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View Full Version : My Eberron Campaign... [Eberron, obviously]

2011-01-20, 06:10 PM
Has a warforged necrozombie ball of entropic energy (player), a shifter cohort/animal companion that was once a normal wolf (and male, I blame the Traveler), a head-shaped mecha (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100105081917/gurennlagann/images/2/22/Lagann.gif), a noble demon recurring foe (http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Mid-Boss.gif) (did I mention it's a Disgaea-inspired campaign?), electric guitars, bandits on exploding steampunk motorcycles, a prinny that really can be the hero (http://pspmedia.ign.com/psp/image/article/928/928188/prinny-can-i-really-be-the-hero-20081107051026866_640w.jpg), psionic ice sprites (http://www.kakeracomplex.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Cirno-9.jpg), a ghostly party band (http://i.ytimg.com/vi/zdnIdRPJtpo/0.jpg), a vampire sharpshooter (http://images.wikia.com/hellsing/images/5/5d/Rip_van_Winkle.png) for the Emerald Claw, and handfuls of other NPC Captain Ersatz...es.

What does yours have (point here being, what kind of ridiculous things have you seen in your Eberron campaign)?

2011-01-20, 08:18 PM
I wouldn't say mine is quite as nuts... But the characters have been forever menaced by a House Sivis Gnome Trueblood scion driven mad by excessive exposure to prophetic readings contorted by the Far Realm. He has a limitless pocket book and mad devious plans. They've mailed him home in a box a few times bribing house Orien stewards who run one of the teleportation circles. Still he tries.

They've also busted up a criminal ring that was counterfieting Cyran art with a modified arcane engine who had been laundering their money through Cyran nobles bank accounts. They had to beat up a House Kundarak banker (and consult a Sivis Markreader) to trace a bank note.

And after the group destroyed a gang of sadistic Warforged our Artificer took to wearing a jaw mandible.

This isn't even mentioning the Universal Translation Eberron Shard they've spent the entire game trying to pawn, hide or use. Who wants to translate the prophecy anyways.

I think we run slightly different Eberrons. Mine is less explodey, more lack or moral elements.

2011-01-21, 12:23 AM
And after the group destroyed a gang of sadistic Warforged our Artificer took to wearing a jaw mandible.

I'm so doing this.

2011-01-21, 12:47 AM
The players of my Eberron game are a half-orc ranger, elf mage, and a halfling factotum.

If my group was anything like yours, I'd probably refuse to DM.

2011-01-21, 03:10 AM
Looking back Ebberon certainly sounds cool, but I kinda ended up hating it due to the fact every time I try doing something in it it ends horribly (not through any fault of the system, more a problem with players/DMs)

Fist D&D game I was ever in was in Ebberon. It didn't last long, but basically what it ended up with was my character having artificial eyes due to his real ones being imploded by a magical spell by the first boss we came across. Turns out my DM recently discovered the BoVD and wanted to experiment with it.
Did I mention we were all level 1 and completely new to the game?
Sidebar: It's actually kinda annoying looking back. For my first character I tried making something completely investigative based only for my DM to make me remake it because 'it wasn't that kind of game'. I didn't find out until later that Ebberon is almost made for games like that. Bah.

Next time I ended up in Ebberon it was years later on the other side of the screen for a newbie campaign; not running a game but just helping run the more minor mechanics. Where the actual DM was great with rules and numbers, he was truly horrible with story and plot. When it came to backstories he opted to have everyone roll for them off a chart. What it came down to was two characters being on the run from an entire cabal of wizards after one of them stole a major artifact from them, another two were being hunted down by a conspiracy of nobles due to one of the two being a previously unknown heir to something, and the last member of the group (a warforged) was a deserter from the Lord of Blades' army and somehow had the Lord of Blades personally trying to track him down. I tried suggesting that the results were toned down to something more appropriate, but the DM refused and had every intention on utilizing all of the above. Once again, this was a group of level 1 characters.

T.G. Oskar
2011-01-21, 08:00 AM
What does yours have (point here being, what kind of ridiculous things have you seen in your Eberron campaign)?

A Kender Bard. Yes, a Kender bard who came to Eberron thanks to Dal Quor, the realm of dreams.

And if you're asking: I'm the DM, and I allowed it because the player is a Kender at heart (except for the handling, that is).

So far, the Kender is about to introduce a Kender-exclusive weapon to Eberron thanks to negotiations with House Cannith, and...well, that's about it.

Also, the idea of adding firearms (not modern, but flintlocks and such) to the world thanks to, once again, House Cannith. Or making Corellon (the elven deity) into the blade guide of an elven warblade player of mine who's gonna enter into Eternal Blade later on (and that's based on adaptations used on Exemplars of Evil).

Still deciding on what ELSE to add...

2011-01-21, 11:12 PM
Also, the idea of adding firearms (not modern, but flintlocks and such) to the world thanks to, once again, House Cannith.

Eberron seems like a good place for that. Hell, with magic I could see some facsimile of modern weapons being created. XD

2011-01-22, 01:53 AM
Has a warforged necrozombie ball of entropic energy (player), a shifter cohort/animal companion that was once a normal wolf (and male, I blame the Traveler), a head-shaped mecha (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100105081917/gurennlagann/images/2/22/Lagann.gif), a noble demon recurring foe (http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Mid-Boss.gif) (did I mention it's a Disgaea-inspired campaign?), electric guitars, bandits on exploding steampunk motorcycles, a prinny that really can be the hero (http://pspmedia.ign.com/psp/image/article/928/928188/prinny-can-i-really-be-the-hero-20081107051026866_640w.jpg), psionic ice sprites (http://www.kakeracomplex.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Cirno-9.jpg), a ghostly party band (http://i.ytimg.com/vi/zdnIdRPJtpo/0.jpg), a vampire sharpshooter (http://images.wikia.com/hellsing/images/5/5d/Rip_van_Winkle.png) for the Emerald Claw, and handfuls of other NPC Captain Ersatz...es.

What does yours have (point here being, what kind of ridiculous things have you seen in your Eberron campaign)?

....while I do admit to basing a warforged champion on Genesic GaoGaiGar (http://img.verycd.com/posts/0511/post-410640-1131638111.gif), you have Cirno. I can't match that. Ever.

2011-01-22, 05:07 AM
Eberron seems like a good place for that. Hell, with magic I could see some facsimile of modern weapons being created. XD
My wizard worked out a way of doing it. He basically has a revolving series of wands stacked together, and as each one makes a full circle, a spell trigger occurs to fire the wand. Think of it as a fireball minigun.

Unfortunately, it chews through wands at a terrifying rate, so reloading it can require a major investment of wealth.

T.G. Oskar
2011-01-22, 06:00 AM
Actually, there are already facsimiles of that with Eternal Wands (Eternal Wands of Magic Missile are like semi-auto firearms, while wands of Fireball are akin to Rocket-Propelled Grenades), but I was meaning actual representations of firearms, right to the use of sulfur and saltpeter in the gunpowder. Mostly an idea I got from Pirates of the Caribbean, considering the Lhazaar Principalities works under that concept (and you might want Magic Missiles to hit enemies, but not Fireballs, while on a ship). I had a thread using that.

Other stuff I'm planning? Let's see...maybe using Kalashtar Soulknives with Ardent manifesting as Jedi Knights paladins of the Path of Light (though, as I might see it, it'll end up being Psychic Warriors with Call Weaponry and adding the brilliant energy property), and...that's it so far. It depends on where I wing the group, although one of my players wants the classic "storm an evil Wizard's tower" scenario (and I might just oblige with the Twelve ;) ).

2011-01-22, 01:09 PM
My experience is definitely less extreme.

We use Eberron more for detective stories, and adventure - but more Indiana Jones adventures and not so much the OP over-the-top style. That to me is more of a Planescape role to blend everything in extreme mash-up.

The extreme things exist in our games. But, they are there in an almost Cthulhu style existence that would unravel the social/mental fabric of most citizens if openly displayed.

Or at least, everything you listed could have a place, but not all at once.

Some examples my games have seen:
-Psion Uncarnate PC was spotted by locals in ethereal form, they assumed it was a ghost and called in the Silver Flame exterminator squad....who take a 40k Imperium style exterminatus approach to supernaturals in our Eberron.

- Mobster-style hit at a PC wedding (think GTA4) leading to the Master of Many Form with psionic boosts becoming a huge stone hydra to fend of the changling goons. Such public display caused city-wide riots.

2011-01-23, 02:16 AM
Update: Tonight, a truly awesome thing happened in my campaign. You had to have been there to appreciate the full value, but I believe that a piece of the chat log could suffice.

Involved Characters:
Austin, Tiefling Knight/Aglarondan Griffon Rider//Fax's ToB Paladin.
Ens, Tiefling Cloistered Cleric/Eldritch Disciple//Warlock/Enlightened Soul
Vidar, Aasimar ToB Ranger//Dragon Shaman.
Warpstorm, the aforementioned entropic warforged (I like to say Warpforged), Psion(telepath)//Draken's Evolutionist class. He wasn't present at the time, I was NPCing him.
Renee, aforementioned shifter/animal companion, straight Pax Chi's Monk of the Way.

And, the two most important in this part:
Lawry, Dragonmarked(hospitality) Halfling, Sorcerer/Ninja/Daggerspell Mage//Druid/Daggerspell Shaper
Gil (Virgil), ToB Rogue//Warblade.

* Virgil glances to Lawry, and grins. "So, think it's time for that?"
* Laurence grins back. "That, huh? Yeah, I do think it is, bro."
<Vidar> What are you two babbling about?
<Virgil> Eh? You mean it ain't obvious?
* Laurence flips his dagger in his hand. "Just gonna show this thing a little of the power of the living spirit."
* Virgil grins more widely. "There's only one thing that can refer to." He drops to one knee. "We're gonna combine!"
<Vidar> You're going to WHAT?
<Vidar> I...but....This is no time for...wait. What the blazes are you talking about?
* Ens merely blinks owlishly.
<Warpstorm> ...Intriguing.
* Laurence flips his knife forward, holding it parallel to the ground. "A man's blade is his soul! We kick reason to the road and make the impossible possible!" His dagger begins sparking violently.
<Warpstorm> Is this what insanity is like?
<Austin> Yes, yes it is.
<As Lawry leaps over Gil, a column of flame separates them from the battlefield.>
<Vidar> What is this I don't even-
<Virgil> (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j1P2t_wcHs)
<Against all logic, the whirring of gears and the clank of metal shifting into place can be heard from within.>
<Finally, the flames begin to clear, and a tall figure begins to emerge.>
<Virgil> We are the two-headed soldier fit to pierce the heavens. The invincible GIL-LAW-RYYYYYY!
<Laurence> Ours are the blades that will pierce the heavens!
<Ens> ...I thought we had woken up this morning.
<At last, the glare fades, revealing...Lawry astride Gil's shoulders, holding his forehead for support.>
<The band seems to play along, switching tunes to fit the moment.>
* Renee ***** her head. "...That was awesome!" The pom-poms have reappeared in time for her to leap into the air with a whoop.
<Vidar> ...What in the name of all that the Flame blesses are you two doing?
<Warpstorm> They are fusing. Obviously.
<Austin> They are idiots.
<Austin> Obviously.
<Vidar> I need whisky. And possibly a loose woman.
* Ens glares at Vidar warningly.
<Austin> Sir Vidar, if you elect to consort with either of those, please do so on your own time, away from me.
<Vidar> It's called sarcasm, people.
* Vidar mumbles under his breath. "At least about the woman."
* Virgil grins at the rest of the group's bafflement, then roars into the air, Lawry hanging on, his hand beginning to crackle. The two-headed soldier launches toward the dragon, Gil taking a blow from one of its claws, but grinning throughout, as that just means that, as he smashes into the beast with his fiery greatsword, Lawry is wide open...
* Laurence laughs loudly. "Certain death strike! Giga! Spark! BREAAAAAKEEEER!" Leaning into the charge, Lawry's new gauntlet sparks violently with a spiraling electrical current as he drives his dagger directly into the beast.
<Vidar> (you two win. everything. ever.)
<Virgil> (XD)
<Vidar> (the only way that could have been better is if one or both of you was a warforged)
<Much of the beast's flesh explodes as the fire and electricity coalesce with a seemingly otherworldly energy generated by Gil and Lawry. It now looks almost more like a skeleton than a zombie...>
<Ens> (I've been laughing so hard at this!)
<Vidar> Well, freaking weird or no, that seemed like it worked. Good job, you two.
<The beast roars, letting loose a cone of caustic acid at Gillawry, and Austin.>
<The two-headed soldier emerges completely unscathed. "Just who the hell do you think we are?">
* Ens appears at a loss.

2011-01-26, 08:12 PM
....while I do admit to basing a warforged champion on Genesic GaoGaiGar (http://img.verycd.com/posts/0511/post-410640-1131638111.gif), you have Cirno. I can't match that. Ever.In this game (http://prime32.deviantart.com/#/d36pp4u) one PC is Eirin with Cirno as a familiar. Another worships Kanako. They are currently looking for a druid whose grove is filled with sunflowers. It is not Eberron however.

As for AC...

A secret group known as the Dynamic Dragonshard Defenders works to defend Khorvaire from evil and prevent another Mourning - membership is restricted to characters with the Heroic Spirit feat.

Their greatest warrior is a psiforged named Dirk. His partner, Dreadnought, is a warforged titan with a Khyber dragonshard embedded in his head, allowing Dirk's mind to enter his body. In this state they are referred to as DreadDirk.

When facing a partiularly powerful opponent, DreadDirk manifests fusion on a lightning rail, an airship (which has two battlefists attached to it), and an effigy delver to become DragDreadDirk! :smalltongue: He focuses the airship's bound fire elemental into his right battlefist for attack, and the lightning rail's air elemental into his left for defence.
http://www.goshouworld.com/GaoGaiGar/images/mecha/upgrade_gaofighgar_TN.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUQfvHhWruo&fmt=18)

MABAR! AND! IRIAN! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvdwVSZJFkY&fmt=18)
DragDreadDirk detaches the conductor stones from its arms, then transfers all of their power into his hands. He forces them together, creating a much stronger version of the normal "travel conduit" created by a lightning rail, then charges his opponent.

There were some "Eberron with Giant Robots" games running here filled with Gundam and SRW references. IIRC one had three Char Clones (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CharClone) in the same party for a while, one of whom was the real Kaius III.