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2011-01-21, 03:08 AM
The Demon Binder
“I am not evil. Blackguards are evil, I just use evil.

Jesquin Half-Breath, Demon Binder

There are those who call upon the Celestial Realms for aide, and even a few who call upon the Demons to make infernal pacts. But then there are a few who have discovered a new path to power, by binding the essence of the denizens of the Abyss. No one is sure what horrific power is gained by this dark art, and even fewer know of the hidden repercussions tied to it.

Becoming a Demon Binder:
Those who actively seek dark powers might come across the rituals needed to bind demonic essences. This could come in the form of finding a book, another Demon Binder, or even from a Demon or Devil wishing to corrupt yet another soul. Warlocks are the most likely to seek this knowledge, but Hexblades and Duskblades have been known to seek out its power, and Archivists and Scholars are drawn to it by a need to become more intimate with its knowledge and secrets. This path isn’t limited to just these classes; there are Fighters and even Dread Necromancers who are known to have walked this path.

Entry Requirements:
Alignment: Any nongood
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (Religion) 5 Ranks, Knowledge (The Planes) 8 Ranks
Feats: Demon Mastery (Fiendish Codex I)
Languages: Abyssal

The Demon Binder:
HD: d6
1st|+0|+0|+0|+2|Demonic Binding, Magical Nature|
2nd|+1|+0|+0|+3|Demonic Corruption (Minor), Aura of Evil, Eldritch Blast +1d6|
3rd|+2|+1|+1|+3|Demonic Essence|
4th|+3|+1|+1|+4|Demonic Corruption (Minor), Eldritch Blast +2d6|
5th|+3|+1|+1|+4|Quick Binding 1/day, Improved Binding (2 Binds)|
6th|+4|+2|+2|+5|Greater Demonic Essence, Demonic Corruption (Moderate), Eldritch Blast +3d6|
7th|+5|+2|+2|+5|Summon Fiend|
8th|+6|+2|+2|+6|Demonic Corruption (Moderate), Eldritch Blast +4d6|
9th|+6|+3|+3|+6|Demonic Essence Perfection|
10th|+7|+3|+3|+7|Fiendish Avatar, Quick Binding 2/Day, Demonic Corruption (Major), Eldritch Blast +5d6, Improved Binding (3 Binds)|
Class Skills: (3+Int Mod per level): Bluff, Concentration, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (The Planes), Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device.

Class Features:

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Demon Binders gain no proficiency with any weapons or armor.

Demonic Binding (Sp): At first level, you gain the ability to summon and bind a demons essence into your body. This process takes 10 minutes and requires a special Spellcraft check (described in the demon binding entry below). Upon a successful check, you gain the augments in the demons description and take on a ghostly visage of the demon bound. For example, Jesquin decides she wants to attempt to bind a Succubus’s essence. She makes a Spellcraft check versus a DC of 17. If she succeeds, she gains the benefits of binding the succubus, and gains faint ghost-like succubus wings and tail. At will, as a standard action, the binder may suppress this visage, or can invoke it to become more prominent giving them a +2 to Intimitade checks. A DC 20 Spot check can see a visage that is not willingly suppressed.
If a binder fails the Spellcraft check, the demon resists the binding and any further attempts to bind that demon type has its Spellcraft DC is increased by 2 for each fail. The DC resets back to normal after either a successful binding of the demon, or 24 hours, whichever comes first.
You if bind another demon while one is still bound, the first one is replaced by the new one. You lose all benefits of the first one, but gain the benefits of the second one.
Demonic Binds are suppressed in the effect of Consecrate, Hallow, Anti-Magic fields, or Magic Circle against Evil spells, but return when you leave the area of the spell. This abilities effect can also be suppressed with a targeted Dispel Magic and use the same rules as if it were a magic item. A Dispel Evil or Banishment spell can instantly end a currently active bind. Normal spell rules apply in all cases. If within the effect of a Desecrate or Unhallow spell, all saves for the demon binds special abilities are increased by 2 due to the spells effect strengthing the demons power. This also increases the Intimidate bonus for invoking your visage to +4 instead of +2.
While under the effects of a demonic bind, the Demon Binder can hear the whispers of the bound demon urging them to commit evil acts or do specific actions. (This bears no real effect on gameplay, unless you and your DM decide it does) Most who do not know how the demonic bindings works think the Demon Binder is often schizophrenic and crazy.
If an demon bind augments your Eldritch Blast in any way, it is treated as an Eldritch Essence invocation.

Magical Nature: Even though Demon Binders may not gain any spellcasting progression, due to the magical nature of the Demonic Bindings they perform, they do still gain full casting levels for the purposes of overcoming spell resistance, and to determine the overall caster level of any spell like abilities gained through the demon binds.

Eldritch Blast: At 2nd level you gain Eldritch Blast as the Warlock class feature. If you have another source of Eldritch Blast, this stacks with them to determine damage.

Demonic Corruption (Ex): The demonic essence you regularly bind begins to corrupt you body and soul slowly morphing you into a semblance of what you bind. There are 3 stages of change, Minor, Moderate, and Major. At 2nd level, and every even numbered class level thereafter, you must choose a change listed below. These changes are permanent, and not even a Wish or Miracle spell can revert you back to normal.
At 2nd and 4th levels, you must choose a minor change.
At 6th and 8th level, you must choose a moderate change.
At 10th you must choose a major change.

Aura of Evil (Ex): At 2nd level when a Demon Binder has an active bind going, she automatically detects as Chaotic Evil if exposed to any effect that determines alignment, magical or otherwise. This does not change the binder’s alignment, therefore he is not subceptable to effects that target evil creatures unless his original alignment was evil.

Demonic Essence (Su): Due to prolonged and frequent exposer to the pure essence of demons, your body and soul starts to change to match it. At 3rd level, you gain resistance to Acid and Cold 5, and +4 saves against all poisons.
At 6th level, you take on even more demonic essence. You gain resistance to Electricity and Fire 5, and you become immune to all non magical poisons, but retain the +4 to saves against magical poisons.
At 9th level, you absorb enough of a demonic essence to be a near perfect demon. Your resistance to Acid, Cold, Electricity, and Fire increase to 10, and you become immune to all poisons, magical or mundane.

Quick Binding (Sp): Beginning at 5th level you begin to understand what makes demons different from each other. Once per day, you can attempt to bind a different demon by switching just the essential ‘makings’ of the demon. This requires a full-round action, and is very straining on the Demon Binder. The Spellcraft DC to bind a demon with this ability increases by 5. You can use this ability an additional time per day at 10th level.

Improved Binding (Sp): At 5th level, you learn how to incorporate more then one demon into your body; as such you may now bind two demons at once. To use this ability, you must make the Spellcraft check to bind both demons. If you succeed, you gain the ability score augments of the demon whose minimum class level to bind is the highest, or in the case of them being the same level, whichever demon you bind first. You also gain use of the Special abilities granted by both demons. Example: Jesquin binds a 5th Marilith and a 7th Jarilith. She makes a Spellcraft check for each demon as if binding them separately. If she succeeds, she gains the Augments of the higher level Jarilith, and gains the use of both the Jariliths Pounce special and the Mariliths ability to use Hidious Blow as part of a full attack.
At 10th level you gain the ability to bind a 3rd demon.

Summon Fiend (Sp): Due to her prolonged exposer to the essence of demons, a Demon Binder learns how to summon a Babau to aid her once per day. The summoned creature does the Demon Binders bidding to the best of its ability, but returns from whence it came after 1 hour. The summoned creature cannot use its innate summoning abilities it might have. The caster level for this ability is equal to the Demon Binders caster level.

Fiendish Avatar (Ex): At 10th level, the corruption of a Demon Binder’s soul has reached its max. She is treated forevermore as an Outsider and gains Damage Reduction 5/Good. Unlike other outsiders however, a Demon Binder can still be raised and resurrected as normal.

The Changes:
Minor Changes:

Your skin color deepens to purplish color.
Your eye color changes to a deep red,
Short, thick hair grows over your arms, legs, and body.
You grow either a Succubus or Nalfeshnee tail. (Player’s choice)
You become as nimble as a Quasit flying through the air, granting a +2 bonus on Balance and Tumble checks.
You become as charming and deceitful as a Succubus. You gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Intimidate checks.
Your blood becomes like acid. When struck in melee with a slashing weapon, the attacker takes 1d4 points of acid damage.
You gain low-light vision.
You become unnaturally quick. You gain +5ft to your base land speed.

Moderate Changes:

Your hands grow larger and resemble a Dretchs in nature. You gain claws that deal 1d6 damage. (1d4 for small creatures)
Your nose becomes as powerful as a Bebiliths. You gain the Scent ability.
Your mind becomes a little more demon like. You gain Telepathy out to 60ft.
Your skin becomes thicker, and harder to damage. You gain +2 to your Natural Armor.
Your teeth become longer and pointed. You gain a bite attack that deals 1d8 damage.
You no longer need to eat or sleep.
You gain Darkvision out to 60ft. If you already have Darkvision, its range increases by 30ft.
You gain Poison, as a spell like ability usable 1/day. (DC= 10+ ½ charecter level+ Cha modifier)
You gain the ability to summon a lesser creature of the Abyss. For 1 hour per day, you may summon a Babau to do your bidding.

Major Changes:

You grow a set of demonic, bat like wings. You gain a 40ft fly speed with average maneuverability.
You become able to resist magic like a demon. You gain Spell Resistance= 10+ 1/2 HD+ Cha Mod.
You become able to heal unnaturally quickly. You gain Fast Healing 5.
You develop an other-worldly sense. You gain Blindsense out to 30ft.

The Demon Binds: (WARNING: Wall O' Text ahead, final count: 40 demon binds. :smallbiggrin: Credit goes to EdroGrimshell for the Goristro, Molydeus, and Sybriex binds.)
Abyssal Maw:
Minimum Class Level: 1
Spellcraft DC: 16
Augments: +2 Str,
Special: While this demon is bound, if you hit an opponent with a melee attack while he is flat-footed or otherwise denied his Dex bonus to AC, you may deal an extra 1d6+ 1½ x Str modifier Rend damage.

Minimum Class Level: 1
Spellcraft DC: 15
Augments: +1 Natural Armor
Special: When you bind this demon, you gain 2 Claw attacks. These claws deal 1d6 damage for Small characters, and 1d8 damage for Medium characters.

Minimum Class Level: 1
Spellcraft DC: 16
Augments: +2 Wis
Special: While this demon is bound, you can use Haste as a spell like ability for a number of rounds equal to Class level+ Cha modifier per day.

Minimum Level: 1
Spellcraft DC:16
Augments: +1 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, once per turn as a standard action, you may expel an acidic mist out to 10ft. Anyone caught in this mist must make a Reflex save (DC= 10+ Class level+ Con modifier) or take 1d6 points of acid damage per 2 Demon Binder levels.

Minimum Class Level: 2
Spellcraft DC: 19
Augments:+2 Con
Special: While this demon is bound, you grow tiny hook like spikes. When an opponent strikes you with a one handed or lighter weapon, or a natural attack, these hooks deal 1d4 damage. This damage increases by 1d4 for every 2 class levels you have (up to a maximum of 5d4 damage at level 10).

Minimum Class Level: 2
Spellcraft DC: 18
Augments: +2 Dex
Special: While this demon is bound, if you are struck with melee attack, as an immediate action, you may disappear in a puff of smoke and brimstone and appear in a square within 20ft that you have line of sight and line of effect to. You may only use this ability once per encounter.

Minimum Class Level: 2
Spellcraft DC: 16
Augments: +2 Dex, +1 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain Invisability at will. Caster level for this ability is equal to your character level.

Minimum Level: 2
Spellcraft DC: 20
Augments: +2 Str
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain Damage Reduction 1/Silver. This increases by 1 for every 2 Demon Binder levels you possess. (2/Silver at 4th, 3/Silver at 6th level, on so on) This improves any existing natural Damage Reduction you may have.

Minimum Class Level: 3
Spellcraft DC: 17
Augments: +2 Constitution, +1 Natural Armor.
Special: You may augment your Eldritch Blast to deal acid damage. In addition, any target hit with this ability takes half the amount of damage dealt on the next round. A Reflex save (DC= 10+ Class level+ Con modifier) reduces this damage by half.

Minimum Level: 3
Spellcraft DC: 21
Augments: +2 Dex, +1 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain a +5 profane bonus on all Dex based skill checks.

Carnage Demon:
Minimum Class Level: 3
Spellcraft DC: 21
Augments: +2 Str. +1 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls for each active demon bind you have, up to a maximum of +3.

Whisper Demon:
Minimum Class Level: 3
Spellcraft DC: 20
Augments: +2 Cha, +1 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, as a Standard Action, you may unleash the maddened whispers that only you can hear upon an opponent. Any creature targeted by this ability must make a Will save (DC=10 + Class level+ Cha modifier) or be confused for 1 round. When rolling the d% to determine the random actions of a creature affected by this ability, any result of 51 or higher makes it automatically deal damage to itself equal to a wielded weapon or natural attack, whichever deals more damage. Any creature that makes the saving throw cannot be affected by this ability for 1d4 rounds.

Minimum Class Level: 4
Spellcraft DC: 22
Augments: +2 Deflection bonus to AC
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain Telekinesis at will, as a spell like ability.

Minimum Class Level: 4
Spellcraft DC: 20
Augments: +2 Dex, +2 Natural Armor.
Special: While this demon is bound, you may exude a Hezrou like stench out to 10ft. Any creature within the area of this ability must make a Fortitude save (DC= 10+ Class level+ Con modifier) or be Nauseated for 1d4 rounds. You may suppress this ability as a move action. Any creature that makes the save is immune to this ability for 24 hours.

Minimum Class Level: 4
Spellcraft DC: 19
Augments: +2 Wis, +1 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain a gaze attack. To use this ability, you simply look at a creature. The creature must then make a Will save (DC= 10+Class level+ Cha modifier) or suffer a -2 to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill and ability checks for 1 minute due to an overwhelming sense of sorrow and loss. You can use this attack a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per day.

Minimum Class Level: 4
Spellcraft DC: 20
Augments: +2 Str, +2 Natural Armor.
Special: Once per hour, as a standard action, you may unleash a Vrock-like screech. Anyone within a 30ft cone must make a Fortitude save (DC= 10+Class level+ Con modifier) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Abyssal Ravager:
Minimum Class Level: 5
Spellcraft DC: 18
Augments: +2 Con, +2 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, you may augment your Eldritch Blast with a poison effect. If you hit with an Eldritch Blast, your target must make a Fort save (DC= 10+ Class level+ Con mod) or take 1d6 Str damage. Initial and Secondary damage are the same.

Minimum Class Level: 5
Spellcraft DC: 25
Augments: None
Special: While this demon is bound, you can possess the body of a fallen creature as a standard action by moving into the square it occupies. You may only possess a creature of the Animal, Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, and Vermin. The creature you attempt to possess must not be headless or mangled beyond recognition (i.e. missing limbs, advanced decay, etc).
A possessed body rises to its feet at the start of the binder’s next turn. If they body is reduced to -10 hit points or below, the binder is forced from the body and lands in any adjacent square (or nearest available square). A binder may possess a body for 1 minute per class level.
When possessing a body, a binder uses the body’s Strength and Dexterity scores, but her own Constitution and mental scores. The body has a hit point total equal to the binder’s max hit points. A binder uses the creatures original AC. The binder also gains any Extraordinary abilities the creature may have possessed (the DC for the creatures abilities are as normal), but does gain any Supernatural or Spell Like abilities it may have had, nor can it use any Int, Wis, or Cha based skills the creature may have had. Ability score and natural armor augments gained from demon binds do not alter the body at all. The binder still retains the use of any Supernatural and Spell Like abilities it has, but not any of her Extraordinary abilities.
This ability does not function in the effect of an anti-magic zone, or Consecrate spell. If used within the effect of a Desecrate spell, the time a binder can possess a body is tripled. A Dismissal, targeted Dispel Magic, Banishment, or similar effect can drive the binder out of the body into an adjacent (or nearest) square, and dazes the binder for 1 round (no save). A binder forced from a body in this manner can repossess the body again as soon as it is able. A body that has been reduced to -10 hit points or has been beheaded or mangled cannot be repossessed. If the effect ends due to time running out, the binder can attempt to repossess the body after 24 hours.

Minimum Class Level: 5
Spellcraft DC: 20
Augments: +2 Dex, +2 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain an Aura of Retribution out to 5ft. Any attacker that hits you while in the radius of this aura takes damage equal to the amount dealt to you. A successful Fortitude save (DC= ½ Class level+ Cha Mod) halves this damage. Regardless of the type of damage dealt to the Binder, the damage from this ability is not affected by Damage Reduction, Spell Resistance, Immunity, or the like.

Minimum Class Level: 5
Spellcraft DC: 24
Augments: +2 Str
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain the benefit of the Two Weapon Fighting feat. In addition, as part of a full attack, you may augment both weapons with your Eldritch Blast as if using the Hideous Blow invocation, however you may not augment your Eldritch Blast with any Essence Invocations while using this ability, nor may you channel a spell into your attacks; such as through the Duskblade class feature.

Abyssal Skulker:
Minimum Class Level: 6
Spellcraft DC: 224
Augments: +2 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, as a full round action, you may make a second Eldritch Blast attack at a -5 penalty to hit.

Arrow Demon:
Minimum Class Level: 6
Spellcraft DC: 20
Augments: +2 Dex, +2 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, you may channel your Eldritch Blast into a single ranged attack. This can be used in conjunction with Sneak Attack or similar ability, but not with Rapid Shot or Multishot.

Minimum Class Level: 6
Spellcraft DC: 22
Augments: +4 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, you may augment your Eldritch Blast to deal fire damage. In addition, any target hit by this ability must make a Reflex save (DC= 10+ Class level+ Con modifier) or catch fire for 1d4 rounds. Anything that catches on fire due to this ability may take a full round action to put out the flames.

Minimum Class Level: 6
Spellcraft DC: 24
Augments: +2 Dex, +2 Natural Armor.
Special: As a move action, you may augment your Eldritch Blast to Deal either Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage.

Minimum Class Level: 7
Spellcraft DC: 24
Augments: +4 Str
Special: While this demon is bound, all natural attacks you may possess have their critical threat range increased by one. This increase is added after any other effects that increase critical threat range.

Minimum Class Level: 7
Spellcraft DC: 25
Augments: +4 Str
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain the Pounce ability.

Shadow Demon:
Minimum Level: 7
Spellcraft DC: 24
Augments: None
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain Damning Darkness at will as a spell like ability. Furthermore, while you are standing in shadowy illumination or darker, you gain a +2 to AC, attack and damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.

Minimum Class Level: 7
Spellcraft DC: 22
Augments: +2 Cha, +2 Natural Armor.
Special: You may augment your Eldritch Blast to deal energy drain instead of damage. When you choose to use this ability, you make a normal attack roll with your Eldritch Blast. If you hit, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC= 10+ Class level+ Cha modifier) or gain one negative level.

Minimum Level: 8
Spellcraft DC: 26
Augments: +2 Con, + 2 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain Insect Plague at will as a spell like ability.

Minimum Class Level: 8
Spellcraft DC: 28
Augments: +2 Con, +2 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain Frightful Presence. Anytime you attack or charge, every opponent within 30ft must make a Will save (DC 10+ Class level+ Cha modifier) or be shaken for as long as they remain within 30ft of the Binder.

Minimum Class Level: 8
Spellcraft DC: 24
Augments: +2 Int, +2 Cha.
Special: You gain a version of the Nalfeshnees Smite ability. Once per encounter, as a standard action, you can make a 30ft radius burst of rainbow colored light. Anyone caught in the burst must make a Will save (DC= 10+ class level + Cha modifier) or be stunned for 1d10 rounds. A creature stunned by this ability still receives its full Dex and Shield bonus (if any) to AC, but can take no actions.

Minimum Class Level: 8
Spellcraft DC: 26
Augments: +2 Cha and Int
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain the Form of Madness associated with the obyrith. Once per encounter, by invoking your demonic visage, all creatures within 30ft must make a Will save (DC=10+ Class level+ Cha modifier) or take 1d6 Wis damage from madness and be shaken for 1d4+ 1 rounds. A creature that makes the save doesn't take the Wis damage but is shaken from the horrific image they just witnessed. (This is a mind effecting ability.)

Minimum Class Level: 9
Spellcraft DC: 28
Augments: +2 Dex, +1 Natural Armor.
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain Stinking Cloud at will as a spell like ability.

Minimum Class Level: 9
Spellcraft DC to Bind: 24
Augments: +4 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, you may augment your Eldritch Blast with the ability to inflict Con damage. If you successfully hit with your Eldritch Blast, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC= 10+ Class level + Con Modifier) or take 1d6 Con damage.

Minimum Class Level: 9
Spellcraft DC: 22
Augments: +2 Str, Con, and Natural Armor.
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain the ability to see things a little more clearly. You gain use True Seeing like the spell for up to 1 minute per class level. This may be broken up into several uses throughout the day.

Minimum Class Level: 9
Spellcraft DC: 26
Augments: +2 Str, +2 Wis, +2 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain a 30ft breath weapon useable once per hour. Anyone caught in the cone must make a Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1d6 +1 rounds. Also, any good aligned creature caught in the cone takes 10d6 points of unholy damage, while neutral creatures take 5d6 points of unholy damage. A successful reflex save cuts this damage by half. Evil aligned creatures are not subject to damage, but can still be nauseated. (Save DCs= 10+ Class level+ Char modifier)

Minimum Class Level: 10
Spellcraft DC: 30
Augments: +4 Strength, +2 Natural Armor.
Special: The Demon Binder may conjure a whip of fire to attack or entangle a foe. This whip acts like a normal whip that deals 1d6 damage. This damage can be augmented by the Hideous Blow invocation. Or, as a standard action, the binder may make a special attack to attempt to entangle a foe. To use this attack, the binder must succeed on a normal ranged touch attack. If successful, the binder and her target make opposed grapple checks (normal bonuses and penalties apply to this attack). If the binder wins, she entangles her foe dealing normal whip damage. While entangled, the target retains its normal AC but cannot take any actions, and is considered grappled for 1 round. On the start of the binders next turn, the flames surrounding the target burst in a fiery explosion dealing 6d6 damage (no save) to the target. Any resistance a target may have to fire applies to damage done by this ability.

Minimum Class Level: 10
Spellcraft DC: 32
Augments: +4 Str, +2 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, anytime you kill an opponent you heal 1d8 damage per HD of the creature killed. You may only gain this effect when you reduce a creature to -10 HP or more. Simply knocking a creature unconscious is not sufficient.

Minimum Class Level: 10
Spellcraft DC: 30
Augments: +2 Con, +2 Cha, +2 Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound you gain Fire Storm as a spell like ability, usable a number of time per day equal to your Charisma modifier.

Minimum Class Level: 10
Spellcraft DC: 30
Augments: +2 Str, Dex, and Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain the ability to imbue a melee slashing weapon you have the proficiency for, with the Dancing and Vorpal qualities. This ability can be used for a number of rounds equal to you Class level+ Cha modifier per day.

Playing a Demon Binder:
You are you. Or at least you think your still you.
There are many ways you can play a Demon Binder. You can play a Demon Binder almost like you would your base class, except now you might be more wary of social interaction, and entering any town or village. Or, you could play it with a ‘You know what you are and what you’re becoming’ mentality and try to hide it, or revel in it. Many neutral Demon Binders will try to conceal its presence as much as possible, while Evil demon Binders may try to lord his new power over those weaker then him, and show off as much as possible. You might also play it as you are slowly being driven mad by the demonic whispers you hear.

Combat: Many options are opened up when you become a Demon Binder, and you don’t shy away from a fight. For melee type characters, you might go with the Dretch, or Abyssal Maw at low levels, while binding the Marilith and Jarilith at higher levels. If you’re a ranged user, you might go with the Arrow Demon and some extra spell like abilities. Magic users might find any of the extra spell like abilities to be nice, along with augments to the newly gained Eldritch Blast.

Advancement: No matter your reason for choosing this path, once you’ve entered it, it’s hard to turn back. Combat is your friend. Feats like Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization can help out a melee based Demon Binder, while feats like Ability Focus and Maximize Spell like Ability can help out ranged and magic based binders. Anything that enhances your Spellcraft skill is also good choice.

Demon Binders in the World:
I once came across a guy sitting in a field meditating. All the sudden he stood up, his eyes like a raging fire and a demonic shadow darkening behind him. Scared the Hells out of me. –Commoner describing his look at a Demon Binder.

A Demon Binder makes an excellent support character in an adventuring party. They may not be the best in social interactions, or be able to take command in battle, but when they get into a tight situation, they always have a trick up their sleeve.

Organization: There are no formal organizations, mostly small bands who teach those who wish to learn the dark rituals needed, or to experiment with new types of bindings. They are mostly loners, and will occasionally teach those who have impressed them with their dark art.

NPC Reactions: Mostly fear once they find out what a Demon Binder is. Scholars tend to be fascinated with the Demon Binder’s techniques for summoning and then controlling a demons power.

2011-01-21, 03:21 AM
If I can make some suggestions?

1. The requirements shouldn't be caster based; the class doesn't expand on casting or even synergize with it. A casting class should at least expand on casting once, especially if your asking them to give up 5 class levels that are going to be pointless later on. A better option would be to run it for the Binder (Tome of Magic), Warlocks/Invocation wielders, or just give it a BaB requirement for none casters can use it.

2. If your abilities are shut off in a Consecrated area they should be boosted in a Desecrated area; perhaps let them bind an extra demon in that scenario?

3. The Gladacro's "once per encounter" ability is extremely powerful, and you get it at the first level. It comes dangerously close to making this a dip class, especially since you would only lose 1 caster level and would gain a further +2 to Dex. This ability should be probably be moved.

2011-01-21, 10:44 AM
1. The requirements shouldn't be caster based; the class doesn't expand on casting or even synergize with it. A casting class should at least expand on casting once, especially if your asking them to give up 5 class levels that are going to be pointless later on. A better option would be to run it for the Binder (Tome of Magic), Warlocks/Invocation wielders, or just give it a BaB requirement for none casters can use it.

Good point, I'll change it to +3 BaB instead of caster lvl 3rd. The class originally had a 2d6 Eldritch Blast prereq, but I decided to try and open it up for most classes. It was kind of a last minute idea so it still has a few kinks in it.

2. If your abilities are shut off in a Consecrated area they should be boosted in a Desecrated area; perhaps let them bind an extra demon in that scenario?

I got to thinking about this last night when I finished statting out the Dybbuk demon as it does get a boost for its ability being used in a desecrated area. Still tossing ideas around for this one.

3. The Gladacro's "once per encounter" ability is extremely powerful, and you get it at the first level. It comes dangerously close to making this a dip class, especially since you would only lose 1 caster level and would gain a further +2 to Dex. This ability should be probably be moved.

I was worried about this one too when I created it, but I'm currently play testing the class and purposely trying to break the abilities to see what needs changed, and oddly enough, this ability isn't as powerful as it seems. Note, this was also made when I had the class set up for it just being a warlock PrC. But I do see what your saying. I'll switch it with the Abyssal Maw bind.

2011-01-21, 03:43 PM
Replace spellcraft with the Bind skill from Tome of Magic.

2011-01-21, 09:48 PM
Glad to see you got this up finally. I'm impressed at the sheer number of binds for a PrC. Now you just need a few more demonic corruption options. Anyone have suggestions?

As for the gladacro's ability, It's basically only good for escaping a full attack once per round. Last time it was tested, it bought him one extra round against the dire bear. :smalltongue:\

Finally, looking at these, I'm half-tempted to say you could get away with more than just 2 binds by the end of the class. Can someone with a little more balance expertise shed some light on the idea? :smallbiggrin:

2011-01-21, 10:20 PM
As for more Demonic Corruptions... spell-like abilities or energy resistances? Demons got those. Or ability score increases.

Edit: Should of read more closely. You already get energy resistances. :smallsmile: And the heading for Quick Binding isn't bolded. Also, 3+ skill points a level are fine, but most classes give an even number.

2011-01-22, 12:22 AM
Replace spellcraft with the Bind skill from Tome of Magic.

Sorry, not all that greatly familiar with the Tome of Magic, so not exactly sure what your talking about. Only really looked at it to get an idea of how the Binder did the vestige bindings.

Glad to see you got this up finally. I'm impressed at the sheer number of binds for a PrC. Now you just need a few more demonic corruption options.

Finally, looking at these, I'm half-tempted to say you could get away with more than just 2 binds by the end of the class. Can someone with a little more balance expertise shed some light on the idea? :smallbiggrin:

On the corruptions, I'm still wanting to increase the list, but still trying to dispel the wall of force I hit after I made the original list...
On the more bindings part, I'm not sure. If its concluded it won't overpower the class then I might add 3rd since the 'meat' of the class is in the demon binds.

As for more Demonic Corruptions... spell-like abilities or energy resistances? Demons got those. Or ability score increases.

Edit: Should of read more closely. You already get energy resistances. :smallsmile: And the heading for Quick Binding isn't bolded. Also, 3+ skill points a level are fine, but most classes give an even number.

I could do more SLAs, but I've pretty much got all the Tanar'ri triats already included somewhere in the class. As far as ability score enhancements go, not sure thats a good idea with the demons getting ability score boosts.

Thought I got all those... thnx for pointing that out. Fixed.

As for the skills points, this comes from something that was pointed out to me when I first posted the class, its not a heavy skill based class, but at the same time 2+Int just wasn't quite enough to cover everything.

Edit: If anyone has any ideas on if adding a 3rd demon bind would OP the class, or anyone has any ideas on expanding the corruptions list, I greatly welcome them along with any other peach you might have.

2011-01-22, 10:32 AM
Aura of Evil (Ex): At 2nd level a Demon Binder gains a strong aura of evil due to prolonged exposer to demons. From now on she automatically detects as Chaotic Evil if exposed to any effect that determines alignment, magical or otherwise. This does change the binder’s alignment, therefore he is not subceptable to effects that target evil creatures unless his original alignment was evil.

I assume you mean Does not change alignment? About corruptions, have you tried looking at the Geomancer PrC from Complete Divine? Its drift ability is very similar so looking at that may help with ideas.

2011-01-22, 12:15 PM
Aura of Evil (Ex): At 2nd level a Demon Binder gains a strong aura of evil due to prolonged exposer to demons. From now on she automatically detects as Chaotic Evil if exposed to any effect that determines alignment, magical or otherwise. This does change the binder’s alignment, therefore he is not subceptable to effects that target evil creatures unless his original alignment was evil.

I assume you mean Does not change alignment? About corruptions, have you tried looking at the Geomancer PrC from Complete Divine? Its drift ability is very similar so looking at that may help with ideas.

Good catch. Fixed. And yea, the geomancer ability is what thats based off of. I'll prolly go back and look at it again and see if theres anything else I can use from it.

Edit: After going back and looking at the genomancer, I've finally got a few ideas for more corruptions, so I'll put them up when I get them done. They're up now.

2011-01-22, 11:42 PM
Just posting some changes.

After some thought, I went ahead and gave them the ability to bind a 3rd demon (renamed the ability to Improved Binding), and added in the Summon Fiend ability that was in the original class. Also I did finally expand the demonic corruptions list a bit earlier today.
And with those changes I don't think theres much more I can do with it besides add more demon binds. Any thoughts about balance and where this sits tier wise (was going for tier 3). :smallsmile:

2011-01-23, 12:54 AM
Perhaps for the chaotic evil aura it only applies when you have a demon bound to you? Then if you need to walk in a city of Paladin's you can but as a much weaker character.

I noticed a couple of binds could potentially be dangerous if a character was built around them, but only as TO build material, and enough of that show up they don't seem like a problem. (example I most noticed was that the Rutterkin bind, which grants you +6 DR at level 10. If you add +15 from a scroll activated Iron Body spell it goes up to DR 21. DR usually doesn't stack, so it would be safer as "stacks with any natural DR you may have" which includes Barbarian DR but not spell DR)

2011-01-23, 01:23 AM
Perhaps for the chaotic evil aura it only applies when you have a demon bound to you? Then if you need to walk in a city of Paladin's you can but as a much weaker character.

You have a point. I'll change that.

I noticed a couple of binds could potentially be dangerous if a character was built around them, but only as TO build material, and enough of that show up they don't seem like a problem. (example I most noticed was that the Rutterkin bind, which grants you +6 DR at level 10. If you add +15 from a scroll activated Iron Body spell it goes up to DR 21. DR usually doesn't stack, so it would be safer as "stacks with any natural DR you may have" which includes Barbarian DR but not spell DR)

Lmao, go figure. The bind I actually took Jarricks advice on is the one that sticks out as potentially broken. I'll change it. On the other binds, I've tried to take into account as much of the combinations as I could for balance purposes, but theres alot of bind combos. One of the reasons I'm not sure about overall balance. I don't *think* it'll be much of a problem since, like you said, you have to build around them for the most part. I'll say this tho, after this class I have a newfound respect for the creators of all the good complex classes out there.

Edit: I think you found the most broken part of the class lol. I have to modify that demon. Reason for this is you get DR 10 at 10th lvl normally thru the class, so with that bind you'd end up with DR 16 at 15th lvl, and if you took lvls in a class like warlock that'd be increased even further. So now with the rudderkin at 10th lvl you get DR 5, and the class itself gets 5 at 10th lvl.

2011-01-23, 02:14 AM
Man, DR 31 would be awesome! With that a Balor couldn't even harm you :D "Yes he hit me every single time, no it didn't do anything!"

Glad that one got caught; the terror!

Okay, Dybbuk should probably read as "Can possess a body for 1 minute per class level per day" Otherwise it seems to read as being able to possess it for 1 minute per class level per possession, without any limits on the number of possessions.

Another suggestion I might make (its risky though!) is instead of having a set number of Binds you can have a number of binds up to your Demon Binder level, but each level of binding costs that level of binds. So you could have 10 level 1s (you can't because there aren't that many), 5 level 2s, 3 level 3s and a 1, 2 level 4s and a 2, two 5s, etc. The reasoning is that it prevents the person from having two high level binds, but it allows them to have lots of variety. This might push up the tier of the class though, so it might be too powerful.

2011-01-23, 02:47 AM
Man, DR 31 would be awesome! With that a Balor couldn't even harm you :D "Yes he hit me every single time, no it didn't do anything!"

Glad that one got caught; the terror!

Yea me too. Talk about being able to legitimatly laugh at a great wyrm dragon. Last time I take advice from jarrick lol.

Okay, Dybbuk should probably read as "Can possess a body for 1 minute per class level per day" Otherwise it seems to read as being able to possess it for 1 minute per class level per possession, without any limits on the number of possessions.

I made it like that on purpose. I think I will change it back to where you can only possess a single body once a day tho. Sure its a bit powerful, but I really can't see it breaking anything too much, and 10 minutes a day just doesn't seem enough. Even if you do find a powerful enough body, I highly doubt the rest of your party or any GM for that matter is going to let you adventure for 10 minutes a day just so you can keep that body. That, along with the other restrictions on it, I think it'll be ok. It is on the top of my play test list since it was one of the last demon binds I made. You might be right and it need to be reduced. I'll run some playtests in the next day or so on it.

Another suggestion I might make (its risky though!) is instead of having a set number of Binds you can have a number of binds up to your Demon Binder level, but each level of binding costs that level of binds. So you could have 10 level 1s (you can't because there aren't that many), 5 level 2s, 3 level 3s and a 1, 2 level 4s and a 2, two 5s, etc. The reasoning is that it prevents the person from having two high level binds, but it allows them to have lots of variety. This might push up the tier of the class though, so it might be too powerful.

Ehhhh.... now I'm scared lol. I'm worried about how it is like this, I don't even want to think about what could be done with up to 6 binds going at once. Invisability, acidic blood, strong claw attacks, DR 5, plus the ability to escape a single attack that does manage to hit... *shudders*

2011-01-23, 03:08 AM
Lol he would be like a wizard! :P

But I agree, that would probably be too strong; just thought I would throw it out there. I worry about Dybbuk because as is you only have to re-possess the body as a standard action every ten minutes; that is actually better then Wildshape! It could be pulled downward by making it so that you can't possess something with more HD then the character; that prevents the "find a fossilized dragon" scenario.

2011-01-23, 03:18 AM
Lol he would be like a wizard! :P

But I agree, that would probably be too strong; just thought I would throw it out there. I worry about Dybbuk because as is you only have to re-possess the body as a standard action every ten minutes; that is actually better then Wildshape! It could be pulled downward by making it so that you can't possess something with more HD then the character; that prevents the "find a fossilized dragon" scenario.

Lol, I included a list of creature types that could be possessed along with a part about the condition the body has to be in. Now a completely FROZEN dragon might be a problem... but with the change I made, it can only be possessed for 10 minutes per day. So if someone rly wants to go thru the trouble of dethawing it while making sure not to damage the body too much... they deserve the 10 mins they get.

2011-01-23, 05:33 AM
Lol, I included a list of creature types that could be possessed along with a part about the condition the body has to be in. Now a completely FROZEN dragon might be a problem... but with the change I made, it can only be possessed for 10 minutes per day. So if someone rly wants to go thru the trouble of dethawing it while making sure not to damage the body too much... they deserve the 10 mins they get.

That solved it extremely well! I tip my hat to you sir :D

2011-01-23, 10:38 AM
Last time I take advice from jarrick lol.

Hey, I resent that! I was only half-heartedly suggesting DR because rutterkin don't have a lot of iconic powers. It's not my fault that you chose to give them so much of it. :smallyuk:

I believe my only other idea for them at the time was "Something to do with a double axe". They could gain proficiency and TWF when wielding one as a flavor power.

2011-01-23, 12:12 PM
Hey, I resent that! I was only half-heartedly suggesting DR because rutterkin don't have a lot of iconic powers. It's not my fault that you chose to give them so much of it. :smallyuk:

I believe my only other idea for them at the time was "Something to do with a double axe". They could gain proficiency and TWF when wielding one as a flavor power

I know, I know. It was just a harmless suggestion, just thought it was funny. And ultimatly it was my fault for not checking it for balance anyhow. Didn't honestly think a little bit of DR could get that broken. :smalltongue:
(Me and Jarrick know each other IRL so I like to give him a hard time on stuff)

2011-01-23, 07:20 PM
So far I think I would probably go for Marilith+Jarilith for massive damage on a charge, or Dybbuk+Abyssal Maw for mad strength damage (I use my Ettin corpse to finish him!)

2011-01-23, 07:50 PM
So far I think I would probably go for Marilith+Jarilith for massive damage on a charge, or Dybbuk+Abyssal Maw for mad strength damage (I use my Ettin corpse to finish him!)

My choice I'm wanting to try for the one I'm playing in my regular game is Balor + Shadow Demon + either the Arrow Demon or Succubus. Stratagy for this is use the balors ability to grapple someone, then throw the shadow demons Damning Darkness on top of em, then either hit them with 2 consecutive Eldritch blasts, or a couple negative levels. A deadly combo but not anything near what a 15th level wizard can do. :smallcool:

2011-01-24, 05:32 PM
I really like this class, but it's missing one of my favorite demons! The Molydeus needs to be included! It's from the Fiendish Codex I, page 46. I also notice you're missing most of the obyrith, if you could have those done i'd be in your debt and would gladly help play test it on these forums. I can help with any of the demonsyou have trouble with, just PM me if you need any help.

Also, this would go really well with the abyssal heritor feats. Hm, an expert actually looks like one of the few that would benefit most from this class (other than warlock which actually loses out on quite a bit but gains an equal amoun back). I'd actually like to try that...hm *slinks to recruitment section*

2011-01-24, 07:37 PM
I told him that if he REALLY wanted something to do, he could convert all of this into a base class and basically invent a new magic system. You could bind devils, celestials, fey, undead, elementals, and other outsiders. Different classes (or paths for the same class) would focus on different creature types (one for celestials, one for fiends, one for elementals, etc.), but this would be a massive undertaking.

2011-01-24, 07:47 PM
I told him that if he REALLY wanted something to do, he could convert all of this into a base class and basically invent a new magic system. You could bind devils, celestials, fey, undead, elementals, and other outsiders. Different classes (or paths for the same class) would focus on different creature types (one for celestials, one for fiends, one for elementals, etc.), but this would be a massive undertaking.

I like the idea, if you decide to i'd be glad to help out.

2011-01-24, 07:55 PM
I told him that if he REALLY wanted something to do, he could convert all of this into a base class and basically invent a new magic system. You could bind devils, celestials, fey, undead, elementals, and other outsiders. Different classes (or paths for the same class) would focus on different creature types (one for celestials, one for fiends, one for elementals, etc.), but this would be a massive undertaking.

I like the idea, if you decide to i'd be glad to help out.

I was planning on trying to make it a playground project with this class as a basis if feedback was positive. Just the binds for this was a pain and took a while so I don't even want to imagine how bad a base class with 5 or more types of binding plus an alignment type system would be lol.

2011-01-25, 10:53 AM
Minimum Class Level: 10
Spellcraft DC: 28
Augments: +2 Str, Dex, and Natural Armor
Special: All your natural weapons have their critical threat range increased by one. This increase is added after any other effects that increase critical threat range.

Minimum Class Level: 8
Spellcraft DC: 26
Augments: +2 Cha and Int
Special: You gain the Form of Madness associated with the obyrith. Once per encounter, you may activate your form of madness, all creatures within 30ft must make a will save (DC 10+demon binder level+Cha Mod) or be shaken for 1d4+1 rounds.

These look good?

2011-01-25, 12:10 PM
Minimum Class Level: 10
Spellcraft DC: 30
Augments: +2 Str, Dex, and Natural Armor
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain the ability to imbue a melee slashing weapon you have the proficiency for, with the Dancing and Vorpal qualities. This ability can be used for a number of rounds equal to you Class level+ Cha modifier per day.

Minimum Class Level:[/B] 8
Spellcraft DC: 26
Augments: +2 Cha and Int
Special: While this demon is bound, you gain the Form of Madness associated with the obyrith. Once per encounter, by invoking your demonic visage, all creatures within 30ft must make a Will save (DC=10+ Class level+ Cha modifier) or take 1d6 Cha damage from madness. Any creature that makes this save is shaken for 1d4+ 1 rounds from the horrific image they just witnessed. (This is a mind effecting ability.)

Minimum Class Level: 7
Spellcraft DC: 24
Augments: +4 Str
Special: While this demon is bound, all natural attacks you may possess have their critical threat range increased by one. This increase is added after any other effects that increase critical threat range.

The Sybriex looks good. I think it can get away with its ability being powered up a bit tho, since I don't see much of a reason to choose it over the Nalfeshnee or Kastighur. So hows this? (Changes are in the spoiler).

For the Molydeus, I really like the increased threat range idea and alot can be done with it (especially when applied to the Dretch's claws, then you get 2 1d8 claw attacks with increased threat range combined with the mariliths ability) Sadly, the problem with it is it doesn't fit the Molydeus's flavor. :smallfrown: I will use this ability for the Goristro demon though (also included in the spoiler). For the Molydeus I was thinking of trying something with its dancing vorpal axe ability.

Broken Wings
2011-01-25, 04:34 PM
Hey Ant,

Looking good so far. It's Paul, finally got on the forums (first post btw).
Got a race to go along with this called the demon-touched I'll post it in a bit.

2011-01-25, 05:45 PM
One little nitpick with your additions to the Sybriex, Wis loss is associated with madness, not Cha.

2011-01-25, 06:30 PM
One little nitpick with your additions to the Sybriex, Wis loss is associated with madness, not Cha.

I know, but the Sybriex's Form of Madness deals Cha drain due to the target thinking the Sybriex is the 'perfect form'.

2011-01-25, 06:32 PM
I know, but the Sybriex's Form of Madness deals Cha drain due to the target thinking the Sybriex is the 'perfect form'.

I don't get it but to each his own i guess.

2011-01-25, 06:42 PM
I don't get it but to each his own i guess.

Don't worry, don't really get it myself lol. Think I will change it to Wis instead.

Edit: On a seperate note, added in an ability that gives the demon binder full caster level progression.

2011-01-26, 08:32 AM
Alright, in an effort to finally finish off this class, here are the last changes added:

Added in fluff.

Replaced the Spellcraft ranks prereq with the Demon Mastery feat from Fiendish Codex I so its easier for non caster classes to enter now.

Cleaned up the overall presentation of the class.

Added in 7 new binds for a grand total of 40 binds (4 choices per level), in no particular order they are:

Abyssal Skulker*
Arrow Demon*
Carnage Demon

* The Abyssal Skuler has the original ability of the Arrow Demon. The Arrow Demons ability has been changed.

With those, I'm putting my signature on it and calling it finished. :smallcool: