View Full Version : Deathwatch - The Things that lurk on Helmora (IC)

The Commander
2011-01-20, 02:35 PM
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=184092&highlight=deathwatch)

(Spoilering to avoid a massive wall of text)

Months. It had been months since you boarded the black painted thunderhawks of Deathwatch which had in turn ferried you to frigates of great speed and subtlety. You had spent a short time aboard these ships, it's crew of oath-sworn serfs and servitors respectful to you, however silent to any and all questions of time and locations passed. Occasionally you sparred or drilled with the handful of Deathwatch Marines on board, some of which had been from your chapter, however they too remained silent for the most part. Despite not seeing the great Jericho-Maw Warp Gate, you were alerted to it's presence by klaxons and vox alerts and the sudden feeling of being suddenly somewhere else across the galaxy. Despite your training and hardened resolve, it is still somewhat unsettling, especially without the aid of the ship's Gellar Field. The klaxons and vox alerts continue for a short time, signalling the ship's transit through the Well of Night: the deadly area of space in which no ship save for the cruiser class warship of the Adeptus Mechanicus, used as a relay point for passing ships, should tarry for too long. Some time after the klaxons had died down and the ship returned to normal duties, you hear an announcement that you have reached Watch Fortress Erioch: the grand space bastion that serves as Deathwatch's headquarters, it's exact location only known to a few dozen navigators and trusted captains.

Disembarking from the ship is the final reminder that you have left your old life in your old chapter behind; perhaps temporarily, perhaps permanently. Other recruits from various Chapters disembarked with you and you were led to a small assembly area next to the void dock. You steeled yourself as a large Deathwatch Marine approached you moments after you had all been accounted for. A Space Wolf emblem engraved on his right shoulder pauldron, the rest of his armor black and his left arm silver incorporated with the Deathwatch emblem; signified his membership to Deathwatch. His flowing red hair was braided into three ponytails down his back and a shaggy red beard coated his face. His voice was jolly, but assertive, and his face showed years of battle scars and faded memories and his eyes gave off a twinkle of pleasure as he sized you all up.

"Welcome to Watch Fortress Erioch! I am Watch Captain Grimshanks and I have been assigned to oversee your training into Deathwatch! You've also got me to thank for your recruitment! You've all come from different backgrounds and Chapters, but now you will be reforged into another. A Deathwatch Marine! This is by no means an easy task and long trials await you on your journey, but I have faith that you will make it."

A smile creeped across Grimshank's face.

"You were all summoned here because you've proved yourself above your Brothers, however you are but neophytes to me. Perhaps one day you also be a Captain... and eternal peace will rule throughout the Imperium! HAHA!"

You and the recruits let our a roar of laughter at the Watch Captain's joke. He let the laughter die down before speaking again.

"Ah, but enough of that thought. You must all be eager to begin your training! Even if you are not, gather your things and meet me again in Training Hall B. Deathwatch training begins in one hour. Serfs will show you to your quarters in the mean time. Welcome to Deathwatch!"

After being led away and shown your quarters, which was nothing more than a small room with a raised stone platform for a bed and housings for weapons, armor and keepsakes, you and the rest of the recruits, which had also been housed next to you, made your way to Training Hall B.

What you experienced during training is best left untold. What you thought were ardous trials beforehand to merely join the Adeptus Astartes were trivial compared to the trials of Deathwatch training. Long weeks you were forced to study countless varients of Xenos without sleep or sustinance. Live combat simulations were you had nothing but a combat knife to battle some deadly Death world creature. Countless days you spent drilling with your fellow recruits in countless combat situations. Not all of your fellow recruits survived and their loss was mourned, only to be replaced with a burning determination to survive where others failed. All of these storms were weathered against you and yet you emerged triumphant. It was a day of great pride for you and the other recruits who survived training to have your armor painted black, the Deathwatch emblem engraved on your left shoulder pauldron, and to be welcomed into the ranks of Deathwatch by your Watch Captain. The final part of your induction into the ranks of Deathwatch was done solely by yourself, as you were brought before the giant adamantine plated doors of the Omega Vault and took the Oath of Vigil. In quiet contemplation upon completion of the Oath, you wondered what lies beyond these sealed vaults, what mysteries they contain and whether or not those mysteries should ever be revealed. You then left the Vault to meditate on your Oath.

You are all drilling together in a live combat exercise when the call goes out over the Internal Vox System for your Kill-Team, Kill-Team Alpha Gamma, to assemble in Briefing Theatre A. The exercise isn't particularly challenging; a group of servitors armed with blades and saws. You finish them off and make your way to the Briefing Theatre.

Watch Captain Grimshanks is standing at the end of the small Theatre next to a Cogitator and welcomes you as you come in.

"Brothers! It seems we have a mission for your Kill-Team! This one comes from the Inquisitor of the Chamber!"

Grimshanks presses a few buttons on the Cogitator and holo-projectors hidden in the floor and ceiling project the 3D image of a planet in front of you. The planet seems to be heavily built upon and you can make out dozens of tall spires jutting out of Hives dotted around the planet.

"This planet is called Helmora. It's a Hive World located far Coreward in The Jericho Reach. According to reports given to me by the Inquisitor of the Chamber, the Ordo Hereticus dispatched an Inquisitor Xander and his Acolytes to Helmora three weeks ago. The reason for this dispatch was a series of murders of PDF commanders and other high ranking military officials on the planet which the local Arbites could not make any sense of.

Neither the Inquisitor or the Acolytes have been heard from in over a week and their last transmission did not suggest that they were entering a period of Vox Silence. Unfortunately there isn't much of their investigation to go by; all they had found out was that all the victims had been made to suffer greatly before death, had been placed in a location to gather the most attention and had all been killed with great precision. Of course, such grizzly and unexplained murders, coupled with the unexplained Vox silence of the Inquisitor and his Acolytes, has caused the Inquisitor of the Chamber to come to Deathwatch for assistance.

You will be transported to the main Hive on Helmora, Mort, by Thunderhawk Gunship, which is where the Inquisitor and his Acolytes were based. Your mission is to locate and safe-guard the Inquisitor and his Acolytes and assist them in their investigation. If something has happened to them, you are to discover their fate, relay a message back to the Inquisitor of the Chamber and remain on Helmora until a new Inquisitor can arrive to take over investigations. You are then to protect the new Inquisitor and their Acolytes until they are finished with their investigation. It perhaps goes without saying that you are to minimise collateral damage as much as possible.

Helmora lies far Corewards, so it is believed that any threat encountered will either be individually heretical or cult heretical. Other threats possibly include Daemons and, although very unlikely this far Corewards and in such a subtle manner, the Tau. Requisition has been set to 50 for each of you, for this mission. Any good Kill-Team also needs a leader to lead them into battle! A good Oath always strengthens the heart and directs the mind when on a mission, so before you go, you must choose both a leader and an Oath to take. Any questions?"

Watch Captain Grimshanks then leaves the floor open for questions.

Locate the Inquisitor and his Acolytes - Primary Objective
If they are alive, protect them - Primary Objective
If they are dead, relay news to Inquisitor of the Chamber - Primary Objective
If they are dead, await new Inquisitor and Acolytes and protect them - Primary Objective
Minimise Collateral Damage (try not to blow up buildings and kill civilians) - Secondary Objective
Assist in Investigations - Tertiary Objective

Requisition - 50 for each of you

Ask questions now and choose a leader and Oath. Then choose equipment.

2011-01-21, 12:19 AM
Storm Warden Wallcroft stands in his pale blue and black power armor with his hand resting on the pommel of his claymore as he thinks. His skin is darkly tanned, his hair black, and his icy blue eyes seem to be distant for a moment before he focuses on the matter at hand. "Should we expect the Inquisitor's team to have a psyker? And what were his other resources?" He asks even as he lovingly strokes the grip of his sword.

The Commander
2011-01-21, 03:49 AM
The Watch Captain presses a few buttons on his Cogitator and the image of the Helmora disappears to be replaced by the bio-descriptions of a Psyker.

"Yes, the Inquisitor employed the use of a Psyker for this investigation.

From their last transmission he had not sensed anything unusual. The Inquisitor and his Acolytes were undercover, so his resources were limited; he had even gone as far as to seek passage aboard a Rogue Trader vessel under the guise of a normal passenger to maintain his cover. Since the possibility that the local Arbites may be in on the murders, his presense was not announced to them. In other words, the local Arbites believe an Inquisitor is on the way, but has not yet arrived.

I leave the option up to you if you wish to maintain the Inquisitor's cover and seek him in secret or to let his presense be known to the Arbites. If you decide for the former, you will probably have to convince the Arbites that you were sent in place of an Inquisitor and his Acolytes, but that shouldn't be too difficult."

2011-01-21, 10:19 AM
Brother Gabriel

The apothecary is leaning against the wall, in his darkgreen shoulderplated white apothecary power armour, with the sign of the apothecary on his chestpiece.
''50 requsition doesn't sound like much... the possible threat level could be quite high. my fellow brothers might not agree... the emperor protects, but preparing for the unknown never hurts.''

2011-01-21, 03:30 PM
"Would you that others go without that we should have greater ease?...

New forged we emerge from the crucible, and by the hammers of battle and hardship must we be tempered...

The Holy Equations of Allocation are not in error, given the variables of this situation...

This mission is of lower immediate concern then the sundry others and we are not proved worthy to serve with too many Machine Spirits of the Wargear."

That was Uriel, the techmarine. His armor was lovingly crafted, with the black plates edged in a raised surface of red. Holy Binary edged these plates in black again, espousing prayer to the Machine God. On his right shoulder the white Omega of the Ultramarines was edged in a gear pattern around its blue background. His right arm was the unadorned Deathwatch gray. The gear and skull of the Priesthood of Mars was on his chest in gold and winged to show solidarity with the other marines.

Uriel who's name means, "The Emperor is my Light", often spoke like that when relaxed, as if he was mentally translating his speech out of Lingua Techna.

2011-01-21, 04:12 PM
''Brother Uriel... if we are missing something crucial we could risk failiure. I need painsuppressants, De-tox plus all the standard equipment.'' Gabriel replies, and he looks determined.

2011-01-21, 04:35 PM
"You need faith... that is sufficient... all else is a blessing..."

2011-01-21, 05:25 PM
''I agree brother Uriel.... but when you need me, and i know you will, i might be out of the drugs.'' He returns his focus back to the Captain, awaiting his respone to his question.

The Commander
2011-01-21, 06:05 PM
"Each Brother will have their Armour's Pain Surpressants topped up before they make planetfall. I don't see the need to be carrying De-Tox for you fellow Brothers, Apothecary. I am sure they can survive whatever ailments befall them on their own natural strength. You will be given mission standard gear though, no need to worry." The Watch Captain replies to Gabriel.

2011-01-21, 06:47 PM
''Sir, will you allow for my narthecium to be filled with 10 doses of De-tox without requisitioning it? Heretics and assassins are known to use toxins like genophage and since we haven't heard from the meantioned inquisitor, i would say that precaution is a good idea.'' yes, he keeps trying to be as failsafe as possible, even astartes drugs can be used on normal humans.... one dosage for a regular human is only about 1/10 of a full dose.

The Commander
2011-01-22, 04:48 AM
The Watch Captain thinks for a moment. "I will put in a request for 5 doses of De-Tox, 1 dose for each of your Brothers and yourself. I am disappointed that you do not have faith in your strength and the will to adapt to a situation; but perhaps some precaution is necessary."

(Gabriel may take 5 doses of De-Tox free or Req cost)

2011-01-22, 05:09 AM
''Thank you captain''
Gabriel inclines his head towards the holo-projector, and seems deep in thought.
''If we req a cartograph, will it be uploaded with full planetary scans?''

2011-01-22, 06:30 AM
Brother Kyrill

The tall, dark-haired brother with a pauldron indicating his lineage among the sons of Sanguinus has been following the discussion attentively so far. A moment, brother Captain. Did the Inquisitor of the Chamber inform us of any agents on the ground that we may contact, or Inquisitor Xander is likely to have? There is someone there who might know more about where the missing inquisitor was last heading.

The Commander
2011-01-22, 06:48 AM
The Watch Captain picks up some dataslates next to his Cogitator and hands them to you. "These dataslates contain information and maps on the planet, as well as geographical and demographical data. They also contain information on the Inquisitor and his Acolytes and a summary of the mission briefing. A Rogue Trader vessel will be transporting you to the planet, so as to keep your arrival a secret until you make planetfall. One of our ships will rendezvous with the Rogue Trader, who will then transport you from there. If you so choose to take a Cartographer, I'm sure the Rogue Trader vessel will supply you with orbital telemetry.

Give me a moment..." The Watch Captain types a series of commands into his Cogitator and turns back to you a moment later.

"It appears there were a few agents in the Administratum, although nothing more than that. Due to the secrecy of the investigation, it is unlikely that they would of had much contact with the Inquisitor; much less know where he might be, but perhaps it is a start. I will add this data to your dataslates." Grimshanks takes back your dataslates and plugs them into his Cogitator one at a time to download the new information. He then hands them back to you.

2011-01-22, 12:17 PM
"And what of his cover story? Do we have the details of that? It would prove helpful if we knew his cover name, and other specifics, in case we should find signs of it." The hulking Storm Warden asks.

The Commander
2011-01-23, 02:19 PM
"I have included the guises used by the Inquisitor and his Acolytes in their profiles on your dataslates. Each member took on a different cover story in order to best cover the Hive's social hierachy. I'm sure you'll have time to read over the details on transit to Helmora."

(I won't bore you by describing the cover story of each member of the Inquisitor's team; but in short they each took on a social path akin to their previous careers. E.g. the Ex-Arbites attempted to seek employment in the Adeptus Arbites and likewise for the rest of the team, with Xander posing as a noble)

2011-01-23, 02:24 PM
''i have no more questions brother watch captain'' Gabriel says, and takes on his diagnostor helmet, now wearing full power armor.

2011-01-30, 05:53 PM
The Blood Angel looks at the data-slates again. In the case that the Inquisitor has been martyred in his duties, I suppose we should notify the representative here. Is there any particular astropath planet-side that we should get in touch with? If no, I suppose we would need to see to our devotions.

2011-01-30, 06:00 PM
Brother Johan speaks for the first time. "Indeed. I suggest an Oath that we will each seek glory on this mission, in the name of the Emperor."

A smile is on his face, oddly enough. "We should also choose who will lead in this mission."

2011-01-30, 06:52 PM
''i agree with brother Johan, a glorious oath would be fitting, and brother Johan, you would be the best choice for squad leader.'' Gabriel says as Johan asks for oath and squad leader.

The Commander
2011-01-31, 09:21 AM
"The Rogue Trader vessel taking you to Helmora has a capable Astropath onboard. Anything you find can be communicated back to the ship, which will then be relayed to all the necessary contacts."

2011-01-31, 10:04 AM
The Storm Warden nods in agreement with Gabriel. "I agree. I am not one comfortable in leadership. I know my place in battle."

The Commander
2011-02-09, 09:01 AM
(Since you wanted to skip the Oath taking process, I'll simply skip to planetfall and IC everything in between)

As each of you nominates Brother Johan for leadership, Grimshanks steps up to him and rests his hand on his shoulder.

"It seems your Brothers have chosen you, Brother Johan. Make an Oath and make them proud."

Grimshanks watches in silent vigil as you undertake the Oath of Glory and compliments you on a good Oath as you finish. You then gear up and assemble onboard a Deathwatch Cruiser.

A day or two later, you are notified that you have come into contact with the Rogue Trader vessel that will be taking you to Helmora. Boarding the Thunderhawk Gunship that will be used to drop you on the planet, you are ferried over to the ship. The Captain and crew are awe-struck to have you aboard, the crew more so than the Captain and Senior Officers, and you settle in for the rest of the journey comfortably.

About three days away from Helmora, the Captain summons you to his quarters where he informs you that all contact with Helmora has been lost and the situation is unknown at this time.

Contact remains lost even as you speed towards the planet surface aboard the Thunderhawk Gunship. As the ship descends through the thick pollution cloud covering the main Hive Mort you are told, via the pilot, that the entire Hive is a flaming and scarred ruin. He does not see any signs of immediate fighting, but he suspects, from what he can see, that there has been quick and sporadic fighting across the entire Hive. He has no guesses as to who the combatents were.

A moment later the pilot lands the gunship on a landing platform on the mid-level of the Hive and opens the rear hatch. The gunners report no immediate targets in the area. Even through the rear hatch you can see the decimation of the Hive's structure with fires raging everywhere and large chunks of buildings missing. The wind blows strongly against the gunship and creates an almost unnatural howling sound. Aside from the wind and the vertical jets of the gunship, you hear nothing. Your mission has begun!

-New Primary Objective = Find out what happened

2011-02-09, 09:14 AM
''This is a bad omen...'' gabriel mutters as he sees the wartorn city.

''Great terra, what happened here?''
gabriel steps out right after the team leader.

2011-02-09, 12:04 PM
Kyrill steps down heavily, and the thump from his mag-boots seems to echo. He studies the devastation carefully, pistol in hand. This changes everything, he says quietly, almost meditatively.
Perhaps those murders the Inquisitor investigated were a prelude to this.

His eys narrow, and he looks at the nearest wrecks to determine how long ago the battles took place and what weapons were used.

2011-02-09, 04:11 PM
"...the goal of avoiding damage seems somewhat redundant now..."

Brother Johan might joke, but his mind is moving quickly. He steps out. "Brothers, we had better search for bodies. Brother Gabriel, can you be on stand-by to examine any bodies we may find?"

2011-02-09, 07:12 PM
Gabriel turns his head from side-to-side, scanning for life (got preysense in helmet)

as brother johans question reaches him through the vox gabriel instantly replies.

''I will stand ready, brother johan''

do i spot anything?, or do you want an awareness test? (oh and preysense is like predator heatvision

2011-02-09, 09:49 PM
Wallcroft mutters prays to the Emperor under his breath, probably heard through the Vox, as he also searches for bodies.

The Commander
2011-02-10, 01:28 PM
(I know some people like me to roll for things like Awareness, as it speeds up gameplay. I'll roll for each of you now and an Evaluate Roll for Kyrill.)
Something interesting - [roll0]
Gabriel Awareness - [roll1]
Kyrill Awareness - [roll2]
Kyrill Evaluate - [roll3]
Johan Awareness - [roll4]
Wallcroft Awareness - [roll5]

After you have each stepped off from the Gunship, the pilot relays that they are returning to the ship to report this and will return upon your command. The co-pilot hands over a Vox Caster from a shelf inside the ship to Johan. "Use this to contact the ship." He twists a few dials. "I've configured the channel settings and it is ready for use now. Good luck my lords!" He makes the sign of the Aquila before re-boarding the ship. A moment later the rear hatch closes and the Gunship takes off; disappearing in the thick pollution cloud a moment later.

Brother Kyrill studies some of the damage closely, but cannot tell exactly how old the damage is.

After no more than a minute of searching you find a few groups of scattered corpses. Mostly PDF, although there are a few civilians mixed in here and there. Their bodies look horrifically torn to shreds.

2011-02-11, 07:48 AM
Gabriel breaks out of line, and walks over to the corpses and starts scanning them, trying to determine time of death.

routine medicae test: 50 +20 (routine) +10 (diagnostor helmet) +3 (Robe of the Apothecary) = 83 vs. [roll0]

2011-02-11, 10:03 AM
Wallcroft stays silent as he sees the bodies and begins searching them for officers in battle-dress. If he finds any, the others will see him tear off their insignia for some unknown reason.

2011-02-11, 12:32 PM
Brother Kyrill does not join the two who begin to examine the corpses, trusting that they will let him know if they find something. For now, he scans the nearby area to make sure it is free of enemies.