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View Full Version : Most OP gestalt in PF?

2011-01-21, 11:46 AM
Hehe, got a campaign most likely coming up. I think a druid/summoner would just be sick-awesome. Too awesome pets and lots of crowd control spells.

edit: and always extra summons on hand.

2011-01-21, 01:01 PM
Ok, next question. Does anyone have any experience yet gestalting PF? It seems like it was made less for gestalting because of some of the prestige classes. You could get into them QUICK.

2011-01-21, 01:07 PM
It was my experience that gestalting borders on unusable in PF because the additional granted feats makes it extremely easy to do things that wouldn't be possible in vanilla 3.5 gestalt. Also, the collapsed skill list makes it easier to boost more checks up to their maximum.

For example, I played a Druid//Ranger in a PF game that I had to constantly tamp down to keep from overshadowing other players. With the APG Natural Weapon Ranger specialization, you pretty much just turn into a superdruid.

Good saves
d10 hit die
Bonus feats
Full casting
Bonus half casting
Two animal companions
6 skill points / level

2011-01-21, 01:10 PM
It was my experience that gestalting borders on unusable in PF because the additional granted feats makes it extremely easy to do things that wouldn't be possible in vanilla 3.5 gestalt. Also, the collapsed skill list makes it easier to boost more checks up to their maximum.

For example, I played a Druid//Ranger in a PF game that I had to constantly tamp down to keep from overshadowing other players. With the APG Natural Weapon Ranger specialization, you pretty much just turn into a superdruid.

Good saves
d10 hit die
Bonus feats
Full casting
Bonus half casting
Two animal companions
6 skill points / level

What I figured :) but I/we enjoy games like that. I'm hoping he also opens monster races.

2011-01-21, 01:12 PM
What I figured :) but I/we enjoy games like that. I'm hoping he also opens monster races.

Be VERY careful with Monster races. At first we did a game that allowed 3.5 material with gestalt. A half-dragon primordial troll Fighter 1 // Totemist 8 is a living engine of terror and ruination.

2011-01-21, 03:14 PM
Be VERY careful with Monster races. At first we did a game that allowed 3.5 material with gestalt. A half-dragon primordial troll Fighter 1 // Totemist 8 is a living engine of terror and ruination.

But that's so fun! Especially when the DM does it back heeh

2011-01-21, 03:22 PM
Sorcerer/Paladin would destroy anything. With Paladin being an awesome character to play and you can hand pick awesome wizard spells to boost yourself, plus the healing you get at later levels, you become as codzilla as any cleric ever thought they could be.

2011-01-21, 03:42 PM
Rogue//Monk would be an easy way to deal pretty hefty damage I would imagine. Monks get full BAB as a class feature, so no flurry of whiffs and sneak attack on top of flurry of blows sounds nice.
Smite, plus Sneak Attack, plus two weapon fighting, plus full BAB?
Rip and Tear, Rip and Tear! You are Huge, That Means You Have Huge Guts!

Soren Hero
2011-01-21, 03:46 PM
Rogue//Monk would be an easy way to deal pretty hefty damage I would imagine. Monks get full BAB as a class feature, so no flurry of whiffs and sneak attack on top of flurry of blows sounds nice.
Smite, plus Sneak Attack, plus two weapon fighting, plus full BAB?
Rip and Tear, Rip and Tear! You are Huge, That Means You Have Huge Guts!

i don't think you can add sneak attack damage as a paladin, because it can be seen as "acting without honor" b/c the enemy has to be flat-footed or denied dex bonus...RAW i think it works, but RAI i wouldn't allow it as a DM

2011-01-21, 03:52 PM
i don't think you can add sneak attack damage as a paladin, because it can be seen as "acting without honor" b/c the enemy has to be flat-footed or denied dex bonus...RAW i think it works, but RAI i wouldn't allow it as a DM
Is allowing your friends and those who tendon you to die becuase you didn't kill the creature who was attacking them and the village fast enough honourable? Is killing a creature slow so it feels more pain honourable?
Paladins are Holy Warriors.
Yes, they must be Holy, but they must also be Warriors.
And Warriors kill.
I am not saying you should go smite happy Lawful Stupid, but as a Protector, there are those you you need to protect against as well as those you defend.
If you are DM, that's your ruling ,but I don't see this as RAI at all.

Saint GoH
2011-01-21, 03:56 PM
Likely derailing the thread slightly... but sneak attack is just knowing where to put your blade so it hurts the most. Not necessarily "dishonorable".

Back on topic.

I second the Druid//Ranger. Synergy's work wonderful together, and the fluff makes sense too.

2011-01-21, 04:15 PM
Sorcerer/Paladin would destroy anything. With Paladin being an awesome character to play and you can hand pick awesome wizard spells to boost yourself, plus the healing you get at later levels, you become as codzilla as any cleric ever thought they could be.

Better yet, Paladin//Wilder, so that you can cast in full-plate with your tower shield. You can also Wild Surge on pretty much every single manifestation, because Pathfinder Wilders (Student Wilders that is) only get dazzled when they enervate instead of dazed, therefore you lose no actions.

Better still, be a Leader Wilder - when you enervate you get Shaken, but Paladins are immune to fear, meaning you suffer almost no drawback at all. You also buff every party member in your aura when you surge. Plenty of thematic synergy too.

2011-01-21, 04:15 PM
I played a CaDzilla.

Cleric AND Druid zilla. "Hi, I'm a grizzly bear with divine power, shield of faith, displacement, greater magic fang, and righteous might cast on me. I'm here to kill the living crap out of you."

2011-01-21, 11:28 PM
How about Wizard//Ranger?

All good saves, good HP, full BAB, 6 sp/level, familiar, animal companion, strongest arcane spellcasting in the game, half-decent divine spellcasting on the side, familiar, animal companion, all ranger class abilities, all wizard school abilities.

2011-01-22, 07:25 AM
i don't think you can add sneak attack damage as a paladin, because it can be seen as "acting without honor" b/c the enemy has to be flat-footed or denied dex bonus...RAW i think it works, but RAI i wouldn't allow it as a DM

Nothing in the fluff or mechanics says a paladin cannot strike flat-footed foes or foes denied their dexterity. They're not PHB2 knights. Otherwise they wouldn't be allowed to act in surprise rounds or even feint.

Paladins are allowed precision damage.

Back on topic, I think in terms of raw power I'd see paladin/sorcerer ranking pretty high. Cha-focused abilities on both sides (Casting and many paladin abilities) and a smiter that can fly/teleport/scry sounds like it could do some damage.

2011-01-22, 08:10 AM
Paladin//sorcerer is pretty awesome. But as Analysis points out, I don't think it is as strong as Ranger//Wizard. Int casters are still stronger than Cha casters, and a Ranger Wizard gets 11+ skill points per level starting at level 1 off a good list. Ranger//Witch is slightly less flexible at very high levels, but is even more powerful through most levels, through the addition of hexes. If 3.5 is allowed, it gets stronger when you replace Ranger with Factotum, Swordsage or Warblade.

Be VERY careful with Monster races. At first we did a game that allowed 3.5 material with gestalt. A half-dragon primordial troll Fighter 1 // Totemist 8 is a living engine of terror and ruination.

That...isn't actually a terrifically powerful gestalt. All it really is is good in melee. Lots of really big holes, including weak will save, bad skills, low utility (compared with something mixed with a caster).

2011-01-22, 08:21 AM
I think you should be a crusader//warmage with battle caster.
I am a holy caster in a full plate and enough hammers to smash nearly everything. Nice Cha synergys and all round sturdy and strong.

Or how about a kung-fu genius monk//Warblade. Int synergys and plenty of beatdown.

Or even Psion//warblade
Theres quite a bit of maneuver and psionics synergy. and theres int synergy, or maybe even a erudite//warblade, never ending bucket of psionics and you get tons of useful maneuvers to take advantage of.