View Full Version : World Crafting Collaboration Index

2011-01-19, 07:42 AM
This thread is to help you find various parts of the second (as I am now aware) campaign setting being voted on in the GitP forums. It will probably be 3.5 eventually, but I doubt it will matter until the very end.
You can also discuss general settingy things here (discussions directly relevant to what we are voting on can and, for my ease of looking, probably should, go in the voting thread), including what you think should be voted on. (In fact, if there is something you think should be considered that I do not have on my list, mention it, because I probably won't hold a vote on it otherwise.

Generally, how is the campaign setting different? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=183671)
What is the technology level and type? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10221347#post10221347) Cleaning up rough edges. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10296102#post10296102)
What unique class is in this campaign setting? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10221934#post10221934)
What differences are there between the standard races and those in this campaign setting? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10221961#post10221961)
What is the campaign setting's genre, if any?
What are the campaign's thematic priorities and primary antagonists? (May be two votes.)
What is the magic level?
What is the cosmology?
What is the dominant race?
How dominant is that race?
What is the dominant race's culture?
What are the other races' cultures?
What is the dominant religion, if there is one?
What is the geography?
What map should we use?
What is the world's history?
What are the world's current politics?
Two unique monsters
What should we name the campaign setting?
??? I'm sure I missed something, so be sure to mention it.

I am aware that this "schedule" is underinformative; however, it is liable to change due to previous votes, playground opinion, things I overlook, RL factors, etc, that I do not foresee.

Zeta Kai
2011-01-20, 10:30 PM
I will state here for the record that I was not consulted regarding this project, & therefore I do not condone it nor the presumptions of its author. Had the OP asked for permission to take my idea & run with it, I may have felt differently, & perhaps have even offered assistance &/or advice, but I do not appreciate nor accept any association with the original VUACS project.

Furthermore, this project seems poorly organized, & it is more than possible that this is done with the expectation that other forum members will be doing the bulk of the work, as the OP has done before (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125912) (more than once, in fact (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125804)). If you are going to rip off me & my team's ideas, it would be nice to have been notified, it would be wise to learn from our experience, & it would be prudent to offer to do your own work.

I do not wish you or your project ill, & in fact I hope that you do well, GWG, but you are capable of better consideration & etiquette.

2011-01-23, 08:46 PM
I will state here for the record that I was not consulted regarding this project, & therefore I do not condone it nor the presumptions of its author. Had the OP asked for permission to take my idea & run with it, I may have felt differently, & perhaps have even offered assistance &/or advice, but I do not appreciate nor accept any association with the original VUACS project.

Furthermore, this project seems poorly organized, & it is more than possible that this is done with the expectation that other forum members will be doing the bulk of the work, as the OP has done before (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125912) (more than once, in fact (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125804)). If you are going to rip off me & my team's ideas, it would be nice to have been notified, it would be wise to learn from our experience, & it would be prudent to offer to do your own work.

I do not wish you or your project ill, & in fact I hope that you do well, GWG, but you are capable of better consideration & etiquette.

I am sorry. At the time I started this, I did not realize that this had already been done. I am sorry for any offense caused by this and am trying to take it a different direction than you did in attempt to avoid accidentally offending the creators of the first Vote Up A Campaign Setting, such as you. I hope that these will be sufficient to alleviate the accidental offense caused by this campaign setting, and if it is not, please let me know so that I can try tofix my mistake in not asking permission.

2011-01-25, 07:54 AM
Due to response from accidentally offended VUACS I team members, I am receiving suggestions for a name change. First good one come, first served.

2011-01-25, 08:17 AM
Community world building project.
Community world fabricating project.

2011-01-25, 04:10 PM
Community world building project.
Community world fabricating project.

I'll give others a chance to voice their opinions, but I think I'll choose your first suggestion. "World Fabricating" has a negative connotation to me.

Zeta Kai
2011-01-25, 05:13 PM
Community World Building Project is a bit generic, & it carries the negative association with every other CWBP that has failed to get off the ground. However, in the interest of supporting your project's name change, I suggest that it be hereafter called the

World Crafting Collaboration™ (W.C.C.)

2011-01-25, 08:10 PM
The issue as I see it with using either of those suggestions, is that this is much more a vote up than a CWBP (or a WCC, which seems to just be a rename of the previous).


2011-01-26, 07:22 AM
The issue as I see it with using either of those suggestions, is that this is much more a vote up than a CWBP (or a WCC, which seems to just be a rename of the previous).


True, the current title of "Vote Up A Campaign Setting" may be the best and most descriptive, but I don't want people getting it confused with the old one or offended that I didn't show that it had existed, and VUACS II go members of the first irritated at me. Therefore, I will take Zeta Kai's suggestion: World Crafting Collaboration! It's not the best name, but the best's already taken.

2011-01-26, 12:56 PM
I just wanted to say that I"m joining this.

2011-01-26, 03:54 PM
I do want to let you know, GWG, that you may be in some deep water with this one. There're a number of campaign settings that come to the forefront over time here, and few of them remain more than a few weeks. Those that do are like mine, Vorpal's Dying Embers, or Krimm's Nation of the Dead (all notable because it's basically one guy and too much free time producing for themselves and others just kinda being cheerleaders/supporters) or they are Zihaja, which had three people for over two years, and still isn't entirely posted yet. Tears of Blood, the only really big collab setting creation effort I've seen here (and even had its own subforum for like two years), didn't really get that far. Too many cooks and all that.

If you're really going to do this, make damn sure you're dedicated to whatever you're given, or else you're just wasting your time and energy. Felt you should be warned of what's come before and of those few who were "successful" (Dying Ember is a work in progress, Zaaman-Rul is like 6 months from playable, Nation of the Dead is also a work in progress [I think; Krimm might have actually finished it and then moved on to greener pastures], Zihaja is the only real huge success I know of on this forum).

Just be careful, move slowly, and be dedicated. Get a small staff of folks, maybe two or three who you really trust and feel are as dedicated to the project as you are, and go from there. Otherwise, history says you're pretty likely to crash and burn.

I wish you the best with it, thus the friendly heads-up.

2011-01-26, 04:37 PM
You forgot Ishka (http://ishka.wikispaces.com/). That was pretty much declared finished (though the wiki never really got adequately compiled if memory serves). Still, that is only 1 out of a good number of projects.


2011-01-26, 05:33 PM
Nation of the Dead is also a work in progress [I think; Krimm might have actually finished it and then moved on to greener pastures]

I'm still here! I just havn't put any effort into it in a long time because of a long long campaign that took all of my creating power and I'm really burnt out. It's not done, and hopefully someday it will be.

2011-01-26, 06:11 PM
You forgot Ishka (http://ishka.wikispaces.com/). That was pretty much declared finished (though the wiki never really got adequately compiled if memory serves). Still, that is only 1 out of a good number of projects.

I... have never even heard of Ishka. Might be before my time, though I've never seen a link to it, never seen a reference to it, nor ever seen a thread for it. Guess it must just really predate me (that or I'm blind as hell; way likely). Point stands though.

I'm still here! I just havn't put any effort into it in a long time because of a long long campaign that took all of my creating power and I'm really burnt out. It's not done, and hopefully someday it will be.
Oh, hey, Krimm lives! :smallbiggrin: Well, good to see. Did you find TDO in your journeys, cause he's gone missing too.

2011-01-26, 07:23 PM
Oh, hey, Krimm lives! :smallbiggrin: Well, good to see. Did you find TDO in your journeys, cause he's gone missing too.

He's around, just headlong in Exalted. A freelancer for them, actually.

2011-01-27, 07:32 AM
Lots of warning stuff
Don't worry. I think I can see this through unless I die halfway through or lose internet access or something. (I've heard most of it before, but not in this much detail.)

I wish you the best with it, thus the friendly heads-up.
Thank you.

I'm still here! I just havn't put any effort into it in a long time because of a long long campaign that took all of my creating power and I'm really burnt out. It's not done, and hopefully someday it will be.
I also hope it will be done. If I didn't have the bad luck of only having skills in homebrewing monsters and making stuff up (and, of course, this big campaign setting), I'd offer to help.

2011-02-03, 10:27 AM
I will be here to the end, or as long as I can. I am dedicated to this setting already, and will not simply abandon it. This project really piques my interest, I have never been a part of a community setting!

2011-02-06, 08:44 AM
I will be here to the end, or as long as I can. I am dedicated to this setting already, and will not simply abandon it. This project really piques my interest, I have never been a part of a community setting!

I am glad to hear that. We need as many people as we can to toss in their opinions, and to be dedicated to actually making the homebrew.