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View Full Version : Compilation of UberCheese, Tricks, and Loose Rules Interpretation? Why Not.

2011-01-19, 03:20 AM
Haven't seen one of these before, so might as well. Post explanations and/or links for all of the DM-rage inducing tricks you know, please.

Vive la Optemization!

2011-01-19, 06:30 AM
Here's a loose rules interpretation that I find quite fun. Works best in a modern day setting.

The 1st level psionic power, Call Weaponry.

Specify a type of weapon (i.e. longsword, crossbow etc etc) it appears in your hand. It does not say that the weapon has to fit in your hand, only that it appears in your hand.

If you can argue that something counts as a weapon, you can summon it.
In a modern day setting, RAW, you can summon a nuclear weapon out of thin air at first level.

2011-01-19, 11:30 AM
You want Ubercheese? Oh, where to start? How about in character creation?

Perhaps the cheesiest race idea I've ever come up with is LA Laundering - you can reduce the LA of any living creature (so anything that's not undead) to 0 by using 2 simple steps. Add 1/2 golem parts to them until they fail a saving throw and become constructs, and then use the construct incarnation spell to turn it into a humanoid. Then goto step 1 until you end up with a humanoid that has no level adjustment. Afterwards, apply the Dragonborn template to give the otherwise completely non-descript humanoid some racial abilities.
You end up with a creature with an arbitrarily high strength score, an intelligence and constitution score of 4d6 drop lowest each, dex will be fairly low (min 3 before the dragonborn template), charisma will probably be 3, and wisdom will be unchanged.
This method lets you maximize for either wisdom or strength (or both) to rediculous levels, at very little cost (except in time, money, some other caster's XP and credibility).

2011-01-19, 02:26 PM
Or you could just use an already existing massive compilation. (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19872646/Some_handy_links_for_CO_work)

2011-01-19, 08:15 PM
Pun-Pun. I win.

Now, put some parameters on that puppy, and perhaps we can have an actual conversation.

2011-01-19, 10:45 PM
Pun-Pun. I win.
The Omniscificer (http://web.archive.org/web/20061112212706/boards1.wizards.com/showthread.php?t=546612) would like a word.

But joking aside, you do raise a valid point. Without some constraints on this discussion it's sort of meaningless. After all, things like pun pun are just so OTT as to overshadow everything else..

2011-01-19, 10:56 PM
Here's a loose rules interpretation that I find quite fun. Works best in a modern day setting.

The 1st level psionic power, Call Weaponry.

Specify a type of weapon (i.e. longsword, crossbow etc etc) it appears in your hand. It does not say that the weapon has to fit in your hand, only that it appears in your hand.

If you can argue that something counts as a weapon, you can summon it.
In a modern day setting, RAW, you can summon a nuclear weapon out of thin air at first level.

hah, good one. Except you'd have no knowledge or launch pad to use it with.

edit: I am so sick of hearing about pun pun. We get it. Its not useful to bring it up anymore.

2011-01-19, 11:12 PM
The thing is, it's not a competition. Pun-pun does not 'win', pun-pun is not in competition. The various tricks and methods used to make pun-pun (if there's more than just sarrukh-spam) would be pertinent, but one ubercheese trick is not competing with another.

Seems to me the intent is to get reactions like "wow, that IS a bad loophole, hadn't heard that one before"

2011-01-19, 11:17 PM
Everyone is aware of the Domain Wizard Variant and the Elven Generalist Wizard Substitution levels. Domain Wizard gets a bonus slot at each level that can only be used to cast a "Domain" spell, which you automatically know as soon as you can cast them. Elven generalist gets an additional slot of his "highest spell level".

This requires a flaw, or dipping a spontaneous class and waiting until 2rd level.

Feats: Alacritous Cogitation, Versatile Spellcaster

So you have 5 first level spell slots right, no big deal, except...

Versatile means you can spend two 1st level slots to cast a 2nd level spell you know. It's a shame a Wizard can only write 1st level spells in his book at 1st level. Fortunately you learn your domain spells as soon as you would be able to cast them. You can now cast 2nd level spells, so EGW moves your floating slot to 2nd. This means you have a 2nd level spell slot granted by your class. So bonus spells apply. You get your domain slot and your High Int slot. Now you have 4 1st level slots and 3 2nd level slots.

But you can Versatile two 2nd slots to cast a 3rd level spell.....

You end up with:
level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
slots 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2

For fun, take Ultimate Magus to help your CL catch up quicker. 10/10 casting and 14/10 CL is none too shabby. 4 levels of Dragon Disciple will get you 3 additional 9th level spells, and the CL loss can be offset with Practiced Spellcaster.

Extra Slot will get you plenty of 8ths. Or you can spend your feats on Metamagic, which you can now actually afford.

2011-01-21, 02:17 AM
Immunity to damage is pretty nice. The only way I know is Trollblooded (feat from Dragon) which gets you Regeneration. Add Warforged Juggernaut 2, which gets you Immunity to Non-Lethal Damage. Now you just need Acid and Fire Immunity. It's nice to leave a loophole though, so I would just go Lawful Evil and Shape Soulmeld: Planar Chausuble for Resistance to Fire/Acid 10+5*essentia.

That last one is a little questionable... You may have to take two Soulmelds to get it to count. Don't take more than 2 levels of Juggernaut, it eventually removes your Con score which makes you ineligible for Trollblooded.

Paladin of Tyranny 2/Hexblade3/Warforged Juggernaut2/Binder1

is a nice start. Good saves, You may want to use Planar Touchstone: Catalogs of Enlightenment to grab that domain ability that allows rerolls of ones on saves. Immunity to most damage, Naeberius gives Ability Fast Healing, in case something tries to get you that way. Pretty much the only thing that can kill you is Falling Rocks.

If you can work in some Knight, you can make them swing ineffectually at you every turn.

2011-01-21, 02:30 AM
Here's a loose rules interpretation that I find quite fun. Works best in a modern day setting.

The 1st level psionic power, Call Weaponry.

Specify a type of weapon (i.e. longsword, crossbow etc etc) it appears in your hand. It does not say that the weapon has to fit in your hand, only that it appears in your hand.

If you can argue that something counts as a weapon, you can summon it.
In a modern day setting, RAW, you can summon a nuclear weapon out of thin air at first level.

Good luck launching that, or getting a safe distance away!

2011-01-21, 03:14 AM
Good luck launching that, or getting a safe distance away!

No, no, no.... You don't launch it, you sell it to the Russians. Hello $2.5 million at first level.

2011-01-21, 09:22 AM
Good luck launching that, or getting a safe distance away!
I was using it as an example of what it technically allows you to do. There are far better choices available for low levels, i.e. things that they are actually capable of using.

No, no, no.... You don't launch it, you sell it to the Russians. Hello $2.5 million at first level.
Lasts for 1min/manifester level, so unfortunately no.

Another fun thing about the power, is that it doesn't create the item, it randomly selects one from somewhere on the plane and summons it to you.
I just have an image of utter panic gripping the missile silo from where it originally came from, as they suddenly realise that their nuke has vanished.

2011-01-21, 09:25 AM
The Omniscificer (http://web.archive.org/web/20061112212706/boards1.wizards.com/showthread.php?t=546612) would like a word.

Pun-Pun's attainable before the Omniscificer-- level 1 instead of 4.

2011-01-21, 09:29 AM
Another fun thing about the power, is that it doesn't create the item, it randomly selects one from somewhere on the plane and summons it to you.
I just have an image of utter panic gripping the missile silo from where it originally came from, as they suddenly realise that their nuke has vanished.
Now imagine a few thousand level 1 psions all doing this at once, just for fun. How many would it take to empty every nuclear arsenal in the world, especially if they each used it repeatedly until running out of power points?

2011-01-21, 09:39 AM
There are about 22k nuclear missiles worldwide. You'd need a lot of psychics. And I imagine that in such a world they would be protected against such things, if psionics are so common.

2011-01-21, 09:51 AM

Is that the moon?

I had a DM that did a lot of tricks so he could send the most dangerous creatures with the lowest CR he could make, and he didn't even need to get out of the core books to do it.

Things I learned from him:
- Gnolls are CR 1. Gnolls with 1 Warrior level are still CR 1, but they're stronger, have twice the Hp and better equipment (and it can be GOOD crappy equipment so it can't be sold at a high price).
- A fiendish Hydra is CR 5, but has enough fire resistance to avoid having the stumps closed. Acid damage isn't as common at level 5. And just putting this out there: A captured or bred Fiendish Hydra can technically be taught to sunder weapons... MAGICAL weapons.
- Templates that don't add HD but add abilities are incredible for creating skeletons. They keep the abilities yet a very low CR. I once saw a CR 1 skeleton with over 40 strength that used a fighter as a weapon to pound a barbarian into submission.

2011-01-21, 10:22 AM
Is that the moon?

Short of PunPun, getting ninths at ECL 1 is the most powerful thing I have ever seen. The previous record was ECL 4, using Naenhoon Heighten, a Marshal dip (or Human Paragon) and Extra Slot. The Precocious Domain Generalist gets way more spells per day, and is something I'm rather proud of.

The only problem is, I'm not really sure what to do with it after that. Otherwise, it isn't much more powerful than any other wizard by Endgame.

Oh, and the combo happens automatically at character creation... If I'm not mistaken, PunPun takes a few standard actions to achieve ultimate power, so PDG, can just ready an action to dust any kobold that says Pazuzu...

2011-01-21, 11:03 AM
Lets see here... cheese and stuipid rule interpertations ahead!
1) Any creature in darkness is blinded. Thats right, if the only light in the room is a candle and you are 10 feet away you can't see it.
2) If you have a burrow speed and a fly speed you can move through the ground and the air. So you can bull rush someone from above and nothing stops you from going through the ground. Bullrush the wizard into the ground!
3) Ghosts are solid on the etheral plane, but they don't have a strength score... yeah problems ensue!
4) Either a) you can only avert your eyes from creatures with a gaze attack. If this is the case you can determine if something has a gaze attack by attempting to avert your eyes. or b) You can avert your eyes from anything, and if you are flanked by a rogue and something else you can avert your eyes from the something else. Say bye-bye sneak attack.
5) Items that grant wish can use wish, and you don't need to pay any xp. Wish for a ring of three wishes.
6) Incorporeal creatures are unaffected by air, and therefore air pressure. If they open their mouth any air in their lungs rushes out and they immediatly begin to suffocate. Also a lack of air pressure is called a vacuum and does damage as described here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/spells/nailedToTheSky.htm).
7)If you step through a portal you are sucked to the other side. If there is a wall on the other side you are crushed to death.
8) Plane shift puts you several miles away from the target location. In all likelyhood your getting placed a few miles up or in the ground.

2011-01-21, 11:12 AM
One I saw recently... specially because its RAW:

If you win initiative, but delay, you are still flat foot.

Of course, you are flat foot because you haven't acted yet...

Speaking is a free action anybody can do... so if you speak at any time, you already acted, and with RAW you are no longer flat foot.

(head asplodes)

2011-01-21, 11:26 AM
Wait it gets better. You can ready an action to do something in response to an action. So you could ready a fireball if someone says "Waka waka waka". And then say "waka waka waka" whenever you felt like it.

2011-01-21, 12:01 PM
The English meaning of the word 'dead' is commonly understood but if a rules system, such as D&D, defines a term, its definition is used instead. A character has the dead condition if he is at -10 HP or less whereas he is dying if he has -1 to -9 HP. A dying character is defined as knocked out and helpless, so he can take no actions. The dead are described having the soul leave the body and can't be healed but nothing implies any inability or hindrance to performing actions. Indeed, the effect of a soul separated from a body is not described. Nothing states or implies that that a dead character inherits the dying condition. Indeed, the HP ranges are mutually exclusive.

It might be argued that the soul leaving the body is commonly understood to mean death in the English language but it can also be argued that that is a statement of mythology, D&D defines its own mythology and body/soul separation is not described as having any effect.

That is, a character at -10 HP or less can act as normal because the dead condition does not prohibit this.

2011-01-21, 12:07 PM
That is, a character at -10 HP or less can act as normal because the dead condition does not prohibit this.

Hahahaha, wow!

2011-01-21, 12:31 PM
That is, a character at -10 HP or less can act as normal because the dead condition does not prohibit this.

Actually doesn't work quite like that. A dead creature has -10 HP, so his Non-lethal damage (min 0) exceeds his current HP, and is therefore unconscious. Unconscious creatures can take no actions.

There are soulmelds that help with this, however.

In case it matters, a dead character, no matter how she died, has -10 hit points.

Investing essentia in rageclaws increases the range of negative hitpoints at which you can continue functioning. Every point of eesentia invested effectively reduces the point at which you die by 3... You can continue to fight without penalty until you reach that hit point total.

This renders Death effects partially worthless, and is definitely worth adding to the Immune to most damage build, since it negates one other weakness.