

1 Purge era wrfrgd. Repair model? Characteristics of individuality. Warrants more study.

1 priest. Grm Rdince. Bleah. Bloody tomb keepers.

1 gbln. Dressed fr the weather. Wzrd?

2011-01-19, 01:24 PM
"We have instructions regarding that. You will be escorted to the Inquisition shortly. I require your oath that you will not harm anyone within Tessalor."

This he adds with a glance towards Kauiak's massive hands and feet. A glance to the other guards reveals several cautiously fingering the catches of the crossbows. There's a massive figure in armour carrying a rather unpleasant looking flail on his back waiting in the wings as well.

2011-01-19, 01:45 PM
Well I suppose this is acknowledgement of another sort... Kauiak turns back to the guard confronting him, a placid smile on his face. "I would think this," He says returning the letter to his vest. "would guarantee my cooperation in such matters. But you shall have my personal oath as well, I will not hurt anyone within the city. So long as I am allowed to defend myself if needed." There is more than one way to stop someone without hurting them, restraining them works well...

2011-01-19, 03:46 PM
"There will be no need for that." The guard looks to the others. "Once you have reached the Inquisition, we will release you from your oath."

The armoured figure waiting off to the side looks to two other guards. They disappear briefly and return having retrieved short swords, they flank the first guard.

2011-01-19, 03:57 PM
Kauiak sighs, wishing for home than this hostile place. "Lead the way then." He says, crossing his arms and looking at the first guard expectantly.

2011-01-19, 05:13 PM
Grik'Nik was glad that he was not the only one to be summoned, it would have been terribly difficult to carry out any worthwhile mission himself.

While the two humans chatted Grik'Nik's attention was drawn to the female sitting across the room. A quill at the ear... he though with a smile, perhaps somebody more inclined to the mind as he was rather than the two rather robust men that seemed to be waiting for an introduction.

Ah, my pardon good sirs. I am Grik'Nik, wizard of the Kalta'hnk clan and I was indeed summoned here as well. It seems none of us have been informed of the purpose. he looks at Erick

A journeyman cleric was it, have you been long on the road?

2011-01-19, 06:00 PM
Issa returned the goblin's smile, and then quickly scratched out the question mark next to Wzrd.

Just because I can...

On our knight:
Know (nobility): [roll0] For either family name or order of knighthood.

Our journeyman cleric:
Know (religion): [roll1] for his position and likely responsibilities.

On the goblin:
Err... Lore: [roll2] Just wracking her brains for anything she picked up while she was studying the Goblin language.

2011-01-19, 06:03 PM
The first guard nods to the other two and they set off at a trot towards the Inquisition.

Upon arriving at the Inqusition you are led, blindfolded through several corridors, seemingly at random. Numerous twists and turns present themselves before eventually your blindfold is removed. You are standing before a wooden door marked 'Inquisitor General'

2011-01-19, 06:15 PM
After the blindfold is removed Kauiak can't help but give the guards a look as if to say it had been unnecessary... but whats done is done. Hesitantly he raises a hand to knock on the door as the guards don't seem interested in announcing or continuing further with him.

2011-01-19, 11:33 PM
The door has not been closed all the way it seems, and swings open at the first knock.

The waiting room the door opens on is rather understated given the importance of the man in the next room.

There are assorted armchairs of various colours and styles arranged along one wall, some of which are occupied. A warforged is standing in one corner, adjacent to a long, padded bench, obviously intended for creatures too large or oddly shaped for the chairs. The door you came in is plain, made of a dark wood, as are the well-worn planks of the wooden floor, and the wooden panelling along the walls. The door opposite is marked with a winged sword, pointed down. A pair of hunting horns have been mounted on one wall, surrounded by carvings of animals.

2011-01-20, 12:19 AM
Ah, so you're a purger then, Gareth wanted to spit out in reply to Erick. His manners took control of him and he said "Ah, a fellow man of faith, a pleasure to meet you I'm sure." instead. He listened closely to the goblin as it spoke and found to his surprise that it appeared to be rather intelligent! A warforged entered their waiting room and nodded to them politely, another servant Gareth assumed and gave it a polite nod. Gareth had apparently also not noticed the ink-spotted woman sitting room, a fairly good-looking woman too, he had to admit.

His strain of thought was brought to a brutal end as a Goliath of monstrous height entered the room carrying boulders, boulders and javelins at his back. Gareth found himself taken a back and at a loss of words for a moment, waiting in silence as if to see if the Goliath wanted to say something.

Gareth is going to use the word purger as a spiteful term towards those who supported the purges, mainly the followers of Veit. OOCly I mean no offense, I just feel it would be a natural thing the followers of Korbinian (who opposed the purges) would call those who supported the purges hoping to humiliate them. If anyone is offended by this let me know and I'll remove it from use.

2011-01-20, 05:33 AM
Erick continued to smile his usual smile, unaware of the thought that went through the knight's mind.

He turned toward the Grik'Nik as the goblin spoke. "I have been "on the road" for a few years now. Three. I have to say I have quite enjoyed travelling through the country. It is quite a..."

Erick stopped a moment, looking at the new arrival in slight surprise. He had not often seen Goliaths in his life, since none had lived in his village and only humans were allowed in the clergy of Veit and wasn't used to see someone so tall. However, as it was rude to stare and Erick strived to never be rude, he turned back to finish his sentence. "...refreshing change from the temple."

2011-01-20, 11:41 AM
Kauiak slowly lowers his fist as he looks about the room, taking a few steps in as well. "Greetings... I hope that I am not presumptuous in thinking that we were all called here by the General for the same thing?"

2011-01-20, 12:37 PM
Glth. Big.

Issa taps her teeth, then speaks up, in response to the Goliath. Same thing, yes. Though what he could want out of all of us escapes me. She waves to the room in general. Issa Do'Rain, Servant of Sigis.

2011-01-20, 02:04 PM
Gareth politely closes his mouth again, it had unexpetably fallen slightly agape at he tallest thing he had seen his entire life had entered the room. Waiting until after Issa had presented herself, and he had presented her with a corteous nod and smile Gareth said to the Goliath: And I am Sir Gareth. My, you're quite a tall one arn't you? How did you get to grow so tall? Competing with the trees are we?

2011-01-20, 04:27 PM
Kauiak smiles. "More like competing with the stones back home than a little tree. Ah I forget myself, I am Kauiak Stonefist Meaoanamalollathek of the Thaandal tribe." He sidesteps and leans a shoulder against a wall, arms crossed. "So they've gathered a fair few individuals... though unlike the guards they seem to trust us to do as they will..."

2011-01-20, 04:54 PM
Grik'Nik was used to be overtopped, even among his own people and he'd heard stories of the goliaths during his training at the Collegiate Aracana but this was his first time seeing one in person.

He hopped up from his seat approaching the goliath with a hand beneath his chin. As he drew close he had to look nearly straight up before extending a small hand.

A pleasure to meet you Kauiak, I must say you're kind are even taller than I imagined! You must be able to see quite far from so high and to carry such a load you could easily toss me through the air I expect! he grins, the small fangs sticking out of his mouth.

2011-01-20, 05:16 PM
Kauiak's smile grows into a full blown grin at the plucky. Bending over he says, "Oh I'm sure if thats something you wish to experience then it could be arranged, later though as I think the guards would try to kill me if I tried something like that. They seem jumpy with me around." Extending his own hand he gently takes hold of the goblin's, though he doesn't make any move to actually shake his hand. Careful with little things he is.

2011-01-20, 06:30 PM
Grik'Nik tries to move the hand up and down, but with little success.

Excellent I would enjoy trying the experience, though I suppose it would be prudent to research a spell that may avoid the eventual impact with the ground.

He nods at his own thoughts and turns toward Issa as he speaks

Such an experiment will increase my understanding of Goliath strength, such as Sigil expects of her servants. I am glad to meet another of her servants.

2011-01-20, 07:08 PM
Always good to meet another Servant. Issa says in passable goblin. Though, I must ask, are you a lay follower or a clergy member?

2011-01-20, 07:08 PM
As Issa and Kauiak introduce themselves, Erick extends small gestures of greetings, but does not say anything. As the goblin and the goliath engaged in conversation, he decided that he had been sufficiently sociable for now, and went to sit quietly on one of the armchairs, passively observing what the other were doing.

2011-01-20, 09:43 PM
ArBee met all introductions with a short nod, and, when an appropriate pause in conversation came by, introduced himself as well.

- Repair Bot Mark II, Model 25. Capabilities include: mechanical analysis, assembly and dis-assembly; metalworking, armorsmithing and weaponsmithing; advanced chemical processing. Requested to arrive by the Inquisition General. Expecting to receive further instructions during audience.

2011-01-20, 11:53 PM
Grik'Nik is surprised by her knowledge of his race's language. I would be a layperson in that comparison, my call has been to the arcane arts.

2011-01-21, 02:49 PM
Gareth smiles at the Goliath's reply: Little trees... Haha, I'm from the lowlands by the coast, where the stones are small and trees are few and far between, but definately large. It's good to finally meet one of your people however, I never have before.

Having been sociable enough for now just like Erick, Gareth steps out of the conversation and remains standing in the background, admiring the winged longsword on the wall.

2011-01-21, 05:41 PM
Issa nodded at the goblin, and gave the big Goliath a nod of recognition. The mountain monasteries that had trained him were not so different than her own, and were well know for preserving good records.

This waiting was wearing on her, though. First a week of no progress, then this interminable wait in the room...

2011-01-22, 11:12 AM
There is a large crash from the room adjacent to yours, what sound like muffled curses in at least two languages, and the door flies open. A robed figure flees from the room, almost bowling over Gareth as it exits the room, and rushes out the other door just as quickly.

The view afforded through the now open door is of a large room, with a map table in the middle. There is an imperious looking man, elderly but still with considerable strength in his frame, standing to one side of the table.
"Come in, this is neither the time nor the place for gawking"

2011-01-22, 12:49 PM
Gareth took a startled step in retreat in surprise of the robed figure fleeing the room and exhaled an arrogant; "How rude! The manners of some people these days." He dusts himself to look presentable and enters the room with a polite bow towards the man he assumed was the Inquisitor General. He takes his place on the opposite side of the table from the Inquisitor.

2011-01-22, 02:16 PM
The sudden burst startles Grik'Nik who has to flop to one side just to keep from being run over. His sizable belly hits the ground with a whump, he'd be feeling that in the morning.

Picking himself up he follows Gareth into the room hoping he can find a tall chair or something to see over the table.

He looks at the older man The Inquisitor General I presume, he says with a bow Grik'Nik as your summons commanded.

2011-01-22, 02:23 PM
Erick's eyes followed the running man until he was out of sight. He raised an eyebrow, preplexed by the scene that unfolded. What was the meaning of this?

Deciding that it ultimately doesn't matter much, he rised from his chair and went into the other room, bowing to the older man much like Gareth had done, before going to sit at the table. As Grik'Nik spoke, he frowned slightly, feeling that the goblin should have waited until he was spoken to before opening his mouth, but refraining from voicing his opinion as he would have been guilty of the same lack of manner.

2011-01-22, 02:35 PM
Issa clucks softly, then folds her pen away. She gives the Inquisitor the minimal greeting his station demands, then walks around to peer at the table. The Inquisitor would have to make up for a weeks worth of waiting before she would give him any extra courtesy. Meanwhile, she would focus on more interesting things, like the map in front of her.

2011-01-22, 02:49 PM
Kauiak has to flatten himself against the wall to keep the robed person from running into him, if only to keep the poor soul from getting hurt and himself from violating his oath. Even if unintentionally. Distractions aside he walks into the newly opened room, giving a bow to the man within as he does so.

2011-01-23, 07:16 PM
ArBee shrugged, following the fleeing figure with his eyes, and stepped into the room. The behavior of the robed figure was... uncustomary, especially to the one who was used to dwarves' slowness, traditionalism, and general steady approach to life. This was a different place, though, so ArBee held his opinion to himself.

2011-01-24, 08:18 AM
The map is a carefully constructed model of the province of Byrn, done to exacting scale. Placed throughout the map are markers of various size, all of them are made of metal. There is a particularly large marker, topped with a crown, dotted with tiny pieces of coloured pieces.

A small one sits not far to the south-east of Tessalor, in the foothills of the mountains. The Inquisitor General stands to one side of it and folds his hands together.

"To business"

"Erick Vargas of the clergy of Veit"

"Ser Gareth Ward of the Order of Dawn"

"Mistress Do'Rain, we will come to the map in a moment."

"Grik'nik, goblin wizard of the Collegiate Arcana"

"Kauiak the Goliath, of the Monastery of the Stone Dawn"

Egan nods to the warforged.

"I have business that I need done. Business which requires skills that members of the inquisition do not have. Which brings us to you, which brings us to this map." Egan waves a hand to direct attention towards the map.

"The purge against Dragons was declared fifty seven years ago and to our great surprise the dragons had disappeared. Now, dragons keep large quantities of precious metals and more importantly magic items, their so-called "hordes". I intend to charge you with conducting an expedition to one of the smaller hordes." Egan indicates the small marker in the foothills. "We have reason to believe that there is a horde of not inconsiderable size here. Recover it for me and all will be well."

2011-01-24, 09:23 AM
ArBee heard of dragon hoards from his dwarven creators. These hoards were the source of considerable awe and hate at the same time - awe towards the hoards themselves, and hate towards their 'owners'. These feelings weren't completely unfounded - after all, many hoard contents came directly from dwarven halls, after particularly successful draconic raids. There should have been a wealth of interesting items, with plenty of opportunity for analysis and improvement. But first, the voyage should be planned properly...

- Additional information required, - warforged voiced his thoughts.

- Reconnaissance data, if available. Nature of possible opposition - species, quantity, notable abilities, if known. Special defenses and/or traps at and nearby the destination dungeon, if any. Hauling equipment provided by the Inquisition? Our possessing rights towards the hoard, or parts thereof?

2011-01-24, 01:44 PM
Issa runs her fingers over the map, drawing a line from their location and the hoard. "It can't be entirely undefended, else it would have been recovered the moment it was discovered, and you could send just about any team out to pull it in. Hmm... very well. Perhaps our dragon left us some records to note for the histories."

2011-01-24, 04:24 PM
Gareth nods sagely at the comments of the others: "Excellent questions all", he adds: "And will we be given horses and carts to remove it all later? Because we will, ofcourse, be succesfull."

2011-01-24, 04:51 PM
Kauiak breaths an inward sigh of relief, only a retrieval operation. But mayhap a test. "Seems simple enough, though whatever you can tell us about the hoard area would be helpful."

2011-01-24, 05:05 PM
Most interesting, there are certain to be some items that would be worthy of study in a dragon's hoard.

He studies the map

More information would certainly be helpful and in what timeframe would you desire this hoard to be secured by?

The last question may end up putting more pressure on the rest of them but the last thing Grik'Nik wanted was the inquisition breathing down his neck for taking too long.

2011-01-24, 06:05 PM
Erick stares thoughtfully at the map. He did not ask any questions, as the warforged had already voiced most of his possible concerns about such a mission. He did, however, raise his eyes to the inquisitor once the rest of the little group finished asking their questions, listening to the answers he would give.

Still, he found himself dissapointed by the mission given to him. Perhaps he had been foolish to think this might lead to a way to prove himself to the clergy and thus finish his training.

2011-01-24, 09:36 PM
Egan opens a drawer on the side of the table. From it, he draws a spool of rope and several heavy metal spikes.
"Hauling equipment. These are keyed to transport anything not living and not magical that is secured within the confines of the rope. It will require several uses to transport the entire hoard."

From smewhere on his person, the Inquisitor General produces a simple dagger, which he holds quite passively in either hand

"Our ability to gather intelligence is hindered. The dragon's lair is warded. We cannot observe the location without using great magic. When we can penetrate the initial veil, the cave appears completely empty. A faint trace of magic there that indicates that this is not so."

At the question from Issa, Egan turns quite abruptly.

"Ah, Mistress Do'Rain, that is the crux of the matter. We've sent two, less qualified teams of our own. We assume they are dead. We cannot stand expending personnel in such a manner. Hence you."

"Dragon hoards are well guarded. Defences? Traps, mundane and magical. Dragons often had servants as well, some may still be alive. Likely kobolds, who would have maintained the traps. There is also the problem of monstrous intruders, both intelligent and otherwise. Even the monstrous races can recognize the value of a dragon's lair."

Egan indicates the marker in the foothills with the point of a dagger.

"We suspect this dragon was young. The entrance is hidden under an overhang of rock among some standing stones, and wouldn't allow anything larger than a horse passage. Initial scouting revealed a tunnel, and a deep shaft."
From a second drawer, Egan removes a map of some sort of underground complex. There are several spots where there is nothing drawn.
"The first team had secured a rope with which to descend. When the second team descended a week later, the rope was still intact. They attached a second rope as a matter of precaution. The shaft is roughly forty feet deep, cut into the dirt. Beyond there, the corridor is cut into the stone, likely with magic. There were runes on the wall, the first and second parties removed some of these. They made it through this corridor," Egan indicates a point on the map "though our ability to view it is hindered. Some of the runes were better concealed than others."

A sheaf of papers is removed from the same drawer, and Egan flips through them casually.

"The first and second teams were not poorly equipped. If you find their corpses, assuming they haven't been picked clean, their equipment should be an improvement over your own. The second group was given a sending stone. If you find it, you can contact us."

The dagger vanishes from Egan's hand and he folds them together once again.

"Your reward, assuming you succeed Ser Gareth, will be no less than one fifth of the horde, split six ways, to be determined after the horde is tallied."

2011-01-24, 11:24 PM
It was a shockingly business like delivery that reminded Issa of the lectures of Master Heartrock, an elderly dwarf with no patience for failure.

Issa hefts one of the spikes in her hand. "I understand."

2011-01-25, 11:54 AM
Kauiak gives a slow nod. "All likely defenses to be sure. Though about the stone, is its usage limited? Would be a shame to find it and waste the message on something inconsequential."

2011-01-25, 04:31 PM
Warforged spent some time analyzing the map, then nodded.

- Ready to start assignment. How do we get to destination?

2011-01-25, 05:32 PM
The Inquisitor's words did not sit well with the Grik'Nik. Two teams missing already, and not very far in at that it seemed. It made Grik'Nik curious about how the other hoard recovery's had gone. Not well judging by the number still marked on the map.

Sounds like it could be tricky but we'll get to the hoard no doubt though.

2011-01-26, 06:25 AM
Two failed groups before us, thought Gareth. Brilliant! The glory that will await me when I return!. He took up a position by the table and crossed his hands behind his back and waited in silence for the answer to the warforged's question.

2011-01-26, 12:13 PM
"The use of either stone functions as the "Sending" spell, I'm told. Grik'nik should be familiar with it. They can each send a message of no more than twenty five words to which the bearer of the other stone can respond to in kind. Each stone can only do this once a day."
Egan folds his hands together.
"I assume you are all prepared to leave, except perhaps Mistress Do'Rain. If there are no further questions, see to it that all your things are made ready for travel and we will regroup by noon in the courtyard."

2011-01-26, 02:13 PM
Issa picks at her backpack, currently hanging from one shoulder. I can generally travel compactly. Just allow me to retrieve my things from the inn. Oh, and get my damn horse out of the stable. She inclines her head the requisite distance the circumstances demanded. With your leave, sir.

2011-01-26, 05:41 PM
Grik'Nik nodded his head, he was indeed familiar with the spell though he had never himself had much need of it.

Having everything already packed into his bag of holding Grik'Nik gave a polite bow to the inquisitor.

I will be waiting at the courtyard, everything I need is already packed.

Assuming he's free to leave Grik'Nik heads to the courtyard. He had passed it on his earlier trip through the city and when he arrived settled in to wait until noon. Content to observe the people that passed by to bide the time.

2011-01-26, 06:26 PM
Kauiak nods. "I am as ready as I'll ever be then." A pause. "I'll just go with you Grik'Nik for the time being, I'm afraid the guards didn't let me see the route into the building." He gives Egan a bow before following Grik'Nik to the courtyard.

2011-01-26, 08:02 PM
Seeing as the meeting is finished, Erick rises from his seat. "I too will go wait in the courtyard." He respectfully bows his head at Egan before leaving.

2011-01-26, 08:04 PM
Gareth smiles and bows graciously towards the Inquisitor General, " You have my word that we will return with the hoard and news of the two previous groups Inquisitor. Knights of the Order of Dawn do not fail in their endeavors." He then turns to the rest of the group and asks: "Since some of us are ready, and miss Do'Rain has to get some things from her inn why don't we meet outside of this inn to save time? I know that all I have to get is my horse. What say you all?"

2011-01-27, 09:18 AM
"I will require Acolyte Do'Rain for another moment, as well as Model 25. The rest of you are free to depart, you have an hour."
Egan indicates the Warforged and Issa almost casually.
"Ser Ward, it would be more efficient if you left from here. There is a contingent being sent to the dwarven outpost. A temporary portal, one way. It would remove a day and a half from your travels."

2011-01-27, 10:31 AM
Warforged nodded.

- Awaiting further instruction.

2011-01-28, 01:32 PM
Issa sighs and sets her bag back on the table. "Sir?"

2011-02-03, 12:19 PM
Egan waits until the rest of the party has left before closing the door and opens another drawer of the table. A smooth stone with a simple glyph on the top is removed.

"Acolyte Do'Rain, you are charged with seeing this mission through to completion. Recovery of the hoard is the primary objective. Failing that, information. This sending stone is for your use to report to us. Keep it hidden. Aside from yourself and Model 25, the expedition is considered expendable, use it as you will."
Egan turns to the warforged.
"Model 25, if Acolyte Do'Rain shows any signs of duplicity, you are to incapacitate her using any means necessary. Understood?"

2011-02-03, 02:30 PM
Warforged pondered on the instructions for a moment.

- Instructions partially understood, vague terms detected. Usage of available inexact parsing facilities not recommended, due to the perceived importance of the matter. Vague terms - "duplicity", "incapacitate". Please clarify.

2011-02-03, 05:07 PM
"Any attempt by Acolyte Do'Rain to undermine or hinder objective will be met with non-lethal force. She is not to be killed unless your own safety is at risk."

2011-02-03, 07:14 PM
Issa glowers at the Inquisitor and hefts the stone for a moment, as if feeling its weight, and then drops it into her bag.

"I'll do my job, sir."

Then she spins on her heel and walks out of the hall, any excitment started by that beautiful map or the thought of adventure and information to be found in a dragon's hoard quashed by her unsavory new job and the rather unsubtle threat hung over her head.

"Bloody Inquisition. No respect. 'Oh here you're looking for employment, well have a week long brush off while we're to busy to bother talking to you, while we arrange a death threat for you.'"

She takes a deep breath as she steps outside and approaches the stables, only to turn her gaze on her horse innocently chomping through some hay. Issa's eyes narrowed.

"... you probably think this is funny, don't you?" She asked the horse, but felt better for it. A little joking to set herself back on keel.

Anyone not the war-forged who was still hanging around would've only heard some under the breath grumbling, since Issa's smart enough not to babble out in front of everyone.

2011-02-03, 08:41 PM
Warforged nodded, his eyes gleaming orange for a moment.

- Acknowledged and ready to proceed. Goodbye.

With these words, he turned around and followed Issa outside, without a word. He didn't react in any way to Issa's monologue outside, either, though his thoughts were in quite the chaos.

"Combat self-assessment: medium-low. Analyzing potential target... Challenge Rating estimate: ECL3. Chance of succeeding a mission: 40%, variation 0.2. Recommendation: assess weak points of target, if available. Query: ways to deal with the subject after incapacitation, assuming success? Need to assess options: Dispose; Retain in current state; Force to carry on the mission... "

2011-02-09, 12:37 PM
The sun moves ahead on its slow crawl through the sky and stands high as a small group of armoured warriors and clerics with horses assembled before a narrow stone arch set into one of the walls. There is a gnome tinkering with some reagents at the base of the arch.
One of the clerics gives a sign and the group moves into single file.
"We're ready for departure."

2011-02-09, 07:09 PM
Issa snaps the hood of her traveling clock over her head- short cut like this could sometime dump you in unexpected weather- and tugs her horse toward the arch.

"I'm ready as well."

2011-02-13, 08:27 AM
Gareth finished drinking from his water-skin as the men fell into single file, a glorious display of dicipline he thought to himself. He was clad all in armour and a travelling cloak pulled tightly around his shoulders, a helmet hung from a strap attached to the saddle. His horse whinied and strutted back and forth restlessly, as eager to get on with their travels as it's master; "I'm ready to leave as soon as possible, let's get this done."

2011-02-13, 10:51 AM
"And I to." Kauiak rumbled from where he leaned against a wall.

2011-02-13, 09:32 PM
''I am ready to depart as well.'' Erick said.
He let his gaze wander on the group before them, before glancing at Issa for a moment, frowning as he did so. He wondered what the inquisitor general had said to her, but he felt it would be improper to ask. Maybe later, if an opportunity presented itself. He looked away and returned to a more neutral expression, waiting for the departure.

2011-02-14, 06:09 PM
Grik'Nik took up a position in front of the golem, trying to make sure he would be able to see something ahead of him at least. Indeed, let's begin our mission.

2011-02-16, 10:27 AM
A burst of noise emits from the other end of the courtyard and two guards escort a slender, blonde, female humanoid in chains forward. She is bruised and appears to have been beaten and wearing rags. Despite the injuries and general unkempt state of their captive, it is clear that she was, at one time, quite attractive.

She is paraded towards the gnome at the archway, who draws a slender knife from his belt.

2011-02-16, 11:07 AM
Gareth followed the blonde, beaten shape with a watchful gaze and a deep furrow formed between his eyes; he had failed in his attempt not to take pity with it and his tongue spoke before he could think. "Master gnome!", Gareth shouted out above the crowd that waited by the stone archway. "May I ask you what this woman has done to deserve such cruel treatment from the guards, and how dangerous she is if you really need to draw arms in the presence of such a sorry shape? Surely there is no need for weapons?"

2011-02-17, 06:48 PM
"Aberrant. Celestial ancestry. Essence is potent material component in portal spells." The gnome's voice is short, clipped and scholarly. "Difficult to apprehend, difficult to hold. Seven escape attempts, three guards dead."
"Essence is only useful fresh." The gnome explains as a he moves to cut the prisoner.

2011-02-17, 07:35 PM
Gareth growls an annoyed, but whispered: "bloody purgers...", just loud enough for those in his immediate vicinity to be able to hear it. "But surely Master Gnome", Gareth continues. An attempt to stop the gnome in his tracks, addressing the crowd around them as much as the gnome himself; "There is no need to hurt this woman? And certainly not with lethal force? I mean, I'm sure you could find something else to complete your magics with." It is made clear by the way he speaks about the magic that Gareth is not quite familiar with how magic actually works.

Turning to look at each of his fellow adventurers with a questioning look, as if looking for support Gareth continues: "I can't be the only one who disagrees with this?"

2011-02-17, 07:46 PM
"Sigis record this-" Issa's hand flies to her forehead and stays there. "I would really rather not do this. Is there a terribly pressing time constraint... I know I... 'accepted' this damn mission perfectly fine with the prospect of walking."

Know Religion on the celestial. Like, say, would mom/dad of whatever number of greats be waiting in the afterlife to deliver just revenge. Or not waiting for the afterlife: [roll0]
Lore for the above: [roll1]

Spellcraft on the portal: [roll2]
Knowledge Arcana on the portal: [roll3]
Lore on the portal: [roll4]

Here I'm looking in particular for if we're looking at a slit throat or a nick on the finger.

2011-02-20, 04:48 PM
Erick observed quietly Gareth as he interpelled the gnome. A quirk of his eyebrows was his only outward reaction to the annoyed whisper, but he felt rather bothered by the harsh way he had refered to the inquisition as ''purgers''. Could the knight not show a little more respect for the inquisition? he knew, of course, that Korbinians do not have much love for the inquisition, but at least, he should understand that he is currently working for the inquisition, and that it is not his place to question its work.

He said none of this, of course, as it would not do to risk insulting someone he would have to work with for a certain period of time, at least not for that. He did, however, answer the question Gareth had asked to, not him personally, but all of their little group: ''I do beleive that this is not of our business, Sir Gareth. We have a mission to accomplish. The inquisition will sort out what is necessary and what isn't.'' He kept his voice even, hoping to calm the knight so they could begin their journey.

following JJ's idea, knowledge religion roll on celestials [roll0]

2011-02-20, 10:36 PM
Grik'Nik had never had much of a stomach for obtaining spell components from live creatures, especially ones that could think and speak. Nonetheless he had observed such things before in the academy and so shifted his eyes away from the scene, it was not his place to object.

He tried distracting himself by trying to recall what sort of spell such a component might be used for.


2011-02-28, 05:39 PM
"It's a tainted way to travel," says Issa, not quite certain exactly in what way she means that, "Hey, for our friend here, she nods at Gareth "make sure you heal her up when we're done. Apparently he's a sucker for a pretty face, and we wouldn't want to muss her up on our account."

Issa levels a look at Gareth that promised words later on.

Issa's uncertain how she feels, but she's damn well acting more confident than she feels.
Bluff: [roll0]

... but she's also trying to smooth a situation over quickly.
Diplo: [roll1]

Hmm. Synergy bonuses are actually worth a lot at lower levels.

2011-02-28, 07:46 PM
Gareth could feel a load lifting from his chest as he understood Issa thought that the woman would live. Then it wouldn't need to come to threats afterall , thought Gareth. He recognized her attempt at smoothing the situation over and kept quiet after that, but gave the gnome a single, stern nod. Turning to Issa, he kept her gaze for a moment and said "Thank you", quickly before turning his uneasy horse to the portal once more. Something in her eyes told him that this wouldn't be over quite yet however. A sucker for a pretty face, Gareth's inner monologue continued; She doesn't understand does she, oh well. I'll attempt to talk to her about Korbinians teachings on our journey. Unless you run off from underneath me Troll [his horse], arn't you a good boy! Yes you are!

2011-03-01, 01:52 AM
Kauiak stands, quiet except for a low rumbling that could be thought to be a grow, as he watches the proceedings. "Nothing more than slavery..." He muttered, though to which situation he meant isn't clear to those that may have heard him. A slight movement sends his boulders clacking together pointedly as he turns his head towards the gate.

2011-03-07, 09:52 PM
The gnome raises the knife and slices the girl across the hand. The blood drips into the bowl of reagents off of the knife. The gnome begins to incant in a low, deep voice, deceptive for his size. Harsh, guttural sounds flow through the air and the bowl begins to smoke. The archway shimmers and shines. The incantation changes and so does the voice of the gnome, clear and almost lyrical, pronouncing the words with orderly, musical syllables. The archway flares with power and the bowl seems to ignite. A final shift in tone and the gnome's voice becomes booming and sibilant. Some of the words crackle like fire, others make the wind rush through the courtyard, as though driven by great wings.

The archway splits open with a crackling sound.
"It is done"

2011-03-08, 11:14 PM
"Alright horsey, let's do this."

Issa grabs her mount's lead and pulls it through the portal.

2011-03-10, 06:10 AM
Giving the gnome a stern look as he passes on his way into the gateway, Gareth says:Thank you for understanding master gnome.

2011-03-10, 11:31 AM
Kauiak sighs but he doesn't voice any other words but steps through the gate hesitantly.

2011-03-11, 07:54 PM
Grik'Nik breathed a quiet sigh of relief when only a little blood was spilled. Shifting his only bag across his back he heads toward the archway looking forward to his first adventure.

2011-03-14, 09:58 PM
Erick goes trough the gate, casting one last glance at the courtyard before stepping completely through. Well then, let us begin.

2011-03-22, 01:43 PM
You find yourselves... elsewhere:

Exiting the portal leaves you standing a field, a grassy courtyard surrounded by walls. Gravel crunches under your feet. At the other end of the courtyard, there is a pair of massive, barred doors, no other people stand ready. The outpost seems deserted.

2011-03-22, 03:12 PM
Issa steps out and slips off her hood, and takes a deep breath in the sudden solitude.

Nice place. It's good to be out of the city. She lets the horse go, to munch on the grass, before turning to Gareth. Hey. I'm sorry about back in there, but you need to watch yourself. The Inquisition does not mess around. Trust me on this.

2011-03-22, 05:08 PM
Gareth opened his eyes as they exited the portal. He had closed them as they had entered the gateway and mumbled a prayer for their safety; happy now that they had not been led into a fiery pit of death and pain however, he could finally open his eyes and breath fresh air. The air was always better outside of the cities, just too bad the peasants refused to bathe as often as he would have preferred them too.

"Yes, the countryside is always refreshing. In small amounts." He replied to Issa. "I know I should not have spoken out as, roughly, as I did back there, and thank you for clearing things out. I sometimes let my heart forget my manners. You know the inquisition then? Have you had encounters with them earlier perhaps Miss Issa?"

2011-03-22, 05:26 PM
No, I know them by hearsay. Mostly. She smiles. But then, hearsay's my trade, isn't it? Come on, we should get this over with.

2011-03-22, 05:44 PM
"Hearsay eh? I guess that's the way rumours travel." After nodding politely to Issa, Gareth dismounts and lets his horse eat grass with the others. If possible, Gareth jogs across the courtyard and tries to find a way onto the walls so he can get a look of their surroundings and the deserted outpost.

2011-03-22, 07:51 PM
Issa laughs. "Not my kind of hearsay." She flashes her holy symbol. We don't do rumors.

2011-03-23, 11:45 PM
Once the small amount of blood had been spilled to fuel the spell Grik'Nik had thoroughly enjoyed seeing the spell work, stepping through with confidence.

The difference between this courtyard and that of the city they had just left was quite astounding. One never realized how loud cities were till they left. Wiggling his toes to feel the soft grass beneath his feet felt nice.

He watched Gareth scramble along the walls for a way up, knowing the large man would be much more capable of climbing than him he waited patiently for word of their surrounding but in the meantime wracked his brain on who this outpost might once have served.

Knowledge(history) [roll0]

2011-04-01, 02:01 PM
After emerging from the portal, Erick looked over his companions and, seeing as they take some time to take in their new surroundings, decides to wait for them to decide to depart. They are in no hurry, after all; the dragon's lair is not going anywhere. After Gareth goes to the walls to see if he can climb up, Erick decides to go see if he can open the barred doors.